Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Team forty seven podcast is sponsored by Good Ranchers.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Making the American Farm Strong Again.
Speaker 3 (00:08):
Team forty seven with Clay and Buck starts now.
Speaker 1 (00:13):
Donald Trump, forty seventh President of the United States. It
is official. We hope you were listening to us live
as we carried that swearing in and also the inaugural address.
Buck and I are up here in Washington, d C
and our iHeart Studios. We will be out tonight. Lives
are excited, got their dresses ready for the inaugural ball
scene should be an incredible celebration all over Washington, d C.
Hundreds of thousands of Trump voters have traveled here to celebrate.
Soon there will be a big rally inside of the
Capital One Arena, and there are so many different things
to get to. Major breaking new going to be happening
a lot in the near future now that Trump is
back in office. Let me hit you with several different
things if you're just if you've been busy and you
haven't been plugged in to know exactly what's been taking
place today. Began this morning to find out that Joe
Biden had pardoned doctor Fauci. The January sixth Committee, anyone
involved in that investigation the Liz Cheney crew right before
literally in the final moments, final minutes of his presidency,
before Trump took office, Biden pardoned most of his family
five brothers and sisters for potential crimes going all the
way back, preempted pardons because they haven't been charged, preemptied
pardons going all the way back to twenty fourteen. The
Biden crime family was real, and all of you and
us who've been talking about it for years. Biden further
cemented that by pardoning Hunter and his five brothers and
sisters preemptively again and they haven't been charged with any crime.
Trump then delivered buck what I think was maybe the
best speech of his political career, with just an incredible
recitation of his plans and his belief in the future
of America. And he has already begun to take action.
He's going to be taking action more and more as
more and more of these details come out. But for instance,
he has already ended the CBP one app, which was
allowing hundreds of thousands of people a year to claim
asylum online and come into the country. Reports that he
will end birthright citizenship. Men and women are the only
two genders he's put an order in. He said that
he's going to almost immediately allow service members ejected for
not taking the COVID shot to come back with full
back pay, and all of this moving in just an
incredibly electric and rapid fashion, and Buck I kind of
hinted at this a little bit before, but the final
bit of this swearing in taking place for the first
time since nineteen eighty five in the rotunda, was Carrie
Underwood singing a cappella after the audio background of her
supporting music was not allowed. It turned into an incredibly powerful,
iconic moment of shared celebration of America. And to me,
as I watched this, and as we have been here
all weekend experiencing it, we have never seen sports, business
and culture all aligne behind Donald Trump like we are
seeing right now. Whether it is Carrie Underwood as I said,
singing Snoop dogg rapping at trump inaugural balls, the number
of sports figures, whether it was Connor McGregor, Logan and
Jake Paul in the crowd there, and then Jeff Bezos,
Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook of Apple, Elon Musk, all of
these major business titans aligned and cheering on Trump, we
are set. As Trump began his address by saying it
buck for a new Golden age of America.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
Well, you know, this is all part of I think
the recognition that has occurred at a national recognition, maybe
even a reckoning, that Trump is not some one off
political fluke, that MAGA is not just some slogan that
caught fire in some election cycle back in twenty sixteen,
never to really reach its full potential and have its
full day. This now shows that we are living in
an era of a Trump movement, a Trump presidency, and
an agenda that I think can be transformative. And I
think the agenda going forward has been laid out in
a way that it is both a cheat largely achievable,
and also more than half the country I think really
does want these things to happen and spoke very clearly
in this last election something that I think is interesting, Clay,
and this just struck me in our in our last
commercial break, you know that Trump was impeached for talking
about a Biden family corruption issue. And he was, I
mean he was impeached, not only completely attacked and undermined
by all of the Democrat media for this, the legacy
corporate media for this, but he was impeached and threatened
with removal, well, threatened with being banned from from office. Really,
and now we have Joe Biden pardoning his family on
the way out, which, as you just told me as
well CNN is even saying, is a stain on his legacy.
It is a remark couple turnabout in so many ways.
Imagine if you could have said four years ago, when
this argument was being made about or a little more
than that, but about Trump and impeachment to the second impeachment,
I'm sorry, the first impeachment. I was getting confused, the
first impeachment of Donald Trump. Imagine if when you had
said that, you'd say, well, you know Hunter Biden and
Joe Biden's family, you know his brother and sisters. They're
going to get pardons from Joe Biden for federal crimes
not yet specified. You would have that would have been
the argument ender for you. I mean, that would have
been so clear. Well, then then there's obviously nothing that
is untoward or unethical or illegal about President Trump bringing
up federal crimes. There's no Oh, my daddy is important.
My daddy's Joe Biden, So I get to commit crimes
part of the Constitution or of any federal law. So
I just think that so much has been brought full
today and we've seen so much of the truth, and
I just want everyone to really take it all in
and remember and remember that you were on the right
side of this, that you saw through the lies, that
you knew that he wasn't a threat to democracy, that
it wasn't an insurrection, that he's not a fascist, that
actually the people who were saying that are the threat,
or were the threat to all of those things, and
to our institutions and to our sacred constitution, all of
these things, that the country is healing, Clay, That's really
what it feels like right now. There has been a
restoration of sanity that has all come together on this day.
Speaker 1 (07:43):
And I know that they are going to create opposition
at some point in time. But as we talked about
being in DC and seeing how frankly pathetic and moreause
even the pro h testers look, it's like they've punched
themselves out. You know how in a boxing match, sometimes
you have two big heavyweights that are throwing a lot
of punches in the first few rounds, and then they
just start leaning on each other. Yeah, and there isn't
that ability to throw a punch. I don't know that
anybody in the Democrat Party right now has the ability
to throw or land a punch on Trump. And I
think that's one of the reasons why they're trying to
act so quickly right now, is because they recognize the
weakness of the opposition and they sort of want to
flood the zone with activities that they know are very important,
but that you can't do one at a time without
creating an opportunity for your opponent to punch back. I
think this is a sign of Trump's lessons that he's
learned and the sophistication. And also and in Bolden, Trump
came within a quarter inch of having his head blown
off on live television. They tried to kill him again
while he was golfing in mar A Lago. He said,
I was saved by God to make America great again.
I think maybe that Trump twenty twenty five feels a
sense of destiny and purpose that even Trump twenty seventeen
did not. And you talked about the character arc or
the hero's journey that often we follow from a narrative perspective,
It feels to me like Unlike in twenty seventeen, when
Trump may well have felt and since intuitively the struggles
of America, he didn't necessarily know how to address them.
Now he's got a plan, he's got his cadre of
advisors in place, his cabinet, he knows what to do
and how to execute on a vision. And I think
the next eighteen months, if he continues with this momentum,
is going to be some of the most compelling leadership
and advances in American history that we've ever seen based
on the election of a president. That's how optimistic I am.
In many of the people on the streets of Washington,
d C. In their mind acaps, it's how they feel.
Speaker 2 (10:01):
I believe we haven't even been able to get into yet.
Just the fact that the economy. I think there's just
an assumption that is baked in right now and has
been in the market since Trump's win, that this economy
is going to start roaring again, that wages are going
to increase, that inflation is going to is going to
be more in check than we've seen in four years,
That productivity everything from small business startups to big mergers
and acquisitions to you name it. The business of the
American people is once again going to be business and
not cronyism and overregulation and quasi socialism and all this
other nonsense that you have to deal with Democrats. So
I think we're we're heading into a time of tremendous
economic growth and expansion in ways that the American people
will feel. You know, one of the one of the
big fails of the Biden presidency, and there are so many,
but one of them was not only that the economy
was far weaker than it would have been had Trump
been president of the last four years, but also the
clay They kept telling people, Oh, the economy is better
than you think it is. And I don't think that's
ever going to be a winning message. Yeah, I don't
think telling people who see gas and grocery and rent
prices skyrocket, who see super high mortgage rates for their homes,
you know, who are seeing and feeling that economic pain,
telling them, oh, be quiet, it's great, peasant. You know,
now's not the time for your complaints. That's what Biden
tried and failed to do, or you know, tried to
convince people of. And I think that now you're going
to see an economy that is up and flourishing and
doing the things that we know are possible when the
business of the American people can be business center.
Speaker 1 (11:54):
Bill Haggerty's going to join us at bottom of the hour.
I'm interested to hear from him. He was just a
few steps away as this wearing in and as the
Carrie Underwood song, and as Trump delivered his address. What
the vibe was inside of that rotunda where only a
few hundred people were allowed because they weren't doing it
outside as they have in the past. We will break
that down with him, Buck. I still think there's so
many moving parts associated with the early actions of Trump
and also the belated final actions of Joe Biden. I
believe as we go to break here, can we play
this audio clip. I wanted to make sure we hit it.
This is CNN as Biden is flying away in the helicopter,
basically acknowledging how disgraced he is given the pardons that
he gave to his family. Again, CNN is saying this, listen.
Speaker 2 (12:40):
It's just unseemly.
Speaker 3 (12:41):
If you're going to do it, have the courage to
do it in the light of day.
Speaker 1 (12:44):
And explain it to the American people, it's a stain
on his legacy to do it like this, when CNN
is calling it the stain on Biden's legacy, that they're
done with the defense.
Speaker 2 (12:55):
This is why I keep saying there's no de facto
leadership of the Democrat Party because they shoved aside and
will no longer defend their formerly incumbent president and their
former nominee Kamala Harris was a disaster for them, and
they are I've never seen them scrambling like this. I've
never seen so much Democrat and messaging impudence as I
see right now. There's just they got nothing, and it's remarkable.
Whether it's the sad protesters, you know, shaking their knees
together out in the cold streets here, all the way
up to primetime CNN and the front page of the
New York Times, it all, Clay just looks weak and grasping.
Speaker 3 (13:43):
You're listening to Team forty seven with Clay and Buck.
Speaker 1 (13:48):
Tennessee Senator Bill Haggerty joins us. Now he was in
the rotunda watching the speech, watching Carrie Underwood's amazing rendition
of an a cappella song that soared throughout the entire rotunda, Senator,
You've done a lot of interesting things, certainly in your
life and in your career. But what was that experience
like just a couple of hours ago in the Capitol,
And what do you think the early days of the
Trump administration are going to be?
Speaker 4 (14:18):
Like I tell you, it's with with with marriage and fatherhood,
getting to participate in something like that that's so transformational
for our nation and so desperately needed right now. And
you mentioned Carrie's voice, just spectacular and we all were
there singing, you know, Democrat, Republican, you know, minister, politician,
military man. Everybody was singing throughout the hall. It was
just spectacular.
Speaker 2 (14:44):
Senator, Senator, thank you so much for being with us. Buck,
How do you rank in your mind the feeling of
optimism and the sense of destiny that we have on
this look, there have been other Republican administrations that have
come in, and including Trump and Solf also there have
been other exciting days, to be sure, and you know,
the not too distant past. But how does this one
rank and fit in among them? And what do you
see as the most important steps that the president can
take here in the opening days?
Speaker 4 (15:15):
Buck? I think it's at the very top. And here's
the reason. And in the first instance, they're just like
this collective sigh of relief across the entire country that
this four year experiment in Marxism is over. But beyond that,
there's a sense of optimism too, because Donald Trump is
bringing that. People know now that he's got the capability
and the mandate to make our nation great again, as
he likes to say, but to make certain that we're
as exceptional as we possibly can be. This nation has
so much potential, and he's going to help us realize that.
He pointed to the fact that we've got the greatest
oil and gas resources of any nation in the world,
and we're going to use them. You know, He's going
to take the actions necessary to boldly put us at
the top of every metric. And I think America is
going to feel great about that. It gets the backdrop
buck of a population at seventy five percent of this
nation said that we were on the wrong track before
election day. And this is again back to the first point,
a collective sigh of relief in a sunshine of optimism
that I feel like just just unfolding right here in
our nation's capital.
Speaker 1 (16:19):
Are there, how optimistic. Are you, Senator, about the fifty
three Senate majority that you helped to make a reality
that is going to be ready to support Trump. How
quickly do you think the bills start getting passed? How
quickly should he be expected to sign them? For people
out there listening right now that say, okay, let's take
a breath. We're excited. We're celebrating the absence the basically
the ending of the Biden regime, the return of Trump.
What should happen first in your mind? And what should
people expect the Senate to be doing well?
Speaker 4 (16:52):
The most important thing is getting the team around the
president that he needs to execute on his plans. And
this afternoon, I'm going to meet I'm going to send
it Foreign Relations Committee. We're going to vote Senator Marco
Rubio out of our committee to be our next secretary
of State. The Democrats will have their chance. Let's see
if they will because if they cooperate with us, we
can confirm Marco Rubio tonight to be our next secretary
of State, said only John Ratcliffe. He's a nominee to
be CIA director. We desperately need to have these national
security positions in place. I'd like to see John come
out of committee tonight. I'd like to see my Democrat
colleagues cooperate with us. Certainly we need seven more. We
only got fifty three, and that requires, you know it,
It'll require them to agree to change the procedures, to
accelerate the procedures to get these people out. When the
ultimate vote takes place, we'll get it, because you only
need fifty plus one to make that work. But to
compress the time and accelerate these nominations, which is what
I hope we do tonight and send a message to
the rest of the world that we're serious about our
national security. The first chance happens tonight, Let's see what
the Democrats do. Then. I think what you're going to
see is just a rapid progression of lear nominees, particularly
when you think about Pete Hext for DOOD. You think
it out Cash to Tell and Pambondi in the top
law enforcement positions at the FBI and the dj We're
going to be moving a pace to get President Trump's
team around him as quickly as possible. And I hope
that the Democrats got the message on election Day in
November the fifth that American needs to see a change,
and we need to give President trumpet team he needs
to make it happen. Back to legislation, tonight, we're going
to be voting on the Lake and Riley Act, and
I hope that President Trump will be in a position
to assign that as his very first first piece of legislation.
What that will do is it will make certain that
people that enter our country illegally and commit a crime
will be detained by ice, picked up and deported. They
won't be allowed to go out and commit more crimes
the way that the occurred under the Biden administration. That's
exactly how Lake and Riley was killed. A criminal that
invated our country, commits crimes in another state, moved down
to Georgia and does it again, a heinous murder. He
should have never been on the streets. And this will stop.
Just that, I'm expecting to see rapid pace with legislation
ready for the President's signature, you know, as early as tomorrow.
Speaker 2 (19:07):
Senator Haggerty, you know, the last time Trump took office,
I remember I was in New York City and there
were already these kind of ferocious, I would argue, somewhat
deranged anti Trump marches going on in the streets, and
there was the hashtag resistance and this feeling that there
was unity among Democrats that they would do everything and
cross really ethical boundaries and legal boundaries as well in
order to stop this president. This time around, it feels
much more like the Democrats are. It's desolate out there
in protests land. It's pretty quiet in the Democrat media,
you know, platforms and from some of their bigger shows,
and the front pages of their newspapers just don't seem
to have the gusto for the fight anymore. Do you
feel like the opposition is particularly dejected and what are
your expectations for how that plays out.
Speaker 4 (20:06):
It's totally different. Back during the twenty sixteen race, I
was one of President Trump's finance chairman. The day after
the election, I moved into Trump Tower for the transition effort. There,
they had barricades all around the tower. People were shouting
at us, spitting at us. It was just unbelievable, chanting
not my president, not my president. And they had organized protests.
We thought they were paid because they all got together
at the same time every day and the camera showed
up and they knew exactly what they're doing. But that
went on for weeks, and I certainly don't feel about
it all to day because I think the Democrats, even
surprise surprise, can do math. And the math is this,
President Trump won in a landslide. President Trump took the
majority of though he took the top of the vote
here in America, Democrats came up way short. If you
just look at the poland seventy five percent of Americans
feel like or felt like America was on the wrong track,
and I don't see how they could pop will be
the five the numbers. America isn't with them. The media,
I think has changed as well, great allies of the
Democrat Party and the mainstream media, but I think everybody
on that side has got to take a very hard
look at the fact that the Americans have made their
sentiment known. Trump won every battleground state in America. That
is a mandate, and I think their retates can the
entirety of their party's platform and the fact that this
four year experiment in socialism has not worked.
Speaker 1 (21:28):
We're talking to Senator Bill Haggerty, who is excited to
be enacting President Trump's agenda. Do you feel comfortable based
on what you see, Senator that all of the cabinet
nominees that require Senate approval look good to get approved.
Where do you see that battleground. I know you mentioned
that they may try to obstruct and make it take longer,
But by and large, do you think the votes are
there for Trump's people to all get confirmed.
Speaker 4 (21:51):
I really do feel that way right now. I don't
see anything on the horizon today that makes me think
that these people will not get confirmed. The question is
whether procedurally the Democrats will throw every road bock in
place if they can. As I mentioned earlier, we've got
to have their cooperation to accelerate the timelines to get
people voted. Otherwise the Senate is sort of a slow process,
and they may decide to use procedural means to make
us run the timeline out on every single procedural step
when there's another way. There's another way to get this
done much faster, and as soon as these people have
gotten through the Committee of Jurisdiction, they should be ready
for a vote. Again. I'm optimistic, a little bit guarded,
but I'm optimistic that tonight we'll have a first test
to this. I'm optimistic that Marco Rubio again I'm certain
he's going to clear the Senate for Relations committee that
I sit on to be our next sextair state. And
I'm hopeful that all of our Democrat colleagues will say, look,
this is something that needs to get done for our
nation security. We're not going to slow it down, going
to move them out tonight.
Speaker 1 (22:48):
Saying for John Radcliffe, CIA, what do you think about
Biden pardning five brothers and sisters. We already know that
he's pardoned his son Hunter, as well as the decision
to part in Fauci, a lot of the individuals involved
in the January sixth committee. What does it do to Biden,
Biden's legacy, what does it do to any Democrat argument
for respective.
Speaker 4 (23:09):
Rule of law? Well, I think it's just a complete
mockery of the rule of law and Joe Biden. If
you look at the press release that they put out,
Biden says he's doing this to protect these people, his
family members, people like Fauci. The j six Committee against
quote unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions. That's about as rich
as it can get coming from Joe Biden, because he's
the one that used an unjust justified, politically motivated prosecution
to go after his number one political opponent America saw this.
The hypocrisy is just unbelievable. I'm certain that the mainstream
media will not call him out for this hypocrisy, but
I'm telling you and all of our listeners right now,
this is a mockery of justice. And the Democrats have
no had to nowhere to hang your hat anymore when
it comes to talking about democracy and justice in this country.
Speaker 2 (23:57):
Senator Haggerty, we think there are great things ahead. We
know you're going to be a big part of it.
We appreciate you making the time for us today and
looking forward to speaking with you. With Donald Trump as president,
it's going to be exciting.
Speaker 4 (24:08):
Play, but great to be with you. Thanks so much.
Speaker 3 (24:11):
You're listening to Team forty seven with Clay and Buck.
Speaker 2 (24:16):
It's now transitioning, I think for the crowds gathered and
everything to just celebration mode. It feels quite a bit
like our team collectively has won the Super Bowl or
the Stanley Cup, or you know, pick your trophy, pick
your sports moment, and everyone's in a great mood and
it's going to be a phenomenal night out there on
the town.
Speaker 1 (24:39):
It should be, and we expect that the next several days,
you're going to want to make sure that you're listening
because I think the rapidity with which the Trump team
is going to move to put their plans in place
is going to mean that any moment on the show,
we're going to have something that probably you're going to
agree with.
Speaker 2 (24:58):
You know, the trund is being done or already made.
In their way through security at the White House, I
saw now they're taking their offices, taking their positions, and
moving like they have urgency, which is exactly what we
want to see.
Speaker 1 (25:11):
And you may need to have some urgency in your life.
I bet tomorrow morning we're gonna need some Crocket coffee.
We haven't mentioned it all during the day, but maybe
maybe you're gonna have a little bit too much to
drink to celebrate tonight. Maybe you have had a fun
weekend of activities. I know that I'm gonna be loading
up because you got a super early morning till he's
definitely gonna be drinking.
Speaker 2 (25:31):
We did bring to our Georgia, to our DC abode.
We did bring some Crocket coffee with us to make
sure that we're ready to go. So go to Crocketcoffee
dot Com. I think we could say it is the
unofficial inauguration coffee. There you go, I will declare the
unofficial coffee of Trump's inauguration.
Speaker 1 (25:50):
Its probably the only coffee company where one hundred percent
of the employees voted Trump.
Speaker 2 (25:54):
That's a good call. Yeah, that's that's right. When we
could say that with absolute certainty. You can also get
your copy of American Playbook signed by Clay. If use
code book, please subscribe. Also, it's cold here. You know,
there's a lot of great gear, hoodies, the sweatshirts. They're
really nice. They look great, they feel great. Go to
Crocketcoffee dot com. And ten percent of our profits goes
a tunnel the towers found Dation. So yeah, we're heading
out tonight on the town clan our with our wives
and we're going to be you know, rubbin elbows with
the maga faithful people just coming into town on the
streets all the way up to I'm sure we'll see
some of the big names that will be a part
of this administration and giving them high fives and talk
to them about how you know, you just got to
save the country, save the Western world, maybe save the planet.
You know, no big deal, no big no big challenge.
Speaker 1 (26:44):
Sports business, culture all aligning. It seems like a silly thing.
But YMCA showing up and singing Ymca for the village
people singing ymca, Uh, it really does, I think, indicate
that the opposition is basically vanished and that we are
headed for what I hope is a new golden age.
Speaker 2 (27:05):
It's going to be absolutely fantastic. And I got to
tell you, you know, Clay, we had to be We had
to keep the faith we had. And I say we,
I mean you me. We started this together, this show together,
and the sacred trust of this audience placed in us
during the Biden administration. Okay, we all had to just,
you know, just dig deep and bear it and deal
with it and the whole thing. It is really exciting
to be sitting here and looking forward to doing years
more of this show in a Trump era where we
get to have our team on offense in all the
best ways. We've really had to play defense up until
certainly this election cycle where Trump was able to make
the case right.
Speaker 3 (27:52):
It has been.
Speaker 2 (27:53):
Trying to bring the truth to people, trying to slow
down the destructive Democrat machine. Well, now the cavalry has
come over the hill and the good guys have won
the day. And there's, like I said, a sense of
urgency from the Trump team, and I think from all
of these folks, all of these individuals who have a
tremendous it's a tremendous honor, it is also a tremendous obligation.
It is something that they have to see through here.
The American people are counting on.
Speaker 1 (28:26):
Them, no doubt, and I am excited. This is the
very first time we've had an opportunity to do a
show without having to worry about Joe Biden being in office.
And I know Rush would be excited. I know he
would be ecstatic.
Speaker 2 (28:41):
He's looking at down smiling on today's festivities, no question about.
Speaker 4 (28:44):
It, for sure.
Speaker 1 (28:46):
And we are certainly glad to be able to, Man,
are we glad to be able to start to stack
some wins. We'll be hanging out with you. We're going
to go check out the scene around the inaugural balls
tonight and we hope that you guys have a great time.
Probably see some of you all over DC and we'll
be back right back with you.
Speaker 2 (29:06):
And if you see someone take the stage by the way,
with a turtleneck and a flute, and it looks like clay.
It might just be clay. I'm putting that out there.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
May have to bump Carrie Underwood off the stage and
break out my mad skills on the flute. By the way,
no telling what AI is going to do with a
lot of the celebrations and the new Trump error, So
just keep your head on a swivel. You've got no
idea what's real, what's fake.
Speaker 2 (29:31):
And remember, if you see Lauren Sanchez, keep your eyes,
keep the eyes high.