Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Manawak Caves is intended for mature audiences. It contains
strong language and depictions of bullying, violence, and sexual assault
that some may find disturbing. Listener discretion is advised. Also,
this is an extremely immersive experience and headphones are recommended.
You're listening to The Maniwak Caves, a production of iHeartRadio,
Blumhouse Television and Psycopia Pictures.
Speaker 2 (00:34):
Okay, looks like we have four deep lacerations across patients
abdomen just above the naval Each laceration is based approximately
one and a half inches apart extends about eight inches.
The pattern of the injury seems to be consistent with
maybe the patient was emulating some sort of a mauling.
It appears that he has recreated a pattern resembling a
clog injury like a biting Jesus an animal attack. H
and the torn flesh here and appears to be fight ones.
He's not bleeding, He's I'm sorry what he's not bleeding.
Speaker 3 (01:12):
There's no blood.
Speaker 2 (01:15):
Okay, so there appears to be no active bleeding, no
dry blood on the exterior.
Speaker 3 (01:23):
Of the wound. He wasn't cleaned up before being brought in.
He came straight from the sail. Wait a second after,
mister Fincher, how did you do this? I I I
didn't do it. What's this issue?
Speaker 2 (01:42):
See here how the flesh is protruding around the tear marks,
pulling inward there where it should be inflamed. These kinds
aren't external inflictions. Uh, mister Fincher's decisions are imploded. The
flesh looks as though it was cut on the inside.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
Forget about Tyler. Tyler, that is part.
Speaker 4 (02:18):
And now I'm doing mine.
Speaker 3 (02:22):
But you still have work to do.
Speaker 5 (02:25):
Still, and I has hell dancing, and.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
I've been rejasing the steps. That's check the Samsa when
he was involved in the original homicide investigation. I don't
know what things you're in and stuff. If you don't know,
maybe you've blocked it out where you are allowed to know.
Speaker 5 (02:58):
The beast of those to you too.
Speaker 6 (03:08):
And it's hard to not assume the worst. Then the
devil has been living amongst us all this time?
Speaker 3 (03:16):
Well I have news for you. He has.
Speaker 6 (03:21):
He has been living among us, walking among us, and
he is still here.
Speaker 3 (03:49):
How are you reachuling Silas? Please leave a message after
the weep. Hey, it's rich.
Speaker 7 (03:59):
So I heard you're arrested, and I'm not sure you're
going to get out in time for another visit. So
this this might be the last time that you hear
my voice.
Speaker 3 (04:09):
So listen.
Speaker 4 (04:12):
Because there's something that I need you to know.
Speaker 8 (04:17):
I'm sure your visit to Solomon's place left you with
some questions, hopefully some context too, And I hope you're
starting to accept that this is.
Speaker 9 (04:31):
Big why white?
Speaker 4 (04:35):
Bigger than me and you? I don't know where to start.
Speaker 8 (04:43):
A lot can happen in fourteen years and change the
whole universe can shed its skin like a great big snake. Still,
some things don't change. Then you again has the same
pattern and the scales. Only difference is it's a so
it's a bigger snake. When they pulled me out of
that room and locked me in these walls, in the
exact same sale where I still spend twenty three hours
a day, well.
Speaker 4 (05:23):
Back then I had a recurring.
Speaker 10 (05:26):
Problem and started on my very first night and it
didn't let up till the end of summer.
Speaker 2 (05:41):
This is doctor Luis Gusman, chief Medical Examiner at Riverbend
Maximum Security Institution. Today is November twenty sixth, two thousand
and seven. Eight fifty two AM reporting on Fincher James
Doc Number one five seven nine zero six seven submitted
for examination. Following and attempted suicide. Patient was found with
deep horizontal lacerations across his abdomen. No weapon was discovered
at the scene. My initial instinct would have been self
inflicted fingernail wounds, but patient's fingernails have been clipped short
in accordance with safety guidelines. Upon further inspection, I was
able to determine that mister Fincher's wounds were.
Speaker 3 (06:20):
Carved outward.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
From the inside of the stomach lining to the rupture
points of the flesh, possibly through the intentional ingestion of
a sharp object. But at this time all X rays
have come back inconclusive. The incident in question occurred on
mister Fincher's first night in our custody. Here on death Row.
One could possibly presume that this is a stress related phenomena. Still,
in all my years treating incarcerated patients, I have never
seen injuries consistent with what I saw today, regardless is
being put on twenty four hour surveillance and I'm prescribing
a mood stabilizer, an antipsychotic, and recommending group psychotherapy commencing immediately.
Speaker 4 (07:13):
I didn't mind going to group therapy.
Speaker 8 (07:16):
I kind of liked the idea of being able to
have people to talk to, people to listen, even if
the other inmates didn't exactly share my views.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
Good morning, mister Fincher. Morning. Can I call you James Games? No, no, no, no,
just call me Finch? All right? Anybody need a refresher
on the rules? Yes, Neil got helpt out today. Why
do you want to do that?
Speaker 11 (07:46):
Well, because I ain't gonna share my most fucking thoughts and.
Speaker 3 (07:49):
Dealers with baby killer over there. What even doing to him?
May no name calling, mister Lukovics, mister Fincher.
Speaker 4 (07:57):
They called me baby killer when I first arrived.
Speaker 10 (07:59):
It doing it as if them boys were babies, as
if they had one modicum of innocence about them.
Speaker 4 (08:08):
That's the narrative the prosecution sold, the judge and.
Speaker 10 (08:14):
Jury, and it's stuck the papers, the press, they all
went along for the ride.
Speaker 8 (08:20):
Too, sweet innocent angels, they said, glowing lights in the
dark valley, good Christian boys from humble community snuffed out
by a monster.
Speaker 12 (08:32):
Speaker 10 (08:34):
So now.
Speaker 4 (08:36):
I'm the worst of the worst, a monster of monsters.
Speaker 3 (08:42):
Hey, get James next time.
Speaker 11 (08:45):
Do us all a thiev and you yourself with the
same respect you did those boys, you yourself, U effects
what he thinks his little son last night wouldn't get
around death rolls a small town man, worse spreads.
Speaker 3 (09:00):
Ain't nobody don't know about your shit? All right, that's
a shot. But I ain't talking.
Speaker 11 (09:06):
About shit with this baby killing ankle here.
Speaker 3 (09:10):
That's all I gotta say.
Speaker 4 (09:12):
And I continued on like that day and day app.
Speaker 8 (09:19):
I'd have some terrible nightmare, rip me out of my sleep,
wake me up, all disoriented, sore and aching, and I
lift up my shirt and find a new swoop or
line carved into my body, never bleeding. And I didn't
know what it meant at first, but I always knew
where it came from.
Speaker 4 (09:47):
And I knew I couldn't talk about it.
Speaker 8 (09:52):
Guards did their rounds every few minutes, and they they
always see me carved up, even if I try to
hide it, And sure shit, I send me right back
to the yard to start the whole process over again.
Speaker 2 (10:07):
This is doctor Luis Gusmann reporting on Fincher James Doc
Number one five seven nine zero six seven. It is
the official motion of the state that James Fincher not
be moved for any special examination, and his injuries are
in fact self inflicted, and his repeated claims that he
is the recipient of some miraculous form of spontaneous scarification
or symptoms of psychosis and should be treated medically in
tandem with continued psychotherapy. Since mister Fincher's arrival in this institution,
the pattern of his injuries has expanded. They have branched
off into tributaries wrapping around his entire torso the wounds
appear to be forming some sort of a pattern. Despite
my numerous requests stp nightly restraints for the prisoner, the
correction staff has either been negligent in applying these restraints
or they were somehow ineffective. I've still been unable to
determine the instrument used to cause the lesions, and all
X rays of his internal organs have continuously come back
and conclusive. I'm at a loss, and in beginning to consider,
against my better judgment, James's Steppas's belief in the miraculous
nature of his wounds. At this point, I am simply
observing napping and recording upon the several occasions in which
I've asked James to speculate us to the origins of
his injuries. He refused. When I asked what he believed
these marking to be, he simply replied cave drawings. Indeed,
what began as linear markings on mister Fincher's body have
evolved in more complex shapes, some even resembling humanoid or
animal figures. Each new wound leaves a thick and darkened
scar across mister Fincher's skin, which furthers the conceptualization of
the markings is well, drawings like a child's perhaps simple primitive.
Speaker 8 (12:38):
They moved me out of group therapy. I was getting
threats and they decided it was too dangerous.
Speaker 4 (12:45):
Can you believe that?
Speaker 8 (12:47):
And yere, we live out the remainder of our lives
with nothing to look forward to other than our own
predetermined deaths.
Speaker 4 (12:55):
And they decided that we all in air deserve to die.
Speaker 8 (13:01):
And then they spend all their time up until the
moment of our injection, making absolutely sure that we don't
die by any hands set theirs. Our elimination ain't the point, though,
you see. It's it's not that the world will be
a better place without us, it's not even about justice.
Speaker 13 (13:19):
It's all about power.
Speaker 8 (13:23):
I suppose you probably never feel more powerful than when
you take a life.
Speaker 4 (13:30):
Yeah, but I.
Speaker 13 (13:32):
Wouldn't know.
Speaker 8 (13:36):
So they set me up with the private therapists. Now
you know what's bad when they set you up with
a private one when you're too hated or too far
gone to be allowed in group therapy anymore. And of course,
if you're bad enough to get the private quacks, all
the boys on the block just got that much more
AMMO to.
Speaker 4 (13:55):
Hate you with.
Speaker 8 (13:58):
We're all freaks here, but even in this little world
there's still room to point fingers.
Speaker 4 (14:09):
If you're just different enough.
Speaker 3 (14:14):
How are you feeling today, James? Better?
Speaker 14 (14:17):
Now that's just you and me, Yeah, I guess you kiss.
I figure you're gonna be happy to get away from
the others.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
They were the only company that I hate.
Speaker 14 (14:34):
You want to tell me a little bit about these
new injuries, James, What do you want to know?
Speaker 3 (14:46):
Well, who's causing them? If it's not you, I'm gonna
help you.
Speaker 14 (15:03):
It's in all the medical recourse, right, Yes, and no.
I'd like to hear your perspective. What prompts the injuries?
Speaker 3 (15:15):
Do you think?
Speaker 14 (15:17):
Do you suffer from many dark thoughts just before they happen,
like anxiety depression.
Speaker 3 (15:25):
It's just.
Speaker 12 (15:29):
Not pictures you mean dreams, night MARISONA. No, just pictures
in my head of things that haven't happened yet.
Speaker 14 (15:37):
So your dreams are prophetic and you're like a claar
VOI claar voy that the way you're looking for. What
makes you think these visions are going to come true?
Speaker 3 (15:53):
I don't think they're going to It's not even like
they're going to happen. It's like they're already just in
the future.
Speaker 12 (16:04):
But I'm just watching a recording or something that we
haven't had the time.
Speaker 3 (16:07):
To see it.
Speaker 12 (16:08):
And there's no point in trying to stop something that's
already happened, even if it's already happened in the future.
Speaker 3 (16:14):
Okay, can you give me an example.
Speaker 14 (16:20):
This stays between us, James, don't worry the.
Speaker 3 (16:25):
Recording can be used against you. What about my sister?
What about her? Can anything I say be used against her?
Or how do you mean I worry about her? Out there?
Speaker 12 (16:41):
The sister of a convicted murderer, a single mom in
the town that don't want her, that hates her. It's
about association. She can barely make against me. She can't
afford to move nowhere better. And Lord knows you don't
need nothing else to worry about, especially not the things
I may or may not say to you in here.
You privately uns it directly in dangerous life. And nothing
you say in here will ever leave this room. It'll
stays between you and me. All right, I'll trust you
on that, Okay. So let's take Neil for example. I
dreamed about Neil getting off in the showers. I think
yellow tiles splattered with blood.
Speaker 3 (17:37):
And you believe that this is going to happen in
the future It already has, but it hasn't.
Speaker 14 (17:44):
I saw Neil just earlier today in the group says, yeah,
you saw him in the now, you see.
Speaker 3 (17:49):
But all the future becomes to pass eventually. There's nothing
you can do about it.
Speaker 14 (17:54):
Are you saying that you believe that what there are,
that our lives, the future, it's all predetermined.
Speaker 12 (18:03):
I'm saying it don't change nothing if you believe me
or not fair enough, But how do you know when
these dreams are going to or that they are coming true?
Speaker 3 (18:14):
How do you know they're not just like any other dream?
They just feel different? Okay? They smell different. It's a
different flavor.
Speaker 14 (18:23):
We'll have any of your different flavored dreams not come true. James,
You do understand how these solutions of grant are, these
ideas that you have a gift of being able to
see into the future. You see how they're potentially harmful
to not only yourself but also to those around you.
Speaker 3 (18:45):
I don't want to harm anybody, and I ain't never
Big grand.
Speaker 8 (18:54):
Neil was killed in the showers three days later a
piece of newspaper shaped into a ship with toothpaste and
dried out till it was sharp.
Speaker 10 (19:05):
Those are good for about three stabs before they break.
Speaker 4 (19:11):
Enough to take a life.
Speaker 10 (19:11):
Though they took my privileges away after that figured it
was me, of course, but they couldn't prove nothing, and
even if they could, what were they gonna do?
Speaker 4 (19:25):
And I kept waking up with them cuts. My dreams
have always come true, Julian. My grandmother told me when
I was little, but I just thought she was making
stuff up. You know.
Speaker 10 (19:40):
It just made me feel special.
Speaker 4 (19:45):
You used to be in my dreams too, Julian.
Speaker 10 (19:50):
That year after your mother passed away, that spring before graduation,
before the Hadley brothers were murdered.
Speaker 4 (20:01):
I dreamed.
Speaker 9 (20:03):
You were being followed.
Speaker 10 (20:07):
At first, it was only a shadow, an empty space,
black hole. But that shadow started a bend and.
Speaker 4 (20:19):
Stretch behind you.
Speaker 10 (20:23):
Eventually I saw it more clearly, saw him, I mean
his shadow and the reflections a mirror in your house
or in the moon, the window in your old bedroom.
He was tall, pale faced, his fingers like claws on,
blinking eyes, snake eyes. I seen him later too, in
the caves, a reflection in the cave pools, or he's ancient,
older than the.
Speaker 4 (21:02):
Caves, even hideous and beautiful at the same time.
Speaker 10 (21:11):
I looked at the slits of his eyes and the reflection,
and I felt.
Speaker 8 (21:14):
His his hunger and setuable, and I knew you wanted
to slur my soul.
Speaker 9 (21:24):
Right out on my body.
Speaker 10 (21:28):
But that night in the caves, when I turned and
I looked over my shoulder, there was nothing, just in
the absence, a hole would no light and go nothing
in that hole.
Speaker 13 (21:41):
But sorrow, greed.
Speaker 10 (21:44):
Hatred, and hunger, folding in on itself again and again
like a never in the necko.
Speaker 9 (21:58):
But that spring, I dreamed he was following you, sneaking
closer and closer to you, moving in the shadows and
whispering in your ear. I've dreamed about you a lot
that summer too, after I got locked up, and he
was always always behind you, never letting you out of
his sight.
Speaker 10 (22:27):
But one day you escaped and you flew as fast
as you could, straight out of town.
Speaker 4 (22:33):
And after that you weren't in my dreams no more.
Speaker 2 (22:47):
Luis couse Mon, December thirtieth, two thousand and seven. Oh,
James Spincher.
Speaker 13 (22:51):
Speaker 2 (22:52):
Today was the first day since November twenty sixth, but
this year that I did not receive a visit from him.
I can only speculate an over enthusiasm and his self
harming measures that have finally gone too far, or perhaps
some medications are taking hold. Let's hope for the latter.
Speaker 8 (23:13):
So after that everything stopped, No more dreams, no more scars.
The world just settled into kind of normal, well death
row normal. And I found out later that day that
you you're gone, left from this place, away from your father,
away from your youth, away from caves, away from him
for good, or so I hoped. Next day I got
a visit from an unexpected guest.
Speaker 13 (23:58):
Morning, James, good morning. You know who I am here.
You're the minister, Reverend Reverend Perkinson, you go to the
chapel this morning, James, how can you ever expect to
be forgiven if you don't ask for forgiveness?
Speaker 4 (24:27):
Because I ain't got nothing to be forgiven for.
Speaker 13 (24:30):
Here's the thing about that.
Speaker 15 (24:33):
We all have stories, we tell ourselves, we all keep
our own narrative, but only God knows for sure. Now
the state, the state has determined your guilt, and so
by the laws of man here you sit. But still
you never confessed, James. It doesn't matter what you tell
the world, or even what you tell yourself. God knows
the truth. And even though your body may be imprisoned
here in this institution on death row, your soul can
still be saved. James.
Speaker 4 (25:27):
Did you know that?
Speaker 5 (25:28):
Speaker 4 (25:43):
Man? You are something special, ain't you?
Speaker 3 (25:53):
What's in it for you?
Speaker 13 (25:56):
Me confess?
Speaker 8 (25:57):
In one way or another? They are able to try
or to put me away. They're fixing to kill me
for it. You got your way. So what exactly are
you doing here?
Speaker 3 (26:05):
Speaker 4 (26:06):
What do you want?
Speaker 15 (26:09):
If we confess our sins? He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness. John one nine mm hmm.
Speaker 8 (26:20):
Well, John, he don't know fuck all about Manowell count.
Speaker 16 (26:30):
I'm not going to deceive you, James.
Speaker 15 (26:33):
I want to put this to rest, for this community,
for the Hadley family, for your family too. What if
I told you that there was some upset. Not in
my town I have you, but in the bigger city
is a few towns over here in Nashville, down in Atlanta, Charlotte.
Turns out there's some folk who don't know screw all
about the good people, the possible, who have some misgivings
about your trial. And they got your TV personalities and
your news channels all talking about it. They want the
world to believe you are a victim. And I'll tell
you what, I don't want nobody talking about it no more.
They're making me and mine look bad.
Speaker 4 (27:34):
Well, and my heart is over here breaking.
Speaker 15 (27:36):
Now you listen to me. I need you to think
real hard about delivering me a confession. It can't do
nothing but help all the parties involved. Were you to
do so, for me the outsider, stop agitating, casting doubt,
making people worry. And for you, well, God will see
that you're taking care of God will forgive you.
Speaker 13 (28:03):
Speaker 4 (28:08):
I'm good. Thanks for stopping.
Speaker 8 (28:12):
By fifteen years ago. It was the first time Perkins
came at me with a bride confessed to a murder,
asked for forgiveness. Even if the people won't forgive, Jesus
Will said, I could still save my soul. I was
hoping that you getting out of this place would save you,
to somehow save you from what the rest of us
were suffering. I thought, maybe that's why the dreams had
stopped and the cuts. But now you're back, and I
see clear that was just all wishful thinking on my part. Anyway,
You think the bribes would have stopped years ago. Ain't
nobody interested in the case no more? But then you
came back home, and it's like you woke it up again.
Speaker 4 (29:13):
Even me.
Speaker 10 (29:14):
I woke up in my sail last night, the middle
of the night, pitch flaxxcept for the fluorescent lights bleeding
from the hall on the other side of the bars,
and I knew I wasn't alone.
Speaker 9 (29:26):
He was back.
Speaker 10 (29:29):
I saw the snake eyes reflected in the dull metal
mirror that's bolted to the cinder block above my toilet,
his pale face.
Speaker 9 (29:35):
Catch you a sliver of flight that was bleeding from
behind the bars.
Speaker 4 (29:43):
He was in the sail with me, and he touched
my shoulder.
Speaker 16 (29:52):
He spoke, and his.
Speaker 4 (29:54):
Words slithered in my ear. He knew what I wanted, you,
what I was most afraid of.
Speaker 9 (30:05):
And he knows that I'm helpless to do anything for
my family.
Speaker 4 (30:12):
I'm helpless to ensure their safety.
Speaker 14 (30:14):
Of prosperity for the future.
Speaker 10 (30:21):
And he goes the whole town hates them and fears them,
and he said he can make it better, make it
so Dina and Jimmy will be all right.
Speaker 4 (30:33):
Guarantee their future and allow.
Speaker 8 (30:35):
Them prosperity in their lives, provide them every opportunity for
their well being.
Speaker 4 (30:46):
He made me an offer, and all he wanted in return.
Speaker 10 (30:56):
My soul.
Speaker 15 (31:05):
I need to put this thing to rest for good
and final.
Speaker 10 (31:09):
I'm so sorry, Reverend. Ain't nothing that you can give
me that I'm interested in.
Speaker 13 (31:14):
Oh I don't think that's true, son.
Speaker 4 (31:19):
I'm sure shit.
Speaker 8 (31:21):
Reverend Perkins showed back up here this morning, damn tape recorder,
clutching his bony ass fingers, and he upped his bargain.
Speaker 15 (31:31):
I've been paying extra special attention to your family these
past several years. They ain't doing so hot are they
Dena's still working her fingers to the bone for below
minimum wage, can't manage to get herself up and out
of her situation. Her boy, what's his name, Jeremy, Jimmy, Jimmy,
They said, Well, Jimmy can't seem to stay in school,
real problem child, been expelled, arrested more than once. Everyone's
putting bets on Juvie for that one. See, it turns
out your family ain't no better off than you.
Speaker 4 (32:23):
Shut your fucking mouth.
Speaker 13 (32:27):
But I can change all that. I can help your family.
I can bring them from.
Speaker 15 (32:34):
The shadows of scorn, ridicule and deliver them into the
light of goodwill and hope for a more prosperous future.
I can personally see to it that Dina has better opportunities.
I can sift through the deep pockets of the church,
start a fund to lift her out of her pathetic life.
Can get a job, find a place to live that
has insulation and running water. And Jimmy. I can baptize
Jimmy in my very own church. I can see that
our church embraces them, welcomes them into our tight community.
I can do more for them than you could ever
dream of.
Speaker 13 (33:24):
Speaker 16 (33:26):
I can save them.
Speaker 15 (33:29):
I can save their poor souls and yours too, James,
yours two. All I need from you is three little words.
Speaker 16 (33:42):
I am guilty.
Speaker 4 (33:53):
Well, I say, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Well,
got nothing on the devil. I guess this message is.
It's a warning.
Speaker 17 (34:11):
He's coming for us now, all of us, Me and
you and Tyler.
Speaker 18 (34:31):
I swear I heard every bit of that message when
I got out of holding and finally got my phone back,
But when I tried to play it, it wasn't all there.
This was all that was left on the voicemail.
Speaker 3 (34:46):
Hey, it's rich.
Speaker 7 (34:50):
So I heard you arrested, and I'm not sure you're
gonna get out in time for another visit. So this
this might be the last time that you hear my voice.
So listen because there's something that I need you to know.
I guess this message is. It's a warner. He's coming
for us now.
Speaker 3 (35:22):
Oh other was me and you and Tyler. Well he's
already dead.
Speaker 5 (36:00):
The ghosten Emuir in the Hounds of Hell Dancing and.
Speaker 1 (36:07):
You The Manwalk Caves stars Jonathan Tucker as Julian Sallace,
Eddie Gatheggy as James Fincher, Clark Peters as Detective Solomon Smith,
Nick Cercy as Sheriff Kirby Hooper, Justin Welborn as Tyler Wilson,
Jill Jane Clements as Jill Campbell, Brad Carter as Dooley Tappert,
Scott Poythus as Reverend Perkins, Samantha Ashley as Dena Fincher,
Justin Matthew Smith as Paul Sallace, Tara Oakes as Laura Sallace,
Jonathan Horn as Deacon Hadley, Alden Karanovich as Thomas Hadley,
Mike w Anderson as Griff Washington Body, Walter Off as
Jimmy Fincher, Brian McClure as Ian Spinks, Larry Clark as
Bobby Hadley, Peydon Fallis as ed leablanc Vic Palisis as
William Fowler, Nick Diakosky as Richard Rydell.
Speaker 4 (37:05):
And Aileen Loy as The Darkness.
Speaker 1 (37:08):
With additional performances by Clint McGown, Dina Dill, Edward Howard,
Henry Foster Brown, Jamie Joseph, Juan Monsalvez, Christopher Curry, Bailey Heineman,
David Mitchell, and Bernard Sataro Clark created by comin Byrne
and Dan Bush. Written by Dan Bush, Zoe Cooper and
Nicholas Dakoski, featuring our theme song Killer Inside, written produced
and performed by Lera Lynn. Our executive producers are Matt Frederick,
Alexander Williams, Michael Monty, and Courtney du Frees.
Speaker 13 (37:43):
Our executive producers.
Speaker 1 (37:44):
At Blumhouse Television are Jeremy Gold, Chris Dickey, and Noah Feinberg.
Produced by Dan Bush, music by Ben Lovett, additional music
by Alexander Rodriguez, Edited by Dan Bush, Chris Childs, Stephen Perez,
and David Chen. Sound design by Benjamin Malcolm. Additional sound
design by Alexander Rodriguez. Dialogue editing and sound mixing by
Juan Campos. Recorded at Studio Awesome in Los Angeles, sound
Bite Studio in Atlanta, and Echo Mountain in Ashville. Casting
by Sunday Bowling, Kennedy and Meg Mormon. Our dialect coach
is Linda Bessesti, Assistant director, Michael Monty, Second assistant director,
script supervisor and production coordinator Sarah Klein, Supervising producer Josh
Than Special thanks to Mary Ellen and Jason Davis. Jonathan
Dieter and Joe Rickman. The Manwalk Caves is a production
of iHeartRadio, Blumhouse Television and Psycopia Pictures.
Speaker 9 (39:10):
Who Sad
Speaker 16 (39:18):