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May 20, 2021 37 mins

It’s the season 5 semi-finals and the competition has never been so tight. Join host Bow Wow (AKA The Frog) and MS5 Insider, Brian Strickland, as they try to piece together the remaining clues and figure out what celebrity superstars are behind the remaining masks. They're bringing you one step closer to solving the ultimate question…WHO IS THAT? Plus, games, gossip and more! Look for new episodes of The Official Masked Singer Podcast every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to the Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of
Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studio.
We are the one the only official podcast for the
Mass Singer dropped the mic and you know what time
is Man America's number one show in the biggest best

mystery game on TV. The Fernal Four were fired in
Ice tonight. That's right, so hot they were cool. And

when I say so cool, baby, that's right. You know
what I'm saying, is your boy your host from a
k A Valo, But I'd rather be called from me.
I just like that guy, and that's who I am.
I right Brown, I'm feeling myself today. We then close
to the finals. It's about that time. Man, You hear
my secret inside way, It's no secret. They know who y'all,

they know who you are. My boy. Brian Strickland is
in the building as always. Hello, Hello, we got after
can't belief that we only got one episode last don't
tell me that. I know. Wow, extra punk today soon,
not only because we are the best things world, but
I'm so plump because fine, my bro like close close.

Frick's in the building today. I'm talking about Yetti Yett
yet Marianna boy stage. He did his thing tonight all right,

still the light with the yetti. Like I said, I
knew it all alone, you did, yet you're not here.
I come. That voice has been next to me my
whole entire career. Very excited to have Oh on the
show and big sit out the Darrin's rugger though, who
was a guest tler and we didn't staying talking major man. Absolutely,

we also want to get into our clus man, you
don't want to know nothing. Now was the time to
leave the podcast running. I'm gonna give an exclusive new
clue you springing. Oh we're ready, and that means it's
gonna be good with super Because ladies and gentlemen, this
is it right here at the tip were at the
tip of the mountaintop, right here, Oh man, clue do

do is a mask? We have nothing your voice clue
to do? We know who you are now, oh man,
the one and only Donnie Wahlberg. Man, I'm gonna tell you, Brian,
I would have never died, I said, Chris Rock. Were
thinking about the whole time and looking at my good
friends right here Katy studios, you can we have this
nice glass studio that you put us in and I
could see the whole team record, and I remember when

I said, Chris Rock, you know stephaniely she looked at
me with this like look, as in, okay, he's been
hanging around kind he mustn't be drinking from the same
found that ken oh man, I mean steps behind the glass.
Let me now she's laughing. You know, steph you did it.
You gave me this look like what is from talking about?

But I have my reason. I see us a movie Fox,
biggest network on TV. It just makes sense to Chris
Rock little loop. But when he was a mask, it
made a lot of sense. And it brings back something
that I always like to tell my friends, what's right
in front of you, you just don't see it. Husband,

have you been coming in each week in life? I've
been sneaking in and out your golden ears. And I
didn't recognize my husband's food. Jenny, I don't think that
she would have ever guess. Truly, she had no idea.
She rehearsed in a completely different stage. And some of
the clues I had given in the past. I had
said buns that was force for wall Burgers, and I

said he was in a Oscar nominated Best Picture movie.
That movie is The Sixth Sense, which was nominated for
Best Picture with Bruce Willis and Haley Joe Osmond and
lost to American Beauty. But that was the clue that
I had been giving all And the other big clue
that kind of got a lot of viral pick up
was the fact that this person had never been on
our stage before. And that was true, Donnie Warburg. This

was his first time on the Massenger. You could sell
so that was a real, real moment. Like Jenny had
no idea. You can tell about her reaction. So they
don't live here, they live on the East Coast. She's
here for the whole month. So he just flew out.
She thought he was on the Blue Blood set, and
that's what made it even easier. She thought he was
with Tom Selle. But yeah, definitely blew me away. Man
came out Return to the Macnus. One of my favorite

records Man that song Chasten. I played that song anytime
we're have in a party. Hey, we're just having a
get together and we're just having a good time and
we're vibing. When I get into my nineties flow, that
record is on my playlist. I'm telling you right now,
I guess Jenny will we need that Golden Air anymore? Right,

I mean she can't recognize the voice. That's crazy. I
mean at least she didn't take Kevin James like I
mean speaking of the Golden Air talking about it. Robin
got yetti right, So now he has won ten and
Jenny have to correct. Nicole is still at zero. But
here's a little exclusive next week. There's no ties someone
is going to get at least one first impression guest

next week. Correct, So someone is going to be the
clear winner of the Golden Air trophy. So let's jump
into it. Of course, let's start off with black Swan,
who now I really feel as the front runner to
win it all. Performed tequila tonight. Black Swan like Weekend

week Out. You take us on this emotional old journey.
You are more than a performer, You are an experience,
just irving job. I can't wait to find out who
you are. Amazing. May believe we know what that symbolizes
Canadian big shout out to Canada. We have a lot
of fans over then Canada who listens to us. Also,
we saw a fish tank this to me off. Hello,

my name is one name, Ryan, go ahead, dish it up.
So can mentioned b York naturally because he thinks the
one name tag is for that. But then he also
mentioned some Canadians like Shania Twain and Tone Dion Darre's
records at Atlantis to Mori set that brought him because
if she's from Canada, Robin said another famous Canadian, Carly

ray Jepson. Oddly, Jenny and Nicole's guesses were left off,
and just to give you a little inside of what
they said, please do Nicole mentioned Normani or Kailani or
to Nasti because of the one name. And then Jenny,
speaking of one name, she said a Shanty or Monica,
so they all think it's a one named singer. A
couple other names that have been mentioned, Kesha, Joe, Joe,

Lord Inkos, Nash our former guest Hope, right, it's shocking
that she didn't know who black Swan was because they
worked together, worked with Black Swans. And right now and
and and right now, I'm not even gonna lie right
now looking on my laptop, that's the sound that you heard.
It's open on my laptop. You here just goes right
the mass singer. Did you hear that? Not just my

internet to google some facts? You see the first thing
pops up? You you hear Nick just talking all right?
That lets you know how embedded it I I that is.
Oh man, We're gonna keep all of this right and
show us live. They jump. If you guys just heard
that audio right there. That was my laptop. As soon
as Brian said niece Nash and I'm thinking of who
black Swan is. I opened my web browser. The first

thing you hear is Nick Cannon just alright, alright? I
call in and I'm like, I'm funding trying to turn
my vocume down. But then again, you see how I'm
always looking up information deside Google. So I'm definitely gonna
google with who. I believe black Swan is an easy
Nash and see what pops up? I mean, maybe she
was on Scream Queens on. There's a lot of easy

credits on. Moving on along, it's the Chameleon more her
chill up chamillion Wow, oh my gosh, that was still good.
He sung oh Boy by one of Harlem's greatest rappers,
a rap ledgend my Man Cameron. And if these clues

aren't making it just easy to guess this person, Chameleon Cam.
I believe his whiz Khalifa. I just think that we're
at that point where now is just what it is, right,
And if you break down his name, cam right, Cameron.
He rapped cam Ron's record, and I for sure no
Cameron is actually one of his favorite rappers of all time. Yeah,

there's a rap groute from Harlem Brown. They call himself
dip Set. They are culturally as far as hip hop
is concerned. They changed the way people dressed. Cameron used
to wear like pink every thing. He had a pink
range over a pink cell phone. This is like a
real rappers rapper, a guy with the most street crab
you could possibly imagine. And as soon as I heard
Chameleon walk out and sing oh boy, I said, oh man,

just take the mask off. You won't get a limitated.
It's too obvious. Right, So let's say, moving around a
lot as a kid, he had to learn to adapt,
which we kind of learned about that earlier. And some
of his clue packages an army exactly. We spoke about that.
The three bricks is crazy to me because I have
no idea what the connection to the three bricks. I
can't wait, Oh I do. I might know. Remember he trains.

I told you what type of training that chameleon does.
If you go on this instagram you'll see what type
he loves. M M A things. So the bricks when
they're stacked up, what do you do with the bricks?
Chop up, chop him. I'm thinking maybe that's what the
bricks are for. Maybe bricks. Let Jenny the riff Raff
because of his song brick off the Back and I
understand two chains. And then Darius Rucker, No, this is

the real crazy. What do you think of Larry Fitzgerald.
Oh my gosh. Anyway, there is is funny with that one,
because he was so confident. He was like, yo, wait,
I got it. This man is tall, camels tall, and
he's skinny. And I was just in Arizona and I
was with a TAS tournament in case. I was with
a tall, skinny man and he plays football for the

Arizona Cars. It's Larry lay Darius. With that, guess you
are officially in the mass singer panelist guessing of Hall
of Fame. We've all had those moments. But brother, it's okay.
Moving on, man, Piglet he is again did his thing

bruises with the song he performed. The co said it
was his strongest vocal performance by far. I might have
to agree, but then again, I mean the man sounds
good every week. He's not playing no games. Okay, Figle
came out swinging for the semi finals, right, I ain't
going home? What that was crazy? It was your strongest

vocal performance by far. That was perfection three full of instruments.
We all saw Lama Drew carry connection a mirror and
the panel's connection. Clue dropped was a poker chip for
Jenny and says that he will always go all in
for especially for charity. So I'm thinking maybe Piglett has
donated to Jenny before in the pet yeah, or maybe

they were in a poker tournament together. She thought the
Llama maybe meant Drew carry, so she guest Drew Lasha.
She said they have been in a poker tournament together. Nicole,
her guest didn't make the getit. She mentioned Ryan Tedror
Hen said Joel Madden from Good Charlotte, Charlotte Charlotte's Web
and the simple life motif in the package, Darius said,
which I thought was a pretty good a guest, Tim

mcgrawl because of all the football and family clues he
was in Friday Night Light. Saw that so over the
place with this one. But I got a new clue. Okay,
let's got to really think about this. Who's the Boss? See?
Here we go again, Mastering in Universe. I'll know what
Frog is about to say right now. Okay, scratching my

head too. I know you guys what I'm saying right there?
That's the best who's the balls? Next week I'll explain
it Wasn't that a movie? TV show, A TV show? Right?
Dance a Judith like? Right? Listen a lot? Who's the Boss? Okay, So,
Mastering of Fans, I'm calling on your help right now.
We need to go back and do some research wherever
you feel pickle it is. Google that name and who's

the Boss and see if that leads us anywhere. Please
feel free to tweet or d m Frogs so I can, okay,
because I have my guesses and listen, you may know
who it is, but there's nothing like putting the clues
to the actual knowledge, like it just makes it all better.
So there you have it. Those are remaining three that
are going to the finals. I'm excited. I want to

know who's gonna win. Brian, do you gotta pick or
I love Chameleon. I gotta be honest. You did say that,
what about you? Well, definitely supporting hip hop always, so
Chameleon is. I'm happy that he's there. I'm gonna tell you,
committing man raps not easy to do. People think it is,
and it's not. The way you were right behind the
beat and you were laying it down. Man, that was
just awesome. Absolutely, I think you're going to the final.

I think so. I will say this, he joins the
club with Frog as just a total rapper. He's a
second just rapper only who made it to the finals
and actually did it differently than Frog because he rapped
his whole way to the finals. You know, Brian, y'all
testing me a little bit. You didn't make it easier
from you guys. I mean, you were doing ballads, you
were doing you were man. You should hear Frog singing now. Oh,

it sounds just like a Frog. I think when I left,
I left all the vocals just in the trailer. They
didn't follow me back home, Brian, not at all. But
I definitely have to give commit this product because it's
so tough. Man, you know, I'm sure I know what
he's going through. Just thinking back on season three when
I was there, it was a lot of a lot
of support, Brian, it really was. But then you also
had those hardcore singing things. And the reason how Frog

broke through was those two songs that I did sing.
I did give them something that was enough for them
to be like, Okay, there's range there. When I first
started off, I was getting a lot of Oh well,
he's wrapping. This is the mass singer making it easy
on Frog and he's not being tested. So people don't understand.
To Darius defense, He's right. Rapping is very tough. It's
a skill, and to wrap in the same cadence as

the artist's record whose you're performing is very tough. So
I have to give a lot of respect to commit.
And I've been there, and I'm sure he's probably been
receiving Oh well, it's time for him to sing. He
has a song yet, and he's fighting through it. He's
staying positive and he's staying strong and he deserves to
be here. But I definitely do believe that black Swan
number one from day one you came on with such confidence,

like I've been doing this for a long time. She's
finishing strong. Yeah. Absolutely, I think that we're about to
get back to back, back to back female Yes. Speaking
of the big headline for next week our finals, back
the sun is back. Oh wait a minute, No, this
is three people Candy Yeah Boom she and four women

Power Trio Women Bam season five. You might get my
woman power. That could be in three very different types
of singers. Absolutely, but we'll see the race is tied.
It could be any one of them. And again, like
I said earlier, the Golden Ear Trophy is also up
for grabs. Okay, someone is going to be a winner.
I can say that right now. I've been through the finals,
and when you make it to the finals, your stage

performance a production goes to another level. You noticed I
had seven dances. Then at the finals, I felt like
mc hammer out there the same leg oh man bron,
I'll turn around. I was like, damn, I got a
hold on me. Now, I'm like, oh, I get all
the budget money now. The less people are there, the
more money they spend on exactly, oh man Bron, I

was making a common quests. I got turned down though.
I said, I'm want to come from the ceiling like
Jennifer Lopez of the Super Bowl, right right right, Buckle up,
getting ready. It's gonna be a wow one. Oh. I
just got the alert. I think I see my boy
Marian coming down the hallway, Brian. He's in the building. Officially,
Jetty has rollerbladed. He brought the rollerblades in there in hand.

We're gonna talk about the rollers game. We're gonna talk
about everything with Yettie Ako, Marian, who was unmasked tonight
coming on this show. Right now. I'm a really rong
for red carpet, real special with this guy. It's not
just my brother, Brian. Okay, this is really like family
family that somebody who I grew up in the industry with.
This is somebody who I have number one hit records with.

This is somebody who I have whole entire album with.
This is somebody who I am currently on tour with,
listening Foxes. There was no way he was going to
treat me out of this. Okay. He's a singer, he's
a songwriter, he's a dancer and a rollerblade at which
I have no clue because I know everything about this
person and it's the one, the only, my homeboy, my

good friend, my brother. Oh, marian A k e. Yetty
is finally in the build. Wrong from thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you for that wonderful introduction, my brother.
What's up? Man? Look? Oh you already know how far
we go back? You know, it's only right. I rolled

out the extra extra red carpet and that was a
super lengthy red carpet I rolled out. Oh you know, everybody,
you know what I'm saying, but it's just a little different.
I got my bro here, So the first thing is
first play. I gotta ask you, man, like, what made
you decide? You know, after your bro got done? What
made you decide to step up to the plate. Well,
I have to say that you definitely motivated me and

inspired me when this came down the pipeline and it
was like, Yo, they're considering you for possibly being on
the show and this opportunity was so cool. Man. But
you definitely inspired me, and of course te Pain. As
soon as I got the call, I was just like, yeah,
I'm down, let's get it popping. You came in on
the wild card and I gotta ask you, did you
feel like there was more pressure on you coming in
as the wild card, and did you think that was

an advantage. Yeah, I definitely felt like it was advantage.
But like you were saying earlier, you really don't know
what to expect and everything is so secretive. From the
point that I was leaving the crib to go on set,
you know what I'm saying, Like, I was completely covered.
I didn't know what the competition was looking like. So
really I just wanted to focus on giving a great performance.
And my suit was so heavy it was like an

array emotions that I was just like, Okay, let me
just focus on doing the best performance because I'll never
performed under these circumstances. I really didn't know what to expect.
All I knew was that I was gonna have fun,
you know what I'm saying. Yea. And not only was
See the wild card, but he was the last remaining
wild card, Yeah, which I thought was like, Okay, I
gotta shot at winning this thing. Yeah, I gotta shot

at winning because you know, I'm coming on on a
wild card, I'm being introduced to the stage. So what
what made you decide to go with Yetti? What was
it about Yetti? That just caught your attention, like, you
know what, this is the mass outfit for me? Well,
you know, coming in as a wild card. Everything was
happening so fast. And when they brought the costume out
and I tried it on, I was like, I don't know,
I don't know how do I connect with this Yeti?

And then I started doing my research on the YETI
in how he's a loner, he doesn't really pop out
too much. I started to feel connected to the character.
And also I got the infamous one of my biggest records,
Ice Box told you, bro, yet you kind of represented
that as well, and I was like, Okay, you know what,
this is gonna work, This is gonna be fun. And actually,
you know what, I do feel like a Yetia. You know,

I'm not always out all the time, you know, bro,
unless it's someone that we're connected with, the really stepping out.
I got my two kids. It's like, okay, I am
yet Yeah, exactly. And I gotta ask you this too, man,
because back to the skating things. The whole world know
you could dance, and I've said this before, you one
of the best dances I've ever seen. As soon as
I saw you at the stage. I said, this is
oh right, I said, whoa, this is different. And we

always say how being different on this show you win
because a lot of times people get on the show,
they're like they just stay too much in their box
and set of stepping out of the box. I knew
it was you, but you threw me off when you
went with the ballot and I was like, oh, snap, right,
But then I said, there's going to be a point.
There's no way. Oh, it's not gonna dance. He's going
to dance. And I knew it had to be hard
because you were in that suit. And then you did

the skame thing, which was another man single first time,
And so I got to ask you, my brother, what
made you decide to, Okay, let me really separate myself
from the competition. I know I can dance better than everybody,
but now let's take it up a step and let
me go ahead and bring out the skates. And that's
something about you that I didn't know. I didn't know you,
not the skating. I know everything about you. Well, it
was really important to not give myself away, if you

look early on in the performances, I did my best
to not move so much because it's so innate as
a performer to accent the sounds and the music, you
know what I mean. My body just kind of does
his own thing. But I was in this sixty pounds
suit and I'm like, I have to not give myself away.
And a little bit with the skates. A lot of
people don't know early on, before I was acting, before

I was doing anything, I was actually a professional rollerblade
when roller skating was really popular, back in the day
rollerblading came out. I remember I did the box covered
for the rollerblades, and I will go up to Santa
Rosa and do the half pipes. My uncle used to
be to have pipes. So it was cool to be
able to show people a little bit of my history,
especially with the roller blades. And I knew that that

was something that no one had seen. When you watch
people roller blade, it's like are they going to fall?
You know what I'm saying. And it's like, you have
more gusts to me to try that, because I would
have been thinking I'm about to be a mean But
the thing is, like oh said earlier though, Brian were
masked so they won't get to see our face. It
would just be the mask that it ain't really really

oh that slipped up. The schedule was actually quite intense,
especially getting closer to the Magic four. I was learning
two songs, two different choreographies in one day. It really
challenged me as an artist and as a creative to
have to lock into those routines and also remember words,
these are not my songs, other people's songs. So there

was a challenge. But I found that quite exciting because
I've never been put in that position as an artist, like,
all right, you about to learn a full song of
this choreography, but you need to work on this and all.
So with the vocal teachers and everything, I thought that
was cool that the mass singer equips you the best
that they can for you to do a great performance.
So I was thrilled. Man, it was tough to us
the end, but I was happy with everything, and it

was a great experience. No, man, it definitely is. And
another thing do you find because when I was doing it,
we were right in rehearsals getting ready to go on
the road together, and I remember like it was yesterday,
and I watched you rehearse so many times throughout my
career and your career did you find the preparation for
getting ready for let's say the Millennium to it right?
Is the preparation different or is there any similarities between

the two preps as far as a performance for the
mass singer and let's say nineteen thousand screaming fans in
an arena, was your approach the same or was it
a little different? It was a little different. I think
it's all relative, just because that pressure when it's time
to go to stage, that pressure is on. And you know,
as an artist, there's a such thing called hurry up
and wait. You know what I mean to find that

for all the massing list. That's like an industry term
and notogy you that we love to uose. So Brian,
we're always gonna do. Right now, it's gonna break that
down for us for the people that don't know what
hurry up and wait is, please, because we've all been
through this, oh telling what hurry up and wait is? Yes,
So right before stage, I have to put this big
old suit on and they're like, okay, oh, we're moving
in five and then all of a sudden we're moving

in twenties and it's like, yo, I'm sitting with this
sixty pound thing on nothing. Let me know if you're
ready to go or not. Like I said, this happens.
You remember when the Millennium tours. It happens to every
great performer. You have to kind of preserve your energy
and when it's really time to go, then you turn
it on. But man, that hurry up and wait was
the next level singer that was pretty good on time.

I have to be honest, but there was some moments
when I was like, because that suit is hot, burn
me up. I'm telling you it does. I was like, whoa,
That's why I made sure I picked the lightest and
the most comfortable. I said, oh yeah, let me go
and be the frog. Basically just wore help me. I mean,
that's it right. Other than that, I just had a
suit on. I was like, oh, this is everything. I

got dressed three minutes before walking stage. You probably couldn't
do that. It's a lot going into y'all feel. But
for me, I just throwing the suspenders button up, walk
out the stage. Man speaking the stage. We can have
a little fun real quick. We're gonna play a game,
all right. We're gonna call this game cold Feet, and
I'm gonna really test you right here, since you are

the Yetting were talking about stage performance and preparation and
all of that stuff, nerves and everything that goes into
being a top performer like you are. So that's what
we're gonna do. We all know what an amazing perform
of my bro A Marian end is. But some of
those moves you did, we're definitely Yetty approved and yet
He killing. So in that spirit, I'm gonna give you
clues about famous things that have to do with feet. Oh,
you can dance, that's kind of connection. So for each

question you get right, you'll get a point. But for
each question you get wrong, Brian has to getting some fluid.
And oh the job is Brian, don want to give
up no clue. That's the whole thing. I hope you
know what I'm saying. So I'm telling you right now,
get them wrong. That's okay, alright, Brian is going against you.
So here we go. First question, what are Dorothy's red

shoes called in the Wizard of oyes Um Ruby Ruby Steward?
Point them? Okay. Second question, what was Michael Jackson's signature dance? Bool?
You're on the clock. Oh go of course? The Moonwalker

Penny Penny Loafer. Oh so not only he named the dance,
but he also gave us the shoe. Brian that the
late great MJ. Wa. Okay, you might get double points
for that one. Okay, here we go. This is a
little tricky. Okay. Third question, What is it called in
basketball when the shot is made when both of your
feet are off the ground. Oh, you're on the clock.

Go um, It's called a fatal way jumper? Jumper a jump? Yeah,
jump shot. There we go. Shot was gonna get this, Bran, No,
I never do you know where old lives? That he's
from Cali, that he lives in l A. Of course
he's gonna get this movie. What's the name of the

famous sidewalk in Hollywood where celebrity names appear in stars? Um,
the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Oh you know how you
can tell when Brian like writes, have use questions for
these games? Does he make sure that they're easy for
our guests so that he has to give up no information?
About no fools? About the man singing, I know what

he's doing. What is it called when someone really can't dance?
Oh you were on the clock, Go ahead, my brother. Um,
what is it called when someone they have no rhythm
to left feet? That was it? They got two left feet.
Oh my god, my god. Yeah, get yourself a pounder back.

All right, I went on the Law. Now, one thing
about this show that brings us closer to who you
guys are is, of course the clues. And me and
Brown was on this show every time I would bring
you up. Oh, I was dissecting and clues as if
I were you. Okay, that's just how far we go back.
That's how closer friends we really are. So we're gonna
do right now. We're gonna walk through some of your
clues and help bring people a little bit closer to YETI.
So everything is just unraveling. It all makes sense. We

saw alphabet flash cards, we saw blocks that spelled eer.
We saw lyone dancing donuts, which I felt like, I've
never seen the donuts. I know how you are about food.
It was eat. I figured the donuts was the oh
that was for you, and my right was the donut
for no, Actually it was far. I'm from Inglewood and
that's right. One of the infamous places in Inglewood is

the doughnut. You know, but it is it is the
Oh too, so yeah, I think it was like a
double Randy donut to Inglewood that brought the panel Cisco neo. Yeah.
I was so mad though, just speaking of these clues
on subject real quick, because I'm like, yo, they guessed
me to be on Marian at least three times. So

Marian right in front of you is usually good at
guessing everybody, and I'm like, no one's gonna say s
except for oh, Marian. It was Robin's first impression, yet
it was that's right because tonight he did say you
said he'd been new. You're absolutely right, but your name's
had been brought up. Did you know that Robin knew
that you were? You were know, but the things that

he said, I was like, oh, he is spot on,
not really hiding too well. What do you think of
Ken's first impression? And I don't guess was justin Bieber?
What did you think of that man? You know what?
The panel has so many kind things, and they spoke
of me so highly. They always kept me in good company.
I just was thankful to be compared to anyone that

it is successful in the business. Is just like, okay,
that's a kulo, So you know, I appreciate the panel
for real, absolutely, and then some more of these clues here.
You brought out Diddy for one of the clues, which
I figured. Of course you worked with Puff in the past.
You guys had a number one record together, and I
know your relationship with Puff, so I knew where you
were going with that one juple threat. We get that,
we know what that is. I'm acting in movies. You're
still doing your thing on tour right now. I still

doing all that. The north Pole Post Office that threw
me off, the volleyball threw me off, and also there
was a set amnica clue dropped from the Cold as
you gotta want me through the volleyball and you gotta
walk your brow through the north Pole post Office. I
got the whole entire mountain theme and everything, and I
told you, Brian, I said, listen, I believe it's all
spin off from my bro's number one hit record, ice Box.
I think that's why you're seeing everything. Everything's been brought

back to Cold and we also saw five chocolate ice
cream cones too. So walk us through a little bit
more of your clues, man, rattlers for us, because sometimes
we get confused. Man, the clues didn't right, So I
think the berries on the sandwich was about my family,
right well, the berries on the sandwich is my last
name is grand the village that's my nana, my mama, Auntie,
the three ladies. You know what I'm saying. That's my village.

And the firewood was obviously for inglewood. And the volleyball.
I don't remember that, Oh yeah, I always can I
tell you, ah, what was that? The volleyball? I believe
it's twofold. It was for bump, bump, bump, that's hard.
And also for your movie You got served? Oh yeah,
you got served right right. Shout out to Brian and

everybody and Man Singer Man with these clue pacgs because
I would have never got that. Bro. I'm watching the
night and I'm like, what my man, I ain't never
played no dag on volleyball was like sacks, I'm like,
what is the volleyball? I think the five ice cream
cones were about the corn Pops commercial. I did you
know corn Pole? Yes, we might have to roll that

tape on tour on the big screen. I know you're
gonna kill me for that. Oh no, you know what?
That was the calling on my mind. That was the
corn pops. That was the corn on my mind. That's yes, right, okay, cool.
Everybody online knew that by the by, I don't know
if everyone that was like that's on, Marian. Yeah. Oh
I had some tough ones, man, I will admit like

some of them were just right there. The volleyball and
post office threw me off. And I knew you when
when it was the family, this guy knew exactly we're
talking about, you know, moms and and your baby girl
and everything like that. So that kind of gave you
a way for me. I knew that stuff. But the
other stuff, I'm glad you're hearing that also. Song choices, man,
you spoke about the songs early on, and talking about
learning the songs is such a short time. Walk us

through the song choice process, man, how was that for you?
Where you submitted tracks and you pick the ones that
you wanted, and like I said, you're always looking for
a challenge. I know you show. I'm sure you didn't
give yourself an easy run. I know you're like, I'm
gonna try to might throw them off. So let's jump
into the head of yetti real quick man. Walk us
through the song choice process of my boy and Mario.
It was really important for me to create a type
of sonic story arc. I didn't want to just do

ballots per se that kind of feting the category of
an R and B singer. I wanted to do some
rap songs, you know what I'm saying. I want to
do some tembols. If it is in Love, which was
my first song, that's a classic, I wanted to hit
him with some classics, some new style, some old style.
I sung a country song. I've never done that before.
I didn't joaded Rascal Flashes like one of my favorite

country artist groups. What's cool to just really show my flexibility.
But my thought process for creating the music was just
have mid tempo or up tempo. Okay, ballot up tempo
and then mid tempo. Man, you know what I mean.
I was trying to keep it exciting and entertainment absolutely.
And before I let you go, my brother is only
right that we talked about this huge tour of ours

that we were on last year top of last year,
right before we stopped because of COVID, and now we're
getting back up. I want to say it fall this year,
which is that lesson from what I'm here in October.
This is news right here, nowhere else. Yes, Brian, this
is an exclusive. Me and my man was selling out
arenas left and right every night, twenty thousand screaming women

and then boom the tour busses. We just have to
go park on and it was over. It was sad.
We were making history. And the number one thing the
fans want to know is when are you guys going
on tour? When is it coming in? I'm gonna let
you answer this. Yep, the millennium towards one. We're definitely
getting back out there, like you said in the fall.
The promoter g Square Events dot com. We will be

announcing the new dates real soon. Along with that, I'm
writing the book Full Circle Let's take Away on how
to Live an Unbothered Life my publishing partner Harper One.
I'm finishing up now, expected to come out next year,
and then a Full Circle. I'm gonna be dropping a
new album out this fall as well. I have a
song currently out title we Will Never Forget, featuring Leyla

Hathaway and Ki Era Shared. It's the featured track on
Lebron James documentary film Dreamland The Burning of single Black
Wall Street premier in five thirty one on CNN. Yeah. Man,
it's the centennial anniversary of the Black Wall Street massacre.
So hey, wow, it's time. It's time. I was ready
to break out, like, hey, hey, forget, we're getting bad, man.

Tell me one thing about this man, right, because it's
about you today, Bro, one thing about you. You will
always work no matter what, my brother. I mean, I've
seen this man. Listen while we were on tour, Brian,
the man had his own sits candles, bothered spray. You
know what I'm saying. This is an unbothersed king, Brian.

Do you know what that means? Nothing rocks. Oh, I
don't care what you say, what you do. My man
is just he's flawed out man, That's just how he is.
You know. I'm proud of you, my brother. I'm so
glad that you were able to race that man single
stage Man and field the energy that a lot of
us have felt when we got on them, and it
was a life changing moment for me. But oh, I

gotta thank you my brother for being on the show.
Thank you, guys. I've been waiting to get you on hand.
It's only right continue success sending the kids my love Broy.
I appreciate y'all. Thank you, Yes, yes, absolutely, Oh I
love you, Bro. I know you probably what you're doing.
Hit me, Bro, you know the line we're here, sir
doing all right, you guys, that is all the time

we have. What's to night. Big shout out to my
boy Marianni a k A. The Yetti on MS five
secret inside of use. I know who that can be
and only one person, my brother from another mother in
Brian Strickling. That's right, Um, that's my a C hows it? Damn.
I gotta say thank you Bryan Man because all season
on my brother been helpful to be funding. Go yeah, man,
you're just what's this show needed? My brother and you

make these lad to have you here. Hey, you make
it easy for me to manam. Also gotta thank you guys,
the fans of listeners for all of the support. But
you got subscribing to me as each in every week
listening to me and Brian riff Raff, let's just mass
sender insider talk. Hope you guys have joined this every
single Wednesday night. Thank you because without your guys with you,

the show Next time for season finale, episode. You don't
want to miss this all my gunness? You really at
the inn, I ken believe I'm saying that. Also can
find us on Instagram and Twitter at mass Plot and
of course at mass Single Boxes sent us all of
a question because what's gonna do? That's right, you're just
that special test here, you guys, not to get to
download the Fox Super six app and get those predictions

in for a chance to win big. We're hooking you
up over him, and that's just how I'm feeling. The
Official Mass Singer Podcast is a production of our Heart
Radio and Fox executive produced by my family Kat. Shoot
you on stuff right for more podcast, our radio vision
of our Heart Radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you
get your podcasts from. Tune into MS five every Wedday
night on Fox, which is my further network world. I

don't just say that because I'm here. I'm still because
it's like it almost as much as Oh get it
found up a club only took a season. I hate
to leave you guys, but we will be back. Next
week is the finale. You do not want to men
shoot me or going out with a bang. That's right,
It's turned the podcast up and just rock part okayamillion

black swat, whoa, he's away? No, no, we right, all right,
you guys enjoy the evening, night, morning, wherever you are
around the world. We love you, guys, and we conceive guys.
Finally it's been real. They call him Brian, they call
him frog a K bow and I am out of building.
Good night pe
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