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December 29, 2023 11 mins

Dramos combines lyrics from Koffee with a quote from Neville Goddard to give us ways to use gratitude to showcase all of the abundance that we're capable of receiving. 

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Speaker 1 (00:16):
Yes, yes, I am Dramos and this is the Street
Stoic Podcast, bring you your daily dose of timeless Stoic
philosophy remix for the hip hop generation. We are combining
ancient stoic philosophy with lyrics and quotes from some of
the greatest to ever grace a microphone. Now, with that
in mind, let's get things started with your daily shot
of inspiration. Now today focusing all around the stoic idea

of practicing gratitude and the record that I chose to
talk about today display this idea of gratitude. It is
one of my favorite records here in the club. It
is Coffee Toast And just a disclaimer, this is like
a dance hall record. Okay, I am going to probably
be very cringey as I read you some of the
lyrics because they have kind of like the little slang
or whatever. I don't want to be sacrilegious and like

interpret it in a different way, so I'll be cringe
just for this quote. But here we are now in it,
they say, yeah, we give thanks like we need it
the most. We have to give thanks like we're really
supposed to be thankful. Blessings upon me life, me, thank
God for the journey, the earnings a just feed the plus. Yeah,
gratitude is a must. Yeah we see blessings fall by

me right hand? All right, cringe moment over. I just
felt like if I if I translated it into like whatever,
proper English, it wouldn't hit the same, wouldn't be rhymemas so.
But in this record, she's saying, be grateful and then
watch you as the blessings fall into your hand. It
goes in in tandem. And I feel like I'm beating
a dead horse with this concept, but it's so incredibly important,

and I think that it is the thing that so
many of us are missing. We are all thinking that
we find gratitude once we've obtained whatever it is that
we are seeing, right, once we've achieved the goal, then
we'll be grateful. And I think the reality is your
path is going to be a far more difficult, But
be your dreams may never come if you are constantly

living in this place of lack of not feeling like
life is amazing. Things will fall into your lap far
easier if you are living a life of just feeling
blessed to be here. Right. And this is sort of
the methodology of a philosopher. And he's not a stoic,
but somebody that I think is worth noting Nevill Goddard,
very like popular, historical, old school kind of philosopher, and

he really harped on the idea that your imagination creates reality.
And a quote from him that I thought was really
sort of connected to what we're talking about today, he says,
look upon your desires as the spoken words of God
and every word of prophecy, of that which you are
capable of being. Do not question whether you are worthy
or unworthy to realize these desires. Accept them as they

come to you, give thanks for them as if they
were gifts. I think he's what he's really saying here
is live as if you already have obtained all of
the things that you desire. And what a lot of
people kind of say, and this is like pulling it
from Reddit a thread on there where somebody kind of
breaks down a lot of his methodology. They say Neville

talked a lot about being grateful because it showcases to
the God in you and proves how capable you are
of getting what you want. And again, as with anything,
I'm not over the religious person. We can interchange the
word God for universe whatever makes sense for you, but
just the idea of a higher power and also the
sort of inner strength within you, right, And it's you

using gratitude to showcase all of the abundance that you're
capable of receiving. Right. And I genuinely believe that, like
for me, I've kind of rediscovered Neville Goddard as of late.
And one thing I've been doing, I've been walking around
my current house pretending that I'm living in my dream house.
Because I have my dream house picked out. I know
exactly what it looks like, so I know what it

looks like on the inside, I know what it smells like,
I know what it feels like. And I'm literally walking around
my house right now, delusional, pretending as if I'm looking
up at the ceiling of my dream house. And I
don't know if this is a fast track to getting
me that dream house, but at the very least I
could tell you that I genuinely immediately feel like butterflies

in my stomach and am a great mood as a
result of literally just imagining that I'm in this dream scenario.
And at the very least, that is incredibly beneficial on
for me is something I'm going to continue to practice
because why would I not want to be moving from
a place of feeling grateful. That is the sort of

trickery of the mind if you really want to kind
of do the inside baseball. When we talk about law
of attraction, law of assumption, things like that, it's not
the literal sense of, Oh, I write down that I
want to get a Porsche, and next thing I know,
I wake up tomorrow morning it's in my driveway. Right, Obviously,
that is not a logical way of receiving that vehicle
or receiving something. But it's getting in the mindset of
truly believing that you can have what you actually want,

because that belief that leads to you actually making a
plan to getting it and then eventually getting it. But
the basis for all of that is living in a
place of true happiness, which starts with gratitude. Now we
have heard from Coffee today, we have heard from Nevill Goddard.
I've talked to you a bit about the delusional life
that I'm currently living. Now let's talk about how you
can make it your mantra for today. But first it's

take a quick break and then we'll be right all right.
So today we've been talking all about the idea of
being grateful, living in a state of gratitude, and we
kick things off with the record Toast by Coffee you

have heard from the scholar Nevill Goddard. I talk to
you a bit about kind of how I've been manifesting
what I want and just living in that happy, grateful
feeling as if I already have it. Now, let's talk
about how you can make this your mantra for today.
I think first and foremost it's the idea of just
like living in a state of mind where you're not

hoping for something to happen, but instead knowing for a
matter of fact that it's going to happen, right, And
those are two very different mentalities. Hoping means that you
are you know, Okay, maybe I'll get lucky and I'll
step in shit and get to do the thing that
I want to do, right. Whereas if you know for
a fact it's going to happen, you're living in a

far more relaxed state. Right. You are happy, you are
grateful before it even comes to you, because you're just
waiting for it to happen. At that point, right, and
not literally waiting, but like you're in a relaxed state
where you can just go about your day with a
sense of clarity. It's the same thing as not moving
from a place of desperation. When you are moving from
a place of desperation, it's like you could smell the

desperation on somebody. And that's not necessarily the type of
person that you want to work with, the type person
you want to invite into your circle, right, But when
you have somebody who is just standing in their confidence
and it just seems like they have it all together
and they are are confidently telling you what they are
going to do, those are the kind of people that
you end up being attracted to. Right when they can,
you know, clearly conceptualize what exactly their life is going

to look like, what their dreams are going to be,
how they're going to get there. It's like, yeah, I
believe it, you have a plan. Your confidence is intoxic, heating,
it rubs off on somebody, right. Those are the people
that I had never end up finding myself being surrounded
by or having been that person. I've recognized that others
have invited me into their circle just as a result

of me being so confident in where I was going
and what I was going to do. And I think
that is sort of one of the more practical ways
to look at all this stuff, because I know that
when we start talking about like law of attraction and
we start talking about like, oh, I'm visualizing, I'm you know,
I'm currently driving my nineteen eight eighty six Honda Civic

that is falling apart and backfiring every half mile, right,
I know, it's easy to kind of be like, yeah,
how am I supposed to pretend that this is a
portion nine to eleven? Then I want right? Like I
get it. In the practical sense, this all sounds really stupid,
But what's really happening is your mind has these sort
of barriers to entry, and what these sort of practices

or these exercises really their exercises what they do is
they begin to sort of break down those barriers that
you have. They begin to break down the limiting belief
system that we're all sort of born with or we
inherit from our parents. Right. And as you can begin
to get into this mindset of imagination, it all begins

to start feeling very real. And when it begins to
feel real, it begins to be easier to take action,
to create a plan of action, right, And that's what
we're trying to do. It's not about magic. It's not
you know, some type of garbage that you see on
the internet where people pretend like you know something literally
they just woke up and had a million dollar check
in the mailbox because they asked the universe for it. Like,

I don't believe in any of that stuff either. What
I'm saying is this is tricking your mind into clearing
out space, clearing out the space that is needed to
be clear on your goals and how exactly you're going
to get there. So the recap while we talked about today,
you have coffee. Just I love this last line, right,
you see blessings fall by me right hand, just like

the idea that like blessings are constantly falling from the sky.
I think it is just this beautiful way to be living, right,
It's like this feeling of abundance and just no more
and more good stuff is going to happen, right, And
then it's like tricking your brain into recognizing every good
little thing that happens. And I think that's such a
great way to cultivate gratitude, which again cultivates happiness at

the end of the day. And nevill God or just
the idea that your imagination creates reality. But you first
have to live in this state of belief. In order
to create belief, you kind of have to be a
little bit delusional, and you have to pretend you already
have what you want. And me just walking around my
house seeing imaginary wood beams in my ceiling, because my

dream house has beautiful wood beams all throughout it. In
a fireplace, i'd be turned in the TV on in
my current living room. I put the Fireplace show on Netflix,
and I pretend like that's the real fireplace that my
dream home has. Right, I just sit around delusional and
I feel like I'm already living in that house. And
that's giving me the clarity to then create what I

need to create, put in the work that I need
to put in in order to have the means to
afford this dream house that I'm envisioning. Right, it's that
gratitude as if I already have it that then lights
the fire for me to get out there and put
in the work. Now, with that said, thank you so
much for checking out the Street Stoke Podcast. Do your
best to apply these concepts that we discuss into everyday life,

and I will catch you next time. The Street Stoke
Podcast is a production of Iheart's Michael Dura Podcast Network
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