Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, Hey, Hi, what's your name?
Speaker 2 (00:03):
My name is Jillian.
Speaker 1 (00:04):
Well what's up, Jillian? How you what you would you
want to talk about?
Speaker 2 (00:08):
I don't know. I guess I have a good couple
of things we could talk about. It would just depends. Currently,
am like thirty five weeks pregnant with someone that I met, Like, well,
I got pregnant when I need them for like five months.
I'm old. I'm not old old, but I'm thirty one,
so too old be making mistakes like that, So about
to give birth. And then in the middle of all that,
my dad went to prison. So just kind of a
lot of stuff going on.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
I guess that is that is totally a lot of
stuff going on. That is absolutely a lot of stuff
going on. So you okay, So you you're you knew
this guy for about five months and you got it.
You accidentally got pregnant. Is this your first time being pregnant?
Speaker 2 (00:55):
No, it's actually my third time. I have one child.
So I lost a baby and twenty nineteen and I
subsequently lost one of my Filippian tubes and I already
had like some fertility issues, so I genuinely and everyone
kept telling me, like, if you want to have another baby.
It's gonna be really hard. Da da da da. I
got my birth control taken out and I was already pregnant,
so it was a little bit of a shocker for
everybody involved. So while I did make a mistake, it
was definitely a one mistake is a harsh word, but
you know, it was a little bit of an accident.
So I definitely like, shocker.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
How old is your kid? How old is your kid?
Speaker 2 (01:35):
I have an eight year old?
Speaker 1 (01:36):
You have an eight year old? Okay? And then where
this guy that you met five months ago? Where'd you had?
Speaker 2 (01:40):
You meet him on tender So we're all the true love?
Speaker 1 (01:45):
What you sure? Sure? And is he gonna help? Is
he gonna help out and do stuff? Do you think?
Speaker 3 (01:51):
Speaker 2 (01:52):
Like honestly, so if I accidentally got pregnant with anybody's babies,
he's probably the best person accidentally get pregnant with. Uh,
he's great. Like, we both work at a place that
you dress like I used to he still does, And well.
Speaker 1 (02:10):
It's you both. You both work at a place that
I dress like you work? Where do you not?
Speaker 2 (02:15):
Everyone like? Because well I used to work at I
don't want to say the company name, but it's is.
Speaker 1 (02:21):
It A is it A Is it a auto insurance company?
Speaker 2 (02:26):
It might be, it might be lots of really great place. Yeah,
so no, he currently maybe works there. I don't anymore.
I'm actually in grad school. So I stopped working when
I was too sick to keep working because I was
throwing up. Well, it turns out you get sick in
some pregnancies. I did not with my daughter. But no,
he's like super great. He just like was excited when
he found out tracker and then his family was like
very supportive immediately. And I obviously don't have like this
wonderful backing. I'm just gonna hear a by myself. So
it's been like this introduction to a family unit. And
I guess which is is wonderful for me?
Speaker 1 (03:13):
Are you sorry? You and this guy that you met
on Tinder five months ago? Are you guys dating? Do
you like each other? Are you let's do it? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (03:21):
Well so we were like had just become official and
now it's just like feels like normal life. I guess
I feel like I've known him forever, like you know,
like I don't know, everything's fine, I do. I feel
like it's very atypical because I would never recommend somebody
who like, like, if I had known me, I would
have been like, hey, maybe you should think about your option,
you know, but just just not how it turned out.
I don't know, sure a little bit.
Speaker 1 (03:52):
I'm sorry. Just now you said. If I had known me,
or if I had known.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
Him from like an outside perspective, like if I my
friend seeing what was happening, I would have been like, hey,
maybe you should think about your option, you know. I
just like never considered it, I guess because sure everything
seemed fine, and sure it has been fine. Oddly enough.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
Does this guy have any other kids? Or is this
his first? No?
Speaker 2 (04:20):
No, this is his first child. Now this is his
first kid? How old child? He is younger than me?
So he's twenty seven.
Speaker 1 (04:29):
I'm thirty one, and so are you? Is he like
is he your boyfriend?
Speaker 3 (04:39):
Speaker 2 (04:39):
Oh yeah he's like yeah, like you know, he's definitely
the it's official. It's definitely ocial.
Speaker 1 (04:44):
Cool. How are you feeling about uh all this.
Speaker 2 (04:50):
Like the idea?
Speaker 4 (04:53):
Speaker 2 (04:53):
I never I didn't really want to have any more kids.
The only reason I had gotten my birth control taken
out was because I was like having issues with it.
It was the club next one month, it goes in
your arm and I had broken in half, and so
I was gonna go on the pill, and then I
just didn't even have a chance to because I was
already pregnant. So anyway, I didn't. Yeah, I didn't plan
on having kids. I didn't really like want to have
more kids. I love my daughter, we have like a
great dynamic. I was going to be like child free
by the time I was like in my early forties,
so like whatever great situation that would be to just
live my life, I guess. And then I was starting
grad school, so I was like it just wasn't in
the cards for anybody because it just didn't make any
sense to do that, I guess. But I don't know,
after like losing my second child, like it was, it's like,
I don't know, It's just one of those things where
this weird miracle baby came out of nowhere. So why
didn't I just keep it and let it? You know,
of it's life and a situation. I'm just more scared about,
like the complication that comes with childbirth because of my
previous experiences.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Yeah, sure, have you these that? Well, first of all,
I mean, it's great that both of you guys are
like are into it? You know, there's not like a
weird dynamic or he's not like you know, I mean
it just it seems like it seems like it worked
out good. So that's yeah. Well, so did you have
you spoken to like a doctor about like, uh, you know, hey,
what's up? What's going on in my body?
Speaker 3 (06:27):
Speaker 2 (06:28):
Definitely go to a doctor regularly. I was also born
without a thyroid, so like I have to go to
the doctor a lot just because my medicine it's not
it does not impact the pregnancy at all, but I
have to like regularly get my medication, like my levels,
like my TSH and like my like T four. I
don't know what it is. You probably don't either, anyway,
regularly monitored so that like I can move sure. I
was like sixteen on the pregnancy, and then of course
I go to an ob but I feel like in
the life and stuff and like normal stuff. I have
to go every week for the next like five weeks,
which is kind of annoying because it's thirty minutes away,
but you know, it makes sense.
Speaker 1 (07:07):
I would say, what are you in grad school for?
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Actually social work? Funny enough, I feel like I'm like
a shining example of like what not to do. But
at the same time, no, no, no. Through religious experiences, I
feel like, you know, we know a little bit more
about I don't know life and what you know, you
don't really know what's out there if you've never seen
it or experienced it yourself. You know, you either have
to read about it, experience it, or you go through it.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
What so, where is your daughter's dad? What's his deal?
Speaker 2 (07:46):
I he was locally. That's actually why I live here,
because I wasn't going to just like like I don't
I'm not from here. I've lived like in all over
the place or whatever, like like my dad was in
the military, so I've lived in about like nine different
states by the time I was I think I was
twenty one twenty two. So I ended up here and
I met her dad, and I was a lot younger
than him. Blah blah blah. I ended up staying here
and he's very involved. We have fifty fifty cuffie oh cool,
And I try to keep it that way because I want,
you know, you want the family. You know, it's a
family can't be together because it's not healthy and not
safe to be in that situation, you want, you know,
dad to be involved as much as possible, you know,
So that's my goal in that situation.
Speaker 1 (08:36):
I mean, shit, that sounds like a pretty like solid
gig because you have fifty percent of it. Because well,
I mean to me, that sounds like a solid gig
because you've got to raise a fucking whole baby now,
and I think that sounds like it'll be easier when
you know at least fifty percent of the time. Yeah,
you could focus in on just the baby.
Speaker 2 (08:55):
I guess it makes me kind of sad because it's
just like I feel bad for my dog because I
really wish that I could be there one hundred percent
of the time, you know. But at the same time,
the choices that we make as an adult, like with relationships,
ultimately affect children. And I can't selfishly keep her one
hundred percent of the time just to benefit myself to
feel better when that's not ultimately what it's best for her.
So you know, it will be easier, and like that's
a good perspective, but at the same time, it feels
like sad a little bit because I would love for
her to be with her brother or sister, like all
the time, but you know, it is what it is.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
I mean, so my what eight year? How the fuck old?
I think my thent my parents' divorce. What I pretty
much grew I only really really yeah, I pretty much
grew up with divorced parents. My parents didn't have like
kids outside of like their own marriage or whatever. But
you know, I don't know, man, I grew up with
divorced parents and they they didn't. I mean, it sounds
like it's kind of a similar situation. Like I they
were both growing up both with my parents. They didn't
live together, but they lived in the same you know city, right,
and so I got to see my mom a lot,
and I got to see my dad. Lie, I never
felt like either of my parents weren't there, you know.
But it's but also like but I don't think my
my my parents were not meant to be together. I
think if they stayed together, they would have just been
more unhappy, you know. So like right, so like it's like,
it's okay, it's good, it's all I think. The like,
you know, if you're the whole like staying together for
the kids thing, I mean, if you're not, if you
two are just together and you like don't you hate
each other. There's no reason to stay together and hate
each other for the sake of uh a kid. I mean,
you can both be in your kid's life. It seems
it ultimately shows.
Speaker 2 (11:09):
The child like like mistakes happen, like we live our lives,
and like we make choices. And while divorce isn't always
the best option, you know, and people you know have
so much shame around it, but at the same time,
that stuck, and you should never feel stuck in your life.
And then it also just shows like good relationships in
the future, like I hope you know. I mean, my
partner's like I gus, what missaying his name? But my
partner is wonderful, Like you's so sweet to my daughter.
I never I'd never introduced my daughter any when I
date it, so I was just this was like a
first for me. And I never really had a boyfriend
after my husband, so this is like my first real
boyfriend after that. But you know, it just shows like
positive relationships can form out of like I wouldn't say
negative situations, but you know, situations that aren't ideal, you know.
And so now we're here, she gets to see this
like flourishing relationship. That's a great example, hopefully, I think.
Speaker 1 (12:09):
I mean, it's you know, you keep you keep saying
it's not ideal, but I just well, I well, look,
your ex husband, he's he's not like, uh, he's not
like abusive to you or abusive to your kid or
any anything. Is he like?
Speaker 2 (12:27):
I mean, I wouldn't. I don't want to get into
any of the details or anything, but it was just
not safe. So you know, I needed to leave for myself,
not for my daughter's sake. It was just not safe
for me. So you know, that's my biggest thing is
I didn't want her growing up seeing how I was
being treated and then not being a shiny example of
what future relationship should look like.
Speaker 1 (12:47):
Sure, sure, I mean I don't know. It's like I know,
it's just from a complete dumb ass outsider perspective looking
at this, it's like, Okay, she's got fifty of the
time with her dad, fifty percent of the time with you.
You know, has she and she's met your current your boyfriends.
Speaker 2 (13:13):
Yeah, and he's to her months. Yeah, Yeah, they get
along really great. You know, their introductory together was like
playing linecraft, you know, yeah, you know, really wrong with.
Speaker 1 (13:25):
That Okay, I'm just a dum I don't I'm a dumbass,
but I'm just my outsider perspective of the situations. Sounds
like this kid will will grow up with. I mean,
it's not like you know the dad. It's not like
you were the dad skipped town. And you know, she
has lived six months of the year in South Africa
and six months in in fucking Iowa. So I don't,
I don't, I don't this sounds. I don't think that
you should feel bad.
Speaker 2 (13:55):
I suppose, yeah, you just you know, it's just like
one of those things because if you grow up thinking
like one thing, you're like, okay, you know, and I
come from a dairy brooken home. You know, my dad's
been married I think three times, and like he raised
us so like we had like a ton of moms,
like my mom pieced out when I was eleven. He
got married for the second time, then he got married again,
then he like met this well he had an affair
on all of them, but like the most recent affair
was like this one lady, you know, and this whole thing,
and then he went to prison in the middle of it,
and she broke up with him, and it was like
a mass, you know. So like when I had my daughter,
I was like, I have to stay with my husband,
you know, because I was so afraid of creating that,
like keep doing that. I mean, I wasn't having affairs
with random women, but you know what I mean, Like,
I don't want to keep creating broken homes for children,
you know, and impacting them because of decisions.
Speaker 1 (14:51):
You know. I really feel I really wish I've I
think I've talked about this before. I wish I could
stop doing this show and then do it again, and
and just stop and then do it again in forty years.
Because I don't have I don't have kids. I don't
plan on having kids for like a long time. I'm twenty,
about to turn twenty seven. I don't really plan on
having kids until like late thirties at least. And so
my perspective, I feel like I'm only I'm I'm not talking.
I can't speak on I can only speak I guess
I could speak from the perspective of a like my
parents were divorced growing up. I can speak from that perspective,
but I can't speak from the perspective of like like
having kids. But also I just I guess from like
what I've observed just talking to, like just talking to
people who grow up in a lot of different situations.
I mean, all that fucking matters is that like you're there,
you know you're there, you give a fuck. I mean
that's kind of I think that's kind of it, right, Well,
I mean it's not, it's probably not it. I don't know.
My perspective is again, I've not I don't have kids,
but uh, just think about how I grew up. It's like,
if you're there and you you know, do your best
to like financially support your children and emotionally support them,
it's like, you know, we're chilling. You don't have to
do that. I don't think you have to do that
at your own expense by being with somebody who you
who you don't want to be with. You know.
Speaker 3 (16:28):
No, And I don't think I don't.
Speaker 1 (16:31):
I don't think you should feel too bad about any
of this stuff.
Speaker 2 (16:36):
No, Yeah, you just try your hardest and then when
it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, and then
you have to do your best to show a positive
image or something else. It just sucks because like it's
like my daughter has such a negative image of like
my family, because of like my dad. And then so
I try really hard to be like, hey, everything's great.
You know, we're gonna be fine. Grandpa is really weird
and that's okay, but you know whatever. And then of
course I don't have like a mom, so it's like
she's just like always asking all my mom. She's like, hey,
so what happened? And I'm like, okay, this is great, anyway,
let's talk about something else. So just stuff like that
where you're like, families are different and not all families
are the same. So I'm always having to explain that
over and over and how you know, what matters is
like what's before us, you know, with my partner and
the baby and her and being happy and doing what
we need to do.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Well, good on you, man. You're look you're doing something
that's hard as fuck. You're doing a thing. It's I
was actually, you know, I was, I was actually thinking
about this last night. I so yesterday. I live I
really as like a single man. I really just live
a life where I'm my my responsibilities are zero. I
have a plant that's dying very slowly in my house
because I'm just I'm not my I really just have
no responsibility to anyone, And I thought about, like, you know,
I do. I was I've been thinking a little bit
more about like, oh, I might want kids, like, you know,
ten years down the line or whatever it is. And
last night I was recording, I was trying to record
this podcast, and I just felt like tired and weak,
and so I was like, fuck it, I'm just gonna
stop and move on and do it in the morning,
which is what I'm doing right now. And after I
shut my lap, I was thinking, and I was like, oh, fuck,
ten years from now, when I'm like taking care of
a kid and I'm feeling tired and weak, I'm not
gonna be able to just be like, hey, you know what,
I'll feed I'll change this diaper in the morning. I'll
feed this kid in the morning, I'll do I like
every I just have no real responsibilities where I can
easily procrastinate and push off and do whatever. I'm the
only person that will ever suffer at the hands of
my own like fucking like procrastinate and pushing it out
whatever whatever. And I'm like, oh, no, I gotta learn
once I have a kid, like, oh, I can't just
tap out, you know, I gotta I have.
Speaker 2 (19:19):
To see it through because you're getting yourself with the
ultimate self care right now, and like you're nurturing yourself
and like creating a positive feature where like you can
make yourself the best person you are today so that
in ten years from now when you do have children,
like you're a well rested, well rounded person that is
able to be self selfish, well selfless in those ways.
And you also can hire a night nurse if you
make enough money, so you know there are other options too.
Speaker 1 (19:50):
Well. I'm trying to Yeah, I'm trying to do all
that stuff become a more well rounded person. I think
I'll be a I predict i'll be a better person
ten years. It's just I predict my stock will go
up in ten years. I'm optimistic about it. We'll see,
we'll see. I might maybe I'll be maybe I'll join ISIS.
Speaker 2 (20:15):
I don't know, No, no, I don't think they're really
like are they like super in right now? I feel
like there's got to be like a not a better
terrorist organization, but like a more prolific one that's like
up and coming, maybe like a startup of terrorist organizations.
Speaker 1 (20:34):
Well maybe maybe they'll probably be more in ten in
ten years. But I mean, either way, thanks for thanks
for believing in me that I can that I can
join the best one.
Speaker 3 (20:45):
Speaker 2 (20:45):
Well, I'm just saying, like, you know, if you're gonna
set your side for being the best, you should try
to join the beast.
Speaker 4 (20:50):
You know.
Speaker 1 (20:52):
Well, listen, what's your name again? Hold on? Is it? Sorry?
What is it?
Speaker 2 (21:02):
I know I've always wanted to participate in the name
forgetting the situation. It's well, I said my my actual name,
which is fine.
Speaker 1 (21:08):
It's Jillian, Jillian. Well, Jillian, good luck, keep trying your
best to you're doing your I sincerely, I hope you're
not beating yourself up too bad about it. Sounds like
it sounds like you're doing pretty If you were saying
like I really want to abandon my children and go,
that's not the vibe I'm getting from you. So I
think you're doing pretty good.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
Now and after for an experience of that, it just
doesn't feel great. You know, I will be the first
to admit it, so I genuinely don't feel that I
would want to do that as someone else.
Speaker 1 (21:45):
Is there anything else you want to say to the
people of the computer before we go?
Speaker 2 (21:50):
I think, so, I guess, keep doing your best, and
if that means joining the best terrorist or of the organization, you.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
Can, thank you, so be it. I'll send it, I'll
send out my applications to the highest whatever. Thank you, Jillian.
Speaker 2 (22:07):
Yeah, how can I say, have a nice night?
Speaker 1 (22:15):
Yeah? I really do. Sometimes I'm like, sometimes I'm talking
to people on this thing and I'm just like, what
the fuck do I know? I'm only I don't. I
really feel like I just have such little responsibility, which
is good and bad and some degree I'm really my
only real, honest to God external responsibility kind of feels
like I need to I need to put out two
of these podcasts a week for me to not die.
And that's that's kind of it. I mean, I should, like,
I guess I'm vaguely responsible to myself and the fact
that I shouldn't, I shouldn't like give myself diabetes. But
I just I'm just have this feeling I don't and again,
I don't want to do it for a long time.
I don't plan on doing it for for a long time,
but I just have this feeling that like, once you're
like responsible for another human being, like your whole your
life shifts to your perspective shifts, and some I feel like,
in twenty years, I'm gonna look back at this podcast
and be like, why was I having these I was
having these conversations with such a a dwarfed I'm gonna
call it a dwarfed perspective. But this is this is
what happened. I started doing this show. I started fucking
doing this when I was twenty two, which is like nothing.
And now I don't know. Maybe I'll come back and
maybe I'll do this again in twenty years. I don't No,
I don't know. We'll see, we'll see what happens, but
or either either that oasis, we'll see.
Speaker 3 (24:07):
Hello, Hi, what's up man?
Speaker 1 (24:12):
Not much man? What's what's your name?
Speaker 3 (24:16):
My name's Barney.
Speaker 1 (24:18):
Her name's what.
Speaker 3 (24:21):
Barney like the Purple dinosaur.
Speaker 1 (24:23):
Barney like the Purple dinosaur. Well, Barney, like the purple dinosaur.
What's up? How's a hanging?
Speaker 5 (24:32):
It's it's hanging pretty good. I was just doing some laundry,
you know, folding some clothes.
Speaker 1 (24:40):
Very exciting stuff, very exciting stuff. Is there anything you
have to talk about?
Speaker 5 (24:43):
Barney? I'm actually I wanted to talk. I feel like
I'm kind of becoming somewhat of a snake hitler.
Speaker 1 (24:56):
You feel like you're becoming somewhat of a snake hitler. Yeah, okay, yeah,
tell me more. All right.
Speaker 5 (25:07):
So for my job, I'm mow grass and you know,
chop a lot of shit up, and unfortunately quite a
few snakes.
Speaker 3 (25:24):
They get caught up in the mix.
Speaker 5 (25:26):
I just feel so bad for him, you know, like
I feel like I'm genociding these damn snakes out here
and they don't deserve it.
Speaker 2 (25:34):
Speaker 1 (25:35):
Yeah, that's so. How many snakes do you think you
kill per lawnmowing session?
Speaker 4 (25:42):
Speaker 3 (25:43):
Fuck? Per like per day?
Speaker 4 (25:46):
You think?
Speaker 1 (25:47):
Speaker 3 (25:48):
Yeah, per day?
Speaker 5 (25:51):
Like I probably kill like five snakes at least to day.
And that's just what I know about. Like I can't
imagine all of like you know, the little tiny baby
snakes that are like the size of a worm.
Speaker 3 (26:05):
Yeah, like those poor fuckers.
Speaker 5 (26:06):
I don't even like notice I have.
Speaker 1 (26:09):
I have a lot of questions. Where what state are
you in where there's this this many snakes in people's lawns.
Speaker 3 (26:18):
I live in Colorado, man, I didn't know there's this
many snakes out here.
Speaker 1 (26:23):
But there, And how many lawns are you mowing? Per day.
Speaker 3 (26:30):
Uhmo around like thirty lawns a day.
Speaker 1 (26:35):
That's a ship. How the fuck do you mow thirty
lawns a day? That's like how long is it take
you to a lawn?
Speaker 3 (26:44):
It depends on the size of the but I mean
we're pretty fast. But it's me and one other guy.
Speaker 1 (26:56):
And they are these like suburban homes or like commercial businesses.
Speaker 3 (27:01):
Mostly like suburban homes.
Speaker 1 (27:06):
Okay, so one in every okay, so thirty what's what's
so one in every six lawns has a snake in it?
Speaker 4 (27:17):
Speaker 5 (27:18):
Yeah, at least dude, Like, I'd be seeing a lot
more snakes too, and I'm not running them over.
Speaker 1 (27:27):
Yeah. Well, I think about this. I think about this
a lot because, like, uh, you know, there's well, think
about the exterminator. You call an exterminator. He goes into
your house, he gets rid of all the bugs and
the mice and the vermin. Right, it's not really their
fault that they're there. They're not they like a like
a rat, is not in your house due to any
kind of active hostility. It's not being a dick. It's
not morally in the wrong for being there. But we
have all come to accept that that they have when
they encroach upon our territory, we are allowed and encouraged
and justified and murdering them. And I agree wholeheartedly. If
a snake or a rat or a skunk is in
my house, I'm calling a guy to come over and
kill it full scent. Absolutely, I'm part.
Speaker 3 (28:28):
Of these snakes.
Speaker 1 (28:32):
They're not.
Speaker 3 (28:33):
You did not violate any any property rights or something.
You know, They're just mining their own damn business. Where
are they supposed to live when we build fucking suburbs
all over the place?
Speaker 1 (28:46):
Could you not? Do you have time to if you
want to de snake the lawn? Could you? Could you
just shove the snake out with a broom before you
mow it over?
Speaker 5 (28:56):
Well, yeah, I don't purposely run this snake. If I
if I notice them, I'll kick him out of the
way first. But like, I don't know, We're just going
for efficiency all day, so I'm not like going slow
and like eyeball on the ground looking for snakes. I
just try to like avoid them when I catch them, you.
Speaker 1 (29:17):
Know, Okay, all right?
Speaker 4 (29:20):
Speaker 1 (29:20):
By the way, I think here's why I think you're
a little bit better than Hitler is because Hitler Hitler
didn't have really have any sympathy. I don't think for
the people that he was killing. You seem as though,
at least you, but you would like to not kill snakes. Hitler,
I think he likes I think he liked to kill.
I think he enjoyed the process of killing everyone that
he killed. So that's why I think you're a little
bit better than Hitler.
Speaker 3 (29:48):
Is that's a fair point.
Speaker 1 (29:55):
Do you do you like snakes?
Speaker 3 (30:00):
I fuck with them. I think they're pretty cool. I mean,
I had one of them try to like bite me,
But besides that, they're pretty chill.
Speaker 1 (30:09):
I this is kind of like the I please please
forgive me if I've gone on this rant on the
podcast before. But uh, you know how there's all these
like PSAs, like if you see a spotted lantern fly,
you should kill it. Yeah, it's like, well, why that's
I think that's kind of fucked up because they didn't
do anything. They're just doing what they do naturally. You know,
they're just fucking bugs. They don't understand our universe or
a delicate ecosystem. They're just being bugs, and we're gonna
kill them because because why? Because why?
Speaker 3 (30:50):
It's a good question I guess because we value our
ecosystem over the lives of these few bugs.
Speaker 1 (31:02):
Man, you kill five snakes a day, that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (31:07):
Yeah, it's fucked up, man, fucked up. I had to
put one out of his misery the other day. It
was the first time I grew the.
Speaker 5 (31:13):
Balls to do it, because most of the time, like
I mean, sometimes you like chop their head clean off.
Speaker 3 (31:20):
You know, there's no coming back from that. But sometimes,
you know, it just like clips them a little bit,
and like they're at a point where like they're fucked up,
but they're still alive, you know, and they're not gonna
make it out in nature. I never really had the
balls before to like put them out of their misery,
you know, Like I was like, God, man, I'm sorry,
but you're just gonna have to suffer.
Speaker 5 (31:45):
Someone else has got to do you in I can't
do it. But you know, recently I've decided that, you know,
I've killed so many the least I can do is, like,
you know, stop their homies from suffering a little bit.
Speaker 1 (32:02):
That's that's noble of you. I don't think Hitler would
have would have referred to the people he was killing
as homies either, so that's another reason why I think
ye did this. Did it make you feel better to
talk about this at least?
Speaker 3 (32:23):
Yeah, it's nice talk about it a little bit like.
Speaker 1 (32:30):
Go ahead, what go ahead? You were saying something.
Speaker 3 (32:42):
I was just saying, I'm feeling a bit less, like
snake Hitler.
Speaker 1 (32:48):
That's good. Is there anything else you want to say
to the people of the computer before we go snake Hitler? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (32:58):
You know, guys, just watch out for snakes, you know.
Speaker 4 (33:02):
Cool with cha.
Speaker 3 (33:05):
Slithering around? It's pretty funny when they try to run
for their lives. They're just like slithering across the ground.
Speaker 1 (33:12):
That's that. That is That is a little snake hitlery
to laugh at their pain. That is a little snake.
Speaker 3 (33:18):
Hit all right. Wait, they go with the concrete and
then they like can't give any grip. They're just like
sliding across the ground in one spot. It's pretty fun,
all right.
Speaker 1 (33:32):
I think you like killing these ns?
Speaker 4 (33:33):
All right?
Speaker 3 (33:35):
No, no, no, no, no, all right. If they're running
for their lives, that's a good thing, because then I
won't kill them.
Speaker 1 (33:47):
That's dark.
Speaker 3 (33:48):
I also had a snake jump out of the way
I want that was pretty badass.
Speaker 1 (33:58):
What's your real name?
Speaker 3 (34:02):
My real name is Barney manur Oh yeah, I forgot
about that.
Speaker 1 (34:07):
Take care Byarnie, Thank you for coming.
Speaker 3 (34:08):
Yeah, pretty yeah, I have a good one. Gay love
your streams.
Speaker 1 (34:12):
Thank you brother. You know what's funny, I actually would,
I like, I know, Hitler, he killed a lot of people.
I bet there was some. I bet some animals slipped
in there with him. I bet he probably I would.
I don't know why. I just get this feeling, like,
I mean, with all the like crazy crap he was doing,
and you know, I mean he was in charge of
I don't know, he he led the German army during
World War two, right, there was like a lot of
stuff going on in World War Two. And I I
I'll love what I'm getting at. I'm no history buff or,
and I don't know a whole lot about Hitler, but
I part of me thinks it's quite possible that Hitler
actually more snakes than this guy did. I wouldn't be
surprised if Hitler killed at least ten snakes, even if indirectly,
just as a result of all the World War II stuff.
I bet some snakes died as a result of World
War Two. And I bet it's quite possible that Hitler
is Hitler's actions indirectly resulted in the deaths of more
snakes than this guy's actions did. And that's another reason
I think he's he's a little bit better than Hitler.
Proan Michael, Hello, Hello, Hey, what's.
Speaker 6 (35:44):
Up so much?
Speaker 3 (35:46):
Thank you for taking my goal?
Speaker 1 (35:47):
Oh, of course, of course, thank you for calling. How's
it going, brother, it's going well.
Speaker 3 (35:53):
I'm just starting the workday for a while and watching
your stream, loving every second of it.
Speaker 1 (35:57):
Thanks man. What uh? What's what's going on? Is there
a thing you wanted to talk about?
Speaker 3 (36:04):
Well, it depends on how deep you want to go.
I could talk about the fact that my mother passed
away last year, where I could talk about the depression
I'm currently trying to deal with.
Speaker 1 (36:13):
Why are you depressed?
Speaker 3 (36:16):
You know, I'm trying to figure that out. I'm not
really sure. I'm actually like seeking I'll say, quote unquote
real therapy. I'm not really sure, you know, I just
financial struggles. I think.
Speaker 1 (36:26):
I don't think you have to put quotes around real therapy.
I think that's understandable. How old are you.
Speaker 3 (36:36):
Twenty eight?
Speaker 1 (36:37):
Twenty eight? Okay, we're about similar ages. Ish, Uh, what
do you do.
Speaker 3 (36:45):
I'm a purchasing agent for a casino resort.
Speaker 1 (36:49):
What is a purchasing agent?
Speaker 3 (36:52):
So I just handle all the purchasing needs for the
casino whatever they need, different things.
Speaker 1 (36:57):
What is like you buy like like a velvet rope?
Speaker 3 (37:04):
I do, yeah, if they want it? Yeah, or flat
machine paper or sometimes it's a lot of soda. Surprisingly sure?
Speaker 1 (37:12):
Sure, well, I mean sure, yeah?
Speaker 4 (37:17):
Speaker 1 (37:17):
What do you want? What do you want to get
in zoo?
Speaker 3 (37:20):
Well? Have you got any relationship advice? I've been really
irritable and I just don't know how to deal with that.
Speaker 1 (37:26):
No, I have. I am. I'm terrible at relationship advice.
I'm sorry. What did you say? I interrupted you by saying, no.
Speaker 3 (37:34):
No, don't worry about it. I just I'm so irritable,
and I just don't know what to do to like
catch it when it starts happening. You know, I can
feel like like I feel myself getting angry, and then
I just don't know how to handle that emotion.
Speaker 1 (37:46):
Oh okay, So are you in a relationship?
Speaker 3 (37:49):
I am. You know, I've been married for six years.
Speaker 1 (37:52):
Oh wow? Oh uh, and you're like feel okay, So
you're telling me you're you have been married for six
years and you feel your self getting irritable, and you're like,
I so don't want to like yell at my spouse,
but my I'm just getting really angry and frustrated.
Speaker 3 (38:14):
Exactly exactly, yeah, and I don't and I just don't
know how to handle that because I don't mean to
be mean to the people that I love, but it's
just what comes out of my mouth.
Speaker 1 (38:23):
All right, So are you okay? First of all, you
should definitely go talk to a real therapist about this issue.
No quote, but uh, no quotes, no quotes. You should
talk to a I'm gonna bold it actually instead of
quoting it. I'm gonna bold and italicized real therapist for this.
But uh why okay? But so you here's that you
know that you're not mad at your spouse. You're just
mad about in life. Your brain is just firing off
and you're gonna take energy and dispense it in whatever
direction is it wants to go.
Speaker 3 (39:09):
Exactly yeah, Because it's just like like you're saying, you know,
it just starts coming at me and I can feel
it and then it's just like it's hard to stop it.
Speaker 1 (39:18):
Why are you mad?
Speaker 3 (39:21):
I don't know, and and you know, my wife asked
me that question. Also, I really don't know. I just
I just get so irritable and irritated by anything.
Speaker 1 (39:31):
Okay, so let me you have a you have a job, right,
here's your job. Are you a W two employee at
this job?
Speaker 3 (39:41):
Yeah? Two jobs?
Speaker 2 (39:43):
Speaker 1 (39:43):
Do they offer you health insurance?
Speaker 3 (39:46):
I do have health insurance and that's where I'm that's
how I'm getting my therapy.
Speaker 1 (39:50):
Okay, let me so look, man, I'm a crazy person
on the internet. I'm not a therapist. I'm not pretending
to be a therapist. This is not an advice show.
This is just I'm just a fucking guy, and I
have and I think about things, and these are my thing.
This is these are my thoughts. So, like, I think
the best thing you can do is just like take
a second, take a second and go into and with
therapy and psychiatry and all these things that your health
insurance is going to pay for from these jobs, you
go into yourself and you go, Okay, this is a problem.
I am identifying that this is a problem. I'm going
to try my best to work on this problem, and
like go go from there. You know, that's the best
that sounds like the best thing you can do for
your for your family.
Speaker 3 (40:52):
Yeah, I appreciate that. That's exactly what I'm trying to do.
You know. Definitely, it's just hard to catch yourself, but yeah,
I'm definitely trying.
Speaker 1 (40:59):
You're like, I mean, how many movies are there about
like a guy who's possessed and she's about to kill
someone and the person's like, what's your name again? My
name is Michael, like Michael, the real Michael. I'm talking
to the real Michael here. And the guy's like, I
must fight the demon. You gotta do it. You gotta
fight the demon. I mean, hopefully you're not pointing a
gun in anyone, but.
Speaker 3 (41:25):
No, definitely nothing physical. It's just I just I just
ye know, and you know, storm off into my room
like a child.
Speaker 1 (41:33):
Mm hmmm mm hmmm. Yeah. I don't know, man. Maybe God,
I shouldn't be telling people this, but maybe it's meds
or I don't. I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (41:43):
Well, I will say that's what a real psychiatrist is for. Yes,
definitely figure that go to.
Speaker 1 (41:47):
A real go to a real psychiatry. Well do you can?
I you asked me for relationship advice. I'm not good.
I'm I don't I can I Is there any other
aspect of this you want to you want to talk about.
I guess before before we go, I think you should
totally go to a real psych therapist person. You don't
sound like a bad guy. You sound like you know
that you have some problems and that you're gonna try
to fix them. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (42:17):
I definitely am trying to fix them. I just I uh,
you know, thank you for taking my call. And and
if anything, I would say to the people of the internet,
you know, just stay strong no matter what I'm I'm
going through a lot, but you just have to stay strong.
There's no other choice.
Speaker 1 (42:31):
Hey, take care man, and good luck.
Speaker 3 (42:33):
Thank you. I appreciate you.
Speaker 1 (42:40):
He buys diet coke for the casino. That's cool. If
I did that job, you know what I would do.
I would fucking order I would like take the company
credit card and I would order a bunch of diet coke.
I would get fired from that job because I would
use it to siphon off free diet coke or maybe
or maybe not maybe you know what, look the casino,
you order a palette, Well, how many palt you order
like ten pallettes a diet coke. I'd take a couple
off the truck. I would take a couple of palettes
off the truck of diet coke off the truck. They're
not going to notice a couple of diet cokes out
of like, well, how many diet cokes are in a
palette like a bunch. They're not going to notice a
couple diet cokes missing. And that's an issue I'm not
going to work on. I'm not. I'm this guy, this caller,
he was like, I've identified that I have an issue,
and I'm going to go work on it and try
to solve it. I'm not gonna do that with my
diet coke addiction. I've identified. I'm not even gonna identify
that it's a problem. I'm just gonna suck on that
diet teat until I die. Hello. Hello, Hi, what's your name?
Speaker 7 (44:01):
Speaker 1 (44:02):
Larissa? Yeah, that's fine, Larissa. What's up, Larissa? How's how's life?
Speaker 3 (44:10):
That's great?
Speaker 2 (44:11):
How about you?
Speaker 1 (44:13):
H Life's good? Uh, it's sonny out. I'm doing. It's
eleven thirty four in the in the morning. Where I am.
I feel good, I feel caffeinated. I feel awake, I
feel ready to talk. What's up with? What's give you
the rundown? Larissa? What's what's going on? What brings you
to uh to life today?
Speaker 7 (44:38):
Speaker 4 (44:40):
Well, I'm fighting the urge to cuss out my supervisor today.
Speaker 1 (44:44):
So I'm fighting the urge to cuss out your supervisor.
Speaker 4 (44:48):
Why is that he has a serious pokemonngo it Dish
network and we are getting loaded with his work so
he can play umoo.
Speaker 1 (45:01):
Really he's he's slacking off and the work's being pushed
onto you. Yeah, what what is what do you do?
Speaker 7 (45:12):
I work at a hospital. We do like, oh, our instrumentation.
It's called sterile processing. But yeah, he is super lazy
and he's supposed to be doing his job and he
just PopEd amongo's all day.
Speaker 1 (45:33):
Do you ever have you talked to him and been like, hey,
can you stop doing that? Oh?
Speaker 4 (45:39):
Yeah, like we'll call him out. We just did it yesterday.
We actually gotting into a huge group chat like argument,
debate about it. But we're getting a talking to tonight.
I work night shift, so we'll see what I get
talked to about. But yeah, we are like, hey, can
you like.
Speaker 3 (45:59):
Not do that?
Speaker 4 (45:59):
We'll have like daily meetings and he'll be playing it
actively and we're like, hey, can you get off that?
He goes no, like I do it all the time,
Like he actually has a problem, Like so so you.
Speaker 1 (46:11):
Got I'm so I'm curious, so you got. So you
work at a hospital. So if his work doesn't get
if his work doesn't get done, who suffers? Is it
like a company or is it or like do people
get as a whole?
Speaker 4 (46:24):
So we he's supposed to be ordering stuff like we do,
like trauma cases. If we have any hands and they
get a little like screws in their hands, those are gone.
So he's got to reorder those parts. And now we're
having to do his job because they're not having enough
pieces to go in their sets for emergency cases. So
it's a big deal and he's just gonna put it
on us.
Speaker 7 (46:52):
That way, he doesn't have to worry about it.
Speaker 1 (46:56):
Is he How close is he to catching a mewtwo.
Speaker 3 (46:59):
Or or hello?
Speaker 4 (47:01):
I have no I to you Okay, I have friends
that play it, and I don't play Pokemon go at all.
I'm like, can you please like come wreck him at
work and just like ruin him.
Speaker 1 (47:13):
Do Yeah, that's what you got to do. You got
you gotta you gotta get one of your friends to go.
You gotta do it like Pokemon, where you have to
defeat him in battle to get him to do his job.
Speaker 7 (47:23):
We could get his work done right.
Speaker 1 (47:26):
Well, who's his who's his boss? Do you know who
his bosses?
Speaker 2 (47:30):
Speaker 4 (47:30):
Like he he's there too in the meeting. He'll see
him doing it and he goes. Well. His argument is, well,
we go on our phones. We don't go on our phones.
We have earbuds in and we listened. I listened to
you all day to get through my day. So just
so you know, I'm cleaning blood and guts and gore
out of DUTs while I'm listening to you all day.
Speaker 1 (47:50):
That's all I do. Beautiful, That's what this is meant for.
That's what this was meant for.
Speaker 4 (47:55):
You get me through Monday.
Speaker 1 (47:57):
Well, god, damn, I don't know. I don't know. Ye.
This is a tricky This is a It is a
tricky one because like, you can't you like I'm always
of the opinion, I'm kind of the opinion. You can't
like make fucking anyone like do anything.
Speaker 4 (48:14):
Oh no, you can't.
Speaker 1 (48:16):
But you talk to him about it. You talk to
the supervisor about it. Yeah, and no one cares.
Speaker 4 (48:25):
Everyone knows. They just laugh about it and it's like okay,
but it's affecting us now. So today I'm gonna like
let them know. I'm going to higher ups if they
don't take care of it. I guess. So when Pokemon
first came out, like POKEMONO.
Speaker 3 (48:41):
There was issues where they had.
Speaker 4 (48:44):
To contact like the POKEMONO creators and help get it
banned from hospitals because all the workers and like people
from like the woodworks would come out park in the
hospital parking and there wouldn't be any room for emergency
like people to come in.
Speaker 7 (49:00):
So I guess you can get it banned.
Speaker 6 (49:02):
Pokemon go like primarily banned from hospitals. So we are
looking into doing that next because it'd be so funny
to watch him try to play and he's like, no,
I can't play.
Speaker 1 (49:19):
I mean that sounds like a good I don't think
that people. Yeah, I mean it sounds because I remember
in like the I forget what fucking summer was, like
it's twenty sixteen or seventeen or whatever, where like everyone
was obsessed with it and you would go out and
like everyone would like rush the places that had the
legendary Pokemon, and I think having a legendary Pokemon spawned
at a fuck at a hospital probably sounds like a
bad idea.
Speaker 4 (49:43):
Yeah, it is a bad idea. Yeah, there was a
lot of issues.
Speaker 7 (49:48):
There had a been this.
Speaker 4 (49:50):
They had to block it from there. Yeah, it was crazy.
I didn't know about this until yesterday because we talked
about solutions. I just want to take his Pokemon and
crush them. I think that's going to be my first step.
Is I'm going to become a Pokemon master.
Speaker 1 (50:09):
Yeah, I mean that's the only Sorry I'm not I
have no advice for you, not that this is an advice.
Speaker 4 (50:16):
I want to talk about how ridiculous it was.
Speaker 1 (50:20):
Yeah. Yeah, why don't you download Poke Why don't you
download Pokemon Go, and maybe you can get really good
at it and beat him and that's how you can
get his attention.
Speaker 2 (50:31):
That'd be great.
Speaker 4 (50:33):
I think. I think that's what my thing is.
Speaker 1 (50:35):
Yeah, well, Larissa, is there anything else you want to
say to the people of the computer before we go?
Speaker 4 (50:40):
Uh, if you were at a hospital, please don't play
Pokemon Go.
Speaker 1 (50:45):
See alright, Bye, I've been told I kind of look
like a tree. Co. Nobody's told me that I just
came to that conclusion. I came to that conclusion on
my own. But looking at pictures of Treco.
Speaker 3 (51:02):
There be get goes on the line, taking your phone
calls every night.
Speaker 1 (51:06):
There repin get Goes doing a ride.
Speaker 3 (51:08):
He's teaching you cloud and your life, but he's not
really an expert.