Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
How does your Urban Dictionary name go again? Ka, one
of the most attractive people of all time.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Right standards and good music tastes.
Speaker 1 (00:09):
Always high standards. I'm one of the hottest people of
all time though, wasn't it are? Yeah, that's what Urban
Dictionary says about Fred. Yeah, Fred's show is on. I
would say, Kaylan and I would agree with this. But
your self proclaimed taste in music, it's probably the quality
of yourself that you are proudest of. It's probably the
thing about you that I hear the most.
Speaker 3 (00:28):
Well, not necessarily taste, but yeah, around music, I like
to curate playlists for specific occasions.
Speaker 2 (00:35):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (00:36):
Yeah, I mean we've given you the oxcord before in
the car, and I've been very impressed with your skills.
Speaker 2 (00:40):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
I've told you this before, though I've communicated this. This
is nothing new.
Speaker 3 (00:44):
I knew my audience, so I believe cores the cores
breathless was the first thing I've think you were screaming.
Speaker 1 (00:49):
Now, that's just a deep cut and when that comes on,
it's just unbelievable that somebody else would Yeah.
Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yeah, you, me and Jason were scream singing. I don't
know where we were going or.
Speaker 4 (00:57):
Coming a bop.
Speaker 1 (00:58):
Yeah, I'm not old enough for this. But Brady a
colleague of ours, colleague as cohorts rock friend. The other
day it's Ray and he likes the yacht rock like
he likes like yacht rock, like sixties seventies, and I
don't mind it, but that's not my My wheelhouse is
nineties pop, nineties two thousands pop. And I think the
reason is is because that's what I grew up with.
And I've said this a million times. I think that
whatever music you'd like the most has some tie to
your upbringing. I believe this. Yeah, your mom played it,
your dad played at, your grandparents played it. Yes, you know,
so for a lot of people was you know, I
grew up in the nineties, So for a lot of people,
it was like Beatles and you know, sixties seventies music
because that's what their parents listened to and then as
they were growing up that's the And my parents didn't
because my father was in radio and contemporary radio, so
like we listened to pop music. So like whatever I
listened to was whatever was current at the time. I
have like almost no appreciation for what happened before nineteen eighty.
I don't even know. I really don't even know, well
Motown because that's what they grew up with. That was
my dad.
Speaker 4 (02:01):
Yeah, amazing. I love listening to that still.
Speaker 1 (02:05):
And like in our house it was Whitney Houston, it
was Luther Vandros, it was you know, basically we were
a black household my mom. If you ask my my
mom's musical taste would be gospel, R and B. I
honestly like she she would shock you with some of
the things that she knows and likes. Like she knows
every Luther Vandros song ever. And we watched CNN documentary
and she knew it all already. Yes that yeah, yeah,
we said, I don't know what he thinks going on
in mom of fred zeb we're watching Luther Vandros documentary.
Speaker 2 (02:34):
Yeah, my nanna loved him too. He was like pretty universal.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
I'm learning.
Speaker 2 (02:38):
I thought it was just like a my nana undead thing,
but there you go.
Speaker 1 (02:41):
Like, if you go through our old record collection, it's
mostly m hmm, it's mostly R and B. Oh yeah, yeah,
which is for everybody. But I don't know what if
people thought we were like at home. Was soon that
led Zeppelin or something. I don't I don't know what.
Speaker 2 (02:53):
That's what I was listening to.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
See there you go. So I don't know, were you
really Yeah, you grew up with that kind.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
Of stuff, Zeppelin, the Beatles?
Speaker 1 (03:00):
You know, are you being funny just because you have
the search on target? Are you being serious?
Speaker 2 (03:03):
Absolutely being funny?
Speaker 3 (03:04):
Okay, she like almost didn't land the plane on Zeppelin.
I was like, all right, I'm gonna let her get
this lie off because when you're.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
Like, you're trying to tell me when grew up in
the opposite house, I.
Speaker 2 (03:16):
Don't believe that the seventies were great, though. I'm sad
for you seventies rock.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
It's not that I don't tickets. I just don't doesn't
resonate with me. Like it just it was kind of
like a mist decade.
Speaker 5 (03:27):
Yeah, my stepdad was big on the like all rock
and stuff, and then my mom it was like, I
don't know what I would call this. I call it
eural music. It's really not because like we all know it.
But it's like the the Aqua man what's his name Aquaman?
Speaker 6 (03:40):
Speaker 3 (03:40):
Yeah, like the Barbie girl guy, Like it's just not man.
Speaker 2 (03:46):
But like that was like that era of like disco
tech on music. I caught nineties club music.
Speaker 1 (03:51):
Yeaheah, you had like you had aqua you yeah, god, yeah.
Speaker 5 (03:58):
Real McCoy that was our Yes, Robin Unlimited, Yeah you
had Robin and Robin asked, yes, they both were there.
But yeah, house music's outside, like that's I want my
daughter to grow up listening to that.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
Like Stevie b that was before. That was earlier though,
that was that was pre Awqua, that.
Speaker 2 (04:13):
Was yeah, that's like why eighties right, my girl.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
Ladies yeah, Susie oh yeah.
Speaker 2 (04:18):
Oh she's my girl.
Speaker 1 (04:19):
Speaker 2 (04:20):
Cindy oh okay, the right, right, that's Justindy.
Speaker 1 (04:27):
But I do think it's a great quality in somebody
if they have good taste in music. But the problem
is it has to be you know, it's hard to
be objective when it comes to good taste in music
because you you may have great taste in seventies music,
and that's just not exactly my thing. You know, you
may love disco music and be able to curate a
hell of a disco playlist. You might know the Beg's
back and I don't know, but I don't, so I
don't I don't know what you say, is your actual wheelhouse?
Like I realized you. You know you you're the double
duty QT. So you over here on the pop station,
you're over there on the hip hop station. I mean,
you could do it all. I've I've heard you on
ESPN Deport It's incredible. Your coverage in Spanish of Football
Americano is unbelievable. I mean it's crazy. I don't know
why you don't speak up when we talk about the
NFL on the show because in Spanish, I mean you're
calling coward over here. No I try, yeah, I try,
But what is your actual wheelhouse?
Speaker 7 (05:17):
Speaker 1 (05:17):
What if you had to like focus in on what
you really want to listen to.
Speaker 8 (05:21):
My favorite era of music is probably nineties R and.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
B okay oh so like one twelve.
Speaker 8 (05:28):
Yeah, also early two thousands pop though, because like that
was that was a.
Speaker 1 (05:34):
Time vertical horizon. Are you like a are you like
a like a white people pop or I don't mean,
I don't mean to make this. I'm not trying to
make this racil, but everybody knows exactly what I'm talking
about during that era because you had like, uh, you
had like Three Doors Down and Third Eye Blind and
Semisonic and you had like these bands that were very
clearly a bunch of white kids. And then and then,
but then you also want to just the exact same time,
you had like uh, Keith Sweat.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
And you had Casey and Jojo Casey.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
And Jojo, and you had one twelve and you had
you know, obviously Biggie and yeah, two nineties R.
Speaker 2 (06:09):
And B hip hop.
Speaker 8 (06:10):
That's that's it, right, But then you have the early
two thousands pop, which is like Britney Christina in sc
yea actually boy, yeah, you know all of them, like
that was a whole movement. So yeah, yeah, because like.
Speaker 1 (06:23):
A pop station then would have played all of that, right,
you know, it would have played all the things. Yes,
we know what happened to that.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
Let's do it today.
Speaker 1 (06:30):
I'm just kidding, all right, as you well know, I
don't know. I'm not even sure how this. Oh it
started because of Kaitlin's self proclaimed great taste music. I
have to I have to concur. I have to concur,
and I would agree that you have a lot of range.
You know, you can adapt to whatever. You're like a chameleon,
you can adapt to whatever audience is in front of you.
Speaker 7 (06:49):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (06:49):
It's just a normal another form of me trying to
please people in a different way, you know, try to
win their love.
Speaker 1 (06:56):
You, guys, you don't cook, then I would think you'd
be more of a cooker person, because that's I know
a lot of people. I think Balahamine is this way.
I get the impression that she communicates love and receives
love through the feedback on the things that she cooks.
Because the end of the day she brought something and
you guys know, I don't eat stuff that people bring
in from home because I had never seen your house, okay,
and some people's houses I have seen, and I've also
watched hoarders, okay, and I don't know if you're one
of those. I don't know where you live and what
you're doing, and if your cat, like you know, climbs
around and whatever else. So I don't really like to
eat stuff that people make at their homes because I
haven't seen the food score, I haven't seen the sanitation score,
and so I don't usually do it. And then the
other day she brought in those little like she were
handmade pop tarts that had to like save her. There
were very good, and before I left, she was like,
did you eat it, and she like scares me now
that I had to, I had no choice. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (07:45):
She also says it helps her with her anxiety, which
I can imagine cooking, but she and she's Italian, so
you Italians get very offended if.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
You're not eating.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
And it was good, by the way, but like I
had no choice.
Speaker 7 (07:54):
I had.
Speaker 1 (07:54):
It was like opening the gift that you and I
never know how to react when I open a gift.
Speaker 2 (07:59):
She won't let you leave if you don't try her sacks.
Speaker 1 (08:01):
I've noticed.
Speaker 2 (08:02):
Yeah, they're really good. They are so good.
Speaker 1 (08:04):
But I did want to talk about music. Is randomly
to start the show because I laughed yesterday. I don't
even know where this came up. Every now and again,
I'll go on like a YouTube journey, kind of like
a TikTok journey where you don't know where you're You
know where you begin, but you don't know where you're
gonna end, you know. I start with a video about uh,
oh gosh, what a dude mowing somebody's lawn to help
him out, and I wind up way over here watching
advertisements from a Chinese guy who sells signs. I don't know.
It's great if you've interested that guy. He's if you
ever I think I've sent somebody who ELC sign. That
dude is like absurd. He does like a Trump and
I don't know. It's absolutely wild. But then he'll get
like seventy eight million views. I hope he sells a
lot of signs. I don't know if I ever needed
an LED sign. I'm calling the dude from Elsa. I'm
just telling you I know exactly where to go. You
got to go to a source factory that uses the
highest quality of linoleum or something. But this popped up
last night on YouTube and I don't know that i'd
heard this, and I I thought this was an incredible challenge. Guys,
kids bop Sabrina Carpenter espresso. Oh boy, now, how are
you gonna do this? You know what I mean? Like
we know what Jason explained to everybody? What espresso? What
she's talking about? An espresso song?
Speaker 6 (09:15):
Ask me?
Speaker 1 (09:16):
Yeah, yeah, No, I like you to describe, describe to
everyone who maybe hasn't picked it up, picked it up,
picked up on the double undra on the other meaning,
you know, what are people? What is she singing about?
Speaker 9 (09:29):
It's a homemade espresso? Yeah, you know right and tell
me all natural? Yeah, homemade, and how would I get espresso?
So when a man loves a woman.
Speaker 1 (09:40):
So she's we all know what she's talking about in
his song, and I'm like, how are you guys gonna
do this? They did it because they always do, They've
done songs. I can't even believe it. But guys, espresso
all the time.
Speaker 7 (10:00):
I understand.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
We're talking about you like no one.
Speaker 2 (10:12):
We're also saying express.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
Can't I give the care and I won't stop one fan?
Is that what it was? I need a capturing on
this one moment. I can prove it for you. How
are they doing this? I know that I can say
it for you, that perfect coffee rooted for you? Okay,
come on now, I hate to say it. What's the
whole video? What's all? How are they going to do this?
Find a way? I mean is what I want them.
I don't know what they've gotten that for yet, but
they did let it raw. They didn't cake by the ocean. Okay,
I'm looking here Beyonce, Sweet Dreams, counting Stars and some
of these love me harder Ariana Grande, wh are they
going to do?
Speaker 2 (11:13):
Latona? Is what I want to know?
Speaker 1 (11:15):
Actually you remind me by usher anyway, and right right, yeah, no,
I'd like to know those Takana State Tijuana. Is that
what it is? Shout out, Yeah, when are they going
to do?
Speaker 2 (11:28):
Latona said, hey, Comba, that's your excellent question. Can they
do the tangent?
Speaker 7 (11:35):
Speaker 1 (11:35):
Yeah, because we are doing a live tangent here in
Q one, as they say, as the executives say. And
we're still looking to book a guest. We tried to
get Milli Vanilli. Apparently they're not not available. We just
spoke with Hattie Montek's people. I don't know, maybe she is.
We actually did just speak with Hatty montext people. Jason
and I were in a heated negotiation with them last night.
I'm not even kidding you, so in fact, I'll tell
you about it just a second. And then we got
we made some man's this is not a joke and yeah,
someone lasts this is I mean, where do we live?
Someone called me last night and goes, hey, do you
do you want to talk to u? Heidi montag on
the phone right now, and I'm just like where, yes,
give her my number, have her call me, let us
negotiate it. This is what's trend thinking about the old music.
It's like every now and again, we'll play a song,
you know, we're talking about something that I'll have it
in the past, two thousand and nineties, whatever, will play
the song if there's a song attached to it. Or
the Friday Throwback dance party, which is tomorrow. If you're
a new listener to the show, a bunch of throwbacks
mixed together. And I remember that, you know the fights
I had I got in with management. Well, you're gonna
play a bunch of songs no one's ever heard before.
And it's like, but why do we automatically assume they
won't like them? Turns out that's the second most popular
thing on our show, by the way, And there are
songs I hear. Song Neurotic puts stuff in there that like.
Because he gets so into his curating, his themes or whatever,
he'll play a song on it. I don't I'm not
sure if I know what this is, but I like it,
and then I go find out what I'm like. How
about little new music discovery here, guys, Yes, like just
because it's from the nineties. And by the way, a
lot of the new music, like the Weekend sounds like
the eighties and nineties anyway. So let's let's take advantage,
you know, let's dig into crates a little bit, shall we. No,
not really? Maybe, yeah, I think so. I just got
I got the suits. We don't have research on that.
I don't have any research on that. So the research says,
I mean, I do. It's in my I put it
through my filter, and then I researched it, and I
decided that that all is well. Guys trending this morning,
and we don't really know what's going on here. But
I did receive a call from a friend yesterday named
r Dub. My friend R Dub called it's real. It's
a real guy. His real name is Ardest. In fact,
I shouldn't promote this. I think he's on competitors, but
he he's celebrating thirty years of Sunday Night Slow Jams,
which is a show that he hosts. And he uh,
he plays like the slow de dogs, like this slow jam,
you know, and like a like a what's up to
Lisa and told us she's in love with Mike, you
know whatever. Like then he plays he sweat or something twisted,
and then he makes some gazillion dollars anyway, So he
texts me, of all people yesterday and says, Hey, do
you want Heidi Montag's Do you want to talk to her?
And I'm like, sure, our job, I'd love to talk
to yes. Why how it turns out he works at
a runs a radio station in San Diego, and I
guess maybe like his assistant mom is Heidi Montag's assistant
or something I don't know, And he's like, I'm giving
her three phone numbers and you're one of them. And
I'm like, and I'm one of them. And then somebody
else I don't know who was I'm like okay. So
then at the end of the day last night, I
get a text from somebody who's like, hey, I'm Heidi
Montag and Spencer Pratt's management and I know you would
you like them on the show. And I'm like, yes,
let me loop in my executive guest booker, Jason Brown.
I make up whatever title I need for Jason. Jason
has been so many things, you know, it's like, well,
let me get you in touch with our production team.
Production team being Caylin and Jason Brown in the pet's here, Yeah,
and so time to make them change their signatures to different.
Speaker 2 (15:03):
Things incident of syndication as well.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
I mean more than once have I pretended to be
I know we've done it here too.
Speaker 5 (15:12):
I pretended to be my own management. I have a
manager to talk to Bobby Valentino. I still could again
in touch with them, who.
Speaker 4 (15:18):
Was also pretending to be.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
An artist from the two thousands that we tried to
get to do something with us for a bit that
we were doing, and we emailed you info at Bobby
Valentino dot com and got a response from very much
Bobby Valentino, but he was pretending that it wasn't him,
except the pronouns were a little confused. I and then
he was interchangeable, like I would be happy to ask him.
And then I think, didn't you respond from like info
at Paulina dot Thomas And I was like.
Speaker 2 (15:47):
I am the management team for Paulina.
Speaker 1 (15:49):
Russ Frost show, Well you are. That's not a lie.
So we went back and forth last night and apparently
we have to have a conference call to then I
guess iron out the terms of the interview.
Speaker 4 (16:00):
Brief us on Spidey.
Speaker 1 (16:02):
Yeah, so Heidi Montage, Bencher Pratt, The Hills Fame in
the two thousands and then sadly, in the last week
or so, their house burned down in these California fires.
Hadi Monteg had a song in twenty ten it was
whatever that was superficial. There's a whole album what it was, Well,
I'm aware didn't really go anywhere. And now all of
a sudden, the song has gone to number one on
several streaming sites because people are trying to support them
because they're sad that their house burned down. And so
they were on Good Morning America yesterday and then I'm
like and then I say, great, so we'll have them
on today and they're like, well, they're slammed. They're completely slammed.
I know they just lost their house and there's a
lot going on.
Speaker 7 (16:37):
Speaker 1 (16:38):
I figure it out, right, I'm board twenty four hours
a day while while the ride is riting. Yeah, you know,
I'm about to go number one on Billboard with the
song that I love. Those two should not be number
one on billboards. But let's make them some money to
build them a new house, because they are icons of
the ots of the two thousand US. They did and
it's time that we give back. He was the villain
she was the damn soul. I don't even know. But nonetheless,
we think we've ironed out because we're off on Monday morning,
so we think we've hired out Tuesday morning. Now, we
did ask for the exclusive and then we didn't hear back,
so I so it's possible that they'll apear somewhere else
before and if they do, I don't know if we'll
do it. I'm doing right, but we told them, like,
you know, first of all, I don't know why we
got to wait till Tuesday like this. I even said
it and Jason saw it. I'm like, you guys are
like white hot right now, Like maybe we should figure
it out. You're like, let's get on the air and
you know, on a on a significant audience to show
with an audience, but thirteen listeners are very passionate. They'll
they'll make or break you. Let's let's get this moving, Like,
how about we do it right now, Like we can
just record it right now and then put it on
a no on a Tuesday would be the first day,
so let's see how let's see. But I'm my guys,
we're not going to promote this well, we just did,
but we're not gonna keep promoting it, you know if
you guys, I don't know, So we're trying you not.
I'm getting tagged on like every Spencer Pratt video and
it's like, we're doing it, guys, We're doing it. We
are all over this.
Speaker 2 (18:07):
Maybe you heard what Paulina said about him.
Speaker 5 (18:09):
Hey, guys, that's not what I meant. I met that
man as a hard working man. He provides for his
family and he's out here putting his wife on to
make sure we're all in the note of getting hurt
at number one. So when I said he didn't change
his shirt, I did.
Speaker 2 (18:22):
I didn't say that because of his house. I'm genuinely
meant like that is a heart of man.
Speaker 1 (18:27):
I get the guy a freends show. If I order
it now, you'll have it by next year, and so
the house will be built right right exactly. We'll be ready.
Just send me your future address and I'll make sure
it gets there because it takes about that long.
Speaker 7 (18:40):
Speaker 1 (18:40):
I love it.
Speaker 2 (18:41):
I love you so much.
Speaker 4 (18:42):
She's on TikTok Live last night. I was in there
trying to get noticed.
Speaker 10 (18:45):
I was like, hey, come on, kiss, come on the
front show, so we'll see.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Well. I Honestly, I'm just putting this all out there
because we're trying and I'm responding to you know, all
the requests. You guys want it. We're trying to do
it for you. If you hear him somewhere else first,
then it's it's fake. It's not that any It won't
be anywhere near as good as as this crap show
of an interview will be. So anyway, all right, I
have a story Kiki and I saw this morning, and
it's just for you, and it is a TikTok story.
But I mean I laughed out loud. I had an
out loud guffaw. If I know you think that I'm
like I have mental illness, which I do a gafa.
You've never heard of a goafa. No, it's like a laugh.
But I was sitting at the end of the porch
over here and we were doing our stuff before the show,
our intense pre show meeting, and I just let out
a random laugh. One of you may have thought I
was laughing at something you said. No, I was laughing
at I was laughing at it, laughing at this story.
We'll get to it. I'm surprised that you haven't thought
of this yourself. But Trump and Biden this is not
the exact story, but Trump and Biden are looking for
ways to keep TikTok running. President elect Trump, who takes
office next week, is importedly considering an executive order that
would save TikTok from a ban or sale. The Washington
Post report that the order was to spend the enforcement
of the TikTok ban or sale law for sixty to
ninety days. The aim is to buy the Trump administration
some time to work out a sale or some other solution.
Speaker 7 (20:11):
Speaker 1 (20:11):
The app is scheduled to be banned in the US
starting on Sunday, so we'll see.
Speaker 3 (20:18):
I really want people to think about what our government
is doing, right like, but.
Speaker 10 (20:22):
I'm also like confused, like if the president both presidents watch,
I thought it who started it? Like who doesn't the
president say, like what happens? Like balance, It's just like
the old ass people in the Supreme Court that were like,
we don't like TikTok, like and they started it, Like
I thought.
Speaker 1 (20:39):
There were concerns about what, you know, if the Chinese
government was mining in from which they are mining information
because everybody is, we're taking information off of our phones.
I mean that's why, like all these apps that are
free and you're like, I can't believe this is free. Well,
it's not really free. They're taking all kinds of information,
every little bite of data they can get off your
phone to then sell it to advertisers.
Speaker 3 (20:59):
Hey, well my Chinese spy made my algorithm perfect and
I want.
Speaker 1 (21:02):
To go for that.
Speaker 11 (21:03):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (21:04):
However, Kiki and maybe you are part of this movement,
but this is what made me laugh. Do a lingos
us traffic has spiked two hundred and sixteen percent as
people are trying to learn Mandarin in order to download
the Chinese app Red Note.
Speaker 2 (21:18):
Yeah, I believe this.
Speaker 1 (21:19):
People are so desperate for this content that they're downloading
Red Note and do a Lingo. Yes, and they are
studying Mandarin. Know what a two hundred and sixteen percent
spike in people learning mandarin this week? Red Note is
primarily in the Chinese language, and the roughly seven hundred
thousand TikTok users who have signed up are taking a
crash course in how to communicate with their new friends.
So that's where we're at.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
It's time.
Speaker 8 (21:43):
It's time for me to become a bilingual queen. Okay, yes,
So I'm going to learn. But the only the only
app we can really trust is the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 2 (21:53):
I have decided that I'm done with the rest of
these apps.
Speaker 1 (21:56):
So yeah, if only they had a component where like
people dance, goofy.
Speaker 2 (22:00):
Might it might be coming, you know, but it's got
a lot of updates.
Speaker 1 (22:02):
Yeah, somebody call us the only condle burn or Tom
Polman or somebody. Why don't we just smush the two
apps together and just be billionaires Copyright me twenty twenty
five period. Smush them together? There, I hard talk h boom,
come on now, yeah, can.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
You say that?
Speaker 1 (22:16):
Can you buy it? Buddy?
Speaker 7 (22:22):
You over here?
Speaker 1 (22:24):
Oh god, yeah, it's that you know, mortgage payments are tough,
but but yeah, let me just go buy TikTok. Yeah
you looked over here and you saw Ryan Secrets for
a moment, didn't you. Yeh, that's funny. I love it
when that happens too. Sometimes I dream the same way
that I'll get paid like anyway. So, the Polsage fire
twenty one percent contained as of Wednesday, and the Eton
fire forty five percent contained as of Wednesday night. Hopefully,
hopefully things are I mean, I don't know if they'll
ever go back to normal. I don't know how many
people go back and build their houses if you I mean,
it just look apocalyptic the photographs. Yeah, and I don't
know the emotional sort of weight of that, like se
lost everything. Do you want to go back to that place?
Like do you want to rebuild in that same place?
Do you want to be part of that neighborhood. I mean,
it's gonna take decades, I'm sure to replenish and make
everything the way that it once was. You know, it's crazy. Yeah,
I'm not too sure, but obviously wishing everyone there the
best and hopefully Heidi and Spencer on the Fred Show,
we're in deep negotiations. It was easier to get Beyonce
on this thing, but anyway, it's fine. Rumors are swirling
this morning. This is a big trending story that the
Obamas are headed for divorce.
Speaker 2 (23:35):
Oh no, no, no.
Speaker 4 (23:37):
I knew someone was up.
Speaker 1 (23:39):
She's not going to things with him. Apparently they're not
living together. That's the rumor. Some fans on social media
are speculating about the Obama's current marriage status. Some people
say there are problems she won't go to the inauguration,
that one might make sense, but she didn't go to
Jimmy Carter's funeral. Two years ago, Michelle Obama told Revolt
that there was a solid tenure period where she couldn't
stand being married to the guy. The former First Lady
also said that her daughters were terrorists when they were younger.
I think people can relate to that. But I don't
know if i'd say that, But I'm sure people can
relate to Yeah, you make a lot of you make
a lot of them. What does that mean?
Speaker 8 (24:18):
This means like you tell your story, girl, be honest,
like sometimes you don't like your partner. And she said,
for ten years, I didn't really like the man. You know,
she's stuck through it. Her kids were terrorists. She said
that like a lot of women feel that way.
Speaker 1 (24:30):
Yeah, yeah, I'm not offended by either comment. I think
it's they're both very relatable. I hope they're still together.
I wonder they seem they seem like a happy couple.
I don't, I know, but things happened. I don't want to.
Speaker 2 (24:40):
Yeah, you know something, what I tell you, I support
Michelle Obama having a hot girl summer.
Speaker 1 (24:47):
If she needs an I'm trying to get Heidi Montag
on the air and you're talking to Michelle Obama about
a relationship, Like what are we doing?
Speaker 2 (24:52):
Speaker 1 (24:53):
You pick up the phone, look up your boy, like
what's going on? Red dye number three is banned from foods.
The FDA has red dye number three food and drinks,
all thanks to Kaitlin nearly thirty five years after it
was banned from cosmetics because of potential cancer risks that
die found in candy, milkshakes, and cereal may also affect
children's behavior. Many consumer groups and lawmakers have long pushed
for the ban. Food manufacturers have to update their products
by January of twenty twenty seven. It's already banned read
that number three or restricted in Australia, Japan, and some
EU countries. This is a story this morning that I'm
a little unclear about. There's not a lot. There aren't
all details, but a Southwest flight from Savannah, Georgia, bound
for Chicago was delayed for five hours on Wednesday because
the pilot was arrested and charged with DUI.
Speaker 2 (25:39):
Oh my god.
Speaker 1 (25:40):
So details were limited as of yesterday, but authorities confirmed
the pilot, who I'm not going to say, fifty two
year old guy was removed from the aircraft at the
Savannah Hilton had International Airport and taken to the jail there.
He's charged with driving under the influence. According to an official,
his BOONMD was set at thirty five hundred bucks. He
was taken off duty. Now, I mean if he was
on like a if he was on the road, like
if he was doing a trip as the airline pilot
or whatever he did. I mean, I don't know how
did he'd get a dui? They somehow knew he was
driving drunk and then they rested himself. What I'm guessing
is that he was drunk at the airport and they're
giving him a dui for being behind the seat of
an airplane because like normally those guys, if it was
if it was an overnight, then he's not at home,
so he wouldn't have driven anyway. They would have had
a shuttle, so he wouldn't have been drunk. And then
how would he have gotten all the way to the
airport if he was driving drunk? And then they let
him get all the way to the airplane, Like, how
do they pull you over later for driving drunks? I
don't know, so part of me is thinking he was
acting drunk going through TSA, which has happened before, or
they smelled alcohol in his breath and then he goes
and gets behind the you know, the wheel, and then
they go arrest him then, because how do you get
all the way to the airplane.
Speaker 2 (26:47):
Yeah, it's a good question.
Speaker 5 (26:48):
And then wait, so if a pilot does ever get
arrested for being under the influencer whatever, it's considered a dui.
Speaker 1 (26:55):
Well that's what I'm wondering, is I don't I don't know.
I mean, I know it's federal. Yeah, you had a
lot of problems. Yeah, you probably need to find a
new job. Yes, I'm thinking it's over for cap'n cap'n Budweiser. Yes, yes,
over here. But I just don't understand. If it's a
dui for driving, then how do you get that for it?
So it can't pay me. But what I recommend is
just follow the rule eight hours bottle to throttle. I
think the airlines might even be more ten bottle to
throttle ten hours. I'll be out here drinking fine airplanes.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
I had to put it together.
Speaker 1 (27:24):
My passengers, on the other hand, Caitlin can be in
whatever condition they need to be in but I sharp
as a tech. The driver, yeah, yeah, the driver exactly.
And what else do I have here for you guys? Oh,
Planters is looking to hire three new people to tool
around the country. And the Nutmobile it's like the wier Mobile,
but it's a nut So yeah, Jason, I want you
to you can get all the infoot Planters Nutmobile dot
com is a real thing, but Nutmobile is fun to say.
Starting this June, you could be a brand ambassador for
a year, driving around the country to different parts of
their You'd be called their Pea Nutters squad. Oh yeah,
you and I Nutter Wait yeah, Jason and I we
got through. That sounds like after Pepe's on a Friday night.
Because squad you'll also manage event planning, hitch the brand
to local media, and dress up in a costume as well.
Mister Peanut forty five thousand dollars a year to do this.
Oh he's there to drive the nutmobile. Yeah. What's Jason doing.
Oh he's he's off doing his Peanutter duties today.
Speaker 2 (28:32):
What you say you'd be a truck driver?
Speaker 7 (28:33):
Speaker 4 (28:34):
Yeah, and your dad was My dad was. Yeah, I
like driving. I could be love driving.
Speaker 1 (28:39):
Okay, well you could be part of the peanutter squad
and drive the netmobile. It's and that's the real story.
I didn't make that up. Get to know your customer's
day is today in National Religious Freedom Day US today
as well. The entertainer of Port Kaitlin had his end
next to him two minutes. We'll get to blogs. Waiting
on the phone money which show me shy? All coming up?
It's the French show, Good morning, thanks for waking up
with us. Five Kiss f Chicago, those number one hit
music station. Callin's entertainmer report he's on the Fresh Show.
Speaker 3 (29:05):
Drake is suing his own music label UMG for spreading
the false and malicious narrative.
Speaker 2 (29:11):
That he's a pedophile.
Speaker 3 (29:12):
Drake alleges that the label did everything it could to
promote Kendrick Lamar is not like us, effectively spreading the
false narrative in an effort to devalue his brand and
thereby give UMG the upper hand in negotiations. So the
suit claims to not be about Kendrick at all though,
and instead is entirely about the label, as they decided
to publish, promote, exploit, and monetize allegations that they understood
were false but also dangerous. He says the campaign suggested
that the public should resort in vigilante justice to respond
to it, and the suit specifically lists that shooting at
his mansion shortly after the song's release. Now, Drake says
UMG knew the allegations were false, otherwise they wouldn't have
been in business with him since two thousand and nine.
A spokesperson for the label said, not only are these
claims untrue, but the no and that we would seek
to harm the reputation of.
Speaker 2 (30:02):
Any artist, let alone Drake is illogical.
Speaker 3 (30:05):
Not like us, of course, was released after Drake's Family Matters,
where he accused Kendrick of beating his partner and suggested
that Kendrick's manager may have secretly fathered one of his kids.
So I don't see Kendrick suing, but there you go,
he is suing his own label, Drake.
Speaker 2 (30:21):
Sometimes you make it very hard for me to love
you so much.
Speaker 3 (30:25):
J Loo made a very large donation of her own
clothes and accessories to those affected by the la fires.
She grabbed stuff from her closet and massive storage unit,
packed it up in boxes and put it on a truck.
Speaker 2 (30:36):
Now, I have never seen j.
Speaker 3 (30:38):
Loo dressed casually, so I don't know if someone's out
there without a house and hoops in like a low
cut versace dress, you know from the VMA.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
That's true. You never really see her. I think maybe
one time when she was fighting with Ben Affleck, I
saw a video of her like wearing something. It was
even remotely casual. But there is not a yoga pants
and teachert day for j Lo No, and.
Speaker 3 (30:57):
Still it's like a matching set and she has the
sun that like face makeup, full face. I mean, she
always looks amazing. She's beautiful. But apparently there was a
lot of comfy clothes like codies and jeans.
Speaker 2 (31:07):
To get people back on their feet, so I guess
she's not using them. So there you go. Shoes, sweaters, jackets,
perfect for winter.
Speaker 3 (31:13):
She's been collecting clothing for the past thirty years so
had a lot to pull. The down nations, of course
started last week and have continued into this week, so
I love that she also added packages of her j
Low beauty products cleanser and moisturizer, which is very nice,
and the clothing goes to students, teachers, families involved with
the La School District and Pasadena Schools, which is very
nice of her. Timothy Shallomey went viral for arriving at
the London premiere of A Complete Unknown, his new movie,
on a Line bike And if you didn't know, those
are the electric bicycles that can be rented in major
cities from the Line Transportation company. But he actually got
an eighty dollars fine for not parking the bike properly and.
Speaker 2 (31:53):
His own movie premiere.
Speaker 3 (31:55):
So he walked out from like he's the star of
this movie to an eighty dollar it was I think
in Euro sixty five, but eighty dollars American for parking
the bike incorrectly.
Speaker 2 (32:05):
Like do you know who that is?
Speaker 1 (32:06):
But hey, I guess I'm always amazing. Bradley Cooper when
he was on Broadway a few years ago, at least
for sixty minutes, he rode a bike from his house
to the theater. Oh blesses, like get a T shirt
and a hat and whatever, like you know, nobody knew that,
no one was any you're not nonether wise or you're
in New York. You're just looking around. But that's how
he got to work. Was he Bradley Cooper a list
movie started rode his bike. Yeah, he did his little
play and then jump back in and like no one
would know.
Speaker 2 (32:30):
I love that dimment. In New York. There's not a
lot of paparazzi there, so I.
Speaker 1 (32:34):
Guess that's true. But it could be anybody in New
York with a hat on, right. You never know.
Speaker 2 (32:38):
You never know of the subway too.
Speaker 3 (32:40):
By the way, if you missed any part of our show,
The Fred Show, Kiki just mentioned this, but we have
this new and improved iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 2 (32:46):
It is free to search The Fred Show on demand.
Speaker 1 (32:48):
Don't worry, k I mean, while Cam was doing the
Entertainment Report in one year, I had piped. I only
have one year that works, So I wasn't listening. No,
I wasn't. I'm learning. I'm looking for videos for you
learn Shine for beginners. You can learn Chinese in less
than thirty minutes. Apparently was here we go. My name
is Lee.
Speaker 12 (33:08):
Please read along with the video when you see blue
characters and you can have full access to the Chinese
for US membership.
Speaker 1 (33:16):
Yeah, so here we go.
Speaker 12 (33:17):
How this is Chinese for US Beginner's Basic Chinese Course.
Speaker 2 (33:21):
English produce ourselves.
Speaker 1 (33:25):
We're introducing ourselves.
Speaker 12 (33:27):
Person we say hi to them and introduce ourselves Hi.
So we say me, how me? How to say hello?
Speaker 2 (33:34):
Speaker 1 (33:35):
How me?
Speaker 2 (33:36):
Speaker 1 (33:39):
Okay, I'm afraid of Maybe I'll send you this video
and let you do it on your own.
Speaker 2 (33:46):
Literally good well or okay.
Speaker 1 (33:49):
This is perfect. So now you know how to greet
your new friends.
Speaker 8 (33:52):
Mews like that.
Speaker 1 (33:58):
You know, I'm a blaze. Needed to do this on
here in private. Put out a microphone. Fred Show Idiots,
The Fred Show, Good Morning one three five Kiss FM,
Chicago's number one hit me music station. Thank you for
waking up with us. I'm listening to us on the radio.
The iHeart Appserds. Put a Fredshew on demand. The Tangent
are offer uncensored podcast.
Speaker 6 (34:18):
Speaker 1 (34:18):
We've done our jobs for the last couple of weeks.
I mean, my newest resolution was to consistently do our job,
and I think we did it. We've done a bunch
of Tangents in a row. Yesterday was a true Tangent.
But what were we talking about? I know what are
we talking about? On the Tangent?
Speaker 2 (34:32):
I don't remember your finishing move, Keiki's.
Speaker 1 (34:36):
Not my finishing move.
Speaker 2 (34:37):
Well, everybody who've actually I don't have enough.
Speaker 1 (34:39):
There's not usually the time for a defined finishing move.
The finishing move is some more to the beginning move.
Speaker 2 (34:46):
If we need to talk about time, the length of oh, yeah.
Speaker 1 (34:49):
We did talk about Yeah, we did talk about that. Also,
a video that people seem to be a I don't
know what's the word I'm looking for engaging with you
today was me hawking a high school of class for
Glenbrook North. Is that what I hawked?
Speaker 7 (35:05):
I think?
Speaker 1 (35:06):
So I can't remember what I hawked. I hawked it
a high school class, and I think people probably watched
that video. I didn't realize they were going to post
it publicly. I didn't. I thought it was like an
internal operator. I thought they were going to post it
like for the children or kids or whatever they are
in high school to see. Because these two teachers they
want to promote their radio class and want kids to
take it and all this stuff. And so I was
excited to, you know, because yes, I'd like to usher
in the next generation. So we made a little video
for them, low production quality, and then I see it like,
would you like to accept collaboration on this video? Oh,
we're posting that for everyone to see. I guess, so
he'd posts yeah, oh yeah. So I'd just like to
say publicly that I actually have no idea if those
two teachers have any idea what they're doing. I have
no clue. I have no clue, but you should take
the class because I believe that they do. They were
entrepreneurial enough to reach out to us. I guess they
know the boss and supposedly what they said, I believe them,
And so we made a video for them, Kiki and
I did to promote their like radio one oh one
class in high school at Glenbrook North. So take it
there you go, Yeah, and then send us tape of
whatever it sounds like, and we'll critique it on the air.
We've been known to do that, we've been It's funny
because it's been a very long time since any other
radio people have sent me a tape of their show.
They used to get like audio people be like, hey,
like our boy in Carbondale and a few other people
used to send their stuff and be like, hey, Fred,
you know, will you listen to this and give me feedback?
And I did on the air, and I don't think
that's what they wanted. I think they wanted private feedback.
I don't think they wanted me to just straight up
play it. I thought it was a nice thing.
Speaker 2 (36:38):
Hey, it's nice. Yeah, you did that.
Speaker 5 (36:39):
To me, what like maybe eight years ago, and listen,
it changed my life forever.
Speaker 1 (36:44):
Well I did you did?
Speaker 7 (36:45):
Speaker 1 (36:45):
Do you can I hear that? Do you still have that?
Speaker 2 (36:47):
I will look for it.
Speaker 1 (36:48):
I would love to review that and see how far
we've come. Yeah. Wait, so you did a radio show?
Was it a real one or fake one?
Speaker 2 (36:54):
It it was reel? Was on the station?
Speaker 1 (36:56):
You did a real radio show? Eight years ago? You
sent me the thing and I played it on the air.
Speaker 2 (37:00):
Landed on the air.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
I critiqued it.
Speaker 2 (37:01):
Yes, you did. That was where I come through. Dua
lipa came from.
Speaker 1 (37:05):
Oh my god? Will you please find that because I'd
like I'd just like to compare it to where we
are now and see if we've gotten anywhere. You think
have we moved on? Do you think are we?
Speaker 7 (37:12):
Speaker 1 (37:13):
We in a whole different status right now? In talent?
Speaker 2 (37:15):
I think so, okay, we've learned a thing or two.
Speaker 1 (37:17):
We'll let me be the judge. Good look for that,
if you would. It's the frend Show. Is the Fred Show,
Turn it up.
Speaker 7 (37:24):
Speaker 2 (37:25):
The inside of my booty cheeks probably you know they're
used to it.
Speaker 1 (37:28):
Change the inside of your booty cheeks.
Speaker 2 (37:30):
Well, you know how your hand like callouson come back vacation?
Speaker 4 (37:33):
So I metist?
Speaker 2 (37:35):
Is Jack Harlow Kaylin in the morning.
Speaker 1 (37:37):
Yeah, I mean that's fine. Can I go do an?
I can go back to bed? Sure, Okay, go for it.
Speaker 2 (37:45):
I mean I didn't ask him to say that.
Speaker 1 (37:47):
Don't threaten me with a good time. See you guys,
Kaylin in the morning, Good morning, it's a fread show.
It's Thursday, January sixteenth. Hello Kaylin, Hello, Hi Jason Brown, Hi, Hi,
good morning show me Shelley six hundred and fifty bucks
in the showdown in about oh twenty minutes. You could win.
Nine eighty eight and sixty seven is her record. Good
News Stories waiting by the phone all this hour? Why
does somebody get ghosted? That's coming up if you love that.
By the way, the Fred Show TikTok while we've got it,
and the Entertainmer Report is coming up as well. What
are you working on? K Well?
Speaker 3 (38:17):
Global pop superstar Heidi Montag has reached another milestone in
her illustrious career.
Speaker 1 (38:23):
Yes, she's booking a Fred's Show interview and something else
as well, and we are deep in the process. Okay,
I just want you to know Jason is deep in
negotiation with her people, so deep. Her manager Jamie Girl. Yeah,
you better pick up that phone. Yeah. I mean we
were trying to get her on today but unavailable, and
then tomorrow on, so we're looking at early next week.
I just want you to know. I just want you
to know that we try. We're trying. We said we
would do it like right now. So for the people
who are demanding it, because I've been getting tagged in
a lot of those videos, are you gonna help them
like we're trying to help them. I just want you
to know we are in deep, deep negotiations with Heidi
Montag and Spencer Pratt. Yeah. Something I never thought I
would say. These are the radio blogs on The Fresh Show,
like running in our diaries, except we say them aloud.
We call them blogs. Kiki, take it away your blog.
Speaker 8 (39:17):
You guys know, every time I go get an oil change,
there's something. There's some shenanigans. And I know Jason owns
an entire shop.
Speaker 4 (39:26):
Okay, I don't know anything.
Speaker 1 (39:29):
Partner could be handling this for you.
Speaker 8 (39:32):
He could, but I always wait until the last minute,
Like I just never. I don't plan anything in my life.
So yesterday I just had some time and my oil
light has been off from it's been off for a while.
Oil I know, like you know, it tells you when
you need a little change, because I don't know who
calls the sticker in the window, you know, sticker, that's
just a recommendation, suggestion, you know, So you know, I
have to wait until the time is right in life.
And yesterday I said, okay, let me just go be responsible.
So I pull up to this place to get my
oil changed, and you know me, I get out the car.
I go there and act as if I know about cars,
you know. So he's like, what all you want to
get to the I'm like, oh, just a simple oil change.
Speaker 2 (40:10):
It just needs to be updated. You know, my voice
kids needs to be updated.
Speaker 1 (40:13):
The oil needs to be updated.
Speaker 8 (40:15):
Yeah, And I was like, I was like, everything else
is pretty into. I was like, I said, top off
everything else, but you know, top off.
Speaker 2 (40:22):
Yeah, you know, I try to if I know what
I'm talking about.
Speaker 1 (40:25):
So right now I think that you honestly, are a
mechanic right now?
Speaker 2 (40:28):
The way you're talking about else, are they topping off.
Speaker 1 (40:31):
Fluids windshield wipe or fluid? Yeah, there's other things to
tell you you're fluid. Yeah, well the blinker fluid of it.
You got to make sure you know how to win
the premium? Are top that off too?
Speaker 2 (40:41):
Speaker 8 (40:41):
So of course some of my tire lights were on,
of course, so I'm.
Speaker 4 (40:46):
Just like, you know, you top off the tires.
Speaker 1 (40:50):
It's sort of important, especially the amount of driving you do,
especially when you're watching TikTok and that looking out the window.
I would want to make sure my car was in
prime condition. But anyway, all right.
Speaker 8 (41:00):
I said today and the day to get it done.
Me and my little fur boops. We go and we
waiting in the waiting area, and so I'm like, okay,
let's see how much they're gonna come with you.
Speaker 1 (41:09):
I'm gonna say you wait about twenty five minutes and
they come in and they they're holding an air filter. Yes, yes,
they're holding an air filter. Always. It may not be yours,
but they're holding one, and uh and they're probably they
probably said something about your windshield wipers.
Speaker 2 (41:23):
Absolutely, so yesterday They didn't even do.
Speaker 8 (41:26):
The air filter thing because I felt like, you know,
because I gave them the deep voice the top off,
you know, make sure you do this. They didn't even
come with the air filter because I think they knew
I was too wide.
Speaker 1 (41:35):
Yeah, obsolutely.
Speaker 8 (41:36):
So I came though with the windshield wipers, and so
he goes, you know, you know, these are on sale
today ten dollars off each wiper, and.
Speaker 2 (41:45):
So at first I let it slide.
Speaker 8 (41:46):
I say, each wiper, okay, And then he said, yeah,
these are these are good for all four seasons?
Speaker 2 (41:51):
Well, what the what else?
Speaker 8 (41:52):
I'm like, all four seats were supposed to buy Winshiar wipers.
Speaker 2 (41:55):
First said, I don't know that.
Speaker 1 (41:57):
So you the wiper would would imply good for seasons
because I need a wiper during the season. It's one
of the rainy season and the snowy season. So I
don't know what else I need them for. But the seasons,
I said, that's a good question.
Speaker 8 (42:16):
Yeah, I said, okay, So I said all four hu,
He said, yeah, all four seasons.
Speaker 2 (42:20):
This is gonna work for all.
Speaker 1 (42:22):
The supper time you go to swap these up, But
the other three, you said.
Speaker 8 (42:26):
So then I said, okay, and then he said, so
do I don't know if you want to get one
or two today. I thought when sheer wipers were sold
as a package deal, I didn't know what's.
Speaker 1 (42:36):
She going to do with one?
Speaker 2 (42:37):
Right, He's like, why am.
Speaker 1 (42:39):
I only doing one? They both moved at the same time.
Speaker 8 (42:44):
I didn't think they could work without each other, you know,
so why would I una one wiper instead of doing both.
Speaker 2 (42:50):
I'm like, sir. So then he goes eight.
Speaker 8 (42:51):
But but if you get them both today, you know,
you get ten dollars off each. So I said, okay,
so that's twenty dollars because I'm still thinking of wipers
as a six. So he's like, well yeah, and so
I'm like, okay, yeah, I would like both wipers, please,
and I would like the ones that work in all
four seasons please. He's like he's He's like, yeah, yeah,
you doing it right, And I'm like, I thought this
supposed to work.
Speaker 1 (43:14):
This reminds me of a Christian Sebastian Man of Scalco
bit that he does about the handyman or the contractor
coming over to your house, you know, and it's like, ooh,
this wall, this wall is crooked. We're gonnaed to tear
this thing down. I don't know who did it before,
but we're gonna do it. This is what I'm feeling,
like like when you go to the when you go
to the auto place and they're not all like this,
I know, but a lot it's like, oh man, look
at this is the worst. This is the worst windshield
wiper I've ever seen. Everything. It's like, I mean, I
don't know how you have survived. Yeah, this is this
is a one season winshield wiper, and you've been You've
been driving around four seasons with this piece.
Speaker 7 (43:52):
You are.
Speaker 1 (43:53):
I can't believe you're alive. I honestly can't believe you're alive.
I guess. And then when you say, like, no, I'm
all good. I guess you're not concerned about the safety
of your family, then you know, you know what I mean.
But you know, like people don't they'll like shame you
sometimes they'll shame you if you don't want to do it.
You're like, I don't I don't think I'm gonna do it.
It's like, I guess you just don't care about the
resale value. Then it's you know, fine with me.
Speaker 2 (44:13):
If you're tending to be on the phone with my dad.
I haven't seen that man, and I almost we're on
the phone. I gotta try that one.
Speaker 1 (44:24):
I might do that too.
Speaker 3 (44:25):
Let me see if you'll pick up and then your
phone rings as you're holding it up to your ear.
Speaker 1 (44:30):
I've done that one before. That only happens at the
mall when I'm trying to avoid the nail people. They
want to shine my one nail. It's I got one
shiny nail walking around one shiny nail. The other nine
look like I've been digging around in garbage for a while.
It's like, I remember one time they tried to sell
me a nail kit. They're like, well, you get two
for one. I'm like, I don't what I need to
I don't need to one. Literally I literally left the
other one. They're like, but you get two. I'm like,
I only have I only need one, Like, I don't.
I don't even know why I'm doing this. I don't
need did that too, and they're like, no, but it's included,
like you don't have to pay for the other one.
I'm like, but I don't need it. Keep it all right?
So what did you how much would you wind up spending.
Speaker 8 (45:11):
One seventy two, and that was after I use their
coupon because if you text this code, if you take
oh go get oil to eighty sixty, you get a
ten dollars eleven dollars coupon.
Speaker 4 (45:21):
I'm getting a funded I know he's literally a fund.
Speaker 2 (45:24):
Does he change oil?
Speaker 7 (45:25):
Speaker 1 (45:26):
Oh, Mike's mechanic would do this for you for whatever
his cost is. He's such a nice man, I know
his big one.
Speaker 4 (45:33):
He'll throw in stuff sometimes.
Speaker 2 (45:35):
I don't even have to pay mic.
Speaker 4 (45:36):
No, nobody pays mikey.
Speaker 2 (45:41):
Okay, Well that's Mike.
Speaker 1 (45:43):
Jasu's partner is known to be very generous with the billing.
It turns out you never have to pay. You can
bring me a chicken. You can bring me. We'll trade
it out for a pig.
Speaker 2 (45:56):
It's fine your kids if you want.
Speaker 8 (46:00):
Yeah, put me on Mike's calendar for the next I
don't know what day, but just you.
Speaker 1 (46:06):
Know, okay, yeah. Wow. Someone said that if the oil
light is on me, you don't have oil.
Speaker 4 (46:11):
That you're hidding me?
Speaker 7 (46:13):
Are you kidding me?
Speaker 1 (46:13):
Put did you hold on? Did you get the all
season oil though?
Speaker 7 (46:16):
Speaker 8 (46:16):
Yeah, he told me I got the top premium the
gold oil. Yeah, he said, you need the one in
the gold bottle.
Speaker 1 (46:21):
Obviously you did.
Speaker 2 (46:22):
Yeah, I said that one for sure.
Speaker 1 (46:26):
Sorry, I'm crying. That was a good story. I know
you got a damn I got those wipeless You got
a new car, Yeah, I got too. You know what, honestly,
we should just throw the whole car away. Let's just
start over.
Speaker 2 (46:39):
No, that would be nice.
Speaker 1 (46:40):
But at least you've got nice wipers. That's exciting.
Speaker 11 (46:42):
Speaker 1 (46:43):
I can't wait to drive in the snow with you.
Speaker 2 (46:45):
Four seasons maybe.
Speaker 1 (46:46):
Yeah, I didn't realize that was the thing. Fred's Show.
Never been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show. Hey, Calem,
good morning, Welcome to the show. How are you.
Speaker 6 (46:58):
I'm doing, good man, trying to figure out this situation
rather than that, I'm all right.
Speaker 1 (47:03):
Yeah, well let's let's see I we can help you
here all waiting by the phone. You met a woman
named Molly. That's what we know. How did you meet?
Tell us about any dates that you've been on or
interactions that you've had, and where things are now?
Speaker 13 (47:14):
Okay, uh, you know we met at a bar, my
favorite bar, was out with some friends. She was there
the second I saw her, I knew that I was
gonna go up and talk to her. We met, she
gave me her number. We had a really good before,
really good sort of vibe. I asked her up and
the next day didn't beat around the bush, kind of
got right to it and she was really excited. We
went out, had a good time. I can usually tell
when someone's like pretending they're having a good time and
when they're really having a good time.
Speaker 6 (47:43):
We were really like vibe, and I mean we were.
We were on the same page the whole night, lacking flirting,
everything was good, and then, just like a ghost from
a fairy tale, she just up and disappeared.
Speaker 1 (47:59):
Well, that is no everrytail, my friend. I've seen a
lot of Disney movie. I don't end like this.
Speaker 7 (48:03):
Speaker 1 (48:03):
Maybe we have a new concept here. But let's see
if we can figure out what's going on. We're gonna
try and get Molly on the phone, which you've been
unable to do. We're gonna ask them questions. We're gonna
see if we can figure this out. And the hope
is that we can straighten things out and set you
guys up on another day that we pay for us.
Sound good on the phone.
Speaker 7 (48:18):
Man, I touched it.
Speaker 6 (48:18):
I called. I don't think it's gonna happen.
Speaker 1 (48:21):
I suspect that we'll have no trouble. Let's see what's
going on. We're gonna investigate part two of waiting by
the phone in two minutes after this song, Neo on
a Fred show. Fred Show is not Good Morning on
the radio, and the iHeart app live and anytime search
put a Fred show on demand. Hey, caleby, welcome back.
Let's call Molly. You guys, you met out, which again
I mean, this is crazy. You met like in the wild, right,
which we we just don't hear about this happening. But
it's just like two in a row. I think people
who uh actually will right walked up to another human,
used their mouth, spoke to them, and you got a number.
And you guys, you went to dinner. I'm just trying
to recap here. But you haven't heard from her since
to dinner. You want to know.
Speaker 6 (48:59):
Why I have heard from her eyes. She reached out,
she's not responding. It's it's weird, man, She's a sweetheart.
I don't know what the deal is.
Speaker 1 (49:08):
We're going to see if we can figure this out
for you right now, good luck Caleb.
Speaker 7 (49:12):
Okay, Hell, Hi is.
Speaker 1 (49:22):
This molly' slick? We had no trouble. Hi, Molly, Hi Molly,
I'm Fred. Nice to meet too. I assume it's Molly
because you haven't said no yet. But calling from the
Fred Show, the morning radio show. I have to tell
you we are on the radio right now. I need
your permission to continue with a call. Can we talk
for a little bit on the show?
Speaker 6 (49:39):
Why? Exactly?
Speaker 1 (49:41):
Yes? Okay, good, So we're calling. I'll be half. Actually
a guy named Caleb who you I guess you met him.
Been at a bar and you guys recently went out.
Do you remember meeting Caleb?
Speaker 14 (49:51):
Speaker 2 (49:52):
I remember Caleb? Okay, So why you're calling?
Speaker 1 (49:55):
Right? So Caleb reached out to us and he wants
to know why he has not able to get a
hold of you. He says he's called and texted since
the date. You're not answering. I mean, we had no
trouble whatsoever getting you to answer the phone. So why
are you avoiding him? Why are you ghosting him?
Speaker 14 (50:08):
Oh my gosh, this is ridiculous, Like I thought you
were calling for any other reason.
Speaker 1 (50:13):
Thanks, No, we're calling reasoning.
Speaker 14 (50:16):
You're wasting my time talking about Caleb.
Speaker 1 (50:18):
I will waste less of your time if you'll just
tell us why you're not calling him back. We'll tell
him and then it's the end of it.
Speaker 14 (50:24):
Ah God, I mean look, leading up to the date
we had, like he just kept hyping me up, you know,
saying like we're gonna we're gonna have such a great time,
Like he's gonna take me to his favorite place and
he's literally gonna spoil me.
Speaker 1 (50:37):
Well, that sounds like a nice thing to do for
a date.
Speaker 14 (50:39):
No, not at all, okay, because he goes like, we'll
get right in, So my anticipation is like through the roof,
I'm thinking, like we're going to go to a fancy
restaurant or something.
Speaker 1 (50:48):
So he's going to take you to a nice place
where he frequents and he knows people, and you're just
gonna cruise right in and have a great time. And
he made it seem like it was nice. I don't
that sounds like what you would want, right, thought full person,
a thoughtful man. On the first day, what's the problems?
Speaker 14 (51:04):
It's like, funny, how how stupid this is?
Speaker 2 (51:07):
Like he took me to Costo.
Speaker 1 (51:08):
It's a cute I was gonna say, does he have
the executive membership? I mean, so he had you believing
that you were going someplace fancy, but really, I mean
he took it to Costco. Could he have been kidding? Like,
could he have been just fooling around like just I
don't know, being funny. Well, I mean, there's nothing wrong
with a hot dog and a slice of pizza over
and they got that chicken bake over there too, you know,
get a drink and everything. You guys could have strolled
the aisle. I actually don't. I think this is kind
of funny. Are you sure, though, that he wasn't just
being playful? Are you sure that you didn't just I mean,
I understand what you what he may have been doing,
but maybe he was just messing with you just to
be cute.
Speaker 14 (51:43):
No, yeah, you don't go and get a girl excited
and tell her days on days that we're going to
be going somewhere nice. You know, he's gonna get me
in somewhere like it's very exclusive. And then we ended
up at Costco.
Speaker 1 (51:54):
Like honestly, it was like a newer Costco. It could
have been nice and grant opening at the IPA, you know,
an event.
Speaker 4 (52:01):
Or something's right.
Speaker 2 (52:02):
You didn't have to wait to get in.
Speaker 1 (52:03):
No, and he did get you right in. It sounds like,
let me bring Caleb in here. Caleb, were you trying
to be like funny and clever or or are you
trying to figure out if she was like a gold digger?
Speaker 7 (52:11):
Or like?
Speaker 1 (52:12):
What was the strategy here? Because to say something nice,
to say I'm taking you something everything else, you could
be like silly and funny and have a sense of youwhere,
But you did imply you were taking her somewhere nice,
which most people would associate with like a fancy restaurant.
Speaker 6 (52:26):
I mean nice, fun, whatever you want to call it.
Speaker 11 (52:30):
But I don't know anybody that doesn't like cost fun
a different thing finished. I don't know anybody that doesn't
like Costco. I don't know anybody that doesn't like the
food at Costco. I don't see the problem. We had
the food, It was fun, We had the ice cream,
We had a more free sampled you would them you
were loving a free sample sweatshirts.
Speaker 1 (52:53):
Come, I don't get this. I think it's cute.
Speaker 2 (52:55):
You would not do this, fud do not even think
you would do this.
Speaker 1 (53:00):
But but I think that except for the fact that
you were saying that it was nice. I think the
rest of it could have been just cute and funny
and original. But but she was of the impression that
it was going to be something that it totally wasn't
And I can see why. So, I mean, and you
knew what you were doing.
Speaker 6 (53:16):
Okay, then how can she and Molly? How can you
weren't all dressed up all fancy. We both looked appropriate
for Costco. You weren't wearing high heels or anything like that.
Speaker 14 (53:25):
Are you serious?
Speaker 2 (53:26):
And your cost.
Speaker 6 (53:29):
Not a lot? I actually could you were going some
fancy downtown restaurant you were wearing and them and TikTok.
Speaker 8 (53:39):
Speaker 1 (53:39):
I mean, I don't know what that has to do
with it. I mean, she didn't know she was going
to Costco, clearly.
Speaker 6 (53:43):
But it's a nice place. The food is good. Everybody
we had a good card. That's what matters.
Speaker 1 (53:50):
There's a way to do this. There's a way to
do it. Bro. I don't think you did it because
you gave her the impression that you were going someplace fancy,
bottom line, and that's not what it was. I think
you were trying to be funny or cute or something
there's a way to do this. You didn't do it right.
Molly didn't like it. She feels like this whole thing
is a joke. And now she's on the radio, so
I can see why she might think that the whole
thing is a joke. Molly, you liked him otherwise, right,
I mean, let's he was being serious about that. He
really wanted to go to Costco so and he says
you had a good time, which he maybe he wasn't
observing it properly. But would you give him another shot
if he takes you to a real place because we're
paying for it now?
Speaker 14 (54:27):
No, I honestly I would not because I want to
be taken care of. I want to be treated as
a princess, and like we're just getting to know each other,
and the fact that he could pull something like this
on me right away, like who knows what he's going
to do later on in the relationship.
Speaker 1 (54:40):
Yeah, it's not a first date joke. I mean, I
feel like it's a joke a relationship Joe. But then again,
I don't know. Maybe the guy's just kind of that's
his sense of humor, and I don't know, it seems
like he was being serious it does seem that way.
I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,
but he's not really helping himself here. But anyway, okay,
so Molly says, no, Caleb, you know, I'm sorry, it's
not going to work out. Next time you go, Holly
at your boy. I enjoyed the food court there, so
I'd be fine with it.
Speaker 6 (55:04):
I can't. I just can't believe.
Speaker 13 (55:06):
You know, that's the first time that I have done that,
and nobody else has got a problem with it until you.
Speaker 1 (55:10):
Molly. You're still single, so maybe they did. I don't know.
Mae's got interested. It's not going to work out, guys,
Thank you both for your time. The Entertainment Report and
six fifty with Shelby Shelley. If you could beat our
pop culture expert in five questions that money is yours?
Both next on The Fred Show three five Kiss FM,
Chicago's number one hit music station. Calin's Entertainer Report is
on the Fread Show.
Speaker 3 (55:33):
Spencer Pratt is a very proud husband hyping up his
wife Heidi after she landed herself a Times Square billboard
amid their wildfire tragedy. As you know, the Hills Alum
has been actively promoting Heidie's twenty twenty ten Excuse Me
album Superficial as a way to bring in some money
after their Pacific Palisades home burned to the ground last week,
and fans and celebrity friends have been showing their support
by streaming the album, resulting.
Speaker 2 (55:58):
In Heidie's music moving up the.
Speaker 3 (56:00):
Charts and now a Time Square billboard at forty ninth
and Broadway. Spencer proudly shared the update on the Gram yesterday,
writing this is not a photoshop. Global pop superstar Heidi
Montag has a billboard right now in Times Square.
Speaker 2 (56:13):
Thank you link Tree. I guess they sponsored it.
Speaker 3 (56:15):
He also changed his bio to the husband of a
global prop.
Speaker 1 (56:22):
Just my fingers just on the button to play Heidi
Montag song at all times. I got it right here,
just in case, right next to all my Paulina tracks.
How much SLA have to play for them to get
credits the whole thing? Oh no, they're what I mean.
Look on Tuesday, yes.
Speaker 2 (56:52):
They stopped posting us.
Speaker 3 (56:54):
Speaking of the fires, Kelly Osborne is calling out celebrities
that she says are using this state of LA for attention.
Speaker 1 (57:01):
Speaker 3 (57:01):
She didn't name names, but she slammed the disturbing trend
of stars continuing to post about how they're helping victims
of the fires. And I mean, these fires are obviously tragic,
but I mean we have seen celebrities post themselves helping,
which is an interesting point, she said. Is it just
me being my normal, overthinking, cynical self or is it
really disturbing to see all of these celebs using other
people's pain and suffering as a photo op to say, Look,
I'm helping, I'm doing this, I'm doing that. I don't
believe you help because you get attention for helping. I
believe you just help because you want to. I'm so confused.
I think it's so wrong. No one asked you to
come out and give hugs go home. Speaking of that,
Foo Fighters front man Dave Girl volunteered his time on
his birthday to help responders and families affected by the fires.
Speaker 2 (57:46):
Dave gave back.
Speaker 3 (57:47):
With the Feed the Streets organization, which is prepared and
served meals for inmate fire fighters, frontline workers, and families
who have been displaced. Kelly would approve, though, because I
don't think Dave himself posted about it, but has worked
with this organization before. I'm sure you saw photos of
him barbecuing lass February to help people that are less fortunate.
And if you missed this earlier, people on social are
speculating that the Obamas are headed for divorce now. Her
not going to the Trump inauguration is one thing, but
she was also noticeably absent at Jimmy Carter's funeral, even
though Barack was there cracking up with Trump. Two years ago,
she told Revolt that there was a solid ten year
period where she couldn't stand being married to him. She
also said that her daughters were terrorists when they were younger,
which I think most young girls are so and I'm
sure most parents can relate. By the way, if you
miss any part of our show, get the free new
and improved iHeartRadio app and search the Fred Show on demand.
Speaker 1 (58:40):
My new player against our pop culture expert, Showbiz Shelley.
Nine eighty eight and sixty seven is her record, which
is really good. We're close to a thousand wins for
Showbiz Shelley. And at which point she gets she gets
dental insurance on her bottom jaw. Currently she will only
get in the top. She had to get to a
dousand winds to get the whole mouth eight five, five, five,
nine to one, one three five. It's very exciting for her.
She's two weeks away from a full cleanup, not just
a half. If you'd like to call, six fifty is
the prize if you can beat her and we'll play
in two minutes, So hit us up now. It's the
French show. Glad you're here. Do you have what it
takes to battle show Biz Shelley?
Speaker 5 (59:15):
In the show Biz Showdown, all.
Speaker 1 (59:21):
These people are texting at show Biz Shelley saying that
they'll fix Kiki's car like at her house.
Speaker 2 (59:27):
Yeah, I know, that's what I do. You can get
them to come to your house.
Speaker 1 (59:30):
Yeah, wait, Shelby Shelley. We don't all have it like
Shelby Shelley, but I mean you are royalty. People come
to your home.
Speaker 2 (59:36):
And this is the other week. They what do they
call it?
Speaker 15 (59:40):
They call me yeah, like I'm about yeah, and they
they come to your house and they do whatever they
have to do.
Speaker 2 (59:46):
And then actually what I've done before.
Speaker 15 (59:48):
Is they come and they pick up my car and
then take it where it ever has to go, and
then they bring it back.
Speaker 1 (59:53):
I noticed she got it. You'll sometimes deployed husband in
the Navy, and she's got a kid and another one
on the way in any minute.
Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
Now, I'm not going to mess with that.
Speaker 1 (01:00:02):
Yeah, so they come do it for I like that.
I don't know. I actually don't think I knew you
could do that. Yes, Mike should think about.
Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
This doesn't even happened for me.
Speaker 1 (01:00:10):
No, maybe Mike should expand his business into you know,
being mobile. Yes, oh yeah, no, And then he's at
their home so he can get money from them there
because you know, but they're running joke about and it's
not really a joke. But Mike, the mechanic, Jason's partner,
is a very very kind man, and he's very forgiving
and generous and patient with the billing at his business. Yes,
is in a nice way of saying it.
Speaker 4 (01:00:36):
Yes's with everyone but me.
Speaker 1 (01:00:37):
Yeah, you could be on a payment plan, Jason cannot. No, no, no,
Let's welcome Janine, Hi, Jennie, good morning, Hi, good money,
Welcome to the show. Tell us about you.
Speaker 16 (01:00:51):
Hi, I'm thirty. I am driving my kids to school.
He is first grade, no second grader, sorry, nervous and
he is a big fan too.
Speaker 1 (01:01:03):
What is his name, Ah, Emiliano well, good morning to
both of you. Let's see if you can win some
extra money. See Emiliano is listening, so he knows if
you got six hundred and fifty bucks now, which means
you know you're gonna have to spend it all him,
which is probably how it would go anyway. So let's
play the game. It's five questions. Shelley's record nine eighty
eight and sixty seven, six hundred and fifty bucks is
the price?
Speaker 2 (01:01:26):
Good luck, guys, all right, good luck, good much.
Speaker 1 (01:01:29):
With all the respects. Shelley gets a hell out. Question
number one, Janine Drake is using UMG or sewing rather.
I know I said it wrong. Helen freaked out. We
don't have a one two, three, three, four, five, five, five, five,
five six situations Today Drake is suing UMG for defamation
over this. Kendrick Lamar's song.
Speaker 2 (01:01:51):
Three bucks not like Us?
Speaker 1 (01:01:53):
Yeah. Excluding the Super Bowl, the Lions Commander's game Saturday
is the most expensive ticket in NFL. His street, Where
do the commanders call home?
Speaker 6 (01:02:06):
Speaker 1 (01:02:06):
Which Royal, which Royal shared she is in remission from
cancer on Tuesday, which Royal shared that she is in
remission from cancer.
Speaker 2 (01:02:19):
Royal Family oh, Kate Middleton.
Speaker 1 (01:02:23):
Justin Baldoni is taking legal action after he says Ryan
Reynolds made fun of him in the latest Deadpool movie.
What is the full name of that movie?
Speaker 7 (01:02:43):
Not? No?
Speaker 1 (01:02:44):
And hey, if you're gonna cheat, be more discreet. And finally,
actress Riley Keyhoe is on the latest episode of Call
Her Daddy and if he knows the answer to this,
who is Riley's famous grandfather?
Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
Wait? I didn't see that question?
Speaker 1 (01:02:59):
Ryan A key Hoo? Who is Riley Keyhoe's famous grandfather?
Speaker 2 (01:03:06):
Three? Two? One?
Speaker 1 (01:03:09):
I know a guy named Keyho And I'm confusing to yeah,
oh well you got a three? Okay, shout out to
key Get nervous. I thought it was a son. Who
are you talking about?
Speaker 2 (01:03:22):
The answer that she gave, which I'm not going to say, Uh, she's.
Speaker 1 (01:03:25):
I'm pretty sure Miliano is a boy.
Speaker 3 (01:03:27):
Okay, So I don't know who you're talking about.
Speaker 1 (01:03:30):
I'm talking about the child on the phone. Okay, So three?
Is this going to be three? The child that was
answering all the questions for her? Actually, yeah, the.
Speaker 4 (01:03:37):
Teter he's a cheating child.
Speaker 1 (01:03:41):
These are teachable moments. Okay, this is mom and son
scamming the system, and I love it. I love a
co criminal situation. I'm here for it. It's something my
mom and I would have done. So it's fine, you know,
work smarter, not harder. Here we go. Three? Is this
going to be Shelley all right? Drake is doing UMG
for defamation over this. Kendrick Lamar song, Oh No, three?
This is us Now. That's an NBC show where people
try excluding the super Bowl, the Lions Commander's game Saturday
is the most expensive ticket in NFL history. Where do
the Commanders call home?
Speaker 2 (01:04:26):
Washington PC?
Speaker 1 (01:04:27):
Yes, which Royal shared she is in remission from cancer.
Speaker 2 (01:04:32):
Kate Middleton Yes.
Speaker 1 (01:04:33):
Justin Baldoni is taking legal action after he says that
Ryan Reynolds made fun of him in the latest Deadpool movie.
What is the full name of that movie?
Speaker 2 (01:04:44):
Three? Face? Uh to Deadpool and Wolverine?
Speaker 1 (01:04:48):
Yes? And finally, what do we have a tie in
our hands? Right now? You have to get the swim.
Actress Riley Keo is on the latest episode of Call
Her Daddy. Who is Riley's famous grandfather Elvis? I did
not know that, but yeah, that's corrected. All that That
is the four that is the win. Janine Emiliano, you're
gonna have to say it. Uh, the both of you.
You may as well do it together since he did
the game together. I got showed up on the showdown.
You know the res please.
Speaker 16 (01:05:15):
My name is Janin.
Speaker 1 (01:05:19):
I got showed up on the showdown.
Speaker 16 (01:05:20):
Oh I got showed up on my showdown. And I
can't hang with Forrilla.
Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
That was really good. You can't hang Emeliano said, you
were the one answering the question.
Speaker 2 (01:05:41):
Emilio said, this is us.
Speaker 1 (01:05:46):
What do you do it once? That show kid? I mean,
that's up for eleven year olds getting in your feels.
All of a sudden, you made up to Hey, Janina,
hang on one second. Thank you so much for this thing.
I hope you guys have a great day. That was fun.
I appreciate it. Shelley, Yeah, all right, seven hundred bucks
is the prize. Okay, that's tomorrow.
Speaker 15 (01:06:08):
Let I get bottom jawn insurance soon because the top
I needed.
Speaker 1 (01:06:11):
Actually, no, it's bottom insurance. Yeah, it's true. It's true.
You had to get to a thousand wins. We gave
you a choice. Did you want your right eye or
bottom jaw. That was what you got to choose, you know,
to complete the insurance package.
Speaker 2 (01:06:26):
Yeah, jaw I need. Remember I never been an eye doctor,
so jaw is what I need.
Speaker 1 (01:06:29):
Don't get Calyn going on that. And Kayles says everybody
should go to this. She works for the Eye Doctor
Association and she thinks that everybody should go to a
you know, by the way, Shelley said, Washington d C
guts the Washington d C commanders.
Speaker 2 (01:06:41):
Yes, except either I hope I would know that it is.
Speaker 1 (01:06:43):
Correct the Washington commanders, that is correct. She did not
say the Washington state commander.
Speaker 2 (01:06:49):
Real tired.
Speaker 1 (01:06:52):
I appreciate that people want to be right. I like
to be right, I really do. But like, this is
not a sinister game, okay, we we actually want the
listeners to win. Actually, I would like to write checks
every day because that would mean that you might listen
more if we bribe you. It's pretty transparent. But people
love to let us know the very moment that we
made a mistake. And thank you.
Speaker 3 (01:07:15):
I agree, or in that case not at all, but hey,
thank you for your attention to detail and for the
passion that you have for the content.
Speaker 1 (01:07:23):
Right, Klyn, right, that's my spe Shelley, have a great day.
Speaker 2 (01:07:27):
Thanks you too.
Speaker 1 (01:07:28):
Thanks thanks for being here, Thanks for coming. Let's see
the throwback throwdown. Name that tune Battle. I got new
debut songs today. As you know, it's a new year,
which means we can add new songs because the throwback
in this game, because we ran out of songs is
six and a half years, which I don't mean to
make people feel old, but this is making people feel
old because six I think when you like put COVID
in there, six and a half years feels like not
that long ago because there was a time warp of
about three years. It almost didn't exist. But yes, on
the throwback throw Down, Name that tune Battle. We're playing
next on the Friend Show, Fred's show next right here?
Okase that time Chicago's number one music station. Ladies and gentlemen,
it's time to play throw back throw Down. I am
your host, Fred's alter ego, the Great D Cheese Pressed. Hi, Brittany,
how you doing? What an honor is for you to
talk to me? The Great D Cheese Kiki is your
players today in the throwback throw down. Y Yeah, I
like the entergy. A lot of excitement there. Now, first
we have Elizabeth one, we have Elizabeth two. I'll have
you know there to Elizabeth. This is Elizabeth High. Elizabeth
number one is here, and Jason's your player. Good morning,
Elizabeth number one.
Speaker 4 (01:08:48):
That is Elizabeth number one.
Speaker 6 (01:08:50):
Jason, let's go.
Speaker 1 (01:08:52):
That doesn't mean you're going to be number one. It's
just the first one I got to. We have a
number one. Okay, well, I'll let you take that. I'll
let you take that up with Elizabeth number two. And
Paulina is your player today. Hi, Elizabeth number two. Hi, okay,
good man, you're both number one in my heart. I'll
have you know. And finally we have Hailey. Hi, Hailey, Hi.
Kaylin is your player him?
Speaker 5 (01:09:18):
Speaker 1 (01:09:19):
All right, guys, it's very exciting and I mute the
at home players. The rules are as followed. Eight songs
tyebreaker if necessary. Your name is your buzzer along we
have a game show buzzer. You have to say your
name buzz the same time we go with the game
show buzzer. But because people can't see that, you gotta
say your name at the same time. Okay. Each of
you have a phone a friend with whom you can
confer for one point except the winning point, which is
a rule. We could probably get rid of, but we'll
keep it for now. Whatever, It's fine. Many questions, no, okay.
And if you're new to the game, Caitln has one
win so far this year. She's a previous champion many
years ago, and she and also what else was I
going to say? Oh, a throwback in this game is
defined as six and a half years old or older.
That's how we define a throwback, so it could be
anything six and a half years and older. I can
go back to nineteen forty if I want to. Oh, yeah,
what do they call that? Steam pump? What do they
call that?
Speaker 7 (01:10:15):
What else?
Speaker 1 (01:10:18):
No, what is that? Thee like the era where like
people wore top hats and there was like there's like
a hole. Someone's gonna text me there's that. I don't know.
I think it's that era. There's a hole. There was
a hole, like a Roaring twenties. You're just saying things,
but there was no I think it was around that time,
and there was like a resurgence of the fashion. But
I forget what it was called. Someone someone is going
to let us know. Anyway, here we go song number one.
And and also I played around, I played I played
too much, too much. Maybe you'll hear you hear some
of the things I did today as I curated the
Throwback throw Down. Name that two metal song number one,
That is Pauline. That's uh, oh my god, five four two,
Oh my god.
Speaker 2 (01:11:08):
I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:11:11):
I believe you attended a concert that we threw with
these people. Yeah, you know that is Caitlin.
Speaker 2 (01:11:17):
Shut up and dance walk the Moon.
Speaker 1 (01:11:20):
That's that's a great song. Steam punk. What I was thinking,
thank you. Sometimes you guys bail me out and you
did steampunk. Thank you, seam punk, steam punk. I don't know.
It was like it was like a like an era
of a trendy thing and it was brought back from
that I don't know the history.
Speaker 2 (01:11:59):
Like from after the war.
Speaker 1 (01:11:59):
If only there was a place we could find out
that answer. I believe it's called Google. But anyway, steam honk,
the gate keeping, steam pump.
Speaker 2 (01:12:08):
I was steam Pump, and it was a little different.
Speaker 1 (01:12:12):
So I was close just mixed up a letter. You know,
I hate it when that happens. Okay, So one Kalin
seven songs left in the Throwback throw Down. Heeky, such
a good song and if you know this, we can
just go home.
Speaker 2 (01:12:30):
I want to call my girl.
Speaker 1 (01:12:32):
Okay, well that isn't now we have to stay because
I was going to say we could leave. But if
she knows him. So Brittany and Keiky. Britney and Keky
only a guest.
Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
Brittany that is episore.
Speaker 1 (01:12:57):
That is really not a bad guess.
Speaker 7 (01:12:59):
But it's.
Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
The store by Alanis Morrison. I mean that is a
person who listens. Brittany is a listener of the program. Clearly.
Caylen that is.
Speaker 2 (01:13:10):
Hands Cleaned by Alana's Morris, which is.
Speaker 1 (01:13:14):
An underrated Atlanta.
Speaker 7 (01:13:17):
Is this some.
Speaker 2 (01:13:20):
That's best forward to a few years later.
Speaker 1 (01:13:24):
Okay, Steampunk it's how they dress at Burning Man, so
Bob and Rich would know about that. The DJ, the
DJ duo, No, I was just you don't ever know
what I'm talking about. Jesus.
Speaker 2 (01:13:52):
It's like it's like like Dune Vibe.
Speaker 1 (01:13:55):
Which we're getting blown up because I asked for clarifications
and now we're getting like the entire history on the
But I asked for this informationalyptic.
Speaker 4 (01:14:03):
Taking you to steam pump.
Speaker 1 (01:14:05):
It's up north. We're going. That is not where that
is not what Bob and Rich goes. Just help you know.
The Dynamic Duo and burning man who run this company? Okay,
So two for Kaitlin. I mean, is anybody here, Mike
check hello, and you haven't picked up yet. You won't
get pick up on my little a little fun, having
some fun some Three in the throwback throw down on
the Fred Show, Calen again, that is new rules, running
away with you? This is a thre What are you
laughing about?
Speaker 2 (01:15:09):
Is just coming in?
Speaker 6 (01:15:10):
Speaker 1 (01:15:10):
Sometimes I need I need you to inform me of
what I'm thinking of and I can't say. And the
people come through. Sometimes you come through in ways that
we didn't need you to or ask for. But that's okay,
Like any family, right, we love you and we know
there's passion.
Speaker 7 (01:15:25):
Thank you.
Speaker 1 (01:15:26):
Yeah, I know you're looking out for us. You just
want us to get it right right, Yes, for sure
we'll go with them. So three for Kaitlin. Five songs
left in the throwback throw Down. Still anybody's games that is,
and you got a little bonus that is come clean,
Hillary Duff, that's right. I feel like everybody has known
every one of these songs he's ever taken. Come on,
everybody down, all right, Hilary does in the news lately
for she took it maybe more right. Yeah, it's so nice,
fires and whatnot. Well, by the way, on that note,
we're working very hard. We're negotiating currently and this is
not a joke for a a Heidi Montag and Spencer
Pratt interview. We have a call with their people later
today to talk about whether we can do it by
these people. What year is it up? Yeah? No, I
mean I couldn't believe when I got a text yes today,
can I give a Heidi Montag your number?
Speaker 7 (01:16:53):
Be sure?
Speaker 1 (01:16:54):
You absolutely may. That's something I never ever thought would
happen to me when I was watching that show as
a child. As not a child, but definitely not I
was in college. I think I was very much not anyway,
So what number?
Speaker 11 (01:17:09):
Speaker 1 (01:17:09):
Age is just the number? I'm an ageless. I've sounded
this same. It's like that executive used to say about me.
You sounded old when you were young, and you sound
old when you're old, So you'll be fine.
Speaker 2 (01:17:17):
That's why did you get that voice? Like about what age.
Speaker 1 (01:17:23):
Between the between the seventh and eighth grade? I came
back with no braces this voice, and I had literally
grown a foot. Things really worked out well that year? Yeah,
not well enough, but well, la finally four four, and
there are four songs left, so at any point you
just win the game, because I guess that's what we're
doing in the Throwback throwed.
Speaker 2 (01:17:43):
Down Elizabeth number two really, yes, I am really.
Speaker 1 (01:17:50):
Paulina and Elizabeth number two. I'm actually trolling Kiki that one.
Speaker 2 (01:18:01):
Do you know the name of it? Elizabethan song? I
don't know the name of it, Tuk, yes it is.
Speaker 1 (01:18:10):
It is my shoe.
Speaker 2 (01:18:15):
Trying to get a little bit.
Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
I don't want you to five two.
Speaker 2 (01:18:24):
We've seen the clock the body.
Speaker 1 (01:18:35):
That's four for Kaylin and three songs left, so you'd
have to run it. Oh, you have to get all
the rest of these and then you could tie it
or anybody else scores and Kaylen wins. Okay, just to
lay the lands here, are you ready?
Speaker 2 (01:18:49):
Speaker 7 (01:18:49):
All right?
Speaker 1 (01:18:50):
This is song six in the Throwback throw Down. That
is calin for the wind.
Speaker 2 (01:18:56):
That is stir fry Migo.
Speaker 1 (01:18:59):
That's right.
Speaker 4 (01:19:16):
In the kitchen like a surf in the kitchen.
Speaker 1 (01:19:21):
In the kitchen. Canon one. But let's see the two
songs left, so let's see if anyone else can score,
or if Canon will just keep just keep being No,
you can keep being a winner if you want to
Winter's Winning Winners winning. Yeah, go down, my.
Speaker 2 (01:19:41):
God, to go down together.
Speaker 7 (01:19:46):
That's right. Where was I in the era?
Speaker 3 (01:19:50):
Speaker 2 (01:19:50):
Where was I? Can I get into music?
Speaker 1 (01:19:52):
You can guess?
Speaker 2 (01:19:53):
Is that the chain smoker? Chain Smoker's paris.
Speaker 1 (01:19:58):
To get away from your parents?
Speaker 4 (01:20:00):
So proud standing with.
Speaker 5 (01:20:05):
Speaker 7 (01:20:05):
Speaker 1 (01:20:06):
Oh that's right? Small time okay. And then the last
guys here was the last one to complete my little
threesome theme here clean bandit rather be we had hands clean,
we had come clean and clean bandit. I did that
on purchase. I was really proud of myself. I did
my big one on that. Okay, not buzzing, Paulina Haley,
it's the winner, Haley. Boo Haley, Helse, look alive, Haley,
you water? You won something? Him?
Speaker 2 (01:20:57):
Sorry, I'm at work.
Speaker 16 (01:20:58):
I'm at work.
Speaker 1 (01:20:58):
Oh don't be sorry. I was just making sure you're okay.
Do you what does it you do for a living?
Speaker 12 (01:21:04):
Well, I'm a high schooler, but I'm interning right now
at an elementary school.
Speaker 1 (01:21:09):
Oh wow, Well, congratulations, we'll get you something. I don't
know what it is. We'll get you something. Hang on,
have a great day, everybody. Thank you very much, I'm
proud of you all, all right, nice jub Calen.
Speaker 2 (01:21:20):
Nice job.
Speaker 7 (01:21:20):
That's too.
Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
That's two for two. We played twice this year, You've
won twice the Entertainment Report and Trending Stories both next
week's The Friends Show.
Speaker 3 (01:21:28):
Fred show man Wendy Williams says her life is effed
up and she feels like she's trapped in a prison,
and it's all due to her being stuck in a
conservatorship despite not being quote cognitively impaired. Now, Wendy was
talking to Our Friends on the Breakfast Club in a
rare interview where she went in depth about how she's
been mistreated over the past three years by her conservator,
Sabrina Morrissey. So Wendy had to call in since she
was unable to leave what's described as a luxury prison,
and she had her niece Alex with her, who helped
expanse and on the poor living conditions. Now, Alex says,
when Wendy is stuck in this small room with only
basic necessities and one window that barely lets any light
in kind of sounds like this room sometimes. Alex says, yeah,
I mean we don't have windows in here, and there's
a lock on the outside on the outside down.
Speaker 8 (01:22:19):
No, it's not a joke, and I don't think this
is funny, by the way, but it literally.
Speaker 2 (01:22:22):
Sounds like this room and I'm picturing that.
Speaker 3 (01:22:24):
And Wendy says one of the few interactions that she
has with other people is when nurse maids come to
her room daily to deliver her unknown pills. One of
the most upsetting things from the interview is that she
says she's only able to use phones one way. She
can make calls to family and friends, but they can't
contact her. She also can't scroll on a phone, doesn't
have a laptop or iPad. At one point, Wendy broke
down into tears about the possibility of not being with
her dad in Miami on his ninety fourth birthday, and
Wendy says that she's at the hands of this woman
when it comes to any decisions. She also got incredibly
emotional when she said that her two cats were taken
away from her unbeknownst to her. She'd been with these
cats since she moved to New York following her divorce,
and says she recently learned that they were sold without
her knowledge. The exact details surrounding the removal of her
pets are unclear.
Speaker 2 (01:23:15):
But God, is.
Speaker 3 (01:23:17):
This another conservatorship situation that we're seeing before our eyes?
Speaker 2 (01:23:21):
I don't know. It was a heartbreaking interview.
Speaker 3 (01:23:23):
Asap Brocky's lawyer says he's not interested in cutting a
deal with the prosecution less than a week before he
goes to trial for the alleged shooting of a former
bandmate and friend.
Speaker 2 (01:23:32):
Now, lawyers on.
Speaker 3 (01:23:33):
Both sides got together yesterday to try to come to
some sort of agreement, which they couldn't. The trial is
set for January twenty first, starting with the selection of
a twelve person jury. Asap was not at the hearing,
but he has pled not guilty to two felony charges
of assault with a semi automatic firearm. Now he's facing
up to twenty four years in prison if convicted of both,
which is insane. By the way, the judge did ask
prosecutors and the defense how to refer to Rihanna. He said,
are they actually married? And his lawyer says, it's his
common law wife, your honor. So I think some people
maybe thought there were I know there were rumors at
one point, but I don't think legally and I don't
know if you guys saw that Kanye West is back
to posting, But yesterday he had fans real confused after
he posted on his story a throwback video of Pamela
Anderson naked. What Yeah, So he shared this clip of
the Baywatch a lum presenting Hugh Hafner with a cake
for his eighty second birthday in two thousand and eight.
In the video, Pam, who was forty at the time,
was wearing nothing but high heels as she carried the
cake for the Playboy mogul. He paired the video with
the repeated words hyde your bee hydr bee.
Speaker 2 (01:24:44):
He said the actual word, or they were saying the
actual word.
Speaker 3 (01:24:48):
I like that. People were speculating that he may be
hinting that he's going to collab with her on his
new album.
Speaker 2 (01:24:53):
I don't think that's true.
Speaker 1 (01:24:55):
Speaker 3 (01:24:56):
The internet is going to internet and some people were like,
Pam's going to be pissed, and some people are like,
she's gonna collab she now. She did appear in his
two thousand and six music video for Touch the Sky
from his second studio album, Late Registration, But I don't
something tells me they are not going to collab, but
stranger things have happened. They're taking TikTok from us, So
I don't know. By the way, have you missed any
part of our show, The Fread Show. Get that free
new and improved iHeart Radio app and search The Fread
Show on dis Fread Show.
Speaker 1 (01:25:24):
This is what's trending well. Trump and Biden are looking
for ways to keep TikTok going. President like Trump is
reportedly considering an executive order for day one, which would
be next week, that would save TikTok from a banner sale.
The Washington Post is a boarding at the order which
suspending enforcement of a TikTok ban or sale law for
sixty to ninety days. Who knows who's going to get
it done, Kiki, I know you've been campaigning. Yeah, we've
been calling both parties.
Speaker 8 (01:25:48):
I mean it's kind of late in the game, Like
where were both of them when I needed them? This
is like, you wait until we get days left. Now,
you want to work, get to work.
Speaker 1 (01:25:56):
You're gonna make you know, you're already having PTSD, You're
already having the pain of the loss. Yes, you've already
gone through the stages of greed exactly. And then they're
got to say today right at the end, how do
how do I do that to you?
Speaker 2 (01:26:07):
Where you've been?
Speaker 1 (01:26:08):
But this is a real story. Do a lingos us
traffic has spiked two hundred and sixteen percent, as literally
people are trying to learn Mandarin so that they can
go over to ret note which is the Chinese TikTok
I guess or like a version of TikTok the t
in China. Do a Lingo, which helps people learn a
new language, has seen a two hundred and sixteen percent
spike in people learning Mandarin this week. It is primarily
in Chinese, so I guess. To fully enjoy it, you
would have to speak Mandarin. How's that going?
Speaker 7 (01:26:38):
Speaker 2 (01:26:39):
I learned one word miow.
Speaker 1 (01:26:44):
That's what?
Speaker 14 (01:26:45):
Speaker 7 (01:26:45):
Speaker 2 (01:26:45):
Good lady, teach me that I.
Speaker 1 (01:26:47):
Believe is nihow? I believe? Which is I think? Hello?
Speaker 2 (01:26:50):
Oh okay, I think that's my accent. On top of it,
my bead I go.
Speaker 1 (01:26:53):
I got work to do. I got a lot of
work to do. But apparently, according to YouTube, you can
learn in thirty minutes, which is the most difficult language
in the world, or one of them. It's thirty minutes.
No problem. What if we just hire somebody who does
speak Bandin already that can just translate for you in
real time, like they have the you know, interpreters and
stuff for the Sig language interpreters at the events. Why
don't we just get that for you for TikTok or
for red note red notes.
Speaker 2 (01:27:16):
Yeah, I'm just if it's not TikTok, I really don't
want it.
Speaker 7 (01:27:20):
Speaker 1 (01:27:20):
Yeah, name Brend, you're a name rang girl. You don't
take the generic, do you?
Speaker 12 (01:27:24):
Speaker 2 (01:27:24):
I don't want the generic.
Speaker 1 (01:27:25):
Nope. The Palisades Fire is twenty one percent contained as
of Wednesday night. To eat and fire forty five percent
contained as of Wednesday night. Rumors are swirling that the
Obamas are headed for a divorce. That's trending today. Red
dye number three has been banned from food thanks to
the FDA, nearly thirty five years after it was barred
from cosmetics because of a potential cancer risk. There was
a Southwest flight from Savannah, Georgia, bound for Chicago that
was delayed five hours because the pilot apparently allegedly was drunk.
Not supposed to do that. Let me see what else
I have for you guys here. Oh and finally, and
I know Jason's already applied for this. This is a
real story, though. Planters is looking to hire three new
people to tool around the country in what they call
their Nutmobile, which the Wiener Mobile but with nuts, I
guess supposedly, So starting this June, you'd be a brand
ambassador for a year. You would drive this thing around
the country to different parts of the country and do events.
You might also have to dress up as mister Peanut occasionally.
Forty five thousand dollars a year, plus benefits and travel expenses.
You can apply now at planters Nutmobile dot com, but
be sure to put the Planters in because I'm not
really sure what you get if you tied a nutmobile. First,
the fun fact peops more bread show next, so much? Okay,
we got layers of facts here. Okay, there's a few
things and I didn't I don't think I knew some
of this. But you may have heard that the Teddy
Bear was named for Teddy Roosevelt, who is the twenty
sixth President of the US. Do you know why I
didn't know this part? He refused to shoot a wounded bear,
so they called, which I don't know if I like
that or not. I'm not sure because if it was wounded,
and if it wasn't anyway, I don't know. I don't know.
But that's why it's called teddy bear. So the invention
of the teddy bear coincide it perfectly with the rise
of mass manufacturing in the toy industry, and the bear's
creators made off like bandits. When the twenty seventh President,
William Howard Taft began his term, toy makers wanted to
do the same thing and make something they could sell
and make a lot of money. So they wanted to
make a similarly popular plushy out of a meal that
he used to eat, possum and taters, Possum and taters
that this dude used the President used to eat it.
So Billy Possum didn't wasn't as big of a hit
as Teddy Bear was. But there was gonna be a
thing called a billy possum that was a Teddy Bear.
Speaker 5 (01:29:57):
Yeah, I don't hit the same, It doesn't, no, with
a billy possum, right, like that billy possum away your
kids putting.
Speaker 1 (01:30:05):
Sorry, I'll put it away or put it away more
fread show next