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May 9, 2023 5 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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They talk better than they say.These are the radio blogs on the French.

We should put someone else in chargeof the med's. We're making a
lot of sense now, I gotyou, Like every day I feel a
little dizzy, and then she takesmy wallet and says she has to pay
for something and then comes back.I don't know. It's weird. It's
like writing in our diaries, exceptwe said I'm allowed. We call him
blogs. I have to follow upon the story. I didn't get to
it yesterday, but dear blog,just a little backstory here. I was.

I had met this girl a coupleof weeks ago, very pretty girl,
and we had just met. We'retalking, and she's had just gone
to a Morgan Wallen concert. SoI was like, oh, well,
you know Luke Holmes is going tobe I'm going to Luke Holmes concert.
And she's like, oh, RileyGreen is opening for Luke Holmes, country
singer. I didn't know who thisguy was, but he's a very good

looking guy. They call him thed He calls himself the duck Man duck
Man, which is something. Heis a good look. I will say
that. Well, it turns outone of my best friends goofy, dork
goofy, dorky, dokey. That'shard to say. Try to saying that
three times. Ryan dokey. Heworks for the label that Riley Green is

on, so he was coming totown to take me to the concert,
specifically to see it meet Riley Green. So I'm like this my in boom,
I'm like, you know, wouldyou like to go to the concert
and you know, we can meetthe guy? And she was like,
yeah, I would, but ifI meet him, I'll stay with him
and leave you. That's what shesaid. So I was like, what,

I hold on a minute, Thisis not no. No, I'm
not facilitating another man making out withmy dates. That's not a good.
That's not good. And so youguys were trying to say like, oh
no, quite confidence, like takeher like you don't care, and I'm
like, no, I'm gonna callmy buddy who represents Riley Green and tell
him to tell her when they meetit he's disgusted by her and thinks she's

gross. Oh I didn't do that. That was a joke. I wouldn't
have done that. I would havegone quite confident. But then this girl's
like, I can't go I'm like, okay, no problem, whatever,
went to the concert, had agreat time. He's a super nice guy.
He's a super good looking guy.I mean I even said to him,
I'm like, can you stop beingso good looking? Because every time

all I have, oh the wholetwo weeks before I went to this concert,
it was like, Oh, you'regonna meet Riley Green. He's so
hot, but can we stop withthis. You know, you're a musician,
you can play the guitar, andyou're hot, Like, come on,
Like Luke Holmes. On the otherhand, I'm a huge Luke Holmes
fan. Not a conventionally good lookingguy, right, but he's so talented

that it outweighs and so. Butthis guy's got both and it's just not
fair. And I told him thatand he was like, well, I
had an ugly phase. I'm like, okay, you're an ugly phase.
Well that must have been like atbirth, because it doesn't look that way
right now. Anyway. I textsaid girl who said she was busy a

picture of me and Riley Green,and she was like, oh my god,
I can't believe it. I can'tI can't believe it. Like I
think I was lying to you bythat, like, I mean, yeah,
I know dorky goofy doki. Soof course I got backstage and uh
and I'm like, oh, whatever, okay, that's all. It's fine.
What do I see when I gethome? On Instagram? She went
with other people the same show.She went with a bunch of girls.

I'm like, how hard would ifI were I would have been like,
I'm going with my girls, butI'll still meet Riley Green. That's what
I would have done. Yeah,you want to hang out with me to
meet Riley Green? So you knowwhat, I know where I stand.
It was really upsetting. Yeah,I was like moment, I mean,
I wouldn't say really upsetting. Iwould say moderately upsetting because I got to

touch Riley Green. She didn't.Yeah, no, I certainly did you
did? I think? Would youhave been upset if she still met you
to meet this dude and then wentback to her friends? Not really,
I don't care. This is fine. I mean, I guess it's like,
why did you go to the counturenot tell me you? At least
we're going. We were busy evenwant to go with me? Which is
fine, It's all right, andI regret now I'm not taking I should

just invited another day, because insteadit was me and uh goofy, dorky
donkey and the whole night. Whyis he goofy and Dory's not. He's
a very good looking guy as ahot country singer. Wife. He's a
high level record executive at you youwon't particularly care for the label that he's
at specifically, but he had nothingto do with that. He had nothing

to do with that. Okay,he had nothing to do with that.
Taylor, Oh lord, he wasnot there during that time and he didn't
make those decisions. But see nowyou're like, I don't like this guy,
call him dorky, worse than dorky. But I didn't know you had
these country connects like my life.Oh oh, I have the country connects.

Not only that, but I metthe lady who runs the country station
around here. Her name is Marcy, and we became best friends. And
I told him I'm going to everysingle country concert with you because you're like
the queen of country music and I'mgoing with you. And then Trevor,
our other friend. Trevor, he'salso a country executive now part of the
team. He could hook it upto because they take really country shows.

If you're in country radio, theytreat you like gold pop shows. You're
lucky the tickets work. I showhim to the front door of the scam
my ticket, like, this isfake. I just from the label.
They're like I feel that anyway.Were like, he's not that hot.
No, he's hot. He's agood looking guy. He's a nice guy.

I don't know about the duck theduck call before I guess again,
when you look like that, youcan duck call before you. No one's
gonna care.
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