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April 26, 2023 5 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Okay, that's my wifi's name theradio blogs on the Friend show. No,
it's FBI Surveillance fan one. That'swhat my WiFi name is, to
fly for a Wi Fi. Yeah, I like that. I use mine

as under Mythland. Oh really,I was kidding of a cheesy name.
That's pretty good. Actually, Ilike them audio journals like writing in our
diaries. We call them blogs kickingdear blog. Um. So, as
my girl Paulina came to the realizationthat she's an angel, yes, I
have come to the realization that I'mslightly a weird though. Okay, and

that's what you got. You know, it didn't take long for you to
fit right here. You may havebeen a normal human being, a normal
functioning human being, but it's beenat what a six months or show?
Yeah? Oh yeah, weirdo forsure anymore? Yeah yeah, So think
about the cheapest thing you've ever doneto save money, Because I too,
went on a solo trip this weekendAtlanta that I really did not want to

go on. Let me just saythat, right, I didn't want to
go. So my plan this wholetime was, let's make this trip as
short as possible. We'll get offthe plane, we'll go to the event,
We'll go to a bar back home, right, Okay, didn't quite
work out that way. Um,so I caught a thirty nine dollars flight.
I was on the flight with thetape on the wing. They take
the plane together. Yeah, Iknow you're alive, so that tape holds

up sometimes. Yeah. Now,when I got on the plane, some
listeners shout out to the FAITHUL thirteendid recognize me and start taking pictures of
me sitting on the back of thisplane next to the broken wings. So
that was embarrassing, just like usexactly. Yeah, you might be syndicated,

but we you don't fly spirit.Yes, So I get on the
flight, I get to Atlanta.Um. Now the gag is guys,
I couldn't get another flight out ofAtlanta until the next day at six am.
Okay, I figured I don't needa hotel room. Okay, I
can just thug it out through theday and then sit at the airport overnight

until my flight starts. That's howcheap I'm being about this trip. So
what was your plan? You weregonna stay out all day and then show
up at the airport at like twoin the morning. Yeah, board your
flight at five something and off yougo. Yes. So we were going
to the podcast event that our companyhas a festival in Atlanta, and it
was supposed to go to APM.I got there, the group I was

with decided to leave around four.I'm like, wait a minute, now,
that's my schedule twelve hours. Sothen we go to a bar.
So I'm like, cool, drinkSony. Guys like, let's keep drinking.
I'm trying to get them to hangout at this bar. So they're
like, you know what, yebecause you plan to roll up a sleeping
bag, you're pretty soon sleep inthe corner of the place. So yeah,

okay. Hey. So they're like, um, okay. They decided
that they're going to go back totheir hotel room and freshen up, and
so they're like, okay, wellwe're calling the uber and I'm like,
oh, so then my friend heoffers. He says, hey, when
you can get an art uber andthey'll drop you off at your hotel.
I never wanted to tell them thatI didn't come. I was like,
you know what, No, it'sfine. He said, well where are

you staying? I said, buythe airport. I fake ordered this uber
guys walk to the door with themand everything. So their uber comes from
like great, they're going boom.So I go sit at the bar right
because I'm like, I gotta hangout here. They came back inside because
apparently that wasn't their uber, andthey came back inside to call another uber

and go to the bathroom. Sothey come out of the bathroom, They're
like, kicking, why are youat the ball? I thought you were
leaving. So it was just aweekend full of me lying to them.
So I tell them this. I'mlike, I'm gonna sit here and shoot
some content, you know, butmy uber's coming. I'm worried to So
they leave. They had rooms,they were kicking it. They had a

full weekend there. I was tryingto get in, so I lied to
them about that long storry short.I meet some girls at the bar from
Detroit, so I'm like, cool, they were partying with you. They
party with me till midnight, soI'm like, oh, this is perfect.
So I've stayed up this bright tillmidnight. When they get ready to

leave, they offered me a rideto my hotel and I go, oh
no, no, no, it'sokay, it's okay, I already ordered
my Uber, getting the uber,get to the hotel, try to spend
the night in the hotel. Guysapt why, I mean, yes,
aport, Yeah, the airport atthe airport right. So I'm like,
okay, it's it's about one am. I'll get there. That's fine.

I'll sit me in the little chair, plug charged my phone, and then
about four am I go through security. I did not know the type of
people that live in the air Iwas then chase around. Okay, I
people approaching me for money. Itwas a lot going on, friend,
and I'm sitting here in full drag, air makeup, looking cute, sleeping

in the airport. So I sayall that to say, France, don't
be cheap. Just I was gonnasay, like, how much would it
cost you to find someplace? Ispent more money buying drinks to try and
get people to stay at the barwith me than I would have paid for
the hotel room. So yeah,it was a mess, and I yeah,
I put yourself, I'm not travelingwith you, You'll never go.

I got a great hotel, it'sright by the airport. Asking her,
I was like, any hotels aroundhere? Got an hourly rate. I
don't want to go to I didn'twant to go to the hour Like,
how long is you gonna take usto get to the airport from the hotel?
Not long at all, almost likeit's in the same building. Thousand

bucks and waiting by the phone.Next Fred's show is good Morning,
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