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Yeah, they talk better than theyThese are the radio blogs on the Fred
Show. It's like running in ourdiaries. We say them allowed. Jason
Brown's got a blog just want togo? Yes, thank you, dear
blog. So, um, thisis a question for anyone who like frequents
their significant others place of work.I guess so, like I my boyfriend,
obviously Mike is a mechanic. Heowns his own shop, and so
I go there to get my carfixed or oil changes or whatever, and
so like, am I supposed topay him? Like? I think that's
like my biggest question because like I, if you ask him, I'll be
like, yo, you need topay, you to pay, here's your
bill. But then when I askhim, he like ignores it, and
then it's like, oh no,here's your keys, like go you know
what I mean. But it's likeI'll pay, but then he like makes
it awkward. So it's like,do you guys think I should like now
my car down? No? No, So you've lived with this man for
ten years? Yeah, and hefixes your car? Yeah, and he
hands you a bill? Yeah,do you do you pay it? No?
Because then I'm like, Okay,here's my card, like go run
go run it. You know,he'll be like, oh, here's your
keys and like just go, youknow, like because I think he like
likes to be coy like that.But it's like, but you don't share
expenses or do you share expenses likein in the household? Oh no,
right, I mean I guess Iguess I could see you paying him for
like his hard costs, like itwas hard or what everybody as far as
paying him for labor at his business. I mean, you sleep with the
man like I don't. Yes,Jason is a well kept woman. He's
not going to be paying his meals. No, I vacuumed yesterday. You
know one room. You're just likeyou're just like every other one of his
customers is like, I'll pay youlater. I haven't been a haircut in
okay. See that's a good example, right right, that is a good
example. Like I guess what wouldyou would you would pay Jess like however
whatever she charges from I thought aboutthis before, Like if you're dating somebody
who's a as a server or abartender or something, you obviously have to
pay for the food, But likedo you tip more than you would normally
because you have to tip because thatperson has to pay, you know,
tip out other people in the restaurantor whatever. Maybe it's a shared pool
tip thing. But like, Idon't know, I just think, why
am I tipping the person who I'mtripping? Yeah? I used to be
a server and a bartender and whenhim, when his friends or his family
would come whatever, he would leaveme a good tip. So I don't
know. Maybe that's like, youknow, were you living together at that
point, okay, and then youjust give it back to be like here's
here's what I can contribute. Thisone go. But this towards the Mortgari
partners that like I feel like there'slike a park right, like cutting hair,
like fix my car, like becauseof their job's life changing, I
don't have He could perform CPR.He could, He could actually get the
jaws of life out if he neededto. He's a firefighter. The guy
could save your life. How manytimes am I starting fires? And much?
Actually don't answer that because I havestuff, ye, actually the cool
perks, you know, But yes, life saving is cool too, I
guess. Yeah, saving someone's lifeis very cool if you're in that situation,
right might need it. That's aninteresting thing. I don't know,
Like, what do you my girlfriendwho I live with for twelve years as
a bartender, when I visit her, I don't tip her, Oh,
because you're tipping. You know,you are tipping at the end of tipping
right the whole time. I alwayslost to that game. But yeah,
it's an interesting thing to think about. Like, I guess I don't know
what the right answer is. Yeah, I guess I would just like,
I'm not going to pay your fullass mechanic bill because we're doing other stuff,
you know what I mean. Like, at the same time, he
is running a business, right,and you know, he has expenses,
and when your car is in hisyou know lane or whatever, but when
he is in like a like abay or whatever, that's that's another car.
Couldn't be there to generate money.So yeah, I don't know.
But he also doesn't ask me todo extra stuff. Like I'll go in
for an oil change. I'll belike, well you need a flush of
this, and oh this is looseand like whatever, and then all of
a sudden, this this bill andI'm like, oh, yeah, that's
funny. Even upsells your your blinkerfluid slow blot this car your car.
It's weird. I don't know whatI would do. That's good review.
Blame it on him. Yeah,he chose this car for me, this
car, that's right. He's intheir upsells, right. He's so mad
right now, and you gotta buyhim here. Yeah. All you gotta
do is wink at him, belike, I'll see you later. Yeah
you know what I mean? Yeah, right, in two minutes