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March 7, 2024 6 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's ever been left waiting by thephone. It's the Fred Show. Hello
Lisa, Lisa, good morning,Welcome to our show. Please tell us
all about what happened on your date. Well, I got set up with
a guy named Chris by my bestfriend and Christens my that's where they work
together. And she she told methat if she was single, she would

have gone out with him herself,but because she's not, she thought it
would be perfect for a setup withthe two of us. So she's pretty
good endorsement. I mean, like, if your best friend would want to
go out with this guy and shecan't, that's that's good, right.
I mean it means you guys havesimilar sensibilities, right, And I trust
her similar tasting guys, so thatwasn't a big issue. And so christ

and I agreed to meet at abar for our first time going out.
After tested for a couple of daysand drinks went really well. I thought
he was attractive and we decided togo on to dinner after drinks. We
took a really nice place that I'vebeen wanting to try. We had a
great time and it was the firsttime that we ever met. Dinner was
over, I guess on the cheek. I gave him a hug and we

went our separate rates, and hesaid he's be in touch. Okay,
but he took you to a niceplace, I mean, and I got
did you plan to go to dinnerbefore or did the drinks just become dinner?
Because that would also be a goodsign, right, the drinks TIFFs
became dinner. We hadn't stand ondinner before. We wanted to take it
easy since it was our first timegoing out until we you know, just
went for something slab. But thenhe decided that he wanted to take me

to this nice place. And andnow I haven't heard anything from him.
How long has it been. It'sbeen over a week, okay, so
he's probably not gonna call. Imean, it's been over a week.
Well, because we've I sent himfrom texts and he hasn't responded to any
of those either, So he's definitelyavoiding you, right, Well, that's
what I feel like, because he'salso not returning text for my friend.

Oh yeah, because she's probably I'llset you guys up, and now you're
making me look bad, right,and you know they're working their work,
budies, and so all right,well, that's what we're for. So
we're gonna call this guy Chris,and we're going to see if he'll tell
us without him necessarily knowing that youare there, uh, what happened and

where he's been and and try andget you some clothes or get to the
bottom of this. It might besome perfect good explanation that where none of
us are thinking of. Okay,okay, can you hang off for a
minute. Sure, Oh, you'vegot to hear what happens next Part two
of Waiting on the phone right afterMiley Cyrus two minutes away. It's the
Fred Show, Miley, It's thefreend Show. Good morning on the radio
and the iHeart app anytime search forthe Fred Show on demand. Uh,

Lisa on waiting by the phone?Part two? What happened with this guy?
Is this Chris Chris? My nameis Fred. I'm calling from the
Fred Show, the morning radio show, and I have to tell you that
we are on the radio right now, and I would need your permission to
continue with the call. Can whichhave for just a second, do you
mind? Sure? Okay? I'mcalling about a girl named Lisa who you

got set up with and went ona date with do you remember going out
with Lisa? Well, we're kindof curious if you could tell us maybe
why you haven't reached out to herfor a second date after you said you
would. She kind of wants toknow, and we're trying to find out
for her. I don't know.I mean, I guess to start,
she's kind of a frigid bitch.She was what a frigid bitch? Was

there like an echo or something?And we all understood what you said?
She was frigid. Why what happened? Uh? Well, I don't know.
I mean I took her out.We went out for drinks to that
as far and then uh, oh, you know, I think she's going
for a while, So you know, I took out to uh, I
took out to my closer spot.What is that your closure spot? Oh?
You know, I took out tothe dinner place you take, you

take, you take go to whereyou think you know it's a done deal,
you sure to close. So yeah, well, yeah, what happened
next? Let's let's hear Chris.I can't wait. Yeah, I don't
know if I said, but Iget what Just look at your bite?
Did I mean? I mean sheordered like I don't know, bu fifty

maybe uh may two dollars with stuffwhen you order as the menu. I'm
not I'm not saying like you haveto sleep with me, but I mean
Jesus, at least like you know, reach on the table and get or
something like. I mean, that'scommon, unbelievable. Oh yeah, I'm
fine, take me to the bathroom. Do it in the bathroom. I

mean, like Lisa on the Ican't believe you. That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard. Your closer restwhat Yeah, everyone's going you know what,
You're the one that put on thiswhole pretense about you know, get
whatever you want, go for it, have a good time. I'm really

playing gang out with you. Youknow, we should do this again blah
blah blah blah blah every time everytime we get ready to go into the
next course of the meal. Iasked and he was like, yeah,
go for it, it's no problem. And thought, and you thought,
I can't wait to hear this.What you you thought? What in your
in your infinite wisdom? I thought, great, you know, shrimp cocktail.

That's great, that's one more steptowards you know, the pantics dropping
you know sure another Martin great panisdropping you know another thing, and I
saw it all adds up to youknow, pay it with me. You
are not half the guy I thoughtyou were. You know, I'm not
going to sun think the woman Mickeywas? What does that mean? What's

nicky Nikki? Our mutual friend thatset us up? She's the one who
sets your guys up. How wouldyou know what kind of woman she is?
She married? I mean the marriedfriend this set of thought, that's
what you say. I just Idon't I don't want to play games on

the radio. This is just youjust did that. So tell us about
Nikki? You know, so youwould. I would nig too. You
don't want to You're just saying thatyou piss me off though? Really yeah,
see that That's what I want toknow. Are you just saying that
because you're kind of a Are yousaying that because because you slipped up and
that's something real? Which is it? Are you? Are you just stupid?

Or are you an ask what Imean? Which is it? I'm
gonna let you figure that out onyour own. I think I already have
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