Celebrating the release of their latest smash,
Cheat Codes joined us for the first time on
America’s Dance 30, and shared how
“Find Love Now” was born w
Punctual and
Raphaella, how long ago they started working on it, and how many different Vs there were before its release! They also talk
“The Way It Is”, how it was born w
Two Friends, and if they heard from
Bruce Hornsby!!
We also celebrated 10 years of ‘Cheat Codes’, and the guys shared if they thought they’d still be together 10 years later.
We also got to know Trevor, Matt, and Kevi better w
Find out about:
- if music was the first thing they wanted to get into when they were growing up
- if ‘Cheat Codes’ was the first name they considered for their artist project name
- the first show they did
- the first thing they do on show days and the first thing they do after shows
- the first time they heard one of their songs on the radio
- the first time they tested “Find Love Now” out
- what their first major fear is
@AmericasDance30 on all socials!
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Brian Fink on America’s Dance 30; listen on stations around the world!