Singer/Songwriter x.o.anne joins us for the first time on
America's Dance 30, celebrating her FIRST #1 song! She shared how
"Free" was born w
TELYKast, and if there are usually a lot of versions of songs she writes.
We also got to know Anne a lot better w
Find out about:
- if music was the first thing she wanted to get into when she was growing up
- the first song she wrote
- if 'x.o.anne' was her first choice for her artist project name
- the first time she performed
- the first time she heard one of her songs on the radio
- the first thing she does to escape the monsters in her head
@AmericasDance30 on all socials!
Count down the biggest dance songs in the country every week with
Brian Fink on America’s Dance 30; listen on stations around the world!