America's Dance 30 w/ Brian Fink •

Meduza - America's Dance 30 w/ Brian Fink

America's Dance 30 w/ Brian Fink

Celebrating another #1 on the dance charts, Matt from Meduza joined us again on America's Dance 30 to chat all about "Another World"!  He shared how the song was born w Hayla, and how long ago they started working on it!!

He also talked about working in the studio w 30 Seconds To Mars!

We also got to know Matt & Meduza better w #FinkysFirsts!

Find out about:
  • if music was the first thing he wanted to get into
  • the first time meeting Simon & Luca
  • if Meduza was the first name they considered for their artist project
  • the first show they did as 'Meduza'
  • the first dance song that made him fall in love w EDM
  • the first place he would choose to live if he could live anywhere in another world

Follow: @AmericasDance30 on all socials!

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Meduza - America's Dance 30 w/ Brian Fink