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June 22, 2024 • 54 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, my friends. It'stime again the Home Improvement Show of the
Midlands and welcome in on one ofthree point five FM and five sixty amwvoc.
Hey, so good to have youwith us this morning. My name
is Gary David. Coming up.We'll be talking to Cordion Renee Event from
Diamond Concrete Solutions, the solutions forall of your concrete issues. Jeremy Holliday

will drop I pay us a visit. He is mister Electric here in the
Midlands. And we'll talk to thegood folks over at beaver Ruffig and Gutters
as well. So that lined uphere on this Saturday morning for you on
the Home Improvement Show of the Midlands. We start off though with Trey Powell
from Mosquito Joe make it Outside funagain. Good morning, Trey, Good
morning, how are you. I'mwell buddy. How you doing man?

I'm doing great? Good Now.You know, folks listen to us on
the app. Who knows where theymight be, maybe in a place where
you don't have the kind of issueswe have around here, although I guess
I don't know. Is there anywherein the world that's not got a mosquito
problem, or at least got mosquitoes. I mean maybe Antarctica. There's parts
of the desert and in places whereit's really all fry that obviously don't have

as many mosquitoes, but they're prettymuch everywhere, and you would be surprised,
you know, they have they havereally bad mosquito problems. And as
north, like in New York andDetroit and Alaska's on the world in the
world or in Alaska. You've mentionedthat before. Now that that beg's a
little bit of explaining right there,Trey, Why Alaska, What's what's the

deal with that? Well, it'sit's mainly because they have so much snow
and by the time the snow meltsand the temperatures are above, you know,
fifty degrees consistently, and all thatsnow is melting, is everything is
just sopping wet, and so allthose mosquito eggs that were deposited the previous

season all begin to hatch at onetime, and you know, so their
season is not as long, butit's very very intense. I mean,
the number of mosquitos is very veryhigh. We have more of a slow
kind of a year round hatching,and so it never seems as intense as
it does. But you know,we are now in June, and uh

you know, if if there wereever a time to treat for mosquitoes,
now is the time because we arepretty well in the height of it.
We have had a ton of rainthis year, more rain than what we've
had in prior years, consistently weekafter week, and it makes the graft
beautiful. But it also makes thosemosquito eggs hatch and when it's when it's

really hot like this, man,they're they're going through that that early stage
where a hatch and become an adultmosquito very very quickly, so usually in
a week or left. Yeah,So two elements of play here, moisture
and heat. Uh so one withoutthe other. And you're you're okay,
right, you mentioned the desert.You got the you got the heat,

certainly, but you don't have themoisture. But you got scorpi right.
Uh So that's a whole other issueright there. But we get it both
here. Uh And yeah, Imean if once once they really get rolling,
these skeeters, man, especially thistime of the year, you can
get behind the eight ball or hurry, can't you. Yeah, I mean,
at this point, you really arebehind the eight ball. And you
know, if you're treating and youand you stop, you're going to find

out real real quick. You knowhow quickly they will come back. You
know they are. They're breeding likelike crazy. And like I said,
those as those eggs do not incubateat all. They start hatching immediately if
they are are are wet at all, and with all the rain that we've
had, they are, they're alwayswet and they're they're hatching immediately. And

you know, they go through thatthat life cycle really really fast. They
come out ready ready for bear,right, I mean when when when they
hatch out, they're ready to go. You know, a typical female mosquito
can lay up to three hundred eggsat a time, you know, and
she isn't that's kind of the macso you know me, she lays one
hundred and fifty of them. Youknow, you can imagine, you know,
you got ten mosquitos, they layone hundred and fifty eggs. I

mean you can have you can havea lot of mosquitos really really fast inside
of a week. Now, youguys have I mean ever since I've known
you, your deal has been forfolks who have never used your service before
they want to try it out.It's still thirty nine dollars, right,
that's correct. Yeah, we doyour first time treatment up to a half

an acre for only thirty nine dollars. It's below cost. You know,
normal cost is you know, sixtynine seventy nine eighty nine. It just
depends on the size of the yard. It can be over one hundred if
they have you know, an acreor more, but just depends on the
size of the property. And youknow, we don't have to treat the
entire property. Sometimes we have peoplewith bigger yards. They only use the

backyard and we're treating the backyard andyou know we can do that. Yeah,
we'll give them a chance to tryit. It is a reoccurring service,
you know, meaning that we comeout automatically every three weeks. Because
once we come out and treat theyard, we find all the standing water,
treat the standing water, and thenwe spray the yard. The product
sticks to whatever we spray it on, so it can't be washed off with

the rain as long as it driesin thirty minutes and then you know it's
there. But the UV breaks itdown, so in about three weeks it's
kind of done its thing and itneeds to be replaced. And so at
that point, we come back everythree weeks, just like a lawn service,
and we find new standing water,We replace the granules that will eliminate

those larvae. Our real key isto try and eliminate them before they're born.
If they're not born, they cannever bite, so that really helps
to lower the population. And thenspray the yard for those adult mosquitos.
And if your neighbor's mosquitos try andcome over to your yard, they're going
to be eliminated too. It's kindof like putting a flea collar around that
yard, but you have to doit every three weeks to keep up with
it. But we don't have anycontra you know, if somebody wants to

try this for the you know,Fourth of July party or some graduation party
or something they have coming up,you know, by all means, yeah,
we'll come out and we'll do asingle treatment or two treatments. You
got them prepared for that, andlet them try it out. You know,
we know they're gonna like it andit's something they want to continue to
do. It's a real game changerin your backyard. It is. And

this is why I brought up thatfirst treatment. If you've never used the
service of mosquito Joe before, I'mjust I think I probably know what the
answer is. I mean for people, I bet a lot of people do
this. Okay, I'll try it, and then they want to test it.
Right, You get that first treatmentand you go okay, I'm good,
until they're not. Yeah yeah,And a few weeks later they start

seeing mosquitos again. And you know, once you start doing this, it's
very difficult to stop because you don'thave to spray yourself down with bug spray
or just stay inside, which isa lot of people. They won't even
go out on their back porch andyou know, enjoy dinner or something like
that because the mosquitos will run youinside real quick. Now I'm curious about
something you said earlier, and I'mglad you brought it up, because if

you've got a really big lot,yeah, maybe maybe you don't use the
front yard. You just want towant the backyard to be mosquito free.
And uh, you know again you'reyou're you're saying, is you know,
making outside fun again, which youyou do every day all across the area.
But you have to explain here,Trey, why it is it.
Okay, I'm only gonna spray thebackyard. I don't use the front yard.

But so that means my front yardnot being treated. What keeps those
mosquitoes from coming to my backyard.Well, the mosquitoes that we have do
not travel very far. Now,if it's a small yard, quarter acre,
half acre, we're going to treatthe whole thing. I mean,
it's not an option. And youknow, I've had people say before,
well, I sit in this launchair. If you could just spray around this

launchair, that's all I really need, and that it doesn't really work that
way. But you know, thesemosquitoes, they don't travel very far.
And the chances are that you mosquitosyou have in the front yard never make
it to the backyard. Your neighbor'smosquitos most likely do not make it to
your yard unless you have a verysmall yard. Your yards are very close
together. And so you know,because they don't travel very far, we

can find where they're breeding and wherethey're hanging out and eliminate them where they
are. And so yeah, ifyou're not you if you have a one
acre property and you've got only ahalf acre in the back, then we
might just treat the backyard because that'sthe area that you're using. You come
in the front, and you gogo in the garage, and you really
just hang out in the back wherethe pool is and stuff like that.

That's you know, that's that's prettycommon with bigger properties an acre or more
that well, you know, ifthey're only using the backyard, we'll just
treat the backyard. You know,it does save them a little money,
saves us a little time when we'retreating, because you know, the mosquitoes
they won't travel more than two hundredfeet in their in their whole lifetime.
And so if you don't have twohundred feet, you know, between the

front and backyard, we gotta treatboth. But if it's if it's way
more than that, it's really thosemosquitos in the front yard are not finding
their way to the back. Areyou telling me I could actually outrun a
mosquito for two hundred feet? They'regoing to die two hundred feet They would
give up that They're not going toshape you for very far. I mean,
you know, you'll notice even ifyou're walking at a decent pace.

You will not get bit by amosquito. It's when you stop that they
land on you because they're one ofthe slowest flying insects. Oh, didn't
realize that they're very lazy. Youcall this a barrier spray. Explain that
tree, I mean a barrier spray. When you come out, what all
are you spraying? Well, we'respraying anything that would harbor mosquitoes and provide

shade. I mean, the onlything the mosquitoes eat is they eat the
nectar off a green foliage. Andso all the bushes and shrubs in the
yard are going to harbor mosquitoes,you know, under the ease the house,
maybe an umbrell underneath the deck.So any green foliage and anything that
would provide shade we're going to treatbecause they're going to be sitting or loafing

in the groundcover bushes shrubs have tobe thick as usually is not the grass.
You know, people wonder why whydon't you treat the grass. Well,
they're not going to be in thegrass unless the grass is knee high.
The grass doesn't really provide a lotof shade as long as it's kept
cut. And so you know,bushes and shrubs is the main place sometimes
in tree canopies. If they arebrown mosquitoes, not black and white mosquitoes,

that's a different species that eat onbirds, and they will bite you
too, but they're usually a littlebit higher up. But those don't usually
come out in big numbers until thefall. And it's not the main mosquito
that we have. Most of ourmosquitoes are the eighties black and white Asian
tiger mosquito. People call them alot of times, and it's they don't

fly above twelve feet, you know, ten or twelve feet high. They
really want to stay low to theground and you know, bushes and shrubs,
and if they have some some sortof standing water, a bucket or
a flower pot or something to breedin and other mosquitoes and green foliage,
they won't travel. They'll beat tenfeet, they'll go ten feet in their
whole lifetime. They just stay rightthere. It almost sounds that they have

something to bite. It almost soundslike if you live in one of these
newly constructive neighborhoods, especially over likewhere I live in Lection and Encounter,
they just bowl over everything. They'reno trees or no vegetation, that maybe
you don't have such a bad mosquitoproblem. That's true. A lot of
the brand new neighborhoods where yeah,there's no bushes and shrubs and it's been
like that for a couple of years. As they're building the neighborhood. They

usually do not other than the factthat now they put these detention ponds in
every one of these neighborhoods, andthose things, if they're not built correctly,
are can be an absolute health hazard. I mean these things sometimes they

become a swamp. Yeah, soyou'll know if it doesn't. If it's
operating properly, it will be drywithin twenty four hours. You should be
able to mow a detention pond withintwenty four hours all the way to the
bottom. It's it's designed to holdwater back and release it slowly, but
within twenty four hours it should bedry. And I very rarely see them

like that. They are mucky,swampy. They got six inches of water
over a half an acre or afull acre. There's all sorts of non
native cat tails and just it justlooks like a swamp. It's nothing you
could ever walk through. And thosethings will breed mosquitoes like you've never seen.
Okay, keep an eye on thoseredactions that can cause a problem in

a neighborhood that maybe normally shouldn't havemosquitos, but any of the houses that
are close by that can have problems. We treat a lot of those houses
that are right around those detention ponds. I bet so so again, thirty
nine dollars for your first treatment.If you've never tried it before, trust
me, you'll get hooked in ahurry. I know I'm a user.
Well that's bad choice of words there. I'm a customer okay, and never

a contract required, of course,Trey, how to folks reach a mosquito?
Joe my friend? Uh eight fiveto five asked Joe eight five to
five asked Joe or Mosquitojoe dot com. All right, buddy, have a
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com. Welcome back to the HomeImprovement Show of the Midlands on one O
three point five FMN five sixty am. WVOC. There she is. Hey,
it's Courtney Event. Good morning.Brought Lena to day. Yeah,

I'm back. Where you been youknow, busy, busy and uh yeah,
Courtney cracked me to come back.Yeah. That's been on the road
a lot too, lots of bigprojects out of town and we're starting to
cover a little bit larger area.So that's great. Business is good.
The footprint is expanding, yes,and for very good reason. I don't

know how many people are in thisgame, but y'all do. But you
know, I mean we were justin a hallway here before the segment and
just looking at some of the pictures. Again again, let's encourage folks to
go to the website to go takea look, because it's one thing for
us to talk about on the radio, but to see it, see it

sure, yeah, yeah, andyou can even come by, you know,
we we'd love to make an appointmentwith folks. Give us a call,
come by and see us at thewarehouse where we have some flooring that's
you know, really almost showroom flooringfor you to see samples. We love
to have appointments with folks to gothrough that and show them what we can
do and you know, in reality, Yeah, there's a big difference between
a small simple board versus really touchingthe floor if it's on the floor and

people can walk on it. Wehave fifteen different flake floors. We have
a metallic floor, we have woodfloor looks, we have mar marble floors,
tilestone, so it's awesome to seefor customer what we can offer and
they really can touch it on.Yeah, and again it's not real tile,
it's not real stone. It isconcrete. It's an overlay, but

it's just beautiful. We had twolovely ladies come in and for a project
that they've scheduled with us, andthey were so blown away. They were
like, wow, we don't getout much. We're like so thrilled with
this concrete. Right. We werelaughing about what a thrill, what a
cheap thrill they were getting, butit was so great to see them light
up and we were like, wow, we're so glad that people get to
come and see this and they getit. Because we love it so much,

but we love to see other peoplecome and get excited about it.
And they were just blown away.They couldn't get over Wow, this isn't
This looks so real and it performsvery well. It's very you know,
scrutch resistant, and it's easy tokeep clean and it you know again,
the performance is just h just excellent. And so they were really blown away
and they were laughing. We hada good laugh about it. But I

don't know why. It just poppedinto my head. The old the old
slogan for the acronym for tcby theoogred place. Yeah, you to call
it this can't be yogurt. Yeah, And I'm like, this can't be
concret, can't be I love it. Yeah. Well it's just handmade,
and I think that makes it sounique. And everyone who gets a new
floors it's really getting something completely special. Nobody else all have the same.

Because when you hear an overlay,maybe there's a tendency to think, Okay,
you're just coming in and taking somekind of material and laying it over
the concrete. Right, That isnot what's going on. No, it's
not. We're not just painting thefloor. There's a lot that goes into
it, a lot of different steps, a lot of different layers, pigmentation,
saturation, you know, all thesethings that go into it. And

then if there's any type of adesign or grout work that has to be
worked in with the tile and thestone and the hardwood looks that that handiwork
is really it's art. So it'sreally art. Yeah, and abdulging cutting.
So there are different ways how todo it. But our guys we
have and we're growing in terms ofhaving more and more people from polishing large

polishing groups to really design a guysthat can do in overlay, which is
really fantastic for us, fantastic fora customer. We're really really blessed and
very happy about that. Yeah,the polishing is really cool. It's you
know, gaining more popularity indoor,not just commercial business floors, but now
residential. It's so much more popularstaining and polishing. It's really popular for

condo flooring and for you know,the barnaminiums, barn dominiums, and folks
are really starting to see the potentialwith you know a lot of homes and
even condos, I guess are builton slab. There's a lot of concrete
already there using that to their advantage. And then once you've got that,
you know, treatment or installation ofthe polishing or the staining, then you

can really dress it up with arearugs and all sorts of things. But
we've done some really fun projects withthat lately. They just come out so
beautifully it really blows people's people away. Yeah, so this is not an
overlay we're talking here now. Yeah, So polishing is a little bit different
process where you really walk on thatconcrete and use this concrete as the base

and you have to densify it tomake it stronger, and with different diamonds
you can now pretty much polish itand different grids, so you can make
it super super shiny, which islike a fifteen hundred grid, which is
a very strong floor and it makesit look really phenomenal. A very standard
floor is probably eight hundred grid whereyou can die in some color also,

so you're not just using the colorof the concrete, you also in some
color. So there are a lotof different ways you can do one hundred
thousand square feet warehouses. We havegroups that can do that, and we
also can just do the small indoorhome, which is really amazing. So
we're very very flexible in terms ofsize, which is fantastic to us.

Yeah, it's really cool to seewhat can be done in the stain and
seal, the grind stain and seal. That's another cool one for inside as
well. And we just did acouple of condos in downtown Columbia and the
homeowners really just were very artistic.They had some I guess subway tile brick
on like an accent wall, andthey were able to pick a choose a
color for that stain on the floorthat really brought out one of the colors

in that subway tile. It wassort of a gradient of the subway tile
and it just came out so stunning, it was so classy. We loved
it. It's coming more and moreso you see it in big cities like
Charlotte. You see that really veryoften where grind stain and yell and polishing
is pretty much kind of changing theway how flooring is coming. Instead of

putting in tile or wooden floor looks, it's really polishing is something. It's
it's it's a cheaper way to putit in. I was going to ask
you that. Yeah, it's acheaper way to put it in, but
also it is definitely more cost effective. Uh, it's low maintenance, which
is and really important too, andof course very doable because it gets densified

a couple of times, so itgets very very strong, which is fantastic.
Yeah, if you have soft concrete, polishing it is a way to
make it stronger. So that's agreat a great feature. Yeah, how
do you know if your concrete soft? Well, we do have testa so
you you you pretty much scratch thatfloor. I guess we will always let
people think of concrete concrete, butyeah, actually it's not which is which

is okay. So we have testhow to test a the hotness of a
concrete, which helps our U guys. They put in the floor to see
what kind of diamonds to use.So if you have a soft concrete,
you have to use the hot diamondand vice versa. So that helps them
how to do it. All thesepretty expensive they have vex mens, yes,

which is why they're called diamonds,right, Yeah, that was part
of our our Yeah, when wechose the name, that was part of
it for sure. I don't thinkwe have even mentioned that that's you actually
used that and all along others.Okay, diamond, but that's why you
call it diamond concrete, So youactually use diamonds. That's right. Wow,
Okay, that's that's news to me. News. So they are like

a tool that goes on the baseof the grinder and they work the floor
as you grind that floor, andthey have to you know, eventually,
they have to be replaced because theyget worn down. But yeah, really
cool part of our name. That'spart of it, I guess. So
yeah, of course Courtney's diamond too. Oh yeah, Renee is my diamond.
Thanks appreciate that. Room. Thisis the Home improvement show. Look

out, this is a this isa PG thirteen rated program. There we
go. So you just mentioned againwith those dime and that. But that's
the foundation for everything you do,right because that that that I guess when
you come as the first thing youdo is you prep Yeah, the preparation
is really significant important. Uh andon all kinds of flowsp we do,

from flake to overlays to polishing,the grinding part is super important. Preparation
is everything. So yeah, forsure, let's go back and to find
a couple of things here so we'retalking about staining and polishing. I guess
the idea there is it's still goingto look like concrete, but it's just
like a special concrete here, youknow, I mean like wow, yeah,
yeah, the gloss makes it reallyspecial. And if you do it

die application with the polishing that reallyyou know, dresses it up. And
then the staining typically you will seesome character of the underlying concrete come through
that stain. It's not like anopaque epoxy that would completely cover that floor
up, right, So you doget a lot of character with that.
So it really just does make itspecial. And again, it's not going

to ever be replicated. Every flooris different, and even the same color
dye that you are or stain thatyou might try to do on another floor
isn't going to be identical because thatunderlying concrete is going to be different each
time. And I'll give that somethingyou tell everybody that you work with,
because they may come into your showroomand go, wow, I want this,
Yeah, like okay, great,but it won't look exactly like that

because it will be similar. Wecan we can get it pretty close sometimes,
but we do you know that thereis a disclaimer with that it won't
be exactly the same, but youare getting a work of art that's,
you know, unable to be replicated. It's one of a kind, right,
Okay, so that's that now thatthen the overlays. Now you're talking
about something that you look at itas we talked about earlier. It looks

like hardwood, it looks like marble, looks like slate. Yes, it
doesn't look at all like concrete.Yeah wow, Yeah, that's great.
So if you have a lot ofwaterfront property around here, like lakefront property,
or even if you get closer tothe coast, if you've got any
moisture even moisture issues you know wherereal materials can't be put down, and

you do have concrete and you wantto protect it, we can make it
look like the real material with thosedecorative overlays. Corney and Renee, good
to see again. I'll make astrange of yourself today. Okay, come
back and see us again a coupleweeks willia get to see you. What's
the best way to folks to reachit. Diamond Concrete Solutions. Find us
on our website, like you said, Dimondconcrete Solutions dot com, or give

us a call at eight zero three, seven five nine, eight eight nine,
make an appointment, come see usin the showroom. Was so,
when your power goes out, there'snot a lot to do, but you
can call mister Electric with priority dispatching. One of our electricians will be at
your door ready to safely restore yourpower fast. Because not having electricity is

annoying, very annoying. So nexttime you need an electrician, call mister
Electric because life is better with electricity. Services provided by locally owned and operated
franchisees. Products and services may favoryby location. Hi there, I'm Jeremy
Holliday, local owner of mister Electricof Columbia. I've been servicing the Midlands

since twenty ten and I'm happy toanswer questions and give you free estimates with
upfront pricing. Schedule your free safetycheck with mister Electric of Columbia and receive
fifty dollars off any work over threehundred dollars. Call eight oh three eight
six eight four two four three orvisit my website mister Electric dot com forward
slash Columbia Mister Electric. Hey,it's Jeremy Howley on the Home Improvement Show

of the Midlands. Good morning,to you, sir, Good morning Gary.
How you doing, man, I'mdoing fantastic, terrific. Yeah,
I'm gonna guess well, for tworeasons you need an electrician, Jeremy.
Either ready you've got a problem yougot to get fixed, or b you
want to add something, you wantto improve something. But there's a C

two when it comes to mister electricYou want to be sure your home is
safe. Right. Safety, That'sour main thing, and we talk a
lot about that, you and Ido about safety at homes. And I
think the last time we were talkingabout this, maybe I don't know,
we'll get an old man. Idon't remember what we talked about, tay
the truth. Yeah, I mayhave asked you the question when you go

to a home and perform a safetycheck, which, if if I'm not
mistaken, I mean, if youmake a visit for the first time,
you kind of go over some ofthese things anyway, right, right,
Okay, but probably very rarely doyou not find at least something that needs
to be fixed or upgraded or whathave you. That's right. Yeah,
there's a lot of older homes inColumbia so well, I think just our

housing markets that way, you know, we got a lot of older homes
where the where the you know,the electrical hasn't been updated maintained. So
you know, there's a lot ofthings that we can find that will help
make that electrical system safer. Doesit also make it more efficient? Yes,

yes, it could make it moreefficient in certain situations where if you
have bad connections or an old panelthat's got bad connections, or you know,
surge protection, you know, indifferent ways, absolutely can make it
more efficient. What things do youfind most often in Holmes Jeremy that you

go okay, yeah, this needsto be upgraded or fixed. I mean
one of the most common culprits.It's normally you know, there's a lot
of things. There's an array ofthings that it's really hard to pinpoint just
one because a lot of times there'smultiple. But just old circuitry that wasn't
ever in stan old properly. Ohyeah, where things have been added,

whether by the home or by ahandyman. That's a big one where it's
just it just wasn't ever done properly. It's still working, but it's a
hazard. I don't know how muchyou know about the insurance process, but
since you bring that up. Itjust kind of occurs to me that quite
possibly, if anything were ever tohappen to your home or your business for

that matter, and it was electricalin nature and it was determined that it
was because somebody not qualified did thework, I'm thinking you may have an
issue with your insurance company over that. They gain a lot of leverage on
you if they if that happens,you know, so depending on your insurance
company, I imagine. I'm notan insurance guy, but it's definitely not

a good situation to be in rightnow. You want to you want to
hire professionals to make sure it's yougot some type of paperwork saying it was
installed by them. You know.Well, I'm curious here because, for
example, if you wanted to makea you know, major modifications to your
home, you know, additions ormajor major mom remodeling, you know,
the municipality is going to require youto get a work permit. That's right,

But is there anything like that ifyou're doing some kind of electrical modifications
to your home that you have tohire a qualified licensed electrician like like mister
Electric to come do it. Arethere any permits needed required? Is the
county keeping up on all that orYeah, so if you go to the
websites for whatever county you're in,normally you know that there's a place on

there that I'll tell you when apermit's required. And in most situations it's
any time there's wire added to ahome, because if you think about it,
you know, you don't want tomake sure the right wire size was
used, the right size breaker atdifferent things like that. Sure, yeah,
so it's it's one of those grayareas right now. It's kind of

hard to determine a lot of peopleget away without pulling permits for those types
of things. Well, I mean, and if you do a major construction,
they're going to drive by and see, okay, this is just something
going on here. Is it permittedor not? But if you're electrician or
a handyman or somebody inside the homedoing mark, nobody's gonna know. Yeah
that's right. Yeah. Yeah.Are there things when you do these safety

inspections, jerem me that go okay, this absolutely has to be fixed or
maybe this Okay, it's not optimal, but you can get away with it.
Yeah. Yeah, And we normallytry and give you the premium top
top of the line ideal installation tokeep up with the current code book,
maybe not the standards here in SouthCarolina, but the most current book.

So you know, in order tostay competitive. If you don't want to
go for that, then we normallytake it down to the you know,
this is the bare minimum that hasto be done, you know, in
order to be safe and get thisworking properly. So there are different levels,
right, well sure, yeah,sure. So Now when you go
out, when you when you firstget a call from a new customer,

you've never been to a home before. Again, I think you there at
least a few things you're going tolook at while you're there. Always look
at the panel. We're going totake it to the panel every time,
and look at that panel. Seewhat kind of panel you have. We'll
open it up, check the interiorof it, see what kind of condition
it's in. Uh, you know, so that's the main thing. That's
how you know, we train youalways want to take it to the panel

because that's the that's the source ofall your electricity. Well, what are
you looking for when you're in there? You're looking for the right type of
breakers, over you know, oversizedbreakers, the condition of the panel,
if there's knockouts that aren't sealed wherethe wire enters the panel, if there's
not connectors on those wires, ifthe wires are in good condition, if

you have aluminum, if you havearc fault protection, ground fault protection,
if your panel's bonded correctly. Uh, you know, there's a lot going
on right there at the panel.Yeah. I mean if you walked into
a home or a business and said, okay, this thing needs to be
redone from the get go. Here, what kind of time for? I
mean what all that sounds like?It's a lot of work. Yeah.

Yeah. So one thing we tryto do is we want to start right
away. We give you a priceright there the same day while we're there.
We don't make you wait, andif you want to go ahead and
get started, we'll start that day. Oh really okay, Yeah, how
long about I mean, what's theworst case scenario? How long could it
take? And do you have toshut down the power of the entire house

or I mean there's some times wherewe have to work with with you know,
the power company, So it mightbe out without power for a night.
You know, if it's a servicechange, it could take a couple
of days panel change. We cannormally get done in the same day if
if it's an early start, andit can stay in the same location that

it's in because sometimes altos have tobe moved based on their location. If
they're in the bottom of a closet. You know, we don't want to
we don't want to leave it there. Is that you or me? That's
me? That's maybe you're a businessmandoing business man. I normally remember,
just turn this thing off. Igot the same ring tones. I'm like,
okay, and we're talking about theseare these are the interior panels,

because then you have, you know, the the exterior stuff that's I guess
the domain of the power company,right that you don't that's their thing out
there. Yeah, there's a there'sa meter can but that's actually the customers.
The meter is uh, the powercompany's responsibility. And then the service
wires from the transformer back to thetransformer of the power company's responsibility. But

that riser, if it's underground fed, is that right to the okay,
up to the meter. And ifit's overhead fed, then you'll have a
you know what we call a riserand a weatherhead that comes through the roof
and you see your wires. There'resometimes on the side of the house where
the wires come from overhead. Ohthat's right, Yeah, that would be

your responsibility, is uh really okay, Yeah, if it comes up from
the ground is not. If itcomes down from the sky, it is.
Yes, that pipe is your responsibility. Okay, Yeah, you don't
see a lot of those these days, are Yeah, No, they're moving
away from that just because of thesituation with storms and trees falling and tearing
them off the houses. So weget a lot of those calls when the
storms come through. Uh. Theseare these older homes now, typically in

older neighborhoods. Yeah, typically oreven rural areas where you're gonna see that
typically. Okay, yeah, that'sright. So I mean it's impoint.
A lot can go wrong with electricity. Yeah, you know, if you're
not careful. So uh. Andand maybe someone listening to day says,
you know, I just I don'tthink I have an issue, but you
know, I'd like to be surewhether they have a current issue they have

already call you out for or not. Can they call you just to come
out and perform a safety jack Ohyeah, they can call mister Electric to
come out just do a safety checkon your house. We're always happy to
come out and do a safety check. We'll go over the house and come
back to you with any kind ofopportunities to make your systems safer, bring
it up as close as we canto current code standards. And that's not

all you do, of course,is not fixed broken stuff or you guys
do what outside stuff? Lighting andall. Yeah, we can do landscape
lighting. Uh man, there's wecan do outside. It's really lighting outside
when you think about it. Butyou can add outlets to the exterior of
your home. If you want areceptacle somewhere outside, we could do.

You know, we've done Christmas receptaclesout in the yard where people want to
put up their blow ups and thingslike that, you know, So stop
one of those extension cords all overthe lawn and every Christmas exactly exactly.
Yeah, uh yeah, cool,mister Electric. I know you've been at

this for a long time. AndI mean you guys are over in the
urmal area. I think it iswhere you look, not that it matters
to you, but I just don'tI drove by recently. Man, You've
got a lot full of a lotfull of trucks out there. Oh yeah,
so I know that business like yours. It's an on call twenty four
to seven things. So you guysalways have somebody available if needed in emergent
situations, right, that's right.And we're always looking for good for good

electricians, you know. Yeah,how's that work? Because I went to
the pandemic thing and everybody who's look, I can't find anybody, can't find
anybody. Has that got any better? I mean at the small business level,
you know, it's it's tough.It is tough, but you know,
we just keep plugging away. Atit's it's I don't know how many
people you know, the market forguys working in this type of field.

You know, it's physical job,so you know, kind of a dying
breed, you feel like sometimes yeah, but you know, I'm thinking it
seems to be jeremy, like thetrend is starting to reverse itself now.
I mean that you know these youknow kids are young men and women are
in high school. I'm thinking,you know what, I'm not going the
traditional college. I'm gonna learn atrade and get started now and make good

money. I think you're right,you can make good money, do it.
Yeah, you can make some realgood money, especially at mister Electric.
So if you're an electrician and you'relooking for a job, you can
work on your own. You canrun a van hopefully you have electrical license.
Man, look us up. We'dbe happy to have you. And
there's no limit to what you canmake except for your yourself. You know,

were performance pay, so the betteryou perform, the way you get
paid. There you go. Well, I ought to be right, yep,
mister Electric. Good to see you, buddy. Good to see you
Gary. How do folks get ahold of you if they need for whatever
the reason, So they can reachus at eight zero three eight six eight
four to two four three, orthey can go to our website mister Electric
dot com forward slash Columbia. Allright, good to see your body,

Good to see you. I'm JamesCarwell, local owner and operator of Freedom
Plumbing right here in the Midlands.After working as a plumber for me nearly
a decade, I decided to openmy own business and Freedom Plumbing was born
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You guys give your property a newlease online with Diamond Concrete Solutions. Local
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The problems a problem exactly, Butlet's talk about you know, doing

doing our best and not get tothe point where there is a problem and
that comes from something else you doon a regular basis, and those are
free roof inspections absolutely. So wealways say, you know, new year,
new me kind of thing or youknow that sort of thing. Well,
new Year, let's check out yourroof. A lot of things,

like our cars, we're like,oh, okay, it's kind of in
our face. We need to getthe oil change, we need to do
these maintenance things. But you know, roof, your roof doesn't come with
a pop up light or something thatjust goes off. It's just you know,
you start seeing stains on your ceilingsand things of that nature. Before
before you're like, oh my gosh, this is a problem. So yeah,
yeah, we do free roof inspectionsand that is where you know,

we just go up there, takea look, see what's going on with
your roof, because I mean somepeople may, but not a lot do
get up on the roof and justtake a check, see what's going on.
We have harsh summers, we haveharsh winters, and with that,
you know, expansion contraction of theceiling and our roofs and you know,

things can get out of whack beforewe know it. So yeah, we
we loved doing those free inspections andhelping out our customers and seeing what we
have, you know, what wecan do. Yeah, I mean all
came out to my parents' home notlong ago when we put that house on
the market and did a roof inspection. In fact, just a couple of
small things and it's a couple ofhundred bucks to get fixed. But I

mean that was it. But thatthat that certainly could could could save you
down the road because those little thingseventually become big things. Absolutely And like
you, like you mentioned, youknow you're going on going on the market,
you know, for the new buyer, just you know, having that
peace of mind knowing, hey,we we have a roof inspection. We
just had this taking a look atYep, we did the repairs that were

needed, but everything else looks good. So that also is like a good
you know, hey, we dohave a report for our roof. That's
that right, because they can becostly if you know you have to have
that replaced or you know, that'sjust in the back of people's minds whenever
they're making that purchase. So yeah, that's exactly right. You know,

we we make the small repairs andyou know, let it roll. We're
not going to say, oh,yeah, you need a replacement absolutely,
because it's not always the case,right exactly, So when your folks get
up there, what specific things they'relooking for? What were the big things
that get right? So, youknow, you know, just an every

day ruth inspection. We're going toget up there. We're going to take
a look at any penetrations in theroof and those will generally be pipe boots
or events, and obviously those docome out of the shingle, so there
is going to be a hole madethere. So we're going to check around
those to make sure that the celanthat was placed during the insallation is not

dried up, shriveled up or youknow, even displaced for wind or things
things like that, because like Imentioned before, harsh winters, harsh summers,
expansion and contraction of that ceiling.It happens. And and even those
can be just a pest. Wheneverthey start, you know, if they

start leaking, they'll come through you. You would see in the bathrooms or
the kitchens, just you know,water staining around that area. And nine
times out of ten that's what it'sfrom one of those boots or penetration.
So that's one main thing we're lookingat. Does that seem to be the
thing the thing that that most oftenis is an issue? Do you see?
You see that a lot, don'tyou? We do, We see

it a lot. And and thankfullyit's a it's an it's an easy fix.
You know, it's not, ohmy goodness, we need to you
know, take half of your roofoff in this and that. You know,
generally it's a nice easy fix.If you catch it early, you
know, it can be more youknow, extensive if it's leaking, leaking,
leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, and you don't know it.

That's another If it's leaking, leaking, leaking and it's not coming into the
ceiling. If it's just like say, you know, just going into the
attic or into the insulation and it'scatching, that could lead to bigger problems.
So that's another reason it's great tohave these these routine roof inspections every
year. It doesn't matter if yourhome is new or old, because it's

just nice to know what's going on. So that's, you know, another
thing we're looking at around those yep, the pipe boots and fittings, all
right, what else are your folkslooking at carefully? We're going to be
looking for nail pops and that's exactlywhat it sounds like. You know,
sometimes the nails pop up in theshingles from the installation. That generally happens

once the roof is showing a littlebit of age or if the if the
shingle kind of gets worn down abit, not a big issue. What
we do with that is we putyou know, a little dava ceiling over
that to make sure that that issealed and water can not penetrate through that.
Through that area, we're also goingto be looking for if there's any

debris on the roof that holds moisture. If you have a lot of leaves,
pine straw, things like that thataccumulates on your roof and it doesn't
you know, come off very easily, that can hold water, and that
water is just going to be sittingthere and that can make its way through
those cracks and it can lead topossible decking lot and would need to be

replaced. Right, you've mentioned before. I know we always hear the thirty
year shingle, the thirty year shinglein an environment like we live here in
South Carolina. Us about you thatsummertime heat, I believe you've told us
before. Yeah, thirty year shinglesaren't really thirty year shingles. They're not.

No, they're getting about half ofthat life expectancy. If you're getting
about fifteen years out of yours,that's the great's that's good. That's really
really good because, like we mentioned, the harsh the harshness of our of
the environment that we live in,hot, cold, expansion, contraction,
The asphalt granules are coming off,you know, drying up the ceiling.

So yeah, yep, there arenot thirty years there last thing about fifteen
if if we're lucky, Yeah,if you see granules in your gutter,
that's that's a sign there's an issue. Or if you don't have gutters,
then called beaver roofie and gutters too. By the way, absolutely that problem
all you're at it. So now, okay, you get up there and

you I guess it depends on theroof of the situation summer. At what
point do you go, well,you maybe you really do need a roof
replaced here. That's case by casebase. It is kind of case by
case. Like I said, newold inspections. Whenever we get up there,
and like I mentioned, if thegranules are just comp gone there's nothing

left on the roof, If therethere are missing shingles, tabbs, you
know that sort of thing, we'regonna say, Okay, you know what
it's we need to get our newroof. So then at that point,
like we can kind of think,all right, number one, what is
the age of this roof? Numbertwo? Is there storm damage? So

that's another thing that our guys aregoing to be looking at whenever they go
up there. If there's storm damage, tail, when anything along those lines,
you know, we can kind ofsay hey, maybe we can you
know, look into getting insurance topay for this, or if it's too
old, hey it's time for anew roof, and you just you know,

do that retail. But there area couple of things that we look
at to say, hey, let'sgo to the insurance rop. Hey,
it's time to do retail. Okay, now you mentioned you maybe a storm
damage. Maybe it's just old,but it could be both. Right,
it could be old roof is stillhave storm damage. Still insurance exactly,
that is exactly right. And eventhat combination, you know what they're doing,

so it has if you just haveone oh, here's one piece of
hell that's hit. Oh there's justtwo shingles that have been folded up from
the way from wind damage, that'snot insurance is not gonna warrant that.
And we're not going to say,oh, yes, let's call your insurance.
We're not going to have you callthem if we know that it's not
going to be you know, anactual a good case for you because you

know we're going to help you throughthat whole process. We're going to stand
beside you and if we you know, if we had you call your insurance
company and we got up there.That's just silly, you know, because
we don't. That's not how we'regoing to be. We want these insurance
companies and adjusters, you know,Biaber, we know what we're doing.
We're not being silly. We're nottrying to get anything over on anybody.

We you know, we're respected andand that's how we want to stay.
We don't want to just be callingand trying to get claims any and everywhere.
Sure, sure, absolutely, that'sthat's the good business there, right.
I mean you go tell the customers, go on, sure stuffany could
cover this, and then they findout they don't. Then they're then they're
mad at you. I mean,there's there's no reason exactly. You know,
when we're gonna go to bat foryou, we're gonna know, hey,
we're up there. Yes, therethere is a good reason for you

to call your insurance company. Andwhen they're up there, they're gonna take
photos. They'll show you, Hey, do you see all of this,
so so you know exactly what's goingon if hey, yep, you got
a good looking roof, you knowevery everything is fine, or noe,
hey look at all of this damagehere. So that just so you know,
you want to be informed about yourroof too, because it's not something

that that many people do know about. Is there a rural thumb summer?
How much of the area of theroof has to be damaged before you got
a pretty good case for an insuranceclaim? Does that be the entire roof
for portions or right? So whenever, generally they're looking at like a ten
by ten area, one square areaof your roof, and they'll just you

know, take that on separate areasof the roof. You know, it
doesn't have to be all over it, but yeah, front, back side,
you know, elevations, that's whatthey want to see. Uh.
Some insurance companies will say, hey, we're only going to do the front
part of your roof because that's onlywhere the damage is. Right. So

it is case by case when itcomes to insurance companies, and yeah,
so we do the best that wecan and say, hey, well there
is some on the other side.Here's this, but yeah, they're looking
at at a tent, like atent a square area and then for it
to be throughout the roof. Yeah, okay, so there's no sucially as
a partial roof replacement. It justmeans they'll they'll cover that front half and

the back half is on the homeowner. I guess right. Sometimes yes
other times, And like I said, it's very case by case on your
insurance. And we you know,if they do say oh we only want
to do the front, we helpas much as possible to show, hey,
well we know that wasn't quite asmuch on the back as it was
the front. But you know,it's case by case. Some say yep,

we'll do the whole roof, andothers will say, hey, we'll
only want to do the front half. But whenever, the partial roof replacements
are not nearly as common as youknow, the hope the insurance companies say
oh, yep, we do seethat. Let's go ahead and replace the
whole roof because this doesn't make sense. But there again, we don't want
to step on any toes. That'sthe insurance company, because why have an

eight year old roof on the backand a brand new roof on the front.
You know it make much sense,right exactly. Well, again,
you can't control mother nature, butthere are things you can control, and
that starts with that inspection, whichis which is absolutely free. Right again,
absolutely free yes, all right.Now, before before people call you,
I know there's something you still wantthem to do, right, absolutely,

we want you to go and checkus out on Google, check us
out on Facebook, see what otherpeople are saying about us, and you
know, make your decisions from thosefrom most reviews that we have there,
you go, all right, BeaverRoof Again Gutters winners and the state newspaper
readers pull both for roofs and forgutters, which we'll probably talk about some
gutters next time. The number isthe same, whoever, which whichever you

want to talk about. To giveyou guys a call. What's the what's
the way to reach a summer atBeaver Roof Again Gutters Call us at eight
oh three none nine one roof andthat's eight oh three none nine one seven
six six three all right? Andwhat is that website Beaverroofing dot com.
Terrific. All right, summer youand AJ and the folks have yourself a

great weekend. Always wonderful to talkto you, and we shall chat again
soon. Hi, this is GaryDavid. You've heard me talk for years
about Anthony John Construction and the wonderfuljobs they do for folks. All across
the Midlands. When it comes toroofing and gutting, well it's the same
people doing the job, but thename has changed. That's right now it's
Beaver Roofing and Beaver Gutters. Leaveit to Beaver for all your roofing and

gutter needs. The same great serviceand the same great folks behind Anthony John
Construction, just with a new nameeight oh three nine nine one roof and
Beaverroofing dot Com the gutter roofing work. Leave it to Beaver. Beaver Roofing
and Beaver Gutters.
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