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Welcome to pop Culture Weekly with KyleMcMahon from iHeartRadio, your pop culture news,
views, reviews, and celebrity interviewson Full the Movies, TV Music,
and Pomp Culture U CRABE Weekly.Here's Kyle McMahon. Na, Na,
Hello, and welcome to pop CultureWeekly with Kyle McMahon. I of
course, I'm Kyle McMahon and Iam joined. We are bringing back the
rotating panel of guest hosts and Iam joined for the first time by the
promo girl herself, Amanda Biez.What's up? Hey, what's up?
How are you? I'm good?How are you good? You are relatively
new to I Heart what the lasttwo months or so? Yeah? I
got hired in May, okay,so two months? Yeah, yeah,
And what do you think it's good? Yeah? I like it. It's
a lot of learning, it's alot of kind of see where I fit
in and what my interests are.And it's just been a great experience.
I love working with Krista. She'sKrista Cooper. Yeah, shout out to
Krista because she is just so she'sso amazing. And what about me,
He's also here, to be honest, No, you're great too, So
I love that you put up withmy I don't want to say crap,
but like crap, like everything thatcomes with me, like my craziness.
Like today, for instance, Ilook like a seventy four year old sun
burnt corpse because I am doing theseas you know, I'm doing these photona
laser treatments. Yeah, courtesy ofmy friends at Care Aesthetics and Delaware.
They are amazing. But what happensis I go and they do all this
crazy magic. But then like thenext three days, I'm like this.
Then you guys can't see obviously,but I am super red, super swollen
and kind of look like a corpse. Well, you know, the beauty
is pain, that is true,they say. So it takes time,
it does, and then in fourdays I'll look, you know, amazing.
Trust the process. Trust the process. It's hard to trust the process
and the process isn't processing. Iguess, just trust it. We're going
to make that an ig quote.Trust the process, even though it's hard
to trust the process when the processis processing. Yeasing. All right,
So I'm really excited because we haven'tdone this format with Pop Culture Weekly in
years, like literally it might havebeen COVID because you know, every all
the other talents were in here regularly, and so I had a rotating panel
of guest hosts that every week,you know, maybe we had six people
that every week we would rotate.So I had somebody that would like join
me and we would just gus stuff. And then that all went away with
COVID where it's just me by myselfin this building. Yeah, it was
like and then you know, somebodysaid something about you know, one of
the listeners was like, when areyou going to bring back the thing?
And I'm like, clearly you're sayingthat I'm boring by myself, But that's
fine, so let's do it.And I also do like being I like
interacting, you know what I mean. It's just better this way. So
anyway, so we're also going backto the old format now that we can,
which is the first segment is what'sout this week? I had to
find that. So in movies,Long Legs. Have you heard of Long
Legs? No? Okay, SoI'm a huge horror fan. Wait I
have. I've seen all of thesecommercials for it. Yeah. So the
log line for it is FBI agentLee Harker is a sign into an unsolved
serial killer case that takes an unexpectedturn revealing evidence of the occult, but
Harker discovers a personal connection to thekiller and must stop him before he strikes
again. Yes, that's on mywatch list. Yeah it is. Yeah,
I want to see that. I'llprobably see that this weekend too,
who knows. See. The coolthing about having this show is that I
often get to see them before theycome out, whether you know it's a
screener I go to New York,or whether they send me a screener for
home or whatever. I missed bothof the Twisters and log Leg Long Legs
the screeners just because of when theyhappened. I was out of town,
so like, wouldn't it worked?But then I just use my Regal Unlimited
pass, which I freaking love,and go to Regal whenever I want.
Do you know the Regal and Limited. One of my friends has it,
and she's like she loves it.Yeah, she swears by it. Yeah,
it's twenty two dollars a month forunlimited movies. I think that she
gets like free popcorn too. Yeah, he has like points yes something,
yeap. Then you get ten percentoff concessions and then you rack up points
for literally every dollar that you spend, so then you can use those points
on free popcorn, free drinks,free you know, tickets like whatever.
Like, so you could bring afriend with the free tickets that you get
from going for free. Like It'slike crazy. I love it. I'm
obsessed with it. But anyway,yes, So do you have any interest
in Blong Legs? Yeah? Well, sometimes I would want to see the
trailers, but I feel like nowadaystrailers tell the whole story, yes,
and I don't like that. Ifeel like the whole entire movie is summed
up in two minutes. Yeah,and I hate that. That's why I
do not like seeing the trailers.But then a part of me won't see
the trailers because I want to knowwhat to expect, right, But I
just feel torn, So I justend up not watching the trailers. But
I believe that it will be good. You know what I do. If
I know that I'm going to seethe movie, I want watch the trailer.
If I've like never heard of itor whatever, I'll watch it until
I decide that I want to seeit. So if I'm like, oh,
what's this and then thirty seconds in, I'm like Ooh, I want
to see this. I close myeyesh in the theater, which people I
think I'm weirdo. But but thatway nothing is spoiled. Yeah. So
I've seen just enough to see itto know if I want to see it
or not. Yeah, exactly.Part of the problem is with that is
that if I'm not doing it onlike YouTube or something, you hear it.
Well, I don't even mind thatbecause I'll like, in my head,
I'll be like la. But ifit's on YouTube, Okay, So
if I'm in the theater and doingthis and I shut my eyes, I
often miss what it's called because whenmy eyes are shot, they end up
flashing the title at the end.So, but like on YouTube or whatever,
I'm obviously it says what it is, So that way I know.
So I haven't figured out a wayaround that yet because I haven't been able
to time, like with my eyesclosed, I don't know when they're going
to show what the movie? Youknow, the title of the movie.
Yeah, anyway, but what elseis that? Oh? And music,
Katy Perry has released her first songin years, and it's the lead single
off of her upcoming album one fourthree, which comes out September twentieth,
and the lead single from this songis called Woman's World. Have you heard
it yet? I haven't. It'slike very dance poppy, and actually she
said that the album one for three, which stands for I Love You,
is like a dance pop Lady Gagaish Madonna ish album. Oh wow.
Yeah, so I'm really interested inwhat this album will be, you know
what I mean. Yeah, Ithink about Katy Perry, and I think
about the two thousands. Yeah,yeah, yeah that's what I grew up.
Yeah too, Yeah, Firework andPoor and like all those bops.
You know what I mean. Icompletely forgot about her Gonna Lie, which
I'm really sad about because I wasa massive fan in middle school. Yeah,
Like I bought her perfume, didyou? I bought Killer Queen.
Yeah. I was obsessed with KatyPerry. I feel like everyone has a
Katy Perry face. Mine was inmiddle school. But I was such a
big fan, and I completely forgotabout her. I don't know, like
she just wasn't releasing music. Well, yeah, she was like doing American
Idol and like all that. Yeah, she did release some albums, but
like, what was the one calledSmile Smile in two thousand. Oh,
Prism was twenty thirteen. Yeah,was that her last one? No?
Then Witness came out in twenty seventy. Oh my god. Witness was awesome
because it had Swish Swish. Doyou remember that song Swish Swish Fish another
one in the back, yes,yeah, Oh my god, I forgot
I love that song. Then shereally Smile in twenty twenty, which didn't
really like Light Up the World,but it did have Harley's in Hawaii,
which was a great song. Andthen Never Really Over remember that song never
If it's really over, then it'snever really over. It was Katy Perry.
Yeah, what the heck? Yeah? Oh my goodness. Yeah,
why did I not know? Andthen now four years later she'll release one
four three, so I'm excited forthat. Did you know that she has
a cat named Kitty Perry. Oh, I guess I know about Katy Perry.
I was a big Katie Cat.Yeah. Talking about Katie Perry is
bringing back all my Katie Cat youknow memory when I was in middle school.
Yeah, and wow, this isall about nostalgia today, watching Twister
and listening to Katy Perry and Roarwas my thing that was a great That
is a great song. Yeah.Man, I became obsessed with Tigers because
of that song. That's awesome.Yeah. So so I love Katy Perry.
I'm curious, you know. I'mlooking forward to the album One Republic.
I love One Republic and their brandnew album today or their brand new
album called Artificial Paradise comes out todayor is out now, depending on when
you're listening to this. Eminem theDeath of Slim Shady, I am Have
you heard Whodini? No, youhaven't heard. I feel like you're too
young for Eminem. I do knowEminem. I know you do. I
know some Eminem songs, but Ican't think of it. So Eminem was
like a huge part of my lifesince I was a kid. And Houdini,
which is like the first single offof this new album. The Death
of Slim Shady Coup de Gras islike a return to form for him.
So it's like it reminds me oflike his old pop hits. Anyway,
we just played it Slim Eminem.Yes, it's his character. Yeah,
Oh, he has a character.Yeah. Oh I love artists do that.
Yeah, So you know Stan,like when you say like I Stan,
Katie that's the song that I knowabout Eminem. Yeah, that's where
Stan came from. Oh yeah,that song like there was somebody right into
him and then they died in acar accident exactly. So that's where the
term Stan comes from. So whenyou're like, I Stan, Katie Perry,
yeah, it comes from the songStan. Yeah. What the heck?
Yeah? Oh my god. Andso Eminem, you know, back
in the day, did this characterslim Shady, And that was like where
he put all of his kind ofpoppy, like crazy you know, stories
and all that, you know,like the murdering his wife and all that
stuff like that was all this no, no, no, the character.
Oh you know, so when he'stalking about that in songs and stuff like
that was the character of slim Shady. Then later on like he was doing
kind of more I don't want tosay, more serious hip hop, but
like less poppy, more hard.That was like not so shady. So
he's brought back slim Shady with thisalbum, The Death of Slim Shady,
and it's like back to the funlike poppy crazy yeah bops, you know
what I mean. Yeah, SoI love some I love Eminem, I
love some Shady. I hope thathe doesn't really kill him. That sucks.
But yeah, but when artists dothat, I kill their characters.
Yeah, yeah, no, becausepeople get emotionally attached to the character.
I know I'm a stand of slimshady, but I understand why the artist
does it. Yeah. Yeah,I'm playing these characters for yours. They
probably get tired of it. Yeahfor sure. Listen, this is not
who I am anymore, so rightyep, But I just don't like yeah,
no me either. What else?Jojo Siwah has released her Guilty Pleasure
album. When I say released,I mean unleashed. I should say she
has unleashed it onto all of usunsuspecting pop culture people. Fans. You
have some thoughts on Jojo, Ido. I just I don't understand why.
I just I feel like I justlook at Jojo Siwa and the first
thing that comes to my mind iswhy. But it's not like in a
way where it's like why, it'sjust like no genuine curiosity why, which
I don't know if that makes itbetter. It's not like I mean I
am judging a little bit, likewho doesn't? Yeah, but like why,
yeah, why? I'm totally withyou. I don't understand her.
She gives off homeschooled kid energy.Yeah, and not only that, but
like homeschooled kid like child star energy. Yeah. Not that there's anything wrong
with homeschooled kids, my beloved listeners, but but they do give off sometimes
there are homeschool kids that give offsome I'm gonna get canceled, but you
know, they give off some vibesto give they're giving that homeschool and and
then there's plenty of homeschool kids thatare fine, fine, but there's a
certain type of kids sometimes that isa homeschool kid, and Jojo gives that
homeschooled vibe. For instance, notthe instances as you and I had talked
about. When it happened. Shewas in an interview and somebody said something
and she was like, I havecreated a new genre of music. And
the interviewer was like, oh what, and she was like gay pop and
it's like, uh, bro,you're doing like dancy pop music like before
millions of artists before literally thousands ofartists I could probably name off the top
of my head that literally do thesame music. Lady Gaga comes first for
me. Yeah, Lady Gaga,Madonna Shaer like you know, they're so
so so Britney Spears like, Imean, bro, like what makes you
so different? Yeahjo exactly, Andthat's what I mean, Like she's given
off that like homeschooled, like childstar energy. I feel like she's a
bit out of touch with reality.Yes, I get that a lot,
And I mean I just don't thinkthat she understands reality. Yeah, the
way that I think most people wouldunderstand reality. She just gives me airhead
kind of vibes when it comes tothat kind of stuff. Yeah, I
think you had it on the headat least for me when you said like
she's like out of touch, becauseit's like you didn't know that there were
people who did dance pop music forthe last one hundred years. Yeah,
it's like a airhead to me becauseit's like you didn't do research in the
market that well, it's not evenlike research like did you exist? Have
you ever heard of a Madonna ora Lady Gaga or Britney Spears song like
yeah, have you lived? Youknow what I mean? It's so weird.
How old is she? I don'tknow, maybe thirty, I don't
know's I really don't know. Ihave no idea. I'm guessing. I'm
really bad at people's guessing people's ages. She's told one, Oh my god,
but she gives off that like she'svery pretty. She is pretty,
but like she I don't know,she has like that older she does.
I see it, you know whatI mean. I see it, at
least in this picture, But shehas I don't know. I don't know.
I would. I would like tohave a conversation with her. I
would. I would love to talkto her too. Maybe we should have
her on the show one time.We should, you know what, listen,
because I feel like I don't wantto judge too harshly, But at
the same time, how can Inot when you're putting this out there for
the world. Of course, youknow I'm going to have an opinion on
it, of course, But Ijust feel like, I, like I
said, why, I would liketo genuinely just talk to her and get
her thoughts and to see is thisreal Jojo? Yeah? Is this like
fake like it's okay right? Oris it? Or is this how you
really are? Yeah? I don'tknow. And don't get me wrong,
like I'm judging her right now.She seems like she's such a sweet soul,
and like you know what I mean, Like I'm not judging her as
like a well, I mean,I guess I am judging as a person,
but like not like you know whatI'm saying, like I'm judging some
of her. So in other words, when you put yourself out there,
which I you know, pretty muchmy entire life has been out in the
public in some way, you know, through whatever the Oprah shows or radio
or TV or whatever. I've prettymuch grown up in the public eye.
So knowing that I know that whatI when I do that, I'm putting
myself out there to be judged,whether I like it or not. I
don't have to listen to what peoplesay or you know, I mean,
you should see some of the comments. Sometimes I get that I do read
because I'm I can't help it,even though it's probably not good for my
mental health sometimes. But I haveto understand that if I'm going to be
in this business, if I'm goingto be in media or in content creation,
and you know they're I'm opening myselfup to ridicule, you know,
and I might not like what everybodyhas to say. I might not like
what anybody has to say, butthat is part of the deal, you
know what I mean. I can'tbe like, oh, I want to
put myself out there and create contentand then be like, no, please
don't say anything about me with youropinion. Yeah. Yeah, So when
I say that to Jojo or whenI say that about Jojo, I'm also
saying that knowing that, like,I get it. It's hard. You're
putting yourself out there. You're tryingto be maybe authentic or maybe it's a
character I don't know, but whateverit is, like you got, no
matter what, you have balls tobe able to go out there with your
kiss looking outfit and your the staron your eye and you know what I
mean, like do this in publishedYeah exactly. So good for you for
that, But I'm still going tojudge when I think it's appropriate. Oh
yeah, for sure, cause Iknow that I don't think I could be
doing half the stuff that she's doingit in public. Yeah, with the
sane mind. Yeah, And like, I mean, she's got confidence,
which I don't. Even though sometimesyou know, sometimes people be like,
who are you so cocky? I'mlike, I'm actually that's overcompensating for my
terrible lack of self confidence, youknow what I mean. A lot of
guys will do that, especially Ifeel like, oh, at least I'm
saying a lot of guys because obviouslymost of my friends are guys, so
I kind of know more. Evenguys will do it like when you're at
the gym, like uh, oh, yeah, that's all you can lift,
bro, you know what I mean. And then they'll like hurt themselves
like trying to outlift you, theylike pull something. I've seen those videos,
yeah, because they're they're like tryingto, you know, make up
for their kind of lack of confidenceby like overcompensating to show their boys that
they're the alpha, you know whatI mean. Like whatever, anyway,
I don't know, speaking of goingoff on random tangents and here we are
to Jim showing off anyway, Yes, guilty pleasure. I I do want
to give it a listen. Ithink like Karma Carmo's the first single,
right like yeah, or she didthat like like weird dance like which like
which again, you know, goodfor her for getting out there. She
can do it, you know,girl if you or well, I don't
know what her pronoun. I'm notsure either. I feel like I don't
want to, you know whatever,but she can do that or they can
do that. Yeah, you know, good for them. Yeah. So
that is our what's out this weeksegment? So what did we watch this
week? That's the next segment,What do we watch this week? Here's
the intro music? What did wewatch this week? So? I saw
a Maxine Do you know that movie? I do know that movie? You've
seen Ex and Pearl? Yes,don't tell me anything about Mex No,
like, no spoilers. No,Oh, I never give spoilers. Okay,
okay, but I will tell youthis is not a spoiler. It
is amazing, gonna be so excited. Yes, if you love X and
Pearl, you will love this.Ty West the writer director blah blah is
a genius and I wish he justmakes horror movies like this all the time.
So I saw that. Uh,And then I saw in d C
for last week. I was inDC for PBS Capital fourth and I got
one night where we had a breakfor the night and I didn't have anything
scheduled with them until the next day. Yeah, so I was like,
I'm gonna go to the movies.They were like, cool, have fun,
So I went and saw Quiet PlaceDay one. It is so good.
I loved it. I always butcherher name and I feel horrible and
there's literally no reason I should.I love her. Lupita Neoga, I
love her too, but I alreadyknow that whenever her name is on a
movie, yeah, it's about tobe the best movie. Yeah, I've
ever like she. I don't knowher acting's just she's phenominal. Yeah,
she's so incredible. Chills every singletime I see her on the screen,
no matter what, it's just chilled. Yeah. Did you like Quiet Place
one and two? Yeah? Okay, so you'll love this. It's obviously
you know, it's a it's aday one of what happens but in New
York City. What's special about itfor me is the story behind it.
Like they didn't just they weren't just. They could have easily been like,
oh, here's day one, here'sit doesn't really matter the plot, here's
cool, crazy stuff happening. No, they like really made an incredibly kind
of moving film with the backdrop ofa Qui place. It's awesome. Yeah,
well that's so exciting. Yeah,you got to see it. What
did you watch this week? Iwatched shows I feel like I'm more of
a show person. I do likemovies, but I tune in every single
Sunday for House of the Dragon.Okay, I'm one of those I've never
seen House of the Dragon or Gameof Thrones. I'm about to walk out.
I know this isn't that wild.Yeah, how the Dragon? And
I'm a really big reality TV show? Okay, So I watched ninety Day
Fiance and all that stuff. WhatOkay? So I got addicted to ninety
Day Fiance when I was moving intomy house and had to put something or
you know, would put something onlike while I'm doing stuff. Yeah,
around my house, and I gotaddicted to ninety Day Fiance and my six
hundred pound sisters or something, ohthousand pounds sisters. Yes, me too.
Oh I tuned in for those Andwas it a thousand pound best friends?
Yes? Yes, that too?Yeah when they went to the water
park or whatever, yes, Ohmy goodness, I remember that part.
Yeah. Yeah. So how wasHouse of the Dragon this week? Oh?
It was? It was phenomenal?Is it it was a very sad
episode? Is it as good asGame of Thrones? Well, it depends
on Is it Game of Thrones?One through six you're talking about season or
Game of Thrown six through eight season, Oh is there? Like, oh
yeah, there's definitely a cutoff.Definitely a cutoff. Okay, So one
through six are like amazing, andsix through eight or seven and eight are
like, yeah, So how isthe Dragon? I feel like it is
good. The storytelling is there?Storytelling for House of a Dragon is one
hundred percent there, and it isjust so raw. I don't know,
like the characters, the dragons,the plot. It just is one of
those shows, in my opinion,where you watch it and it literally feels
like you are in this world withthese people, okay, and it is
seeing these dragons fly and seeing howthese people are trying to resolve this if
issue that's happening. It's just soyou have so many opinions on it,
and it tells you from multiple sideswhat's happening. So sometimes you might be
like, Okay, I understand whythis person is doing it, but then
it goes to someone's's point of viewon the other side, so you're like,
oh, man, I understand whythat. So it's hard. But
I am Team Black, which isit's about it into Team Greens or Team
Black. So I am Team Blackand that is Forner Targarian, and the
team Green is for Agon Targarian,which I probably you probably don't know who
these people are, but basically they'refighting for the throne. Okay, So
is this a prequel or a sequel? It's a prequel prequel. This is
before Game of Thrones. This islike like centuries before Game of Thrones happened.
So could I watch this without watchingGame of Thrones? I would,
yeah, yeah, you definitely can. I would probably recommend watching it before
Game of Thrones, okay, becauseit takes you back all the way to
the Targerian dynasty, which is Targeriansis the name of the house that rules
this city called Westros, which iswhat Game of Thrones is taking place in.
Okay, So they are the originalrulers, and in Game of Thrones
it's different because the Targerians are notruling in Game of Thrones. It's interesting
to see how Sita Dragon unfold withall of these Targarians because in Game of
Thrones there's only two Targerians left.So it's like, how did this house
that overtook the whole entire world ofWest thro oath? How did they with
other dragons, with all of theirchildren, with all of theirs, Like,
how did they go from the mostpowerful house in the world to only
two of them being fugitives? Okay, how did that happen? All right?
Awesome? What else is you watchanything else? Cool? No,
I'm sorry, that's all good.We are going to take a quick break
and pay the bills, so it'lltake sixty seconds. And we love our
advertisers because they allow us to bringthis show to you. They pay our
bills, so we can, youknow, do this every week. Yeah,
anyway, see you in sixty allright, we are back. Thank
you for hanging out with us PopCulture Weekly. I am Kyle McMahon.
I'm here with Amanda Bias. Excuseme. I was gonna say Amanda the
promo girl, and then I waslike no, So I was like,
the the anyway because I feel likeyou need a nickname, you know what
I mean? The promo girl?Is that stupid? Yeah? A little
bit, Amanda. We'll think aboutit, yeah, or vote we have
we should do a thing. Yes, yeah, all right, look for
that. Okay, So our featurepresentation, it's our feature presentation favorite summer
movies, our feature presentation favorite summermovies. You go first, what's your
first one? My first one?When you first told me first summer movie,
the first one that came on wasThe Sandlot. I grew up with
that movie, so did I andI watched that movie every single summer,
and I just that movie just bringsso much nostalgia to me. Yeah,
I just get so happy when Iwatch it. I don't know, it's
it's familiar, it's what I grewup with, the characters. I just
I don't know, it's that moviefor me. It is so good and
same thing for me. I grewup with that movie. It is a
classic. It has that nostalgia,it has those feels, you know what
I mean, Like, it's justthat movie. I love that movie so
much. I would say my firstone is The Goonies. Oh. The
Goonies for me actually kind of similarlyto The Sandlot. It's something I grew
up with. It reminds me ofsummer. I don't know if I first
saw it in the summer or something. I'm obviously a chunk of it seems
to take place in the summer.It's just one of those movies that,
like, I feel good. Ican't say a bad word about it,
Like it's just ultimate summer for me, Like you go in this big adventure
with your friends, like you know, and and I don't know. It's
just so summary for me. Doyou you've seen it? Right? No?
What? I haven't seen it,but I do know about it.
You've never seen the Goonies. Ino, you don't have to apologize.
I just feel bad for you.You have got to watch it. I'm
serious. I'll watch it. Youneed to put You will love it as
much as you love the Sandlot.Oh really, yes, Okay, it'll
be one of those movies I thinkthat you'll watch every summer. Okay,
I know I know about the Goonies, but I have never actually sat down
with like my fuck at a popcornand like watched it and it's full.
Okay, yeah, you got todo it. And it has a killer
song. The title song is calledGoonies Are with the Backwards Are good Enough?
Goonies Are good Enough? And it'sby Cindy Lauper, and it is
so eighties and so summary and sofits that movie. And it's like a
fun adventure song. It's awesome.Yeah, but uh yeah, So my
first one would be the goodies.I'll put it, I'll put it on
the list. Please do. What'syour next one? My next one is
Jaws, Jaws. I love Sharks. That's on my list too, by
the way, it is. Yeah, so Jaws. And there's multiple Jaws
movies. I like them all,like I like them all. There's not
one where I'm just like whatever.But I guess if I had to choose,
I feel like I would do theoriginal. Okay, the first one
and me yeah, same for me. I do love the one. I
think it's three when they're in likeSea World or something, that one's good
or when I was a kid,that freaked me out. And then I
watched it as an adult and Iwas like, this is really bad animation.
How was I scared of? It'sso it's so fake, but it's
so good. It is good,like in uh huh you look past exactly,
You're like there. But what's interestingis the first one, Jaws one,
I feel like had great effects,you know what I mean, But
it's like they almost went for liketoo much effects in the third one.
So it like it's dated now,but I still love it. Oh,
yeah, for sure, it's stillgood. Yeah, Like the story's still
there exactly. So fun fact,my dad, they you know, my
that side of the family was bornin New York and he went to Academy
of Dramatic Arts or something in NewYork, and he auditioned for Jaws.
And it was between like him andlike three other guys. And obviously I
didn't get it. But yeah,I mean not he didn't audition as the
shark Jaws, but I think itwas like the guy's son or something in
the movie. But but yeah,so that's a fun fact. But what
I love about Jaws, well,I mean there's many things, but like
to this day, like I feellike that move has made everybody scared of
sharks, every single person, youknow what I mean, Yes, but
you know it's interesting. So Iwas at the beach this weekend last weekend,
and finally I have not been tothe beach. So I have family
that lives at the beach. Youknow, you and I are an hour
and a half away from the beachat Max, Like it's like a way
of life for us here. Ihave not actually been on the beach,
like on the sand in like twoyears, which is crazy for me because
any other time I'd be down thereall the time. But my life has
been so crazy the last few years. Actually, it's probably probably been three
years. But so I went downto visit my family and we all got
together at the beach. I wenton the beach and I started worrying about
sharks before, like even like thenight before. And because I am an
anxiety ridden person sometimes, I wasup to like four am studying sharks and
like, yeah, and did youknow you're not supposed to wear dangly jewelry
in the water. You're not.Yeah, like, nothing flashy because it'll
catch their eye. But I dofeel pretty confident now that I could take
on a shark. Oh my god. Well it depends on which one.
So I am ready for any shark, No, I am. So So
here's the thing. So I sawthis woman on TikTok, because you should
always get information from TikTok. Yeah, that's all you have to tell me.
No, no, but she said, and she's like a shark girl
or whatever, say to bop thenose. So okay. So yeah,
you put your arm out and youlock your elbow when it's coming to you,
and you look directly at it andas it's coming up to you,
you put your hand out, elbowlocked, arm stretched, and you hit
its nose and gently guide it awayfrom you. Guide. Yeah, And
so I was so confident to hopin that water the next day. No,
I was like, Okay, sharks, I'm not scared of you because
I'm gonna I lock my elbow andjently guide you the other way. But
then I saw jellyfish in the water. So that is what made you not
want to get into the water.Yeah, No, I get it though.
Yeah, so the jellyfish, Iwas like, ooh, I didn't
prepare my anxiety didn't prepare me forthat. So I didn't go on a
freaking black hole of jellyfish fighting videos. It's okay, I'm understand. Jellyfish
can sting even if they're dead.Oh they can. Yeah. So that's
interesting because my cousin was like,I think that one's dead, Like,
so you're good, No, you'renot. Oh my god. I think
it depends on what kind jellyfish itis, Okay, because when they're dead,
I do think that they can stillstain and that part of their body
is still active. Okay. Yeah, jellyfish scare me because you you can't
really get away from them. Yeah, like I can't touch it, and
they're like so all over the place. Yeah, like they can be right
here, but their legs or whateverpart of that body. Yeah, it's
like all out right. That's scary. Yeah, maybe I should just start
I'll start bringing sticks with me thatyou know what I ended up doing.
It's so funny. I think somebodytook a video of it. I ended
up making my cousin and my aunt. They I got in like an inner
tube and they got in the waterand I sat in the inner tube and
they had the rope and recording mearound of it. What No, I
would have been why? Because thatway I couldn't get sung by his bellyfish.
I mean they would. But I'vebeen going to the beach of Kyle.
Now that I think about it,that's so like mean of me to
be like, hey, you guysget in the water and cart me around
in the inner tube so I don'tget stuck. Oh my god, I'm
a prince. What can I say? See, I feel like I do
love I love sharks. I don'tthink that I'm scared. I mean I
wanted to work with sharks. Iyeah, you wanted to be like a
animal person, right, yeah,I wanted animal oh a marine biology,
Yeah, okay, I love I'vealways loved the ocean. So sharks for
me is my They're my favorite animals. So all my bucket list is I
want to go shark diving with greatlights eventually. Oh my god, Well
I can come with you and protectyou because I know how to take them
all. Not a great white,oh my god. Maybe a tiger tiger
shark yeah, oh yeah, soJaws anyway, bringing your back up,
Okay, this is our add especiallymine. Yeah, but tangent. But
it's such a classic summer move.Like everybody's seen that movie. Everybody loves
that movie. If you don't,you're like not even American. Did you
go? Did you go to theJaws ride in Universal? Yes? I
never got a chance to do that, and that is my villain origin story.
I so upset about that ride clothing. When did it close? You
know, I don't know it closedbefore I got it chance to go on
there. That's all that matters.I had seen it and then like I'd
say, the next year or something, they got rid of it. That's
yeah, So I like just madeit in time. I love Universal so
much, all right, So thatwas yours? Okay, Vacation, National
Lampoon's Vacation with Chevy Chase. You'rejoking, I've never seen this. Do
you know what movie I'm talking about? No? God, what are these
movies? You've seen? Christmas Vacation? Right? What? You've never seen
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? Wait?I don't even know what you're saying.
What? Slow down? You've neverseen National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, the National
Lamb, Langoon, Lampoon, Lampoons, Chris Christmas Vacation. What? No,
No, I cannot believe. Ican't believe that title, National Lamb.
Oh it's a family. Well,okay, you've never seen this?
Oh what is that? It's Ohmy goodness, Nick, No, what
is that? You've never seen thismovie? With this family? It's on
like seventeen times a day on Christmas. I've never seen that movie. Okay,
Wow, First of all, you'regoing to add that to your list
to for the Christmas. Hey,you got to make me a list because
I'm just like, yeah, youhave to put this on my letterboxed.
Oh I'm on letterbox? Oh youare? Oh? Can we be friends?
Yes? Nick? Nick Allison Drinithe man, the production legend,
the sports talent. Hey, okay, I had to bring Nick in.
I can't believe this. So I'membarrassed Amanda, not on purpose, but
we're going over our favorite summer movies. Summer movies, okay, And I
said, oh, vacation, yesyou no, Chevy Chase Legend, Chevy
Chase guys. Yeah, And She'slike, what's that? And I was
like, oh, well, you'veseen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. And she
was like, what what are yousaying? Okay, now we have an
issue, like time do we getto Christmas Vacation? Now an issue has
has arisen here, time out.I don't know why I'm timing out,
but I she's never seen She hasno idea what that is one of my
favorite movies, like for any season. I only I watched it a lot
during Christmas, I say, isI'm sure everybody else does during the holiday
time, but that's a movie Ican pop on in the summer too,
even Yeah, I'll pop that movieon and sometimes it's just on if you
still have cable. I'm one ofthe few people in the world that still
has cable, and it'll be oneof those random channels at like eleven o'clock
at night. But it is afantastic movie, one of my favorite movies
of all time in any genre.Yeah. Yeah, you first of all,
have need to watch National Lampoon's ChristmasVacation. Like that's mandatory. You
should probably leave work early. Yeah, it's like literally that important. Yes,
so vacation. The worst part mightbe, though, is if she
does watch it, come back inhere and tells us she doesn't like it.
That would be horrible. Yeah.First of all, I don't know.
I don't know how I would viewgoing forward, Amanda, But I
mean, does that prove that?And again, Amanda is younger than we
are, Yeah, so does thatprove or maybe is any evidence that that
generation doesn't like the movie? Becausethat's how I might take it, and
that would be crippling to my emotionsresenting this is the biggest movie you've ever
watched? No, are you genz? I think I don't know.
Yeah, because we're millennial. We'remillennial, I know that, but I
don't after that. But even yourguess is as good as money. So
we were babies when that came out. Yeah, that's true. I think
it must have been It's really wouldbe like gen X age or boomers or
whatever, but like I just feellike it's multi generational absolutely, you know
what I mean. Yeah, that'sa great one, absolutely one of my
And again, I know you gota got me off topic with the summer
movies and that hit me with ChristmasVacation. Yeah, that is a vacation.
What do you think about that too? Yeah, yeah, it's it's
definitely up there. Also, Imean it's not Christmas vac exactly. And
I don't know if that's because Iactually watched Christmas Vacation every me too,
right, is that weird? Butlike so maybe that's the reason why,
but uh yeah both should be onthe list. Yeah yeah. And then
of course there was European Vacation.Yeah, that's what the heck? And
then Vegas Vacas nice? What Yeah? And then wasn't there didn't they make
another one? Oh? It wasvacation. It was like a re not
a remake at Helms right, yeah, where he played didn't was a dusty
I think? Yes, yes,yes, yes, which is like a
sequel yeah kinda wow. I didn'teven think about that part that franchise.
Yeah, do you watch Community?Have you ever seen Community, No,
I have to leave. That's agreat show, Chevy Chase. I think
I think that was like his lastbig acting job. Yeah, Community,
and I love Community, So thatwas the show probably what ten years ago
is like twenty twelve. Was itthat long. It had to have been
that long. Yeah, yeah,because imember watching it in high school.
So yeah, he was in thattoo. I want to know if you've
seen that, maybe you might doyou know who Chevy Chase though, right,
if you see him in anything?Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I know. That is I'm tryingto think of like something else you
would well and me throwing out movieslike Caddie Shack and like something like that.
That is nobody's listening on the otherend of that. I'm trying to
say, this is what he lookslike today. But Clark Griswold, baby,
Yeah, you know it's funny.You can go to like different people's
houses or something that I know,like and you have never mentioned Christmas vacation
before, and like they'll have likethe Clark Griswold black Hawks, like Chicago
black Hawks, like Jersey and yeah, yeah, yeah, there's like random
memorabilia like that from the movie thatyou would think it's just like sports memorabilia,
but like, no, that's Iwas in the house in Christmas making
stuff like that. I have acup that is the boot, you know
what I'm talking about. Yeah.Yeah, and then I don't have but
vacation pajama Christmas pajamas and all kindsof stuff. Yeah, exactly allowed to
curse on this program. Yeah,shitter's full. That's that. That's the
line from the movie. I gotthat on the Pajamas. I'll tell you
she is so lost. Yeah,that's just glanced at her. I just
shwed her pictures. She's like,I have no idea, Like, she's
like phenomenal movie. Yeah, sinceyou've graceless with your presence for a moment,
what is your favorite summer movie?That's a tougha Like I'm trying to
you know, you want to knowone of them when I was younger that
I went to the movies and sawthem that I don't know. It stuck
with me over the years. Disturbiawith disturbing accounts of summer bank. I
love Disturbia with Shila buff Didn't itcome out and go into the theaters in
the summer to watch it? SoYeah, that's what, like, that's
the first movie that great? Thatwas? That was like his first big
movie, wasn't it. Yeah?It was right after Transformers. It was
like his birth is. Oh,I forget Transformers came first. Yeah,
I think Transformers came first and thatwas like the big one. Then this
was like his big movie after that, which I thought was a really good
movie. I loved the Serbia alsohas no idea what we're talking about?
How would you do? How wouldI know? Because of your face?
Have you seen it? No,we're gonna write you a list today,
Yes, and we're gonna send youhome with it. You know, I
feel like I haven't watch nothing.I mean, you haven't seen Christmas vacations.
You might as well have seen nothing. Ever, God are you?
We're gonna be friends on letterbox.By the way, my letterbox is Kyle
McMahon. Are you one letterbox neck? I'm gonna pull in Amanda here?
What is letterbox? I see howit is now both of us. You're
the only one that knows everything.Man. I don't know everything. I
don't know what that is. Shedoesn't know Christmas Vacation. Letterbox is a
social media app that is just forfilms. Okay, so I don't want
to say it's like a Facebook forfilm but so you log the movies you
watch, okay, Yeah, youcreate list, watch list, he has
seeing them all. Yeah, andLetterboxed is grabout to get him on that.
You should and you should do itbecause it's cool and you could like
rate and review your as you logthem to. Yeah, and you could
go back, you know and belike, oh, I saw this movie
back on this date, or ohI did see that movie. What did
I think about it? I forgot? I'm going to set him out.
He would love that. Yeah,he likes to keep tracking. He was
come here to watch out this movieor chet out this movie. I just
watched it. It's some crazy movieI've never heard of. And he will
love letter by have him followed mebecause yeah, he's always looking for suggestions.
Yeah. Sure, And that's theother cool thing. So like I
could look at Amanda's like watch listor her log, like her diary log
of like what she's watched, orI could see her lists of like my
favorite summer movies. We could doyou know what I mean, a list
of favorite summer movies. And Icould go and see what she put like,
it's really cool. Yeah, Idon't have to get on that for
sure. And now back to thesummer movie. Are you talking about movies
that came out during the summer orthat take place in the summer either either.
I do franchises like the Screen Franchise, Friday Franchise, and I put
them in like a list and Iranked them. Yeah, that's what I
do. Yeah, with that kindof stuff. Yeah, it's so much
fun. That's a you could havea whole discussion on best franchises. Absolutely
well, the Vacation one entire youdo. Bring back the beefy Counch burrito,
Thank you very much. Keep thefreaking nacho fries are good too,
Nacho fries and Bby crunch burrito,the breakfast, Lunch and Dinner of Champions.
I love how that's your mic drop. Thanks all right, So,
okay, Vacation, I feel liketorn up. That was a ride.
But Vacation is so good. Itreminds me of when I was a kid.
It reminds me of being on summervacation, like as a kid.
I love that movie so much.All right, what's your next one?
My next one will probably be it'sa musical it's called In the Heights,
Oh yeah, from New York.Yeah, yeah, I love that musical.
I feel like people don't like ita lot because it didn't get that
much good ratings like when it cameout. But I loved it. I
mean that's Lynn Manuel, right,yeah, he is amazing. Love his
penwork, like it's just oh yeah, and that takes place in uh,
what do you call it? Heights? Washington Heights, Washington. Thank you,
I'm like there too for her,Yeah, Washington Heights. Yeah.
I felt like when I I watchedit in the theaters with my sister and
my parents, and I just feltlike it was the first time that I
saw a movie that dove in depth, like with Hispanic culture at that time
time. So it was a moviewhere I really saw myself because I'm Puerto
Rican, so I really resonated witha lot of the characters that it's hard
to do like and today. Yeah. So it was like it felt like
I was going and seeing like myfamily, you know, and it was
like, oh, this is socool. And the music. I loved
the music, yeah, I meanit was just such a good catchy like
salsa Hispanic. I just it feltlike Home, you know, because that's
you know, of course from Butyeah, it's one of my favorites.
Yeah, so I I love limbManuel Manuel. I started watching it and
I thought I probably watched the firsttwenty minutes and I thought it was amazing,
and then something happened and I didn'tfinish it. I know, you
got to finish that movie, Kyle. Yeah, it was like the opening
scene with the bodega, not likeit's so it was so amazing, and
I do want to watch it,and to be honest, I kind of
forgot about it. But now thatyou're bringing it up, it's I'm going
to be watching it, like inthe next week or so. Yeah,
that's a good one. I knowwhat you did last summer. Have you
ever seen that? No, you'venever seen that. I've not seen your
movies. Oh I'm sorry. It'sa scary movie. I know, I
know what it is, but Ihave never seen it. Okay, my
buddy Ryan Philippi isn't it from He'sfrom Delaware and it's got an awesome cast.
But it was I was a kidwhen I saw that, and it
is a thriller. It's a horror. It's who'd done it? It's a
mystery it is. I love it. You know, is it an Oscar
winning film? Like no, butit wasn't trying to be. So it's
amazing for what it is and Ilove it. And it reminds me of
summer and like those kind of summerscary nights you know where I used to
love. I mean still do loveto watch like a scary movie on the
weekend or whatever. But it hasthe summer vibe too. Such a great
for me, great summer movie.So Malana Milana, that's a good one.
I think that ma is one ofmy top Well, Malana is my
favorite Disney movie, Okay, soI mean she has to be in this
list because it's the ocean. Yeah. So it's like, I don't know,
I don't know when Malana came out. I don't even know if Wana
came out in the summer. Butit's just a movie that I found myself
playing a lot during the summer yearbecause it's oceany and it's like, you
know, it's it's Molana. Yeah, it's Maana. And Malana's too coming
out, yes, and Moana liveaction yes. Yeah. The rock will
be seated, Yeah, I willbe seated. For that. That's a
good one. My I have twomore, which I'll do one Summer of
Sam, which clearly you haven't seenthat one. Either. Summer of Sam
is based on a true story cameout in ninety nine. It is.
The log line is, during thesummer of nineteen seventy seven, a killer
known as the Son of Sam keepsall of New York City on edge with
a series of brutal murders. Okay, that sounds interesting. Yeah. Oh,
John Leguizama's in it. Who Ilove? He's Puerto Rican Yeah,
oh wait, wait, what's hisname? John Leguizamo's that? Who is
that? The philandering Vinnie unwittingly almostbecomes a victim of the psychopath, and
soon he and numerous people in hisorbit, including his wife Dianna played by
Morris Servino Miras Servino, his punkrocker friend Richie, an aspiring porn star
Ruby played by Jennifer Esposito, ortrying to figure out the identity of the
killer before it's too late. It'sdirected by Spike Lee, who I love
Spike, and you know the thewhat do you call it? Killer?
The Son of Sam killer was likea real thing in New York in the
seventies, so it takes place duringthat time, and it takes place in
the summer. You know, therewasn't like air conditioning and stuff. It's
it's really good. It's so good. It's like a awesome edge of your
seat. Is it like a psychologicalthriller? Yes, okay, I love
the movies. Yeah, it's likea psychological slash crime thriller. Okay,
Yeah, it's really good. Sothat's that's my next one. What's your
last one? I think I guessmy last one will probably be Friday thirteenth.
That's a great one, like oneof my favorite movies ever. By
the way, me too. Yeah, like, no, none in particular,
Like I like any all. Yeah, like them all. I know
that the first one gets a lotof hate. People just don't understand it
the way I do. Yeah.Yeah, it is for me quintessential.
That's why I never used big words. It is a quintessential summer movie.
Like it takes place at freaking camp, you know what I mean. It
is a classic. It is oneof my favorite movies ever. And I
not only watch it every summer,but I watch it every Friday the thirteenth.
Yeah, if I do every fall. Actually, me and my sister
were going to go to Camp CrystalLake because it's a New Jersey I did
you did so much? I didn'tget to go last year, and I
am buying tickets early. Yeah.Go. It is a lot of fun.
And then at the end, didyou say the night? No?
I. At the end they havelike a campfire thing and you watch Friday
the thirteenth. It's really cool.Yeah, it's so much fun. Camp
Crystal Lake in New Jersey. Yeah, okay. My last one is The
Florida Project. So the Florida Projectis I like how you talk about these
movies like knowing that I didn't evenwatch them. Project. So what that's
about is what if I did watchit, you did it? So the
Florida Project too. I, youknow, I'll put the link in the
show notes because I interviewed the castand and write a director and it is
really cool as an independent film.The log line is set in the shadow
of the most magical place on Earth. Six year old Mooney and her two
best friends forwards their own adventures.While mooney struggling mom and a kind hearted
motel manager protect the kids from theharsh reality that surrounds them. It's by
Sean Baker, who's amazing. Itwas filmed literally right outside of Disney and
partly inside of Disney Cool, andit's basically about the reality of these kids
that live in motels right outside ofDisney World. So you have Disney,
who I love, but you know, they're this big, multi billion dollar
company in this beautiful parks and all, but then half a mile away you
have kids that are so poor thatthey're living in a motel because they don't
have place to go. So it'sabout that. It's very summary for me.
And it also takes place in Florida, which for me is summary all
year. I don't know for me, that's a summary movie. Now that
I'm like talking about it, I'mlike, all my other choices are either
like, you know, fun andadventury and like or thriller or whatever,
and then this, I'm like,okay, now sad like but but it's
a great movie and you really reallyreally should see it. You got to
write this stuff. Yeah, I'mgoing to send you a list of all
these make a letter box list andjust be like movie rerecks by car Yeah
for sure. All right, Sothat is our feature presentation. This was
your first show. What do youthink? It was? Pretty fun?
Pretty fun, pretty fun? PrettyOkay, it was not that great?
No, no, it's going higher. I thought you wanted to be honest,
kid, No, it was.It wasn't really what I expected.
I thought it was going to bemore like, I guess, like structured
life, structured. But I kindof liked that it wasn't, though,
because it made it flow more natural. Yeah. So I think that it
was really nice and it was justexciting, awesome to be able to talk
about this kind of stuff and yeah, we're going to come back more often.
Yeah, awesome because I would loveto get their reactions for these movies
and like, just have somebody todiscuss the stuff with again, you know
what I mean. Normally I'm discussingthe last few years, have been discussing
it by myself to our listeners,who are amazing. But for them to
interact with me, they're sending emailsor or you know, saying something on
social or whatever. So it's notlike that immediate interaction where you and I
can just be like, yeah,what I don't know that know what movie
you're talking about? The iconic classic? All right? So that is our
show for today. Thank you,Amanda Biez for being here. I really
appreciate it. You're amazing having me, of course, and thank you for
all you do with all the promostuff. You're awesome. And thank you
for listening. You are awesome.And the reason that this show keeps growing
every single day, every single episodeis because of you and all the support
that you give me and us andthis show. You know, your emails,
your shares, your social messages,you know the talkback button. You
guys are awesome and I love it. If you haven't yet, please give
us a review on Apple Podcasts.It really helps to continue to grow the
show, which means I can continueto bring you great conversations and great guests
and great celebrity interviews and all thatgood stuff. So we have some more
stuff that's pretty cool coming up inthe pipeline, including more video, so
I'm really excited about that. We'llbe more interactive on socials coming up with
some regularly scheduled, more frequently postedcontent coming up on all the socials,
so that'll be fun too. Allright, until next week. That was
our favorite summer movies list as ofnow, because you know it's going to
change next summer. But that's ourfavorite movies list of now. I'll see
you next week. We thank youfor listening to pop Culture Weekly. Here
all the latest at Popcultureweekly, dotcom, maor maor ma, and