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Especially in the jam In Morning showwith DJ four and it's Saunty Glynn.
You need to know, No,we got you three things you need to
know on Bustin's Number one for hiphop and the best throwbags? Do you
haven't any more? Five? Atthe end of the day, I liked
how we approached the series regardless ofwho we were playing, had an intentionality
to it, had attention to detail, and had a consistent physicality. And
that's the most important thing is havingit regardless of who you're playing against.
Him. Wake up tomorrow, yougotta do it all over again versus another
team. They are they're waking upthis morning getting ready to do it to
another team Thursday May second Celts advancingto the East semi finals, beating up
on the Heat one eighteen eighty fourin game five, So they're going to
face the winner of the Cleveland Orlandoseries. Just so you guys know,
Game six is tomorrow night in Orlando. But the Calves are leading that series
three too, so it could beover tomorrow night. In my professional opinion,
the keys of the game be physical, have intention and be a physical
cliga. You know what, youknow, it's so crazy, He wrote,
it down. He wrote that down, and I should have said be
consistent no matter what team you areplaying. I'm massive sorry, Joe.
We all know you will be gettinghighed at the sports Hull anytime soon ever
in life. The big update onberzings here's what we got on Tuesday.
ESPN said he was quote expected tomiss a minimum of several games, but
it sounds like it'll be back inthe finals. So yeah, listen,
we're gonna be We're gonna be allright, We're gonna figure it out.
I just hated seeing him in thatboot in his suit. Leaving hurts my
heart, but hopefully we get himback. Several isn't entire remainder of the
season, so we'll take several.Okay. Kendrick Lamar's disk track Euphoria has
been getting a lot of play online. We're talking about this this morning.
For name a couple rappers that you'veheard say that they believe Kendrick's track was
trash. I wouldn't say trash,just underwhelming. Mace Cameron, even Gilly
the Kids said he wasn't feeling it. That's just a few a lot of
people feeling the same way. Yeah, and I've seen that sentiment too,
and coming from me, somebody that'sa big Drake fan. I listened to
him and was like, I mean, when you're calling the man a bad
father, you're saying that like that'sthere's a lot of things in that that
I was just and mainly that you'recalling him fake. I mean there was
a Wizard of Oz reference like thathe's just not real, and that that's
what people are starting to come tofind out, because remember we've said this
a bunch of times. What happenedto? What did Drake do to all
these people? But the consensus thatI'm gathering is that he's just fake and
people were tired of it. Idon't think that a fake real and those
abs are really I mean just saying. But anyways, he was invited to
Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday too in Toronto. Duh uh. They performed Needle.
He also did a little Rich BabyDaddy. But at the very end he
was like, I gotta get outhere. I have things to do.
You know what time it is,you know what I gotta do? When?
When's it coming out tomorrow? Ithink it might drop this weekend.
Yeah, because again he's been pressuringKendrick to drop a record a lot,
so he's gotta he's got to comeback. And within a couple of days,
as soon as Euphoria was released,Drake started liking tweets of all right,
Drake, you're on the clock.It's go time. Come on,
Drake. So I would I wouldassume he's been in the studio and like
Forren said earlier, maybe he alreadyhad something ready to go but just needed
to tweak it a little bit.But you know, Drake feels like there's
just so much hate from Kendrick thatin the end Kendrick actually does have love,
because they say, and I believeit, there's a very fine line
between the emotions we hate and love. Kendrick exactly says it in the desk.
He says, you know, thosethose guys are my brothers. I
love him. I hope we will. I hope we're real friends. Otherwise
I gotta and y E, whyn m Melly them? Which is which
is a reference to why Melly killingtwo of his friends. Jesus, Yeah,
I'm not meant for the distract.It's not fun for me, all
right. And last week Kylie Jennerwants you to drink her drink this summer.
She's begging you to put down Portnoy'shigh noons and grab yourself a sprinter.
She just came out with her canssparkling vodka drink. They're calling it
bubbly and juicy. Some of theflavors including grapefruit, lime, peach,
and black cherry. You can buythem at Total Wine and Instagar. So
you know, sometimes I just liketo go into Total Wine just to walk
around, just to pretend not now, but my non pregnant self, like
you could always they always have alittle snack and they always have free samples.
What you guys are missing. Amask is up in New Hampshire.
We have the one like oh,that's absolutely amazing. I went in one
one time and it reminded me ofa mall of liquor. Yeah, but
I don't think they have any ofthe spritzers or any of those types of
drinks on its summertime. I thinkshe'll get some play. But if if
her Seltzers or anything like Travis Scott'sof no offense to cacti, I'm all
set. Like they gotta taste good, I will say. I like the
packaging. It's kind of sleek.And also the pricing point is really good.
I'm seeing it have like twenty bucks, so it's not about it all.
Yeah, Total Wine, Go Puffand Instacar as of right now have
her drink available. She said,quote it is the best tasting vodka soda
I've ever tried, and I've trieda lot. Well, she's not gonna
say it tastes bad like he's tryingto tell me. I also like to
pour my high Noon out and putan additional shot of Vodkin. But I
have a you have a problem.Yeah, high Noon is Dave Portnoyd's drink.
Yeah. Oh I didn't old Yeah. Yeah, he's a big time
sponsor for the for the high NoonMan's cut his hand in many pots.
Yes, that's three things you needto know for Thursday, May second,
twenty one. Savage. Oh,we're about to play him to six one,
seven nine color twenty five guaranteed you'regoing, but remember it now.
Your name is going to be inthe hat for our grand prize giveaway,
which is those two three day passesto the Governor's Boss is a posty twenty
one en more will be there sixone seven nine three one one nine,
four five Good Luck College twenty five