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May 7, 2024 81 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wake yo, and hi everybody.Good morning, son, good morning,
good day, and good morning.What's that I what's that I miss a

Monday? Yeah, nothing crazy.I feel like I missed a lot,
I don't. I mean, especiallywith our Rocks Classic Rock Station. There's
a lot happening in this building withpeople getting let go and announcements. It's
so weird, you guys, becauseon Friday, I said to Santa,

I'm like, you can feel somethingin the air. I don't know,
I don't know. Some of thesethings are so like intangible. I don't
know how to explain it, butyou could feel like people were here on
Friday that shouldn't have been here atcertain times. And I clock people's behavior
because we're in here every day.So when I see certain people, I'm
like, why are they here atseven fifty? This doesn't make sense.
And they're also not conversating with alot of people that came into themselves.

So you knew that something was up. Yeah, you know. I had
had a relationship with the ZLX morningshow Kevin who passed away Pete and Heather.
So when Heather and Pete got likeoh on Friday, I was devastated
for them because they're just you don'tyou don't often find just such genuinely nice,

good people in general, especially inour industry. I feel like,
and they just were solid humans.So that's tough because I have a relationship
with them, and that's hard.And then you fast forward and the radio
world, guys, that happened onFriday. On Monday, this new shiny
show is announced. Yeah, youknow, it's crazy. I started on

the news they were talking about thefirings, and like, that's always tough
because not only do you lose yourjob, you lose it publicly, because
it's one thing to lose your joband you find another one, but then
everybody knows that you're out of work. I been working together for like thirty
plus years too. But then that'sexactly they come right around the corner with
this big announcement, this excitement lifearound it. You're like, wait,
I just got liked that and you'veliterally you've lived that on the other side

where it's like I just got letgo and oh here's the Ashley and Frankie
show. Yeah, I was,well, it was Breakfast Club first,
and then no, it was youguys first. Oh yeah, we got
Yeah, you're right, I wason vacation because I planned out this whole
vacation got fired and I'm like,okay, well I already paid for it.
So we went away to Maine andI was on day two of my
vacation when you guys announced your brandnew show. Oh my god. I

had to sit there for a weekand I read all the comments. I
was not in a good headspace onthat vacation. I remember it, but
I remember lying on a couch readingcomments. So it's almost impossible to kind
of like move on with your lifewhen this, when your old world is
like an excitement. Yeah, AndI think that makes it even harder for
them. You know, it's likewe've been they've been working together for so

long. When they lost Kevin,it was this question of like, how
are they going to do it?How are they going to go on air
without their best friend of thirty fortyplus years that they've been working with together
every day of their lives. Yeah, and I think they tried, and
you know, it's just it's justsad because again, we're not talking about

like trash humans that might deserve somethinglike that. They're just the best people
in the world. And it breaksmy heart. I've worked with bad people
when they got fired, I waslike excited. I was happy this aura,
like this heaviness left the air.But that's not what the situation is
like. Oh like over there alwaysnice and positive and to your point,
you don't really come across a lotof people in this business like that.

No, and listen of no shadeto the new show. I don't know
rich I do. I'm gonna likehave to be like I'm gonna prep to
pretend hate him for a little bit, maybe, you know, just do
like a subtle hello. But I'msure he's the nicest guy ever. It's
just his photo is everywhere around thebuilding now and everybody's so excited. I'm
like, what about my friends?But no, I'm sure he's great,

and I'm excited for him that thatpart of it has nothing to do with
him, you know, and he'sjust probably super excited to be here.
But I think we should definitely likefor in commercial, definitely, I worked
with the same I worked at thesame company with him at this when he
was at the sports and he's agood guy, a genuine guy. What's
funny to me is people like genuinelythink as they should. I've had somebody

hit me up being like, so, what's the rest of the show going
to look like? I'm like,I don't know. They literally won't tell
even us, so this major announcementgets why do you say his last name?
I don't know. I was maybehe had I didn't know his last
name neither Rich. I knew touchand Rich yeah Rich. But anyways,
it's like the Rich Schloglibleeb show.Okay with and friends, Okay and friends,

and everyone's like, ash, whoare the friends that I was texting
with? Our boss's boss last night? Still wouldn't tell me. I'm like,
are we playing this game? Mypeasants? Do you know what's funny
about this our boss? There's storywhere our boss in that morning show or
him got into like a physical fight. What I all know the true story?
Yeah about Dylan. I know whenDylan worked in Atlanta with these guys

with when Rich. Yeah, itwas some altercation that somebody pushed some somebody
based off them trying to put somebody'sguest. I could have the details wrong,
but I'm pretty sure that that's astory. Wow, what a change
of events that was years ago.They've got They've made up. Clearly,
Yeah, clearly, so I hiredhim so but yeah, listen, you

can tell everybody's excited around here.I'm excited for him. I it it's
not his fault, his doing oranything, but it's just added to the
list of sad things for me becauseI just yesterday I didn't come in.
Sunday was so hard. You guys, you know that I was at my
my friend's funeral all weekend. Therewas a viewing and awake and then there

was the funeral services on Sunday andI had hit Santia up like middle of
the day on Sunday, and Iwas like, I just it was so
emotionally draining because it was crying andstopping and crying and stopping and crying and
stopping, and you're there with yourteammates, so you're telling old stories,
like the same the same stories thatwe tell on repeat, laughing at those
and then crying. The turnout wasnothing short of amazing, and the basketball

community just showed up for my friendmel and it was like the most beautiful
thing. The Utah Jazz head coachwas there, Duke's head coach was there,
so many players, Nick's gi LeieGM was there's just so many people,
uh, and it was amazing.One of she left behind twins,

thirteen year old twins, a fiveyear old and at two and a half
year old, and one of thethirteen year old twins spoke at the funeral,
and you know, I just assoon as he walked up there and
started to talk, it was like, immediately, like I'm gonna choke up
right now, because you can't imaginea little thirteen year old trying to process
all of this stuff with his mom'sbody behind him, you know what I

mean. And he, you know, he talked about just like the things
that he will miss that him andhis mom did together, and it was
from a thirteen year old. Soone of them was like, we loved
food. Like he literally was like, we loved food and we love to
eat food together and I'm gonna missthat. And at the very end,
he said, we love to watchbasketball so much, especially Duke. And

you know, I had always heardamazing things about John Shire and he was
front row at Melissa's funeral and hewhen the you know, when Brandon said
that, he just looked at himand smiled and gave him like a head
nod because he said, we lovedwatching Duke my mom, and I love
to watch you. So I thoughtthat was amazing. And then after the
funeral there was a burial and thenthere was a repass, and at the

repass her dad got up there.And today it's her birthday. Was her
birthday. So I think about thattoo, because it's like this funeral and
everything, and then today is herbirthday. I think to think of how

hard it was for her dad tospeak to all of us. He just
lost his wife. Three months ago, Mel's mother had died, and then
he just lost his daughter. Sohis world is, you know, crazy,
and I'm looking at this man likehow are you How he was able
to speak to us, But hesaid something that I keep telling myself is
like I'm trying to like lean intoand he read their last text message exchange

in his phone, and the verylast text message she sent him the night
before she died was Daddy, I'mtired, I'm sleepy. I'm just gonna
rest. I love you, AndHe's like to me, she's just resting,
like that's and that's kind of whatI'm telling myself. But it's hard
when you see those kids, youknow, but all of them were at

the funeral, and little Junie,she's two and a half years old.
She's pointing to her like asking,yeah, it was it was hard,
but it was beautiful in a senseto see everybody there, Like everybody was
there. The turnout was amazing andI'm super appreciative of everybody that came.

And it was just but it wasjust draining. And that's why I was
like, I can't come in anddo a show. I can't talk rap
beef, like I don't want totalk about rat beef. I just can't
do it. So I just neededa day yesterday. But that was that
was one of the hardest weekends ofmy life. I've never yeah, I
think anytime you go to a funeralwith somebody who's that young and you're like,

you just can't make sense of it. In fact, her husband said
that he's struggling with his faith rightnow and he's such a man of faith
because he's like, I'm just soangry, And I understand that sentiment because
like, I'm angry too. Idon't get it, like why why why?
So yeah, So a couple ofmy teammates are actually still in North
Carolina to celebrate you know, herbirthday today. She was the biggest Chick

fil A addict. So they're cateringChick fil A to the house, and
everybody's gonna have a cheers of adiet coke that was her favorite drink.
Obviously, I wish I could bethere, but of course the waffle you
have to you just have to.Yeah, yeah, And it's funny because
her husband, he doesn't eat meat, so she would always have to make
two different meals, meals for herand the kids eat Chick fil A all

these things, and then stuff forhim. But yeah, I mean,
and I got so many messages frompeople that are going through the same thing.
And like I said, I canfully grasp and digest losing my grandmother
a couple of days ago because shelived eighty six years long, and she
lived the best life, and shehad great grandkids. You know, it

pains me to think that little twoand a half year old Juni won't remember
who she is, but I knowthat that's gonna be the job of everybody
else to remind her just how muchher mom loved her. So that's gonna
be the only time we talk aboutit, because there's no possible other way
I can get it through without crying. So I will leave it at Happy
Birthday. But I love it,miss you especially and the jam In Morning

Show with DJ foign It Saunty.When you need to know, we got
you. Three things you need toknow on Boston's number one for hip hop
and the best throwbags. She haven'tany more? Five all right, Tuesday
May seventh. We are gonna talksports every single day of the week,
which is crazy because the Bruins andthe Celts are in the playoffs at the

exact same time, and every daythere's a game, there's some sort of
playoffs. That's why people hate Bostonfans and that's why we we take this
all for granted. Not everybody getsthis, guys, not everybody gets this.
Bruins win Round Sue Game one againstthe Pan there's they did it in
Florida, five to one. Thebiggest part of the story is that Bruins

defenseman Brandon Carlow had a baby herewith his wife Crew at three am on
Monday. Okay, so he missedtheir morning skate before the game. Told
the head coach Jim Montgomery, youknow, I'm hopeful, but I'm not
positive. Ended up hopping on atwo pm flight to Florida, made it

in time for the game. Theyhave video of him like running in,
embracing his teammates, getting changed andgoing and then with like twenty one seconds
remaining in one of the periods,the man scores a goal. I don't
score very often, so very coolexperience for me. And you know there
was a part played there by God, so very thankful. I mean,

that's why he's a defenceman. Yeah, at that point that put the Bees
of like three to one. Buteither way, like the last twenty four
hours of that man's life, hedelivered his second child, hopped on a
two pm flight, went and scoreda goal in a playoff game. At
some point he's gonna need a nap. And I'm pretty sure he's gonna want

to come back here and meet hiswife at the hospital or at home.
Yeah, he's gonna need a legithibernation. And I'm sure she was telling
him to like go, you couldactually make the game go go, But
at the same time, you wantto be there for the birth, especially
for your first. This was asecond. Oh either way, hey,
I would like the fire man therefor our seconds. The third of like
the fourth day, I'm gonna goto the game. You guys, are

you got this? Ye? Justsay just one, two, three plus
you'll figure it out. Game twotomorrow, seven thirty pm in Florida.
Obviously, we will be talking Bruinsand Celtics all week long, but we
are going to get our guy DanaDana in to help us out with the
Bruins. He's just a lot moreknowledgeable. He coaches in Northeastern now.

Yeah, and he got you yournice hockey jersey. He got me a
really dope hockey jersey, which,by the way, my stuf is so
big. Wouldn't even I couldn't evenCrisco. That thing in my stomach is
so big and it's so hard.I feel like I left you guys on
Friday, and now here it isTuesday, and I'm like doubled in size.
I look like the penguin from Batman, you know, like no ass

and just a massive gut. Yeah, That's how I'm looking these days,
all right. The met Gala waslast night. The Garden of Time theme
listen. I was never like biginto the met Gala. I like to
see I don't watch it. Iwill go on Instagram or social media and
kind of look at some of theoutfits, some of the big ones to

name Kim Kardashian just left her waistat the whole time. No, no,
no, no, no, no, no, it's horrifying. Is
that like a trainer thing that theywear. So the rumor is she had
on a yes, like a lacedup trainer that was tied so tight that
that's why she had to wear thatstupid sweater that looked like it was seventeen
years old and had pulled for thelast ten years of its life. Her

thing was, no, this isme running through uh bro. I mean
her waist was on and two anda half inches I had they sucked that
in right? Oh yeah, that'sa Was she even comfortable? She could
know she could barely walk, she'sbreathing. People were saying she could barely
breathe. But yeah, the sweaterover top of a gown like that is
an interesting look. But she said, it's, you know, onto the

garden theme. She's she was runningthrough the garden because she just saw the
love of her life. She it'swhatever. She made something up. I
think the rumor is it was tocover up what was happening in the back,
Which was that thing holding her infor your life? Yes, because
she's already small, but that wassome next levels. Like her waist is
already tiny, but that was twoinches. Yeah, that's why it looked

so out of place. And itlooks like I needed a limp brush.
No, it looked so pulled,like that thing was from ninety eight hips
away out further than this is thatused to be the look back in the
old used to be. I thoughtNikki looked stunning. Nicki was in this
like short little floral number. Carticame in and just shut everything down.

Carti leaving her hotel, it lookedlike eighteen blackbirds had died. You couldn't
see that it was her, butthey were hiding her. And then when
they unveiled her on the red carpet, the dress was. It took up
the entire room. That's how bigCardi's stress was. Zendeia. Hey,
not only does she look good,but she I was gonna say, got

she didn't now fit change. Soshe dressed not once for the carpet,
but twice, which also rarely happens. There was something about her face that
didn't really like it looked. Ithink it was the makeup. It was
the makeup. I wasn't feeling thatshe's so stunning. Yeah, so when
she it was like it didn't reallylook like her. But her second outfit,
I thought it looked a little bitmore like her. But again,
it's that that main red carpet outfit. It's a one off for people.

You don't get a second chance.Zendea gets in there first pretty much and
then last as well. Doing achange is kind of crazy. And I
also like understand the costume. Welike the costume, the aspect of it.
Yeah. By the way, hadsaid in an interview last week she
was going to keep it super simplefor the Mecala. She no showed,
but supposedly she has the flu andshe just couldn't make it. That is,

I don't know if that's true.I don't know if you guys mentioned
this yesterday, but did you guystalk about what's going on with Doja Cat
and these outfits lately, because Idon't she is making Bianca sensory look PG.
I feel like in compassion, shewent out ring shopping the other day
in a sheet. I'm not kiddingyou, guys. She had a sheet

on and she dropped it at onepoint and her whole butt was out.
Anyways, she was looking good.That's ideal. I'll probably show doctor Miami
that this is what I want do. Shut up for please uh Doja cat
came out of the hotel in atowel, so people were like, wait

a second, there's just no waythat that's what she's showing up to the
Mechalen, But I mean she mighthave. She might as well because she
then showed up to the red carpetin a white, wet T shirt that
was so stuck to her body,and then she had mascara running down her
eyes. She said she channeled SleepingBeauty's reawakening fashion here she has in the

red carpet, and how would youdescribe this look? So I know that
people are going to do flowers,but my flower of choice is the most
used flower and it's cotton. SoI wanted to do a white T shirt
also because a white T shirt istimeless, and it felt very poetic to
choose this, and I knew itwasn't going to blend in too much,
and I don't really like to blendin. How did you come to this?

This is all, I'm actually wetright now. This is water like.
Why do they make it seem likeit's a wet T shirt. That's
what I have. Just say that. I'm guys, and I'm talking like
before the Mechal She's been the lastweek or so wearing some well there Bianca
sensory type like she wore you know, she wore a sheet to a jewelry

store sheet and she was holding it. She was completely naked. She had
to think she had like a thongon, but she was like holding the
sheet over her boobs and she droppedthe sheet at one point and it was
just her whole butt was out.Friday Friday, she was on a surfboard
in this like white I don't knowwhat it was, the swim soup with
high heels she was. She waslooking though she's been serving a body for

a few days. I mean,listen, she I'm not her body.
But these you guys got to stayconcession. If you're talking bad about Bianca.
I want the consistency. Crazy.I can't wait to see what she
wears that kiss concert. She's justgonna do it naked. She's going on
dress all right. And lastly,I know you guys mentioned Tom Brady and

this roast yesterday, the three hourNetflix roast against Tom Brady. But the
big story yesterday was Miss Shanna Jenkins. You can't forget her name because if
you look up Da b it's it'sLittle Kim and then it's Shanna Jenkins.
That woman. You know, sheraised her hand, put her other one

on that Bible and just straight uplive for that man. Multiple times she
was like, I, yes,I threw his bloody close out in a
dumpster. I don't know where thatwas. I don't know where that dumpster
is. Anyway, she is feelingan extreme type of way. She said
that she did not appreciate that AaronHernandez was referenced multiple times during tom Brady's

roast. She said, you know, it's disappointing that the father of her
child has to hear things like this. She's eleven years old, and she
said, she's, you know,starting to be at that age where people
are watching and they're hearing, andshe's almost a teenager, and it's been
really hard for her. She said, it's sad that I'm trying to raise
my children in such a cruel world. You know, she said, what's

unfortunate for her is their daughter iseleven, and she's still here and is
quite present. He is not.So the jokes unfair. What's worse the
joke about the talk about it andyou help him to cover it up.
Yeah, relaxed and you look likebow wow, Daughta. Don't know that
that you was over here throwing stuffinto it. Come on cause I will

so. I haven't seen the wholething. I've seen clips I we're gonna
play. I'm gonna play you guysa compilation of some of the age jokes.
I assume they would be like murderjokes. No, the bar for
the Patriot tight ends was pretty lowback then. Block catch, don't murder.

I'm sorry, Randy. Why don'tyou have a ring? What the
hell? Man, you're one ofthe best ever. Drew Bledsoe has a
ring eron rnand has had a ringaround his neck like what's going on?
Tom is afraid of the giants,which is why Kevin Hart is hosting tonight.
It's true. All night he's beenusing the stool that Aaron Hernandez kicked

out from under himself. Everyone alwaysasks me how big gronk is that?
Don't get me wrong. It getsthe job done. But there was this
other Patriots tight end. Now hewas hung. No, suicide is not

funny, but that I think that'swhere she comedy is. Well. Remember
the big thing about comedy is comedyis not comedy. If things are off
limits, everything has to be andI think we said that yesterday. Well,
from what I gather from the thingsthat I've seen, again, I
haven't seen it in its entirety.They went in on everybody. Everybody got

roast and guys, that was acompilation, so the thing was three hours.
You know, we pieced them alltogether. But I mean I thought
even Tom's was funny, like thebar for the tight ends is low,
like don't murder, don't murder.They started going off on Gizelle, especially
Kevin Hart in the beginning. Tomwas not happy because he was like,
he was like, yo, youknow, we all know what other coach

that she liked. And she startedtalking about the coach. Yes, he's
like Tom, how she going tokarate class for five days every day of
the week and still has a whitebelt? Did smile Tomas looking down.
You know, it's the only partof the section that I saw him not
smile. That hurt. That wasat the beginning. I feel like,

if you're going into this, youknow what's coming. I also know the
easy jokes that they're going to make. Jazelle was easy. Yeah, yeah,
that was a zel. Jokes wereland but that that's kind of crazy.
That would be a tough pill forme to swallow. Also the fact
that Tom even said yes to thisstrong man strong man dude. They kept
the theme going that he chose footballlike over his family, his wife,
his kids left them, and thenthrowing a few jokes about bridget and how

he got it and balance and allthis stuff. I can't you're cutting deep
the entire time. You're not theonly one heard many. Okay, there's
three things you need to know forTuesday, May seven, twenty one.
Savage tickets guaranteed for you seven twentyand eight twenty if you are called twenty
five. But the real story isyou potentially going on a two to three

day VIP pass trip on US HotelTransport Transportation to the Governor's Policy twenty one.
Savage, Sizza, Posty and more. Good Morning Day and the jam
In Morning Show with d J fourand It's Saunta Morning Bustin's number one for
hip hop jamming ninety four five.Hi everybody, good morning. I'm back

after a long weekend. Something elsethat I didn't exactly say to you guys,
but I kind of dropped it onFriday that the Fireman and I are
looking for house. We've bid ontwo different houses and we've gotten an outbid
both times by cash. Before Ileft for the funeral, we went to

North Andover to see a home andfell in love. Fell in love again.
Ian. We go to some housesand I'm like, absolutely not well.
I saw the house and I fellin love. Yeah, I saw
the pictures. I'm like wow,like like this is it. So we
put this offer in, like areally good offer, you guys, like

a really good offer. So thewhole weekend, I'm like, this is
the worst weekend ever. But therewe're gonna get this house. I like,
actually, I was looking up grocerystores in North Andover. I'm gonna
be really honest with everybody, grocerystores in North Andover. I was going
to be a north Shore girly theNorth Remembers. Okay, I was saying
these little lines. I'm like,this is me. This is gonna happen.

We get the call last night fromMandy, who is our agent.
I see the phone ringing and Ianswer, and I go, oh my
god, I'm gonna throw up becauseit just would have been well, it
would have been so nice, becausethe timing of it would have just been
so perfect. Like, I can'tbe down anymore than I am. You
know, the only thing I'm upin is weight. So she just said,

I'm so sorry you guys. Andas soon as she said that,
I just so. We lost toan offer that was quote cleaner. That's
all we got. Cleaner, that'sall we got. As an explanation,
I don't I couldn't tell you.I think in the end it was because

some of our cash is coming fromthe sale of our home, and I
think this other person probably had straightcash. Homie. Yeah, so of
the three homes that we've tried toget, we are zero for three.
You know what's crazy, like eventhis time around, and this isn't me
by like buying a home, thisis your house that you're buying. I
was convinced that this was gonna behome. Now. I was gonna go

visit, which is wild to think. Yeah, and now even this morning
like the fireman and the agent aresending me a home that's back down the
South Shore, and it's like,I keep my mind was on the North
Shore. That that's It's just Iam honestly convinced at this point that there

is a chance, like guys,I could be gone in one month giving
birth, Like that's where we are. It's go time. I'm convinced now
that I'm gonna give birth to thisbaby and we are not gonna have home
yet because like the clock is ticking, so we have to be out of
the house August fifteen that we're gone. So one of the times we were
buying a house, this kept happened. We kept closing out and we started
to look at rentals. But themoment we made that decision. And I'm

not the type of person that like, oh, when it happens, it's
gonna happen, because I think thatmindset is stupid. Yeah, but it
really happened, no, I,And that is what everybody keeps it your
that that's just what my mom lastnight. And I don't want to hear
this, but that just wasn't yourhouse. Your house is coming, Where
where is it? And what sideof the shore is it on? Because

I can't do this anymore. Ican't, like I I well to your
point and that emotional up and down. You start looking at the neighborhood.
We were looking at gyms. You'relike, yeah, there's a gym.
There's there's the butcher boy, thebutcher shop. You're like, oh my
god, butcher boy. Guess whatit was two minutes from the house and

it got like five of five stars. I'm like, who are the butcher
boys? Because I want to eatmeat? The best meet in New England,
Like it's amazing, So I getit it was from the house and
then I know so anyways, yeah, like in my head I was moving
to North Andover and that's where Iwas going to be, and now it
we're back to Like there was aconversation last night with the fireman where I

was like, should we have neverdone this? Like should we have waited
and had the newborn in the houseand like, no room, you would
have done this at some point too, So it's better than to start the
process like right like right now,you see how things are going up.
It's only going to be worse later, I know, I know. And
as the rates go down, thenthere's more people that want to start buying.
And I know this, but it'syeah, like I keep saying this.

I know the baby is the goodthing. I know that, but
it's like I could use something rightnow. I could use a little little
something. I mean, you canchange the town that you're buying in,
as in like a less appealing town. You plenty of homes there. Where
do you want me to go.I'm not gonna say it because people get
mad, but go to Lynn.Oh, plenty of homes in Lynn.

By the way, there's a Facebookpost about Sanji hating on Lynn that like
literally went viral and now Lynn wantsto kill them. So we got that
going first too. Jamming ninety fouror five traffic some before you begin,
I just I want to let youknow that I'm being told that there are
bidding wars in Lynn too. They'refunny. Oh they're being cute. Fine,

okay, a yeah, but that'sthe bidding one you don't want to
be involved in. Okay, gotit? Heavy traffic one twenty at southbound,
it's going to take you over aninety minute rigan from Peet all the
way down to the Pike and theMasspike eas bound stop and go traffic after
four five. You're very close,guys. Seven twenty is our first time.
We'll do it in just about twentyminutes. Callor twenty five guaranteeing yourself
two tickets to go see twenty oneSavage, but then potentially going to New

York on our dime. Good luckactually and the jam In Morning Show with
Teach Foreign It's Saunty When you needto know, No, we got you
three things you need to know onBoston's number one for hip hop and the
best throwbags. You haven't any morefive Tuesday, May seventh, and we
got to show some love to thebees. It is going to be a

week of sports really in our world. Every day this week we have a
different playoff game happening. I saidit last hour, and I'll set it
before I'll say it again. Wereally don't know how good we have it.
I think now with the Patriots suckingin and Red Sox sucking it's kind
of opened our eyes, like,damn, we had it back then,

guys, we have it right now. We have to embrace his Bruins and
Celtics playoffs happening at the same exacttime. Bruins winning Round too Game one
against the Panthers in Florida five toone. Listen, the big story is
away from hockey, which is nicefor me because I know nothing about hockey.
I could talk about this. Thedefenseman Brandon Carlow and his wife Mason
gave birth to their son three amon Monday. Okay, follow them at

the timeline of this. They namedhim Baby Crew. Three am on Monday.
Now yesterday. Carlo missed the morningskate before game one, but he
assured coach Jim Montgomery that he washopeful in making the game. He hopped
on a two pm flight to Florida, and not only was the man able
to make it in time for thegame, but with twenty one seconds left

in the second period, scored agoal. As a defenceman, I don't
score very often, so very coolexperience for me. And you know there
was a part played there by God. So very thankful. At that point,
she had put the Bruins up threeto one. Like I said,
they ended up winning five to one, which is really dope. Just looking
at their wedding picture, she's beautifulbaby number two, Little Crew, Sure

if you look like that, that'llbe playing more. They're gonna play tomorrow
night again at seven point thirty inFlorida. We will have our resident hockey
guy, Dana from Northeastern on tohelp me out with like the x's and
no's, because I'm not gonna I'mnot gonna pretend to you. I'm just
not gonna do it. Slapshots andhigh sticks. There you go, dropping
of the pot. I'm sick ofrap beef. I'm done with it.

I can't do it anymore. Foran I know you're probably living for this.
I said it yesterday. I wasgetting a little exhausted. I'm thinking,
you know what it is. It'sthe rapid amount of times that they
just drop in like give us tomlet us not just two disc records dropped
the next weekend, another two,another two, like let's spread it out.
They dropped like a whole album togetherin like a matter two days.

No, I mean Drake dropped andhe dropped what like five minutes later or
something like that. It was,Yeah, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be
frank with everybody. I'm just beyondover it. I don't care like Drake
sing to me, be sad,write love songs. I don't care.
I know a lot of people's sentimentas of this morning is feeling like Kendrick
One. I know, foreign youhad said. Rolling Stone wrote an article

they feel like Kendrick One. Idon't really care. I don't think that
any of this is going to affectDrake selling out his tours or his music
or anything. I really don't thinkit's gonna stop him from doing that.
My whole thing is this back andforth from Kendrick, all this stuff about
Drake, Like which is it?Because the first dis track that Kendrick dropped,

Drake was gay, and now he'snot gay anymore. He's a peto
and he likes young girls and hassecret baby girl that's eleven years old,
Like which one is it? Now? Mind you? Drake came out and
was like he's literally using stuff thatwe fed to him in his songs.
Like Drake's like, I don't evenwant to play these games anymore. This
isn't fun for me because we're feedinghim fake info and he's using it in

his songs. But it's like,which one is he? Like? You?
In one? You say he actslike a bit like Rick's been consistent
in calling him zesty and freaky anda pedal, and you got pedals that
work with you. But in thefirst one he was saying that he was
into men, yes, and thenhe still said that. He still posted
out pictures and all of that andthe rest of it. This is saying
that you a freaky dude, youknow what I mean. I think he

called him the six nine god asomething like that, and all of I
think he's being consistent. He's inthe men, but he has a secret
eleven year old. Like, bythe way, you're never gonna get me
to believe that this man has achild that he's not taken care of,
Like it's very clear how much heloves Adonnas. You're also never going to
convince me that a man that couldhave any girl in the world is a
Jeffrey Epstein. I'm not. I'mnot falling for this now, I do

know. I'm not. This isthis is silly. I'm over it.
But I will say something that's beenfunny as of late. Are the go
fundmes. Okay, so there arebogus gofundmes out there right now. I'll
give you guys some of the titles. Number one, there's support Kendrick Lamar
studio time for the ultimate diss.There's also Rip Champagne Poppy fans unite in

grief and people are asking for likeno thank God because go fund me is
like these are not real. Onejoin the love fund for Drake's send off.
May he rest in peace like hadsuggesso much time crazy. I said
A four in this morning, Iwas like, the last song I heard

was from Drake? Is that thelast song? Because again, for made
the point, they've been dropping backto back to back. So the last
one we got is the Heart partsix from Drake, where Drake is basically
saying, I'm not doing this anymorebecause the info that you're trying to use
against me is info that I'm leakingto your camp. That pedophile line is
a little like crossing the line.No, can you call somebody that,

I mean, it's not good.Clearly that's not something Drake would have fed
him, right nah, because oneof his guys in his camp is close
boy Bacha got I think he wasin jail for about a decade for trafficking
human trafficking and that's like his righthand man. Yeah, so you know,
guilty by association type thing. Youknow what I'm saying, I think

that your boys, you don't reallyneed to you already know what's going on.
That's the point I think Kendrick ismaking those like me a Drake stand
like this is not going to determinein the least from downloading his next album,
from buying his merch, from goingto his show. It just but
can Drake now talk about that he'sthe best pen in the game. If
you know what I'm saying, youkind of bowed out and from a guy

from who's like, even if it'sfalse info, but there's a guy who
went pen to pen with you afteryou said, yo, drop again,
we can go back on the otherside. I want you to drop right
away, you know what I'm saying, And then he drops minutes after you
drop. Every time, now peoplemy question, it's been been like a
Drake listen, maybe this is yourcompetition and you just need to sit this
one up. One thing I willsay in the latest Kendrick Drop the not
like us. I loved the beatbecause remember people were giving Kendrick some shake

because his beats weren't something that wecould play on the radio. I loved
the beat. I also loved thatagain It was digestible for me, like
I knew exactly what he was saying. I didn't have to look deep into
the lyrics. He was just sayingit. But I'm sleepy. I am
sleepy when it comes to the ratbeefs like make it stop, all right,
Let's go to Denim real quick fora Karen Reid up day. Karen

is expected in court today, obviously, and everybody was so mad at I
was like, why didn't you haveNick Rockoo on Friday? We need to
know what's going on. We're gonnatalk to Nick in a couple of minutes
and do a whole breakdown over thelast couple of days. But first,
Nick, I know that you're goingto court today. You're literally on the
way in the car. What isexpected in court today for Karen Reid.

So one of the witnesses that isgoing to testify today is Lank, and
Lank has an interesting story behind himbecause he is a Canton cop and he
has some pretty close connections and likesto defend the Albert family. So his

testimony today is going to be veryinteresting because when you have a cop who
gets into a fifth foight for defendingsomebody in the town, this close family
ties there and Lank is one ofthe offices on scene that is involved in
the Karen Read case. Wow,okay, so we're gonna hear more about
Lank, But I will say,Nick, I'm going to need you.

Over the last few days, we'vereally had to dig in on what the
word acquaintance means. We've had afield trip to the house, We've had
a nine to one to one call, We've had red solo cups filled with
bloody snow. So we have alot to discuss with you in just about
ten minutes. So Nick, don'tgo anywhere. We'll talk to you in
a few There's so many things,so many things. It seems to me

that everybody that they put on thestand or anybody connected that showed up on
the scene is connected to the family. It's a small connected to the house.
It's a small town. I thinkthey only like forty five or maybe
fifty police officers and the whole andthey've all hung on at this house.
And that's what I'm saying. Yeah, well, they're all cool with each
other. We have talked about inlength, how it really seems like regardless
that the Canton police really botched thiswhole big time thing. And when I

hear that they were taking snow blowersto the snow with the blood on them,
ask the people in the house,can we borrow some red solo cups
to put the bloody snow in?Jesus make it make sense. Nick will
be on the show in literally lessthan ten minutes. We'll break that all
down. That was three things needto know for Tuesday, May seventh.
Round one of the Governor Ball giveawayare right now six one, seven,

nine, three, one nine,four five colors twenty five lay up going
to twenty one Savage guaranteed, butyou just might be going to New York
to see twenty one again Sizza,Posty and Moore plus Hotel and Transpo on
us. If you win six one, seven, nine and three one one
nine, four five color twenty five, good luck. Shout out to NICKI,
by the way, looked stunning atthe gala last night. Evan in
situate is our winner, going totwenty one Savage and maybe going to New

York on us. We will doit again at eight twenty. All right,
there are just so many updates onKaren Reid's case, which is why
we didn't want to have Nick Roccocome on on Friday because we knew some
big things were gonna pop over theweekend. And of course, when the
jury went on their field trip tothirty four Fairview Road with thirty four Fairview
ro either way, Nick Rocco ison hold. He's gonna fill us in.

I told him he has a lotof things to break down, including
what the word acquaintance means. Thefield trip, we got a nine one
one call. We got red solocups filled with bloody snow in a grocery
store bag. Imagine your family memberdies and they're like, no, we
have the evidence. We put itin a stop and shop grocery store bag.

We'll cover it all that next withNick Rocco, Dashy and the Morning
Show with DJ fourn It's Sauti,Good Morning, Coustin's number one for hip
hop jamming ninety four or five HiBags, Good morning. As always,
when we talk about the Karen Reidcase, we always go to Nick Roco.
Nick Roco runs the Justice for OfficerJohn O'Keefe and Karen Reid Turtle Boy

official Facebook page. There's no onemore knowledgeable. He's been in the courtroom
multiple times. He's currently on hisway to Dedham. Nick. We talked
to you briefly there inside of thenews. But I think over the last
few days some big highlights that weneed to work through. Let's start with
this quote unquote acquaintance. Now,the original girl that was on stand,

on the stand that said, ohyou know so and so was just my
acquaintance. Who was that on theon the stand? Who was the acquaintance
and why do you believe they werefar more than just quote acquaintances? So
the well, first off, hername is Katlok, and she is one

of the firefighters that was on scene, and she is the one that first
had said she heard I hit him, I hit him, I hit him.
So this came from her. Andthe acquaintance now is with Caitlyn Albert,
who is the homeowner of thirty fourFairview. Her his daughter. Her

name's Kitlyn Albert. Now, theygrew up together, They went to grade
school, high school together, theywere teammates on the track team after high
school. There are many pictures circulatingof them in Maine together at the beach,
together at a at a baby shower. Yep. So that was the

most recent one. That has justsurfaced. That was twenty twenty one June.
That was eight months before Officer JohnO'Keefe was found dead on the lawn
of the Albert family. So forher to sit there on the stand and
say, well, I went toschool with someone named Caitlyn Albert insinuating that,
yeah, I went to school withsomeone with that name, but I

don't know her. You guys areon the same team together. You guys
take pictures, you hang out,you drink together. You know her and
you are friends with her. Imean, you don't even have to I
played Division one basketball. I knowwhat it is to be on a team.
You know your teammates. But justone more time for everybody that's listening.
The woman on the stand was thefirefighter that was on scene who said

she heard Karen Reid say I didit. I did it. I hit
him. And the woman that she'sreferring to as her quot acquaintance is the
daughter of the homeowners there at thirtyfour. Fair of you, Rode,
because I feel like that park canget a little sticky and people, you
know, can kind of get alittle lost. Now, the last photo
from that baby shower happened in twentytwenty one, just eight months before John

O'Keefe died. Where are they withthis? Because from what I'm reading,
they're they're trying to put lock thiswoman up for lying on the stand.
Correct. So the other day onFriday, they wanted to submit these pictures
into evidence, and the judge.The judge ultimately said that you can't do

it. And and the jury can'tsee these pictures because they've had they've had
the evidence for so long they didn'tsubmit it in time. But now since
all these new pictures are surfacing,which you can see all of these pictures
on Turtle Boy's website, I suggestpeople see these pictures for themselves, because
it's more than just in a groupphoto together. These girls are hanging on
top of each other, they aresitting on each other's laps. It is.

It's more than just oh, well, well, yeah, we we
hang out with the same group.No, you guys, you guys go
to college potties together. You guysare more than just what they What she
wants to say is an acquaintance forsure, for sure. All right,
let's move on to the field tripthat happened on It was Friday. I
believe the jury was able to goto thirty four Fairview Road. What did

you hear from from that? Howdid that go, what was the setup?
What did that look like? SoI think the biggest mistake that the
Commonwealth did was they brought the lexusto the scene hoping that the jury would
look at this vehicle and have abetter understanding of what happened. And from

my understanding, these jury members arevery smart. They were standing next to
the vehicle, they were measuring thetail light up to where it would be
on their chest. Wow, theywere looking at this vehicle and you when
you look at the vehicle, otherthan the tail light housing that was completely
removed, the vehicle is in pristinecondition. I mean there's not even there's

no dent in it. And ifyou if you would have hit a you
know, six to two hundred poundman, it's going to be a dent
in that vehicle, especially at twentyfour out per hour. So they were
they were, they were walking aroundthe scene. They they examined everything,
and uh, you know, Karendid want to be Her attorneys wanted her
on the scene as well, butthe judge denied that. And that that's

one thing I'm not understanding as towhy the judge denied that. I think
if, if, if the defendantwanted to be there for jury views,
she should have the right to bethere. And I think I think that
went well for them. The defense, I'm sure is happy with the outcome
of that, because one thing Inoticed about the jury when I was in
court was when they hear the wordI don't recall over and over and over

again, the jury just you couldsee it in their face. They're like,
how do you not recall You're you'rea paramedic or you're a police officer,
you don't remember if this person saidI hit them or it Just they're
seeing through a lot of a lotof the bull craft going on right now
and shout out to the jury likeout here bringing tap measures, And really,
I mean, that's what you wantto believe in jury of your peers

would consist of someone that's really tryingto get the information. But I don't
think often that happens. Since we'realready at thirty four Fair of View Road,
the scene of the crime, let'sstay there. I know. A
big big topic over the weekend wasthese red solo cups with the bloody snow
that was gathered via some sort ofsnowblower that was used from inside of the
home and then collected in a shoppingbag. Now, you're trying to tell

me you were borrowing red solo cupsto put bloody snow in, but you
didn't think to ask to look insidethe home. I'm trying to make it
make sense, Nick, Right,So Lieutenant Gallagher is the one who was
using the snowblower, who you know. When they arrived on scene, this

man had stated he has never preserveda crime scene in the snow before.
So instead of just waiting, youknow, because the blood wasn't going to
go anywhere it was, it wasthere. So instead of just waiting for
somebody who had experienced with this,Sergeant Good had went to his house to
get a leaf blower. He broughtit back to the scene and they started

moving snow around, which is wherethey found the broken cocktail glass and in
some of the droplets of blood.Now, one important thing about that is
they found the cocktail glass, okay, but they didn't find a size twelve
black male shoe. And that's importantbecause that shoe was later found at six

pm exactly where John's body was foundearlier that morning. So if you see
that video when they're moving the snow, if you could find a piece of
tail nut tail, like, ifyou could find a piece of cocktail glass,
there's no way you missed a sizetwelve black shoe when there was only
four to five inches of snow onthe ground. I did not know that

about the shoe, right, Youcouldn't have missed it. So then you
know, then they scoop up thesnow in these red solo cups, which
in fact the neighbor that they gotthese cups from is the deputy chief of
police, who also is the samedeputy chief of police that has the camera

on his house facing thirty four Fearof You road. So now this man
brings these cups here and he doesn'tthink to say, wow, murder happened.
Don't you let me check my camerasknow what happened? You know what,
don't give me one second. I'llgo solve this crime in five literal
milliseconds on my ring camera. Now, Nick, the cocktail glass in your

mind, what is that insinuating thathe actually did make it into the house,
or what's the significance of the cocktailglass. What is that saying to
you? Well, we know Johnleft the bar with the cocktail glass,
so most likely when he left Karen'scott, he went inside with that cocktail
glass. And if he walked inthat house and a flight breaks out,

that cocktail glass is dropping the it'sgonna break. So what are they gonna
do? I mean, they tookit out with them, you know what
I mean, just like everything elsewhen they put him outside, they took
everything else outside except for his belt. His belt is still missing. Interesting
because they were trying to obviously inyour mind set a scene out there.
She hit him on the way out. There's the broken glass. You know,

he was ran over all of thesethings, but his belt was missing
and still is still missing. Now, another thing they don't really talk about
is his hat. He had ahat on his head the whole day.
Now, his hat was not foundon scene, or I should say the
morning of or even that night.It wasn't found. It was conveniently found

on February third, when Michael Proctorof the State Police just happened to be
driving by the house. And itseems like a lot of people just happened
to drive by the house and theyfind evidence. Yeah, honestly, you
might call me tomorrow and be like, guess what the belt was on the
sewer out right out for three forvery yesterday? They found it in May.
Oh my god, Like, youcan't even make this stuff up.

Now, Nick, I know you'rerunning into court. I don't want to
hold you anymore. But there wasa nine to one one call that we
that we got to hear over theweekend. What was that call? Who
was that from? So there weretwo nine one one calls and one of
them was between Jen McCabe, whoagain is the Google search woman, and
then another call was between Kerry Robbins. Now, these are two people that

say they are family friends with John, they're close with John. You know,
they would never want to see anythingbad happen to John. But when
you listen to these phone calls tonine one one, they don't they don't
say my friend John o'keef, whowas a Boston cop, is dead on
the lawn. They say there's aman in the snow, there's a man

on the lawn. They don't evenuse his name. And now if it
was my friend, I know hisname, I'm gonna use his name.
You know, and there's a reasonbehind why Jennifer McCabe did not say he
was a Boston Police officer or justan officer in general. And the reason
behind that is because if you tella dispatcher that there is a dead cop

or an injured cop, they aregoing to send all forces. Every cop
in Canton deadam, every cop isgoing to be on that scene. And
if you have more cops on scene, it's harder to control the narrative.
So when you have a lot ofyour buddies showing up, because again there's
only thirty eight Canton police officers inthat department, in one of those police

officers is the homeowner's brother, sothere's connection's there, Okay, So you
get them on the scene. Thefirst thing Jennifer McCabe does is you can
see in that dash camp video,like I said, is she goes to
every single one of those cops.And in the nine one one call,
what do you hear? You hearJennifer McCabe speaking softly and calmly. You
hit Kerry Robins speaking softly and calmly. But there's one thing you hear in

both of those phone calls. Youhear a woman screaming in the background,
what is going on? He did? What's going on? Help me help?
That's Karen, because Karen was tryingto save his life while they were
while they were on the phone atnine to one one. Oh my god,
Nick, I know you have theability to do this. I think
all of us kind of agree whatside of this that we're on. But

do you believe that anything came outin the last few days on the prosecution
side that made some people think,hmm, maybe she did do it.
I mean, other than the factthat other than the fact that we learned
that they know how to move snowwith a snowblower, and personally no,
because there is no fact, there'sno evidence against her. I mean,

the first couple of days in court, all we learned about was how the
fight apartment came up. You know, they woke up to five in the
morning and they were shoveling their drivewaysand it's almost like Wally is a weatherman
and he just wants to keep talkingabout the snow, and it's like,
we know it was snowing out,right, No one's denying it was snowing
out, But show us the fact, show us the evidence. All of
all of their witnesses, besides youknow, besides two or three of them

who said I hit him. Andthat's one other point I want to bring
up, is Jennifer McCabe. Uh. Later in the day. Wait,
Jennifer McCabe is who the Google searcher. The Google searcher. And by the
way, guys, she googled howlong does it take for a body to
die in the snow? Okay,go ahead. So in in all of
their initial interviews, nobody said Iheard her say I hit him, I

hit him, I hit him.Until later that day, Jennifer McCabe calls
one of the police officers. Ibelieve it was Sergeant Lank, who is
going to be on stand today.She calls him back, and then then
happened to remember that, Oh yeah, she said I hit him, I
hit him, I hit him,and and and that's because she had communications

with Michael Procter, who who wasyou know, in charge of this investigation.
Now, Katie McLoughlin says she hedoesn't know Alberts. She doesn't know
Kevin Albert. She has been onshe's been a firefighter for five years.
And you're gonna tell me you don'tknow, one of thirty eight Can't and
Cops and the And the convenient thingabout that is Kevin Albert is the one

who set up the interview with MichaelProctor for Katie. So so you have
the Can't Police Department, who's recusedoff the case due to conflict of interest,
but now you have the homeowner's brothersetting up interviews with witnesses. There
are so many names. It's likeit's like a spider web. Yeah,

it's and it seems like this spiderweb is a web of lies. If
you ask, you kind of askNick Son real quickly, Nick, what
side is the family on the lateOffice O'Keefe's family. What side do you
feel that day on? Are theyon Karen's side or on the other side
saying that she she killed their lovedone? Uh? Personally, I think
it's kind of a little bit divided. I know a little bit about the

relationship between Karen and John's parents andJohn's dad. John's dad was a bit
you know, he was a bigfan of Karen. They used to go
to church all the time. Hewas very grateful for her being in John's
life and in John's niece and nephew'slife because she was a good role model.
And one thing you heard John's brotherssay on stand was that she was

a role model to these kids.And I will say I believe it.
You know, it's hard. Theydon't want to believe that the people that
are supposedly friends with them and shittingwith them in court are the ones who
actually did this, or hey,well beyond that, Nick, the people
that are supposed to protect us likeperiod, right right, And you know,

I believe that. You know,John's mom still still and always will
believe it was Karen, regardless ofthe outcome of this. But as far
as John's dad goes, you know, if you watch the court, you
can see it in his faith,he's just drained, and I believe he
knows the truth. And ultimately,you know, at the end of this,
one thing I always say is I'mnot here and none of us are

here to change the minds of thefamily. They can think whatever they want,
They have the right to think whateverthey want. But the evidence is,
the evidence is going to come out, and the evidence is going to
prove that Karen did not kill theirson John. Listen, all they need
is a little bit of reasonable doubtand if that's me and I'm a jury
member, I have enough. Ihave enough. Nick. All right,

you're going into court today. Ithink game plan wise, we should have
you back on Friday. I thinklet's get through the week. I know,
guys, we want Nick on everyday. I could listen to this
all day too, but let's haveNick back on Friday. If that works
for you, Nick, and thenthat way we can get through the week
and you can kind of fill usin on things that we've missed. Yeah.
Absolutely, I appreciate it having meon awesome, Nick. Yeah,
we will talk to you soon.I feel like we need to start writing

down all the names and like puttingit up on our wall in here and
just like wire this thing because thewire the show, because they're there are
so many names. And that's whyI don't mean to cut him off and
stop him down, but I thinkit's important because we don't know everybody's name
and who owns the thirty four oftheir of you and who they're calling to
the firefighters, and it is importantto know each individual. The reason why

I asked that question is because that'sa great question. Paron sits next to
the family every day. Yeah,they're separated by Harloya and maybe a little
bad a little wooden kind of barricadewhatever, and they sit right the whole
family has the front row, sittingright next to Karen. So sometimes when
I'm watching and I see the optics, I'm like, are they on her
side? All on the other sidefeeling like this woman killed our son?
Which is an in state to hearthat Mom feels strongly one way and dad

might feel strongly the other day.If they're still married, can't be a
happy home regardless of all the playerstoo, But just the details of the
night, end of the day,Like there's so much reasonable doubt that continues
to come up every single day thatit's hard for me to look at the
other side that she's guilty. ButI'm struggling every day with that part.
When the lieutenant was getting questioned aboutwhy so, so, the defense asked
them how far are you? Howfar was the house from the police station.

He was like, oh, youknow, it's only less than a
mile or something. So he waslike, so even on a snowy day,
you could have jumped into your car, drove four minutes gonna get evidence
bags and then come back to putthem in. Why did you go across
the streets or another officer's house andget basically stopping shot bag. And he
was very adamant about that. Hewas like, this is not an evidence
bag, it's a stopping shot bag. It's a red Solo cup. These

things are not even how many peopledon't touch them? Who packed them sized
inside of those red sol And it'slike, how can that not be cross
contamination? The way you handle thisis like and they're doing a good job
and showing that just how bad LikeCanton police just watched this home, not
to say, let me look insidethe home. Guys. They never checked

the house, They never went downto the basement, they did none of
that. There was a good pointthat the defense attorney made where he was
like, all right, so youfind a body outside that's bleeding with the
cup, and he's like, butpart of the cup is missing. Did
you not think to go into thehouse of the house where the lawn is
He was like, nah, wedidn't have any probable cause. Listen,
I'm not a detective show. Ofcourse, I'm going in Matthew, knock

knock. Have y'all seen anything?There's a dead person on your lawn.
Hell and by the way he hadthe footage on his ring camera, it
might have been a little green.He could have solved it right there.
Anyways, Nick Roco is unbelievable.I appreciate him giving us the time he
like rushes into court so he canhave those conversations with us. He will
be on again Friday. If youmissed any of that combo, it will

be up on the podcast. Justdown the free iHeartRadio app, search a
s h L actually and show Foreignand Sonty. When you need to know,
we got you three things you needto know on Bunton's Number one for
hip hop and the best throwbags youhaven't any more. Vive Tuesday, May

seventh, and listen. It isgoing to be a week of sports because
we got a playoff game every singleday and we should consider ourselves very very
fortunate. Bruins win Round Sue Gameone against the Panthers in Florida five to
one. Luckily, for me,the story isn't necessarily x's and o's of
the hockey game. The real storyis about Bruins defense and Brandon Carlow,

who delivered his second baby with hiswife Mason around three am on Monday told
head coach Jim Montgomery, listen,I'm unsure, but I'm hopeful. I
really want to make it to thegame. He missed the opening skate in
the morning yesterday, but the mangot on a two pm flight after the
birth of his second child. Crewmade it to the game, and not

only that, scored a goal withtwenty one seconds remaining in the second period.
I don't score very often, sovery cool experience for me. And
you know there was a part playedthere by God. So very thankful.
I mean, you score a goalon the day that your child was born,
That's that's why. Oh amazing thathe made it back though, that's
really cool. What could I doon the day of birth? Be pretty

dope, just like give birth poop. Yeah, that's the most important thing.
You don't want to do that becauseif your husband sees that, it
can't be forgotten. Just telling youthat's not true. Yeah, I don't
even know. I actually don't knowhow that word poop just came out of
my mouth. That was so strange. Game two is tomorrow, seven point

thirty in Florida. I'm over therap beef. I like, I'm really,
really sick of it for and youcan, like if you want to
add some things feel free, butI just can't keep up. Like Kendrick
is Drake into men? Does hehave a secret child? Does he like
young girls? But then he's intoIt's just it's awesome. It's just a
lot, and it's it's just gettinglike silly to me. I don't know,

I'm over it. I you know, it seems as of this morning,
a lot of people feel like Kendrickquote won the rebat REPBEFA. That's
crazy what I just did there,Like I switched everything up rap beef.
I call it wow. People.You know Rolling Stone wrote this big article.
They think Kendrick one cool. Drakeis like, you know, no,

no, no, no, Kendrickdidn't want anything because I fed him
all this info. It's all fake. There is no eleven year old daughter.
But we fed that to him.We told him that was true.
We had like leaks in his campand then all of a sudden he's rapping
about these things. The last songwe got was the Heart Part six from
Drake. Will there be a responsefrom Kendrick, I hope not, because
I'm get I'm getting sleepy. I'mover it. I listened to the Kendrick

song a couple of times. Ilike the beat of it. The song
is called not Like Us. Ilike the beat. It's catchy. He
also just says what he wants tosay. There's no like having to google
or like read deep between the lines, like he just kind of says what
he says. As of this morning, there are a ton of fake gofundmes

out there, some of which areentitled Rip to Drake Fans Unite in Grief,
Join the Love fund for Drake's sendoff, May he rest in peace.
None of these are real, soplease don't donate to these. Drake
is not dead. Drake is goingto be just fine. The Internet man
is classic at the end of theday. If I had to say,

and I said this for I dothink that I liked kendrick songs a little
bit more in this little mini battle. But he's preference it's what that you
want to bop, which I don'tthink a dis record should be a bop.
But Kendrick did his thing with thelast record. Yeah, and like
you said, you know, andthe last song, Drake said he's kind
of done with it until you kindof started giving us factual information. I
think that's kind of like a lowkey bow out. But you know,

at the end of the day,we were entertained. There was a few
good records that came out. Therewas this the dopest rat beef of all
time, not even close. Soeverybody just go back to making money.
Oh so you can't come back fromme and call the pedophile stake the l
on that one and discover yeah that'scrazy, but he's not. I know
he's not, but still like itself, Yeah, people are not going to

start digging. Oh yeah, yeah. Eleven years ago, I guess there
was a rumor that he had fathereda six month He had a six month
old a son like that daughter,and that's probably where the info came from.
I don't know. They also foundyears and years and years ago that
somebody from Drake's camp said, oh, go on stage with Drake. She

was like seventeen at the time.She had to come out and be like,
I'm in my thirties now, Likeit was innocent then and it's innocent
now, Like stop what you're doing. It's just they're they're just grabbing a
strusser. Once you get called that, it's hard to defend it because people
always connect that with your So howdo you know who called you one?
Do you have any ideas? CanI say this visually? Though? They

did? They think because if youwatch the visuals for Family Matters where they
took Kendrick's van from his album coverand crushed it in a junk yard,
and then Kendrick taking the album coverwith stolen items from Drake's pop suitcase,
like who gate that to him?Also, in the last one, Kendrick
took a picture of Drake's house andput like the Little Things over to locate

pedophiles. Yeah, the pedophiles takeNicki Minaj's mansion, like there's one over
it. It's too much and I'mgetting sleepy. I don't want to do
it anymore. I'm over it.All right, Let's talk Shanna Jenkins.
Everybody thought that The Tom Brady Rosewas hilarious. It was old school comedy.

The comedy were used to, wereused to where there's nothing off limits,
you can say anything, no one'sallowed to get offended. It was
three hours of just hilarious, hilariousjokes. Unless you're Shanna Jenkins. If
you're thinking ash, who's Shanna Jenkins. She was Aaron Hernandez's dab. I
mean she went up on that Stanand was like, I don't know,

it's dumb. Sorry, but theI want to talk about just left.
I don't remember the dumpster like shedid a fantastic job. Remember her up
on that Dan Like, yeah,I don't know, just why just I
mean, she barely said anything becauseshe was keeping secrets for the man.
And we can't forget she's on videothe entire time disposing of like evidence.
Yeah, either way, she feelsa type of way about the roast because

there were a lot of jokes atAaron Hernandez's expense, which I feel like,
uh, he knew that was gonnahappen, you know. She said,
it's really sad that I have toraise my children in such a cruel,
cruel world. Remember they have aneleven year old together, and she
said, my eleven year old isstill quite present even though Aaron is not.
Here is a compilation of some ofthe Aaron Hernandez jokes during the Tom

Brady roast. The bar for Patriottight ends was pretty low back then.
Block catch don't murder. I'm sorry, Randy, why don't you have a
ring. What the hell, man, You're one of the best ever.
Drew Bledsoe has a ring. AaronHernandez had a ring around his neck,

Like, what's going on? Tomis afraid of the giants, which is
why Kevin Hart is hosting to It'sTrue all night. He's been using the
stool that Aaron Hernandez kicked out fromunder himself. Everyone always asks me how
big gronkstick is that. Don't getme wrong, It gets the job done.

But there was this other Patriots tightend. Now he was hung.
It's crazy. She's offended that thosejokes were on the roast, right,
But how about the fact that Aaronkilled three people? Yeah? Like,
how about that? And then afterone of them spit his gum out right

next to him. Yeah, Iwatched his never watch a single crime show
in his life. I just listen. I thought it was gonna be more
murder jokes. It was a lotmore suicide, which obviously suicide is not
funny. But this is comedy andthis is what people do. And I
just think that for her to comeon, come on, Shanna, you
were trying to cover up a murder. And also, let me be very

very clear, Google bow Wow andShyanna and put the pictures next to each
other. They look exactly a superpretty all right. The three things either
do for Tuesday, May seven,twenty one Savage tickets happening right now and
very fittings we're about to play them. Six one seven, nine, three,
one one nine four five Collar twentyfive. Two tickets to see twenty
one Savage at the Exfinity Center.But remember the biggest thing is you're getting

thrown into the pot to potentially goto the Governor's Ball. Two three day
passes, hotel and transpo on usto see post he Sizz and Moore.
Six one, seven, nine,three, one one nine four five Collar
twenty five. You're going to twentytwo one Savagerios. Hi, everybody,
good morning, It's Ashley and thegam in Morning Show. Quick shout out
to Son, help me out.Linda and Fitchburgh. Linda, Linda,

Linda and Fitchburg. She's going ontwenty one Savage. We will do it
again tomorrow morning. In seven twentyeight twenty DJ pop Dog will hook you
up in the three pm hour.We're gonna do a little combo here because
we went along with Nick Rocco,which needed to happen. We were getting
so much info and what's going onwith Karen Reid. So we're kind of
going to join together Tender Tuesday inthe check in so you can call me

and talk about anything you want,whatever is going on in your world.
If that happens to be a datestory, cool, you can do that
as well. Six one seven ninethree one one nine four five six one
seven nine three one one nine fourfive A little Tender Tuesday check in combo.
So at this point call me.We can talk about your life,
anything you want. Anything you wantto tell me, You want to say

what's up, You want to commenton the show thus far, you want
to comment on Karen Reid. Wouldlove to get somebody on that believes Karen
Reid did it because we never havethat happen. Either way, you can
do that, or you can tellme a date story because it also is
Tender Tuesday. Whatever you want.Six one seven nine three one one nine
four five. The check in slashTinder Tuesday is now only on Given ninety

four to five exactly with DJ fourand it s Morning Sustin's number one for
hip hop dam in ninety four orfive. I Love a good combo meal
when I don't have diabetes, Iactually have something like diabetes. I'm not
gonna do it now, maybe later, but all right, we're on the

up and up. I have youdid? And numbers went through the roof
because I no, that's the crazything. They did not. I got
the cheeseburger, I ate half thebun, and I ate like ten fries,
and my number was perfect with awooter. I didn't get a coke,
and that really hurt bad, reallybad. I was trying to explain

to my teammates all weekend about sugarspikes, but no one wants to take
me serious. I do, Iknow you? Did? You care?
You care? So yes, youcould have. There are certain things you
could have where you won't spike,which is like, you know, important
to know you don't have to whiphold. I had taste so good,
so good. All right, we'regonna do the check in slash tin or
Tuesday. Here we're kind of combiningthe So if you have a date story

to tell, or if you justwant to tell me something about your life,
you want to say, what upto us? Do you want to
comment on Karen Reid? Do youwant to comment on anything anything about your
life or ours whatever. Six oneseven nine three four five. That is
six one seven nine three one onefour five. Nicole is going to kick
it off for us in Quinsy.So this is kind of crazy. We

were just talking about Shanna Jenkins.If you don't know who she is,
she was with Aaron Hernandez. Shewas famous for going on that stand and
just lying through her pretty teeth.You actually ran into her last week on
vacation. I did so. Iwas taking my kids to New Jersey on

April vacation and I had just watchedthe documentary the night before and bow,
I see bowow at the city Hotthere she was. Do not give into
Santi's stupidness. Wait, so wherewere you? You were in New Jersey?
But we're in Atlantic City. Iwish No. We were at the

DreamWorks then parks? Okay, withthe kids, like the biggest indoors water
in theme park. Wow? Okay, so there is the kids in Boom.
There she is? She was shewith her? Was she with the
eleven year old his daughter, hisdaughter and her other daughter from the new
relationship she had gotten in after Wow, which fairly for some people. Nicole

does the daughter look a lot likehim. She is the spit out of
his mouth. She is so beautifuland she's so nice. My son did
interact with them. They're both verykind. Yeah, because the thing is
like, I'm not even trying tobe funny, but as far as murderers
go, I mean, he's handsomeand he had a charming smile, like

everything abom besides the killing and otherstuff like Charles Manson also like an attractive
man is what it is? Goodlord, he's gorgeous. Yeah. A
lot of women no, I'm justno, no, no, I know,
but a lot of women felt sympathy. I know, I don't want
to be with them murder. Thanksguy, Oh my god, thank god,

don't even be going on, ScottPeterson, Nicole, thank you for
the car. I'm just saying,you can take a step back and be
like, yo, they're not badlooking. Women do this so often where
they see like a murder, Ohmy god, this is so handsome.
Listen. People felt sympathy for theBoston bomber because they thought he was like
an abstractive young lady like I'm notgoing to write into Scott Peterson in jail

and be like you're you may not, but now thousands Christopher wats is getting
like letters every day from women likethous bar No. I know. There
was the one guy who went viral, remember from his mug shot, This
one dude that went viral, andall of a sudden he was getting booking
model. But he didn't murder.So that's so you like the ones that
have killed, right, Okay,that about it. The month shot guy's

crime is like low level enough thatyou can write, yeah, work like
he kills five, Give me one. Sorry, I'll be blind someone someone,
I'll be blind. Oh my god, like was so hot with his
glasses. Cut Have you ever heardme say? Cutie? Jesus all right?

Six one seven nine three one onenine four five six one seven nine
three one one nine four five.I guess you can't tell the truth of
this show. But if you wantto call in and tell me about you,
your life, your world, yourdating life, anything you want,
it's the check in only on jamIn ninety four or five Jammin ninety four
five traffic. All right, guys, really quick some before you start there.

The internet is going crazy right now, and before any rumor start,
I do want to tell you confirmthere has been a shooting at Drake's home
in Toronto. It is the homethat we referenced during the news that Kendrick
Lamar had posted with not to getinto that, but it was the home
that Drake had built that Kendrick hadposted as the cover work for his latest

track. I can tell you thatas of right now, one person has
left who is seriously injured. Accordingto the police. If you look at
Drake's home now online via all ofthe drones and every thing that they got
going, there's caution tape everywhere,there's police everywhere. Before the rumors get
crazy there, initially it was thatDrake was shot at his Toronto home.

That is not true. There's novalidity to that. The news even came
out and said Drake was not theperson that was shot. But whoever was
shot at Drake's home is seriously injured. And this is this is where this
gets like not fun or funny anymore, Like this is crazy. We've seen
the story before, happened in thenineties. And because by the way,

by the way, I don't knowwhat else it could be. It could
just be other politics. Let's notput it on rap beef. What yes
man, what else would you say? They have other issues? It's just
coincidence. You think somebody went toDrake's house inside his house and coincident would
be weird with the time, Imean the timing line. Maybe maybe the

gardener didn't get his bill and hewas like now, maybe the pool guy.
They Either way, we'll obviously learnmore info. I just wanted to
get it out there now because thereare rumors online that it was Drake.
It was not Drake. The newsis confirming that. But yes, somebody
was shot and Drake's home is atthe center of this shooting. One person

has left seriously injured. If therewas a shooting in Conton today, do
we confirm that it's a rap beef? No? No, I mean I'm
a better I mean, if I'ma bet, every woman is a shooting
in Conson, it's called a Drakeand and Kendrick is gang gang infested.

Come on, guys, all right, we got shot. I hope they
okay. We do hope they're okay. Obviously, what's up at the roads?
Oh well, I am in thejam in Morning shot with d J
Forn. It's sad Mornington's number onefor hip hop jam in ninety four five.

All right, everybody that is goingto do it for us. I
appreciate everybody yesterday giving me a littletime to reset. Clearly worked. I
only cried once today. So we'reon the up and up. Sim go
ahead and give your shout outs.Shout out ready, Okay, shout out
to Jason Fernandez, uh Richard Strayhorn, and shout out you, Carrie Cavanaugh

Waller, DJ Forn, welcome back. A shout out to you first,
and then Ashley in the a My'all know to do hit us up and
then tonight late night at nine o'clockat DJ and that oh gun and well,
I just said, it's weird tosee your eyes because the promo image

they have of him his cat.No, it would be like you guys
wearing hats and all I see isyour mouth, Like I don't know what
I could walk by on the street. I don't know who you are.
He goes. I know it's notas good with that when the mystery is
over. I was laughing about that. Seems seems very nice. They are
all very excited about this guy here, which is great. He's a nice
guy, but like, can youshow us some love from one. There's

basically billboards in the building about thisman. Oh he's his face is on,
well half of his face because it'scovered with the hat. Is on
every single TV anyone, every singleone. But ye know, he seems
nice. They're having a big meetingintroducing him now, so it's nice.
Well, I wonder how much tocost to bring them in here. What
I'm saying, I'm saying I wouldlike to know me too. I have

questions me too. Hey, guesswhat you're not going to get answers?
You're not well well, santy.Anyways, if I missed anything from yesterday
or today, you can feel freeto DM me at Ashley Feldman to ease
on the Ashley. We will talkto you tomorrow. And I'm getting my
days messed up because I wasn't hereto stay. But tomorrow is Wednesday.
Yes, we will talk to youon Wednesday. Goodbye. Yeah. I

In ninety four to five traffic,we have an accident ninety three northbound on
the northbound side just after ninety three. Cousin delays all the way back down
to spot Pound, but a twentyminute delay. Then ute UH one twenty
aeth southbound looks good for the firsttime all morning, which some mone of
delay is getting past ninety three becauseof that accident. It's the traffic.
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