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July 11, 2024 38 mins
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Got floor almost at the end ofthe week and not stand at this heat.
I hate it coming out of myheat seat house, just stand just
smatch you in the face, likejust humidity. I can't stand it.
But I know what you're gonna say, it's so much fun. Yeah,

but I mean it is what itis. But I do feel like this
week is dragging really slow. Itis, and it's probably because of the
heat. No, it's just because, like I don't know, it's one
of those weeks. But going backto I think today is the last day
where it's going to be really uncomfortable. We might do some rain today,
but we'll get some reprime on.I mean, we need some rain to
cool things down just a little bit. But other than that, what you

get into last night, well,speaking of the heat, I did go
in my pool. Oh my god, it's like bath water. And that's
why would choose that you heat yourpool. We haven't had the heater on
it. So I was about tosay, y'all like it it's like a
sauna in your pool. No,it's it's actually broken, is it.
Yeah? What happened because over thewinter the mice skinning then and you up
on the wires tell me this.So this is a yearly thing that happens

pretty much. Yeah, how doyou avoid that? You can't do nothing
about it. I think we fixedit for this year, but we need
to make a fix to the actualh rich people problems. Man, I'd
love to have those. My almostquiet Uh just kept it in the crib.
Other than that, I ain't domuch anything. Still working on my
little podcast studio room quote unquote,And what do you got in there?
So far? The paint is done, and now I'm trying to look for

you know what I'm looking for.I'm looking for them tables that you can
raise automatically. That's what I usedto have. I had one. Now
I like one. Well, Iwanted one that raised up and down,
but I have to do it manually, but it's mobile. So I bought
it from like home dal Yes turnedinto a death. Yes, but I
did have one that raised and Iliked it it. I need one I
need, whether it's manual automatic.I seen one one time, I think

at BJ's or something, but Ineed one just so like when I DJ
I can stand up and then whenI'm doing whatever else, I can sit
down. But it's coming along.It's coming along good. Hopefully in a
couple of weeks I should start doingsome content out of there. But other
than that, man just kept itindoors in the freezing cold because I hate
the heat. Dashy and the jamIn Morning Show with d J four and
It's Sad Morning Bostin's number one forhip hop jam in ninety four five.

Hi, everybody, good morning.It's Ashley and the jam of Morning Show.
We are checking in on you.What's up? How are you?
What's going on? Uh, it'sreally all about you. So if you
thought to yourself, oh, Igot to ask them something. I want
to tell them something. This happened. I got to call in. I
want to discuss something they've already talkedabout. That's far anything. It's up

to you. Six one seven ninethree one one nine four five. John
is in Boston, John, Goodmorning. Hi buddy, good morning.
So you you call? I'm good? Everything all right in your und Yeah?
Cool? This by the way,I can see what you're gonna you're
calling to talk about, and nothingbrings me greater joy. You called on

tender Tuesday about eight months ago.Tell everybody what you called in about.
So I called in about a girlthat I met on a dating app.
You know, things seemed to begoing okay, but I saw a couple
of red flags, so I calledin to get some advice. You guys
told me to run, don't talkto her. She seems crazy. Sothy

told me that she was probably usingme for paper. Yeah, foreign foreign
called me a little SIMPI I still, I still don't forgive you for that.
You know, we're cool up,but look, but look we're cool
over. But I appreciate I appreciateGod telling me that because I started really
looking at it. She actually gotpissed off at me for that. Like

I told her, I called inand she was livid. I didn't get
I mean, I'm sorry. Ididn't care though, basically trying to stick
it out with her things we're notworking out, ended up breaking off with
her, and she has been stalkingme and blowing me up for literally eight
months, literally like seven to eightmonths. I moved on. I have

a new girlfriend now and whatnot,and she is flowing me up. I
have to go to court. I'mgetting a training orders all the nine.
Yeah, we try, we tried, fault John, Yeah, listen,
love it. Love is blind sometimes, John, you know, yeah,

but it put me in a betterposition because now I'm with you know,
a better woman who actually excreted me, right, and I can see like
a major difference. So I meanit was for the better. But yeah,
yeah, I'm still going through that. Yeah yeah, Sometimes you got
to go through a bad experience tofind a great one and realize, like,
this is the way relationships are supposedto be. Or you just listen

to us eight months ago and thenwe don't have these problems one of the
others. Are you right? It'sall it's all love. I wasn't like
you mad, I kind of wantedto, you know, get that.
I like I should have listened toyou, right, Yeah, I know,
I listen. It takes a ittakes a big to call in and
to and admit to us that youwere wrong. So we we appreciate it.
And I love hearing that we wereright, you know. Yeah,

I'm sure to give you guys ala confidence boos and the last John,
thank you so much for the calling. Good luck in your new relationship and
in court. By baby too.I did not think he was going to
say that. I mean, Ithought he was gonna say, hey,
you guys are right, not likeyou were right. She's crazy and now
I have to go to court.The signs were all there, we all

saw her from the beginning. Youjust ignored them. Santi said that she
was just trying to get papers andfour and said I was a synth.
Well, we really are honest.On the show, Jesse is in Lowell
hid Jesse, good morning, Goodmorning. The question you're about to ask
I get asked. I would sayat least two to three times a week.
Maybe you'll get the truth. Idon't, But go ahead and ask

your question. I just want toknow if the foreign was single? Very
much so, very much so,he says, go ahead to be honest.
Oh are you do? You liveunder a rock and don't have social
media? Like, how have younot seen this man? I like surprises.

I only follow you on I gallyokay, smart woman. Yeah,
so if you like what what aboutwhat other than his you know, he
sounds cute. What else are youinto with foreign? You like what he
you know, has to say?And yeah, I think he's a very
smart man and his opinions are veryon the point. Again, Oh she

likes that you You got right tothe point. And that you're a father.
The okay, are you crazy?No? Okay, okay, tell
us a little bit about yourself.I go to school to uh work as
a funeral director. I have mychildren. I've been single for about eight
years. No, it's not becauseI'm crazy. It's because I took time

for myself, better myself, fora better woman. Foreign. When you're
thinking about dating somebody, what arelike maybe one or two questions that come
to mind that you would like toask? Jessin uh? My first one?
Do you have any restraining orders againstyou? Good question? No?
Okay, good good? Good?Hesitated? There was a slight hesitation,

right, Jesse, were messing withyou? Now? I just like to
know that people are hard working.I like ambitious women. So he sounds
like you've got a dope career.I don't know about the funeral thing,
but I wouldn't call that dope.But it listen, somebody's got to do
it. It can't be an easyjob paid good though you probably got a
good check. I mean, everybodyhas to die, right, true though,
like you hate being here? Well, I mean, what's up?

Foreign? Nothing? You don't wanta message for her? I mean the
DM at DJ number four E.I g yet I will do that.
Yeah, take take a look,ski see if you see, if you
like what you sem allays out therejust right there, there you go,
I'm gonna hit you up, allright, Okay, Jesse, let us

know, all right, I havea good day back, good luck.
Funeral director and DJ. That soundscrazy, sounds like a match. Yeah,
she hangs with the dead with shecan make Foreign disappear from but do
let us know if she slides in. I would love to know what that

one says. And the Jamie MorningShow with d J Foreign, it's Sauty
Mornington's number one for hip hop.You am in ninety four five? Two
more days till Friday. Do youremember when you used to call it how
many more sleeps? Oh? Itwould be one more sleep? Was it
one more sleep till the weekend?Yeah? Because I guess that's what they
do behind the wall, They countsleeps. Shout outs to people behind the

wall. By the way, Shackwas on the air with us too.
If you missed that out, gocheck out the podcast. But yeah,
shout out to all my people's behindthe wall. Man speaking up behind the
wall, Jalen Brown is not toohappy for what's going on right now with
Team USA. I don't know ify'all saw the news, Santi, he
could break it down for us.Basically, Kawhi Leonard will not be on

Team USA because he's injured, Soin order to fill his roster spot,
they asked Derek White, right,Yeah, which makes sense. Derek White's
a great player. But you completelyslighted Jaylen Brown. Now, we can't
forget that Jaylen Brown was just theIncredibles MVP, incredible end of the season,
incredible win. He was the clutch, absolutely deserved the MVP. Yeah.

Now, a lot of people speculatingthat Jaylen Brown was not asked to
be on Team USA because he didboycott Nike when the Carrie Irvin vaccine.
The back of what's happening. Now, I'm not one to be like,
oh, this conspiracy theory is alsothis one. I believe that that's something
going on. There's a reason whythey're not picking him. Like, let
people staying on what they believe in, and this has something to do with
something completely bigger. It's Team USA, it's the Olympics. Yeah, who

picks this anyway? It's not likeit's not like a fan voted in or
anything like that. Right, No, it's not my favorites other two people.
It's the corporate sponsors like Nike orLebron James jeez. So he stood
up against niked again not not notactual factual, but the rumor is that
that what could be going on becausehe did post after the news came out
that White had joined the team.He did post this, you know,

the magnifying the guy with the magnifyingglass like I'm looking at you. Yeah,
he posted that real quick. Imean it does seem like a slight
though it definitely absolutely Again nothing againstWhite. White is an incredible player.
He did is sacrifice his teeth.Yeah, the for his team, but
come on, man, like youcan't did not out guy Jalen did.
But the cool thing is about theteam is now they have three Celtics on

that one team. So that prettyamazing either way, Go Team USA in
the gym In Morning Show with dJ. Fourn It's saw Morning God.
Team's number one for him. JamIn ninety four or five. Hi,
everybody, good morning. It's Ashleyon the jam In the Morning Show.
This is not something you hear often. We on this show have talked in

length about how we're not really fansof getting people's names tatted on us,
especially in a relationship, because alot of times, I'm mean it sickius
of death, like as literally,in this situation, there actually is death,
which makes it even more weird.So I'm gonna play the audio for
you. But basically, a womanwho's been married for five years lost her
husband because she thought it would bea good idea to memorialize the death of

her baby daddy by getting his nametattooed on her while she is married to
another man. Now, I wantto ask you a question. Am I
wrong? I just ended a fiveyear relationship with this woman because she found
out that her baby daddy got killedabout two weeks ago. And she always

told me how they was closed.They did gold parent and I ain't gonna
lie. You know, it didn'tbeen straight. I never thought anything of
it. But she just takes metoday talking about she went to the tattoo
place and got his name tattered andtalking about r ip him over with she
got this tattered. She's like,oh, but he's dead. That's my
child's father. We had a goodbarn and I'm forever sad. I don't

give a you single Obviously your loyaltylied with that. So you know,
I don't give it's been five years. Can't your baby daddy get up that
you will first off, made theman rest in peace, like I will
say that, and that is buta whole tattoo. Yeah, discussion,

he go to the funeral, bea part of the services. I that's
I'm not handling that way. There'sno way that's telling me that she still
has strong feelings for him. Youknow what. That's how strong she said.
So there's an actress Leah from Glee, Lea Michelle. Yeah, she

forn was dating a guy on thesame show Glee. On that show Glee,
he ended up passing away with theirboyfriend girlfriend at the time, she
got his character name tattooed. Hisname was Finn. In the television show,
she has Finn tattooed on her.She's not remarried with the baby on
the way, I feel like yougotta get that like removed. You feel
like you have to mean with this. That's the difference is that she didn't

have anybody when she was with oldboy when she got the tat and then
that relationship. Obviously he passed,right. Yeah. So but if she's
with the new guy and then goesto a tattoo shop and it gets Finn
on the thing, that's a problem. That's a big problem because if I'm
your partner, I'm thinking, well, clearly, I'm never living up to
that. That's who Yeah, thatlike every time. I mean, and

then if you get married and yougo to heaven, who are you going
to see? You understand? Wehave a friend who's wife used to post
for her ex boyfriend on Facebook onour Facebook page all the time, and
he plowly Will Smith has a wifewho also posts every okay about about Puck.
That's what I mean. Yeah,that is a problem. Look at

this poem he wrote for me.Pitch yeah again with the poems, even
if we discuss it, and that'sthe thing the disrespect is also we didn't
discuss it. You never brought itup the nadsonary. Yet he's like,
she just went to the tattoo andyou found out about it two weeks ago,
and y'all got a close bond,like you should have found out as
soon as he died. Right.Clearly they've been having sex the entire time
and their boyfriend just found that outnow too, because okay, so so

in heaven, which one is shechoosing? The one the body on the
body? Yeah, and the morningshow with d J four and it's Sat
Morning. Bustin's number one for hiphop jam in ninety four or five.
Happy y'all might not be a goodweekend coming up. It hasn't been a

good time for Drake, I'll behonest with you. Ever since Not Like
Us dropped. Yeah, we weretalking about this off air. I think
his image has changed definitely for alot of people. He still loved.
Don't get me wrong, He's stillone of the biggest artists in hip hop,
but I think a lot of peoplehad started to look at him a
different kind of way and maybe evenbrave enough to jump online and kind of
talks back about him real quick.Well, I think now the reality is

he's not He's not untouchable exactly.He's a regular human being. Everybody is.
I think that the votes were ineverybody's kind of concise and saying that
he took the l in that battleagainst Kendrick Lamar. Now people are clowning
him for everything and anything that hedoes, which is gonna come with the
territory. You were telling me thathe was because I went to look for
him and I couldn't find him.His ig story is bear, But you

were telling me that he posted somepictures of him walking downstairs. He posted
a black and white picture of himselfwalking down the steps with what looks at
me either a cup of coffee ora cup of tea, looking back at
the camera, and people were roastinghim about that, basically saying that he
had somebody standing at the top ofthe steps and he acted like he was
going down and just kind of lookingback. It was a stage. You
have picture, let's still have itto the very stage, and I get

it, but it's something that's whatyou do. Yes, of course he
took that picture. All his picturesa stage. Yeah, there's not one
picture his on Instagram that's not stage. But the thing is, the narrative
about him has definitely switched with Beforesomebody would have commented be like, oh,
he looks amazing. Now it's like, what are you. You're a
fool, You're faking all these pictures. I'm like, wow, it's definitely
changed so much. Come on,he's a celebrity. None of them was

that any of those pictures that yousee any celebrity doing is not a real
picture. He wasn't really walking intothe car. It's like, take a
picture of me walking into this mayback, all right cool, or this
Lamborghini or walking out of this fashionstore. It wasn't that they just captured
it by chance. And just likethe pictures that weekend, just like the
pictures that posted this swee from thebeach, it's me with my arm out
looking away. It's not somebody elsetaking candid pictures. Just what we do.

It's not like, oh my god, you called me at the right
time. No, we took thateighty times and we got it right,
you know what I mean. Somebodysaid they saw Dashi in the gym in
Morning Show with DJ four and it'ssaw taking morning Girls is number one for
hip hop jam in ninety four orfive. Hi, everybody, good Morning's

actually in the gym in Morning show. I saw this headline and I was
reading the article about this girl thatwent viral, And it's funny because I've
actually had some of these thoughts myselfwhen going out with the girls or out
in the Girl's trip. My maintwo friends that I go out with don't
have kids, just fine, Idon't care, they don't care, but

well I think actually maybe one ofthem eventually wants kids. But my point
is I do really try to notgo and the entire time be talking about
kids and you know what life islike with kids, because they might not
want to hear that, or youknow, it's girls night, it's not.
But this woman that went viral refusedto go on a girl's trip because

she said she does doesn't want toquote talk about marriage and babies for three
days. I I mean valid,I understand that. Yeah, valid,
But at the same time, Ifeel like she's not in the same like
stage in life as valid. Yeah. So I'm the last girl's trip I
went on. They I made itclear to them I was going to do
a FaceTime in the morning when shewoke up, in a FaceTime at night

for bed. But I also havea partner that like, he's not going
to hit me up throughout the daybecause he knows I'm on a girl's trip.
So my phone wasn't really out likethat other than to take photos.
But I have heard horror stories frommy other friends going on girl's trip and
the husband's calling twenty four to seven? How do I do this? What
do I do? The baby didthis? The other kid did this?

What do I need to do?Now? Where is this? Where is
that? And the girl can't relax? And if you're with somebody on the
trip like that where their phone's NonStop, it's annoying. That is annoying.
I've also seen it too, wherelike that happens and the husband's call him
to check up on them because he'sin secure. That part is different.
Yeah, yeah, that part isDifferent's like where y'all lat who y'all trying
to be quiet to hear the backgroundor trying to see on the FaceTime way

y'all lat whether it's in dudes inthe background. Yeah, don't people wear?
I used to do that when Iwas with my ex. I used
to do that sometimes. I'd hitit up when she was on the trip
and be like, yo, sohow do I do this again this?
Yeah? Yeah, I feel likewe do that, especially when they're younger.
Yeah, like older, it's fine, Yeah, but it is true.
Like the young kid, like Ithink he had maybe hit me up

once to ask like, where's herthis because he wanted to put it in
the diaper bag? Or whatever itis. But I was I feel like
when you go on trips like that, you have to be cognizant that that's
not everybody's life, but that's alsomy life. So I mean, it
wasn't twenty four seven, but Iwas calling them like they knew that those
couple face times were going to happen. But if somebody's constantly talking about that

and that's the only thing they've talkedabout, they got this something's going on.
Yeah, definitely if I'm if I'mthat chick. Though, it's got
to be a good mix of agroup, right. We can't have like,
she can't be the only single,not having kids, not madried person
in the group because anybody else isgoing to relate to what that relates to,
and she's going to be like,welly am I getting here for but
on this specific trip, I wasthe only one married with kids. Yeah,

but at least as a minority.I think it's because then they not
you know what I mean, youcan still talk to them about guys and
this and bla, you know whatI'm saying. I think listen, I
just think I'm a good wing woman. Yeah, I think I think about
it. Maybe this girl's friends don't. Oh no. The other end is
some other women go out there andday I have been completely obsessed with their

lives that they're leaving back home andthat's all they can talk about. This
is the time events. Yeah,you also are playing it like cooy and
cool. But you look at Joanne'sApple watch. So yeah, nothing to
do with a girls trip. Hedon't got a call. Yeah, that's
fine with me. Yeah, righton the phone. When she used to
go away on girls ships, theonly thing I hated was that when she

was away, all of a sudden, her mother believed that I was incompetent,
and she would stock me to thepoint where where I stopped answering our
phone calls like the kid's good.And then it got so bad that I
told my wife. I'm like,you can go away, that's fine,
but you're calling your mother before andtelling her not to call me. Sati
reminds me of in the movies,like when the cops are like, oh

no, don't worry, I'll shutthe trunk by Jaam, I'll shut the
trunk for you, and then hesticks the magnetic track in the Morning Show
with d J four and it's sucha Big Morning Cousin's number one for hip
hop jam in ninety four or five. You know, days like this song.
When I see headlines like this,man, I love Boston, even

Manchester, as crazy as Manchester is, I love Manchester. When I see
headlines like this. Scrolling through mytimeline on I g by the way,
good morning you, and I seethis video of this guy running out of
store and it keeps like it's it'sone scroll, It's on, the next
video is the next like it wasposted by three different outlets all at the
same time. Come to find outit was a guy who's a suspect out

in Philly, who, uh,how do I say this? Relieved himself?
Actually, that's why one of theheadlines said. It said relieved himself
on a woman in a store likeit looked like a seven eleven or something.
And then it seemed running out becausethe lady's chasing him. At first
I thought he like urinated on her. Yeah. And then because I didn't
have any sound, I just sawthe video. I saw the I saw

the title. I was like,oh, that's nasty. Why would you
pee on somebody? And what takesyou to even pull out your Yeah?
And then p When I started listeningto the video, he actually, really,
how else can I say it?No, relieved himself on a woman's
legs. She was discussed. Theychased them outside. You are an animal.

She was crying. Yeah, lookeddown at her. I think it
was on her ankle and her littlethigh month whatever it was, and that
guy just let it go on herand dipped. They started searching for him,
which is completely nasty. By theway, But this happens a lot
more often than you do. Iknow, really, yes, this happens
a lot often than you guys know. It probably just doesn't make the headlines.

There's some sick o people out therethat always get caught up, and
they always do it to women,and it's always in a store. You
know, there was a time Isaw one of a lady in a grocery
store. She was kind of likebent down, kind of squatted down,
reaching something at the bottom of ashelf at the grocery store, and he
is thinking in her head, it'snasty. Anyway, you came and told

me this morning that there's an updatethat meek Mill kind of got into this
situ. Yeah, yeappered a twothousand dollars reward if anybody could find this
man, because I saw that thismorning and after you said that, I
look at the news and the guysurrendered himself really yes, which I'm shock
because if you do something like that, you have to assume that you're going
to prison for a long time.And he's fact that he went in himself,
and he's probably done it a thousandtimes before. Now. I think
what happened was, you know,once Meek kind of put the word out,

now everybody who rallies around me isnow our searching for him. And
I guess he had a very distinctivelook with his hairline or something. But
he had a very distinctive look,so it couldn't he couldn't hide because you
go back to the hood like thatand you'll be like, oh, that's
the guy who's doing the thing tothe woman. They're gonna whoop your ass.
But yeah, he ended up withsome rendering himself and he's been arrested
and yeah, people just why wouldyou do that? Like because you're sick,

yes, and you're a sick mind. What did it makes you think
to just walk around doing stuff likethat? It is disgusting. A morning
show with d J four and it'ssausg Morning, Bustin's number one for hip
hop. You am in ninety fouror five. Hi everybody, good morning.

This is something you don't here often. If ever, uh, let's
sell you know a lot of timesduring the check and we have calls where
we're like, you know, Isay this all the time. We're like,
you know, we know more timewith you, Jessica and North Redding
being one, jess I wanted togive you in this conversation the time it
deserves. So you have been marriedfor how long? I have been married

for over thirty years. Over thirtyyears, and I think that is one
of the most important parts of this. Oh, you have been married to
your husband happily for over thirty years. Yeah. Would you describe it as
happily or oh? Absolutely. Istarted dating him when I was sixteen years

old and I'm fifty five now andwe are still going very strong. Yes.
Yes, but my husband prior tome has left with a lot of
people, and he is the onlyperson I have ever slept with. Wow.

Good and our entire I would say, our entire relationship. He's always
said to me, you should experiencesomeone out and I'm like, I've never
had the need because I've always beenhappy and satisfied. But he really thinks

that before my life is not thatI'm dying or anything, that he just
really wants me to experience what itis to sleep with someone else. And
I've never told anyone that or hadanyone to talk to. Yeah, and
I'm just like, well, I'mglad, I'm glad he called me,

and I'm glad we can chitchat aboutthis. So let let's let's try to
break this down a little bit.Let's get to the particulars. When he
has this conversation to you, arethere guidelines? Does he say, you
know, I want to be involved. Let's pick somebody I would like to
be in the room, like thingsof this nature. Or is it just
an offhand comment that's like, hey, I do believe you should have one
additional partner before you know, we'reout all of the above. It could

be whatever. So he wants ahand in picking this person. If he
could be a person of my choosing, he could pick it. He's tried
to set he's actually we've gone outto dinner once and there was another guy
there and I'm like, well,who the is this whoa whoa whoa whoa

Jessica. Well, I did notsee that coming from her. No,
no at all. Okay, Jessicacursed, We're going to go back.
So jess remember no cursing. Soyou were using the example of one night
you guys went out to eat andthere was another guy there and you looked
at your husband. You're like,who is this? Was he trying to
set you up? Well, hewas thinking that, if you know,
I meant you know, yes hewas. And I'm like, no,

Jessica, it seems pretty clear tome that your husband wants some other things
involved in the marriage, and he'susing your sex life and the fact that
you've only been with him as away into this whole new world that he
wants to delve into. Jess doesthis tempt you at all? Do you
have any desire to do this?It doesn't sound like it. In the

past, I have not, Butnow, I mean, because he talks
about it so much, has peakedmy interesting. Yeah. I mean,
I wouldn't be I wouldn't be humanif I didn't say it piqued my curiosity.
I was gonna say one hundred percent, I'm sure it peaks your curiosity.
You've only been with one man yourwhole life, and you're fifty five

now and you have this essentially,let's just say it like freebie that he's
offering. I got two questions.Does he do anything on the side or
has he talked about himself doing anything? We are totally honest, one hundred
percent with one another, and likeI said, I've been with him since

I was fifteen, and since thattime, neither one of us have ever
cheated on one another or has anything. Okay, extra marital got you?
Yeah? My second question is hestill able to perform like he used to
back in the day. Is thatissues in the bedroom basically with him?
Okay, she's satisfied, dude said, some people fantasize about this, Jess,

I know what. I touched onit briefly. Has he said that
if you do this, he wantsto be present or he doesn't mind.
You could go meet a guy andgo to his house and be fine,
or does he want to I thinkthat he would want to be present.
I think that's really he wants towatch it. I think I think so.

He doesn't even want to join in, right, I'm getting the film
that he just wants to watch it, and he just's he'd be happy with
that freak. I think that hewants to watch it. Yes, yes,
people, there's people like this.There's actually a name for it.
I don't know what it is.It's called a voyeur. Is it ay
or a cup or a sim that'sit. Wow, that is I just

I mean, if she's down forit, and you guys and and and
you guys have had the discussion,and you guys feel like, hey,
it's not gonna draw a wedge betweenyour relationship. It's not like he's asking
to have a threesome. He justwants to watch his you know what I
mean. I think we could dothis. I think instead of like having
people on and giving their long drawnout answers, what I want is married

females to call me right now andtell me if your husband offered you this
card, this free bee card.It is a yes or no. We're
not going into length with this.You call me, you tell me yes
or no. Would you take thefreebee after fifty five years of only having
sexuals with one man and try itwith another while he watched. Yeah,

I mean, I think that's thebest way to do it, Jess.
Let's see what Let's see what theother ladies are thinking, and then we'll
come right back to you. Okay, sounds great. Setting this up for
you one more time. You havebeen married for thirty plus years, you
are fifty five years old, andyou have only had sex with one man
your whole life. Your husband isnow saying, here is a literal freebee

card. You can have sex withone other person. Take the card or
do you pass? Six one sevennine three one one nine four five six
one seven nine three one one ninefour five? Are we taking the freebie?
Or are we saying pass? Hi? Everybody? Good morning? Ah,
we're talking to Jess and North Redding. Jess basically has been married for

over thirty years, you guys.She is fifty five years old, and
every single day lately her husband hassaid to her, you need to have
another partner other than me before youdie. She like goes, not that
I'm dying, but he has offeredthis to me every day. He constantly
talks about it, and she saidshe'd be lying to us if she didn't
say that. It was kind oftempting. Now he I don't want I

don't want to say, he's givenher rules on it, but I think
he would like to be a partof the conversation as to who it is,
and he also would like to bepresent when it happens with satisfaction for
him as well. This is notjust here's your here's your hall pass,
go do your thing. He wantsto be part of it because he brings
him satisfaction for sure. Cut cold. So now I said, let's let's
go to the married women of theworlds that are listening. And it's a

quick yes or no. I don'tneed an explanation. I just want to
know six one, seven, nine, three one five. Although all the
lines are are taken right now,guys, because I have we had a
feeling this is going to be thisway. Would you take the freebie?
Thirty years of marriage, fifty fiveyears old, he's begging you to do
it. Let's start with Lynn inNASHAUA, Lynn, are you taking the

freebie or not? Absolutely not?Amanda in Warwick, are we taking the
freebie or not? Hell no,hell no, she says. Okay.
Melissa is in the car with Stephanie. Melissa and steph in Wooster. Are
we taking that freebee? Yes?Or no, Yes, absolutely, he

can watch my girls. Christa inRedding. We taken the freebie? Or
not? Yes? We are?Wow? We Jamie is in Haveril.
Are we taking that freebee card fromHubbs? Yes or no? No?
No, Lily is down the cape. No, okay, Lily is down

the cape. Lily? Are wetaking that freebee? Yes? Or no?
That's a hard No. That isa trick for sure, hard no
trick for sure. Joanna is inRhode Island. Joanna, we taking that
freebee? Hell? No, marriage, I get rid of him. Wow,
there you have it. Okay,let's go back to Jess. Jess,

don't forget Steph and her friend werein the car together. That was
two yes's. But it does seemlike it's kind of split. I'll tell
you, and my dms too.I'm getting a lot of yeses and a
lot of no's. Not that thesepeople were gonna deter you, but how
are you feeling hearing some of thoseresponses. I'm und Yeah, we'll say

this, A lot of the noseare saying no because you're trying to do
something else. You get what I'msaying. It's like you want me to
do this so you can now getyour pass and go do whatever it is
that you're trying to do. SoI think that's the worry. Bless you.
Sorry, So okay, Jess,here's my thought on this, and
that this is what Santi and Iwere kind of saying, you're running the

risk of that happening, right,and then a couple months down the line
him saying, well, remember yougot your night, so now can I
I mean not saying that that yourhusband would do that. I don't know,
but there is also that possibility.So I think that would have to
be ironed out before too. Don'tcome to me in a couple of months
and say, because let me askyou this, Jess, would you be
comfortable with him taking a pass?I see, that's where the struggle is.

That's what I have thought is thathe just wants to be with someone
else and he wants me to doit so that and we've talked about that,
and he says that's not what itis at all. He just has
always like I said, I starteddating him when I was fifteen, and
even back then, when I wasfifteen, he was saying that he thought
I should have someone else, justbecause he feels like everyone should have experiences.

So what if he's saying everybody,why not him? Then well,
because he had prior sexual relations,he probably yeah, he's already had sexual
people. Yeah, okay, okay, okay, yeah yeah yeah, well
so I feel you ye other peoplebefore me, and he just thinks that

it's important to experience other people andI just never thought that that was important.
Yeah, well, listen, Ithink you have to look in the
mirror and ask yourself if if thesituation was reversed, would you be comfortable
and would it settled well in yourtummy that he got a hall passed,
Because if it wouldn't, then Iwouldn't do it. You know, if
you wouldn't be comfortable knowing he wasgoing to have a one off, then

why should you? Sounds good,but I also understand why it's tempting.
Like I'm not fighting you on that. I can see why you would think
about it, especially be saying itevery day. And there's also guys out
here, husbands out here, whofantasies about watching the women their their wives
sleep with other men and absolutely nottrying to go do other things on my

own. I just want to watchyou, Yeah, just watch you do
that. Well, listen. Thisis you know, when you make the
decision whenever that is, do keepus looped in here. We've never had
anything like this. Well, likeI said, I've never listened to your
station before. I'm traveling and Iturned it on and I'm like, this

would be a great station to asksomeone a question. Yes, it would,
because you know why we are.We are open to things on this
show. That is for sure.As you could see, Jess, good
luck, babe, Thanks, thanksfor the call here. What's going to
happen. She's going to do itand it's going to change the dynamic of
their you know what, maybe she'sscared that if she does it, she
might like it more than what herhusband is doing. And now she's opened

up a whole panthera's box. Ijust think the whole time I'd be like,
now, when is this you knowwhat? Gonna come to me?
And be like when's my night?And I'm not I'm not playing these games.
But I knew the phones are gonnabecause you see my DMS. It's
half and half though really it's alot of yes and a lot of the
two girls in the Yes, Dashyand the jam In Morning Show with d

J four and it's cutific morning Bustin'snumber one for hip hop jam in ninety
four or five, just like thatone more sleep till the weekend. Happy
Thursday, y'all. Thank y'all forwriting shotting with us a lot of what's
going on of course, uh withthe news about some nastinks going out in
Philly. I god, Jalen Brownmight be feeling the type of way anything

that we talked about. If youmissed it, you could always tap into
the podcast Actually Too Easy in theam on Gemini four five dot com.
And also if you missed out ontickets ill got pupped up, got child,
just game Pino tickets in the threepm hour. It's a mystery when
it will happen, but just knowit will be in the three pm hours.
Anthy, did we miss anything?We didn't do? You hit it
all? There you go, thereyou go, allright, go ahead with

your shadows, bro. Instagram shoutoutsJay Gulls five aweight baby and Erica ten
thirty eight Baby shout out to youas always Actually too Easy and I am
like I mentioned at DJ four andit is Thursday, which means tomorrow I'm
gonna try to remember where I'm at, and I am at SOHO in Manchester,
New Hampshire. Make sure you comeout downtown. And then on Saturday

I'm at Venue make sure you pullup on me there as well. Like
I said, it's all over mysocial If you need more dates otherwise,
yeall be good. Yeah, beblessed, Stay cool out there. Happy
Thursday, Good morning, we got
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