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June 24, 2024 55 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wake up, wake yo shanty.Just like that, the weekend is over
linked and I feel like we're backhere again. I know, good morning,
it's guys, DJ Far and Santi'sat the building. That was a
quick weekend. I mean, Ihad a busy weekend, so that's probably
why I went by so quickly.But that was a quick weekend. Well,
this weekend was relaxing because I canthink of the first time in months

I haven't been started with Well,we had sports, but not as much
okay, so it's starting to belike not as crazy, which makes it
feel like I have a weekend.There you go, no coaching? Are
you still coaching? We won thechampionship? So where I get done with
that? Yes, I'm done,But my oldest still had baseball this weekend.
Okay, congrats on the championship too, thank you, Like, is
that a big deal for you now? It was a big deal because it
was my first one coaching, andit was fun because I was coaching my

daughters. It was a different experience, but I did love it. I
really fell in love with coaching.Yeah. The biggest highlight for me,
I think outside was the Jonah Fest, which happened in Willston. On Saturday.
Weather almost messed that up because itstarted, uh raining like crazy,
which is weird because during the week, like small showers here, maybe a
thunderstone there, it wasn't crazy.But on Saturday, yeah, it was

coming down. Yeah, and thenthey almost shut the whole thing down because
they were like, if it startslightning and thundering, you know, it's
outdoors. They got the metal stageand they were like, yeah, if
it starts of lightning and thundering,then we got to shut it down.
I think that happened to us onceat Summer Jam, didn't it. Thunderstones
were coming through and they had tolike shut down everything and they had to
like stop the show for a lot, like half an hour or something like

that. I remember eighth Summer Jam, and this is going back here as
where it was torrential downpoint. Theydidn't thun thunder but it was like a
month soon. And it affects itthough, because when it's lightning, you
know, it can strike the stageand obviously you know want people getting cooked
on the stage and you know allthere you know what I'm saying, And
I think when that happens they haveto shut it down for thirty minutes.
Yeah. Yeah, So I wasthere with a shoutouts to my guy,

signed Law. I was djaming forhim as an opening that but they had
to like push all the opening actsoff because now everything the schedule got pushed
back so far and they wouldn't havetime to be able to do it.
But it was a dope show.A lot of people show up for that
guy all the time. Now,how about the tornado then, bro,
So yesterday I'm chilling at the crib. Somebody text me. He's like,
yo, wait, you didn't know, as I didn't know. I'm chilling
at the crib. Earlier in theday, someone was like, yo,

you heard there's a tornado waning forNew Hempsh. I'm like, yeah,
all right, like a bad one. Though. All of a sudden,
both my phones the emergency thing.I'm like, yo, tornado, go
seek shelter. Yeah, if youhave a basement, going to your basement.
If you're outside, get inside something. I'm like, what is going
on? So I'm looking outside thewindow, I'm like, this ain't real.
So they probably predicted it for halfan hour more. It was five

something at that time they said itwas going to happen at six six fifteen,
I go outside. There's this darkass cloud outside. I'm like,
yo, ANBC, like it wasactually a tornado was forming. Shout so
my guy showing he took the illpick and sent it to me. But
a tornado was forming, Like I'mgonna post it up on Ashley the Am.
It was scary. I'm pretty surein God sound one touchdown like I

don't know for how long. Butyeah, but this one was was bad
because they were predicting it from themorning on. I heard there was hay
stuff. Yeah, we got thetornado warning in New Hampshire. I don't
think we've ever had a tornado warninghurricane. Yes, we've got tornado ones,
but not like yesterday. Like yesterdaywas like they were predicting it in
the morning, which though you shouldgive you like an advance of like an

hour. But this but this onewas the entire day. Bro. It
was scary. Like I said,I'm gonna post up the picture so y'all
could see just how like that dogcloud like I thought I was in the
movie Tornado. I was like,oh my yo, where's the truck where
the little balls are gonna go intothe Yeah, it was crazy. So
for anybody who was in New Hampshireand maybe even saw that cloud forming tagging
with us, Yeah, yeah,that was scary. I gemmin one four
five at actually to ease in theam. It's a Monday. We all

here in the gam in morning shotwith DJ four and it's sauted Morning got
in number one for hip hop jamin ninety four or five. This literally
just popped up on my Instagram withinthe last two minutes and I I go,

we have to we have to dothis on the show because it is
so true, like white people havecertain phrases. I'm sure black people have
certain phrases and whatever. We couldgo down the list of everybody has their
phases. But when this woman isbreaking down phrases that white people say,
it's like, all I can Ijust see my uncle John, Like that's

just all that I see when Ihear this. So, you know,
black people, we have our ownslangs. I'm gonna tell y'all my favorite
slangs from white people that they reallyache up. My first favorite one is
nude slash buddy, because it's likereally nude slash new slash. Like when
they say nude slash buddy, theyfin to tell you about yourself, like

they really fin to put you ongame, like news flash. They ache
with that. What My favorite secondone is what's the tilla? Pal?
No? Cause, for real,what's it? Tia? Why are you
in my business? That's what theyneed. They basically saying, like why
you in my business? Like whydo you even want to know? What's
citila? Why are you even openhere? What's this? Hey? The
pal? I'm really about to startsaying that, because really, what is

it to you? Shows over reallyheats too, and they'd be like,
show's over show, show shows overpal. Shows like that eats too,
because like show's over cut, thelights cut, the cameras you're skating on
thin ice. I feel that onethe mostly because it's like, yeah,
when you let something slide, peoplegonna start ice skating, and they gotta
let you know you're skating on thinice. Pal. My top favorite throw

LOKI is when they be like nomore, mister nice guy. No,
it's like now you're gonna make themad not like no more guy, he's
gone, No more mister nice guy. Pal. You're done. You're done.
They're done. No, they're done. That right there. That's probably
my favorite the real shady one iswhen they be like, that's rich coming

from you. That's that's like thereal shade. You gotta catch it,
though, Like if you're not readyto catch it, you're not even gonna
know you being dysphor real. Letme tell you not only can I envision
my uncle saying that. No,my I have physically seen my uncle John
been like no more this mister niceguy from me. Pal, Yeah,
least your uncle is on the older. And my wife says these things and

she's young, and I'm like,what are you doing? Like she doesn't
the kids of all of those.I say, news flash, she knew.
I don't know if I throw abuddy it on this show. I've
been like, news flash, yourbuddy don't come back. All of them.
It don't work, It doesn't hitthe same news flash, Pal.

Why do you know how many timesgrowing up my mother would look at me
and be like this. She wouldcombine to she'd be like, you're on
thin ice, missy. I'm tiredof the crocodile tears. I heard you're
on thin ice, missy, andcrocodile tears once a week from that woman.
Yeah, because the eyes of theboat to break and it's thin and

I was gay, I was dancingwith the devil. I was getting close.
But again, at least your old. My wife says us up.
What is Joanne saying, the thinnice one in the miss of night?
No, yeah, she says this, and the kids look at her like
with their hands on the hips.I just imagine on thin ice color o.

Yeah, you're right when I envision, like the white people in my
family that are saying it, they'reabove the age of like sixty. Yeah.
Yeah, but I feel like it'sa definitely a white thing though.
I feel like these things get handeddown from parent to child and they just
keep recycling. Do your parents sayanything, any little sayings that you can
think of? Not really, Idon't spend that much time around them,
like anymore. Yeah, do youhave any parents? Know? No more,

mister nice guy buddy Dominican. Justlive in a place where it's just
fearful. So anything you like,they come with you with your just shock
and fear. Yeah, yeah,no, know what they do They show
you their belt because they know,like you keep going, the belt is
coming off. Don't get me startedwith the time that I walked home and

my dad hitting me with a whippof stuff like count your blessing. Oh,
count your bless Count your blessing,Count your blessing. Yeah, but
with a tone I continue with thismess. It's over. This just has
nothing to do with Actually, Idon't know, maybe this is a white
thing. Did you guys have tobe part of the clean plate Club.

So the clean plate Club was youhad to finish your dinner, so no
matter what was on your plate,you had to be part of the clean
plate cup club. So there wasone specific time that I remember that my
mother made chicken pop pie and Godthat I hate. I hate the taste
of it. There were peas init. I didn't want it, and
she was like, you're going tobe a member of the Clean Plate Club.

Missy. You're not getting up fromthat table if you're not a member
of the clean Plate Club. Hours. I sat there, hours, guys,
the peace the peas were ice,they were icicle frozen. Me and
my brother hours we sat there.She didn't weren't allowed to get up.
You know why, because there arestarving children out there and you're gonna be

a member of the clean play Club. So I had to eat the rock
solid frozen chicken pop pie. Tookme, I'm not kidding, like two
and a half to get it down. So what if you're like just full
from a big lunch, you knowyou'd be skating on thin Ice Pally and
the jam In Morning Show with dJ four and it's Saunty Big Morning,

Austin's number one for hip hop jamIn ninety four or five Morning Happy Monday.
She got DJ Forman, what's upy'all? Santy's in here with me,
Santi, we gotta talk about thisbecause I know y'all love this chick.
I could care less, really,I don't for what but you swift,
but you can appreciate what fans.Yeah, she's how fan base is

next level. I don't think I'veever seen a fan base like this,
honestly since Michael Jackson. Yeah,and honestly, I guess it's her stardom
too. It's just so mess whatI'm saying. But she recently had a
show out in London, two showsyou were telling me, right, yah
for the weekend. Both of themobviously sold out. Her boyfriend was there.
What's the old boy's name of Diego? He was there chilling. There
was a video we were just watchingwhether We're all in the suits and he

was going crazy dancing with fans,and you pointed out Tom Cruise Illuminati let
him outside. He was just chillingin the corner this day. I don't
know who he was dancing with,but they were dancing too. It was
it looked like a good time.But the thing that I noticed, and
I think I might have put itup over the weekend on Ashley in them
Instagram story was Prince Charles right,Prince Williams Williams, I don't know the

princess like that, Prince Williams withthe kids with her, with Travis and
also with Taylor all took a picturetogether and the caption even read who's missing
from this picture was Kate Middleton kidswere covering from cancer. So I guess
like she gets the path. Okay, so so why you're recovering from cancer?

Right? You're going through it again. People who are battling cancer.
You know the motto have cancer.You're at home sick, chilling. You
can't go outside because number one,you're such a big everybody wants to take
a picture of you, right,So that's one thing you can't go outside
for. But number two, I'msure she doesn't feel well. So this
guy just picked up the kids andsaid, hey, babe, well we're
going over. I'm sure my wifewould be like, go ahead, take

the kids go. He would like, like, what am I gonna do?
Sit at home? Like every yeah, and you know what, and
you know what, she would saythat, but she doesn't want It's one
of those tests, you know whatI'm saying. She's like, oh,
yeah, you could go, youcould She wants you to be like,
nah, you know what, babe, I'm gonna stay home with you.
But it's also Taylor Swift too,and wife is dying of cancer, dying

streaming. She's sick with with likethe whole cancer thing. But also she
was seeing like last week at likean event, so she's doing a lot
better, you know, so that'sa positive. And instead like so she
was probably like, you know what, does this lends to the fact that
you guys used to talk about thatthey might be still trouble in that marriage?
No, because before them we didn'tknow that it was cancer. Before
then, we thought there was troublein the marriage. So obviously when this

came out, it's like, oh, now it all makes sense now so
no, so now it's cool.Now it's cool. N's cool that she
doesn't show up to me because nowwe get it, like she's actually sick.
Yeah, yeah, and that's whateverybody. The caption, like I
said, was like, who's missingout of the picture. Even the Internet
still to this day can't let itgo. Let it go. They don't
let it go. They won't letit go. They will not let it

go. But it looked like itlooked like at the time, and she,
like I said, had two showssold out. We're gonna post it
up on Ashley with Too Ease andthe am. I still think it was
wrong, really ahead because you know, if you're going incognito, but also
the right pictures are going to beoutside, it's gonna start a whole bunch
of people are gonna come at himfor going to the concert and leaving his

sick wife at home. People comeat him for everything. So it's like
they have certain duties that they haveto do. This is one of them.
Go to the content. No,it's not with DJ four and it's
satigning Blastin's number one for hip hopjamming ninety four or five. Hi,

everybody, good morning. This clipfrom this woman went viral on the talk
and it's so funny because when you'rein a relationship and you're in the thick
of it, sometimes you just can'tsee past wanting that relationship to work right,
Like all you want is to seethat thing go the distance, to

get married, to have kids,whatever the hell your goal is for that
relationship, that you can't see thered flags that are literally smacking you in
the face. I mean, shegets me at chlamydia, but it might
have been the Cartoon Network for methings my ex did and I still stayed.
He gave me chlamydia twice. He'sthreatened to kill my dog, Sadie
if I did not block him.Who mind you was literally just a puppy

at the time. He threw meout of his apartment for acident starting my
period during quiet time, and thenwent and talked to me for two weeks
after higgybacking on that he could nothave intercourse unless Cartoon Network was on in
the background, like he could notperform otherwise. He would ask me a
lot to try and sneak pictures ofmy girlfriends when they were changing. Obviously
I never did it, but Ijust brushed it. Off as him being

a silly little perf. He toldme he had fantasies about my mother.
He told me, and I quote, you would be a perfect ten if
it weren't for your boobs. Helied and told his parents that I was
there too, and not in factmy reddle age, which was eighteen.
Whether or office is all one xor a collective of excess of mine,
that's for you to decide. Ineither confirming or denying either or it's gotta
be the same. It's all thesame, absolutely free. Like not only

did he want to kill her dog, but he wanted to hear the sneak
pictures of her friends. Gave hera chlamydia twice, and she still stayed.
She stayed after the first time.I wonder what he said to her
to convince her that it wasn't fromcheating and like another girl. But whatever
it was, she believed it twice, could only have sex with cartoon network
on in the background, had sexualfan sees of her mother. Yeah,

but like if her mother was reallytry all right, threatened to kill her
dog if she didn't unblock him.The dog was a puppy at the time,
and then didn't speak to her fortwo weeks. I mean, but
all these things, Uh, ifsomebody says this to you, you should
break up with that guy fast.Or there are red flags where people will
even my own friends, you know, oh well he I can't even give

emails because we were gonna get that. But I'll give one example. There
is somebody on this show that whenshe told me that her boyfriend of eight
or nine years at the time hadhis own place but slept in a twin
size bed that was his childhood bed. I told her to leave him.
Then she didn't want to listen.She she's on this show and it's not

me didn't want to listen, andso she cuddled in a twin bed with
a grown man with a really goodjob for years of her life. Her
back hurt because the the what arethe springs were literally cutting her. I
also feel like girls like this personthat we're talking about, feel they find
ways to justify the craziness like this, Like I know it's just better that

I've done it, but not tothis length. But I've been like,
oh, yeah, he gets madthat this happens, like but it's just
because he's passionate, and you know, because you're trying to make excuses,
and those red flags show up fromthe beginning. Yeah, you know what
I mean, people who are kindof crazy like this, they just don't
turn crazy like you just ignore them. You in love you in La la
land. But these signs if youstart kind of going back and be like,

damn, from day one, thisperson was a crazy person. But
the chlamydia though, that's like,how do you come back from that one?
Multiple times? The clap twice andit's crazy. But I think that
there is somebody that's going to shockus right now with Ash. This happened,
and I knew it was a redflag, but I just really wanted
the relationship to work. I don'tthink it can get worse than this girl,

But I hope you can find somebodyaj or the one, the other
whole, the one. Do youmiss that twin bed now? Uh?
Six one seven nine three one onenine four five six one seven nine three

one one nine four five. Let'sbe honest with ourselves. At the time,
you didn't think it was a redflag. After you got out of
the relationship took the blinders off,you were like, oh damn, hi,
everybody, good morning, Sashing theJamie morning show. We're talking ignored
red flags in a relationship. Andby the way, I definitely have done
this before in a relationship. Ithink it's easy. You want that thing

to work, so you're willing tomake excuses for your partner. This woman
went viral on siktoc because these werethe things that she I mean, she
was literally blind things my ex didand I still stayed. He gave me
chlamenia twice, can threatened to killmy dog, Sadie if I did not
block him. Who mind you wasliterally just a poppy at the time.
He threw me out of his apartmentfor accidentally starting my period during quiet time,

and then went and talked to mefor two weeks after piggybacking on that
he could not have intercourse unless CartoonNetwork was on in the background, like
he could not perform otherwise. Hewould ask me a lot to try and
sneak pictures of my girlfriends when theywere changing. Obviously I never did it,
but I just brushed off as himbeing a silly little perf. He
told me he had fantasies about mymother. He told me, and I
quote, you would be a perfectten if it weren't for your boobs.

He lied and told his parents thatI was twenty two and not in fact
my real age, which was eighteen. Whether or not this is all one
x or a collective of excess ofmine, that's for you to decide.
I neither confirming or denying either orBH this guy's crazy. Ruh. I
got a DM from somebody and shesaid that when she was married her husband,
by the way, they're divorced now, but when she was married,

he had a digital camera. Shestarted going through the digital camera and there
were photos of her sister like bentover. And then when she confronted him,
he said, oh I thought thatwas you. Yeah, right,
okay. Oh. Anonymous called inand said she didn't want to be on
air, but she said, Iactually share this. Said that hard Red
Flag was one six months into relationship, got into an argument in the car

and he spit on her. Ohoh my god. They stayed together for
fifteen years and had multiple kids fifteenyears after the spit. We've debated is
there anything more degrading? Like Ireally don't know, call me every name
in the book, but spit onme. Wow. Macy is in Saugust

Hi Mace Hi good morning. Idon't even want to believe this. I
just don't me. I didn't wantto believe it either, and I stayed
so I guess there's a few thingsthat support you know, I think my
ex was secretly in love with hismother. There would be times where he
would be sleep walking and just windup in his mother's bed and she wouldn't

wake him up. Is the weirdthing. She would just let him sleep
in his bed with her. Andhe's twenty three, he's him. It's
creep giving me creepy. It wouldbe me and him would be holding hands.
She would walk up behind us startrubbing his back. He would stick

up for her in every argument youknow, we would have over her.
It was. It was very creepy, very very weird, very weird.
I mean to be honest, wecould have stopped at twenty three years old
sleep in in mommy's bed. Idon't care if you're sleepwalking or not.
Mom wake wake up the twenty threeyear old adults and tell him to go
back to his bed, Like whyare we cut? Yeah, like I

don't want Laylan in my bed.She's too. Was he an only child?
No, so he has a youngerbrother. Who's probably like seventeen,
and yeah, he's the he's theoldest, so maybe you know, he
loves she loves the oldest. ButI don't know. She did a lot
of weird things. She definitely enabledhim, Like he worked for the union
and you know, made good money, and she would still pay all his

bill, phone bills, everything likethat. Never had to pay anything for
Rench things like that. So II just yeah, well, yeah,
she never cut the cord. Andanother thing too, I actually called you
guys back in like around Christmas time. I had his stuff in my trunk

and I was like, didn't knowwhat to do with it, and I
actually called you guys. Yes thatwas me, and we were we were
telling you just to give it tohim, right and yeah, yeah you
were either saying like set it onfire in the backyard or yeah, sounds
about literally. The second I gotoff the phone with you guys, A
contacted one of his family members andlater that day he came and picked up

the stuff. So since good,since Christmas, I have not been in
contact and I you know, gotrid of the stuff. So thank you,
guys for that. I got you. I mean, at that point
Mom probably had bought all of itanyway, So it's fine. Yeah,
she probably rolling around in it likeI love it. Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean that's the typeof stuff where you're just like,

what am I? What am Idoing? Twenty three year old and bed?
I wake up and my significant otheris in mommy's bed and they're over
crazy. I mean, I don'tknow. You'd like to hit them both?
At what age does that end?Yeah? At four three? Well
not for our buddy dusn't down thehalls kid is thirteen selling that's getting I'm

kidding, but he's he's thirty nineand he's in bed with that and mommy
sadly and the morning Show with dJ four and it's sunt Morning. Bustin's
number one for hip hop jam inninety four or five? What up y'all?
Scott DJ, Falling the morning,Happy Monday. We are here.

It's been a long weekend, butwe made it through. Son. How
you feeling, I'm feeling good.Now. Here's my thing. Whenever we
talk about celebrities and their baby names, Yeah, we're very adamant. I'm
a joining on this one. I'mmessi too on the names that they picked
for their babies and how long ittakes to name their babies. Has Nicki
Minaj ever told us what her baby'sname is? Still think so we still

refer to him as Papa bear right, yes, like we don't know his
official name. Your girl's doing thesame thing. I know what is happening.
I texted her the other day.I'm like, Ashley, please,
like you're doing the celectric, tellus the name of the baby. I
don't be one of them now,we gotta clown you on the airways.
Don't be one of them. Thebaby was born last week. She's been
like, oh, you know,the baby's coming. I swear to god.

She's been dropping the hints here andthere on the gram. People keeping
hitting. You know, there's pressureon us too, because everybody's like,
yo, what's the baby name?Tell me? I won't tell nobody.
I'm like, I don't know.I don't know the baby's name. But
I have even noticed that on heassociations. But I'm sure you know what.
I did notice one. I thinkI noticed it the first day.
I noticed that one. I'm like, oh, but I don't know the

name. But I didn't notice thatfirst one. I don't know the name
neither. By the way, way, this guy's all cap I think he
knows the name. I think he'sbeen known the name because one time I
called him slickly out of vodka andhe gave me the smirk. I'm like,
Sathi's lying, he knows the name. But yeah, we're waiting for
the name and ash what's happening.She told me that she was gonna do
a photo shoot with the baby,like of course, so then drop that's
what She's gonna drop the name thepicture. Yeah, I'm like, who

does a photo shoot with the babyfresh out the womb? Right? Like,
think about it. Facts, putthe name out of that. She
put the face of the baby.Yet I don't. I don't think so.
I think it's all you see she'sdoing the celebrity. Yeah, that's
next thing. You know. There'sgonna be flower full like a hard on
the face and little emojis to coverthe face. No stop, don't be

like pumping, but a clover overeverybody's face to hide the identity. Just
tell us the baby name and wewant to see the beautiful girl. The
pictures all doorable celebrities. Man,come on, Bashy and the jam in
Morning Show with d J four andit's Sauti Morning's number one for hip hop
ham in ninety four. Hi,everybody, good morning. You know,

the weekends are always fun for Santibecause it's a big Saturday and Sunday night
one hour before. Usually it's threehours before because before we got to dinner,
then we got to dinner, andthen it's already in the system.
It's just such a well, anyways, we're not talking about that now.
We were talking about scheduled sex againand I told Sonty he wasn't alone because

Chado Josinco does it and Cha Josinkoactually has a sex schedule on his fridge,
which is a little crazy. Buteither way, this morning, foreign
Justin from down the hall from Kissone to Weight came down here and it's
pretty consistent with him that he helikes to have sexuals every single day,

absolutely and sometimes yes and his well, Sonti used the word comply, So
we'll tackle that on. Justin's wifecomplies, and I every time he leaves,
I say the same thing. Ifeel so bad for her vagina because
that's crazy. Nobody, nobody inreal life is having sex every day like

that's not foreign I know, andyou have even admitted that that's too much
for you. It's unnecessary. It'sunnecessary at that point. It's it's a
job, you know what I'm saying, Like it's not even enjoyable. You're
just doing it to do it.Like now, I can't speak for his
wife. I would love to.I'm sure she does enjoy it, so
I'm not saying she does it justto do it. But you know,

today it was we had it andthen five minutes later I wanted it again.
I'm like, sir, there's goingto be dust coming out of that
thing. She don't like, stop. This isn't porn, this is real
life. She has two kids.But I also feel like if you do
if you do it that often,there's no build up to the next time,
it doesn't make those times special quickly. I think there's the fear of
not having it so consistent that thenthree days in between becomes six days in

between, becomes two. I thinkpeople fear that. Still. It's crazy
that the two weeks for sty somethingto look forward to. My God,
he can't, he can't hold himselftogether. I'm shaking. This boy wants
to explode out of his body.I'm shaking and I can't. What I'm
saying is that there's something to lookforward to if you're doing it every day.
It becomes comes a job. Itdoes about going to work every day.

There's nothing to look forward to likethat. And I feel like the
last thing you want is your partnerthinking, oh, God, like he
or she's going to fell a typeof way if I don't, I myself
like a couple of days in betweentwo I don't. I I'm not having
sex. And I'm not saying thatthey probably don't have a good time doing
it. It just feels different.It will be differently they chill for a

week and then had sex again,and they'll be like, damn, this
is amazing for him. There's noweek. There's no week because like,
yeah, and the way it's comingoff, it's like he needs it.
He keeps and he keeps up inthe bar of what they do and it's
like something a bit sick. Yeah, my buddy just texts me and he
just goes me and my my wifehave sex every single day. First time.
That's not true. I know that'snot true because he's a firefighter and

he works twenty four hour shifts.But that's not a brag to me,
Like he thinks he's bragging. That'snot cool. I don't care. I'm
exhausted thinking about it. Yea,I didn't see the headline with Larca Pippen.
She says that they have sex fivetimes a night. That's a lie.
But times a night said five timesa night. I'm like, that's
cappin right, they're not remember thestory that her and Pippin Scottie used to

have sex at least four times anight. So it wasn't she compleaning about
it? When I think, Ithink she's the one. She thinks it's
a her thing. She's the one. She's like. Her quote was I'm
very competitive. I'm like, whatsince when did sex become a competition?
Yeah, why isn't it okay foreveryone? Like have the sexuals, everybody
gets their little time and then likefive times please? I think for people

out there, I think you wantthe perception to be out there that you're
a sexual like Dynamo and like you'rehaving sex all the time and I'm giving
it to you good and like allthat stuff, when the reality is like
you saying it's it to you good. I don't ever want to hear I'm
performing really well, like every singlenight and my girl just loves it.
But that's not the reality of life, right, But you want that perception

to be I'll be out there.I think at the end of the day,
it's more important that you guys bothwant to have sex with each other
and everybody's into it and they wantthat to happen. And I'm not saying,
you know what, Justin and them, they probably are into it,
right I think, But again,it would be a It's definitely a different
feel when you haven't got some ina while than when you get some all

the time. If I want hiswife to come on this show and tell
me that she wanted to have thesecond time the first time, I believe
that she did. She she didn'twant that second time. She doesn't want
it every single night too. That'sa lot, especially when you're a mom
and you have a full time job, you to come home to that no,

not that in that like it's justa no again to me. The
attraction part is what absolutely but Ibut listen watch six one seven nine three
one one nine four five six oneseven nine three one one nine four five
and what type of reality are wehaving sexuals every single day? Like?

Who is doing that? Who trulyhas the time? Are you never like
sleeping? Hi? Everybody, goodmorning, It's Ashley the gym in the
morning show. We were only likeI so not a lot of people.
But some people will say, oh, guys are talking about sex again.
We really weren't going to that.The conversation was brought to us and there'll

be whole shows that pass where wedon't talk about sexuals, but sometimes it
comes up. This is life.We talk about life, and why can't
we talk about something that everybody haswell for the most part, like at
least like you were created by sex, so why not talk about it?
Listen, we do it all onthe show. I cry a lot,
we laugh talk sexuals. You justnever know what you're gonna get. Justin
from down the hall from Kishen.We came down here this morning, which

is consist with him telling us abouthis he likes to he likes to have
sexuals every day. Yeah, andin like sick ways too. Okay,
I didn't say that, I did. He's gonna come down here anyway.
He left and me and Zantie werelike, and I even said, we
all know if we're doing like levelsof freakness on this show, Forn's got

the crown. I would say,maybe I'm number two and Zantie's three,
and that's okay, that's that's fine, that's okay. You guys are sick,
that's fine. But even DJ Forrenhas stayed And I said this when
left, I was like, watcheven form will say he's not trying to
have sex every single day, sevendays a week, every single for what,

right, Like, let me missyou? Yes, it's miss us,
ladies. That's why you got toget yourself somebody that works a twenty
four hour shift, because you geta whole day to yourself and then you
have the time to miss that person. Shout out to the fire for except
for the one texting me bragging abouthaving sex every day who says he's not
bragging about it, but he is. Uh. Jay is in Salem.

Jay, you agree with foreign youfeel like, yes, I do,
okay, I mean, I'm withyou guys. If it's every day,
come on, yeah, I thinkevery day. You know when And don't
get me wrong, at the firstweek, when you first you know,
the honeymoon stage, it could beevery day, but you know, sometimes
you're gonna fall back, create alittle space and then you have those spectacular

nights once or twice a week withyou know, it just better if you
give the time in between. Ilisten, I can curse. Someone needs
to tell Justin that thank you forthe call. Also, I want to
make it very clear I said thisfor I don't maybe it's maybe it's Justin's
wife. I don't know what hetold you how to story? Was he
smiling? Yeah? He had thatlike itch too, like he was like

was getting like excited exactly? Yeah? Yeah, well, yes, is
in Quincy? Hi Mike? Howare we doing? Guys? Good morning?
Good morning? All right, solet's talk about this. This is
an interesting one because you know,we actually get calls about this sometimes you
yourself, all right, seven daysof the week, how many times does

Mike from Quincy want to go toa really fun place? One time a
week is fine? One? Justone? Wow, that's not a big
ask. I'm not a big ass, you all. I'm on the worst
drive spell. You know what I'msaying. I go home, I see
all the body parts and I don'tI get yelled at if I touch him.
Let me tell you, all right, if a girl truly loves you,

they'll do it every single day.My friend at work, he gets
the most frisky tests at work.All Right, I need that. I
need that in my life. Soyou're fine with once a week, but
you want a girl that wants todo it every day? What? Let
me tell you. I am primedand ready. All right. Every other
girl I've been with, you knowwhat I'm saying, We could do it

a whole bunch of times. Togo now or no, you know what
I'm saying. So what is it? What is it about this girl?
You obviously love her? What isit about her that? Yeah? I
mean I bet with the She scammedme in the beginning, right when we
were in our talking phase. Iwas like, oh, you know,
we can do the quickies. Hehere, we can do this frisky stuff.
We can do that. Nah.She set me up. She ain't

do a damn thing in a wholeyear and five years. Actually, do
you know what is a problem ifyou're not having sex for an entire year?
Do you think something's a little bitoff? Oh no, no,
no, it's never been a year. Dude. I got mad kids.
We recreate humans. You know whatI'm saying. That's not an issue.
The kids you have, Mike,I got, I got five. One's
gonna be here in a month.Wow. Okay, So having having the

sexuals is the issue. She haslack of interest in sexuals in general.
So let me I just would liketo interject, as a female that has
had a child, sometimes after youhave a baby, it's not even that
you don't want to like, actuallyisn't pleasurable. It hurts. So maybe
like you have to give her alittle bit of buffer time if you have

five kids and you haven't been together, that like, that's she's pregnant a
lot. Totally understand. Yeah,no, I get it. Yeah,
she just weak. She weak.Yeah, So I mean, at minimum,
go go ahead and give her likea good two months after this next
baby and then maybe maybe try atminimum, I'm already on like two months,

and now we added another two monthson top of it. Actually,
God, are you all right?Well? Are you doing all of the
things around the house? Are youhelping? I am listening, but I'm
not adding up. Listen. Let'sit is because when she walked in and
I was taking care of myself inthe bathroom, I got yelled at yell

at me, but taking care ofmyself. If you don't want to take
care of me, Oh, that'sconfusing. Valid point is valid point.
I just feel like I need totalk to her because I feel like I'm
missing a hole in the side tothis, that there's potential that she just
feels like you do nothing to helpher. She's doing all the things around
the house, she's getting no assistancewith the kids. So maybe this is

her way of trying to show thatto you. Oh, I am sorry,
but you are sadly mistaken. Youyou talking to dad of the year.
I'll bring all four of them tothe grocery store on the grocery car.
Oh no, my kids go everywhere. If I go to the store
down the street, everyone loads up. Mom gets to break when I go
here, Mom gets a break.N all right, I DM you all

right now, I got all right? All right, No, listen,
that's you're selling me here. I'mI'm team Mike in this moment. I
just feel like there's there could besomething else. But you know, maybe
maybe tonight's the night go home,you know, maybe get a babysitter for
the kids. Little Wine and nineSurpriser with something, no wine, she's

pregnant. But yeah, right,well it's just the same. But keep
you that glad your wife isn't freakingpregnant. This is These are all good
things to know, all right,Michael. Good luck to you and your
penis my friend, and lock thedoor too, all right, goodbye.
I gotta give you. I gottagive you a schedule, Anonymous. They't
want to come on because she saidher her voice is very familiar. She

says she has sex multiple times aday, every day. I said,
this is a lie, So Itold her, run me through your day.
She says, this is how itgoes like right now, she just
dropped the kids off. She's rushingback home. They're going to take the
shower, but they're going to havesex. They go about the day,
they work, they come back,they chill, family time, and then
they go to bed. They havesex once. Finish, come back again,

finish, come back again, finish, go to sleep, come back
and do the next day. BecauseI asked, in a thirty day period,
even time span in a month,even when that time a month happens
for you, do you to takea break then she said nope. She
says it sex every day. Iwant to die. I'm just day and

thinking of what life would No,there's no way if then you have a
problem. But here's the thing.They've been together about a year, and
I feel like you could do thatin the beginning of Like my man said
early in the honeymoon stage, yeah, two, three, four five,
you're not doing that, bro,It's impossibly. But how old are they?
I don't know how to ask.Have we all done it once during

that time? Yeah, we've allWe've all been there, But to consistently
do it every month? Every month? You need therapy. You can't do
it. I don't want to,but I'll do it. Yeah, you'll
take one for the team. Idon't like you'll burn it, but yeah,
yeah, I'm worried about her andher honestly, in the Morning show

with TJ four and it's Sat Morning, Sustin's number one for hip hop jam
in ninety four five morning Happy Mondaywill almost day a man almost the end
of the day on weekend, Imean, last week was crazy and on
top of the parade, which Ikind of feel like people are still celebrating
even until now, it was avibe man. Uh did you see though?

That Jalen. So I'm going throughyou know, social media and feeds
and stuff like that, right,and I noticed that that that Jalen uh
posts up like this grainy picture whichis not like them. Everything is polished,
everything is nice, and he's holdingup his hand and he's like,
your big reward for anybody that findsthis ring. Yeah, man, Jalen
lost his pinky ring at the parade. My question is he had to have

taken it off, right, thatdidn't just fall off? I think it
fell off. Was he like,would he take it off? He's too
busy, He's holding up jerseys,trophies, he's holding up bottles, catching
things. I think I think itslid off. Was there a situation that
he was drinking nfl off type ofthing? I don't know. I think
you know, with all the I'vedone that before, I've lost the ring
before. Yeah, Like you're justyou're in the vibe, especially when you're

like when you're in the zone andyou know you're moving your hands a lot,
and it must have not been fittedproperly. Yeah, just what does
a ring like that costs? Well? Looked at a close up. So
I've seen a close up because heposted another picture and it's a close up.
It looks like it looks almost likea Super Bowl ring or like the
Championship ring, except it says Juicehis company on it, and it's a
diamonds It looks gold with diamonds inthe bed and then juice on the top.

So it's custom and knowing them,you know, it's probably fourteen carrot.
That's probably real diamonds in there,you know what I mean? That
probably could have cost him a coupleof thousand. Like what do we think?
Like is we think twenty? Iwant to be I wouldn't be surprised.
Okay, say's twenty thousand. Whatdo you think the reward's gonna because
he said a big reward. That'swhat I was wondering, because most people
might find then they're gonna think thatthey're gonna sell it right away. You're

not gonna get full twenty for that, But would you get fifteen? You
could Again, it depends on Ithink it depends on the weight of the
gold because gold is expensive now andthe diamonds that he's using. And I
don't think he's skipped out. He'sgot money. I don't think he's kicking
out on the diamonds or probably likesome high quality diamonds and then it's a
custom ring. But even if youtry to pawn that, someone's gonna know.
Oh which yeah, because that's oldBoy's logo. But yeah, he's

offering a big reward for anybody thatfinds it anywhere. Somebody got the ring.
Yeah, somebody's in the crib rightnow looking at It'll be like,
yo, bro, I got Ifound this on the floor somewhere. Maybe
someone on the duck bone snuck itand put it in their pocket because it
probably fell off of that. Butsomebody found the ring. What would suck
is that if they came sweep inthe streets after and it was just on
the phone. Yeah, into adrain because it's Jalen. I would definitely

give it back and probably take whateverhe gives me, and probably ask for
a few Celtic tickets, would youask? So if he offers you money,
that's a good question. Yes,sire is an average person on this
US. He was an average person. If he comes to you and he
says I'll give you let's say hewas going to give you ten thousand,
let's just say, would you thenbe like yo, not just just give
me season tickets front row and Iwould take the ten thousand. Okay,

what about a santy. I wouldjust give it back to him and be
like, yo, come do aninterview with us. You don't even need
that. He's already a friend ofthe show. Yeah, but I would
just give it back to him,because what am I going to do like
trying to you know, so ifhe offered you ever reward, you wouldn't
take it, probably, I mean, I, okay, fine, fine,
I tend to give it back,but I think, fine, I'll
just take those got her you couldkeep it. Look when he walks down

the hall, yo, yo,yo, yo, let me get out
five thousand real quick. But yes, if you found Jalen's brown Daylen Brown's
a ring anywhere again, gold ringthat says juice on it with some diamonds
in it, give the man he'sring back. You might get paid easy.
And the jam In Morning Show withd J four and it's Sat Morning.
Bustin's number one for hip hop jamin ninety four or five. Hi,

everybody, good morning. I thinkit's the ninety seven percent of the
time. If I start jangling beforeI even talk we're going to have to
talk that about AJA. It's justI think for if I'm already giggling,
you know where we're headed. Sothe latest and the greatest with you,
AJ is that. And by theway, if you're new to the show,

you're just tuning in. AJ isour insistent producer who will and I
say this, I mean this lovingly, most likely be alone with hats until
she's nine hundred, because we've beenWe've done everything, but tried everything We've
We've literally said, if you werea single man and you have interest,
to call us, but nothing isever good enough. But then I'm also

on the other side. I don'twant her to drop her standard. So
it's like, but she's like crazyabout the stuff she doesn't want, and
she's way too picky about everything.Everything you can ever like picture and just
imagine she's picky about well, Idon't know, I know, I know,
I just can't find it. Okay, okay, so for it.

She doesn't have any dates lined up, but this one had me in Santi
and tears. This morning, you'reon what app So this was on Tinder,
So she's on Tinder. Last nightshe matches, she matches with this
guy. They start chit chatting.She we didn't even stop. Okay,
so you wrote him first. Idon't want you to say what it is
because I want to. Yeah,so I sent him alike he matched with

me, and then I wrote himfirst. Okay, so she writes him.
You know, we we're not onit, but basically they matched.
She writes him a message. Thesecond she sends his message, he reads
it and he blocks her head.He ran the message. I was like,

you know, he read that messageand was like, this woman is
not for me. No. Idon't even necessarily think the question is that
bad. I just think it's sopainfully corny that he was like, I'm
not I don't want to play theselike HI would have been better. I
think her timing is just terrible,with all these messages that you communicate with

this guy about he got the ickfrom you from this one thing. That's
like, I'm kind of set itup to foreign, right, So Foreign
me and you we match on Tinder. You don't want to write me because
you're playing the game, so youwait for me to hit you. And
the first thing I say to youis if you could only eat one food
for the rest of your life,what would it be. I'm gonna slap
myself. It's just corny, doyou know what I mean? Awful?

I think think we could get toit. It's not terrible and it's like,
oh, but but to me,it's the force of like I'm trying
to be different. I don't wantto just say what's up because there's so
much weight into the first thing thatyou say. Not because what I have
to do and I don't get answered. And I've had guys, I've heard
from guys who say that's boring.I don't want that's not intriguing to me.
I'm not going to answer that.Are these guys? Who are these

people? You're not an expert,You're really bad at this, Like,
listen to us, So tell mewhat I should think. This is what
we're gonna do. This is whatthis one is going to be. Specifically
for the fellas. I don't wantto hear from the ladies. I love
you, but I want I don'twant to talk about Honestly, I wish

he would have wrote vagina and thenblock Honestly by all right, let's do
it like this because I get it, like it is hard, right I
for me, Hey, what's upis enough. But in this world maybe
people want more guys, single guys. I am asking you please, if

AJ matches with you, what isthe first thing that she could send to
you other than nudes? So don'tbe weird. That could intrigue you to
want to converse with her. Yeah, a question or anything? Anything?
Right? What do you want tohear as a single man as the first
message from a female. I wantto pick the brain of the single men

right now. This is good,okay. Six one seven nine three one
one nine four five six one sevennine three one one nine four five.
You are a single man, youare on Tinder, you match with a
beautiful lady. What is something shecould say to you in that first message
that you would think, Oh damn, this is intriguing. Six one seven
nine Hi, everybody, good morning. It's actually in the gym in morning

show. So remember here we are, we are asking for single men to
help AJ out because it's it's thiswoman has taken so many l's, she
loses more than the even Brown's.Like, it's sad. It's getting just
desperately sad in here. She matchedwith a guy on Tender yesterday. She
messaged him and she messaged him andsaid, if you could have any food,

only one food for the rest ofyour life, what would that food
be. That man read that messageand blocked her ass. Okay, he
was like, no, I'm notplaying these stupid games. If you know
it hurts, it hurts because youknow what she thought, I'm gonna get
them. Yes, I'm gonna rockhis world. Can I say this?

Can I say this if the personfound let me not say it that way.
If I found the person attractive,I would engage in the BS.
Do you understand what I'm saying?So if I got the corny question,
I look at your pa. Okay, she's a smoke show. Yeah,
let's be corny together. So youthink maybe he just wasn't attracted. He
was like, I don't need thiscorny question out. But why would he
bother matching at all? That becauseI liked him first, he accepted the

match, So why match if you'renot interested? Maybe we had hope.
Yeah, and then the question cameout and I had a feeling. I
had a feeling or you know what, Remember we know what she has in
her profile that she like is obsessedwith cleaning her earwax and her ears.

So maybe he really dug in andwas like, this chick is a freeze,
all right. Single men six oneseven, nine three one one nine
four five six one seven nine threeone one nine four five you match with
the woman on any of the socialapps. She sends you the first message,

what are we looking for? Inthat initial message, Dominique is in
Lynn, give it to me,please, Hi, Dominique, help her
out, Okay, So all shehas to do is just show a little
interest in the guy. I don'twant to play trivia questions. The first
thing that's food question. It couldhave came out three, you know,

sentences later. Had a compliment somethingabout me physically that she noticed in a
picture, or something that was writtenin my bio. Okay, so you
say you have like dog lover inyour bio. She comments on that,
Hey I have a dog. Yeah, got something like that. Okay,
I like, I like this triviaquestion was weird to thank you? I
like that you're calling it trivia.That's pretty hilarious. You know, no

guy wants to play trivia right offthe bat, dummy, thank you for
that. Corey is in Derry.All right, core what is your initial
message that you would see from somebodyyou match with, You're like, okay,
I could engage in this just tobe I have some curiosity in the
other sexes day. How was itgoing? Like, Hey, I hope
you had the best day, youknow, try and go into it explaining

to it, like ask how itwas? Okay, I mean, nowadays
most people don't. You don't wantto ask that. You know, you're
trying to tell me. You don'twant to answer if you like spaghetti most
people. Most people just put awall up nowadays, just because it's certain
things that they've heard or said,you know what I mean, the red
they call it nowadays, called themred flags. I guess some people will

call that, you know, clauseyou know. But with that said,
you know, you gotta look pastsome of those things. So with that
being said, I would just saythat I just tet off easy, like
hey, I hope you had thebest day. Hey, I hope you
had the best day. Really easywould be, you know, and then
and then just pursue that, pursuethat, like, hey, how did
it, how did it go?Like okay, what do you what do
you do? You know right nowhe is spinning, Okay, Corey just

out of your monologuing. Sorry,go ahead. Yeah, I would just
go off about someone's day. Imean honestly, because nowadays, you know,
people don't have that, you know, right right right, you know,
not even not even just saying froma man's standpoint, I'm just saying
from anyone. You know, younever know what's going on behind someone's day,
about the day. Confirmed, askabout the day Corey, thank you

for the call. He's lying inthe tooth. I'm blocking him. Cat
is in Boston high. Cat talkto me. I know you is one
of the guys. But AJ hastoo much on her list for men.
Maybe she's in the wrong field.Could be she could be swinging at the
wrong bat, you know what Imean. Yes, yep, she probably

won. I know someone down thehall just was in her first relationship.
Yeah, Whinni's a lesbian for thoseof you guys that don't know, and
she she might want to. Youknow, I'm just saying, just I
want to try. Whinnie's been alesbian for ten minutes and all of a
sudden knows everything about life and loveand everything. Kat, thank you for

that. So you know, Idon't know AJ. Maybe, but AJ
shaking her head that's that's not forher. And by the way, that's
okay. Love is love, butit's just it's not for aj uh anonymous.
This could be juicy. This couldbe juicy. Yes, I well,
I called in because I wanted toknow a J's Instagram or something,
because I have a friend, aco worker, okay, who also is

really picky. He I heard theairwax comment and just hold on for can
you went on for one second,which one of you guys is gonna ask
her about the co worker? Whatis he is before we go on,
is he a black man? Heis not? Thank you for calling.

That's been so fun, really funthan you. Every conversation she has with
a guy, and this goes offthe ones we've right on the air and
even this, everything seems like ajoke. Everything seems like with ha ha
like behind every conversation she has inthe guy, it seems like joke.
Yet I think you need to bea little more central and serious the first
guy like Dominique and Lynn, like, I'm not playing trying to play trip.

Yeah, maybe later on when you'regetting to know somebody. I think
that that's a good standard. Ialso feel bad for ag I really do,
because it's so tough on these apps. It is. I get it,
it is, and I know yousaid. I think it was Corey
you said, just be like,hey, how's your day going? That
used to be my go to,Hey, how's it going? Hey,
how's your day? There are somany guys that didn't answer me for saying

that, and hearing from another guywho said it was born always gets Saturday.
It's like there's no winning, thereis no winning. Well, then
there must have been something else onyour profile that they must be seeing that.
They must be like, why match? Then? Why match? That
is what I don't understand. Idon't don't waste her time. I don't
know. No, please waste hertime? Like please, somebody get Yeah,

you're excited when I get a newmatch, and I'm like, why
No. She's like, what's yourfavorite food? Do you like to go
to the circus? It's your favoritecolor? Blue or green? Dash in
the Morning Show with four and it'ssaw Boston's number one for hip hop jam

in ninety four or five. Allright, we made it something. I'm
not gonna hold you my day.My day was I ate some Chinese food
yesterday didn't sit well really, andI haven't ate Chinese in a minute.
And I'm talking like MSG Chinese food, like the American Chinese food the good
because it does taste amazing, butafter you eat it, you feel like

you really did you felt like Ifelt sluggish. I feel like it's sitting
in my store, I don't feelgood. Where did you get it from?
Some place? And mens, Yeah, there's a spot on Valley Street.
I think it's called hang Wan.I think it's the name of it.
I always gold there, but Ijust hadn't ate it in so long.
Yeah, you know what I mean. Nowadays, I'm eating like I'm
in Lowe maybe, eating like realChinese or Indonesian food or Cambodian food.

So when you eat this, it'slike it tastes amazing, but after I
feel like I've been sluggish all day. I don't feel right. Last time
Thai food, but it HiT's differentthough, it's not like the Chinese.
That's what I'm saying. Yeah,the MSG man like the MSG taste good
going down, but once it's inyou, Yeah, it's a rap your
kidneys. That's a fact. Goahead with your shout out on Instagram shout

outs going out to Samantha Foley.We are shouting out Cassandra Gomez and See
Hurley six four eight, Shout outto you, Shout out to everybody who
bumped into me at the jonah Fest. That was dope at a lot of
people. We networked a lot,even though the weather almost shut down the
show. Now, those guys definitelyput in a good, good show.
Check out the recap, put thewhole weekend at DJ forourn I said DJ

the number four E I g N. I am back later on tonight for
the late night drip. Anything elseon no, Yeah, be good,
Yeah, be blessed the care ofeach other. Week down,
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