Episode Transcript
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Dashy Morning Show with DJ Foreign It'sSad Morning. Cousin's number one for hip
hop jamming ninety four five. Quickshout out to Lauren and Raynham. Lauren's
gonna go to a boogie. Wewill do it again at DJ Pop.
Dog's gonna hook you up sometime inthe three pm hour, obviously tomorrow seven,
twenty eight, twenty For US,Solan Foreign, can I invite you
guys to a very specific place?Would you join me? Where we're going?
We are buckling up and we're headedto the land of make Believe.
I'm going. AJ's joining us,So where else would we be going?
All right? Where did we leaveoff with AJ's sad Sad dating life?
Was that she had been ghosted,Well, no, let's not say ghosted.
She had been canceled on for datenumber four by what are we calling
this guy? Was it Mickey Orlando? Oh my god, son, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry, I gotit doesn't matter because it's gonna be gone
in a couple of days. Yeah, her face is red as it stops.
You know what. We we leftthe labor. They believe we're going
to reality now. His name iseither Mickey or Orlando. You guess you
guys can guess. Do we haveto double down? Sorry, I'm just
saying it could be. We neversaid which ones. I'm sorry, guys,
I've messed up there. So anyways, he and you, let's start,
you know, let's timeline at thetop for everybody and make it quick.
Yeah, you have thrown her,you have you better say yourself.
You've been getting a little loosey gooseylately. Like I tell you about the
diarrhea thing, not that I hadit, but I tell you that it's
a signe of labor. And you'relike, remember what you said, trying
to make everybody think that I haveit? Like you're yeah, you can't,
Like you're not a locked box anymore. I mean, chill, all
right. So anyways, AJ timelineeverybody. If you were new to the
show, correct me if I'm wrong. There's nobody's nobody's dating life is sadder
than AJ's. But this guy haskind of been a little consistent. You
met him date wise, let's let'sjust yeah. So we went on our
first date April nineteenth. April nineteenth, okay, okay, yeah, and
it was good, but it tooka few weeks for us to go out
again. Okay. We went onthe second date and it was really good,
that kind of like, yeah,what month was that may? I
mean it must have been mad bythen, yeah, okay. We went
bowling and then a week later Iwent to his house and he cooked for
me. Yes, and we hadsteak and kila. Yeah, and no
sexuals, but a really good time. Yes. Okay. So then you
were very hype for date number four. I was because I don't go on
fourth date. So I'm like soexcited and I couldn't wait to see him.
Then he canceled on me. Yeah, so in new news it took
him how many weeks? So twothree weeks since I've seen him, but
two weeks since he canceled. Okay, it took him fourteen days, guys,
but he has rescheduled. They're supposedto be going out tomorrow night,
that's correct. Did he give ananswer on why it took him so long
to book this? He doesn't evenacknowledge it. I feel like, have
y'all talked in the fourteen days?Yes, we have been talking. I
will say we've talked more than Ithink we were previously, So I think
that's getting better. Because I havesaid that he's not a big Texter,
and I do feel like that's changeda bit. He did say the other
day, Hey, I'm so sorry. I've been bad and I haven't planned
anything. Okay, this week hasjust been really bad. But I think
Friday looks good. Okay, Sotomorrow we are headed to Are you guys
ready for this? And just thismakes me the whole thing even funnier to
me. We talked a lot aboutbad Boy Ride or Die because it's coming
out tomorrow. We talked a lotabout it yesterday. Uh, you know,
Martin Lawrence isn't it. We don'tknow what's going on in Port Martin.
But Will is back as well.It's the fourth installment of the series.
I had said that I had neverseen it. A J hasn't seen
it as well. She has noidea anything about it. They're going to
see bad Boy four tomorrow night,possibly because he's going to cancel. We're
back in reality to cancel because Sandyouted him. He did ask like to
not be I'm sorry, I forgotwhere Now Santi's met at him, like
Santi messed up, but now Santihas an additude with that guy. I
do it's my fault. I apologize. Listen. The issue is he's not
gonna cancel on you. He's notgonna break up with you because I mentioned
his name. He's going to justbecause this is what happens. But if
you do happen to go out tomorrow. I think it's important that you see
some of the other bad Bad Boysgot yeah, So I asked this was
interesting. I asked both of you, two away from each other, which
one should Ashley watch to try tolike catch up. Santi said one hundred
percent number two. Form was like, kind of agreed with you, but
he said one and two ideally ifyou could. Three doesn't really matter.
She's not going to watch a singleone, So let's just get that out
there. She is gonna go seeBad Boys four and not know anything because
at the end of the day,I don't really care about the movie.
I don't care a day that I'mspending time with him. But you're setting
up a shared experience, and themore background you have on this film,
the better that experience is going tobe. That's the part that you're not
not unders going to just sit therelost while he's all into it. Thank
you, I mean I'm sure Ican still get into the movie. You'll
know, you'll know this because Idon't know what it means. But all
Santa keeps saying is that hour.I don't know what that means. A
copper Yeah, you guys, weshould really like all take a deep breath,
take a step back, and acknowledgethe fact that she is going on
a fourth date, which she hasliterally never done, has never happened,
Yeah, one time in her life. Crazy. This is huge. This
is big money. It's a bigdeal. It is If they make it
tomorrow, then I think you knowthis is big. And I feel like
the last time was going to bea fourth day, right, and we
were talking about you but potentially havingsweet love with them, right, definitely
talk about that. Do you havebutterflies for tomorrow? I'm really I'm trying
not to. Here we go andI'm trying to just be like it's whatever,
it's no big deal, but youare excited to see him. A
serious question, Serrus, question whathappens if he cancels tomorrow for any reason?
She will wait until July? Yeah, really the quest question? It
matter if he cancels tomorrow, Iwill feel like absolute poop and I just
I can't try anymore at that point. Yeah, I would think we got
to wrap it up if he cancelsagain tomorrow, should him? If he
cancels them all? Yeah, Imean we've been on this train since April
nineteenth. I didn't know that shesaid it, but I mean my thing
is again we she needs to bea priority in a man's life, like
and I want that for her.And she hasn't come across a guy yet
that she's been a priority. SoI want that. But I'm fearful that
she's going to fall for whatever bshe gives her if he does cancel what
she tends to do. Tell herthat the comment is going to come here,
she'll come in here by guys,Now, you don't understand it was
a comic. This was the guythat was like, you got to bounce
by midnight because I got to runto the airport. And I've never heard
before. It was like, I'venever heard that I will be using it.
It's not made him that he madehimself one. He didn't lie.
I like, I think the work, like he cancel because of work,
that's fine. What's still there's allhis son and though that's what Santi is
saying, so this time, ifhe comes and says, I there's a
family, I don't know whatever itis, and you're just gonna fall forward,
we all know it's I hope thisguy honestly wants to fight Santi now,
because Santi just keeps saying these littlethings and one Cabet road. Oh
hold up, Okay, there youhave it. Threats. There's two of
us here. This guy's got Penismens in his pocket and he's talking about
threats. Anyways, AJ the bestof luck, Date number four, guys,
Date number four tomorrow night. Thisis huge