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Dashy and the jam In Morning showwith DJ fourn It's saw Taking Mornings is
number one for hip hop jam inninety four five. Hi, everybody,
good morning. You know the routineby now every Tuesday and Friday we have
our guy Nick Rocco. Today we'relucky we have him in studio. Usually
it's on the phone with always withreally nice birds chirping in the background.
I don't know where you go,what tree you stand out under when you
call us, but those birds arecosting all right, So I think number
one six, one seven. It'snice to have Nick in here, Nick
and see your questions. We canrun through them, or he can go
back and forth with you if ifyou fill up to it total lip to
you. I want to start withthe fact that yesterday Michael Procter took the
stand. There was a lot ofback and forth Nick about whether he would
or not. To everybody listening again, that just gets their information from listen
litening to you here on Jammin.Who is Michael Procter. So, Michael
Proctor is the lead investigator for theState Police who was basically in charge of
the Karen Read murder investigation. Heis underneath Uri Buchannick, which so that's
Michael Proctor's boss, and he doeshave family ties to one of the Albert
families that we'll get into a littlebit later. Okay, the text messages
yesterday were that I'm referencing, wereMichael Proctor reading off a sheet of paper
messages that he had sent to people, whether they were, you know,
part of this investigation or not,his superiors or not. And it was
obviously painfully uncomfortable to hear a grownman read these type of text messages,
ninety percent of them about Karen Reidin front of her. Here's a compilation,
is it your words, Trooper Proctordional, go ahead and say them.
She's a whack job at least yeah, she's a babe with fall River
accent. Thought, no, ass, is that chick of smoke if you
like women themselves? Not bad asChief would say, She's got a leaky
boon, not leak's pooh. Sheresponded nothing. I just saw Julian,
she said. And when this isall over us, she wants to get
you a thank you gift, andI respond, get Elizabeth one, Elizabeth,
my wife. I text my wife, waiting to lock this whack job
up, she was a whack job. She's gross, oh er bitch,
Trooper Chris More, Trooper Jeff Kowski, Lieutenant John Fanning, Trooper David Chico,
and Sergeant you're a buchanic going throughhis client's phone right now. I'm
going through his phone client's phone rightnow? Who's big client? Who is
it you referring to miss read herein reading sitting in my life? Yes,
sir, subject to your investigation asa professional, right, Yes,
sir, as an unbiased objective investigator. The person that you're investigating you refer
to to your mustus as. Ihate that man. I truly hate that
man. I hate that man.I truly hate him. Correct, that's
official response to someone who's just youat the job. Were you upset or
annoyed or pissed off? Kara hadgotten representationation? How do you feel about
his I still don't care for himnow, Well, at least he was
telling the truth. I can't imaginehaving been in court and just having to
watch that scene. Now. Ido want to get some confirmation on from
you, whether you notice this ornot. But I'm being told that during
him having to read some of thesetext messages, that there were actual physical
responses from the jurors, specifically thewomen. Female jurors looking at each other,
one even at one point putting herhand over her mouth like, am
I really? Am I really hearingthe lead investigator in a murder child refer
to this woman's body parts, Imean poop, Like I'm not calling her
a bitch, calling her other thingsthat I can't say, like flabbergasted.
Yeah, So you had these jurymembers basically paying real close attention, some
of them actually basically jaw dropping,looking at each other like what is going
on? What am I hearing now? One lady actually tossed her notebook on
the ground. She was all saidshe was about to take notes about the
stuff that he was saying. Andone of the interesting things is on TV,
you could hear it clearly, butin the court room when Michael Proctor
was reading these text messages, hisvoice went real low. You could barely
hear what he was saying, tothe point where two of the jury members
had had to say two times,we can't hear you, and he wants
to sit there and say, Iregret these these are unprofessional. I'm sorry,
but no, you don't the onlyreason why you regret those in your
sorry is because you have to readthese text messages on national television and you're
only and you only regret it becauseyou got caught by the Feds. If
you didn't get caught and these didn'tcome out, he would not be sorry
for what he said. Earlier inthe show, I was saying, let's
delete We can get back to them, but let's delete any text messages about
if Karen is hotter or not,as if that matters to who killed John
O'Keefe. But let's get rid ofany single text message that was about Karen
and her appearance and all of thosethings. There was a specific text in
there where Julie Albert says, well, no, see this where I'm gonna
mess up. You explained this,okay, because there's a gift. There's
a reference to I want to getyou a gift. Who's buying gifts?
Why are we talking about gifts themiddle of a murder and investigation? Break
that down for everybody. Yeah,So on February first was the day that
Karen Reid got arraigned, and JulieAlbert, which is Colin's mother, Colin
is bloody knuckles. Everybody is reallygood friends with Courtney Proctor, Michael's sister,
so they had bumped into each otherand Julie told her, hey,
I want to get your brother agift for what they claim was because he
investigated John's death and John was ourfriend. But so then Courtney relays that
to Michael and he says, getit for my wife. Now, he
may not have accepted a gift.He may not have his wife may not
have gotten anything, but the factthat he did not say, hey,
that's unprofessional, you know, becauseone, we don't know if there was
actually a gift received or not.But then but then also the reason why
they wanted to get him a gift. Now this is my opinion, but
it makes perfect sense, is thatMichael Proctor made sure Colin Albert's name was
not mentioned in any police report,basically to the point where they made him
not even in the house, noteven there. And then a year and
eight months later, after John O'Keeffewas killed, was the first time that
Colin Albert got interviewed by Michael Procta. So most likely, hey, thank
you for not including my son inthis because you just saved us. Yeah
us. Wow, And if youare still confused as to who Albert is.
He was the younger kid on thestand who was like, well,
no, I've never been in anyfights. The only people that I've ever
gotten in fights with are like mysiblings. And then within forty eight hours,
we're getting photos, We're seeing videosonline. He also said, hey,
I don't have any social media.Very shortly thereafter congratulating a couple on
their engagement, that's who Colin Albertis. But that's mom and dad,
So that's their little cub. Sohey, thanks for protecting him for as
long as you can. Absolutely,can we buy you something? Yeah?
So, I mean he's not theonly Albert that's been protected before. You
have Chris Albert back in nineteen ninetyfour, he was involved in a drunken
accident on the highway and he actuallykilled somebody and he turned himself in the
next day. And guess who hehired. He actually hired Judge Beverly Cononi's
brother to represent him and got himsix months in jail. So now you
have Chris Albert sitting on the standnext to the judge, and the judge
definitely knows that that man sitting nextto her had representation from her brother.
Yeah, I don't care if itwas one hundred years ago, fifty years
ago. The judge should have takenherself off the case once she knew any
type of connection to this case.But we didn't see that. Yeah,
obviously we're off today from court.That's why you're here. What was if
you can even say one? BecauseI feel like there were so many moments
and son, you were watching it. Literally your kids walk in, they're
like, what is this? Wasthere a specific moment in court yesterday that
really stood out to you? BecauseI also heard, and I'm sure you
can you know, speak on thisthat when there were sidebar conversations, Michael
Proctor looked legitimately defeated, like wouldput his hand in his head, like
he was not well. On thatstand yesterday, he kept looking down.
I know he had an Apple watchon. I don't know if he was
what he was doing with it,but he kept looking down, raising his
eyebrows if like he's reading something onit. It was probably telling him your
heart beat is gonna burst, youare going to die. So listen.
We saw yesterday in court Michael atpointed with his laser beam at five oh
seven to Karen Reid's vehicle the taillight, and we all saw there's a
piece missing. The whole right sideof her tail light is still intact.
And Michael Proctor, with a straightface, said that picture at five oh
seven is identical to the damage done. That basically, the picture and the
Sally Port now anybody with eyes cansee those aren't identical. And we actually
got confirmation yesterday from Sergeant Barrows ofthe Dyton Police Department. He has no
connection to the Canton PD, hehas no connection to the State Police,
and he was in Dton when thisvehicle was being towed, so around three
o'clock he's five feet away from thisvehicle and his words are there's a crack
and a piece missing. And theimportant and the important thing of that is
he said a piece right the otherside saying, well, yeah, a
piece the size of a football.Absolutely not he would have said, you
know, because the other he followedup with that with it was not completely
damaged. So the reason why he'smaking that statement is because completely damaged is
what the state's showing us. That'scompletely broken. What he saw was a
crack and a piece missing, whichwe see when she leaves John's driveway.
We see the piece missing. That'sa clear piece when she hit John's vehicle.
They didn't find that piece, thatpiece. When they reconstructed that tail
light, they found every piece exceptone piece, the clear piece that she
broke when she hit John's car.And another thing is I don't know how
it is still up for debate whethershe hit John's car or not, because
in court yesterday they showed pitches ofJohn's vehicle and they're like, look,
there's no damage. Whether there wasdamage or not, you saw the vehicle
move, You saw the tire move. She hit the car. It's and
guys Nick is referencing to when Karenleft John O'Keeffe's home to go back to
thirty four fair Ye Road right.No, she had gone, well,
she went out looking for John.She ended up going to Jen McCabe's house.
Got it. But it's her leavingJohn home. She goes to pull
out. You clearly see his carshake. You know she hit it.
You've also referenced Dyton a couple oftimes, and I just want to reiterate.
I believe that was last week.You explained to us Karen had driven
to her parents' home in Dyton.So that's why Dyton is part of getting
Karen's car back to Canon. Right, So a little quick this goes all
the way back to pre trial hearingsin In one of the motions Adam Lalley
put forward was that Michael Proctor andUrie Buchanic did not arrive in Dyton until
four thirty. Now this is importantbecause if they arrived at four thirty,
they could not have gotten back toCanton in time to plant any evidence.
But we know that the camera showsfour sixteen that the vehicle was on the
tow truck. Michael Proctor called into the Dyton Police department at three o'clock
for a tow. Before he evengot there, he was having this vehicle
towed before he even saw the sawus because somebody told him about damage on
Karen's CA. So the toe wasalready on the way there before they were
there. And then they come,they see the damage, they go inside
the house and investigate. That's whenthe Dyton police officer had seen the vehicle,
and then all of a sudden StatePolice took custody of this vehicle and
everything changed. I can't say itenough. I feel like we say it
every day. If you are somebodywho believes Karen did this, and Karen
was upset and she killed John O'Keefebecause she was mad about whatever. It
is going to always be just impossibleto not be able to look me in
the eye and say that. Thereare too many whys in this case.
Okay, fine, you think thatshe did that. Why are these text
messages coming out? Why are wegoogling these things? Why in the sally
Port is the camera switched? Whywere they texting each other these things?
Why are we talking about gifts?Where's the dog? Why is the house
being sold? Why did the carpetget ripped up? I mean, there
are too many whys, and itjust always kind of blows my mind when
you hear people you can't fight them, and every day there's something. Every
single day. I'm like, ohmy god, Nick, are you cool?
If we go to the phones,yeah, you have some questions for
you. Okay, let's start withLaurie in Oxford. Hi, Laurie,
Hi, Hi you good morning,Good morning. All Right, you're talking
directly to Nick, so go aheadand ask your question. Hi, Nick,
I have so many questions Jenn McKay. She admitted that she deleted text
messages with her daughters. Do youanticipate those coming up at some point or
if they did and I miss them, well, Jen McKay was already on
the stand, So the defense isn'tmost likely going to call her again because
she already showed the world the typeof person she is, So why give
her the chance? Why give thechance to let her rebuttal or you know,
try to change the way she lookedas far as those text messages go.
I know for a fact that ifthe state police wanted me to turn
my cell phone over and I said, hey, can I just delete a
few things before I give you whatyou're looking for, they'd be like,
yeah, no, give me yourphone now, right. It doesn't work
like that, honey. All right, Laurie, thank you so much for
the call. Let's go to Calvin. Calvin is in Boston. Hi,
Calvin, how are you doing?Go ahead and ask Nick your question.
Oh, Nick, I just wantedto know why the FBI hasn't like stopped
this in charge the state policia,well especially the family, because like obviously
everything is just boxed right. Sothat's a good question that I actually get
a lot and the reason why theFeds have not stopped this case yet is
because they cannot intervene in a statemurder trial. So this is the state
bringing the charges forward and the FBI. The department that is actually involved with
the FBI is the Public Corruption Unit. So Michael Proctor, Brian Albert,
Brian Higgins, their police officers,they they can be go basically be part
of a public corruption case because that'swho the FEDS go after. And also
the DA Michael Morrissey, you know, he's part of this as well.
So why haven't the feds moved inBecause they're not done with their investigation.
They've spent two years so far onthis investigation and they have a not like
it's like, I think, ninetyeight percent indictment rate. So for anybody
who believes the Feds aren't doing anything, they didn't just waste two years of
they had time to say, hey, we found nothing. So it's coming
soon. It's just a matter ofwhen Nicole, good morning, Good morning,
all right, babe, ahead andask them. Go ahead and ask
nick your question. So when BrianHiggins was on the stand, he admitted
to having so many drinks, girl, too many drinks. How he was
like a twelve Jamison and Ginger Ales. What excuse me? What? Yeah,
exactly, so why and then hesaid he went to the Can't And
Police department. Why aren't Why isn'the being questioned or charged with the DUI?
That's a good question. I mean, I can't. Well, he's
a cop, so I guess thatmight answer it. But not only is
that he a lot of the informationthat was handed over about him breaking federal
law and so forth, you know, was all gathered by the Feds and
most likely down the road, youknow, he's gonna have to answer to
somebody for the stuff that he did. So as far as you know the
drinks he had. Isn't it interestinghow Karen Reid is the only one that
forgot what happened that night, butBrian Higgins, who was half in the
bag, maybe more than half inthe bag, remembers everything perfectly. So
you got to you gotta look atwho's saying what and who's trying to make
Karen out to be a bad person. Everybody liked Brian Higgins, so you
know he oh, he left attwelve thirty one o'clock. He wasn't he
wasn't there. Well after we sawhis game, Nick saw that I didn't
like him. Hey, because we'rehere, just want to address this because
there are there is this theory inthis rumor that maybe Brian Higgins hit him
with the plow because he had theplow attached to I'm just saying this is
one of the internet theories. I'msure you've heard it, so I've thought
about it as well. I thoughtI thought the state was gonna go because
they keep trying to place his vehiclebasically directly behind Karen's vehicle. And the
only thing I can think of whythey want that vehicle there would be because
what they would say is she hitJohn. John fell back, got the
gash in the back of his headfrom the plow. But here's the thing,
is that blow to the head onJohn put him out. There is
no way he stood up, walkedinto the yard six feet and just laid
down. I mean that blow tothe back of the head after drinking he
they would have been blood all overthat plow, all over the street,
all over the snow. But therewas no blood. Yeah, where is
the I mean, where's the blood? And what people tell me is it's
in the snow. It went intothe ground. Well, why is it
all over his shirt? Then ifhe was laying down, it makes sense.
Michelle's in Rockland. Michelle, wehave time for one more question,
Lucky you, because the phone linesare going crazy. Go ahead and ask
Nick your question. I just wantto know. So when the prosecution asks
questions, they can say whatever theywant, yes, no, whatever.
But when the defense gets up there, they don't just do yes or no.
They give a whole explanation and nobodystops it. Right, So we've
heard Alan Jackson basically put his footdown and say, I don't care what
your explanation is. It's a yesand no question. And what I've learned
is on a direct you cannot askleading questions. You basically have to ask
a question and let the witness explaintheir answer. On a cross examination,
you can ask leading questions. Andevery single person that gets up there,
we start it with Uri bu Kennick, we start with Michael Proctor. We
start with a lot of these people. They have an answer but also an
explanation, and nobody's looking for theexplanation. Did you delete the call?
And no? Yes and no yes, But it's because nobody cares. Why
did you delete it? Or didyou not delete it? And there's a
reason why if if you have thetruth and you're being honest, a simple
yes or a simple no would suffice. But in this case they need to
explain themselves because they know they're wrong. Let's end very quickly because I think
so many people that listen to thisshow, this isn't a usual conversation that
we have a lead in question.A lead in question would be me saying
to Nick, Nick, I knowyou went to Dunkin Donuts this morning and
got yourself a coffee. That wouldimmediately be like no, no, no,
Now you're telling Nick that he wentand done. So instead you would
have to ask Nick, where didyou go this morning when you were on
your way to court? Is thata good example of what a lead in
question is because I think people listeningare like, wait, what's that?
What does that mean? Because youhear a lot of times the judge has
to stop things down you're leading onthe way. One good example is what
if anything, did you do whenyou went to the mall? Or who
if anyone drove the ambulance. That'swhat Adam Lalley does, yeah, versus
the defense can say, so whenyou get go out in the ambulance and
you put the clothes on the floor. You know, did you kick the
clothes? Did you pick them upwith your bare hands? You know,
you can if you know the answerto that question, you can ask it
like, yeah, we know thatthe clothes were on the ground of the
ambulance floor, so were you theone that put those on the floor?
You know? And yes, it'skind of a leading question, but they
can ask that on a cross.And that was the Commonwealth's biggest mistake was
calling all these witnesses because they can'tlead. They if they called Jen McCabe,
if they let the defense called JenMcCabe, they could have cross examined
her and basically led that whole conversation. But instead they called her on cross
I mean on a direct because theyare trying to get ahead of the defense's
case. This is not the trialof Karen Reid. This is the trial
of the mccaves and the Alberts,and it really should be called the butt
dial murder trial. Yeah, Imean it's it's we have not learned anything
about Karen Reid. Besides, theyfound forty five pieces of tail light at
thirty four fear of your road andKaren Read's tail light's broken. Yeah,
it's always learned who. I feellike we could do this for the rest
of the show. Nick. Ilove having you in studio. You are
more than welcome anytime. You willbe back Friday. We'll do it the
same way. Seven to ten kindof just a little hey appetizer, this
is what we're going to talk about. Seven thirty. Are you going to
court tomorrow? What is the plan? No, I'm not going to be
going to court tomorrow. I'll beat work. But he does have a
real job. Tomorrow. Tomorrow isgoing to be Electroliz Electric. He says,
yeah, slow cook that guy.We thought, Brian Albert, Brian
Higgins, Jen McCabe, they weregood, but tomorrow is going to be
something else. This is the momentbasically everybody. It's just Tomorrow's like the
super Bowl, the moment everyone's beenwaiting for. It truly is Yeah.
I want real quick. Let youplug because I know we've talked about what
you do for Karen and the fundraisingand helping her out with you know,
her staff and her attorneys. Wherecan people go if they want to help
Karen? So you can go tofree Karenreid dot net that is directly going
to go to her defense fund,or if you basically want to join the
Facebook group, it's called Justice forOfficer, John O'Keefe and Karen Reid Turtleboy
Official. And what I do onthat page is if you make a donation,
I run giveaways. So just togo real quick, some of the
giveaways I have open right now isGame five Celtics tickets. I have a
trip to Saint Martin up, atrip to Italy. I have a Drew
Holiday signed jersey for an auction,and then I also have a Randy Moss
jersey that's up for auction right now. And these are constantly changing, so
you know, you join the pageone week, the next week it could
be a trip to Myrtle Beach,so it's always changing. And that's the
best way to help her out becausethey have experts coming in from basically out
of state eight that now the judgewants them to do a war dare,
which is basically a testimony in frontwithout the jury present. So she needs
to fly these people in before it'seven the defense's case. Because Adam Lalley
claims, I don't know what they'regonna say, well, you're gonna learn
what they're gonna say. You're notgonna like you, No, you're not.
You're not gonna like him. Asalways, I'm I'm super appreciative of
you coming on the show. Youknow, you take a lot of heat
for doing it. You've been morethan open about your your take. But
we'll just we'll end it right here, uh, Nick Rocco, Karen Reid.
Innocents are guilty. Oh she's Imean, that's not even a question.
She's one thousand percent innocent. She'sfactually innocent, and she was framed