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July 16, 2024 57 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wait wait, yo, good morning, Happy Tuesday, Scott DJ Florn got
the sniffles. Oh really, yeahsomething. I think it's just the AC.
I think what you said is right. Last week you had told me
something about if you sleep with theAC on and it can cause you to
get like sinuses or something like that. Remember. Yeah, Plus I cleaned

out my filter. My filter wasdisgusting. What my AC filter was nuts.
Go clean out your your AC filtersbecause there's some nasty stuff that you're
breathing in. But I cleaned thatyesterday. But still I still feel like
whenever I go from the hot tocold, I got this little sniffle,
you know what I mean. Let'shot. You should go outside more,
especially in the heat. No,no, for the next two days.

How was your night baseball? SoI was in London. Yeah, the
game started at seven, so itwasn't that hot. Yeah. Today we
have two games for five thirty,seven thirty never ending with you. It
doesn't because that four kids, soit's always somebody through. I know.
I don't miss it these days nowlike I love it, but it is
bit taxing, yeah, especially withyou so many kids. You got to

be at so many places at thesame time. I love going too,
like I love being there, butyeah, yeah, jumping at the cars
being like all we finished one game, we gotta go the next or splinting
up the kids. Yeah, andthen ya end up like do y'all end
up like linking up somewhere for dinner? You just go home for that,
You just go home because last timewhen we get home to like, I
don't know, it must have beenlike ten to fifteen. Do the kids
love it though? For real?For real? Yeah, we always give

an option of not doing it.Course, Yeah, that's good. Yeah,
mine was simple again, like sonjust said, I was not outside,
It was just cooling behind the a. She hope you guys' night was
okay. Today someone tickets turn upas always, Tickets to go check out
the Childish Gambino at the TV Gardenall Santie's favorite artists, Ice Spice,

Oh Lover at the MGM. That'sgoing to be at August fault. So
seven twenty a twenty. We gotchances. We need to win some tickets
and of course just vibes on topof vibes, man, we appreciate you.
Good morning and Ashley and the jamIn Morning Show with DJ Florin and
Santhy. Here we go. It'sTender Tuesday, y'all on Boston's number one
for hip hop and the best Throwbacksjam at eighty four five. Hi,

everybody, good morning. We're talkingtender Tuesday right now, dating, love,
relationships, the lack thereof ghosting clearlyU six one six one seven nine
four five. Breezy is in Plymouth. Hi, Breezy, how are you
doing? I'm good? How areyou? Hi? Babe? You have

some very exciting news to tell everybody. This is huge, I do.
I just moved in my man.We just got a nice s place with
a nice big had ground pool inthe bag. But no, don't do
Yeah yeah, come on all allwelcome. We would love to. We

could have four and do the music. We could have a nice little party
by your by your pool. Isit your pool or is it like the
buildings pool? It's it's we livein like at the basement apartment to really
nice basement apartment and the owners areshi but they're younger than us. That
is the yad. The yeah,it's huge. Oh yeah, how long

have you and your man's been together? About five months? Whoa? This
is kind of soon for a moveand what about this relationship makes you feel
like moving in was the right play. I just felt like he was the
one he does thinks to me likeall the men have like but it's just
it's he's not neither one of usthat my problem is actually needed one of

us a very affectionate people. Solike like he's done made me blow me
up pictures of us and this andthat, you know, and surprise me
stuff like that. I ain't neverhad no man do like that, like
at the same time, right,you know, and surriving me those flowers
when I was just sick talking aboutsound like stuff, he brought me flowers

get well blown and everything in it. And you know, but like,
is that is that boring? Sani? Like? Is that his way of
showing me his love or it's likelike you know what I'm saying, like
no good. Yeah, I thinkhe absolutely is the way that he's shown,

especially the pictures, because if youguys walk in as the post of
you guys left, wait, letme give you guys a little bit more
info. Let me get a littlebit You said you guys aren't affectionate.
So in the five months that you'vebeen together, how many times, would
you say you've had the sexuals Oh, that's good, you mean like holding
hands? Okay, I was confusedby the they word affection. Okay,

so everything's good in the in thebedroom, you're saying outside of that,
he's not really like hand holding onthe street. Instead, if you have
the sniffles, he's buying you aget well balloon. All right, go
ahead, guys, take it fromthere. No, I think the poster
is one the most affectionate thing.Like you're walking in and you're seeing you
guys just love up on the wall. Yeah, all four of them,
now four of them paper at thispoint, it's just everywhere and not even

and one of them will both don'teven look that good. That's how you
know he really loves you, becausethe love when you look at it,
when you look like ass you're alwaysYou're always beautiful to him. Breezy,
You guys make you feel better.Thank you, You're welcome. Hey,

keep us in the loop because wedefinitely want to come to your pool.
That sounds I call you guys allthe time crazy before I let you go
correct me if I'm wrong. Youyou were cut the dollar tree, right.
You're the manager of the dollar Tree. Oh yeah, hell yeah.
How's everything going over there? It'sgoing, man, we ain't got enough
people. Anybody needs a job,egg five dollar Tree. I'll let you

girl. You sound like you wouldbe one of the best bosses on the
planet. Thank you for this,seriously, and I'm happy for you.
By the way, I'm really happyfor you. Thank you. Actually,
I love you. Actually, girl, have you more. I feel like
you're my girl. I am yourgirl. I am your girl. Can't
wait to meet your pool. Bye. I'm me too, you okay,
sure, all right, bye,Breezy. But I can't make it till

the pool. I can't. Igot something that came up. Y'all are
gonna send me a bottle of goingto the house with the wallpaper of Breezy's
face and the pool by myself soundssafe. Ash and the gam In Morning
Show with d J fourign It's sadMorning. Bustin's number one for hip hop.

He am in ninety four or five. Come on the Happy Tuesday.
Another hot day out here. Youknow when you think about a hot day,
Sean, right, you think aboutlike the pool. You know,
maybe go on a trip on theocean, maybe go to the beach,
water water for sure, to staycool. I got Dave Portnoy front of

the show, our girl actually backcool with him. He decided to,
uh, you know, I don'tknow what he was doing. Maybe he
went out deep sea fishing. Idon't know what happened. I think he
was just on a leisure cruise onhis boat. I know, I wonder
if he has a nice big boat. He probably I don't know if it's
master, but I think it's adecent size. Okay, Okay, he
got bread so he can afford somethingnice. But my man, I've seen
this headline coming out that the coastGuards had to save boy from the depths

of the up well, not thedepths of the ocean, just from out
there, because what happened he ranout of gas. Basically, I don't
think it ran out of gas.It lost power. So he had no
he had no engine, he hadno radio, had no nothing. He
couldn't call anybody. So he's justthere sitting a drift basically, So how
did the coast guard just happened todrink? Guy went buying like a rowboat,

and then he contacted him and thecoast guard and then they came and
saved. What did they say howlong he was out there for? I
wasn't sure about that, but hedefinitely said that. They said his life,
like he was convinced he was gonnadie. Really who was he with?
I think it's by himself. Yeah, I'm scared of the ocean.
I'm not going to hold you nah, you know, I'm laughing now.
But if you've really been out there, like out there, out there,

even if you don't got to bethat far away from the beach, Like
if you've been out there and you'renot that far away from Shaw, it's
scary. It is because you don'tknow what's underneath that you ain't got no
land to just chill on, likeeventually, Like you know what I'm saying,
what are you gonna eat? Howare you gonna survive? When you
won't you'll get eating. By whatI'm saying, it's scary out there,
man. The ocean is a differentkind of place. Kudos to those who
like to go out sailing. Idon't know if I could, because I

feel like I'd run out of gasand then I'm standard. Now I'm stuck
out there. Coast Guard has helpedme in morning shot with d j four
and it's STI Morning, God's numberone for hip hop eighty four or five.
Hi everybody, Good morning, DashedJim and ninety four Morning shows to

say Jim, Who Hi? Jasonis in Lawrence going to kick off the
check in for us? Hi,Jason, how are you doing good?
Let's talk about this situation because Ithink this is an interesting one that people
probably go through. Uh. Youtell us that you love your girl,
but she has this small little thingwhere she likes to she's she's a good

person and she likes to help everybodyout. So she's out here just loaning
money to anybody that asks. Andyou recently just found out, I want
to say, a lot more familythan friends. But she has that you
know, tendency, and you recentlyfound out that she gave one of her
friends two thousand dollars unfortunately. Sodo we say unfortunately because we do not

think this friend will pay her back? No, I don't doubt the that
the friend won't pay her back inquestion, But it's just more of a
you know how this conversation came upbecause I'm saying a friend, you know,
this is more where I worked acquaintance, you know, we again,

we have a small child. Thefriend didn't really go to the gender of
a video or to the baby shower, right. You know, if it
was like a close friend, closefriend, then let's let's talk about it.
But you know, for me,I feel a little bit too much,
too random for for it to bethat type of money. You know,
So, did she come to youfor by the way, you're calling
her your girl? Are you guysmarried fiance? Okay, so let's just

go ahead and say Mark, Butdid she come to you first and say,
hey, so and so needs twothousand dollars I'm going to loan it.
Like, what are your thoughts?Or did she just do it?
No? She just do it?I think I think naturally over the years,
you know, I've been firm aboutmoney situations and financially and you know,
some some would say that I'm alittle cheap. So I think she's

a little scared when it comes tomy having some money conversations. But never
nevertheless, it's still a conversation thatneeds to be had, you know,
because if you're lend him for somebodyfor forty dollars year and there cool,
you know, problem for two thousanddollars in tough times where we play,
we play bills frand you know,we take care of business together. So
Jason's small. It's just the amountof money and the person is more of

a question because it's a guy.It's not it's I'll be straight up here.
Okay, Well let's back this offthere one bit. So Jason,
the part that problems mean is thatshe's not telling you when it comes to
money, you need to be inthe loop with everything, especially when it
comes to giving out your own cash. Now, the bigger problem is is
that this is a guy that iswe know what family member? No,

he said, it's an acquaintance atwork. Do we know what he needed
the two thousand dollars for? Like? What is what did he need?
When I questioned her about it,she fumbled the bag when it came to
giving me a direct answer. She'sultimately told me some thing about his house
payment or what something did something that, And again it's yeah, who's the

guy? Are you paying for somebodyelse's house inside of you? So I
don't know, I don't know.It's all it's it's a tough situation to
be in because again I know,I'm not the most friendly person when it
comes to like lending people money orabout that life in general, because you
know, we're still trying to livepaycheck to paycheck nowadays, most of most

most people do. But then again, we know we we do enough,
we do good enough where we couldhave money. And she actually took a
loan out for that specific reason.No, no, I was wondering.
It's for you to say you're livingpaycheck to patrick, but then her to
have just two k on the sideto throw some It wasn't adding up,

but now it is. Are youserious for an acquaintance, not even for
a family member? Who is thisguy? Again? If it was a
family member, I don't think Iwould even make this call. But being
being somebody that you know, shemet at work and cool. Don't don't
get me wrong, I'm sure friendshipsdo develop that work and stuff. But

you know, there's still a lotof questions in place. The mass is
not massing here for guys, there'sa little more happening at work than you
want to tell you. That's vacationmoney, my boy, they're going on
vacation together. That's crazy. Jason, I don't like this. Yeah,
I'm I'm in a tough place becauseI'm not I used to work in the

same and I used to work inthe same place, so I know,
I know the person. And it'smore it's more like, you know what,
what's the what? What? What'swhat's really happening here? What's going
on? Again? I'm not goingto let my mind wander too much because
then I'm going to put myself inin a bigger hole. But it's like,
what the hell you on your sidewith all three bus which doesn't usually

happen. So you know the dudethat got loan the two thousand dollars,
I do know him? Yeah,all right, So from again, I
haven't I haven't taken that initiative tohave a conversation with him, only because
I don't wanttention between her and herworkplace, not saying that this is even
a good thing to even ask,or it's probable. Do you know if
that guy's always had financial issues?Uh? Not that I'm aware of.

No, Yeah, bro, thisis not it's a no fly zone for
this, bro. I yeah,there's nothing wrong with you sitting her down
and saying like, listen, thismakes me uncomfortable. We're out here trying
to bust our ass to maintain andstay afloat, like you said, like
a lot of people are doing rightnow. And the fact that she's taking
out alone like you guys have achild, like I appreciate that she's trying

to be a good person, butI think there's other ways that this could
have been done. It doesn't haveto come out of your pocket. And
by the way, I don't thinkyou're cheap. I just think you keep
your money tight and you're trying to, like, you know, raise a
family. Yeah, yeah, no, don't get me wrong. I know
I'm not perfect by any means,and I got my flaws. But for
for something like that to happen inquestion, it's it's again, it's it's

put a damper of my soul,my heart a little bit. It doesn't
a sit down combo needs to behad. This is crazy and we're we're
on your side on this, Sono, no more, no more from
her. I definitely I initially broughtit up, you know, through conversations,
and obviously she gave me the reasonsshe she did it and anything,

and it was just a friend andyou know, whatever, whatever. But
that's been like what two weeks nowand it's still not setting well with me.
Yeah, well, if it's stillbothering you, then you need to
communicate it again to her, becausethe bottom line is it'll just eat you
up and then you'll you'll get madat something else that's unrelated, that's small
and stupid, because you're boiling upover this. I gotta I got a
question from four and real quick,Tom, Do you think I should have

that conversation with homeboy? Of courseyou should, and and and you should
separate your money, bro, SeparateI'm trying to tell you, separate your
bread, put your money in,let her do whatever she wants with her
account as long as the bells ispayed. Cool, separate your money.
Two thousand dollars my gee. Andit's a loan, and she's and again,

like I said, I'm cheaping stuff. And I know I'm not the
greatest with budgetings to do. Ido my thing she's been dying to do,
like a joint joint account and puttingall the money financial things together,
and so we could, you know, do it together. But it's been
since day one when I say it'sbeen like, okay, you loan your
cousin sixty or three hundred or oryour mama's dad, whatever it may be.

You get good intentions, but Inever felt comfortable enough to even do
that yet, even after you know, five years peo, and you know
what they say, once you lendthe family money, you're not lending them,
You're just giving them the bread.Like, don't expect that to come
back. For her to go takea loan and then give some guy at
work two thousand dollars, you needto go be the repo man, my
boy, and go over there andbe like, yo, when are we

paying this back? We need tostop making payments and as soon as you
get that money back, separate childaccounts, don't don't do nothing with her
financially, But it also goes backto to me. Regardless, y'all don't
have the u K to be throwingaround. She would take out a loan
that you know what I mean,that's not it wasn't fitting right there.
You didn't have it. Yeah,that's crazy. I came into some money
too, and not too long ago, and she was expecting me to pay

her loans, her loans. Thisis prior to me finding out she wanted
me to pay for her loans thatshe took out prior to us moving in
together and stuff like that. Andmind you, I know my mom helped
out a lot in that and inthat transition from apartment to apartment because there
was a big need. So Iwhen I got when I came into that
money, I paid off my momand I took care of a lot of

things. And you know, itwas like I never had that money.
And she was still kind of upsetthat I that I didn't offer to pay
this and pay back when she's outhere taking out other loans for other people
and stuff. All right, Well, I think I appreciate it. I
definitely appreciate it. All invite.Yeah, I mean, it's up to
you what you end up doing,but we're on your side. I'm just

gonna say that I appreciate that.Thank you so much. You guys.
You're welcome. Jason, good luck. It's not about money, guys,
It's clearer today, it's about morethan that. Taking out a loan for
someone that he's calling an acquaintance.You do that for something that you really
care about, feelings, and you'relike, I don't want you to lose
your home or whatever the case maybe. Some people, some people are
like that. Some people are justweak in the sense that you tell them

a story, they'll do for you. They don't care who you are.
But you can't be doing that,Yes, but you can't be doing that
if y'all live in paycheck to pay. You want to get a loan to
help? By the way, again, he keeps saying, for an acquaintance,
it's not like a family friend thatyou don't want to lose their home.
Not even getting a loan for afamily friend if I can't afford to
pay my own bills, right,or a family man, but even my

brother, I'm not doing that forWhy am I putting myself in denn Why
me? Does this acquaintance feel socomfortable to me? Because they're cheating.
It's clear as why are we dancingaround the fact that lots going on,
lots of things happening on lunch Buthe knows it too, that's a fact.
But he knows it. Leave thatwoman alone cigarette and then the no
respect of even talking to me aboutit. It's strange. In the morning

show with d J four and it'sSat Mornington's number one for hip hop.
He am in ninety four or fivemorning Tuesday Morning another hot one today.
So make sure y'all stay cool,make sure, yes stay dry man something
we didn't talk about this, butdid you see what happened in the Alec
Baldwin case. I did quick,yeah, because the prosecution was was hiding

like information or something. I don'tknow what was happening. All I know
is that I saw dude crying incourt. The judge was like, we're
dismissing this case, and just likethat. Yeah, because as fast as
it started, it was over atthe end of the day. It was
not his job to take care oftheir guns. Like obviously it was his
job to make pretend like he wasshooting a gun. It wasn't his job
to make sure that there wasn't alive ammoment. Armory lady who we talked
about in Lent, who I guesswasn'tcompetent. She hadn't really been on the

job as an aniot she was,and she's the one who kind of had
But yeah, I don't understand whythey brought it against him, but yeah,
he uh, maybe because he liedcond of in the beginning. I
think I saw that because he wasa producer, they were holding hold.
He was one of the people theywere going to try to hold accountable.
Okay, so they were kind ofjust going for the top of I think
they were trying to make an exampleout of him, Yeah, and it

backfired. He's also one of thetypes of people that a lot of people
don't don't like, so I feellike that played into it as well.
Yeah, but they dismissed this casequickly. Another case that's been going on,
which is a circus is a youngThug Rapper Young Thug's ysl RICO case
where a few weeks ago, thejudge damn not even damn near sent his

lawyer to jail because his lawyer calledout the judge for having a secret what
do they call it, partay meetingwhatever they call it, but anyway,
they said that the judge, prosecutorand the witness who did not want to
testify, they kind of egged themon to testify behind closed doors, and
the lawyer was like, yeah,I should have had us then you didn't.
We want you removed. The judgefelt the type of way told the

guy, if you don't tell mewho told you this information, I'm with
jail you. He ended up goingto jail. But then now the lawyers
have been able to remove this guybecause they put a formal complaint on motion
to recuse the judge, and nowthe judge is no longer put the case.
It was that simple there, butwe couldn't do it here in Boston.
Imagine, imagine Ashley and the jamIn Morning Show with DJ Florin and

Santhy. Here we go. It'sDinner tuesday'll on Boston's number one for hip
hop and the best throwbacks jam atA eighty four to five. Hi,
everybody, Good morning Tuesday. Allright, listen, we're talking dating,
love relationships, and so it seemsin twenty twenty four, love is like
gone, just doesn't exist anymore.People are ruggling. Sixty one seven nine

three one one nine four five sixtyone seven nine three one one nine four
five. I you have a datinglove relationships lack thereof tail to tell me.
We're gonna get it off with anonymoushigh anonymous, Oh, good morning,
I'm doing. Good morning babe.All right, So let's stop at
the top of this. You meetthis lady, this lovely lady. She

bags you. You're all in.Things are going well. That's the thing.
I don't even don't even do thatto me, but go ahead,
go ahead, Well that's what itsays. It says this girl bagged me,
but now makes me feel like Idon't put enough effort in. Yeah,
basically I'm doing the bagging and sagging. You know what I'm saying.

He's like, God's trying to playme, like I'm not at the bottom.
You see what I'm saying, Likeanyways, I'm ahead, broke everything.
Let me do this. Basically,I didn't say a lie. You
just hearing it upsets you because it'sthe truth, Like you you so this
girl so she she bags you.Now give me an example of her saying
you're not putting enough effort in,like in what context? Like like I'll

see her like like I'll be textingher right and let's go on over,
how are you feeling? She she'lljust be like mad, nonchalant, like
less less like like interacted than whatshe usually is. And I'll be like,
are you're right? She's cool?And she's like I don't know,
but I'll pick her brain and she'dbe like I don't I just like it'll
like me, I think we shouldjust see friends. And it's just like,
girl, why you you want me? To be future because that's what

you want me to do, becauseit's like you came to me. It's
like I don't know if you havean expectation like to tealidate me or anything
like that, but like this isthis is how I am. It can
go further than that, but I'vebeen through so much like I'm trying to
take it easy, Like why wouldn'tshe want to be friends to take it
like slow like but for her tolike push it, I don't know what
she's been through for her to wantit just so just so immediately you feel

me, But it's like what youwant to give away so quickly that's you
know, you want to mess withme. But then again it's like I
like her as a friend and evenmore than that, but it's like,
why is she so like if youdon't give me this, I guess I
got to pull back. Give mea timeline. How long have y'all been
talking? Because you know a lotof you know the U haul joke that
lesbians move a little bit quicker.This you guys do not know me,

And I'll say that first of all, Okay, wait, I never I
never said I did, But Ido know a lot of lesbians listen.
So I'm not her, but likeprobably like two months now, I learned
for like two months now, butI've been like keeping like my distance from
her, just because, like Idon't want to be messy because a lot
of people that we know, theyprobably know that she likes me. But
at the same time, it's likeit's not that I'm trying to like shade

her or hide it. It's justlike if you can let nobody says this
and how anybody else is going onin this circle, It's like everybody else's
is already full around. Well,guess what you've made it. You've made
up my business now because you calledme and you're telling me about it.
So now I'm invested. I feellike, dare I say, you're playing
games? Why won't you commit?Why why won't you commit? Like the

thing the other things that's going on, Like first of all, like I
also feel like I just met her. I just feel like I'm easy to
fall like and I know that aboutmyself and I think that maybe she's infatuated
too. But that doesn't mean wejust locked down and say, hey,
you're my buoy and my brain likewhat's your PHDL? Can I send in
my chart, like these things areimportant to me. Hanging out, Yeah,

you get what I'm saying. Soit's just like, you know,
we're cool, but it's just likeI don't want to miss out or anything,
but I don't want to feel pressuredor manipulated, not even manipulated,
but just feel like you know.But here's the thing. If you look
at her at night when y'all arelaid up in the bed, and you're
like, I can see a futurewith her, like this could be my
girl for a very long time,maybe forever. Then you are playing games.

Who cares if it's only been twomonths. Love is love. She
has a point. I'm just saying, she has a point. I think
I honestly, thank you guys.I think maybe you're the problem because I'm
just all I'm saying, is Isee her side of it. If in
a sense she's like we're together allthe time, like we're pretty much in
a relationship, Who cares if it'skind of quick, Well, you're not

always together, Like she lives somewhereelse, like she's she has like a
little like thing going on, likewhere she's not living like at home,
so and she has kids, SoI have to be respectful that she might
not always have time to me.She has to drive to and from far
from work and to pick up herkids from school and so and so forth.
I get that. So we're notalways together. She doesn't live with
me, But the fact that sometimeswe make time for each other, it's

like, that's what it's like.Cool, it's cool. If today she
came to you and said I neverwant to see you again? Would that
mess up your whole day? Wouldthat hurt you? Would you cry?
Would you be Yeah? That happenedlike twice already. And I almost I
tell her, like, what doyou want me to do? Like?
This is like I'm not like Ilike you, Like there's nothing, like,

there's nothing. Would you want meto She keeps trying to say,
Well, I don't know. Ijust feel like I'm just like you just
feel like what are you talking toanybody else? Are you talking anybody?
No? No? No, Imean I probably like she might think I
have options, but these are peoplewho are really like applying pressure in my
eyes. Okay, do you loveher? No, it's not that deep.
Okay, well listen, you carefor her a lot. I can

listen I can't hop into your mindand make the decision for you. But
all I'm saying is I see thewoman's point. If she's like, Hey,
we've been hanging out for two months, I feel like I'm committed to
this. What's up? Why aren'tyou? I like, I get the
conversation. I just think you gotto make a decision that I am.

I'm not judging you because you're allover the place with this. Just make
the decision, a man, tellme why. Okay, fine, fine,
fine, I make the decision.You guys got that. Thank you
for the advice. I appreciate that. See, now, this poor girl's
gonna hate us because you're gonna dumpher today. I already sense it.
PM Anonymous came me posted on yourwhatever you want to call it situation ship.

That's what I'm trying to avoid.But thank you guys. You guys
have a good day too. Babe. Bye. She I'm reading with foreign
wrote what she said. She getmad at me. I don't, I
just can't. I don't know.The girl told her twice she didn't want
to hang out with her like anymore. Right, that's what she said,
because she said, Hey, arewe a thing like what is this?
And this she won't Anonymous won't answer, and then she's like, Okay,
what are we I'm wasting my timehere? Make it makes sense? All

right, Maria, don't go anywhereand we'll come right back with Tenner Tuesday
six one seven, nine three oneone nine four five six one seven nine
three one one nine four five.We're talking dating, love, relationships.
Tender Tuesday. Hi, everybody,good morning to Ashly, the Jay of
Morning Show. We are talking love, our type of love. Six one
seven nine three one one nine fourfive. It's tender Tuesday. Maria is

in match. Guys switch Maria ahappy birthday, first and foremost birthday.
How old are we? Thank youon twenty fifty five? Fifty five and
fine, bitch, I love itwell. Happy birthday. What's going on
in the love world. You've beendivorced now for five years? Yeah,

I've been divorced for five years.I was so un happy I stay because
of the kids. So people theyare please, don't want to stay married
because of the kids. It's notworth it. So I'll did all the
dating side, not all of them. For some of them I dated for
a few months or whatever. Whynot? But then I gave up because

people there are on the dating side, they told you what you want to
hear most of them, and youdon't know their life. You don't know
anything. So when I gave upand I said, Okay, I'm gonna
say by myself, single for therest of my life. I met somebody
at work. Wow. So whatyou're telling did you listen to the show
often? Brian? First off,kiss you right on the mouth for that.

Thank you. So what you're sayingis AJ just needs to settle in
that she's going to be alone forthe rest of her life, Like,
get into that mindset and then she'llfind someone. No agent need to get
out there. She needs to getout there yet and meet people. Wait,
you mean she won't meet anybody sittingin her room crying about how she's
alone watching the office for the hundredthtime. What the hell she wants that?

Hell, that's so weird. WellI love that you met somebody at
work. A lot of people onthe show think foreign and AJ got something
going on, So maybe maybe thatwill happen. I don't know. You
never know. Like I said,I had, We've been together for seven
months. I've never been this happythis is the first level of my life.
But you want to point might causea problem and work though, No,

we will work on it's a bigcompany. It's a huge company,
like three thousand people, and we'llwork on a truly different department. So
we only see each other on breakand launch for an ard, I told
you as your boss uncle with itwhen you an agent. I'm just I'm
just saying, Maria, thank youso much for the co congratulations. But

hearing you like you can hear thehappiness in your voice and so happy.
I am so happy. I amreally happy. Hey something and Dominica,
all right, Bay, thanks forthe call. You told AJ to post
more on Instagram, and now I'mit's out of control. It's every day.
It's out of control. So foreign. Yesterday AJ posts on her Instagram

story She's like, help me withmy dating profile, and people are kind
of weighing in on the things thatshe's put up and on your profile it
says, tell me something weird Igot At least I don't know ten dms
from people just being like, hey, you should really talk to AJ and
have her get this off of herdating profile because it makes me feel uncomfortable.

The prompt is we're the same typeof weird if and my answer was
we're both obsessed with cleaning our earswith a Q tip. Oh so right
away they picked to you with earwax. That's all I can. That's
the thing. I do it somuch that I don't as you do.
You're pushing it into your ear,that's honestly what you're doing. First thing
people think about when they look atyou is your agree And that was that

was the comments to me, likeAshley, you have to tell her to
get this off like this is likeguys are going to look at that and
be like, this is smell disgusted. I I mean, I don't love
it. Iar wax smells funny,so they think of that too, they
associate that with you. Well,it's like, I don't know. Well,

clearly the prompt is not scaring themaway because I have a date on
Friday. Here we go again,idiot. He's a man from Hinge,

so he saw my Hinge profile andwe've been vibing the day. Where is
he from? He's from Medford buthe's close. Yes, Okay, what

kids? No kids? Wants kids? I haven't asked yet. I get
that out the way. Where ishe taking you? And Friday? Tony
Okay? I like it. It'scasual, it's easy. Yeah, are
you okay? Es come back tocome back? Have you guys been chip

drowning? Yes? I mean weare here because I want to see what
the definition of vibe? Do youknow what I mean? Like, I
want to understand When she has ahuge smile, I can see all seventy
of her teeth buckled up, right, man, that I haven't even ready.

I honestly don't think our combo hasbeen that entertaining. But no,
we've been getting along, but Idon't think she's gonna find any like good
juice. So he basically is like, man, I come alive once July
comes. Oh man? And shesaid me too, me too. I'm

already starting to get more energized withthe longer days. And he goes,
yeah, once I see it's fivethirty and the sun is still strong,
it does mean something to me.Say why you keep laughing? Oh?
Then he goes, I like this, Ashley, can you do me a
favorite and a favor and go toTony Sea's menu and tell me what it

looks like to you. She goes, I've been to Tony Seas before It's
good. He goes, I haven'tbeen there in years, and she says,
I need to apologize all what youwrote it. I think that was
him. No, it's you.I think, Oh I meant to say,
no, need to apologize. Ohokay, they're busy, Okay,

it's it's it's oh god, shehad to. He goes, she was
like, I'm just hanging out fora little bit before my class, but
I totally want to whatever. They'regoing back for something and he goes,
my bad, what class are yougoing to? Him? This is my
Kravmaga class. He goes, oh, that's today, my bad. So

class is almost like the test andhe's like asking about it, and you
know, she's just living for this. Yeah. So class is where we
learn all of our techniques. Thetest is on Wednesday. What are you
up to? He's cooking and he'shaving some jerk chicken beans and brussels,
and she goes, okay, chef, Okay. You know what's so crazy.

I've seen her little fingers heard likemini thumbs going fast today typing and
I thought to him, I wasn'tgonna say it, but I'm like,
they're already talking about They're already chattingabout current events. And then she starts
to explain her schedule and what shehas for breakfast, and she asked it
wasn't random, and then she goes, I'm gonna have my scrambled eggs with

peppers and dirty bacon today. Hesays, wait for it. You're my
type of girl, Ashley. Okay, wow. Like I can tell by
the way that feels good. Andyou know how you can tell that I
do like him is because he askedme to go out on Friday and I
said yes, like I have nothingto do on Friday. And there have

been other times where guys have askedme to go out and I'm like,
oh sorry, I'm busy. Here'sa little bit of his guys. Here's
a little bit of his prof whichI like. Patient. He's my greatest
strength is patience, empathy. I'ma jokes They're a good conversationalist, and
once I get to know you,I can already tell what you need without
even asking. I'm super observant,old soul and a gentleman. I'm in
bed by nine pm. Now that'sup our alley people. How's he look?

He loves the gym. He's lookinggood. I love his smile.
Wow, Reggie is her tight OpimDaddy and the jam In Morning Show with

d J Farren. It's sauty morning. Sustin's number one for hip hop.
Heam in ninety four or five.What's up y'all? Good morning, Scott,
DJ Floren, Santy, I'm inhere, Santy. You've always been
on the side that Bill Belichick thedating a twenty three or twenty four year
old. You've never liked that.I know the age gap is way too

much because I got how old isBill Belichick. It's seventy something. To
me, it's impressive that my mancan keep up with a twenty something.
He can't physically. I can tellyou that. Maybe you don't think so.
Maybe he's on something that allows himto maybe go once or once,
but after that he's not keeping upwith that. There's no way. And
then on top of it, athis age, he doesn't want to be
on bars. He doesn't. Hedoesn't d but you know you see them

cute riding bikes, you know,going to little parties here and there.
Anyway, two of his former quarterbacks, well the I think the SPI's red
Carpet Cam Newton was hosting and whodo you bring? On? Next to
him was mac Jones, Mac Jones, and he asks mac Jones, He's
like, yo, so how youfell about Bill Belichick? You know,
dating a twenty three y oh.They both start laughing hysterically, kind of

uncomfortably, like they want to saysomething, and mac Jones, smart man,
takes the high road. He's like, I want to know your opinion
first. Of course, newn islike, nah, this is wrong,
not in a bad way, buthe was like, no, I don't
approve of this like that, Likeyou said, the age gap is too
big, Like he needs to gofind somebody his own age. That's kind
of what he was implying. Andyou know, Mike Jones said, he
was like, you know what,but it is what it is, right,

Mic Jones still trying to still tryingto play cool, but it's like,
imagine your daughter comes down and tellsyou. But what about if it's
somebody of that status, No,it doesn't matter. Still, you know,
you don't like the president, sothat one's gone, you know what
I mean, anybody who's been behindballs before. But if they came and
said, yo, I'm dating theex president of the United States. No,
it's the age thing. It's notwhat their title was. No,

it's still an issue. Wrong iswrong? Yeah, and the morning show
with DJ four and it's Saunt Morningcousin's number one for hip hop dam in
ninety four or five. Let's getthis part of the conversation out of the
way before my dms blow up yesterdaylike they did about us talking about about

gentle parenting. It wasn't an USthing. It was a santy thing.
I don't listen. You parent howyou parent, That is your kid.
You do what you want. AndI have the same energy. When it
comes to breastfeeding. There's a bigbreastfeeding debate, Like AJ literally just said
if I ever have a kid,I would never breastfeed. Okay, I
think she should try it because Ilove doing it. She's not pregnant,

by the way, But there's alwaysthis great debate of trying to pit us
against each other, the breastfeeding momsversus the formula moms. Some kids don't
latch guys, and that's fine,And then there are women like AJ who
are like, by the kid,I'm not doing it, and I think
that like offends the breastfeeding community.It's like, why do you guys care
so much? Yeah, like,you know what, feed your baby whatever

way you want to do it.So this isn't a debate. This audio
has nothing to do with the debateof should you breastfeed should you not?
Obviously, I think we know thatI plan on breastfeeding with this baby.
But if this baby doesn't latch orthere's complicated I don't know. I don't
know what it's going to look like. But yes I did with Leila,
and yes, foreign and Sandy triedmy breast milk straight from the sweet I

just remember foreorn tasting it in thereand then my heart was beating fast and
he was like, I would makeice creepy, yea delicious unwell, all
right, so this this video wentviral. This is an influencer reading text
messages between a mom and a dad. This is coo coo okay, And

again it has nothing to do withbreastfeed should you do formula? This is
just a man that is unwell.A man is saying toodles to his wife
because she breastfeeds their son. Andwait till you hear his reasons. Why
screenshots off their conversation. We're postedon Twitter and everyone's been tagging me in
this asking me to read it,So let's all read it together and try
and keep our faces from changing colors. You've been breastfeeding, you know how

I feel about that? What didI do? Is it just the breastfeeding
that the feeling it gives me?And how I finally understand you truly don't
respect me. I'm done done,like you're divorcing me. You go behind
my back and do something I've stressedabout not doing that's no different than lying
and shows how little you respect me. And then they go into like some
back and forth where he says breastmilk is the same as modern formula,

and she says that the benefits ofbreast milk still outweighs the formula, and
then he says, yeah, thebenefit to where I'll never be able to
look at you the same way again. What do you mean you think I'm
a bad mom for breastfeeding. Ithink you're a bad wife. I think
you don't respect me. I thinkyou took joy away from me. I
think a lot of things took ajoy from you. I don't understand what
you mean. Formula can still beused. I enjoy your boobs, they've

been in another man's mouth. Ino longer enjoy your boobs, just wilders,
not another man's. That's their son. He's a male in your son.
That makes it in my eyes.Yeah, he called his infant son
a man, which is I mean, who is a boss baby for him
to say for a different reason.Now, his reasoning is, I can't

enjoy your breast anymore. They've beenin another man's mouth. It's a newborn.
Yeah, it's a literal newborn babylike that is, So that's the
dumb. Clearly this guy has somedeep rooted problems from his childhood and has
to do with his mom. Mommygot mommy issues. But that guy help
otto. I think it it turnedI think you would think it would turn

a man on to be like wow, like she's really because it's a sacrifice,
like to breastfeed and have to dothe pumping and all these things.
To me as a husband, i'dbe like wow, like you're really,
that's hort. I mean, Idon't know for me, just be like
all right, well it goes withwhatever they want to do. But I
wouldn't look at it as like anegative mask, like you could tell he's
like disgusting. No would I everlike leave somebody for that, because that,

to me is crazy. It's noteven disgusting. He's jealous, nor
he's referring to the baby as aman. Yeah, he's jealous that somebody
else got that in the And I'mlike, what happened to you that all
of a sudden you'll get like breastfeeding. And it's like, sir, why
are you making it sexual? She'sfeeding the kid, it's food. He
sounds so controlling too, like he'smaking it seem like she went behind his

back her putting that online. Ireally hope she left because all she's going
to get is people being like,there's no way you're staying with this guy.
Ain't no way. But fortunately she'sstill gonna be connected with this man
because they share a kid. You'reputting another you're letting another man, dumbest
thing on your breath. I knowsome women say, oh, some people
say they don't want a breastfeed becausethey feel like it's going to alter the

way they breast look, right,which is if he had said that,
you know, I like the waythey look. Now I'm not gonna I
thought that's what that was going.And then he was like, yo,
you gotta know, I mean,any argument would be better than the one
he gave. There's just now Ican't and no wonder this one by like
this is this is crazy land?Does he not think she was with anybody

before him? Like that's probably thebigger issue there, not of the baby.
What a weird conversation too, LikeI don't want you to breastfeed because
I don't want another man's mouth onyour breast. But the kid isn't even
a week old. What are wetalking about? There are cycles out there
that talk to they're females like that, and it's really insane. But because
for them, because for them,I think they can't detach the fact that

it's a sexual thing. Yeah,they they just can't do it. Their
brain will not say, Yo,these are breasts and they can be fed
to a baby. And he's like, no, because that's sexual. Because
when I'm aroused, I think aboutyour breast. He's probably thinking the kid
is aroused. I'm like, whatis wrong with you? What is the
main purpose for them? That iswhat they're there for. That is literally
what they're there for. The obviouslyI'm big into it, but it just

amazes me what the female body cando. Like right now, I'm less
than a month away from giving birth. There's no milk in here. The
second that baby comes out of mybody, the milk will step coming.
Like it just your body knows whatto do. It's weird if you really
think it's kind of crazy. Butnever once did it ever turn into you

have another woman's mouth on your breast. They're a new born. But you
saying that just maybe you were like, well, people get mad at really
weird things. Can canny? Imean, it doesn't have to involve like
a baby or a kid or anything. But can anybody top this argument?
Because this is this is nuts,so that man should be jailed. But

there are a lot of these guysthat are out there that are talking to
their females like this it's insane.Or girls getting mad at their guys have
the nuts. Yeah, six oneseven, nine three one one nine four
five six one seven nine three oneone nine four five. But see if
anybody can tell me about an argumentthat you and your significant other got into
and then you took a step backand you're like, wait, what in
the actual hell are we fighting aboutright now six one seven nine three one

one nine four five It's Ashley theGym Morning Show. Hi, everybody,
I gotta give a shout out tomy guy DJ Boya. She's listening right
now. He's one of our mixersand he goes listening to you guys talk
about this crazy dude. Wait untilhe finds out what happens when this man
goes when this woman goes to theguynecologist. I mean, that would be

a little step worse than the baby. If you yeah, if you didn't
hear the audio, well, let'splay it again. It's a minute.
Let's play it again. A manis saying toodles to his wife because she
breastfeeds their son, and wait tillyou hear his reasons why. Screenshots of
their conversation we're posted on Twitter andeveryone's been tagging me in this asking me
to read it. So let's allread it together and try and keep our

faces from changing colors. You've beenbreastfeeding, You know how I feel about
that? What did I do?Is it just the breastfeeding that the feeling
it gives me, and how Ifinally understand you truly don't respect me.
I'm done done, like you're divorcingme. You go behind my back and
do something I've stressed about not doingthat's no different than lying and shows how
little you respect me. And thenthey go into like some back and forth
where he says breast milk is thesame as modern formula, and she says

that the benefits of breast milk stilloutweighs the formula, and then he says,
yeah, the benefit to where I'llnever be able to look at you
the same way again. What doyou mean? Do you think I'm a
bad mom for breastfeeding. I thinkyou're a bad wife. I think you
don't respect me. I think youtook joy away from me. I think
a lot of things took a joyfrom you. I don't understand what you
mean. Formula can still be used. I enjoy your boobs, they've been

in another man's mouth. I nolonger enjoy your boobs, Wilders, not
another man's. That's their son.He's a male, and your son.
That makes it senseful in my eyes. Yeah, he called his infant son
a man, which is I mean, who is he? Boss? Baby?
I'm your breasts have been in anotherman's mouth, sir, are you,
Okay, she's feeding her newborn.This guy's gotta go. Yeah,

this guy's gotta go because if heis this controlling on this issue her trying
to feed the kid, then Godonly knows what else has happened in that
house. But it's not to madea good point. He's like, no,
because in my head, it doesn'tget crazier than this. But it's
not. He's like, ash.The arguments people get in these days are
just nuts six one seven, nine, three one five. Just a crazy
argument that you and your significant otherand got in that. You were like,

wait, why are we even fightingabout this? Who do you want
to start with? Son? Uh? Anonymous? Good morning, Anonymous,
Good morning, So let's chat aboutthis. Your husband gets upset about you
texting your bestie just so happens tobe gay, and he doesn't appreciate the

way you guys talk about men.Anything that's not completely appropriate is not appropriate.
So give me, give us aman that dresses like a woman from
time to time like Texas Penis andputs on a song for Halloween. Yeah,
calls me bitch instead of like hi, yeah yeah yah, yeah yeah

yeah. Just so, I justwant to get this out there, just
for clarity, it's not sati.No, it's not apparently cool. So
give me an example of something thatyou and him of text, just like
a quick text exchange that your husbandwas like, I'm not going to stand
for this. I don't like this. I was going out to a bachelorette
party and I was with my husband'scousin, so all family was going to

be there. And I had differentoutfits that I wanted to choose from,
and I just took a picture andnone of them are like anything inappropriate.
It's just different outfits. And Isent them to him and I said which
one And he said, oh,girl, like you look snatched in this
one? That you look so bad. And I heard about it for about
two years. Oh my god,two years. Oh, and he still

brings up random comments. He'll say, like, at the end of the
day, that's still a man,regardless if he likes other men, he's
still a man. And you're gorgeous, and who knows what could happen?
Oh he doesn't want you, Like, okay, hello, And by the
way, a lot of times I'llgo to my gay guy friends for advice
because they'll be like, you lookgross. Like they'll just be blatantly honest,

or you look great. You know. That's why we go there,
because honestly, I feel like myhusband's always going to say, oh,
you look nice, lies looks,he looks, Wow, Son, you
this is a man who taught mehow to give the best Michael Jordan.
But we can say, Okay,I'm trying to understand that I'm talking about

you. Okay, I'm gonna figurethat one out. So we're gonna call
those Michael Jordan's. But I'm notgonna do you get the reference for him?
No? I don't. Okay,So are you and your husband like,
do you like this? Seems alittle controlling to me? I'm do
you ever worry about that? Oryou just so? I I kind of
knew what it was when I gotinto it. We're almost a decade in

it comes. I mean, Idon't mean to sound judgmental, but a
lot of Puerto Rican men are verypossessive of their women. He calls it
protective. I think it's kind ofinsecure to be honest, Yes, Son,
if you trusted me, I mean, then who cares what? There's
gonna be men everywhere. It shouldn'tmatter where I go who I talk to.

If you trust me, then itshouldn't. You should just know.
I mean, he doesn't want meat all. I have nothing that he
wants and you should just feel comfortablewith our friendship. If you trusted me,
then that wouldn't be an issue.It sounds like you don't love it.
Well, of course not, whowould love that? Yeah, but
you love him, so you're obviouslywilling to push through yep. But it

definitely has affected our friendship, meand my close friends friendship. But just
any time I would go out therebecause we live in different states, like
oh, what do you what areyou girls going to be up to tonight?
As if? I don't know ifit's like a homophobic thing too either,
maybe like oh, because he's gay, he's just like this sexual person
and it's going to open you upto new guys. I don't know.
It's a jealousy thing. It's ajealousy Yeah, that is wild. Anonymous

advice, any advice. It's toughbecause I don't know him, But just
keep having the conversation and keep makinghim trying to make him feel more secure.
But I don't know if that's goingto change. It's also the other
one that was like, she shouldn't. No, no, no, no,
I know you're right, she's butit's al Anonymous. Well good luck.
You know you guys have been togetherto remind him all those skills came

from him. He doesn't like thateither. My god, goodbye? What
is I mean? I guess Ishould have just said leave? What is?
Yeah? I still I'm still tryingto get the Michael. I don't
get the Michael Jordan thing. Ithink it's I don't she should have said
ten other things. I made moresense. I understand what she was talking
about, but I don't get thereference. That's not the relationship for me

telling ya that? All right?Who else? We can take one more
call? Crystal and Lowell High Crystal, good morning, good morning. So
the father of one of your childrengot mad at a separate father of your
other child because he was taking careof both kids, no his own kid.

If I have a daughter who's assistic, who has set brain surgery,
and he gets mad that that thatI go over there because he has custody
of my daughter, and he goesand I go over there and I see
my daughter, and he's always sayingthat I'm putting my daughter in another room
and we're sleeping together. And atone point he was going by the house.
He was throwing trash and he flashedthe tire. He there was actually

a restraining order on him for along time because he wasn't allowed to be
around. And I'm still with myI'm still with him, but it's like
he doesn't trust me. I'm alwayshaving sext with this guy. That guy.
It's just like, I don't know, it's getting to be too much
where I just want to get ayes, maybe we gotta maybe we gotta

go to court. That sounds alittle we gotta go to court. Yeah,
that's what I've been hearing a lotof Yeah, I'm no, but
yeah, hit court, Chrystal,thank you for the call. That's Can
we just end it with Jasmine justto like make it light Pluka, Jasmine
is in Wakefield, Jasmine. Somethingjust insanely stupid that you and your boyfriend
argue over that. You're like,why are we doing this? We play

know a lot and he had noidea about the plus four rule that if
you have the color that's on thestack, you can't put a plus four
to give me a plus four justto pick up so I don't win.
And I was trying to explain thatrule to him, and he got so
angry he wouldn't play anymore, andhe ended up sleeping on the couch that
night because because of it, likethe old man game, like I used

to play that with my uncle Vince, the wild card one hundred, going
anything. He was so angry thathe just kept saying, I'm supposed to
let you win. No, you'renot supposed to let me. If I'm
gonna win, I'm gonna win.And also, honey, the rules are
the rules, Like what are wetalking about? Listen? But I love

good I love a good competitive nature. I love that. Though it was
it's just ridiculous. I was laughingwhen I was realizing that he was getting
really angry over it. Thank youfor that, Thank you for saving us
a little lightheartedness. I appreciate it. Oh no, oh no, we'll
destroy relationships and families. I aboutall the time between me and the Kats.
But what it's a mathematically based game. It is the rules. It's

the rules. Some people play accordingto different rules. Everybody has house rules.
There's just there's an abundance of rules, and nobody can really get You
got to get the rules out before, like I like for basketball. If
you're playing pig, are we dottingthe I are we not doing? You
have to get that out of theway, So I mean it can again.
I love a little bit of competitivenature. I've only once of the

one hundred times lost to the firemanat horse and that day I don't think
I spoke to him. Really lostone out of loss, one out of
one ball play. I can't Inthe gam In Morning show with d J
four and it's Saunt Morning Bust isnumber one for hip hop jam in ninety
four or five. Just like that, wee back, good morning. It's

a guy foreign Santy. Another daydown, another hot one out here.
So please stay cool man listen ifyou missed anything on the show today.
As always, check out the podcastPardon actually Too Easy in the Am all
over your socials, especially on thatfree iHeart Radio app. Saw on what
you got played today? More gamesmore? Hi? You have two baseball

games today in Londonderry. And thenis it every day of the week you
do this? Well? With myson's in like a tournament for the next
couple of days. So not reallynot usually And no coaching, No coach
couating, right, just spectating.Well, he's gonna be out in the
heat. I'm gonna be inside,cooling off, tapping with us of course
throughout the day. Let us knowwhat you're getting into. Ashual too,
eas and the aam saunted water yourshoutouts, Instagram shout outs going out to

Gabrielle Keeley and a big shout outgoing out to Wait and whiskey. All
right, and as always, makesure you're tapping with me later on tonight
inside the late night Drip at DJFaran is where you can find me.
Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.Good morning, be blessed, take care
of each other. We out
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