Episode Transcript
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Dashy in the morning show with dJ four and it's saw a Tad Morning,
Boston's number one for hip hop jamin ninety four or five. Quick
shout out to Greg and Salem.What I just a wave of nausea?
I am, oh, oh nice? Is it coming right now? It
is a really weird thing to knowthat, like today could be the day
I give birth, Tomorrow could be. It's just very strange. Also to
add in I, when you're thispregnant, anything will make you cry or
get emotional. I cried all theway to work today because I got the
link to the live stream for Nonna'sfuneral that's on Saturday, and so that's
in my head too, and I'mlike, am I going to be watching
Na's funeral in the hospital? AmI going to be like? What?
Yeah? You just don't know.Do you feel like the sense of like
the word impending doom is not whatit is? But also there's something in
like always you're thinking about right,I will say this, I don't know
if other women will agree with me. I liked it or the first time
because I had no idea what toexpect. Now I know what contraction pain
feels like and I know what likebirth looks like and all that stuff.
So the scaredness is settling in nowI'm definitely in scared mode. Now I
have to imagine if the pain isthe biggest part, right, the pain
is I mean, unless you've gonethrough it, it's indescribable really. Yeah,
So it's like, you know,I don't know. It could happen
here, it could happen at home, it could happen in the middle of
the night. I just I younever know. And now it's just my
in my head that like birth iscoming. But at the same time,
you could probably go into labor beingin the hospital and they could give you
the needle fast, right, sothat what you don't feel like it epidural
the needle gone through this. Yeah, okay, So because I could have
the baby any day now. Thispast weekend we got to go to the
new house. They the people thatown the house now, have been like
nothing short of amazing, Like whenwe ask for stuff or hey can we
they let us get into measure becausewe wanted to measure which you know,
furniture we're gonna bring and kind ofdecide on that. And so we got
to go to Marshfield. For thoseof you that don't know, the Fireman
and I bought a house in Marshfield. Will be moving end of July early
August. It's so it was soweird just even driving down there, because
I thought to myself, like,I'm just such a city girly and I've
loved living so close to the cityfor so long that it's weird to think
we're gonna be in the burbs,like in this neighborhood. So we go
into the house, we do allthe measuring, and I'm the last one
out of the house and I seethe fireman. This is gonna be hard
for everyone in the show to believe. Just chit chatting with the neighbors,
it was like, who are you, sir? So a couple things that
we've learned about the neighborhood which I'malready like not okay with is Holidays are
huge, which I love because weguys who loves holidays more than I.
But I guess for there's a chickthat lives up the street from us in
Marshfield who has not one, nottwo, not three, but four twelve
foot skeletons. I guess the neighborhoodthat we live in goes all out for
every holiday, and normal people willbe like, oh, that's so cool.
Now we get into the car andthe fireman's like, you need to
stop it because you already have anattitude and you need to be okay with
that. Your decorations are not goingto be on the best on the block.
I didn't speak to him for aboutan hour after that comment. I
said, you're gonna give me time. I mean, she has I need
to know this woman. Supposedly I'malready learning about the rumor mill in the
neighborhood. Supposedly she has a Halloweenshed filled with decors. I want to
be this woman when I grow up. I want to be this woman.
I need to know this woman.I need to befriend this woman. I
am this woman. I feel likeyou either have to beat her or not
do anything at all, because goingto join what her, she's going to
try to I don't want them talkingabout her in the neighborhood anymore. I
want them telling stories about me.But you can't come up short though.
You have to be here, youknow, And it's just like my first
year. I also found out thatour house back in the day used to
be like the party house where wewhere, like the big like neighborhood Christmas
party was held, and the fireman'slike, so are you gonna do that?
I'm like, can we meet morethan two people? I mean,
I don't give me a second.I have thought, though, I want
our housewarming party to be Halloween themeand everybody, you guys all have to
come in costume. I thought thatwould be pretty fun because we'd be settled
in at that point, I'll beback on the show and everything. The
neighbors are all fine though, LikeI loved the neighbors. We only met
two, and I like, youknow, I like the energy. That's
why I liked the vibe. Again, it's just so like it was so
weird to be standing on the streetand seeing kids like ride their bikes and
it's very it's it's a neighborhood now, Like it reminds me of what I
grew up in. Any of theneighbors that you may have seen that you
I all give you swinger vibes becausethere's a one in every circle. Yeah,
the doors, because isn't that thesignal? No? I didn't,
I didn't notice what I did.What I did, like is I got
the vibe like that that the neighborshang out and they have some adult bevies
and people chill and everybody is friendlyin the neighborhood. They're not ready for
you couple of drinks. Well,I did think about that. I I
noticed how nice his lawn was,and I thought to myself, please don't
come home, black out and peeon this man's lawn, Please please please,
But no. I it was soweird to be I know nothing about
Marshall, like the town that I'mliterally moving to. I know nothing.
And it was so weird because wewent out to dinner Saturday night and it
was slammed in Marshield, Like Ifelt like I was down the cape.
It's beach bars and it's just it. That's what it gives you cap vibes
and there's just marsh and water andit's very Yeah, that's the way they
do the thing every summer. Levitate. There's some big festival called Levitate that
they do in Marshfield. But Idon't know, it's not really our vibe.
Like the lead of the or themain what word am I looking for?
Headliner? The headliner is sublime.I've heard of them. I think
I have a tea shirt that sayssublime. I don't know a singular song.
They also have a massive fair ThatMarshfield Fair, I guess is pretty
bad food. I have heard.Yeah, listen, I when I was
walking around the town and meeting peopleand stuff, I can picture us there.
I really can. It's just gonnabe a big adjustment for me.
Like I think you'll be fine withit, though, I think you're gonna
love it. The commute from timeto time will suck, but overall you
can. I'm a Marshfield look atyou in the suburbs. Used to be
a city girl. Get hammer goto Lincoln anymore? Yeah? Do they
even have ubers in Marshfield? Idon't know. I'm I'm I'm out in
the sticks now. I can't waittill Jim when he's like Jim Yo.
So the talk grow in that newhousehold that she got drunk. She's crazy,
she said, the wildest thing.I can't imagine. It seems like
it's a town where when you livein a certain neighborhood, everybody kind of
knows what's going on. So Ifeel like it has certainly got around.
Like the crazy chick from Jam inninety four or five is moving into the
the neighborhood, the one that talksabout a votchina. No, yeah,
her vagina is heavy. Right now, it's a baby. Tom