Episode Transcript
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Wake yo, it's a Monday.We're back. What's up ya? Good
morning? This guy fallign santic.Good morning, another dreaded week, Santi,
he was the weather guy. Youmight as well just break the news
from now because I'm not looking forwardto it at all. You know what,
I'm not looking forward to my ACbill? Oh yeah, because my
AC has been running twenty four sevenfor the last like I don't know how
many days. But what's happening thisweek? Basically, three more days of
Heat's gonna feel like one hundred,So it's gonna be is it more than
last week? It's just just anotherheatwave. It's another heatwave. It's the
same thing like here's I think thisweekend. It was supposed to rain and
cool down in it, but itnever really happened like the way it was
supposed to. So there's another threedays of heat. Funny enough, one
of my people's right was at afunction that we were at and they stayed
overnight and left a sunroof open.Oh really, because they thought it was
gonna be nice rained all in thecar they drive a beamer, I think
an X five or something like that. Transmission won't move anymore. They can't
put it into drive. Oh mygod, the joint starts. But yeah,
stop leaving your son rules open man, because it does. When it
rains, it comes in real quickand then it's out of here. But
I could do a lot of damage. But yes, we need some rain.
I can't stand this heat, man. It's gonna be hot outside,
and I've been outside on my bike. I can't do it no more.
The other day felt like I wasgonna throw up. We were so funny.
I did not hear. I mighthave drunk like two small bottles of
water thinking I was I was heman out here. Now it didn't happen
for me. But yeah, heatwaves. So make sure y'all cool man.
Make sure y'all in the ACV needto be hydrates. We're gonna be
in here. Of course, hasalways giving you tickets that our tickets change.
Oh yeah, we did, okay, So seven twenty we got tickets
to go check out Child just gambean them. And then at a twenty
for all of y'all that likes icespice, we got tickets for that as
well. The summer ticket turnal continuesright here. Ashley in the gem in
morning, Sashy in the gam InMorning Show with d J four and it's
Sautiv Morning, Boston's number one forhip hop jam In ninety four or five.
Hi, everybody, good morning,It's Ashley in the jam In Morning
Show. A constant theme on thisshow, that's what the theme. Well,
no, I'm just like constantly form. I have to feel these conversations
of that Santi is a fake Dominicanthat Hill on air like he does every
once in a while try to belike, oh yeah, and I'm Dominican,
like throw it in there like hehas a little bit of cloud.
But then all the Dominicans listen tothe show are like, no, no,
no, please do't learn. He'sbeen called out too for saying things
that I'll tell you guys something different. Yeah, and then all of a
sudden they do. I mean hewas talking about we know Juia also a
fellow Dominican. Hydaria, good morning. Does it feel troublesome to you that
the representation for Dominicans is brought toyou? But I'm very excited to listen
and listen to you, and byphone, I listen Abro and every every
morning I'm doing his school transportation andfor on Dominican Republic. I listened to
the other guys say, get okay, let's say like, what's up.
I'm I'm a you know, I'mtraining two years ago and radio station.
You know, maybe I can havean opportunity to go in person over there,
and you know, I'm so sorry. You the best, the best
program. I listened in the morningand I submet you Ashley and the other
guy I don't know her name.Well, it's nice to meet you too.
We appreciate you. Listen, baby, thank you. Do you ever
listen since you do listen to theshow often, do you ever listen to
the show and think, oh mygod, I can't believe Santi is actually
saying that he's Dominican. That mandoes not act Dominican. Yeah, I'm
so sorry because it's my first timecall you. But I listened this program
for like a more like a threeyear or more. M Well, there
you have it. You have onesupporter, so it seems in Spanish,
okay, but Johanna Ashley, comeon, I said, they don't bail,
okay, Diablo, Oh my god, you're saying this on the radio.
Oh my god, can't believe it. Goodbye, Hey, that that
looks as thorn as a baby babyin the jam In Morning Show with d
J four and it's Sti Mornington's numberone for hip hop. He am in
ninety four or five Happy Monday.Yea, Sati, it is a hot
summer. What do you say everytime that summer time comes around? He
could just start acting crazy. Y'areabsolutely crazy. If you're living under a
rock, there's no way you missedthis news. There was an attempt attempted
assassination at a former president and I'mtalking about former President Donald Trump. What
was this on Saturday or was iton day? It was on Saturday.
It was on Saturday, right,Yeah. I just took over the timelines
and that's been in the news andheadlines ever since. It was wild.
I was at dinner and I sawa few things pop up on my phone
like news News Alert. And thenI got in my car and I'm waiting
for my wife because she was inthe bathroom, and I'm like reading on
Facebook and somebody's like, what iswrong with this country? I'm like,
what the hell just happen? Andthen the flood of news stories came through
and I couldn't believe it. Atfirst. I was in shock. And
then the more you think about it, the fact that like somebody tried to
assassinate a former president is insane,insane. And here's the thing, no
matter where you're staying on anything,this is not the solution that any of
the problems we're dealing with this dayand age. Yeah, they ended up
finding out that it was a twentyyear old kid from the area, Yeah,
who had climbed up a scaled upa wall onto a roof with the
I think an AR fifteen or arifle, only like I think they just
showed it on TV too, onlyfour hundred and fifty or five hundred feet
away from what the president was speaking, ended up shooting at him, hit
the teleprompter glass, and I guessa piece of glass then hit the president
in the ear. So that's partof me. That's a clip that I
saw. Is that so all I'mspeaking? That's what they're saying. I
thought the bullet grazed his ear,That's what they were saying. They were
saying that the bullet went into theteleprompter and then shattered the glass or broke
part of the glass which then wentthrough his thing. You know what I
mean. Either way, somebody tooka shot at Trump, which is crazy,
like you said, to think ofbecause the last time I can think
of any kind of assassination was JFKJFK. And other than that, I
mean, I don't really think I'veever even heard of an attempt. I'm
sure that in nineteen eighty one theyshot Reagan. Y's right, but it's
been a while. It definitely has, because this is something that shouldn't happen.
Actually, here's the thing. Thereis clearly a huge divide in this
country, which is really sad.We should be in a place where we
can talk about politics friendly and respectanother person's opinion, but like we're at
this spot now, well you can'tsay anything, and then there's lunatics out
there who taking a step further andwant to start shooting at people whatever.
Whatever. Whatever these politicians say,some people take it literal, and you
know what I mean. And Iunderstand that politics, it's super important,
right, But at the same time, we need to understand another side of
things, because we are not alljust all right across the board on everything.
This is not the America we know, No, it's definitely at all.
But yeah, so he's he's safe. He sound still moving around doing
his campaigns. They from what theAgain news outlets said is that they killed
the twenty old kid that attempted hislife. I'm sorry, I don't have
his name in front of me,but yeah, that's what's going on.
An assassination attempt on a forma presidenthappened this past weekend. That's insane.
Exactly in the morning show with dJ four and it's Sautig Morning, Bustin's
number one for hip hop jam inninety four or five. Hi, everybody,
good morning. Have you guys beenfollowing the Keith Lee Atlanta Milk Honey
restaurant drama? I have not close. Okay, now, so emails.
If anybody doesn't follow it, Ifeel like it may have popped up on
your timeline and you maybe just didn'tknow what it was. I'm gonna give
you like a little background here.So Keithley is a famous TikToker, has
something like fifteen mil followers on TikTok. He reviews Atlanta restaurants, and he's
like, that's what he does.He goes on restaurants. Period. He
was in Atlanta. Yeah, andyou know, I was just watching some
of his clubs and sounds that youwere saying. He he does it in
like an interesting way. He's verymatter of fact. He's like, here,
here's what happened. I went intothis restaurant. This happened whatever.
He's just very cut and dry asto what happened to him, what his
experience was with him and his family. So he's in Atlanta. He goes
into a restaurant called Milk and Honey. Now this is a little long,
it's like a minute forty, butI'm going to play the whole thing for
you, and it's entirely because Ithink it's important to the story. I
mean, my family, I hateready with any bag of my hands.
You're at real milber Honey on MainStreet and College Park. Before we came,
we attempted to call our order in. We were retreated with an automatic
message that said they did not takecall in orders. Automatic message, and
the only way you could do pickup is through door dash. We went
through door dash. They was closed, but online it set to close at
five o'clock. We went on doordash at four o'clock, but we were
already here, so we just wentinside. I stay in the car and
my family went in and they toldthem. They were closed early for deep
cleaning, yet the doors wide openand it's people still going in and graph
the orders. Now, we haveno idea if those people order beforehand or
with the case. Also, thepeople who relate this message my family said
were really nice. It's just therules. And so far being in Atlanta,
I found some places do have uniquerules, and this is one of
them. I want to be veryclear. We're not blaming one person or
saying one person was rude and playingterms. Don't call this restaurant trying to
get nobody fired. Ain't nobody donothing. This is the rules they had.
If you don't like they rules,they rules not for you. For
me and our family, the rulesis what for us. We just not
They target audio for the record afterwards. I did walk in and they did
recognize and they attended the services,but I respectfully declined I'm a normal person.
I pay for my food like everybodyelse. I walk in spots like
everybody else. We are all normalpeople. Respectfully. If you're not going
to do it the end, don'tdo it now. God bless you.
Yeah, we're just trying to getsome food. But I am gonna make
this very clear I do not support, couldn't or agree tear down these businesses.
While we personally may not have thebest customer service experience, but it's
not me. You will have thesame experience. That also, don't mean
go on Twitter and tear these businessesdown. At the end of the day,
business owners are people. Never knowwhat people are going to. The
only reason I'm even making this isto share my authentic and real experience.
Like I always do me no harm, I'll had no malicious intent. I
always say I'm gonna be one hundredersof honest and that come with a good
And then also, you don't knowwhat nobody going through, So what we
can't do is just judge off ofsomebody else's experience. If you would like
to go to these places or anyother place that I've been to, I
encourage you to go try it foryourself and make your own opinion. But
we see in Atlanta and we onmainstream and it's a bunch of spots here,
so we're gonna go to a differentspot, y'all. Bless you have
an amazing day. I'll be safe, okay. So, and you can
hear them in there multiple times,be like, do not call this restaurant.
Don't don't. I don't condone bullying. I'm just telling you this was
my experience at this specific place,Milk and Honey in Atlanta. So again,
like I started out by saying,the man has fifteen million followers,
and remember he sent his family in. They no, no, no,
no, we can't do your order. He goes in, They're like,
we can do your order, buthe was like, no, that's not
the way it works. Like,it doesn't matter what my celebrity status is,
how many followers I have. Youdon't want to give me the food
before, I don't want the foodnow. So after this catches fire,
obviously this thing goes. It hasI think twenty mili views on it.
Now, instead of the restaurant respondingwith you know, what they should have
done, has been like, youknow, unfortunately, these are the rules.
We would love to have Keith Leeback inside our guidelines of our rules,
you know, whatever the case maybe. They at the restaurant make
a TikTok where somebody says, didyou see Keith Lee reviewed the restaurant,
and the owner of Milk and Honeylooks at the girl and goes, who's
Keith Lee. Oh no, yeah, what an idiot? What an idiot
goals? You don't know who KeithLee is. Yeah, he's like no,
that like Matt nonchalant. Yeah,clearly acting and just doing yeah,
just like a nasty response, youknow, because clearly he felt the type
of way about the initial review.But I really thought Keith Lee was as
respectful as he possibly could be inhis review of what happened to him and
his family anyway. So then thisthing catches fire because that's their response,
and people are like, you know, everybody's kind of back and forth on
it. Carti b then hops inthis whole thing. Carti says, quote,
I feel like Atlanta restaurants. Theyjust don't like money, they don't
like people, they don't like customers. They just don't like it. She
said a lot of times she'll goto order and she gets cut off.
People barely let her order. Sheeven said that when she goes to Atlanta
specifically, she has her team callrestaurants and name drop her because if not,
she's not going to get treated aswell as she does in other cities.
It's gonna be a show. Idon't blame the owners. I blame
some of the staff, because sometimesthat's the bigger issue, the people who
are actually like running. Thus,yeah, but in this specific case,
the owner was kind of a andthat owner is an idiot. He or
not, he had the chance tomake good and to come off because clearly
he understands who this person is.Yea, and Keith sold things that that's
what he does. He sends hisfamily and or somebody into order the food,
he does the review in the car, so nobody knows who he is.
So everybody's treating he wants to knowhow y'all really treating people? Right.
He went to a Candy Burroughs.I don't know if you know who
she is. She's from escaping everything. He did the same thing for her.
She same thing. Family went in, It took that they were told
it will be in an hour anda half. Way, he was like,
let me go in. As soonas you went in, oh yeah,
we could see you in five minutes. And then he asked them,
so how's it that you could seeme in five minutes, but my family
came just two minutes ago, andoh, you know, we could do
it. He's like, you knowwhat, respectfully, we'll just go eat
somewhere else. Candy saw the video, she jumped out, and she did
it a proper way. She waslike, listen, you know, we'd
love to serve him again, wouldlove for you to come back. As
far as what my host told meis that somebody canceled right before, but
that this is a lie or notsomebody canceled before, and then we put
you know, we were able toaccommodate you, but I do appreciate you
coming out. Thank you so muchfor giving us an opportunity. Because here's
the thing with Keith Ttaurants will hithim up and be like, come do
a review of my of my restaurant. I'm struggling. I can't do nothing.
I can't I can't stay open late, I can't stay past four o'clock.
He'll go there, do a videothe next day, crazy line out
the door. You know what,the same eyes and tries to slice of
pizza. That place takes off andpeople beg him to come to their So
this is why he puts that littledisclaimer. Now in a lot of his
recent videos, he's like, stopcalling these people and putting in bad reviews.
Stop calling and doing this. Butthis thing went so viral and Atl
that he's now getting death threats andhe said he has to stop. He
had to get out of ATL.Yes, he said he's not doing anymore.
But he treated bad. Yeah,And it wasn't even him being treated
bad. He just was being honest. And by the way, he makes
it clear like that's their rules,and those rules are cool. If you
like those rules. They're not forme, but those are the rules.
He was very adamant. A Cardyco signed that. Cardi said they have
weird rules. Yeah, Like hewent to one restaurant where they were like,
yo, on weekends, we don'tdo takeout period and Candy Candy Barras's
situation, that's what happened. Shesaid. The reason why we don't is
because we want to cater to thepeople who come in and support the store
in the restaurant, and we don'tour kitchen to be overwhelmed with now take
and order because our weekends are crazy. That's why we do that, you
know, she explained it. Butin Atl, I guess every restaurant has
a weird rule. It's like,if you order from this menu, you
can only order one time. Ifall of us go to the restaurant,
we said, Listen, if allfour of us go to the restaurants,
sit down and order food, andthen you say I want to add some
fris, you can't do it.As soon you hear Carti, Cardig goes,
they don't like to make money.Yes, like I'm trying to buy
so Cardi coach Uns is like,yo. Ever since I've been in ATL
I thought I was nuts and shewas like, I don't understand these rules.
And now that Keith's exposed it,she was like, yeah, they
don't like to make money. Yougo in there, whatever the rule is,
they stand by it. If youdon't like it, go eat somewhere
else. It's so crazy too,because these are real celebrities that we're talking
about, right, the four ofus, Like we're just raking the loot
ball. I have had horrible experiencesat restaurants, and I am so afraid
to come on here again as justa regular person and talk about it because
I don't want I don't want tomake anybody feel bad. Maybe it was
just a bad day at the restaurant, maybe that waitress was going through something.
But trust me, sometimes I'm like, I just won't tell this story
tomorrow. But I'm so afraid becauseI don't want to hurt anybody. The
only way I knew Bob Keith isbecause a tweet went viral. I here
in Boston when someone says Keith needsto come do Boston Reviews restaurants because these
restaurants are trash, and everybody wasreposting it like yeah, yeah, hell
yeah, he needs to come.He needs to come. So I'm like,
who says Keith Lee? Dude?So I saw he started watching I
Do a Rabbit, and I'm like, oh my god, this dude like
can make or break your restaurant,Like yeah, and again, I like,
we're just us and we're just regularpeople. These are real celebrities.
There's one place that I go towhere the guy is so nasty to me.
I do take out from there allthe time. I used to He's
so nasty to me for pickup name. Oh I give my name sixty two
fifty? Do you have cash oris it card? Like nasty to me
to the point where the farm man'slike, I'm going next time because because
I come in the car and I'mlike, I don't under like just but
again put my brand. But Iwant to go on the show. Tomorrow
and tell the story. But Ican't because I feel so like I feel
bad for Keithy because that's his jobnow and it's sometimes you just have these
horrible experiences. But I would Icouldn't do it, like I just could
be the change for Boston, tochange for fous. You think if he
knew you were on the radio,he would treat you different because we do
absolutely, Oh my god, absolutelytotally, which is unfair. It is
unfair, and that's what he's saying. That's Keith's whole point. Keith is
like, I don't go in becauseI want to see how my family gets
treated because they just regular Douglass.He says, I don't want no special
treatment. I pay for all myfood, whatever I buy, pay for
I don't want to be treated anykind of different. If you treat him
different, he says, I'm outof here. Well here's theatment I actually
do. I love it. Itfeels good. But also extend that to
everybody, make everybody feel his job. Yeah, when a restaurant can't do
that, because that that means theline that you got for an hour and
a half. How are you gonnatreat everybody special? That's waiting an hour
and a half. You can't dothat. I will take the cut the
line. I'm line like, oh, you're looking for my email. It's
dj J a m M. Ninefour five in the gam In Morning Show
with d J four and it's SadMorning. Bustin's number one for hip hop.
You am in ninety four five.Happy Monday, y'all. Scot foreign
Santi, I got a question foryou. What's happening with all these guests?
Man? I know they what isgoing on out here? They come
in three? And I saw Isaw people posting r I P this one,
r I P that one shorty fromnine oh to one name. I
started seeing pictures of Hi. I'mlike, what, that's the one that
hit that hit me the most.And then and then y'all were just talking
about this. But I saw thison my timeline to doctor who, doctor
Ruth, doctor Rule, the oldsex specialist. Yeah, I don't even
know. And then somebody else passedaway. Richard Simmons, bro, what
is happening? Yeah? What Imean, these things coming three, that's
what they always say. But honestly, I think it was just a bad
week week and for a lot ofstuff and clearly they had some deaths as
well. And again I'm sorry,I remember I know he'll say Shannon thirty
Brenda from nine to one to oneoer she I didn't know she was battling
breast cancer for like the last decade. Yeah, she was terminal for the
last I think like two years.That's crazy. So I think everybody knew
this was coming, but it's stillwhen you see, it's very sad.
And for me, I used towatch that show with it. I watched
it for ten years. I wasabout to say that was a lot of
people's childhood TV show. Yeah,wasn't hit absolutely, And early on there
was this battle did you team Kellyor do you like her? I mean
I was split down the middle,but Brendan in the beginning was after the
one, and then when she leftthe show, obviously you fell towards Kelly
exactly. Yeah. So then misterSimmons, Richard Simon, what happened with
him? Well, they say,have you heard the thing where he's been
a prisoner for like the last tenyears of his life? Stop with his
caretaker. No, there's a podcastout there. I'm not lying. Basically
that he was being held captive byhis by his caretakers for like a lot
of years. I think he wasseventy six when he passed away. Yeah,
and this can't think it was justwas he sick. I don't remember
him being I don't think he wassick. I think it was more like
a mental health thing. And thenthe caretaker wouldn't let let him out of
the house and all this stuff.But he hasn't been seen in years.
Yeah, he was seventy six yearsold, man, Yeah that's young.
But yeah, remember him too.He used to have the TV on lock.
Yeah, this guy was doing allkinds of crazy workouts and then and
then and he passed Yeah, okay, and then, like you said,
doctor ruth, I think a fewpeople might know about doctor Ruth am I
saying that right, old lady.Listen, just rip to all the celebrities
I passed away. It was acrazy weekend on top of everything that's gone
on. Checked on your loved ones, man, they might be prisoners.
Wow. And the gym in Morningshow with j Foreign it s Mornington's number
one for hip hop jam in ninetyfour or five. Hi, everybody,
good morning. It's actually the gamIn Morning Show. I don't look.
There's to me nothing wrong with thisstatement and foreign and I have made it
clear you shouldn't be facetiming somebody withoutasking. No, you should not like
that. That's rule, that's real. Consider it's selfish, disrespectful. But
I don't know what I'm doing.You don't know what I look like.
I don't want to have to getready for you. And now I have
to play the game of answering thephone and flipping the camera at the same
time, because now you make mefeel like it's so important that you had
to FaceTime and it's not. It'snever me have not have said can I
FaceTime? Yes? No, wait, yes you have face timing. Told
me within the context listen, thiswas too good. And at the FaceTime
you finished, and I write,can I FaceTime you? Face face time
anybody? But there's a new levelto this now because AJ we all know,
is trying to find I mean anything. At this point I used to
say husband, anything like maybe onedate. You're getting cold calls from these
guys on the apps. Yeah,someone on Bumble the other night called me
at ten thirty at night. Hedidn't ask beforehand, he just did it.
Well, here's what it's gonna sayfor us. For us, there's
no question to an average person,is ten thirty late? I don't know.
I feel like after nine p iskind of late. Yeah, I'm
feel closer to it, Like betweenten thirty and eleven. After eleven is
a no, no even could Elevenis the middle of the night, yeah,
eleven, Like now, you can'tcall me after eleven? Usually if
we just blank it where they're likethere could be people sleeping. I think
most people probably go to bed betweennine and ten. I don't even know.
Our life is so different, butyeah, nine and ten. But
I think I just feel like,regardless of what time he called, I'm
never met you before, Like,why are you just randomly calling me?
Like, I'm just that you knowyou could? What app can you call
on? I think you can callon all of them? I just don't
use it, but some people reallylove to. But ask me first.
He does not have my phone number. It was on bumble. He called
me and woke me up. Ijust want to and like it rings like
a regular phone. I think soagain, I was sleeping, so I
can't remember the sound that I heard, but yeah, it was loud and
shocking, let's talk about her likeshe's not here. You know, I
love doing that. You know,there's this saying beggars can't be and now
it's turning out that somebody who can'tget a date it only wants you to
call it a certain time. Sheshould tell these people call me at three
am. I don't care. I'mgetting time. Call me. I'm up,
I'm ready. Where we're going nowit's literally three of them and she's
like, hello, I'm ready.Let's go. Say in the jam In
Morning Show with d J four andit's sad Mornington's number one for hip hop
jam in ninety four five. I'monly y'all, it's poppin Sat Day for
me. Son, Why well,it's Monday number one. It's going to
be hot, number two and numberthree, my favorite couple. I think
I'm starting to believe that it's over. Oh finally, I think I'm starting
to believe it. Ben and jLo might be a rap. What was
the nickname Benifer? Benifer? BenifBenifer might be over bro Ben might be
over break the news store man.Because this is sad for me. So
the house that they spent two yearstrying to find the house they recently moved
into after they got married or onceI found it is now officially on the
market now. They've been speculating thisfor a couple of months. Now it
is now officially on the market forsixty eight million. Now I went through
the pictures. The house is amaculate, the decoration is on point.
It is how much they buy itfor. Do you know? I think
they probably bought it for a roundsixty. They're getting a profit. You
said they're going to take an lYeah, but they put a lot of
work into this house. I haveto imagine that they thinking of prophet.
It's only going to be like alittle bit, gotcha. Thirty eight thousand
square feet, twelve bedrooms, twentyfour bathrooms. The house is amazing.
Like just for the two of them, I mean they got kids. How
many kids they got together? Theyhave no kids together. She has two
with Mark Anthony and he has threewith Jennifer Garner. That's what a family
of If I'm doing the math right, seven six seven something like that.
Yeah, do you need all thoserules? You do not. But when
you're a celebrity in like Hollywood,this is what you do. Bro benefits
O. I like, what doesshe do after this. Honestly, I
think she just stays single. Shewon't thing on. No, but she
has a love addiction and that's herproblem. If she couldn't do it with
Ben, then she couldn't do itwith anybody. That's a fact. Man.
Yeah, it looks like they mightbe over. Could they be downsizing?
No, let's stay positive. Nope, they are done. Why downsize?
I's on the other day walking outof his Bima and he does not
talk to paparazzi. He looked miserable, He looked a shuffled, he was
in a suit. Yeah, hestill didn't look right. What he needs
to do is move back to Bostonand just be over the La BF.
It's not in the jam In MorningShow with d J four and it's such
morning. Gustin's number one for hiphop. He am in ninety four or
five. Hi, everybody, goodmorning. Just in case you need a
recap on the love life of ourassistant producer Ashley Janino. I like to
do this little thing where I tellyou to close your eyes. What do
you say? Nothing? Nothing,darkness, absolutely no lights, soulless,
cold, a crevasse that's just empty. Come on, hell, Well,
I mean, you don't have anyupdates. You haven't been on a date
in like a month. Yeah,it's it's been pretty bad. Yeah,
I just I can't. I justcannot do it anymore. I just am
too much. It's a dry seasoncombo. Both. Yeah, I'm I'm
discouraged. But she really thought shehad something with the guy with the weird
teeth and then he ghosted her.That's upsetting. That's upsetting. Yeah,
that's tough. Well, she shewas telling Santi and I that she's been
seeing something new on the apps,and I said, we're going to give
DJ Forn the floor to defend thisbecause I feel like this man will find
somehow some way to be like,oh no, well, so tell everybody
what you've seen. So this weekendI did a little bit of swiping,
and I came across two men thatI do know personally, and they are
both in fact confirmed married. Whatare they doing on there for under their
real names? Oh yeah, realnames, real information, everything, pictures,
breakup, It was all up thereThere aren't they aren't though, one
of which I had some digging,yeah, and one of which you've recently
spoken to. The wife yep,she is an acquaintance and they seem happy.
They are still confirmed together. Idid the research. They are together,
but are they happy though? AndI hope we're not doing research off
a social because we all know that. No, no, no, no
no. I've spoken to people.They ballsy man like the fact that they
even got their real information, likethey know they're going to be seen.
Guys are stupid, though. SometimesI don't know if guys realize that,
because not too long ago a reportcame out and I think it said fifty
percent of guys or people on theapp aren't single. So I think people
just go on there and think noone's going to see them, and it's
ridiculous. I know, you haveto what are they looking for? Best
friends? For them? I don't. I don't know what did their profiles
says? What did their profile say? Maybe they open relationship. One said
he was looking for a long termrelationship, the other ones that he was
looking for the term fun, theold short term fun. Eh, but
there's no way that his wife knows. Right, Maybe they don't. I
can't. I can't be the onlyone who sees it. That's what I'm
saying. It only takes but oneperson to see it to be like who's
who's snitching? Because the guy thatI know better sent me alike he wants
you to see that he wants shortterm fun. But like, are you
dumb? Like I could I couldtake that and show it to her.
So have you considered taking that andlike telling you screenshots? But I can't
do it. I'll do it girlslike you don't even know them. It
doesn't matter. But that's like,oh my god, Like I hate that
I know this information and she hasno idea. But at the same time,
like I can't be responsible for that. How well do you know?
How well do you know? Iconsider them an acquaintance, so they're friends,
leave them alone? Leave them alone? Was like your best friend and
some baby she'll find she's gonna findout. But it is crazy to me,
Like just coming across married people onthe dating apps, like that's what
we're doing. It happens most mostpeople don't hide behind a different name,
and then you like that's what Imean. They brazen. They just like,
yeah, this is my name,I'm Joe Schmoe. I'm married and
I'm looking for short fun. Buthow do they once they get caught?
So say I did send the girlthese screenshots and she goes to her husband
about it, like how does heget out of it? They can say
it was a joke. They cansay there like that you're looking. Okay,
don't tell me. I'm just tellingyou. This is how they That's
just I find out that the fireman'son a dating app and the best thing
he can come up with Jami puttingme up to it, and he put
my thing out there that just wasn'tme. They were trying to be funny,
and then you feel I feel likethe wives know that these guys.
I think, especially with the realnames, I wouldn't never her if I
was a married man, I'll neverbe on that side when my real name
on that because even trying to hidemy face as best as I can,
but they don't let you do thaton those apps. R I, I
can't. Yeah, I'd have adifferent name. Br you gotta have a
different name these guys. Okay,has anybody else come across a married person
on the app that they know ishappily married? But then here they are
on hinge six one seven nine threeone nine four five six one seven nine
three one one nine four five isthe new dating trend to be married on
Hinge. Hi, everybody, goodmorning. It's actually the gym of morning
show. A true rarity because DJforourn can usually find some loophole in defense.
He's very good at that. Youask him. OJ is innocent as
well as Tory Lanez and you couldn'treally find the defense here. Aj is.
You know, she still looks onthe app, although she doesn't find
anything, but recently she is foundyou married med one of which I can't
go into great detail, but shespeaks to the wife like she knows that
they are happy and they are marriedand the husband is just on Hinge talking
about I want short term fun.You guys should see my dms right now.
Six one seven nine three one onenine four five I said, is
being married and then being on adating app the new trend. All of
my messages on DM are like,oh yeah, I've one hundred percent come
across a married person on the apps. Kendra is in Dorchester, kenj.
This is this is you know somebody'shusband that is active on the app,
Ashley, I know both the husbandand the wife. No, I know
the husband and the wife and tellit and tell everybody business. Well,
yeah, me too, But telleverybody what what life event just happened for
this specific couple. So they justrecently had another baby. I can't.
They don't want baby number four.I can't. Basically, the baby's newborn
and he is on the apps.She's gotta she's gotta know. I don't
know if she knows. But theonly reason why I know. So I'm
not on any dating app. Buthe matched it one of my coworkers and
she came co workers. He sawshe was like, hey, he looks
like a mutual on ig, Likewhat's up with him? And I was
like, oh, he's very muchmarried. And then like a couple of
weeks later they announced like pregnancy andyeah, fast forward to now beings born.
I can't. That just breaks myheart for her. But by the
way, was the unders was theunder his real name, under his real
name, very much recent photo.It wasn't. There wasn't a description about
an open relationship, nothing like that, because they're not. They're together.
That's why you need you need totell her. I stay out of married
business. I am not a marriedperson. So maybe there's something we don't
know behind the scenes going off.So I don't want to speak on it.
But seeing that, it was like, oh yeah, that's always tough.
Wife. You can't stop your wifefrom finding your girlfriend. That's always
tough too. When someone's like,oh, I'm on the dating app.
We're you know, cause they lookthem up and they find out, oh,
Ash, you're the mutual friend,Like do you know this person?
I don't like being the one likeyou need to have your own experience with
that person. But if they're married, yeah, the whole family, I
think you can let the person knowthat. Oh yeah, the last I
heard they were married with four kids. I don't know. Yeah, I
just said, I don't know,girl, I don't know what they have
going on. But last side checked, they were very much married. Do
what you want with that information?Grinding me out of it? Wow,
KENJ thanks for the call, uhanonymous. This one is this is interesting.
This is a two part Go aheadand tell us who you saw on
Tinder. So I go to MatsBoston and I so, we have an
international friend who doesn't no tender,hinge, fumble, nothing, So we
convinced her to get on Tinder,and she was on tender. We were
swiping for her and we've found myprofessor we're in the international business department,
so he's head of the department andhoney, honey, you're giving out way
too much information. Relax, relax. Yeah, so yeah he was on
there. Okay, we'll get tothe he's married. He's married, and
he just had a baby. Whatis he under his real name as well?
Yeah, something going on. He'sput his business to school of business.
So I mean he came. That'swhy I didn't feel like it was
about Yeah, it has to be. It has to be. I don't
think so. Because so she shewe see the wife, and the wife
is very she's a very serious person, like I don't she does not give
off the vibe as like someone okaywith it because she's very kind of like
serious, especially when it comes tolike female students. Like he's very like
he's not like he's like, he'snot inappropriate in class, like you know,
he doesn't give off blirty vibes oranything professional. Is he hot?
No? Okay, okay, no, Well everyone's already looked him up at
this point. Our anonymous Wow,thank you for the call. Guys.
Clearly we're missing the mark here becauseif all of these men are married and
they're on the dating apps under theirreal name. They got to be an
open relationship. I have to believethat the real name thing comes into play
because I think you need your socialmedia to sign up for at least that's
how it was tender. I think. So right now, you can make
up a fake name and he's puttinghis business name and then aything so you
can look him up and be like, yo, let me google this guy.
Oh, he's married to so andso. They got not open though.
It's not that that's crazy, you'rehoping that it is. And that's
two men married that just had ababy that are on there and the wife's
at home with the newborn. I'mthe only one who thinks that these women
should be made aware about all thisstuff. I'll drop a dime right now.
I do think they what are yougonna call you? Mass Boston?
Sure, I'm not gonna do email? And the morning show with d J
four and it's Satific Morning. Bustin'snumber one for hip hop jam in ninety
four or five. Hey, goodmorning, y'all. And just like that,
we made it through another Monday weekend. You blink, it's gone,
but we're here now. It's goingto be a hot one out here,
according to Santy, and of coursemy lex has been warning me all week
and long heat advisory in effect forthe next three days. So if you're
gonna be outside, please please pleasemake sure you're hydrated, Please make sure
you're staying cool. Otherwise I'll keepmy ass inside and in the ac.
Bro. Yeah, because it's basicallygonna feel like the sun. And this
guy's sound is gonna be in hisheat. He's gonna turn the heat on
in the pool and jump in therewith all this heat out. The water
is so warm that I haven't hadheater. It's crazy. Yes, stay
if you like the heat, thisis your time, go to the beach,
do whatever. If you don't belike me, blast the act and
with goods on to what's your shoutout? Shout out to Mariah K twelve,
Sarah Nicole one, and Katie Sullyshout out to you on Instagram. Shout
out to all of y'alls. Well, of course, you can always catch
a podcast in case you missed anythingactually too easy in the am, just
go search that on the free iHeartRadioapp. I'm back later on tonight for
the late night Drip on nine o'clock. Follow me at DJ FORARN. That's
at DJ number four. I gin be gonna be blessed the care of
each other. Week got