Episode Transcript
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Morning Show with DJ Foreurn. It'sSaunty Big Mornington's number one for hip hop
jamming ninety four or five. Hi, everybody, good morning. It's Wednesday,
May twenty ninth. Let me makesure I say the dates that no
one thinks that we're faking. Iam fine, I am here. Baby
is still in my belly. Foreignand Santi can confirm on that we just
had taken and we just took thelong weekend off and everybody immediately thought that
I had given birth, which I, you know, understandably so, but
no, still here, yeah,still going, still thirty seven weeks this
weekend, all right. So Ijust feel like this is the most us
thing ever. I found out overthe weekend that AJ got canceled on from
a listener. What how AJ didnot tell me that her date was canceled
on Friday night listener. A listenerknow because I got asked. So I'm
honest, and I tell A.J Camp went back to Ashley and snitch.
I loved it. I said,Wow, well, thank you for
this info. I will get tothe bottom of this. So here we
are. Friday Night was supposed tobe date number and we were. She
was excited. She was hype.They were going to go to the speak
easy and do all the things.You remember this conversation. She was also
open to having sex. Who Ifeel about it all out there? So
he ends up hitting her up Fridayevening around seven. It was a little
earlier than that, Yeah, andhe canceled. He had to drop off
some friends at the airport who weretraveling. I'm kidding. No, it
was the excuse, or if youwant to say truth, it involved work.
Yeah, it was the work thing. Basically, it looks like he
kind of got screwed over a littlebit and was frustrated about it and just
cancel plans and took it out onyou. What a nice guy. I
think he's lying to you. Whydoes everyone have to be lying because they
lied to you? And you believepeople's lives that you do always go to
that everybody's lying. It may could, yes, well we've always gone to
the thing. If somebody really wantsto hang out with you, they'll hang
out with you. That's true,because you know what I kind of thought.
I get it. You have along day at work. It's just
annoying, like your head is justnot in the great space. You don't
feel like going out to a hole, doing the whole speak easy dating,
all that invite or over thank youinstead of listen, I don't want to
go out. How would you feelabout uber eating something so I can just
be in my sweats and we don'thave to go out. Yeah. Honestly,
like, there were so many scenariosthat went into my head of like
different ideas, or I could askbe like what time are you getting home?
We can make this work, butI wasn't gonna fight him on it
because he's if he's saying he needsto cancel, we're gonna cancel. Yeah,
So we canceled. This is asign, aj, this is a
sign. And here's the tough part. It was a cancelation without a reschedule.
So it was like, hey,I'm not doing it. Ay,
Okay, that was Friday. Yes, do not lie over the course of
the weekend because we were not hereyesterday. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday. That's four days. Howmuch have you spoken? We've talked
every day. It's not a ton, but he has still been communicating.
Okay, that makes me feel better. I don't know about your guys,
Yeah it does, but I feellike he must have some other stuff happening
too. If he's one of thoseguys that takes life like that, he's
just gonna be his punching bag.Whenever thing's still down him, he's just
going to take it out on you. That's how this relationship is going to
go. My boss facing me offat work, now I gotta be mean.
I'm going to ask you to aquestion. So you have like the
worst day here, let's use anexample of our life. We get a
call, our ratings are bad.It doesn't seem like people like listening to
the show anymore. You guys bothleave here and you just feel super defeated.
But you were supposed to go outon a date. You call the
girl and you're like, listen,I just had a rough day at work,
Like, our ratings aren't aren't great. I just want to stay home
and chill. If AJ had said, why don't I pick some food up
and just come over, then wouldthat be a force to you? Would
that's like too much, especially ifbefore and also especially if I like the
girl too, that's completely exactly.But if he's texting me saying, I'm
so sorry, but I need tocancel because I'm not going to fight back
and be like, Okay, wellhow about I just come over and should
should But I'm not going to likepush back saying I need to cancel.
I'm not going to push back andbe like, oh, you're bad.
How about because if he's saying again, I'm not going to like argue what
he's saying. Like if he wasjust saying like, I don't know about
going out anymore, then maybe Icould be back and be like, oh,
well, maybe we can just hangin and watch a movie again.
I agree, I don't know.I also think if I had a bad
day like that too, I wouldlike to get my mind off what's going
on, like at work, andjust go on a couple of drinks or
in some sex. Yeah, butwhat she's saying he canceled it. He
didn't even give up an option.He wasn't like, yo, I want
to go do something else. That'swhy I'm asking if if that was how
you said it and worded it,and she kind of came back and was
like, oh, why did Igrab some food and come over, I
would be like, Okay, yeah, I'm in the mindset that I don't
want to be around nobody, andshe was like, you want me to
come over? I probably say noif I was in that mindset. But
if I'm canceling being like, damn, I had a rough day at work
today, I'm not really feeling thevibe. You see. That's an opening.
Now, Oh, do you wantto go do something else? What
I'm hearing with all of us datingis really hard, and I love her
it is. I love making funof you because it's just so fun.
But dating is like the mental gameof it all, not not not saying
oh, grab food and come overbecause you don't want to push them away
even further, like you still wanthim to want to see you. But
again, my mind always goes backto if you're that interested in somebody,
even if you had a bad,bad day, you're like, yo,
just come chill, like put on, let's watch a movie and order Mazona.
And this is not the first timehe did this, right, what
is this like the second of thethird. He's never canceled on, Sorry,
he canceled. She's gotten canceled onby every other guy. That's why
the percentage of days that get canceled, what would that percentage be, say
sixty? I think there was onemonth where I was like canceled three or
four times by guys give it sixtyone of which canceled this guy's parking lot.
He's never canceled, So this dude'snever canceled on you ever. No,
but before we met, we didn'thave difficult kind of ironing out plans.
So okay, okay, it tooklike a couple of weeks for USTI
why why do you think people arecanceling often because dating sucks? Okay,
it's like the whole dating, thedating, it's she's not going to look
in the mirror today, guys,today is not I am not the only
person who gets canceled on. Thishappens a lot. I don't know.
I don't know. I'm sure thepeople you're canceled on too, they're canceled
on, but not as consistently asyou not. Well, you know,
for every person thing that you could, every guy you have. I'm the
problem. Okay, I've been sayingthat. I've been saying, what is
the reason they're canceling? Why arethey running from me? What did I
do? So? I don't thinkwe have a lot of time. Yeah,
I thought, being frank, Idon't know because I know you said
that I went a little long therein the news, so I don't think
we have but we could do thisone day if you want. I mean,
we could just turn around and lookat the list. I mean the
literal list of things you're extremely pickyin your mind is very closed. Let's
start. But they don't know that, Yes they do. You have a
conversation to two seconds and you knowthat. I mean, she won't even
date a guy because he's white.Like there's number one's mind closed? Yeah
done, Why you're out? SoI don't know what color. Ye just
saying there's a laundry list of reasons. But either way, what's the next
play with this guy? I know, because I know you're really into him,
You're invested. I was actually reallybummed that we didn't get to see
each other. But I'm not goingHe's still communicating with me, so I
think that's a good time. ButI'm not going to initiate plan. I
will throw in because I'm sure peopleare thinking it. It was already stated
that he had work obligations Saturday andSunday, so that's why they were going
out Friday night. So I'm sureif somebody's like we why couln't they just
go out the next night? Thatis why. Yes, and you won't
go out on the weekend, sothat kind of she won't go out during
the week week. Sorry, yeah, so limits you're dating it like,
but she's super easy to date.She's super easy. She just will not
go out Monday through Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She's available. She
has nothing to do with her life.