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June 25, 2024 62 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yo, wake up. Hey.By the way, shout out to our
god Terminology, who's on that songwith our guy Mike Styles. He's got
a new book out. What isit, Hundred Ways to Be a Better
Dad? Yeah? I thought itwas over here somewhat, but I think
pup stole one copy. Yeah,one hundred Ways to Be a Better Dad?
Pick that up? Uh? Anywaythat you buy your book? Set,

Santie, Is it a good read? It is a good read.
I actually bang through it like prettyquickly because each chapter is about a page
and it's just like little lessons onbeing a dad. But it covers everything
from mental health to being honest withyour kids about certain things, even talks
about divorce in there. So it'sreally like a good easy read. So
that's really like basic into the pointthough. Okay, and you felt like
somebody who maybe is a young dadcould pick that up and kind of be

like absolutely anybody or any dad couldpick it up and be like, oh,
okay, I could change a fewthings. Yeah, because if you're
feeling like, oh, wal dar, anything about being a parent is you
know, we can talk about thisfor hours. But that breaks it down
and makes it pretty simple and makesyou feel like you can like address and
handle like anything. By the way, he came on and talked about it.
Yeah, so you could check thatout on the podcast. As always,
I wanted to come in here signand address a pet peeve of mine.

Man, Why do people drive onthe slow lane on the fast lane
slow? Oh yeah, bro,it makes me mad. I'm gonna be
honest with you. I'm doing eightyninety in the slow lane because everybody else
is in every other lane but theslow lane. Do you know in certain
states that's not a thing. Herein Massachusetts, I don't know if it's
illegal. It's not legal. Youcan really you cannot be They call it

a passing lane. You cannot bein the passing lane. If you're not
passing, they can pull you overliterally and give you a ticket. I
know in other states it's not athing. So you'll go to like I
know, like Connecticut's one of themwhere you can be in the fast lane
and they are just right there.Yeah. Yeah, Yeah, the cop
comes behind you and he really justwanted to pull you over for nothing,
and you're in the fast lane andthere's no other cars around. Yeah,
you could get pulled over for that. But yeah, it's really annoying.

It's annoying, bro. Like thismorning, I'm driving and I'm thinking,
there's mad traffic in front of me. I kind of go into the middle
lane and the little Toyota full runor whatever they were driving. It's the
old bro. They had to bethirty calls ahead of that. I'm like,
why are you driving this slow?And I'm just over here. But
this is how I get tickets becauseI'm bobbing and weeding when I shouldn't be.
Get out the fastling man. How'syour morning going? It's go and

find my daughter's here. Bring thekids to the job. I brought it.
I brought one in last week,so then the other one was like,
oh can I come on? Youknow, the next day. So
now it's the third day of bringingkids in here. But I think it's
good for them to understand when it'slike to get up in the morning.
I know, and you're kind ofdoing it like yesterday was one of the
boys, the day before that wasanother one of the boys. Today girls
in here chilling. The only thingis like, welly do you want to

wake up that early when you're onvacation. I gave them the option not
to, but they all were likecompletely fine with so come see Daddy at
work. There was thing we gottabe PG thirteen, le in here,
get dad be going crazy. Ithink they know in the jam in Morning
show with d J four and it'sSusy warning Goton's number one for hip hop
jam in ninety four or five.Hi, everybody, Good morning. Tony

had called us earlier for the checkand Tony I said, listen, you're
gonna have to call me back becauseI knew. I knew people were gonna
pop off about this. One numberone being that you're you're like me,
You're a big time shower guy.You shower probably two to three times at
minimum a day. But the complaintobviously is around your girl and she's at

this time only showering. We're givingher three of the seven days a week,
and that's I'm worried about her.And you know what, I started
getting dms, one of which isfrom a woman who explained to me that
she works in the trauma field andshe said she had a supervisor that hated
the whole process of getting ready forshowers, but once she got in there,

she enjoys it. So basically saying, maybe you could help her with
like the setup process of her gettingready for it, and that would help.
But I don't like you just i'mnaked. Well some people maybe it's
just the effort of having to,you know what I mean, get ready
to take a shower. I justI love being clean. Tony, you

actually told your girl you were like, I'm gonna call Ashley because I've I've
asked you a million that. Whatdoes she say when you say to her?
Hey, Like, I feel asif it's kind of affecting our sex
life at this point. Now,I'm kind of feeling bad because that's usually
what happens. Like she she saysa mean kind of thing, it turns
into a little victimy like, oh, you're mean, that's really you want
to embarrass me. And I don'twant to do that at all because I

don't want to make her do somethingfor me. But at the same time,
you should. You should bend alittle bit in relationship with your partner
things. It's kind of grows.I don't even think it's for you,
man, Like I just think it'sfor myself. I like to shower for
myself. You guys got a kid, that's nice like alone time that she
can have there, Right, howmany kids you have? One? Just
one? He's eleven, so andthat's actual thing. I don't want to

act like it's making a huge thingbecause we're not like the most intimate.
Usually if we do, it's likeOkay, I'm showering and then and we're
going to have sex. There's notreally many spontaneous ones, but this totally
eliminates it. Without the showering,it eliminates any chance of a spontaneous one.
Well, some might argue, wasshe like this in the beginning of
the relationship, Like did you knowthat this is the way she was?

It's tough to I don't know ifit's just coming to forefront. I've said
it for years, definitely years,but like lately it's just like making me
angry, like what are you doing? Like you need to shower? And
it always comes to the hair thing. It's like it takes too long to
dry my hair and this and that. Yeah, she can put it up
in a bun, right, notwash it, Like every time, that's
what I do. I literally weara shower cap, Like I will put

my hair in a bun and Iwill cover my hair up, so because
I don't want her to think thatshe has to go in there and get
her hair wet and have to blowher hair dry. Literally, there's nothing
worse than the day I have toshower and shampoo my Hairing absolutely hate hair
washing day. But it doesn't haveto be like that. I also just
think it's a very small ask,but just for hygien reasons alone. I

mean, listen, I asked hershe's a big worker out her. He
said she's not. I'm expecting tobelieve that when it's an eighty degree ninety
degree day, she's never sweating downthere. I won't. I won't believe
it, Tony, I won't.People are already calling about this, so
Tony, hang on the line becauseI want to hear what other people have
to say about it. Shine isin Boston. Shine, I mean,
I know I'm on the dramatic sideof this, where I shower three times

a day. One is a fullshower, two others are rinse offs.
But what are your thoughts on this, Listen, It's just disgusting. I
don't know who does not take ashower every day, Like I'm sure you're
getting up and going to the bathroomin the morning. You have to use
the bathrooms. So you're telling methat you're literally not taking a shower after

you take a crap. That makesno sense. That's disgusting. You need
the shower every day, Like we'regetting up and we're using the bathroom.
It's not okay. Every day I'mgetting up and I'm walking my rod.
So that's like you could have totake your morning crap. So you told
me you're not gonna take a shower, no sh and I stay with you

money, I do, and thankyou for that. I just haven't heard
anybody say the word crap no,and I'm glad you did. But it
could be ten years since I've heardsomeone say I had to take a crab
a female to like that, like, hit me hard man, I'm in
the face of that word. WhoI am tearies? Lisa is improv what

Lis? What do you mean?I believe shower power? Yes, I
believe in shower power. Like hIt invigorates you, it helps you to
get up, it refreshes you,all of that. So I'm wondering,
is she depressed or something? Ohokay, well let's go to Tony with
that good question. Tony, haveyou guys, you know, been recently

going through some challenges maybe where depressioncould be weighing in on this or is
this just what she's doing? Itcould be, Like I said, we've
been together so long, we couldsit here all day if you guys wanted
to be my therapist and go througheverything, definitely could be part of it.
Okay, do you know does shetake that crap in the morning?

Hold on? Do not? Well? Obviously yeah, as she goes to
the bathroom. But at that point, yeah, Like I feel like that
alone should make you want to getin the bathroom, you know. Six,
I get in the shower now.App six one seven nine three.
It's just that I haven't heard it. I'm sorry, Okay, can we

please be a professional here? Sixone seven nine three one one nine four
five six one seven nine three oneone nine four five. I'm not all
jokes and craps aside, dead serious. I couldn't handle this. If the
fireman was only showering three days aweek, I wouldn't. I wouldn't allow
him in the bed, Like itwould really be that bad for me because

I am the type that showers multipletimes a day. What would you knew
if you were Tony in this Tonyshowering two three times a day is cleanly
man. His girl is showering threeof the seven days three so much everybody
in morning it's Ashley in the gymin Morning Show. We're giggling about this.
But I want to make it clear. Tony from Abington has called us

and he's like, listen, I'mshowering two or three times a day,
and some people might honestly think that'sexcessive. My husband thinks it's crazy that
I shower three times a day,but I've said one is a full on
shower, two or rinse offs.Yeah, it could be excessive to some,
but there's no way I'm going awhole day without showering. Tony's girl,

on the other hand, only showersthree out of the seven days a
week. He has asked her aboutthis, you know, he said,
listen, they've gone through things,but it's definitely affecting him enough for him
to pick up the phone and callus. The phones went crazy on this
one. I knew they would.That's why I wanted to give it a
little bit more time. I amdead soon, you guys, if the

fireman only showered three out of theseven days a week. It wouldn't work.
I wouldn't be able to handle it, Like you're not going to get
an hour bed like that. Youhave to assume too, that they would
smell, and I think that's thebiggest thing. It's tough. Eileen is
in Stotin. Eileen is on theside of if she's clean and doesn't have
sexuals every day, then why doesshe need to shower every day? Hi?

Eileen? Hello, So what isyour thought process on this whole being
clean thing? Like, if she'sgoing to work, right, if she's
leaving the home and she's like she'soutside air, she's touching things, she's
at work, she's doing things,you would still consider that clean. If
what she's not sweating? What isyour definition of being clean out there in

the real world. I mean,you wash your hands and stuff after you
use the bathroom, so I think, well you should most people they do.
But if you're not doing strenulous stufflike why why do you need to
shower every day? But what aboutwashing your But what about the parts of
your body that like just sweat normallyand like the creases and all that stuff.

I don't know. I'm not abig sweater. So I don't shower
every day. I shower every otherday. But I'm also not in a
relationship either. Yeah, so yeah, you know, no, yeah,
I think just how we're set updown there. It's water well, I
mean that's believe me. I makesure that's clean every day. Yeah,

that should be regardless if I takea shower or not. Okay, so
I leans in every other day shower. Okay, thank you for that,
Jamie Is and laws Lawrence. Sorry, Jane. My last relationship, she
showered two times a week. Itled me to drink. You know what,
you and I are one and thesame. I would hit the bottle

hard for that. Maybe even somethinghardened her. I don't know totally.
It was like this, he's inall his rights. You don't have intimacy.
Then you have like no communication andlike it sucks big time. When
you would say to your ex,you know, like you've only showered twice
this week? What was the response. I was made to feel like something

was wrong with me, like Ihad OCD or something. You and I
would encourage it. I wouldn't belike, come on, let's go take
a shower, you know, showerwith me, just so it wouldn't be
so so it wouldn't sound mean,But thank you, it wasn't it wasn't
working. Yeah. No, that'seven the fact of you trying to tempt

him, like, hey, comein the shower with me, let's go
get naked together. I mean that'slike that's a layup to get him in
there. Did he smell No?No, changed regularly like the undies and
everything. But the idea is justlike you know, you put in the
effort for your partner, you expectthem, you know, to have the
same decently for you. That's likesaying it's winter, I'm not gonna shave

anything, right, Yeah, yeah, all right, Jamie, Well thank
you for that. I just feellike there's no better feeling than post shower
getting in the bed and like youknow, making sweet love. Everybody's clean,
you can just feel that, andyou're cuddled up and you can smell
the soap like I live for thosemoments. But even so, getting into
bed like freshly showered feels so goodeven if you don't make sweet love.

Guys, I am so crazy thatif I say I come home for I
shower before work and say I don'tgo to the gym, and I come
right home and I'm exhausted and Iwant to lay down. I will lay
on top of my bed with likea throw blanket. I will not get
under the bed in the sheets becauseI haven't taken a rinse off. That's
extreme. Though I need help,I'm not saying I let's go back to

Tony. Tony you, I knewthis was gonna happen. My dms are
crazy, the phone lines are crazy. Just to run down a few things.
People need to shower every day.I couldn't be with a woman who
couldn't be with someone whose showers oncea day. I think showering daily is
in poor and I got to letgo of somebody who doesn't shower. I
think it could be a mental healthissue. I have to shower every day.

I needed for my mental health.I'm a mom with depression. I
would look into her mental health.I mean, I think we got to
make sure she's okay first. Butagain, Tony, you said in the
beginning of the relationship it was kindof still the same. Yeah, for
sure. I think she's just totallycontent with the way she showers. I
don't think she sees any problem withit at all, this is tough,

man. I don't know how itchanges if this is something she's been doing
for how how long have you allbeen together? Nineteen years? Yes,
we're thirty four, so high school. That's crazy. That's this is just
like Shine, I think Shine said. I actually bring that up to her.
I say, if you poop today, you need to shower, Like
that's a rule, that is thatis thought. And I thought we were
escaping the crap, but we're not. And what does she say when you

say that, just like kind ofjust you know a few like this is
my shower schedule, like this iswhat I do, Tony, I don't
know how you and Tony said,Tony, you kind of sound sad to
her, my crazy You just sounddefeated. No, I'm just trying to
make sure I'm not like you're notforce things or being mean at all.
But you know, it's you know, it's something that i'd like to happen,

like if she if she does it, she's gonna be like, oh,
you're happy, not like it's goingto be one of these things and
you don't want to deal with that. God, she should want to do
it for herself. Like but ifshe doesn't feel like she needs to.
She don't smell if she's going outsideand outside you want to look at it
from her, and we all inagreement she needs to show the more.
But if she's like, listen,I don't smell, I don't think I

don't. People don't say I gotb oh, nothing like that. My
husband even says the same thing.I don't need to shower every time,
even after I crap. It doesn'tmatter. I just I can't go into
detail here, but that what whatwe got going on needs a little bit
of water on it every day.I'm sorry, It's true. I'm in

a different for show. It iswhat it is, and I don't I
don't know how this changes for you, Tony, and I hate that because
usually we have some sort of resolutionhere, but I don't see I don't
see it changing for her. Ithink this is just what she wants to
do, and I hope that youguys, can you know, add on
another nineteen years and you're just withsomeone who does not shower, because I
it's tough. This is tough,but like the more I say it,

I just feel even worse, likeshould I just stop saying it? Accept
it? I subtly. You know, we keep saying it. What do
you guys? I Almos feel likehe has to accept it. I don't
know, you've You've been here longenough, bro. Yeah, and it's
not worth getting divorced for broken off. Just take a bucket of water,
dump it on it, Tony.I'm not even like, what about having
wet wipes in the house, Like, do you guys use those? Do

you utilize those? She definitely,like, you know, puts the odor
in spray. She doesn't smell bad. But yeah, it's just more I
might have a little OCD about it, but my mind runs, well,
I'm just saying, along with toiletpaper, some people in their home have
wet wipes, and I think thatsheet that could be something that she could.
Maybe we start there, you know, in that way. Okay,

I don't know. I can giveyou an update if we get there.
Yeah, maybe listen, maybe youplay this to her, because, by
the way, this is not tosay she's probably not the most amazing person
in the world, but I trulythink she will feel better about herself if
she takes even a two second showerevery single day. I really really believe
that. And if you do playthis back for her. We're not making
fun of you. We are justtrying to help you. I think it

will be great for your mind,right right. And by the way,
Tony, just because I have youhere, everybody in the shows on their
high horse. But let me askyou something. Would you go out and
about in a pair of jeans,get on like the tea for example,
sit on the tee and then getin your own bed with your jeans on.
Would you do that? No chance? I do what you said to

After a long day, I stayon top of my comforter, I cover
my pillow. I don't want myda No, I know. But here's
the thing. I'm not going tolisten to mister high horse Santy about anything
because he will go out and livea full day. He'll work out,
he'll put on his sweat, hisI'm sorry, his jeans from old Navy,
and he will get in his bed. So we're not listening to anything

Santi has to say, Tony,that's all I'm saying. It's psychotic.
No, it's it's it's serial killer. Is shuit? Is Tony? Good
luck man? Start with the wetwipes and see where that takes you.
But this is tough. All right, thank you guys. All Right,
she's not it's not changing. It'snot she said, it's the way she's
built and probably the way her parentswere too. Obviously, I don't want

to take away from the mental healthstuff because I see a lot of people
saying that, and if that isan issue that she's going through, that's,
you know. But aside from that, the crap thing is really like,
I cannot believe that woman called inand said everybody takes a crap every
morning. I can Daddy and theMorning Show with d J. Fourn It's
Santy Morning. Bustin's number one forhip hop dam in ninety four or five

the morning. What's going on?Happy Tuesday? Tend to Tuesday? At
that is it is tune to Tuesday. You got for them? Here,
Santiam here, my girl AJ ishere too. A lot of people Son
have been hitting the d ms thetalk backs, being like, what's going
on with AJ? Did she getghosted? Because you haven't really talked about
it, AJ, about what's goingon in your dating life? Yeah,

we got we got some good newsoutside. You've been outside outside and keeping
it quiet. Talk to us man. Yeah, we actually have date number
six tonight, number six. Wow, so this is where it all ends.
Huh, No, don't say that. I think the last time we
talked about it, you a hellexcited because it was your first ever date.
Number four, Yeah, a sixone time. I've seen one guy

seven times in a row. Sowe're not in completely unfamiliar territory yet,
but we're getting unfamiliar territory. Yeah, nobody has lasted this long with you
and in familiar and it is themost exciting you've ever been because again,
she can't stop smiler any time wetalk about it. It's the furthest we've
made it. I'm very and whatare we doing tonight? So tonight we're

just gonna go to like the TuscanVillage area and I don't know, probably
grab something to eat, hang outfor a little bit. Okay, let's
but let's running back since the fourthdate. Everything went smooth there. Fifth
day. Did we talk about thefifth date? Ever? I don't think
we ever did. Such day wassupposed to be the day, you know
what I'm saying, Things were supposedto get let loose, you know what
I'm saying, And things got left. Can I tell you how paranoid.

I was after last week, like, oh my god, he's never gonna
talk to me again, Like I'llnever hear from him. But we're going
on number six. There was allthis conversation that you were also nervous about,
and I think I put some ofthat nervousness on you, right,
Like the dude was asking you questionsabout you know, yeah, pulling hair
and stuff like that. How didthey go house the experience? Things were
good, Yeah, tame, Yeah, I mean it's the first time,

right, you gotta be well,you nervous, I know you will hell
of nervous, Like I'm gonna bethe white this person in bed and everything
was yeah, everything was fine.He was a gentleman. Yeah, oh
yeah. This then happened in aparking lot. Watch guys, that's parked
in the far end of it.That's them. So do you see do
you see this going long term?Do you see this like a future for

this or you're just kind of playinga day by date by date. Let
me say, I'm trying to justgo day by day, but I am
optimistically thinking that there's something then andhe's the one ald is reaching out to
you, right, It's both butyeah, like yesterday he was like,
when could I see you again?So he is? What was what was
your response when he said that toyou? As soon as possible? Sounds

like desperation, bro. But datenumber five today, six, number six
today at Tuscan Kitchen. Something's predicting. There's a nice little parking lot over
there. It gets dark too.Likes parking lots. Not anymore? Okay,
no doubt. She's upgraded to theguys that room in the jam In
Morning Show with DJ four and it'ssat Morning. Cousin's number one for hip

hop. He having ninety four orfive. Good morning Yah, Happy Tuesday,
man, you know what Tuesday bringsus? Karen Reid updates. Yeah,
best day of the week, bestday of the week. And it's
sad to say that this might beone of the last times we get our
good friend Nick rock on. Goodmorning Nick. What's happening? Yeah,

this might be a quick case forthe defense man. A lot of people
are surprised. Not a lot offireworks like that, you know what I
mean? And not dragged out?What did they start on Friday? Give
us a weekup of the least coupleof days of how that's been going yeah.
So I would say what a weekit's been, but it's only been
two days of the yes case.Yeah. So the last time we spoke

was Friday, and I was kindof giving you guys heads up of what
what would come. Personally, Ididn't think it was going to be that
fast. But here we are,we're basically getting ready for closing arguments today.
So we saw doctor Marie Russell anddoctor Sheridan get on the stand and
confirm what all of our eyes showus that those scratches on his arm are

not compared to somebody being struck bya vehicle and more along the lines of
being attacked by a dog or ananimal. And actually Marie Russell, who
is out in California, she hasmore experience than I have been alive in
the medical field. And this womandealt with a lot of trauma, gunshots,
stab wounds, and a lot ofdog bites. She's actually published two

different stories about dog bites specifically.And then you have doctor Sheridan, who
has seen over a handful of peoplewho have either been attacked or have been
killed by animals more or less dogsin his lifetime, and they are very
confident that those scratches on his armare one caused from a dog? I

think they'll Verban say and saying ifsomebody had been hit by a car,
you'd definitely see bruises. Yeah,I mean you might not be able to
see broken bones on fractures that mightbe internal, but definitely you would see
bruises, which his body had none. I think he had one small bruise
on the knuckle on the face ofhis hand or something like that, but
other than that, there was nobruises, right, And that plays right
into the experts that were hired byARCA. And those experts were not retained

by the defense or the prosecution.They were attained by the federal government.
And with that being said, theyhad no skin in the game. So
they basically were given this information andsaid, can you determine whether this person
was struck by a vehicle or not? And if not, why, And
we learned yesterday that the science andthe physics behind the acceleration speed of twenty

four miles per hour and where Johnended up in the lawn and the condition
of the tail light, it's justphysically impossible for all of that to happen.
While John O'Keefe being struck by thevehicle. And these are two people
that, like I said, haveno skin in the game, so they
don't care. They don't care ifKaren did it or not. Their job

was to find out could a bodybreak this tail light? Could a body
be sent thirty feet into the yacht? And their answer was no. Both
of them came to the conclusion thatJohn O'Keefe was not struck by a vehicle
and Karen Read's vehicle did not strikea body, and that basically because she's
being child with second degree merida,which is you intend to kill somebody.

So that was already out the window. Then you had some people saying,
oh, well, what about youknow, involuntary manslaughter, Well that just
got put out the window yesterday aswell by these two experts, because they
they're I mean, you can't getmore credible than these guys. Yeah,
they really can't. I assume thatthe defense was going to take a lot
more time to present their case.Is that because they are focusing on the

simple fact that the car did nothit that body. Is that why it
only took just two days? No, I think this only took two days
because we did have Adam Lalley reallydragging anything out, and then also on
Adam Lalley's cross examinations, he hadno holes s folk in any of these
people. They're they're so credible thatlike, really, what was he going
to ask those guys from ARCA thatwould make them change their mind. One

of the things we saw him dowas, well, did you know that
John's DNA was on the tail light? Did you know there was a piece
of hair? Did you see thisvideo? X, Y and Z And
they said, yeah, but itstill wouldn't change our opinion on like anything
that, like the hair on thebumpet, doesn't change the fact that that
tail light would not explode into fortyfive pieces being hit by an arm,

you know what I mean. Andone of the great points that doctor Rumer
said was regardless of anything that happenedafter being the voicemails being you know,
Jen McCabe this, and that it'sall irrelevant because the tail light could not
have been broken by a body,So everything else is irrelevant even though it's
all reasonable doubt in this case,it doesn't even matter. Yeah, I

liked and doctor Wolf. I thinkI watched his testimony and he kind of
was talking about how they reconstructed,how if that glass would even shatter at
that speed, and it was like, nah, it wouldn't. It wouldn't
really break the weight like you knowthey claiming to be. And again,
an important thing you said, Nick, is that none of these people have
a skin of the game, meaningthey're not paid either by the defense or
the prosecution, you know what Imean. And they made it clear to

be like, listen, we've neverspoken to you until about a day or
two before this trial, right yep. And you guys come independently doing your
own researcher yep. And all ofthem were very consistent in saying, you
know, whether it was the expertstalking about the animal bites or looked like
scratches of bites and and it happeningminutes to hours before death and that's why
you don't see a lot of bruisinglike that. And if it was a
car, you definitely would see alot more trauma in the arm. Kind

of debunked the whole thing that theprosecution was saying. Right. And one
of the amazing things to me wasdoctor Wolf had said they built a cannon
basically because yes, they had.They had to figure out how that tail
like broke exactly. They knew thatwas a glass involved, they knew there
was a body involved. So thesepeople built a cannon and shot cocktail glasses

at basically the tail light. AndI think it was around thirty seven miles
per hour was the speed you hadto throw the cocktail glass at the tail
light to make it shatter into fortyfive pieces. And there's no way John
O'Keefe is throwing the cocktail glass thirtyseven miles per hour and it's gonna break
that tail light. That just it'simpossible. And then one of the interesting

things was Adam Lalley was like,well, you know it was cold outside,
right, Like, doesn't that playit different. He goes, yeah,
we put the tail lights in thefreezers and we froze them to twenty
seven degrees before we did these tests. And he's like, oh, like,
these guys like they're hired by theby the federal government, guys don't
mess around, you know what Imean. This is not a state trooper

who took forty hours in classes andbecame an expert. These guys are legit
experts and they do this twenty fourto seven for very very high powered people
and used for a reason. Butthere is one guy that that also put
a basically a hole in the prosecution'scase, and that was Lucky the plow
driver, and he stated he wentup and down that street a couple of

times and John o'keep was not onthe lawn. And that's important testimony because
if Karen wasn't on the lawn,I mean sorry, if John wasn't on
the lawn, then Karen couldn't havehit him. They did try to trip
him up though, with the timeshe kept saying that, you know,
I came back to one and ahalf hours later, and I think the
prosecution was kind of like, well, that would put you at this in

this time. They tried to triphim up the time, but he was
he was kind of step fast.He stood in the square and was like,
nah, this is the time Icame back here. Well, if
you remember, Brian Tully went onthe stand and he's a state trooper.
He went on the stand and hesaid, well, the reason why we
didn't look into the Ford edge wasbecause Lucky changed his story three four times.
And but here's the thing. TheFeds talked to Lucky after the defense

talked to them and before state,please talk to them. So and his
story has always been consistent, youknow, whether it was one hour off
or this, or that he didn'tsee a body. So so forget about
all the other times. The firsttime he went down the road at two
forty five, there was no bodyon the lawn and at that point Karen
would have already struck him with thevehicle at twelve thirty. So there is

there's just this case is done.I mean, I'm hoping we see a
verdict today. Most likely it willprobably be tomorrow, but I know you
had said this will be the lasttime. There will be one more time,
so I thought we can call inand you know, talk about the
verdict decision, of course, Butyeah, so I'm on my way the
now. So closing arguments are goingto be about one hour each. We're

going to see Alan Jackson verse AdamLalley, and I think throughout this whole
trial we've seen who the alpha alphamale in this situation is, and I
think we're going to see who comesout on top. So you're definitely going
to be in court today. Yeah. I will be with the defense team
basically the rest of the week untilwe say the words not guilty in court?

Why and you're thinking it's going tocome that fast? You think they
do they closing arguments, We'll assumingwhat nine ten o'clock normost start time that
I've noticed that this case starts,and I mean court starts, And then
you're thinking by later on today,if not tomorrow, if not tomorrow,
they're gonna come back with a verdict. That's what you're thinking. Yeah,
that is what I think. Ithink these people are gonna sit in the

room. They're all gonna before theyeven look at all the evidence in the
case. I think they're all goingto sit down and look at each other
and say, Okay, where arewe and if everybody, if everybody comes
out right in the beginning it saysnot guilty, there's really nothing to look
at. At that point. Youdon't have to change anyone's mind. Absolutely,
So again, you know, thisis just my opinion. I think
we could see today or potentially tomorrow, but definitely this week. There's no

way this is going into July.These Jerry members are done. They've been
at this for I think it's thirtyor thirty one days now. They're ready
to never go to Norfolk County SuperiorCourt again. I'm sure. I'm sure.
Wow, Okay, well, Nick, you're gonna be back with us.
I almost feel like that on Fridaywe might want to If the verdict
drops the day to MA, wemight have to bring Abby back. We

might have to bring you back alot sooner than Friday, because we don't
have to wait the whole week,you know what I mean. Yeah,
yeah, I'll be available regardless,so just let me know. Okay,
Well, we'll definitely tap in Nickas always, Thank you so much for
giving us the insight and kind ofyou know, giving us the rundown on
how things are going. Closing argumentstoday should be happening this morning. According

to Nick, we could have averdict by today. That would be crazy
because a quick verdict would mean it'sprobably going to be a not guilty verdict.
Yeah. Well, I mean it'shard to say because the murder.
You know, you've seen other caseswhere they came back pretty quick. But
that means that the evidence in thecase is compelling exactly exactly, you know
what I mean. So whether we'veseen that the prosecution's case has been completely

shot, So if they come upwith a guilty verdict. I think it's
going to be days of deliberation,right all right, Nick, thank you
so much. Man, I knowyou gotta get head into court. Uh
definitely will be excited to see what'sgoing on. Give us an update once
you're out of court. And dependingon how that verdict goes, if they
come back today tomorrow, we mighthave to bring you back the next day
and talk about whatever verdict they comeup with. Thank you, Nick,

We appreciate you. Good morning.Imagine that. The craziest thing about this
is he's going to be in thecourtroom like front row for this, and
I'm not I don't want to comparethis to like a sporting event, but
like if you want to get aticket to something, this is it.
Today is and he's going to bein the court room, which is amazing.
This is it. And now Idon't know if you plan it that
way. And he said, yeah, I'm gonna take these days off and

I want to be here for theverdict. So yeah, I mean he
took the entire week off. Yeah, he closed on the shot for this,
So niggas tapped in, as yousaid, tapped it and we're gonna
tap out that. But listen.If you missed any of this conversation,
of course, check it out onthe on the It's going to be up
on our podcast to feed iHeartRadio appcan't read update? Does the verdict come
today? We're gonna see Gemini forfive bill Since the morning day in the

jam In Morning Show with DJ fourand Sauty Morning Bastin's number one for hip
hop jamming ninety four or five HappyTuesday Morning and she got DJ four in
in here with my bro Santy,Santy, what up all right? Now?
Listen? I know you're a richguy. I know, I know,

I know rich people. Teens isyour AKA, right? But how
do you feel about gambling? Bro? I don't gamble. I don't like
to give I don't like to givemy money away. Talk about it,
you know. For the NBA,and I think it was for Super Bowl,
I was convinced to put some betsinto DraftKings real quick, which I
did and I lost, of course, twenty dollars here, twenty dollars there.

For the NB. Let me tellyou this. For the NBA,
what game was it was game now? It was the last game. Yes,
So for the final game of thefinals, I put I was putting
in a three hundred dollars bet becausethat was gonna give me a lot of
money. And I put all thestats right, you know, threes from
this like all Celtics. Lucky forme, I did not hit the submit

button, even though I think Icould have won, like yeah, ten
geez, but three hundred dollars isnot really like it's a lot of money,
but it's on the grand scheme ofthings, like you could afford to
lose that. Yes, it's whenpeople start betting a lot of money that
they really can't afford to lose,you know what I mean. That's what
I'm like, you might have aproblem. And these people go to the
casinos. I've seen a video ofanother guy putting sixteen thousand dollars and he

was like, yo, I'm gonnaput this money down and see what No,
it was sixteen hundred dollars and heput the money down on blackjack.
Whatever happened, the cards came outright and bong, he won, and
he was like, my mortgage isgonna be paid. I'm not gonna be
defaulting on my car. I'm like, but what happened if you lose all
that money? Though? And somepeople lose money and go broke. See,
but the thing is most people willtake that money right and not pay

off their debts. Sty'll put itback on because now they start thinking I
can double it again. Yes,and that is the yes. And these
long shots or whoever you want tocall them, they they kind of on
people like that, yeah, becausethey're like, oh no, no,
no, it's cool. You onlya thousand, It's okay, heeds the
more money, go bet some more. Because they play in the long game.
They keep bleeding you over a coupleof years, and they're a thousand
that you owe will turn into tenthousand. Let's be honest. Let's be

honest. DraftKings, casinos, youname them. They are the winners.
At the end of the day.They might lose in there quote unquote pay
out, but at the end ofthe day they racking in billions of dollars.
If they pay out a million hereevery once in a while, yeah,
it's nothing to them. Drake doesn'tseem to stop betting. Bro I
think Drake has a problem. Ithink Drake has a problem too. Low
Ki. Also, like I've saidbefore, I think because he's using other

people's money, what's the company stakes. I think it's called But he put
five hundred thousand for the match towin the NBA Finals. Clearly he lost.
Now and you were telling me abouthe just lost another million dollars on
another Boilers. Yeah, on theStanley Cup finals game and he lost a
million. And even if he's bettinghis own cash, I know he can
afford it. He has billions.But still you still have an issue.

And it adds up because he losesmore than he wins. He might win
big sometimes, but I think heloses more than he wins. MJ is
another big better like Jordan was likegambling problem, gambling problem, but again
he can afford to cover his bets. Do you remember a guy named Antoine
Walker. Yeah, he all broke. He lost one hundred million dollars hanging
out with MJ because he tried tokeep up with them in the casinos and

that light to a gambling like addiction. He lost all his money. Oh
my god. Yeah, I couldn'tdo it me. Losing even a twenty
year hurts my soul. I'm like, how I went to Encore last year.
I lost, I mean I was, I lost some money and it
still hurts me. Seven hundred bucksand it still was like bothering me.
What I was up? I wasup. I run us through the plate.

I thought out with seven hundred dollarsI started. I think I started
off with maybe five. I wasup. I was up into the thousands,
okay, And I started to gethappy and I started to like,
you know, have fun with it. And then I lost it all because
I put a seven hundred dollars handdown on god Jack game. Yeah,
and all the winnings and everything going. But yeah, and I'm not doing

this because I got fun. Igot silly. I was drinking. So
I'm like, this is studing aand I'm like, I think the most
if I ever go to on calland I decided to bet, I'm probably
doing one hundred dollars. And here'sonce it's gone, I'm out these numbers
that we're talking about. People betway more than this, and on a
daily basis. They some people wholive and breathe in the casino. That's

all they do. They did fromone time. I remember I came from
the club and I think I stayedat the casino and those people in there,
like two, three, four o'clockin the morning gambling. I'm like,
what are y'all doing? Wow,y'all degenerates out here Ashley and the
jam in Morning Show with DJ Flournand Santhy. Here we go. It's
Dinner Tuesday, y'all on Boston's numberone for hip hop and the Best Throwbacks

Jam at eighty four five. We'reswitching things up because I got so many
dms over the weekend about this situation, specifically from the show last week.
We also got a ton of talkbacks. Good morning. I just finished listening
to the podcast for Friday and thatguy who was on saying that he was

whining and dining his girl, andI'll better have an update today because I
am one thousand percent invested. Thisdude is perfect on paper, so I
hope he had a conversation, andI hope it all works out because I
love love. But six months Icouldn't agree more. If you just heard

that and you're like, ash whatis going on? Just as a refresher
to everybody, we get a callfrom this guy by the name of Chris
last week and Chris is like,guys, I just need outsider's opinion.
I'm in this long distance relationship.I love my girl. But I made
it very clear to her, youknow that, like sex is important to
me. It's now been six monthsof nothingness. You know, she doesn't

try and we all kind of satdown and were like, what are you
not doing? Like you're not doingthe right things. And he's like,
guys, when we're together, likeI took her on this and me ski
trip and we ordered Italian and he'stelling us all of these things. And
we were trying to find something badabout Chris or something that we could maybe
say, you know what, thisis why she's not doing the deed with

you, but we couldn't find anything. We had tons of people calling in
about it, mostly women wanting todate him, but we also had people
being like, you know, sheis trying to become a nurse. That's
really tough. Maybe she's just busy, maybe that's not the top of her
list. Anyways, Chris told usthey were going away this weekend as well,
and he was going to have aconversation with her. Yesterday. Santi

just got off the phone with him, and now we have Chris on hold.
Chris, I don't think you understandthe impact that your call had on
this show. I mean the amountof women in my dms, being like,
you're gonna send me Chris's picture rightnow. I need to see this
man. I want to know thisman. If they break up, please
send him my phone number. Girlswere they were into it that I took

all off with that. I appreciatethat. I know. I'm just letting
you know how invested all these womenwere. They There were also a lot
of theories, some you know,well probably hurt feelings a little bit,
that there could be somebody else expected, Yeah, there could be someone else.
Maybe she's just got that interested inyou. Maybe she's just using you
for these amazing trips. All ofthese things. First and foremost, did

you guys have that conversation that youhad discussed you were going to have yesterday?
Yeah, and it went better thanI was expecting. But all week
and I was like going over inmy head, you know, how should
I say it this way? ShouldI say it that way? What might
be the responses? But ended upbeing a lot better. Well, so
obviously up to whatever you're comfortable with. Tell us everything what happened. Okay,

So it just we started off likeI started the conversation off with just
saying listen, this has been onmy mind for a while, been waiting
to see if maybe something would change. And I know that things have been
super busy, but I wanted togive you the benefit of the doubt of
everything. But you know, like, I feel like this is seriously lacking
in our relationship. Yeah, Ithink it's not just important to me personally,

but a good baseline I have forany healthy relationship. And I really
want to see where your head's at, because this is what I'm thinking.
I need to know if you're onthe same page with me or something else
is going on. And she actuallysaid that she appreciated me bringing it up
because she had the same thoughts.But as I stated that, you know,

she's just been so busy the waythat the scheduling works for hers,
Like some days it'll be a normalnine to five, but then the others
will be like six to six,so it's not like she has a normal
sleep routine, normal schedule. Solike she's just been so stressed and busy
with that, and this is importantfor her career and growth that you know,
that's what she's really been focused on. And I understood that, and

I said, I figured that wouldbe the case, but I just really
want you to know that this issomething that we really need to work on,
because regardless of that, you knowthis is important. And then I
even try to take it a stepfurther and say, listen, there is
there anything that I'm not doing enoughin terms of other aspects of a relationship,
because I know people have called onthe show too and said, you
know, like I'm not doing this, or even Sonthi says that he'll do

something personal for his wife that shelikes that then helps their relationships. So
I try to say the same thing, saying, you know, am I
not doing enough in other aspects ofour relationship? That now won't make you
want to necessarily like jump on topof me, but we'll say, you
know, I really love this andI love this love, and that will
help bring the intimacy to the nextlevel. And she said, no,

I can't think of anything. Everythingseems fine, Like it's just I'm that
is the last thing on my listthat I'm currently thinking of. And I
know that that sucks to hear,but it's not because like I lost attraction
to you where our relationship. It'sjust I can't focus on that right now.
But I do agree, we needa work on it. So did
you guys go on to have sexualsthen later after this conversation, So no,

that was the This trip was likewith their whole extended family, and
it's in this house that I supersedin walls. There are a lot of
little cousins running around. So theconversation I had there actually was after the
trip going home, because I justdidn't want to start with that on the
mind. You know, give mea second to just kind of get everybody's
caught up here. So Chris callsus last week. Chris is like,

listen, guys, I have adream girl. I love her, but
we have not had sex in sixmonths. I'm at the point where I'm
like, I'm done trying because I'vetried and nothing's happening. People called in.
Everybody was obsessed. We really feltlike we dug in on you,
and it seemed like you were doingeverything that we would hope a guy would
do in a relationship. Now youare with her family over the weekend.

Finally you get some alone time withher. Yesterday you have this deep conversation
to her. With her, youtell her, listen, this is what
I need. I need sex.I are you know, attracted to me
anymore? Is there? Right?Is there something else I could be doing?
She says no, Like, I'mjust tired. I'm trying to become
a nurse. This is a toughtime in my life. I'm not thinking
about sex. To play Devil's advocatehere, play it when you go on

for instance, last weekend, youwent on this amazing trip you're taking her
for Italian. Is she at anypoint during that trip working on becoming a
nurse? Does she have schoolwork thatshe's doing, because like, what's the
distraction there, I guess would bemy question. I can see your point.
It was. I think just thefact that Friday, as soon as
she got off her shift, shedrove up to Boston and then we drove

another two hours to the mountain.We get there, sleep, woke up
the next day like sen when gotdinner, and then at that point she
was She claims that she was justlike so exhausted from everything that she liked
to be, like, couldn't stayawake. So insert me in that situation.
I'm probably going to sleep Friday too. That sounds like a long night.

But the first thing I'm doing Saturdaymorning is I mean? Can I
also make another point, Chris,as busy as she is trying to become
an she's going to be even busierwhen she becomes a nurse because nurses don't
work just like forty hours like theythey out here like they work in So
what's going to be get the excusethen that you're gonna accept? Well?

And also too, let me letme add this in. We've had the
conversation with her. Now the ballis kind of in her court. I
do think, because you love herand you, you know, appreciate her
and all that she's trying to workon for her personal career, you do
have to give a little grace periodof time, right, don't you guys
think? Absolutely? No, it'sbeen six months. I know, but
now I how the plan out.Now we're calling it out. We have

to give her a little time toact. Do you know why I say
no? Because she agreed that itwas an issue when he brought it to
her. She said, yep,you know what I've been feeling the same
way. I'm glad you brought thisup. Let's talk about it right then
and there. Let me satisfy you, my boy. Yeah, but the
world didn't like that they were inthe car. It's top eiver. Where
were you guys headed? Were youheaded to privacy? Yeah, I'm making
too many excuses for this lady.No, I said, I think there

should have been some sexuals after thatconversation, like, yeah, let me
show you that I'm still attracted toyou. But where did you guys go,
Chris, where was there availability forthat? Oh? Well, we
were driving back from the house tolike the parking lot where we like shared
cars, and then she had tokeep driving to work and had to drive
back home as well. So manypeople are invested in this. Jada is

an andover. Jada, you kindof agree with foreign. You're a nurse
and you you're working. I workfifty five hours a week. There is
no way that woman does not havefifteen twenty minutes to hang out where her
man hang out with. No way, I'm sorry. There's absolutely no way.
After you get out of the shower, before you go to bed,
you want your man to give youa massage before after you get out of

work. There's so many different thingssix months. You got to keep it
moving, bro, I'm sorry.I love the fact that he's like he's
trying, and she has to realizethat he is trying. I'm sorry.
I'm an advocate for the guys becauseI'm sorry. Dude gets so much bad
rap. It's such a bad namethat RB. I'm sorry. Ladies expect

meant to hit their butt, andit's just it's not like that. It's
fifty to fifty, or if itdoesn't happen, it's seventy thirty on the
bad days, where it's eighty twentyon a good day, or whatever it
is. But y'all gonna figure thatout. There's gotta be a half and
half. She ain't meeting him halfway. I'm sorry, all right, Jada,
thank you for that. I think, Chris, I think you have
to make the move on her now. I think you're at the point now

where the entire world is against you. I still have your back on this,
but I think you need to makea move on her, really whine
and dine in her and makes welove to that girl. I think if
you love somebody enough, you're willingto kind of bend the rules to make
it work. And I think nowthat you've had this conversation with her,
I do believe if you truly loveher. You have to give her a

little time to show you that she'sher obese. I'm just saying, if
you are in love with the personI do this guy is. This guy
is the epitome of a good man. Well, but believe me, we
tried to find out he was.He did everything me of a good man.
He treats this woman right, hedoes. He has done everything he
needs to do and all he asksfor because he probably won't last that long.

It's five pumps and I'm done,and I'm finished, and that's all
I ask you for. And afterwe have the conversation, you say,
oh, I agree with you,babe. I know what you're talking about.
I'm studying so much like, whatare you doing? Shanty move on,
Chris move Oh this chick does notlike you. Like that, Chris
in your mind, have you thoughtto yourself, Okay, we had the

combo. I'm going to give ita little time to see if there's change.
Yeah, that was probably going tobe. My next step was to
be just a little bit longer,and if not, then obviously there's no
matter what she says, it seemslike there's a huge disconnecting either what she's
actually thinking versus what she's saying orhow it plays out. But then that's
a completely different conversation that I expectto have a very different outcome. Yeah,

now, I know I've asked youthis. How old are you?
Chris? Twenty seven? You're twentyseven? Because I do. There is
a girl on hold and she's basicallysay it sounds like you're in a marriage,
and you know you should keep itmoving. I don't know, what
do you think? Should we givethe pone number because people are calling without
me having even given the phone number? All right, Chris, can you
hang on for a little bit whilepeople call because people clearly want to chat

with you? Yeah? Sure,okay, you hang on the line.
Uh six one seven nine three oneone four five six one seven nine three
one one nine five. I haven'tseen people invested in a situation like this
in a long time. My dmsare crazy. We're getting a ton of
talkbacks. Chris is listening, guys. What do you have to say?
Keep hi? Everybody? Good morning, a special edition of Tender Tuesday.

Because y'all are invested. I likeseeing you guys like this. Chris called
on Friday. He was like,listen, By the way, go to
Chris real quick. Chris, acommon question I'm getting in my DMS.
How long have the two of youbeen together? A little over three years
now a little over three years,and technically speaking, we have not had
sexuals in about six months in countingyes, okright, just to make it

clear, they've been together for threeyears six months they have not had sexuals.
Chris is like, I need that. That's something that I need in
a relationship to feel good. Andhe finally had the conversation with her about
it yesterday. She is working tobecome a nurse, and she basically just
told him what I figured she would. That she's tired, she's really concentrating
on that. It's just not atthe top of mine. But that doesn't
mean she's not attracted to him.You guys have been going crazy a few

messages that I got on Instagram.You guys, this woman goes. I
said it on Friday, and I'llsay it again. I work seven pm
to seven am as a nurse andI am still not too tired to go
home and want my man. Andhe doesn't need to do these extravagant getaways.
This girl is just sketchy to me. Different message. I am a
nurse and I'm super hormonal, sosometimes my sex drive is not there at
all, but I always make aneffort for my man because, like Chris,

he says that it's something important tohim. Chris's girlfriend is not trying
at all. And just to clarify, I work sixty plus hours a week,
sometimes two, and that is thesentiment of most people, especially nurses
that are in my DMS. Brittis in quinsy, Britt, what is
your immediate thought for Chris? Iimmediately think that she's probably not lying.

And for all the women that saythat you know they work sixty hours plus.
I get it that you guys likewant to make love to your man,
but sometimes some women they just reallylike put their selves first this day
and age, and like, ishe being romantic at all? Is he
leaving cute little love notes for her? Is he bringing our flowers? Because

like, you know, a littlestuff like that really matters, all right,
Britt, Well, thanks for theinput. Different than pretty much every
other line we have, Chris.I know it can't obviously make you feel
the best hearing because there's just somany nurses that are being like no,
no, no, this isn't true, there's still time. Hearing Brittain Quincy
say you're not romantic enough also probablyhurts because I feel like you do a

great job of trying. I'm tryingto turn the romance up. No call
is going my way, everything's bad, bad news. Well, they don't
want you wasting your time, Iguess would be the best way that I
can say it. They're just worriedthat you're investing in something that's not investing
back into you. But I listen, I'm fighting for love here, and

I know you love this woman,and I know that you want to give
it a shot because of that.So I do think she deserves andre to
Hoorn's belief, a little bit ofgrace on this. You asked her for
it, you told her this issomething you need. I do think we
have to give her a little bitof time to show you that. When
is the next time? Because remember, guys, this is also a long
distance relationship, So they are notseeing each other sometimes for full weeks at

a time. When are we goingto see each other again? I think
in like two to three weeks.Maybe we're still trying to figure out some
plans. Yeah, so that's alsoanother thing. And I do also have
people in my DMS being like,this isn't going to work out because now
there's too much pressure on it,because if I'm her in the two or
three weeks, whenever it is thatwe see each other, it has to

go down because you've asked now,and if it doesn't, that's gonna say
something too. But yeah, Imean again, this isn't a situation where
y'all see each other every day,which I think makes it different to Chris.
If your girl was calling in heresaying everything that you're saying, but
from her, these two would saythat you were cheating, that there was
another woman in the picture and sheneeds to leave you. If I would

Chris, Yeah, you're too goodof a man, bro, And I
think you know this. That womanshould should be at least trying to satisfy
you in some sort of way,and she's not trying to put in that
effort. I could tell you bendingover backwards. I don't know. I
don't know what's holding you in thisrelationship, but go find yourself a woman
that I appreciate you, bro,it's got to be the love that you
have three years, that you've investedinto this, it's only gonna get worse,

my gre some crazy conversations. Iwas not expecting this this morning.
It's real though, was like,now, we're just it was gonna be
a good thing that we started theconversation with. Yeah. And you know
what, Chris, none of usmatter. You said you had that conversation
with her on Monday yesterday, andyou felt better about the situation. Feel
better about the situation. But I'mtelling you, if the next time you

guys spend quality time together, nothinghappens. I really hope that opens your
eyes. It should. Man,you are a good man. Oh,
I appreciate that. I was whenSanthia asked to follow me on Instagram,
I was in my head. Iwas thinking he was trying to figure out
if I look like a bird orsomething. And I also add that,
Chris, you're a good looking man. You are a handsome guy. And

that's a big compliment. Yeah.I mean, he said you needed something
to cheer him up. There yougo, the bisexual man on the show
thinks you're hot. That's a positive. And I think at the end of
the day, what we don't matter. What you think matters. But again,

you the way you've described everything tous and how you've teed it up.
You know, I really hope thatshe's open to this because you deserve
it. We hope the best foryou, buddy, We really do.
I appreciate that. Thank you.All right, Well, keep us sloped
in because if you're doing the singlewave, maybe for you, buddy,
Okay, all right, I'll makesure to let Sampy know. And the

jam in morning show with DJ ForeignIt's saut Morning. Suton's number one for
hip hop. He am in ninetyfour five got DJ Florence Saunty. What
was goody Man TV's back up?Oh my god. You know, usually
we get good TV like this inthe winter time. Yeah, right right.
I'm kind of surprised that, youknow, sometime is here and not

like some dope shows on TV rightnow. But I feel like we're finally
back to what it was before,like the writer strikes and all that.
Yeah, now it's back flowing againand it's like the best it's been in
a couple of years. I mean, Apple, what do they call it?
I call it Apple TV, justTV, It's Apple TV plus I
think idea. But they're on fireright now. Yeah, fire. They
got what three shows. Maybe theyhave Dark Matter, which is like amazing,

that's towards the end. Presumed ina Fire. Did you see the
last episode? I did not aboutto watch it. It drops every Wednesday,
right, and it's only two episodesout. Yeah, there's the third
one on that. Yes, Idid watch today. Yes, bro,
that show is five. If you'renot watching, if there's a show you
need to watch, Presumed Innocent,you need to watch. That's a good

show. They acted really well onthat, and just the dynamic of all
the characters and how everything is playingout. Super Fire. They have one.
I know you probably don't watch it. Mayor Kingstown on season three,
it's like episode three and he rememberhe almost died, he did snowmobile accident,
Jeremy Renner. He almost died.But if you notice in this season

he's walking different. Yeah, becausenow he has injured somewhat of a limp.
Yeah, because he got run overabout snowmobile. Yeah, he fell
off. It will be dead,yes, like literally, that's what they
said, Like he had a longtime to recover and to see him back
acting so quickly, at least inours, he looks dope. But yeah,
those three those shows and then Maxof course came back with the dragons.
I never loved this show, brountil y'all put me onto it.

Really, yeah, because I'm notinto this medieval if it's not Lord of
the Rings type where it's kind ofspooky, a little actionally, a little
comedy, I'm not really it.But I started watching it, I was
like, Oh, Okay, thisshow's fine, but did you watch Game
of Thrones? All of them?Okay? I ran back the whole thing.
So this one is a lot better. It goes a lot better.
And if you watch Game of Thrones, there's I don't want to use spoilers,

but you know what's gonna happen inthis storyline? Yes, because they
kind of go back. Ain't it'snot what they're doing here. They're kind
of going back to before the Gameof Thrones kind of everything. They're kind
of showing you the set up beforeGame of Thrones became what it was.
You ever take like three hundred yearsbefore, yes, yes, how how
families came into power and different dynamicsof that. Yeah, I'm telling you
what's her name? What's the queen'sname? Rainier, She's gonna be on

a wall path. If you knowyou know. I don't want to spoil
it for you, but you dohave to watch. You feel like you
gotta watch Game of Thrones to understandthis, and I can just watch.
You have to because it's a prequel. But if you do, it pays
off a little bit more because nowyou understand the lord behind the Targarian family.
Mm hmmm, it's fire. Ilove them acting. I love how
it's gruesome, but they don't showyou the gruesomeness well, and of course

you get to respect the sex scenes. Yes, yo, I still can't
get over that she married her uncle. Yeah, well that's what I was
about to say. The next partabout this is like you get used to
like realizing that siblings marry each otherkeep the bloodlines strong and all stuff.
That's why they all have That's whythey do it. Yeah, it's just
so we can have a pure blood. And I'm like, what is going
and y'all rugging over somebody in abikini at all of the kids water park.

Now, they were doing some crazythings just to have integrity of their
bloodline, which is crazy to me. She is married to her uncle.
Oh they had a kid. No, and the king that's in place,
the king that's in power had kidswith his sister, the young the young
kid that's in power. Now,yeah he had kids with who his sister?
What? Yeah? How these kidsnot like coming out kind of well,

it's just a part. Mean yoususpend the disphilief. It's a game
of thrones. Yeah, do that? Oh my god. But anyway,
those are some of some of thedope shows that we're watching right now.
Tapping and let us know what you'rewatching. Uh. Yeah, it's it's
gonna be a hot summer inside,especially with it being so hot shot.
It's actually in the germ in morningsday in the morning show with d J

four and it's SAUNT Morning. Something'snumber one for hip hop. He am
in ninety four or five? Alrightwith here man the end of it,
we made it through. Something wasgood. He had the two daughters here,
y'all had fun. They did.They did have fun. They're starting
to get like giggly, so,which means what time for me to go
home before they stopped becoming medicis?Uh? If you missed that. We

also updated on AJ Exciting Day forAJ date number six today. Yeah,
I get it right tonight issues doingthem? Yeah, but Something's at school
night. Bruh, something's gonna happentonight, which is gonna ruin it?
I can start there already sensing negative. You know, when we get the
update, I want to know,like I don't think they do weekends for
some reason, like he likes hangingout during the week Why is that?
Is that a red flag that mightbe bro now that I'm thinking about it.

Interesting? No, I think thelast time they went on the weekend
the last time, but every othertime was like on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Anyway, we just turned the potover here. But yeah, thank
you for ryning shot going with us. Of course, if you missed out
on the Nick Rocco, he camein closing arguments have big gun. I
was kind of watching them a littlebit right before we jumped on air.

Verdict could be here anytime soon.As soon as that verdict comes down whatever
it is or whatever the Jody sideis guilty or not guilty. We'll definitely
have Nick back on the next dayif we can. Other than that,
Yeah, check out the podcast ManActually Too Easy in the am tomorrow.
We also have last minute tickets forChris Brown, right, I think we
have one more pair left, Chrisis here tomorrow. If you paid,
matter of fact, if you paidthe eleven hundred eleven dollars to do the

meet and greet, we want totalk to you tomorrow. Please let us
know what your plan is because wewant to know how'd you even get that
kind of bread and why are youspending that just to go pose with the
homie? Make sure you tapping otherthan that. Thank you for riding Santi.
What are your shoutouts? Instagram shoutouts Katie Sullivan, Livy Ward,
Eric Harvey, and Meghan Moon MoonAy shout out to you, but of
that one, but yeah, shoutout to those ladies as always actually too

easy in the am. Make sureyou tapping with me at DJ the number
four E I G N. I'llbe back later on tonight for the late
night drip. Happy Tuesday, Begood, be blessed the care of each
other. We got
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