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May 8, 2023 39 mins
Prepare yourself because there’s a lot of talking with our hands in this one...speaking of, have you checked out the new web series? B&B is on YouTube! Topics today include: sweaty feet, burn-out, a feet pic update, and a ghost from Aly’s online dating app past! WELCOME TO BUNS & BANTER - WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! xo Lauren & Aly

Follow Lauren and Aly on social media at: @shmitinthemitt and @alymaconair
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Buns and Banter, apodcast buy work Busties for work Busties.
Hey, I'm Lauren and I'm Alie. We're both morning show hosts for I
Heartmedia. We're both millennials, andwe're both trying to figure out how to
build the live sweet dream about dating, marriage, career, career, and
being a mom, how to getthrough a week without crying. Welcome to

Buns and Banter. We're glad you'rehere. I for some reason, I
have feet that sweat ridiculously bad,so it'll see really, oh my god,
absolutely same. I try to like, I don't think about it,
and I feel like I'm just thisdainty woman, and then I get home
and take my shoes off and it'salways your kids, and well it's like,
oh, so, Fia, didyou have a poop? It doesn't

smell that bad. Mom just hassome funk feet because I wear socks today.
I also have very sweaty feet,and you guys always learned so much
about us in these you really do. I wash them every night, so
usually yeah, the start of thenext day they're great. But are you
a sweaty gale? I don't think, no, you're not. I don't

think so, because I don't sweatlike anywhere else on my body. Like
I can go. I could gothrough a whole work out. This is
actually a running joke in my family. My oldest sister is going to listen
to this and die. I cango through an entire workout and the only
part of my body that will sweatreally my feet. It's the only be

a thing I am in the sweatysock tribe for sure. In my niece
Violet, she also I think itis going to be part of that tribe
too. She's got the thing.We got aunt Alie to like guide us
on our way, I know,right, Really though, I feel like
I should start testing some new productsthough. One of the things that I
want to try is the new Haveyou seen advertisements because I'm getting targeted hardcore

and I think it's because they knowabout my sweaty feet. A little FBI
man in my puter Loomy. Yes, I've been so interested to try it.
It's for all the bits and piecesallegedly you can put it anywhere,
yeah, which I am just flaveryascidd I'm trying to think. I think
I had one of my friends,not a close friend, more of an

acquaintance. Try it swear by it. Really it was the LOOMI because I
remember thinking, Oh, I seethose commercials or I hear them like on
our streaming, and they're like forall of your places, And I'm like,
I put it in all my places? How can that be? And
I just wonder if when Because thewoman who created it also does their advertisements,

which I think is a brilliant move. Oh is there her? Yeah,
I believe so. And one ofthe things that she says is I
can't believe they didn't come up withthis sooner. Yeah, same, Why
didn't they? Especially? Yeah,because it's always been men then don't think
about their bits and pieces parts smelland they just smell. But have you

noticed that that the deodorant has takena major shit? No, what do
you mean? I mean, Iguess I use. I use like a
dove, and I feel like itkeeps me protected. Do you your armpits
don't break out? No? Butthat is a thing my get Oh,
no, patches of dry It's almostlike a I don't know if it's a

chemical burn or what. But becausethere have been remember a couple seasons ago
we were talking about how I usemen's deodorants sometimes, yes, yes,
um old spice and it was likea big thing with Old Spice sponsor us.
Actually not anymore because bring that guy. You made my armpits hurt and
it liked it like burned my armpitsand stuff. And now I'm onto the

dove like gentle, super gentle,like the most gentle dove, and I'm
like, should just switch to theLOOMI because I don't feel like this does
anything. I know it's it's andit's unscented, which I think is another
problem because usually with a deodorant,you can smell the scent of the deodorant
and then it mixes with your underarms right right now, right, and

you're like, well, at leastit's kind of like covered up a little
bit. This there's like nothing tocover that up. It's just unscented under
arm. And I'd like such ajourney with your underarm. The struggle guys.
Oh, I feel like I'm veryfidgety right now, so I'm sorry.
I'm not used to the video elementyet, but like, can I

just take just take a second.Oh, this is gonna be good because
I said it was so funny whenwe started. When we started the episode
today, Ali was like, Oh, you can either like clip your mic
on or you can always hold it, and I was like, no,
I think I'd be talking a lotwith my hands today. I am.
I am just feeling so frustratingly stagnanttoday, and I think I think this

happens a lot in the beginning ishof the year. I know that we're
like we're into May, and alot of people think this is something you
might feel like at the new Year, because everybody's talking about you know,
new things and being reborn and startingyour to do list and your goals for
the year. That's false. Youhave to get well into like the end

of the first quarter, in myopinion, where you really start to feel
frustrated because it's like you're working yourass off and nothing's happening. And I'm
so fired up about that right now, Like you you are a godsend.
Because literally right before, right beforewe started this episode, I was ready
to probably do something I shouldn't evenmention because suddenly the police will be knocking

on the store. I'm just I'mso in that like burn it to the
ground mood right now, because it'slike we're almost it is May, which
means next month we're halfway through theyear. Yeah, and once again,
I feel like I am failing atthe things that I want to do and

the impact I want to make andthe goals I want to achieve. It's
like, you're already halfway through theyear, what have you been doing?
And it's like I feel like alot. You know. I feel like
I haven't been home very much.I feel like I haven't seen my kids
enough. So what am I doing? What do I have to show for
that? I'm just feeling so stucktoday, and it's annoying because you look

at how to get yourself unstuck,and you know, I follow the blogs
or the inspirational speakers, and it'sjust it's not doing it for me this
time. I'm kind of just likef all that. What is my next
step? You're burned out? Thismust be a new level of burnout.
I don't feel like I've ever Ikeep rolling up my sleeves because I'm just

like hot and mad. Yeah,because I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
And on the opposite end, Ifeel like I'm doing everything, So
why isn't it making a difference?I feel like in this case, we
should just stop doing everything. Weshould just stop doing obviously not this,
this is the only joy that wehave to keep doing this. But that's

when I feel like, you know, it's time for a break, just
stop doing everything. I don't evenknow if I'm physically able to do that.
We've talked about it, We've hadconversations about the quiet quitting. We've
had conversations about I just posted aTikTok the other day using that a doll
sound never mind, yeah, andI was like, when you're given a

task and then you do it sowell, you're just given all the tasks.
Yeah, And it's like my boundariesare non existent. And at this
point, I don't know if I'vejust trained myself to be doing all of
these things because I feel like,Okay, once it's done, then I
can do this, or spend timehere, or give more focus to my

personal life. I don't even knowif I could physically stop doing everything,
like if my brain would even allowthat, which is scary to say out
loud, that's probably not good.I mean, I think a lot of
people feel this way, and it'salmost like this time right now, April

A lot of people who have seasonaleffective. I feel like it kicks up
again right now. It was atough April because we had some sunshine and
we had some really nice days whereit was like sixties seventies even, and
things were starting to bloom. Thegrass was turning green, and we got

maybe one or two of those patiodrink sashes in. It was so nice
and we were like, yes,we made it through the winter. There's
hope on the horizon. And thenwhat twenty seven inches of snow? Boom?
Oh, I'm sorry, were youfeeling really great? Was that depressive
mood exiting you? Let me likestick you back inside oliber blood. Very

awful weather where you're just made tosit and focus on all the things you're
not doing. Yeah. I loveTerry to Bore to death, meteorologist at
TV eight. Yeah. She saidsomething the other day I heard in one
of her hits. She said,it's feeling more like November than May.
And even just hearing the word November, I was like, oh, just
get right out, get out,get right out with that. I don't

that was so that was so mean. I am on the precipice, but
the thought of November will push meover. Yeah, I really feel like
once the sun comes out and theweather starts turning a little bit nicer,
just being I feel like some ofthis will subside. I sure hope so,

because you can probably tell from mytown, I'm not like the friendliest,
most fun person right now. Andthat's okay, thank you, that's
okay, thanks, thanks we you'reextinguishing the fire a bit. We accept
all your forms here on funds andbands. So it's not my favorite form.
It's not my favorite form. Yeah, And that's part of the cycle

too, Like you're right, you'rethinking about all these things, and then
you're like, I hate myself forcontinuing to be so stuck on this stuff.
I do that great, I dothat too. I get very much
in a mode of why isn't thisstuff happening? I want all this stuff
to happen, and why hasn't ithappened yet? I need it to happen
faster. I need to go faster, I need to do more. I

need it, like speed it up. And then I remind myself like,
we're not getting any younger, butwe have time. And I don't know,
maybe you do this too. Idon't know why I put such pressure
on myself to do things at ayounger age, like I need to be

this age and do this. Thisperson did it at this age. I
need to do it three years beforethey did. That's the driven part of
you. What is that? Idon't want to get here because I read
stories three instances this week we havedone awesome. Saw stories about women in
their eighties or nineties doing something exceptional. This woman went back to school at

eighty one and got her college degree. I was just gonna say. They
released numbers ahead of MSU's graduation,and out of their list of Masters students,
there is a seventy seven year oldwho is getting her Masters from MSU
next weekend. Amazing. I know, amazing. I'm doing nothing with my
life. But I look at peopleor women of that age doing stuff like

that, and I'm so proud ofthem, and I'm so pumped for them.
Yeah, and I'm like, godo the shit. It doesn't matter
what age you are, Like,it'll come, you know. And I
just I want to be able toremind myself in those moments where I'm like
more faster, yeah, more faster, yeah, it doesn't have to be
right. Now, we have timeI think you have time. I'm five

years older than you. I'm gettingout of four years. My ankles are
cracking. It's like this also,and this is gonna sound so dumb,
but I do think some of thebest way to put this the things that

I consume. So I watched thisis such a like out of left field.
I don't know if you've ever watchedFirefly Lane on Netflix. I can't.
So I finished it the other nightand it was easily like top five
most emotional ends to a show I'veever seen. So I think compounding fan

on how I've been feeling was theleast helpful thing I could do. I
was just sitting there sobbing. Nospoil alert, but somebody dies and I
was just like, it's gonna beme and all I'm gonna have to show
for it as a mug I leftbehind at my job. I gotta get
out of this space. Yeah,I gotta get out of this space.

And I hope you're right. Ihope the weather in sun and like,
what age do you think you're gonnadie? Do you think about that?
Because I do. I think aboutthat all the time. Oh my god,
all the time. Yes, Ithink about it all the time,
and I actually think, oh,this is so dark, This is so
dark. I told you I wasgoing to take you dark today at the

episode. Well, I just obviouslyI don't like I would like to live
a very long and healthy life,especially if my family lives a long and
healthy life. But sometimes I catchmyself not being able to think about what
my life is going to look likein my fifties or sixties or seventies,
and I'm like, does that meanI'm gonna die young? No, that

doesn't mean that, right, No, I don't think so. It just
means like the rest is still unwritten, right, Thank you, Natasha,
Thank you Natasha. I think aboutI do think about like my fifty sixties,
seventies, but I think because ofmy parents and everything we've been going
through with them and a half,you have kids, so maybe possibly one

day you might have grandchildren. Butthen I don't think past that, So
I'm like, I don't know.I kind of sometimes think i'd be like
a hundred and one, one hundredand one, maybe years old, maybe
a centenarian. Yes, well done. But then I also look at how
I eat and how much I sit, and I don't think I'm gonna make
it to one hundred and one unlessit's that woman overseas that's like I drank

whiskey every day and she's like onehundred and six. I know you do
not not here very often about Americansbeing centenarians. It's always like the blue
zones, right, like the Mediterraneanpeople Denmark who live on the water and
they w gate miles a day andthey eat fish and fresh vegetables and they
grill their own ship and make theirown bread. Right. Nobody over here

that's eating Taco bell and eating Reese'sPuffs. I've gotten really proud of myself
though, because I have started tocome back on my Taco bell orders.
I used to get like five things. Now I only get three. So
you I, it's gonna be myadvice when I'm walking bowed down to you
with the taco bell because you openedmy eyes to the beefy crunch burrito.

Yeah, changed my life. Itold you, it changed my life.
Oh my gosh, And that wasall because of you. Well, you
know when you want this fast foodand then whipping a beefy crunch breeder on
of her purse and she's like tryit. You were busting your purse.
I'm always that was even free kids, dude, I'm always traveling trapped.

I am snack strapped. At anygiven moment you come to me, I've
probably got something there right now.It might be a go gert, so
I wouldn't trust it. Oh mykids, put a go girt in there.
But oh my god, all thetime, all the time. Taco
Bell wedding. Did you read this? No Taco Bell now offering a wedding.
I think it's like seven hundred dollarsall in steel gets you a wedding

with twelve of your nearest and dearest. You get a taco bell like bow
tie or a tie or something,and also a taco bell garter, taco
bell t shirts, a taco bellcinnamon churro cake, and then like a
taco box for twelve after the ceremony. I can't remember if it comes with

someone or you get to like haveit at a Taco bell, or if
it comes with someone who marries you. I think it does. That's hysterical.
But it's like seven hundred bucks allin Taco bell wedding. When you
find when you find your chloopa.Yeah, I just trying to figure out
to a fant to cut. Ohlink you finding a partner, would talk

about that would be that I wouldpay for you to do that. Talk
about I feel like Moss and lovingMoss. How far are we not sponsored
yet? Obviously you would do yourtoast with Baja blast. Oh, obviously
a cinnamon churro cake. That soundslike something they should just do. Oh
that alone, I would pay sevenhundred dollars for we were trooping the wedding

cakes. You'd have to get thewhole thing is a deal and a half.
Yeah, it's like when I discoveredonline ordering through them, some great
deals on there. Are you goingto any weddings this summer? No,
yes, yes, I'm back andwe have three, which is why that
was so weird. You just askedme that because I'm like, no,

oh yeah, so we have mybrother in law, cousin and a friend,
your brother in law soon to beokay wait, yes, no,
that's right, Chris's brother is gettingmarried. Oh okay, yes, okay,
soon to be sister in law.Okay, got it. Yeah,
We've got three. And I waslike, this is great and I'm super
excited about it. But like,we have been out of this train for

like a decade. Oh shit,so it's back to Yeah, we've got
like gifts showers. It's fantastic.All my friends are getting married this year
are they? Luckily for me though? While unlucky because my one friend did
a small, small wedding in Vegasand then she's doing an additional wedding party,
so for her it's kind of liketwo weddings. And then my other

friend, actually I guess technically itwasn't this year, it was last year,
but it was October. We wentto the lake shore and she got
married. That's beautiful on the lake. It was super pretty and it was
like really private. We stayed inhouses on the lake shore. It was
great. And then I have afriend getting married upstate New York in June,
going to that wedding. And thenI have another friend who's getting married,

but she's keeping her wedding like supersuper small, so I'm not I'm
not going to that wedding. Great, which so happy, I know,
So like do you? And Ithink wedding weddings in general these days are
the pendulum is swinging back the otherway. Yes, where weddings are starting

to get I feel a little bitless crazy. I feel the same.
Yeah, after the pandemic gen Z, man, I feel like they're really
going to save us. We're puttinga lot of stock into gen Z and
like probably not in a good probablybecause they're the product of just like constant
trauma and like never having any moneyand like living through recession after recession.

Save us, but it's not goingto be kind. It's it's not like
a good hero's journey that they've livedthroughout to become these amazing people that they
are. But I really do feellike they're going to save the world.
Please, like hoastly, some ofus millennial parents are like trying to help
the gen behind you figure out whatto do because man, we are tired
and you're so much cooler than us. Please just we are tired. I

think that's a fine thing to say. It's like that. It's like that
meme. Also, I hope youwill know. I'm trying to make our
background look great, but it keepsdisconnecting. Oh well, we do what
we can do, but there wego. It's like the meme I keep
seeing where I don't know what movieit's from, but James Franco's like got
the news around us neck and thenhe's looks in at the first next and

he goes, oh, first timehave you seen that? What? And
it's for everything. It's like,oh, no, banks need to get
bailed out again, and student loandoes skyrocketing. Then it's James Franko like,
oh, first time is there someof us that's been every year since
we've graduated, since we were kids. Oh? Absolutely, yeah. I

remember very little of the thriving nineties. I wish untill last time things were
good. When people talk about thegood old days, I feel like it
was the nineties. Was it thenineties or was it the eighties. I
think people had really good jobs inthe nineties too. I think like late
nineties, like the dot com crashor something like that. I'm just like

regurgitating a lot of stuff I've heardin documentary. Okay, but I say
confidently, someone will I alleviately messageus and be like, you, you're
wrong. That's not corrupt, ladies. I'll be like, oh you suddenly
it may be in the boomer generationnow that we hate that at all,
which, yeah, we accept allkinds here, we do, even super

successful people that have had nothing butreally awesome luck for their entire lives.
Speaking of which, we got togive an update on our feet Pick situation.
Speaking of the weather getting better,because I've got like three or four
ideas, I'm going to be puttingin the vault, right Schwinnie and I
this is actually happening. Yes,we are actually going to give the feet

Picks a try. If there's moneyto be made in the feet Pick world,
we wanted we want to dip atoe. We all or many or
many all of them. So lastweek we had a day where we went
and grabbed a glass of wine.Yeah, and really we spent the whole

time coming up with our branding.We built an incredible profile and our marketing
arc for the feet Picks. Wedecided we're going to have one profile.
We're going to tag team it andTipsy Toes. Tipsy Toes, It's live
baby, It is the Toes coming. They say. Some of the best

ideas and some of the most lucrativeideas, yes, start as complete jokes.
And I have heard of more peoplewho have a million plus subscribers on
TikTok say I started TikTok as acomplete joke during the pandemic and now they
have built these thrive careers on them, and I'm just thinking, if we

need it's us, if we needa little bit of capital to get us
in like our own redesigned podcast space, Buns and banter headquarters offices. Oh
a nice bandy to employ our ownstaff. What's our stool? Look out,
Buns and Banter. We're common foryou, and we're going to fund

the whole operation with these little titsies, these sweaty feet I was talking about
at the beginning of we should there'sthat might stand for everything there is there
is. We should be sure tomention that, right because I am willing
to die a Lot'm proud of myfeet. Yeah, I'm going to get
a petty today. Admittedly, thoughwe don't have much knowledge about the foot

Pick community community, we'll call ita community. Yeah, and we do
want to be respectable, yeah,absolutely right, we don't. We don't
want to do anything uncouth. Soif you have any knowledge, like,
we'll keep you anonymous one hundred percent. You don't have to feel weird.
We're not here to like kink shameanybody, no our yuck, anybody's yum.
We are just truly seeking the knowledgefact finding mission, A fact finding

foot mission. That's what we areon and it's going to be the best.
I'm excited. I am too,and we're all in. I got
a snapchat from this one over theweekend. She was at a Claire's Claire's.
I was at Claire's with my nieces. My niece Charlotte was five.

She wanted to go find this certainlike kit with beads n it and she
has made. I got this atClaire's, by the way. This bracelet,
Oh that's cute. Yeah, mysister bought everybody one so we could
have friendship. Oh my god,bracelets. But while we were there,
I just haven't notice that Claire's.Claire's has quite the selection of toe rings,

anklets, and toe tassels. Kindof incredible. We're going to need
to do that kind of incredible.See, look at there's so much.
I'm already feeling much better about thepit I had started in when we began
this episode, because sky's the limit. It might be a positive that we

have little to no knowledge of thefoot picture community going into this. Yeah,
I think it only helps us.I think it might It excites me
for the journey. Yeah, SoWe'll be sure to keep everybody posted about
how our journey is going, andif it's if it's lucrative. We can

only hope, right, if it'slucrative. Man, I would love to
be able to share everything we learnbecause I'm sure it will be insane,
so insane, insanely wonderful. Letsomebody look at us, look at us.
Every time I do this, Ifeel so much better. I hope
that's what we're giving out to allof you, head to toe. You're

doing great. Yeah, I dohave to ask, because you are my
compass, my north star. That'sa terrible idea in some of these situations.
Imagine how I feel about it.Just kidding. Continue, So I'm
scrolling on the dating apps, youknow, as I do, Yeah,
and I come across this gentleman whohas sent me alike, and I check

out his profile and I'm like,oh, I know you. You and
I have already matched on a differentapp. Albeit okay, and we've already
done this whole rigamar role. Wetook it off the app, we texted
for a while. It didn't endwell, No, does he not remember?

I feel like I've never heard ofthat happening. Really, do you
use similar pictures between apps. Imean it's similar in that they're all of
my dad to say, not tosay you're you're a forgettable person, you're
unforgettable, but that I try.I do make it a point to keep
my pictures fresh on the dating apps. I try to only use pictures that

have been taken within the last sixmonths to yeah, yeah, six months.
Yeah, that's a kind online dater. By the way, don't be
given us the stuff from eight yearsago. There are some pictures that are
that do date back a little bitfurther, but they're like once in a
lifetime. Like there's a picture ofme on my dating profile with a cardboard
cut out of Patrick Swayzy from Ghostre enacting the pottery scene. Don't ever

take up that one. I justI can't. I'll never get to change
an opportunity to update that with mycurrent right look, but my hair is
up, I have my glasses on, no makeup, like I don't.
I haven't gained or lost a considerableamount of weight in that time period,
so I don't feel like that oneis. It's evergreen. It's evergreen.
Yeah you will so as your compass. And this did not end well was

he like kind of a d Icannot remember specifically what happened. I remember
he said something though, and Iwas like, here it is, yeah,
you that's going to be a nofor me, right, I'd just
go and get a nice dinner outof it. Well, here's the other
problem. He lives on the otherside. I really just I really have

better luck over there. I don'tknow. I just must have an bigger
area. It's a bustling metropolis.That's funny. I don't know what it
is. I don't have good luckin West Michigan. Yeah, they can't
handle it. They can't handle youhere. In fact, everyone I've ever
dated, I don't think I've everdated someone like actually have been boyfriend girlfriend

to find the relationship with anyone who'sever lived did in West Michigan, which
is insane. I've lived here forthirteen years. Wow. My first boyfriend
that I met at work, he'sfrom Alabama. And then the soccer player,
Oh yeah, he was from overseas. He was British. I did

light the bread. I did too. I just I really aped that up.
That one was my bad. Sowe can't win them all. Can't
win them all. And then um, one of them was from the east
Side. Yep, that one Idid for a long time like the yeah,
yep, okay, yeah, Actuallydidn't know that one was from the

east Side. So are you gonnagive this Farmington? What do you do
with this guy? Did you matchhim too or he? I'm not sure
what app it's on, so likeit's on Hinge, so he Hinge is
a little bit different because it's notlike you're swiping laughter. You're swiping right,
Okay, you're sending lights and you'resending you can send like a message

when you send a like, gotit? So you don't have to necessarily
send a message with your like,yeah, but you can, and he
did. He sent a like ofa picture of me and France. How
could you not? Could not?Um? And he just said like same,
oh and you have already gone through. So that with him, I

of course matched him because I waslike, this will be good. I
don't think he remembers that we've alreadydone this. I do like this.
I just want to know what happenssame, how long it takes him,
how long it takes him to realizeit? So, look, are you
trying to play games here? Butdo I tend second tom this scenario and

like reintroduce myself and like go throughthe whole thing. And then when he
asks for my number and realizes thathe might already even say, oh,
like maybe it's already in his phone. Do I play a long game?
Oh yeah, I have a littlebit of both. Or send him a
message up front and be like,oh, buddy, we've already done this.

We've already done it, and thenwe didn't do it, and now
we're going to do this again.I kind of love giving him the number
and just see him. Is itjust me? Do I have a photographic
memory of these dudes? How?Like? I just I find it so
inconceivable that you don't remember someone,Yeah we texted for like a week?

Wow, Yeah maybe maybe last maybea couple of days, I don't know.
Or he's like trying to get backin it with you, maybe he's
a changed guy. That seems likethe least likely possible. There's no way

you don't have a forgettable face.But and also like your pictures, your
interests, all that, like,there's no way he doesn't know that you've
already done this. And if that'sthe case, back off, because maybe
he's got something. That means he'sbeen with a lot of people that he
can't remember who he's already been doingstuff with. I don't abot you'd catch
anything. Why don't slutch him?Oh no, I'm just saying, like

to be how do you forget somebodylike that? And it was semi like
it was within the last couple ofyears. It was not this January but
last January. Girl, Yeah,was he going through profiles like crazy?
Don't remember you? I don't know, because I remember we were talking on

New Year's Eve because we had talkedabout, yeah, you like going over
there. No. Oh, hewas like, what are you doing for
New Year's Eve? And I waslike, actually, I'm I'm staying in
and I'm re I'm like, Iwas mudding my dining room. Yeah,

you're so cool though. I lovethat I was renovating my dining room.
And I was like super pumped tonot be out on the town trying to
make something happen on New Year's witha group of friends and just having an
overall shit time, most overhyped holidayof the year. Yeah, And he
was like, oh, yeah,like, I'm staying in two with my

dog. But then I just Ican't remember exactly how it unfolded or like
why we stopped talking. I thinkit's just like slow faded. But I
do remember there being something that hesaid that I was like, I'm unattracted
to that, but I can't rememberwhat it was. But it slow wasn't
that big of a deal. NowI kind of think he's trying to get

back in it. If it wasa slow fade, he was like,
oh right, I guess you know. I don't give guys that much credit.
You're nice, I know because Iliterally a minute ago was like back
away. He's clearly been clicking onall the profiles. I don't want you
to catch anything, so not supernice, but I think you might be
trying to get back in it.I think he either got back together with

his ax or I don't know.I think he probably just forgot. There's
a lot of I want don't know, because if I forgettable, I could
go in my phone right now andfind his number. I didn't delete it,

right, and if it ends badlyas we know, like I was
just ghosted by someone and I literallyblocked them and deleted their number, I
would give him the number and seeif fucks up. See if like the
conversation continues or it's a hard stoplike oh this has check and mate got

it? Sorry about it? You'restill beautiful because clearly I clicked on you
again. I mean he I mean, yeah, he's cute, but given
a gout, what a great story. Selfishly, I'm saying that because it
makes for a great episode conversation andlike checkens right, let's give that arc
of from beginning to end to foundyou again. See this is this is

such a dangerous time of year forme because I am fifty percent of me
wants to give up on the apps, which usually I do after a certain
amount of months on them. Iget very burned out and very tired,
and I just like have to takea break from them. I get that,
and uh then I get in aspace where I'm like chaos. Let's

cause chaos it is. It is. It's time to be toxic, like
not not in in a really messedup way, but just in like a
yeah, just kind of a chaotic, wholesome but chaotic. I feel like
you follow the moon phases or thetides or something, which I think is

awesome. I just yeah, andeveryone's talking about like single girl summer,
and I was like, no,I'm not going to have a single girl
summer. I'm not going to beout there breaking hearts and taking names and
yeah being being you know what Imean. Yep, I'm gonna have a

I'm gonna focus on me and I'mgonna I'm gonna work on me. But
I did that last summer. Summeris a good time for it. There's
so much to do and see you'rejust cooped up inside because it's negative five.
But as part of focusing on you, would definitely hit back this dude
and see if he figures out whetheror not you're I'm like so annoyed though

that. It's like another East Sideof the State thing I can't I have.
It's at a certain point, it'slike the it's like the they love
you over there. Yeah. Ihesitate to say this out loud because never
say never. That's like, yeah, that's inviting the universe to make you
look like an idiot. But itwas like the same thing I want through
with the single dads. Oh,I dated a few single dads and I

just think I gotta I gotta sayprobably not a good not good for me.
Check out this new fit this recycledfit the Ghost of a bumble Past.
I just didn't the name of thenext episode, the Ghost of bumble
Pass. I would just love toknow if anybody else has had that happened.

I'm sure, yeah, it would. It seems natural enough. But
at the same time, I'm justso stunned that it was only like,
really a year or two ago,and he's I think he's trying to get
back in it. That's my vote. Who wouldn't look at your Za Zoo
pants today? Fabulous Zoo Baz numberone. I love your look. I

just I'm so stunned at how manypeople came up to her today and they
were like, well, oh,you know used to wear those? Yeah,
I love these pants. They're fromTarget. It God, I'm going
to get a bunch of them today. Yeah. Flowe girl summer you were
just talking about, might be anotherfocus on me summer. I'm a flowy
pant summer. Flowe pant summer.You're having a Chloe Pant summer and I
am having ah am I going tohave a single girl summer. I am

or night. If so, it'llbe perfect because we're working on some happy
hours for buns and panters. Yeswe are, and this does seem like
a good time to mention once againa Buns and Banter officially live on YouTube.
Yes, we are in the processof making some upgrades to the equipment
that we use to film and record, so it's very possible. Like like

our set decore, we've upgraded sincethe last episode courtesy of Ali Mack,
who did such a fabulous interior decorjob. Thank you. I enjoy it.
It's so good. It's so good, like we're just even We're even
messier on video, so you shouldreally watch in a good way, beautiful

way and the beautiful disasters. Thankyou. Updates to come.
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