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So I believe the team is ontheir way to Madison, Wisconsin right now.
Talking about Fuego FC. Big victoryfor them this past Saturday. Got
to remind you of the watch partythat's going to take place this Wednesday night.
Inside crowing Wolf, I want tosay, kickoff is at five o'clock
ck on Sports. It is FoxSports Radio. Eddie Gonzalez, assistant coach
Fuego FC. I believe he gothim on the phone right now, Eddie,
are you there, Yes, sir? What's going on? Eddie?
Nice? Victory one nil Saturday night, Fresno State Soccer Stadium. You guys
got that dub against Spokane. Man, talk about that, yeah, man,
I mean it was it's been along time coming. I mean that
this you know, being in amatch like that, that's back and forth.
But we stepped on the field.We're going to control. The game
is our house. The fans deserveit. I mean it was just a
lot of pressure that after getting theresult. It really something that it reassured
that we've been unlucky at some time. Individual mistakes that have costed, you
know, points, whether at homeor on the road. Right, but
that was a complete match from us. You know, shutout talker created I
think I don't know, over tenchances on goal, nineteen shots total,
you know, I mean from startto finish, we dominated the match,
you know, and that's that's thekind of football that we wanted to,
you know, to implant on ouropposition, and that was a perfect example
of that. And you know,us coaches, as players, everyone's staff,
we're still saying, like, youknow what, like we still want
more right right on three or fourzero, Like we're happy, but we're
gonna keep trying to get better.And again we have another great opportunity coming
up tomorrow. You know, I'mexcited about this game against Forward Madison FC
because it was a match that wassupposed to take place. The match actually
start guarded, goals were already scored. I was like, man, this
is gonna be electric. And becauseof the weather, thunder, lightning,
you name it, the game hadto be postponed and be replayed. So
that's what's gonna happen. But beforewe talk about that match, I want
to say, when you go back, what to the end of May,
early June we're talking about you guyshad the draw against Richmond, you guys
had the draw against Tormento FC.You had the draw against Northern Colorado.
By the way, we watched thatgame from Crowing Wolf. We watched that
game against Northern Colorado. How firedup you guys were. I mean,
what happened late in the game,But I got to see my boy Addie
get fired up on the sidelines.Oh man, don't remind me I got
in trouble. That's my last Iknow, I know, But you know
what I enjoyed about it. Itshows the emotion. It shows that a
team like Fuego FC right there knockingon the door against the Richmond Kickers it
was a draw, knocking on thedoor against him into FC. It was
a draw there you were thinking thatyou had that victory against Northern Colorado.
By the way, I don't seehow they came to that conclusion with how
much stoppage time they had left inthat game. That was a bunch of
bs. But it showed me passionate. I know that you had to mix
miss that next game, but Ithink that's exactly what the fans need to
see, Eddie from our team.Yeah, I mean, that's one thing
that I've always said about this club. You know, going on three seasons
now. So that's what the identityof Fuego is that we don't give us
to the very end, you know. And if we've been in games where
you have we dropped points at thevery end or we snuck in a point
at the very end, you know, And that's a part of our identity
that no matter what, we're goingto show up to work, you know,
on Monday, and we're gonna showup on a Saturday. And there's
you where very few times where youknow, the the well, whatever reason,
everyone has a bad day. ButI gotta I gotta give props to
the boys. I mean they're comingin day in, day out in one
hundred and five degree, whether we'replaying, you know, they're no complaining,
they're just saying, they're rolling uptheir sleeve and just getting after it.
And for us as a staff,we we said that early on.
It's like, hey, if we'regoing to tell the guys to not give
up, to work harder, todo all these things, we have to
set the example, set the standardand bar high. And I'm proud of
us, you know. That's onething Germane, I mean he's been he's
been on it and with all ofus, you know, with mine,
myself, Miguel, we have tolive in working then we don't. We
don't stop. It's like we're alwaystrying to figure out how can we be
better, what can we change,what can we adjust? And you know,
for me, it's it's I I'llstand in front of anyone to protect
my team, to protect my guys. And everyone on the team is that,
you know, and so we feellike it's it's usked against everyone.
Yeah, every time we step onthe pitch, and you know, I'm
unfortunate. You know, it's notto bring about me or anything like that,
but you know, when you're whenyou're heated, when you're you know,
upset, and then the opposition coachsays a couple of things that isn't
the most respectful mm hm. Imean I understand that you got in trouble.
I get it, But let mesay this as a fan, as
someone that wants to see what thetrue identity of Fuego FC is. When
you see that passion, you're like, man, I get it, got
in trouble, but you did exactlywhat somebody from the valley would do.
You did exactly what Red Waivers wouldexpect from Fresno State athletes and coaches.
You did exactly what the blue collarmentality that this valley is all about would
do. So I understand you gotin trouble, but let me say this,
I applaud you because back here inFriends Noo, as we sat back
and we watched that match inside Crowand Wolf, we were fired up right
there with you. Yeah, no, thank you. That's uh. That's
so I could say on the picturewithout getting yeah, no, it's good.
I mean, we're we're that's justwhat it is. You know,
we're we're fighters, like you said, Lue Caller, were from the valleys.
You know, we're in the armpitof California where we're not nor Cow,
We're not SoCal. You know,we're not La San Diego, we're
not San Francisco Bay Area. We'reon Little Island and and I think that's
what's unique about our about president,about the Valley, about our club is
that, you know, we're unique, and that's the type of players that
we try to recruit. You know, I'm gonna seeing a lot of a
couple of guys, but you haveguys that are just you know, grinders,
like Carlos, our goalkeeper. Youknow our back line, I mean,
we have one of the youngest backlines in the league with Accha yeah
yah and Clayton's Thor and then obviouslyAbdul has experience right now and we've had
a couple of injuries unfortunately. Uh, you know with Jason Ramos, you
know, and Uh and and dashUh. You know, you have Jose
and Jose and Dabbo Chris in themiddle that are just grinding now, working
hard, busting their tail. Andwhen you have a young guy Javier Mariona,
he's actually somewhat local Stockton nine.Come on, man, that's my
hometown baby, Yeah, yeah,Stockton. And so he's a he's an
he's an academy player that's actually beendoing very well for us. And then
he obviously, you know, wepicked up you know, Den Boor from
FAO Lethal and then Chavon you know, he got player of the match actually
a player of the round for thislast week and he's he's, i believe,
our leading goal scorer. I thinkhe has four goals or five goals
in the season in all competitions,and he's he's one of our go to
guys. So where we feel likewe still got a lot of room to
grow. But man, it feltso good to get a result on Saturday.
Yes, hope to run it backagain. At Madison. It's a
good environment. I mean, theydo a great job just you know,
just the whole setup. You know, it's a very professional environment with the
stadium, the locker rooms, thehotels. You know, they shell out.
You know, they get thirty five, one hundred people at the match,
so it's going to be it's justeverything you want for a Top League
one match. That's that's the environment, a step on stage. So I'm
excited for the boys. I'm excitedfor it. We're gonna be watching the
match at Crow and Wolf, theofficial watch party at Crow and Wolf.
Get over there, let's watch alittle footy. I want to say this,
you're still a pointer three from Madison, which will be fantastic. Then
you get South Georgia again, youget Chattanooga after that. I mean,
this is a time where you guyscan actually see some improvement from where you
are on the table. And ifyou say, over the next we'll go
four matches that you come up withsix to seven points, that's not bad.
No, I mean we we've beenlooking at I mean I'm always looking
at stats for the last three seasons, right, and it's always a guessing
game, like how many points willit take for us to get into playoffs?
And you know, when I tellthe rest of the staff, they
look at me crazy, they're like, how the heck you even another's it's
like, no, man, I'mtelling you statistically. And because it's twelve,
it's twelve teams, so everyone's justleap frogging everyone. Everyone's just beating
each other up right and right now, yeah we have you know, you
know the points that we have,but with after this weekend, we can
jump all the way, yes,nine to ten exactly. And then we
we're playing the teams that are rightabove us. You're just climbing the table.
And and it's the same thing.If you're top of the league,
you could drop down pretty quickly,you know, with the likes of Greenville
and Omah. But everything else ispretty it's pretty close for the most part.
Yeah, no, that's exactly whatI'm seeing here. You got the
three points against Spokane, you geta point or three from forward Madison FC.
You got two very winnable matches withSouth Georgia and Chattanooga especially one of
those being a home match, andthen boom, now you're possibly possibly lower
to mid table in playoff contention,and then you get Union Omaha, the
top team in the league, athome on August ninth. I mean,
these next few matches could set upsomething real special. Mm. Yeah,
that's how we're looking at it.But we don't want to get too far.
Oh I know, I know.I just get excited, man,
come on, Oh yeah, Iget it. We got one match ahead
of us. Let's focus on that. Forward Madison FC. It's happening this
Wednesday night. Official watch party gonnabe at Crow and Wolf and then do
not forget after that. The nexthome match Saturday, July twenty seventh,
South Georgia Tormenta FC. That's gonnabe taking place at Presno State. It's
gonna be Marvel night. Eddie.I know you're in the airport. I
know you're traveling. I appreciate yourtime. Go Fuego, Dalla and Fuego.
We're excited. Can't wait to seewhat you guys do against Forward Madison
f C. Yeah, no,we're excited. We appreciate, you know,
the support from all the fans,all the supporters, the boys see
that, you know, they theydo see that, they appreciate it,
and we're just that's why it meanseverything when when we get a result,
you know, we want to givethe fans something to be proud of,
you know. And so we're notgonna stop. We're gonna keep going.
And and we take a one GAamount of time. So hopefully in in
October, end of October, whereyou know, the plan is to be
in playoffs. Yes, hopefully maybeget a home playoff game that that'd be
beautiful right there. That's that's thegoal. So the next one is tomorrow.
So thank you, thank you,I appreciate you. Man. Good
luck against Forward Madison f C.We will be watching it. Crow and
Wolf can't make it the Crown Wolfmake sure you watch it on ESPN Plus.
And then again, the next homematch against South Georgia Tormenta FC is
gonna be taking place Saturday, Julytwenty seventh. Eddie, continue your travels.
We'll talk soon, my friend.Thank you, I appreciate it.
Ck on Sports it is Fox SportsRadio once again. Join us Crowing Wolf
Official Fuego watch party this Wednesday night. I want to say the game kicks
off at five o'clock