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What's going on? It's hit manwith you and I've got on the phone
with me. Chris Lead, singerof Blackstone Cherry. Hey, brother,
how you doing? What's up man? How you do it? I am
doing good. Now you're going tobe coming to the American Bank Center happening
on April twentieth with Zz Top andLenyard SKINNERD. Your album Screaming at the
Sky is now official. Well,it's been out for a while. Tell
us how's the tour going so far? Wen, It's been going awesome,
you know. I mean anytime youget the chance to go out and cool
with guys like that, it's somethingthat you don't take for granted. You
know, those are the that wehad posters of on our walls growing up,
So you know, to get thechance to go out and share the
stage with them every night is nothingshort. It's amazing. Now your album
Screaming at the Sky, I've seenon some things that people have. Of
course, they've branded you pretty much. I guess you could say Southern rock,
would you say that? Whatever peoplewant to calls I've always just called
it Blackstone Chair, But yeah,I mean we fit a lot of different
places with a different show things likethat. You know so well, you
guys have been around for quite sometime, because we've played a lot of
your other great songs from back inthe day, including like in Our Dreams,
Me and Mary Jane again, WhiteTrash, Millionaire, and much much
more. In fact, with thesong Nervous that that's actually in our system
here, also tell us about someof the other tracks that are on Screaming
at the Sky. Yeah, Man, Nervous was the first single off that
we're running with when the Pain comesright. You know, this record is
is a very very you know,staky record. All the songs you know,
really really are there to make youthink and and but not overthink,
just to kind of you know itis, but it's and this record is
just you know, I love thehonestly behind it. That's good. Yeah.
Yeah, Well, I'm talking withChris from Blackstone Cherry. His album
Screaming at the Sky is officially outright now, going to be coming into
down next week. On the twentiethat the American Bank Center was zz Top
and Leonard skinnered. Tell me howdid Blackstone Cherry become a band? How'd
you guys get all together? Whathappened? Man? Kids? In high
school, you know, just withthe common mindset and common goal of wanting
to play rock and roll together.Somehow we ended up together and it worked
out. You know, we're allstill here playing. But yeah, man,
it's kind of, you know,a Cinderella story. So you know,
we're all friends from high school thatthey grew up and we kind of
our first real band was Blackstone Cherry. Wow, that's crazy. Now,
now you've been on a couple ofother tours also besides Zz Tops and Leonard
Skinnered. Is there a tour oris there a band that you wish Blackstone
Cherry could be playing with, youknow, liked co headlining with at the
time. Right now, is thereanother band that you would love to work
with? I mean, there's there'smultitudes of band that we would love to
work with, you know, butI think right Dale, you know where
we're at, it's a pretty goodplace to be on top of Easy Top
and Skinnered. You know, obviouslywe'd love to have tourk with Aerosmith or
something, but it's not looking likethat one's going to happen. But you
know, man, and really wejust like to play anywhere people will accept
this and have us So what isthe craziest thing that's happened to you so
far on tour? I mean Johnnybringing me and my little Bully up on
stage and my wife ur in Freebirdto hold up the flags pretty pretty up
there for me, I be skinneredis my favorite bad? Well the time
show, Yeah, for you toget on up. No, no,
dude, you've been on tour.It's been You've been on the road for
quite some time now, so it'sI can completely understand. I mean,
in fact, where are you atright now? I'm home right now.
I've been battling a few days boutwith food poisoning, so oh man,
what what did you eat? Man? Some bad chickens? We head back
out Friday morning, so I'm justtrying to get good and rested up.
Well, just make sure when you'regetting some chicken at a truck stop,
make sure it's good next time.Right right, No, Jude, we're
talking with Chris from Blackstone Cherry Screamingat the Sky's or album. They'll be
in town on the twentieth with zzTop and Lynyrd skinnerd You know is one
of the questions I always ask allthe artists that I talk to all the
time. Is you know, there'sa lot of bands that are up and
coming and always you know, wantto go on tour with the big bands,
want to get a record deal,you know, and next thing,
you know, be the next bigthing. Do you have any advice for
those guys that are like clawing totry to get to where you guys are
at right now. I just keepon keeping on. You know, at
the end of the day, there'sthere's so many bands out there you're trying,
and so many you know, somany artists out there trying that you
know, you've got to keep doingyour thing and do it your way and
do it in a way that peoplenotice you. You know, we're at
least try to. Wow, that'sso cool. Yeah, from Blackstone Cherry
looking forward to seeing you on thetwentieth. Is there anything that you're You've
been to Corpus Christie before, right, Blackstone Cherry, they've been here before,
right, Yeah, we've been therea few times for sure. It's
always been great man, so acouple of times. Oh yeah, yeah,
So you know, because of well, even though you've had food poisoning,
is there any food that you're lookingforward to eating while you're here in
Texas. That's the last thing onmy mind right now, to be honest
with Okay, well you know what, get better, get some rests.
Looking forward to seeing you on Apriltwentieth, Blackstone Cherry coming out with zz
Top Leonard Skinner. It's going tobe a great show. Any last thing
to tell your fans, get outthere early to rock with us. Man
the way you get to see allthree bands and so