Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
He's deeper in the den with dangerous day. Well, you know,
lottery tickets say you're pretty lazy. But it's a harmless
Christmas gift. Unless somebody hits a jackpot, then things can change.
Somebody asked the internet, what's a proper etiquette if you
won five thousand dollars on a lottery ticket Christmas gift?
Best responses Pretend nothing happens, say oh darn I lost,
fold it up, put it in your pocket, Insist on privacy,
resisting urge to scratch in front of everybody. If you
have to say you're going to wait to use it,
to use your lucky penny, or something like that. Use
it as a test. If your friend, family member, or
co worker is anything but happy for you when you win,
that's not cool. Would you get something additional if you lost?
Offer a kickback significant money amounts in the thousands, take
them out for dinner or drinks, or maybe something a
little less. If you win and it's a little more modest.
If you win bigger than that, well maybe you should
pay it forward, buy them a lot of ticket back,
split it with the giver. Several people said if they
had a gift giver, they should give them a anywhere
from ten percent up to half. Depends upon a relationship.
If it's somebody you like somebody to share winnings with.
If it's somebody you aren't that close with that, you
keep the gift. And one person said, my uncle gave
us lottery tickets but filled in his info on the
back in case there was a winner. It was a joke.
I would hope. I don't know. If somebody gave you
a lottery ticket, you would think if you won, that
would be your gift. You shouldn't have to share it
with them. I probably would. The fact of the matter is,
I mean, if you, let's say you gave me, uh,
just for example, a dozen eggs, Okay, maybe not a
great Christmas gift, But if somebody gave that to you,
would that person expect six of the eggs back in
the two Well, if your new year's resolution is about health,
here you go. The US News and World Report just
put out their annualist ranking the healthiest diets to try
again this year and topping the list for eight straight years.
The Mediterranean diet, where you limit sweets, processed foods, and
red meat, eat a lot of fruits, veggies, grains, nuts,
and healthy fats like chicken and fish. The Dash die
It was at number two. It's designed to lower your
blood pressure stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension. Flexitarian
Diet was at number three. Mostly vegetarian, but you sometimes
eat meat. The Mind Diet was at number four. It's
a mashup of the Mediterranean Diet and DASH with focuses
on brain health. Male Clinic Diet rounds up the top
five three month program for weight loss, where you eat
balanced meals with smaller portions and you're not supposed to
eat while watching TV. Also in the top ten, TLC Diet,
Metopause Diet, Doctor Wiles and an Inflammatory Diet, Bollometrics, and
the Cleveland Clinic Diet. I think I will continue with
the Life is too Short. I'm not going to eat
food that sucks diet too many can for another episode
of Deeper in the Den with Dangerous Davey Year