Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
He's deeper in the dead with dangerously Well. Here's an
interesting trended. Santa wrap your gifts when you were a kid,
A poll found almost always does now, but he didn't
used to be the case back in the day. He
said he was more likely to leave them under the
tree and skip the wrapping paper. I kind of think
most of mine were wrapped, trying to remember back that
far back when the dinosaurs roam the earth. Twenty nine
percent of seniors say that's how they operated when they
were kids. Only six percent of people under thirty say
the same. It's not clear if we had better l's
these years or what, or does it matter if they
wrapped those gifts. Such a busy month for him, maybe
it should take it easy and not stay up till
two am wrapping everything the night of Slap an egg
tag on it, call it good. I think most of
my stuff was wrapped because I guess he didn't want
to see the disappointment in my face until I unwrapped
him deeper in the two. A lot of indulging going
on over the holiday season, So if you're not surprising,
the number one New Year's resolution in twenty twenty five
is expected to be a diet for your wallet. Americans
are expected to spend more than one thousand dollars on
gifts over the holidays, which isn't just generous, but it's
a new record, and if you're not flush with cash
right now, you might be spending more than you should.
A new poll ask people what they plan to resolve
to start in twenty twenty five, and top response was
saving money. Improving your physical health was a close second,
follow by exercising more, being happy, eating healthier, losing weight,
improving your mental health, learning something new, reading more, and
improving relationships with family and friends. Other less common responses
focusing on spiritual matters, traveling, quitting a bad habit, getting
a new job, and moving. Overall, thirty one percent of
Americans plan to make New Year's resolutions this year, including
fifty eight percent of gen Zers. On the flip side,
only fourteen percent of boomers are even going to bother
with it, and of the people who will make resolutions,
forty percent said they will likely stick, fifty percent said
somewhat likely, and five percent said their New Year's resolutions
not very likely to stick. Two percent said they're going
to be doomed from the start, then why even bother
I think I'm going to make another New Year's resolution
to My resolution is to not make a New Year's resolution.
Tuning again for another episode of Deeper in the Den
with Dangerous Dave right here.