Episode Transcript
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I used sports as an analogy,and it got into an interesting conversation about
basketball and the quality of that sport, specifically a pretty uniquely American sport.
If we're going to talk about it, it's pretty interesting. And if you
want to find that, you canfind that, along with all of our
other conversations online on the free iHeartRadioapp. Just search Jemry Songer. You
can find it there. You canalso find it on kfab dot com.
There's a podcast page there, notjust for me, but for everybody on
this fine station, like Scott Voorheesand Jim Rows with Throwsy did you knowze
guys on the morning news on kfabevery morning as well. So I always
enjoy being a part of the teamand talking to you about things that are
going on in and around the world. And that leads me to my next
point, which, by the way, you can call us a four oh
two five five eight eleven ten.Four h two five five eight eleven ten.
I'll work on getting to the phonethe best that I can as you
call in. But I wanted totalk about this story coming out of Congress
today, and that is Republican senatorsare talking to Speaker of the House,
Mike Johnson, he of course wentthrough with the articles of impeachment for the
Secretary of Homeland Security Aleandro my Orchis. Now he was going to deliver those
so the Senate could do something aboutthem. But if you could do the
math, and if you know howpolitics works, there isn't a Republican majority
in the Senate. The Senate,it would just quash this very quickly.
But a group of Republican senators haveapparently convinced Speaker Johnson to delay delivering these
articles of impeachment to the Senate becausethey were afraid that the Democrats in the
Senate would try to dismiss them oncea trial begins there. So this was
a spokesperson for Mike Johnson told thisto Fox News Digital today and I quote,
to ensure the Senate has adequate timeto perform its constitutional duty, the
House will transmit the articles of impeachmentto the Senate next week. There is
no reason whatsoever for the Senate toabdicate its responsibility to hold an impeachment trial.
Now, Okay, we have totalk about this because this is kind
of the broken system we have inpolitics right now. This is one of
the things for me that I strugglewith, regardless of the party that's doing
it. I mean, when theDemocrats were impeaching Donald Trump, it was
the same thing in my brain.You're impeaching a person that you're opposed to.
You're impeaching a person because things thatyou are citing you in politics,
in the House of Representatives or theSenate. You are making those determinations for
the betterment of the American public,Right, That's the point. I don't
know anybody in Red States that wasasking for that, and there was no
solution to what would have been.It was all very dramatic, and knowing
that Republicans had enough control that thiswas never going to pass and they were
never going to be able to kickTrump out of office, there was nothing
there except just to say, well, this is a man that's been impeached
a couple of times, even thoughwe didn't have enough actual evidence to move
it to a point. So hejoined Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton is the
only presidents to be impeached while inoffice, even though none of those guys
were actually removed from office because youhave to have certain numbers of votes in
the chambers to be able to executethe impeachment. Right, It was all
political grand standing. There was nosolution. It was all, hey,
look, we are trying to getrid of this guy, and we're going
to talk about it on the newsabout how big of a deal this is,
even though nothing actually changed and nothingis happening with it. Kind of
dumb, right, I kind offeel the same way about this my Orcist
thing. No matter what they do, no matter what they do with my
orcas. Now you can look atthe southern border, you can do every
last bit of due diligence that youwould like to talk about, all of
the things that have been epic failuresfrom this administration to protect our southern border
with Mexico. We know the numberswe've been told from Border Security what those
numbers are. How many? Imean, we're talking thousands of people a
day, hundreds of thousands over months, and it's been it's never been worse
at the southern border than it isright now. We know all this,
The person with the power to makethis change, according to you know Republicans
in Congress is Joe Biden. Andwe know Joe Biden, because of where
he's at politically, isn't going towave the white flag and say, hey,
I messed up on this. I'mgoing to create an executive order to
fix this, or I'm going toforce Alejandro Majorcas and the people that work
underneath him to enforce these laws properly. I he's not going to do that.
That is admitting defeat. No onein American politics in this day and
age, especially when they're already inpower, they are never going to admit
defeat, no matter how badly wewould love to see that, as much
as we on the right conservatives wouldlove to see Joe Biden say yep,
got that one wrong, everybody,It was my fault. Here you go,
white flag. I'm shutting off thesouthern border strict immigration laws. He's
going to lose. The people onthe right will never vote for him anyway.
The people on the left are goingto say, wow, he just
he screwed us, he's lied tous. He's not one of us,
whether they understand the open border policiesor not. And people in the middle
are like, what a strange guyto just admit defeat on such a massively
important issue. Yet we're impeaching Alejandromy Orchis for not enforcing the laws of
the southern border properly, even thoughwe keep saying that it's Joe Biden who
has something to do. Now,I understand the political grand standing part of
this. You want to say,hey, we're trying to do something here
because Republicans. Again, I havethis feeling, and I know that I've
been corrected by Deb Fisher and I'vebeen corrected by other people in Congress that
we've talked to on this show,because I've asked what Republicans are, like,
what are they actually doing to tryto solve the problem? Doesn't it
be benefit Republicans for this problem topersist and be something they can run their
election campaigns on throughout this year,get elected in November, and then come
up with a way to resolve theissues. That's just American politics, like
having problems is good for politicians becausethat means they can run on those platforms.
Which is why I thought it wasso brilliant that Donald Trump yesterday basically
nullified the entire argument on abortion bysaying it's the state's situation, not the
federal government, and it never willbe, it never should be. And
it's like, oh wow, nowthey can't even debate this because it doesn't
matter anymore. It's up to yourstate legislation. According to Donald Trump,
just a brilliant ploy to take somethingthat Republicans are consistently losing on abortion stance,
and all of a sudden, nowyou can't even talk about it anymore
because he's totally nullified that because hegave the power back to the states in
his statement. Pretty fascinating. Myquestion is, if you do do this
trial and you waste all this timein the Senate to try to impeach this
guy, will any Democrats actually votefor that? Will he actually be impeached
and removed? And even if heis, then what's the solution? Is
there a solution or again is thisgrand standing. You can help me try
to resolve this and figure it outmyself by calling in four h two five
five eight eleven ten. Four htwo five five eight eleven ten is our
phone number, and we'll talk toyou next on news Radio eleven ten KFAB.
Em Marie's songer on news Radio eleventen KFAB probably just one of the
coolest radio stations in the country ifyou look into the history of this fine
radio station. Pretty big and versuallycoming up later this week, I'm always
very honored to talk with you herein the Omaha area and beyond. The
conversation was heading into the break aboutthe Republicans in the Senate telling the Republicans
in the House, specifically Speaker MikeJohnson to kind of hold off on bringing
this these articles of impeachment against Secretaryof Homeland Security Alejandro myorcis because if you
bring in now, they're just goingto dismiss everything. We're not actually going
to have the opportunity to make thisthe trial that is necessary for the impeachment,
specifically for this cabinet member. Thatis essentially what the conversation was,
and it I think is going toend up not necessarily like I'm a political
expert under any kind of circumstance,but for the most part, my thought
is this is going to give themedia a lot of time for the Republicans
to come to them and say,you know what this is about. This
has everything to do with the factthat Senate Democrats don't want to do this
duty. The word they used wasabdicate, run away from refuse to acknowledge
their duty to have an impeachment trialthat was brought up. According to the
Republicans fairly by the House of Representatives, which is under Republican control, even
by a little bit, but itstill is enough to pass it. So
these people who were trying to persuadeto do this next week so they had
a little bit more time to talkabout the issue more. As one of
those things to me that I knowyou kind of struggle with this on a
case to case basis with this impeachment, just trying to figure out is this
political grandstanding? Are you actually tryingto impeach this guy, or is this
something that you're trying to set upthe Senate Democrats to basically ignore you at
all costs. And I guess likethe biggest situation that I have on this
is I want people to understand underthe United States rules that this is something
you can do. I feel likewe're kind of abusing that power just a
little bit here on in current presentday America. And the reason I say
abuse is because we're just trying toimpeach people. I mean Marjorie Taylor Green,
for I think that it's good tohave people who like mix it up
and will stir the pod and flipsome tables there. And she certainly is
that kind of person and she doesn'tcare. But you know, just talk
about impeaching this person or removing thatperson or this person is making a bad
decision and I want to remove them. I just like that's not healthy,
right. The American people elected thesepeople, or so to speak. You
know, you could argue about thatin some some regards. And Alejandro Majorcis
is a part of the Biden administration. What is the likelihood of them actually
like taking this impeachment seriously based onwhat we know at the Southern Port.
We'd love to get your thoughts fourtwo five five eight eleven ten four L
two five five eight eleven ten.Well, we'll open the phone line right
now, Line one. I'm notsure what your name is. They get
a chance to answer you before,but you're on news radio eleven ten,
kfab what's on your fine? Myquestion is the on sky boyes this morning
he talked about I thought on anevent with Charlie Kirk this afternoon and I
can't find an Okay, sir,I'll put you back on hold and then
we'll talk about that afterwards. Thisis you know, I'm dealing with a
lot of different things in the studiohere. I'll get to that momentarily about
Charlie Kirka. I don't have timeright now to look into that until we
get into the break. But thisis also one of the things. I
appreciate everybody for calling in with anyof your questions, and you can at
four h two five five, eighteleven ten. But what we're talking about
here right now is what an impeachmentmight do for our country, right and
if ever a one is successful toactually remove somebody from office, and is
the precedent of just well, we'rejust going to keep impeaching people until this
happens. Is that something that wecan handle. Is that something that we
can actually trust our politicians unless wehave total control in Congress, which if
you look at their Republicans, ifthey had a major majority somehow in the
Senate, that they could get througharticle's of impeachment against like a Democratic president,
even though it's Republican control. Imean, a lot would have to
swing from one election to the nextelection in the midterm theoretically for that to
happen. It would be very strange. And I'm just not sure that the
formula is there to actually impeach somebody, unless, of course, you get
to a point where you can say, well, this person wasn't properly elected.
Obviously, you can go back tothe impeachment of Andrew Johnson. This
was kind of the case where aRepublican president, and Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
He got to the presidency. Bythat he was brought in as vice
president to kind of have a unificationparty, not necessarily a Republican party or
a Democratic party, but this wassomething that was said specifically by Abraham Lincoln
that if we're going to reunite thiscountry in the middle of reconstruction coming out
of a civil war, we needto have some unification. And when Lincoln
was assassinated, those plans just wenthonkers because a lot of people had conservative
or Republican values at the time inthe eighteen sixty five and now all of
a sudden they had a Democratic presidentwho wanted to do his own agenda.
When he took over for Abraham Lincoln. It was a mess. It was
an absolute mess. Now I'm nottrying to say that eighteen sixty five rules
apply here, but that would bethe kind of thing that would have to
happen for that to even happen,and they didn't even have that. They
still didn't remove him from office inthe eighteen sixties. Okay, it was
quite a crazy set of circumstances toeven get him impeached, and they still
didn't have what it took to gethim removed from office. So you see
what I'm saying here. To thinkthat this is going to happen for the
Secretary of Homeland Security when the Democratsstill have the majority in the Senate,
we might be it might be wishfulthinking, But also what wouldn't be the
solution between now and November. Andthat's why I feel like this has a
lot to do with political grandstanding,even this delay of just hey, we're
going to delay doing this and bringingthis to the Senate so we can tell
the media, Hey, if wedon't debate this and have an actual impeachment
trial, they're not doing their jobs. The Democrats and the Senator are not
doing their jobs. Because this isdone the right way, This has been
done properly. This is what's goingon. It's pretty interesting. If you
have thoughts, you can call usa four H two five five eight to
eleven ten. Four H two fivefive eight to eleven ten. We'll talk
more about this and the angles,as well as how responsible are you if
your dog bites the mail guy ora lady. We'll talk about that too
on news radio eleven ten KFAB andResung on news Radio eleven ten KFAB.
We were talking more recently this hourabout the impeachment efforts of Republicans in Congress
to Alejandro Mayorcis, who is theSecretary of Homeland Security. Now, that
is an interesting thing that you might, well, that's strange. Well,
is it political grand standing here?Especially since the senators, Republican senators and
the Senate are telling House Speaker MikeJohnson, wait a week. We need
to make sure that everything's in lineso we can actually do this thing and
not have it dismissed immediately by theSenate Democrats. I'm not sure that's going
to make any difference, but we'llfind out. And I've opened the phone
lines four, two, five,five, eight to eleven ten is the
number we have. Mark on theline. Mark, thanks so much for
calling in. What do you thinkabout this? Yeah, I mean my
understanding of impeachment is you're impeached becauseyou break a law. I mean,
Nixon was going to be impeached andconvicted because he allegedly broke a law.
Right, you know, you don'timpeach somebody because you don't think they're doing
their job effectively. I mean Trumpwas impeached because not because the way he
was doing his job, but becauseof legal reasons. And yeah, this
is absolutely political grand standing and itmakes no sense and it's not good for
the country and it's not going togo anywhere. But yeah, it's absolutely
political grandstanding. I guess Mark,My next question would be, how do
we stop doing this? Because Iunderstand the Democrats did the same thing to
Trump, and they accused him of, you know, things legally like you
mentioned, to try to remove him. And this is a response, I
think politically from the Republicans to somebodywho they think isn't doing their job properly
or at least isn't enforcing Because there'ssome people that I'll say, not protecting
our borders as treason. Is Itjust kind of depends on how you define
some of the documents that have therules in them, including the Constitution.
Well, then you could impeach allthe individuals that voted against the bipartisan Border
Billy that they rejected I mean,you could say, Okay, you guys
aren't doing your job. You hadan opportunity to put a bill in place
better than what we have and youdidn't do it, So we're going to
impeach you guys. Yeah, ButI think Mark, the conversation kind of
goes beyond just like let's make newrules. I think a lot of people
are saying that the current rules thatour constitution has about securing our border are
not being enforced properly by this presidenthis administration. And that includes my Orcus
who's the Homeland Security secretary. Sowhat say you to those people who say,
and I think rightly so, thatthe current laws are not being followed
properly. What Well, again,you're saying they're not doing their job effectively.
But they're they're But you could makethe argument they're breaking the law by
not enforcing the law. Well,then why didn't they vote for a bipartisan
border bill to secure the border.Well it wasn't just that, though,
Mark, I mean that in thatbill they wanted to send hundreds of millions
of dollars to overseas conflicts. Atthe same time. They roped all that
into the same bill, knowing itwouldn't pass. You know, there was
more to the bill than just hey, let's fix the southern border. You
know. Well I understand that,but that that goes on with all the
bills, I know, and that'swhy I think we're frustrated that they Yeah,
I mean, the border is thebig thing right now. But one
question I had about if we're talkingtalking about the border being as important as
it obviously is to impeach somebody.When Trump was in office, he had
two years where he controlled the Houseand the Senate. Yeah, why didn't
they pass a comprehensive border bill atthat time? Yeah, it's so important.
Why didn't he do it right?Well, and I'll be honest with
you, Mark, I think alot of it has to do with the
fact that this wasn't the talking point. This wasn't it wasn't near the problem
that it is is now. Butit's a talking point now, and it's
as big a deal now because it'san election issue. But it hasn't been
this important in the past. Butthe numbers are a little bit different,
Mark. I mean, we weretalking, you know, maybe a few
hundred people a day were crossing illegally. Now we're talking a few thousand a
day are crossing illegally. I mean, those numbers are exponentially different, and
that's why it wasn't a talking point, you know, six years ago.
But isn't it true they didn't wantthe border bill to pass that was that
was just voted down because that wouldhave made this not as big of an
issue. I think, I personallybelieve that's an element to a mark.
I'm not going to disagree with that. I think that. I think it
is important to note that this isadvantageous for Republicans in a lot of ways
to have this thing Carrie as longas possible, because they can use that
as a weapon for the election inNovember. I don't doubt that. At
the same time, I think thereis an element of this the job is
not being done properly if we havetwo hundred and eighty thousand people per month
coming across our southern border. Youknow what I'm saying, Well, I
mean you asked about impeachment. Inmy opinion, it's not grounds for impeachment.
Well, because no laws were broken, and I mean Nixon was going
to get thrown in jail potentially,Yeah, I mean, right, absolutely
broke a law sure, I mean, I mean impeachment should be used in
pretty isolated, rare case. Yeah, but it's turned into a political weapon
for for or the grand standing.And we know it's not going to go
anywhere, I mean the Senate.No matter what the Republicans are trying to
do, the Democrats in the Senatearen't going to let this thing get to
where it needs to go for thisto be the case. And Mark,
I appreciate your perspective and for you, uh call it in today. Thanks.
Yeah, we you have got gotthoughts on this. You can four
oh two five five, eight toeleven ten and I'll quickly talk about how
I feel about this, about thisdog biting a mail carrier and this was
in Omaha. I'll explain all thatand we'll talk to you here coming up
on four to two, four ohtwo, five, five eight eleven ten
is the number. It's currently fivepoint forty four on news Radio eleven ten.
Kfab Emery Songer on news Radio eleventen kfab appreciate. It means a
lot to us that you'd listen tous as you're getting home from work,
or you're on your way home fromwork, or you're listening at work,
or you know, you're just aroundhome and you are tuned in to us
here on eleven ten kfab in Omahaand around the area. Always appreciate chatting
with you about things that are inthe news or things in general. And
one of the things things that weare talking about is the impeachment articles going
to be given next week, notthis week, by Speaker of the House,
Mike Johnson. And this was becausethe senators, Republican senator says,
hey, we need to have alittle time here to make sure things are
going to be done the right wayby the Senate. And we'll find out.
But is this all political grand standingor what is it all about?
Is anything actually going to come ofthis? I asked you four two,
five, five, eight eleven tensthe number we got Lauren on the line.
Lauren, thanks so much for callingin. What do you think about
this? Well, it's all politicalgrand standing. And like I said,
it ain't going anywhere. It wasnice to see the House impeach Mari Orcas,
but Phil, it ain't going anywhere. Isn't like when the beach Trump
there were fifty three senators or oneor two in the in the Republican Senate
back then. I want to makea comment about that guy called about that
border security bill Hill. The dealon that was they were going to allow
five thousand illegals cross the border everyday for seven days before the you know,
do anything. That's one point eightmillion people a year. Yeah.
Well, well and then well lourenI and the fine print of that it
said it just needed to average thatfor them to like amp it up.
So after like the first seven days, if that average stayed the same,
then all those things would be enactedand no more people could get in.
It wasn't like they had a capof five thousand per day. I understand
where the confusion would come from,but like if you read the fine print,
as long as they were averaging fivethousand per day, it would be
like hard line shut at the borderno matter what for the days leading up
to that until the amount of processesthat they would do was under however many
Yeah, who's count the bill?And then there was also one hundred billion
dollars going to Ukraine Israel. Youknow that was that was the callus behind
the whole bill, the e andthat's what the calys was. They wanted
that sixty billion or Ukraine. Yeah, and America they're tired with that.
And like I say, as faras anything else, yeah, I think
you know, we got the Pizalwarrants coming up there right away. You
know, Johnson's got to do somethingwith that, and he's going to turn
that or I hope he delays itanother while, but who knows with him.
Well, Lauren, I appreciate yourthoughts today. Thanks for calling in.
We appreciate listening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. As far as the
impeachment stuff, it's a joke.Yeah, I'm with you. It just
seems like a kind of a wasteof time. But I appreciate the call.
Lauren, thanks so much for beingpart of our show. Let's move
on to Ivan. We're running outof time here. I Evan, thanks
for the call today. What yougot in your mind? Two comments?
The previous collar two dollars ago saidthat no law was broken for my archists
to be in Peach. Well,he broke federal immigration law every day because
he didn't enforce it. And ifthat's his concept, then why was Donald
Trump in Pete for not giving Ukraineaid to a corrupt leader. There was
no law broken there, but yethe was in peace. It's all political
yeah up and I and it's allrevenge now, right because one side impeached
one person, the other side isgoing to impeach and we're just gonna go
back and forth. And I don'tknow how good of a representation this is
that the constituents these people are representing. But I I'm kind of over it.
Ivan. I just kind of hopeat some point we can just kind
of put this past us and realizethat, hey, the federal government,
hey, maybe just protect us,do the jobs that you're supposed to be
there. One of the most importantof them is like to keep us safe
and secure, and the southern borderkind is a part of that. So
try to figure that out for me. And it just doesn't seem like anybody's
actually that interested because of the politicalramifications one way or the other, which
is kind of sad. But Ivan, I appreciate the call today, Yes,
sir, thanks for taking my call. Yeah. Absolutely, As always,
you can always call us throughout theday. Four two, five,
five, eight, eleven, ten. Always enjoy talking to you. Although
the show is wrapping up here,I'm going to wrap up with this conversation
about a mail carrier who was takento the hospital this afternoon in Omaha making
a delivery. The door opened anda dog came out and attacked the mail
carrier, who had to go tothe hospital and will need stitches. Now
the dog itself is being evaluated bythe Nebraska Humane Societies Animal Control. And
this is what I say about this. It's never really the dog's fault.
And I don't care what anybody says. A dog is acting upon its own
impulses. You can have the abilityto train certain dogs, but every breed
kind of has its own differences,and every individual has its own differences as
well. This person is just tryingto do their job. And I know
the male carriers and dogs have kindof had a checkered pass with each other
for decades and centuries even, Andit's a kind of a trope, you
know in the cartoons or whatever thatthe male carrier is going to get barked
at or you know, maybe bitby the by a dog, Beware of
dog, all this stuff, Butit just it's a as we learn more
about dog and dog behaviors, it'sreally about, hey, maybe we need
to do better at like training ourdog. Now I don't have kids,
My dogs are my kids, andI understand I'm never going to be able
to tell people how to raise theirkids. But I feel like I'm kind
of a decent person to talk toabout dogs because we do go through training
with our dogs. Also, Idon't have dogs that are generally aggressive toward
people. I know if you're lookingfor a guard dog specifically, my dogs
would be terrible guard dogs. Butthey're also not going to attack people out
of nowhere and potentially send them tothe hospital and put the dog's life in
danger potentially because sometimes they have toput them down food for thought. If
you got a dog, maybe spendsome time training with them so they're not
going to be just trying to bitepeople like the mail carriers who just trying
to do their job. Just somethingon my mind. We'll talk to you
two o'clock tomorrow. Don't go anywhere. It'll be a hump day. We'll
have a lot of fun, sowe'll see it too. Emory Songer with
you on news radio eleven ten KFAB