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July 27, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to Healing Begins. My nameis Pastor Gail and as I'm sitting here
tonight once again, I have RebeccaCurran on with me. Say hi,
Rebecca, Hello everyone. Now what'syour official title? I am currently an
Ottawa County Commissioner and was a USSenate candidate. All right, Praise the
Lord. Well, we're going totalk about a subject tonight. It's time

for the church to wake up.You know, I'm reminded of the song
I don't know who sung a wakeUp, Wake Up? Why are you
falling asleep? I forget who's sangthat, but I used to like,
really like it, and I won'tattempt to sing it. I don't want
all of you to shut the radiooff or turn the podcast off. But
we just ended one show and thenwe talked about the church waking up.

And it's really interesting. Across thenation and across our state, more and
more we are seeing the Satanic Temple. I'm just putting it right out there.
We are seeing the Satanic Temple riseto the surface and come right out
in the open, right out,and not care and start to invade our

precious communities that they're already here.But began to invade and come into different
circles in different places with what theycall their religion. But I got good
news. I read the end ofthe book. We win, the devil
loses. So I probably made alot of people man right there at the

gigg. But you know, Godhas not given us a spirit of fear,
but power, love and a soundminded you know what I'm thinking about,
Rebecca. By the way, wehave no script for this, so
there's no script on board, butholy spirit. I'm thinking about how Saul
before he was Paul, he wasmore feared than anyone that I could even

think of. I mean, hewent around killing Christians feeling that he was
doing God a favor. Actual,yeah, yeah, absolutely, he was
doing the work of the Lord inhis mind. It just goes to show
you how deceived we can be.And he wasn't doing the work of the
Lord. He was doing the enemy'swork. Ding ning ning, Yes,

you have the right answer. Yes. And then one day he got a
ding ding ding right. He wasriding his horse. Wasn't a horse or
a donkey, I don't know,I can't remember. I think it was
a donkey, maybe a camel.Anyway, he's going to Damasacus to get
more letters, right too. Andby the way, I got a point
to where I'm going with this,to get more letters, to kill more

Christians. And a bright light shonefrom heaven and knocked him right off his
camel to the ground, and avoice said, Saul, Saul, why
do you persecute me? And Saulsaid, who are you? Lord?
And the voice said, I amJesus, and he was immediately blind taken
to us house. Right then Godappears to Anonyus in a vision Anonius Annius.

Yes, Lord, there's a mannamed Saul on Straight Street and he's
praying. I want you to gopray for him. And then anonisus like,
Lord, wait a minute here,do you know who this guy is.
He's the biggest murderer of Christians Iknow, and you want me to
go visit him? So he goes. Because God gave Saul a vision that

Anonius was going to come hands onhim and he would receive his sight,
and God changed his name from Saulto Paul. In what Satan meant for
evil, God meant for good.And he wound up writing three quarters of
the New Testament. So there yougo. You know what my thought is
to tell oh, this is sofun. Light and darkness. Okay,

I pray that the light of Heavenwould shine in every ceremony to convert every
heart that is working against the Onetrue, Living God. A lot of
people don't know this about me,but I have done work with assassins before
different things, and one of thepeople told me they were about to do

a ceremony and a light showed intheir ceremony and they couldn't operate no more.
They couldn't operate no more, andeverybody ran away. So I know
that God loves everybody. He lovesthem, doesn't matter how lost they are.
I used to say loss is agoose in the fog. I don't
care how lost they are, thatGod still loves them and wants to see

them to come to know the onetrue and Living God, because it just
isn't people into Satanism that are lost. Oh my goodness, we could name
off a bunch of things, andnow we've picked on the poor little Satanist
group and we're not trying to dothat, but we want people to know
that Jesus is the way, thetruth in the life. He's not dead,

He's alive. Forever and ever.Any thoughts, Absolutely, I will
tell you that that is always myheart, always my heart, because I
don't think God sin is sin.It is I'm a sinner, You're a
sinner. We're all sinners. Andfrom the worst of the worst to the

quote unquote best of the best,God died for every one of us.
And honestly, I think that there'sa failing there for people to understand and
to realize that we are so busyjudging people versus and it's okay to discern
right from wrong. That is,we should do that. Knowing right from

wrong versus judging are two different things. And it's not an incumbent upon us
to be the judge and juror forthat individual. But what is incumbent upon
us is for us to intercede forthat individual. When we see something.
We are supposed to iron sharpens ironfor the believer, but we are also

to intercede for those who do notbelieve, because we should not want anyone
to die and spend eternity and help. No, No, that should not
be the heart of a Christian andif it is, then there needs to
be some repentance there. So whenI go into Pavis Costa Rica. I

work in extreme camp with a pastorChristian. He will take fifty kids away
from the drug lords and we willbring these gang kids to a separate location
and we will give them an extremeGod experience. So these are many of
these kids have killed people, havecommitted crimes. All this. So he'll

say to me, So Christian,cave me. One day he goes,
I want you in my camp.I'm like, I heard about his Camp's
pretty wild. I mean it's peoplegetting free. They're setting people free,
you know. And so so Iwent to the first camp and it came
time and he said, Pastor Gale, preach the gospel. So I'm like,

oh Lord, here we go.But the key was in the gospel.
You see, it was my sinand your sin and their sin that
nailed Jesus to the cross. Itwas my sin and your sin that tore
the flesh out of his body.It was my sin in your sin that
caused the blood run down. Itwas my sin. I crucified him.

You crucified him. When you realizethat, then I would look at the
kids and I'd say, look,Christianities not for cry babies. If you
are going to be a Christian,you are going to be in a battle.
And Rebecca, this I don't talkabout this much on ear So last
year we worked with fifty kids.They gave their heart to Jesus and left

the gangs. You know what theyfound out? Six of them this year
were assassinated for their face shot andkilled because the gang put a hit on
them. Yeah, they were marredfor the Lord. Well, and one
of the kids said, once I'ma Christian. Now I've done a lot
of bad things that want you toknow. They're probably going to kill me,

but when you hear my death,I'll be in heaven. Two weeks
later he got assassinated. And sonow this kind of talk might be way
out of someone's world. What areyou talking about, pastor Well, the
Bible says that you and me,the Church of the Living God, the
one and only true God, isto go into the darkness and pull people

into the light. And many timesall we're doing is pulling them from one
church to the next church. Thatis not evangelism, That is church transfer.
When I see fifty kids and notpreaching the bloody Cross, I mean
the cross was bloody, and I'mtalking about all the blood and all the
gore in the crucifixion of what Jesusdid. Then I look and these tough

kids are crying, and I'll findout later they never heard the message.
That's hard to believe, you know, I'll tell you. And I think
that I personally have had to gothrough a trans a paradigm shift, is

what I would call it. Sooftentimes in my mind when I thought of
the church, I think of thebuilding and the administration and the pastor.
That's the church. And I thinkthat that was a really great excuse for
me to say the church, thepastor, the administration, the building,

they're not doing their job. Butwhat I've come to realize recently is I'm
the church. I am the church. I am the body of Christ.
You are the body of Christ.And if something's not happening, it's because
we're not doing our job. Andthat is my message. I have to

do what the Lord says to do, and the Lord says, as you
said, go and minister, Ishould be praying for people all the time.
And I used to do that inTexas all the time. So I
mean, and that's what we're calledto do. We are the ministers of
the Gospel. What I have foundas I listened to preachers nowadays, the

Cross is not being preached the wayit should be. That blood and the
nails and the hammer and the crucifixion, and the whipping and the beating he
went through that ought to be talkedabout because that's what he did for me.
And if he did that for me, how could I ever hold any

unforgiveness against you? Because Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they
know. Jesus said, Father,forgive them, for they know not what
they do. And then he said, if you can't forgive men their trespasses,
neither can I forgive you. Andit's because of what I've been forgiven
from. It was my sin.And I know in the Book of Acts

Man the apostles got beaten when theywould say stuff like it was you killed
the Lord of Glory. It wasyou, It was your sitting man.
They got the religious people and allthe false religions riled up. You crucified
him. And we don't. Ithink people are afraid to preach like that
anymore. Why we might lose halfour church? Yeah. Well, and

the other thing too is I don'twant to gloss over what you just said.
That is so true, Gail.It says if I do not forgive
someone else their sins, that Godis not going to forgive me, which
means that when I die, ifI have bitterness, resentment, and anger

rooted in my heart, I'm goingto spend my life apart from Him.
And You're gonna have to pay foryour own sin because He already paid for
it. And that is like,it's so concerning to me because I feel
like so many quote unquote Christians whoprofess to know God are not forgiving.

They're not doing it, and thisis opening them up to spend a lifetime
apart from Christ. And that isan internal damnation. That is a very
big heavy thing. It's not onlythat, what we learn about unforgiveness,
it opens us up for physical sicknessesand illnesses. Let me give an example.

Think it is John twenty twenty twosays, whoever sends you, they
are remitted. Whoever sends you retain, they are retained. I don't say
I remit you, I say Iforgive you, right, and so the
word remit in the original language meansto send it away. So and I
say I forgive you, I'm takingall the negative emotions and feelings, and

I've given them to Jesus. Butif I say you deserve to burden Hell,
I'm not forgiving you. Then allthat negative feeling and emotions are being
tied up in my own heart andbegin to cause negative chemicals to run through
my body, which can eventually causea root of bitterness and a defiling which
can eventually make us sick physically.We know that from the Philadelphia Cancer Societies

who hired a chaplain to do threehours of forgiveness therapy with every one of
their patients. What they found atthe end of their study, they had
several cases of it was called cancertumors there one minute, gone the next,
and they were like trying to explainwhy it was. And they were

quick to say they were not sayingthat unforgiveness cause cancer, but what they
were saying is unforgiveness and poorly healed, they're going to be hurting events where
having a powerful effect a negative effecton sickness and disease. And so I
want to go back to the churchwaking up. The church needs to wake

up. Here's why Jesus said theword you know, the words of Jesus
scared me to death. I mean, he said some pretty big things.
He said, broad is the roadthat leads the destruction, and Rebecca,
he says, narrow is the roadthat leads eternal life. And then he
says, few there be that findit. So I think of that,

and that's scary. So you mightsay, I know you're listening right now,
and you might say, wow,I'm scared. I'm sure I'm not
gonna make it. Well, guesswhat. Pray with me right now so
you can know in your heart thatyou're gonna make it. Because it doesn't
matter what you've done. Jesus canforgive your sins, give you a new
life, and give you peace.Just say, Jesus, I know I'm

a sinner. I asked you toforgive me of my sins. Come into
my heart and be my savior.I confess you as my Lord. Fill
me with the Holy Spirit in thename of Jesus. Amen. Amen.
The Church, the Church and theBody of Christ needs to wake up.

And you know what, I thinkthe most scariest thing. When Jesus was
talking to the sheep and the goats, he had to separate them because you
see, the goats thought they weresheep. There's a lot of goats even
in church. People think they're goingto heaven and they're not scary. Then

Jesus said to the goats, Hesays to them, I never knew you,
because they weren't doing the things thatwere on his heart, that was
his heartbeat, like visiting the sick, feeding the poor, clothing the naked.
I mean, he went down andhe named several things. And then

in the five wives and five foolishvirgins. So there's ten virgins. They
all think they're all right, butwhen it comes time for the bridegroom to
come, five already with their wickstrimmed and bright and had enofoil. Five
did not have what they needed togo with the bridegroom. Yeah, and
it was too late. Yeah.So that's what I think. The enemy

in America is llulling the church tosleep. He's trying to shut the voice
of the believer down. When Godwants the believer to stand up, not
be rude, but to speak up, to be bold, not to be
afraid, because we know who weare. You know, my grandma used

to say, I know whom Ihave believed that I am persuaded that he
is able to keep that which I'vecommitted onto him against that day. So
it's time for the church to wakeup a man. I completely agree,
and we are the church. Weare, and he is going to separate

out the goat from the sheep,even in his own flock. And it's
going to be very entry. AndI just if you're feeling the prick of
the Holy Spirit, if you're feelingthat conviction, just talk to God.
Repent. That's all you have todo. Talk to him. Repent to

him, apologize to him, andask him to show you how he wants
you to do things, and he'llslowly and encourage and move you in the
right direction. Why don't you leftup a prayer that God would wake up
the body of Christ and wake upbelievers to what He really has for them.
Absolutely, Dearly Father, I justthank you for your blood sacrifice on

Calvary, Lord, that you havedied for each and every one of us,
believer and non believer alike. Father, I pray in the name of
Jesus that you pour out your HolySpirit not only on the state of Michigan,
but on the United States and allover the world. Lord, we
welcome your spirit. We welcome yourpresence. Father. You're cleansing an anointing

presence. Lord. We just praythat you will do signs, wonders,
and miracles and will push the loveof Christ out to completely and utterly break
down every life of the enemy thatwe are currently believing. In Jesus's name,
Father, wake up your church,wake up your pastor's Lord, convict

them, send them dreams, sendthem visions. Father, convict them to
turn from their wicked ways, Lord, and to focus solely on You,
not their plans, not their agendas, not their ideas of how they should
put you in a box. Butthe absolute presence and anointing of the Holy

Spirit be poorn out on this stateand on this nation and over this world.
Father, I just thank you,and I praise you for what you're
going to do. I praise youfor the lives that you're going to bring
in. Praise you for the peoplewho were you were going to shake and
open their eyes. Father, Ijust thank you for the overflowing anointing and
presence of God. Praise you,Father, Praise you, Father, Praise

you. Father. I thank youthat you are going to make a church
that is pure and holy and spotless, the bride of Christ. Lord.
I just praise you, Lord,I just thank you for everything that you're
going to do. And we welcomeit. Lord, we welcome it with
open arms in Jesus' name. Amen, Lord, I pray that you take

the scales of people's eyes so theycan see. Just like you healed Saul
of physical blindness and spiritual blindness.I pray that you would do the same
for the people that is under thesound of our voice right now. I
pray that they would be healed ofphysical blindness and spiritual blindness. Open our

eyes that we might see the gloriousgrace of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lord. Amen, Oh man,let's say it's so good. I'm glad
you're listening tonight. I'd really liketo hear from you. My email is
Gail G. A. L Eat Spiritualcareconsultants dot com, or you can

write me a letter at Spiritual CareConsultants. Pastor Gail Kroc k R A
G T one three seven five WestGreen Street, Sweet one, Hastings,
Michigan, four nine oho five eight. I'm so thankful for our faithful listeners
on the radio and on podcasts becausewe hear reports all the time now,

so we're praising God for that.So, by the way, the Bible
says that we are seated with Christin heavenly realms, far above all principalities
and powers and rulers and spiritual forcesof wickedness. In the heavenly realms,
we have the authority because we arein Christ. And then yeah, and
it also says what we bind onearth will be bound in heaven, and

what we lose on earths will beloosed in heaven. We have that authority.
So that's interesting right there. Soyou know what I bind in the
name of Jesus, bind it.I bind the perfect will of God.
There's nothing negative to be bound inheaven. So will release the Holy Spirit

to move there's the things the perfectwill of God. This is another discussion.
So will we release the part ofthe Holy Spirit we bind the enemy
because we can bind the enemy inthe name of the blood of Jesus.
And we thank God that we havethe victory. You know, my grandma
taught me all the old hemn.I heard an old old story about a
saber came from Glory, how hegave his life on Calvary to save a

rest like me. You know thetitle Victory in Jesus. I loved us
sing it, but I don't wantyou to untal. I love that song.
He sought me, and he boughtme with his redeeming blood. He
loved me, ere I knew him, and all his love is doing him.
He's he brought me to victory.Beneath the blood, the blood of

Jesus. We've plead it over theairwaves right now, we'd fleed the blood
over your home, your family,your life, wherever you're at. May
the Lord bless you, made theLord keep you. May the Lord cause
his face to shine upon you.May the Lord be gracious to you,

be merciful to you, and giveyou peace. Rebecca and I want to
thank you for joining us this morning, for its time to wake up.

Healing Begins is brought to you bySpiritual Care Consultants, located in Hastings,
Michigan. At the Healing Center,we see children and adults at no costs.
We do virtual and in person sessions. We invite you to learn more
about us by going to www dotSpiritualcareconsultants dot com. We also value your

feedback and would like to hear fromyou. You can email me at Gail
G. A. L. E. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would
like to invite you and your familyand friends to go and listen to the
past programs by going to wood Radiodot com then click on podcast, then

look for Healing Begins and click onthat. Thank you so much for being
a faithful supporter. May God blessyou, keep you, cause us face
to shine upon you and give youpeace. Thank you for listening.
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