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WXXL HD one so varies Orlando.Here we go, let me get high
where you're going? I wake upfor you guys. Guy, I listen
on the line in the car.It's on all the time. Ready,
I've brought to your station manager orabout your show and the funny things that
you think is funny aren't funny.Yet you're still on the air the show.
Hey you up yet you're hanging outin Johnny's House. The Boy in
the morning. Good morning. It'sfive fifty nine, Orlando's number one hit
me USIC station, the s XLone O sixty seven. It is Johnny's
House, Thursday morning, partly cloudy, a fifty chance of rain today.
He didn't getting up to one hundredand six right now seventy seven now the
Johnny's House Entertainment News with Ray.So this is a stretch to kick off
the morning. There is a studyfrom the University of Vermont that says that
Taylor Swift fans are often influenced tobe positive and it can help you with
your body image. Okay, it'sbasically what I'd say. If you're sitting
in that room, listen to amusic over and over and over again,
it has nothing to do. Imean, it's just going to get into
your self conscious. Yeah. Itsaid that fans who felt highly connected to
Taylor Swift were influenced to positively changetheir behaviors or attitudes around eating or their
body image because of Swift's disclosures andmessages in her music. And they say
they say the exact opposite about rapmusic. Yeah, isn't it crazy when
they say that, like, peoplethat listen to country music are like the
most oppressed, people that listen tolike hip hop are like overweight rock music
anxiety. Yes, so it's likethis is one of those statistics though that
says that if you listen to TaylorSwift, you could have that positive outlook
on life in your body image.Okay. Adele says that if you're looking
for new music from her, yeahthat's gonna happen. She said, I'm
still trying to have a baby withmy man. I know she wants another
kid so bad. Have they confirmedthat they're married yet or has that been
confirmed? I mean she has saidstuff before, but I don't know.
But she says that I do nothave plans for new music at all.
And she's done this before because whatshe said is I want a big break
after this. Remember she pumped outsome albums and then she disappeared. Yeah,
she would. She would cut analbum and then disappear in London and
then do it again. But thistime I think she wants to take a
break. I think the only reasonshe finished that commitment she had in Vegas
is because she had a contract.Yeah, she had a contract. She
was going through a divorce, getto get back out there again and all
that. So but she says,I want a big break after this,
and I think I want to doother creative things for a little while.
As one of the most record manI know. But she was like she's
got conflicting feelings obviously about it,because like I feel like, once you
step away from the road, it'slike you miss it, but you are
so excited that you're not doing it. Let's give her the time to like
live her life and then maybe hopefullyyou get that kid. The road and
music keeps her away from her.Man. I don't think she'll ever be
on the road again anyway, She'sgoing to be Vegas for the rest of
her life. She'll be Celindon.Yeah, so I don't know. She
is ready to hit the road andperform for fans all over for her like
tour UK and shows every now andthen. Yeah, well yes, it
inflicts with the NBA sketch supposed tobe courtside in LA and I'm supposed to
perform in Cincinnati. But her manis how many how many NBA stars he
has on his everybody? So he'son in every sit It ain't gonna be
when Lebron returned. No, no, no, no no. She has
eleven year old son. Wow,he's wow eleven post Malone gave fans a
big surprise yesterday. I don't knowif you saw it, but he Tuesday
night, he had a night inNashville and basically Blake Shelton came out to
perform their song Pour Me a Drinkand and Hardy was also surprised with an
appearance of an unreleased song called wouldYou Hide My Gun? Okay, so
that's the latest song from his fone trillion album, Would You Hide My
Gun? Wow, it's kind oflike a rider dye thing. Yeah,
probably your girl would, Yeah ifI did something, Yeah my gun,
I'm guessing. I don't know.It's funny though he wears straight up wrangler
cowboy jeans. Now tucked in theflannel shirts. He looks like a straight
up like branch hand from the Yellowstone. Now, do you know what's crazy
is that I feel like so manycelebrities and artist get bashed for flipping genres
or not dashed, but they're like, you know, like Machine Gun Kellie,
people hated on him for doing that. I think with post Malone,
it's weird because he doesn't really havea genre. He was never anything we
made kind of the industry tries tomake you into something. We made him
a hip hop thing because of whiteiverson, but then after that he never
He never really fit any mold.And if you look at his stuff before
he got famous, it's super poppy, like the stuff that you never heard
that he put on SoundCloud super poppy. So he was never really anything.
So he does kind of have afluid thing. But it is really true
though that he like is totally differentfrom what you know when you might have
backstage drinking bud light and all that, playing beer pong. He's still the
same person, but he dresses differently. Yes, when I got him,
he had baggy jeans, hoodie,all that stuff. Now he's got like
tight wrangler jeans and a cowboys.Before that he had cut off jean shorts.
Yeah, but at Night in Nashvillewas pretty big. And when introducing
Hardy Post said, I had theopportunity and blessing to write this song with
one of the most beautiful men I'veever met and one of the most talented
people I've ever met. And hecan sing his f and butt off.
So that's a recommendation right there.What is F one trailing coming out?
Is it the end of this monthor I don't know. I think it
is at the end of this month. Well, he hits he starts touring
in September. I think, yeah, it has to be soon. All
right, it is Thursday morning.You know, we can connect you with
those stories that are weird but trueand that coming up on Johnny's House a
little warminging yesterday. One hundred andsix is what is going to feel like.
There's a fifty percent chance of rainand seventy seven right now, weird
but true stories. Brian, what'sup? Man? This is local.
When I saw it on the news, it made me laugh because I've seen
this for years. So if you'regoing I four through Sanford if you look
over, you'll catch a glimpse ofa super big astronaut statue. It's over
near the exit you go over theriver. Yea, I have assumed it
looks like the moon Man from MTVthe VMA's I dropped my boating over there
from time to time and you couldsee it from the street, and I've
always laughed at it and thought,well, that's kind of crazy. Well,
they just did a news story onit. It is actually the one
that was used for MTV. No, how did we get it down here?
Yeah, there's a company over there. It's called Acme Surplus. I
know. They don't sell stuff toWiley Coyote. They actually make stuff.
And I guess they housed all thestuff from the Music Awards that was in
Miami back in two thousand and four, so it's been sitting in their parking
lot. I always saw it andI never knew why. And they did
a news story on it, andI'm like, oh, okay, that
makes sense. Now they're going torefurbish it. They say that's what their
goal is. You know. Thefunny thing is that, you know,
events like that are one in ayou know, one in a million events,
So they say, well, justkeep the stuff, and then you
just forget about it. What's atwenty five foot Yeah? What are you
gonna We'll come back for it.Like they have a warehouse and it's so
big. It doesn't go in thewarehouse. It's in the parking lot.
It's been there for years, forvery long. Did everyone not know this?
I mean you, they've done someclearing. So now on I four
you can see it. You couldn'tsee it on I four before. You
could only see it if you weregoing back there kind of where Cabana live
is. That's how you can tell. Do you call him up? MTV?
Yo, what's up? We gotyour move man? Been here for
a couple of years, y'all comegetting Yeah. I think it's pretty cool.
They should find a way to useit, like in like one of
our parks downtown or like I thinkthey'd be pretty cool. So this happened
local as well, over a NewSummurna Beach. We've spent the night in
some pretty interesting places, yes wehave. We've done haunted houses. So
we did the penguin enclosure over atthe seaworldy House tiny house. This guy
New Smurna Beach I guess he wantedto spend the night in Walgreens. Uh.
So, at about twenty minutes beforeclosing time, he went in the
bathroom. Uh and he stayed inthere for five hours and store closed at
ten. So about two forty twoam, they checked it on the security
camera. He came out and he'slike, well, no one's here.
Let's see. So my man juststarted dipping. He WoT Tostito, spinach
chips, Reese's, the Garadellic chocolates, Doctor Pepper's, and he smoked some
Newports inside this store. Obviously,the alarm went off, so the police
showed up, and then they wouldn'the wouldn't come out, and so they're
like knocking on the door, andhe finally unlocks it like it's his house.
The video is so funny. He'slike, what's up. They're like,
dude, you don't work here.Then he decided to spit on an
officer. That didn't go well.You know, when I was a kid,
they used to have sears but backthen they call them Sears and Roebuck,
Yes, and they had this campingarea you know I'm talking about,
And I always thought, you know, would be cool. Yeah, if
I just hid in the in thetent until they closed and then at night
just hang out. Was that nextto the lawn area? Yes, yeah,
I remember sitting out the big lawn. Yeah, yes, they did
that on the side by the bellepisode, they're trying to camp out for
concert tickets and they were trying tohide from someone, so they stayed in
the camping display. And my thingwas the next day. Now you got
to understand who the kid. Iain't had no transportation, but my thing
was the next day when I getcrowded, I just come on out and
just mingling one of the crew.But they didn't have some veilent cameras like
they did now, right, theydidn't know what was going on back then.
I would love to saying, ikea, that's always like a dream of
that would be too free, it'stoo much going on. I talked about
that before, staying in one ofthe apartments, because they have apartments that
they set up that are like whateverfour hundred squores feet five hundred square just
too much for me going on.I'll be in my ear would be like
what was that sound? Was that? Should all get our little apartment?
Yes? A UFO investigation group.They're called MOUFON. It stands for Mutual
UFO Network. They showed a sampleof what they say is alien metal.
So the scraps of metal, they'relighter than a flower pedal and they're gold
tinged, and so they for thefirst time were brought out at the International
Symposium in Irving, Texas. Theysay that it's very strong. NASA checked
it out and they said it's ninetypercent unidentifiable, so they can't identify the
metal. Yeah, so what makesit really weird because the story of where
it came from people are like,eh. So they were found by this
Russian researcher. He said that samplesquote appeared in his house after he was
contacted by a non human entity whotold him it came from a crash UFO.
I mean you're talking. NASA say, we can't tell you what type
of metal this is. Yeah,and ninety percent of it is unidentifiable,
So that means they have some elementsthat we have on whatever planet this came
from, but ninety percent of itis foreign material that we don't have here
on Earth. Everything, well,I guess if they can't identify that,
everything is in the element chart thatwe have we have that, yes,
but like elements they have in othersolar systems, how would we know they're
going to slap that element on theperiodic table and be like, now we're
fine. They can't there's ninety percentidentify. They can't identify it. They
don't know what it is, sothat's not possible. They said there was
actually more of it, but itwas stolen from a US Post Office box
after they tried to mail it fromRussia to the US. Stolen. Yeah,
someone stolen. And they said that'stypical with evidence of this nature.
That means there's some sort of tamperinggoing on. The healing ready for this,
but yeah, dude said it showedup in his house when an alien
showed up. But see, tome, wasn't that okay? You look
at where we are now, storieslike that, If Brian didn't read it,
I wouldn't know what was right.But years ago, because there wasn't
so many, that would be aheadline of course, that we have an
unidentifiable metal on our Earth, right, because if you tell the story,
you're like, man, shut up. But then when you tell me that
NASA grade technology only was able toidentify ten percent of it. Now you've
got a story. Now you gotto get some you know, the top
news stations behind it. But no, and then you guys can find me
a costco buying that apocalyptic buget.Everybody. Everybody's talking about it. It's
so funny. I've been hearing thosecommercials for years on AM radio on the
way to work. Man, mypatriots supply dot com. That's funny.
I heard it today. They toldyou what said. They got breakfast,
lunch, and dinner. They gotdesserts, they got appetizers and all you
need to eat is water. Yeah. And the guy's real smooth about it.
Oh yeah, and its coming.You just don't know when. That's
what he says. All the signsare there, so be ready. I
know people in my life to havethose. I'm sure they're set for at
least thirty forty years. Those arethe people are going to turn to.
No, they told me I couldn'tgo. He's not he doesn't bring anything
to the table. Yeah, that'strue. Sorry, they got laying,
they got everything set, and myboy asked, can Johnny go? And
they say he doesn't bring any wasit Bible useful skills? They don't need
morning entertainment. Though. I wasgoing to say, they say, no,
they're talking survivors. They're they're reallywe'll be here playing now once it
jumps off. Our little yuck yucksare over. Oh yeah, there's like
he Hey, we love Johnny,but he has no skills. We can
use predoomed all of us. AndI'm just like, you know, I
can't even mad at that you gottalking about surviving. I get you,
all right, Listen, every nowand then we'd like to do a wellness
check on you and just find outhow much you've been sleeping. Let's do
that next on Johnny's house. Sitin decks one hundred and six today it
is seventy seven. Right now,we don't get into a Narici's personal business.
You've been napping off I have thisweek, really, and if you're
eating this awful a little bit,No, I'm messing with you anything.
I'm eating more. Why do youthink you've been napping so much? I
just I needed my body to catchup with the rest, with the rest,
because like all of last week,I did not nap at all.
And I don't know about you guys, but it'll be talk enough. I
every day, every day it's justa part of it. The last couple
of days I haven't. The kidhad like a pinch neck and I had
to stay up and take him.And I have some nephews coming in.
So this week I'm just looking forwardto the future of sleeping. I ain't
even where about to sleep sleeping now. The future of sleeping looks real good
for me, But right now Iain't. I ain't. We've just been
having a lot of work lately,I mean, at least for me,
but in a good way. Ina good way. I'm very happy about
it. But you know, it'staken away from my naw time, and
I'm like, oh, I gota balance. This a little bit better.
I don't have. I have beenputting more time into it this week.
See, I don't know what Ilike most coming up on the twelve
being in the car line and orcoming home from work and there's food in
my house. I don't know whichone because tough, because the car line
is not expensive. I know thefood is teenagers. You don't even know
teenagers eat? Goodness, My kidseat so much now, you ain't nothing
gonna get worse. Wow, SoI don't know which one it is.
I'm sure halfway through in the carline, I'll say, eat all you
want, But no, sleep ain'tbeen a friend of mine. But I
got it. I see it.I see it over the horizon. I
see it. How are you doingas far as I haven't had a nap
in a while. You know youjust don't do it anymore? No,
I would love to. I've justbeen running around like crazy, and yeah,
so, I'm trying to think ofthe last time I had a nap.
I think last week I napped.But I usually take naps like it's
usually I don't have to, especiallyif I have the kids. For my
mental stability, I need to havea nap or else I'll snap on everybody.
Yeah so, but recently it's beena while. It's been like a
couple of weeks. How long doyou not for I at least want to
get in an hour in yeah,Yeah, I try to get two.
Yeah, I get two in.Yeah, if I get more than that
With camp Johnny happening, I haven'tgone to the gym since school. That
out, And then you know,you can tell when someone's in your house,
and to try if I was inyour house, if I'll spend a
night at your house. Yeah,I would even know I was there.
I mean, I'm very quiet.I'm kind of stealth mode. Yeah,
but people don't feel the same way. But I don't know about you guys.
But like with our schedule, ifwe don't take a nap for like
consecutive days in a row or like, yeah, your body like starts to
yeah, because I get like fourto five hours to sleep at night.
Same here, same here. Andthen Kate was like, how do you
do that? You just do youno sign? If I didn't do that,
you probably wouldn't be here lot,you'd be doing other things. It's
just things you have to do.How about you. Oh, I haven't
had a nap in forever. It'sas sleep as a luxury. I just
won't get horizon. This is theleast I've slept in my life the last
probably three or four months. There'sI got too much work to do,
so something's got to give, andit's got to be the nap. I
fell asleep in the car last nighton the way home from dinner with my
wife. I felt bad, butI was just tired. So yeah,
I haven't had a nap in forever. It's just it's just the way it
is. I got to, Imean, because I do shows that are
set in different time zones and stuff, and if stuff pops up, I
got to jump in the studio fromhome and do it. And so it
just it is what it is.So I got to make sure y'all get
your tickets on the tailor train,whatever the case may be, I gotta
do it. So I just haven'thad a napp in forever. It's it's
just what is what it is.Honestly, for a vacation, you can
The hard thing is that we can'tsleep in no matter what, no on
a Saturday. On a Saturday,I'll get up at five thirty and be
wide away. I'll get more sleepwhen we're on vacation. But at the
same time, like I am ofthe opinion that I don't want to sleep
my free time away just because Iwork too much, Because that's my time
to enjoy myself and have fun andentertain my wife. I don't want I'm
not taking vacation to sleep. Yeah, I'm officially on the same boat with
you guys. I used to beable to sleep in like on a Saturday
until like noon ten am. NowI'm up at seven Oh yeah, Hey,
Brian, I'm different from you.I'm taking vacation to get a lot
of sleep. And if you wantto go with me, yeah, running,
we're gonna cuddle now. I flyout, I get my sleep.
I fly out at nine in themorning, land at one. I'm checking
in it too. We have aplace to be at three thirty. Yeah.
I guess for me at this pointin my life, if I'm not
if I don't get a little bitof rest, I'm no good to anybody.
I'll sleep on the plane. Yeah, I turn into a zombie.
You just be looking off like Ijust become more mean. I'm trying to
not do I already have a verylow tolerance anyway, but it gets way
lower when i'm tired. So I'mtrying to not be that way. I
even told my wife last night,I got to work on my my reaction
to people. Yeah is what itis, I think or whatever, and
it's like whatever, I have acool job and then and I trade sleep
for that whatever. Yeah, No, on my vacation, so I plan
on it. I look for Ismile, I sit back and go wow,
trying to get mad at y'all.Yeah, on the stream, right,
I'm actively trying to not be madat y'all. Right, now ask
bitches, it's your reaction when youwould say we got two out. I'm
miss the breakfast buffet, but I'llget lunch. Think I'm joking to that.
I want to find out. It'stime for us to check in with
you. How much sleep are yougetting? Are you getting? I love
those who call I love the peopleto call in and say, look,
it's mandatory. I get eight toten a night, meditator mandatory, that's
what I do. And I'm like, wow, that's awesome that you're that
discipline. I don't even know whenthe last time I had ten Oh,
no, I was. I thinkI was sat COVID. I was gonna
say, yeah, COVID, andI think I was hungover. And then
you have time you enjoy it becausethe COVID had you sick. Yeah,
you know. I got a pairof tickets to Endless Summer. It's an
eighteen up party at Island H twoO water Park Saturday, August tenth,
from seven to eleven. Johnny's Housewill be there hanging out with you.
Well, you need to find out. We're just doing a little wellness check
on you. How much rest areyou getting? Three hours, five hours,
eight hours, ten hours. Wewant to find out from you.
Check in with us four oh sevennow one nine one o six seven eight
seven seven nine one nine one osix seven. The Excel mobile is four
one o six seven. You cantext that and we'll read your answers and
love streamers who are up. Wewant to hear from you on social media.
Just doing a little wellness check.How much rest? How much sleep
are you getting? Check in withus with us now, got a pair
of tickets to Endless Summer, whichis coming up on Saturday, August tenth,
from seven to eleven at Island Htwo Old Water Park. How much
sleep you getting? Let's find outtogether on Johnny's house, just in case
you want to go with thinking aboutgoing. It is six fifty three on
a Thursday, one hundred and six. We're gonna feel like seventy seven right
now. There's a fifty percent chanceof rain. Just doing a little mental
check which you find out how muchrest you're getting. Gonna hook somebody with
a pair of tickets to hang outwith us in the summers. It's going
to be an eighteen up party atIsland h twol Water Park on Saturday,
August tenth, from seven to ten. If you don't want the tickets,
you can buy them and hang outwith us. But how much have you
been resting from Orlando? Melanie?Good morning? Good morning? Good morning.
How you're on dealing everybody today?We're good, Melanie? How about
you? Than I'm good. Idon't know how people nap. I can't
nap like my husband naps. Ican't nap right, Daddy won't let me
nap. What's your schedule? Likeyour normal schedule? So I'm a teacher,
so I work seven to four rightnow since I'm doing summer camp.
And then I get home about fiveo'clock because of traffic at that time.
So I got home, I gotclean or cook or take the dogs for
a walk or whatever. My timeto get to bed it's eight o'clock my
time I fall. I sleep,and I can't volunt them sink. My
mind is still doelling morning. Yeah, So you don't have that type of
job that you can get a napin. You know, we get up
early and everybody that we know theywant to hang out with their work.
So you have nothing to do.Yeah, even the weekend I can't nap,
Thank you so much, thank you. Yeah, tell a man,
I need some napkins, grab them. Naples got playing trying to get my
coffee. I understand, even theweekend, I can't. Now if I
try to pay them later than whenI and I do, I get a
headache the next day this time.I used to be like that when I
didn't have the schedule, naps wouldgive me a headache. But now it's
necessary. Right, Well, youhold on one second while you enjoy your
coffee from Longwood. Uh they theythey shall, good morning you shall how
good morning you good? Good?How much sleep you getting? Six hour?
Six hours? Really? And andwhy why are you getting so little
sleep? Well? Because I alreadyshave since to do, you know what
I mean? Even that I worefrom home, Yeah you know, yeah,
I have a lot of stock todo by the time that I go
to Bay living thirty twos, youknow, uh huh, and I get
out five forty five. What aboutwhat about on the weekend? Maybe on
the weekend sometimes seven hours, butI'll take that. Yeah, seven on
the weekend. I think six isa victory for me. First Yeah,
yeah, okay, all right,you hang on, you hold on a
second. What's over on my ExcelMobile power by Attorney Dan Newland Interact need
to check it's no brain or justgoogle Attorney Dan Newln. Nobody on the
Excel Mobi was sleeping. I haven'tslept eight hours since my daughter was born
twenty three years ago. Four tofive a night, right now, someone
with the special needs kids, SoI sleep when they sleep? Yeah?
Uh, and that's the only time. Let's see. Someone said, they
get four hours of sleep at night, no naps. Ever, they worked
the overnight shift twelve hours a day, six days a week. Overnight is
a rough one. Yep it is. And someone said, now this is
a nice one. They said,since they got that sleep number bed,
they get eight hours a night.Baby. Yeah, oh, I can
get it. I just gotta getup. I gotta tell them stop it,
stop it. I gotta get up. Melanie. We're gonna hook you
up. We're gonna hook get witha pair of tickets to the end.
The summer, I said, ison h Steel Water Park, Saturday,
August tenth, seven, seven toeleven pm. Johnny's House will be there.
This is the weekend Heydrigo Johnny's Housemornings Orlando's number one hit music station,
All Day Orlando Now the Johnny's HouseEntertainment News with Ray Yeah, so
you heard me right, Brittany Spearsand the Osbourne's kind of feuding that had
been funny twenty years, I meangreat news twenty years. I'm like,
are we back in the two thousands, like the early two thousands? This
is really weird fish I should seethat on MTV news and then watched E
R O. Yes, what wasthe little claymations that used to fight each
other? Oh, Celebrity Death Masszero. As soon as I was reading
these headlines, I was like,I automatically pictured Ozzy Osbourne and Britney Spears
and Celebrity death Mass the guy whodid news for years? Is it hurt
Loader? Hurt Loader? Yeah?Is that crazy? Breaking news at up
of every hour four? What they'redoing right? Yeah? So basically,
on a recent episode of the Osbourne'spodcast, which they have, Ozzy said
that he was fed up with seeingBritney Spears posting dancing videos every thing day.
There's an easy solution to that.Unfollowing exactly. My wife friend followed
her for the same reasons, likeI'm tired of seeing the dance videos,
I'm like, Okay, I'm tiredof people complaining about seeing other people's stuff
when you can easily just unfollow followthem, or just don't go to it.
Yeah. I stomached the dance videosbecause every few she posts her body.
So there was this one dance whereshe literally like wisted her ankle and
I just unfollowed her after that.I was like, yeah, what so,
but her family or his family chimedin after he said that, said
that about her dancing videos, andthey agreed and they were just like,
yeah, they feel sorry for her, and it's very very sad. So
Britney Spears obviously doesn't need the pityfrom anybody, and she doesn't accept it.
And she hit back in her typicalway, which is a very long,
long, long land, and shewas rambling on talking about how,
you know, she was teaching dancelessons a couple of weeks ago to teenagers
who have like body image issues,and it shouldn't matter what we're doing with
our lives as long as you're likenourishing and living your lives with each other.
So like she went in and wentin on and on and on and
on, and the funny thing isthe way you say it is not how
they say it. Ozzie hasn't soundedlike you in fifty years. Yes,
this is crazy that they have apodcast because you're talking, Yeah, you
talk for a podcast and people whodon't know who he is. I think
he said, you know, I'mreally tired. Yes. Yeah. The
weird thing is is that Kate Beckonsalewas mentioned in her Instagram rant about the
Osborne's. So I try to puttwo and two together. I think it's
because Kate Beckonsales from London and shewas just talking about how like I'm going
to do a photo shoot with Kateuntil the Osward family, who is the
most boring family known to mankind mankindto kindly f off. So anyway,
that's what happens with podcasts. Here'sthe thing. Anybody has the money,
yes, and everybody has people goin. Did you see Jennifer Lopez and
Ben Affleck reportedly spent their wedding anniversaryseparate? Oh they didn't reportedly do it
as one hundred percent they did it. Jennifer Lopez was in New York with
his kid and he was riding themotorcycle through La Yeah. Yeah, I
mean, we're just we're here onthe divorce. We're just waiting for it.
I'm just kind of curious. Imean, you know what, it
is their business. It is notan hour and they announced it. Maybe
they maybe they are broken up.Yeah, and they just hadn't told anybody.
But if it's your anniversary, yeahyeah, you're not on tour and
you're not doing a movie. Thisis their second wedding anniversary, second,
their second so the if you lookat it, it just doesn't look well
for them. The celebrity Relature saidthat they're they're really anxious to sell,
like they're motivated sellers. They sayin the business, like, yo,
Jenny, what's up? You knownow? I trying to feel bad that.
I was like saying her whole tourbeing canceled was low key fake because
of the whole no no, Iwas like, but I mean, like
she said that she wanted to spendmore time with her family, which I
mean, she spending more time withtheir kids. But see, you gotta
wait for the right time. Shewill text you back too soon. Right
now, she better not go backto him. I'm just saying, just
hey, I'm just a little concernedor how you're doing I hope you're doing
well. Yeah. I don't thinkshe'd go back to him. That was
a hymn problem. That wasn't herproblem. Sheet he cheated on jay Loo
for God's sake. Yeah, Iagree with that. I've grown like Ben.
I could see Ben coming back infive years. He didn't do anything
wrong for say, it just didn'twork like for them. Yeah, this
is this is round two for them. I could see around three. And
I hate when people are just like, he looks so miserable, but like
that's that's his face, face facey. Right, Look, maybe we can
get some coffee. No, nope, I guarantee. Oh he probably will.
I just don't think it'll go anywhere. I don't think I would screenshot
it and upload her on social mediaand be like, look at this guy,
look at this gut. You didn'thave to do that. I did.
You didn't have to talk to somebodyin their d MS while you were
with me advise her. I'd finda roofer or a landscaper, someone that
is going to put j Lo ona pedestal and get out of this celebrity
stuff. Well, yeah, Giselledid, That's what I would do.
Find a karate teacher or whatever,just a normal, normal, normal person.
All right, it is Thursday morning. We're gonna play the throwback game.
If you don't know what it is, we'll tell you how to play
it next on just six with theheat in decks. It is seventy seven,
partly cloudy and a fifty percent chanceof rain. Oh. I a
say that we're cracking down on parking, and they should when they have peak
periods. There's people park anywhere.If you park in the parking garage,
which I mean, they don't evencare that, just keep jacking the prices
up and people still paying. Ithink it's like thirty Bucks at night.
Something crazy. But this is funny. They have got together with the police,
Orlando Police Department and they said,listen, we want to cut down
on people parking. Now. Ilike the way that they changed the word
from towing, because they never usetowing. In this story, it says
the parking detail which they got byOMC or the Orlando Police Department, since
June one thousand, six hundred andnineteen vehicles have been moved. Oh now,
what has happened? What does havebeen moved? Me to toad?
So what did they move it toa spot. Now, man, Yeah,
they moved it to a spot atan n pound line. No,
that is the worst. That isthe worst. Now, first of all,
you park somewhere where you shouldn't andyou knew that, and you get
on your plane and when you comeback, you just want to go home
wherever you are, You just wantto go home, and your car isn't
the thing. You got to dealwith it. And they said, so
far in July, four hundred andtwenty two vehicles have been moved. Wow,
that is crazy. Sixteen one hundredand nineteen cars in June have been
moved. I got towed ones indowntown and I think it was within thirty
minutes. You're moved. Yeah,I excuse me. Yes, yes,
I got politically correct one time,and I did the responsible thing. I
had drank too much. I leftmy truck in a garage. That's what
you're not allowed to leave it in, I guess. But the sign was
not visible because it's on the outsideof the gate, which was lifted when
I parked there. Oh that's okay. I was so pissed. Yes,
I still had to pay the money. I had to pay it. So
yeah, now I only park whereI know I can leave my truck overnight.
They said, listen to airport advicedrivers to use the cell phone lot
to coordinate when picking up passengers forincoming flights, And they say, listen,
we understand that parking can be challengingduring the peak travel periods, but
parking on the shoulder is never,never acceptable, and you will be moved.
I love that. Never in thestory they say told I like it.
Yeah, that's the new PC.I was like moved because if I
moved your car, I did youa solid right? Hey man, I
moved your car because you know itwas in a way, so I moved
it. But they didn't say that. Actually going to start naming toe companies,
moving car company. I we area moving car company or a car
relocation Yes, never in the storythat they use the word toad. I'm
not a tow truck driver. I'ma car relocation specialist. That's right.
And if your car is located ina place where it shouldn't be, I
have to relocate it. That ismy job. All right, It's time
to play throw back game. Ifyou haven't ever heard of it. What
we do is we ask you questionsfrom back in the day. That's what
we call it throwback and we askit in four different categories. We'll do
movie, prim we'll give you music, popular trivia, and then TV.
All you have to do is getthe most right, and if you do
so today, you gotta pay ticketsto Disney on Ice at the Kia Center.
It's gonna be Friday, August thirtieth. Now, if you've been playing
in the playass or you say youknow what today is my day to get
in, then go ahead and callus right now. Four O seven nine
one nine one O six seven eightseven seven nine one nine one O six
seven Two of you will play againsteach other and the one that gets the
most right you will win. Wecall it a throwback game and we'll play
it next on Johnny's House today morningand it will have a fifty percent chance
of rain to day. Heat anddecks of about one hundred and six seventy
seven are right now and partley cloudy. Time to play the throwback game.
We're gonna ask you some questions fromback in the day, and you get
the most right hook you able topay tickets for tickets to Disney on Ice
at the Kia Center. Friday,August thirtieth. Now you're listening, you
can play along and say, well, if you do better than anybody else
playing the next week, you cancall in and play. But the first
thing you must do is meet ourfirst contestant from Kasimi, Florida. Chris,
Chris, good morning, Good morning. I'm Chris. How old are
you for the game? Thirty eight? Thirty eight? You ever played before?
I? Have? You? Haven't? Had? You do? I
lost during the tiebreaker? Oh god, so we we have a throwback game
loser on the phone. Yeah,but you want to redeem yourself today?
Right? All right? Get ridof that l all right, exactly.
These are all movie premises, andthey start Nicholas Cage because he tried to
make a look comeback. All right, And if you listen closely, the
answer is in the in the description. All right, what movie is this?
A mild manner chemist and an Xcon lead a counter strike against some
rogue military men who threatened nerve gasfrom the rock in Alcatraz. Count No,
the Rock, the Rock. Okay, here's another one. Newly paroled
X con and former US arranger CameronPoele finds himself trapped on con air with
passengers. Try the seas control Connorthere, yeah, go all right,
Marie, give us some music,all right. I'm gonna need the name
of the artist or the song.Then June. What you got Chris bad
Romance? That is correct? Allright, good job, good job.
Here's the next one. Yeah,this side, it's the what you got
Chris Miley Farratt? That's correct?Alright? Halfway through you got three points.
You only got one wrong. You'redoing very well, all right.
Popular trivia ring Okay, WWW wasfirst introduced in nineteen ninety one. What
does that stand for? Worldwide Web? Good? Good job? All right?
Who was the president of the UnitedStates for the majority of the nineties.
That's a good one. That's agood question. I would say Clinton
Clinton is correct? Oh, goodjob, good job with that. All
right, Brian, give me right. These are sitcoms. I have one
old question, one new question.So, when two single girls need a
roommate to share their Santa Monica apartment, they decide to offer the room to
a guy who they find passed outin the bathtub after the going away party
for their last roommate. They telltheir unapproving landlord the guy's gay to get
away with it and then hijinks ensuecompany. Correct, look at you,
Chris, I see you? Allright. A father recounts to his children
through a series of flashbacks the journeyhe and his four best friends took leading
up to the meeting of their mom. How I met your mother? Correct?
All right, you did well?You got seven, seven out of
eight. Good job with that.Okay, all right, let's see if
you can do beta from Tavari's catCat in the morning and cat. How
old are you for the game?Thirty? And have you ever played before?
I have, like five years ago? And how'd you do? Oh?
You want? So you have achampion? Well, his thing?
You got to run the table towin. How'd you do that last round?
Mediocre? Oh? I got likeI didn't do amazing, but I
did. Okay, well this oneyou gotta get them? All right,
I'm ahead and say my question.Yeah, you know what to help you
out? To help you out,you can go in any any order you
want. Who would you like togo first? Regular order? Okay?
All right? These movies star NicholasCage. All right, what movie is
this? Julie, a valley girlmeets Randy, a punk from the city
they're both from different worlds, butthey gotta find love. Valley girl,
Yes, yes, all right,a historian race to find the National Treasurer
before the team of mercenaries. Gosh, here we go, all right,
two for two? All right,Maurice, al right, these are throwback
songs. Give me the name ofthe artist or the song? Now?
What you got? Cat? Flowright? That's correct? Okay, you
as an all you'll have to questionflow right. Here's the next one.
I know, I don't know forsure. So far they're good. Cancelon
ride the roughs? Want to raisethat bag? What's the answer? Give
you this? You got it?Can't we'll the name of it? I
work here and I wouldn't have knownit. Really, what do you got?
You want to hear it again?You know what? You know what
you talked over in the beginning.That's what you really need to listen.
Here we go, everybody quiet,Here we go. Can'ts fall? I
can't what it is it? Wow? That's Jordan Sparks. All right,
here we go, all right halfwaythrough. Now you got to run the
table to win, mister Ray?What you got? Oh boy? What
sport did the nineteen ninety two Dreamteam play. Oh my gosh, baseball,
basketball, hockey. Take a guessit was basketball? All right?
All right, now if you getone wrong, is oh that? Okay?
Here we go. This candy cameout in the nineties. It is
a form of a lollipop that hasa baby bottle top and you would dip
it in powdered sugar. Baby bottlepop. Good job. Wow, yes,
baby ball. I've seen them,but I didn't know what they called
the bottle pop. My mouth justwater. But you're talking about it.
I've lost I mean, at leastthey named it exactly what it is.
I was about to joke you,all right, all right, now you
gotta get these two for the time. We got an old school win.
In the new school win, aspiringfilm actress Penny moves into opacity apartment across
from two brilliant but socially awkward physicists, Sheldon and Leonard, and shows them
how little they really know outside ofthe lab. That is correct, and
this is for the tie. Georgeand Wheezy move on up into a deluxe
apartment in the sky after the successof George's chain of dry cleaners. Oh
god, I don't know, youdo know? The East Side. I
know that song is my mom usedto seeing it all the time, but
I don't know this show. Iknow this is wrong, but it's the
only thing that can come to mind, is it's not Seinfeld. I know
for a factly that's what I'm gonnasay. Oh and Weezy did not live
in the same apartment building for GeorgeEezy George White, Weezy George and Weezy
Jefferson jeffers say. That's okay,Kat, you did it. The Jeffersons.
You still don't know, never heardof that. Yeah, I know
the Jeffersons. Yes, I've heardof it. Yeah. Well you didn't
win, oh close enough, veryclose, but you get to try again.
Okay, Okay, thank you forplaying cat. Thank you. You
have beautiful day. Okay, allright, Chris, congratulations you are the
win on. Yeah, that's awesome. You got four tickets Disney on Ice
at the Key of Center Friday,August thirtieth. Okay, thank you,
all right, you hold on asecond. We come back and talk about
a brand new sport. I thinkit's the only four cent chance of rain.
We had a West Channel two ndyesterday and we're talking about they're gonna
be going live every night during theOlympics and following up with Olympics and what
happened that day, and doing littleresearch, I just realized that this year
they had it one new sport andI don't know why. Now out of
all these years, breaking is nowthis is true. Y'alli's n Joe on
Olympic sport. Yeah, it shouldbe. And now I'm looking at the
official Olympic website and they said.Breaking is an urban dance style that originated
in the United States in the seventieswith the roots in hip hop culture.
Breaking first took place as lively blockparties in the Bronx in New York.
It is characterized by actrobatic movements,stu footwork, and a key role played
by the DJ and the MC quotemaster of Saloma during battles. Yes,
now, when this came back,I mean way back in the day,
people were breaking their damn necks,spinning on their heads. Ye, breaking
next unbroken down boxes. Yes,I'm broken down boxes. And they were
trying to say that back then,and it's not true. The gangs didn't
fight. What they did is youmet in the street and then you put
that cardboard down you dance battle,that's what happened. I saw it on
the movie Breaking Turbo and O Zone. What you say, let's go.
They had a big fight with ElectroRock. That's so cool at the club,
and I see was the master ofceremonies. And then if I beat
your team, then the beefing overbecause I am the best break I couldn't
do it, man, but peoplewere popping and and then breaking two.
They had a dance battle, butthey became friends and they got together to
save the miracles, right, that'sright. Hip hop isn't like this.
Hip hop is like like this.You know what. Somebody sent me that
video yesterday. Well it's popping andlocking. That's that's like the main part
of breakdancing. And now it's veryacrobatic. When we were I'm trying to
find the video of us like pretendingto break. Yeah, see you horrible
blame Detroit for that. This isthis is lady teaching it. Every time
that lady, their hands are alwaysyeah there it is because God. So
I want to find out if anyof you back in the day used to
do it, because because then you'reyou B boy or B girls. So
now they have like Red Bull hasa team, Like I went to the
Doctor Phillips Center and watch it.Those guys are insane. They're great.
So is anything like what it wasback in the day. It is,
but like I said, it's waymore acrobatic. There's way more like gymnastics
than there was when we did it, because back when we did it was
just dudes on the street. It'sonly a single player, right, it's
not like you got served. Youpull up with your squad. You pull
up with squad, this one ata time. Yeah, or they assist
you into doing something like they mightflip me over and they're not laying in
front of brown and go gee.Yeah. I don't know. The Olympic
and the Olympics might be one onone, but like when you do it,
no, because they have routines.Yes, you with your crew.
You know. My guy cousins allused to break dance, really, all
of them in New York. Thatwas like the thing was break dancing.
And they came down here and therewas a place called Inline Skate Rink and
like they would have like intermission wherethey would have break dance competitions. Really,
they had to have been in elementaryschool and my cousins won. Really
yeah, they came down from NewYork and they're like, yeah they have
these Red Bull events are all thetime for breakdancing. It's the b boy
thing. I went and saw Phillipson. I think the cool thing about breakdancing
back then is like your cousins camedown and won, So you do that
now. So you cousin the parkinglot, they're gonna fight. I know,
it's not. It wasn't like thatthen. It's like you get the
respect, like I know they wonlike two large pizzas or something. But
that night there was like, yeah, it's dim right right now, it's
like get them in the parking lot. When I would work with the magic,
that's what everybody would do before thegame would start and stuff, just
break dancing in the locker room.It was like nothing to them really so
cool? Yeah, all right,So I want to find out if you
used to do it back in theday, if you had your own squad,
or if you don't know, ifyou have no idea what we're talking
about right now. It's in theOlympics. Watch the movie Breaking Get a
Crash Course or Breaking to Electric Buggalooyou're gonna watch that and say people paid
money to see that at the movie. Yes, because we're here to save
what were they trying to say Owhen they were saving the miracle an electric
Bugaloo? We need to hear too, all right? Got a pair of
tickets to Island to Endless Summer atIsland hto Or Water Park Saturday, August
tenth, seventh to eleven. Ifall you breakers it's back in the Olympics.
I can't wait. I'm gonna watchit because I know how different it's
gonna be. If you had alittle squad back then, you used to
dance, you know, how todo the snake thing? What the show
and fools us to break their necksspinning on their head. Yeah, I
couldn't do it. I did itwell, you know, you know post
that video? Oh yeah, ohyeah. The dude from Breaking probably would
have been very good in the Olympics. He was Yeah, he was waved
before their time. He looks likehe was in slow motion. Yes,
and it was crazy. Four ohseven nine one nine one O six seven
eight seven seven nine one nine oneO six seven XL mobile four one O
sixty seven social media livest three youwant to hear from you. If you
have no idea what breaking is about, we want you to call to You'll
also get a chance to get thosetickets in the summer at Island h Too,
a water park. But if youused to break back in the day,
you know exactly what's going on.We want to hear from you.
Four oh seven nine one nine oneo six seven eight seven seven nine one
nine one on six seven calls nowin Johnny's house six still seventy seven fifty
percent chance of rain. First yearin the Olympics. Breaking is going on?
Rad Did you find that video Idid? I couldn't get you foin
all, I got five dollars onthem. You can pick it's too late,
it's posted. Yeah, yes,what on X one to six seven
story on Instagram. Yes, youguys are jackasses. No, those were
things we did to entertain ourselves duringCOVID. Yes, yes, so you
straight up would that broom that's straightfrom Turbo and Breaking. Yeah, Johnny's
baking it down right off the bat. Johnny the like locking the pop locking.
Oh, I can do it?Yea last stream the he is I
used to the reason be pretty goodat it. Yeah, So when to
find out if you used to beone of those breakdances back in the day
from window mayor of Chat, what'sgoing on? Chat? How are you
doing today? Budd used used tobreak dance. Chat absolutely, way way
back in the day. Did youhave a crew? What's that did you
have? I have my friend?Have my friend? We were always break
dancing. We got down to UHElectric Avenue, Yes and break dance.
We went over to uh Oakridge SkatingCenter. They needed to breakdance there,
and actually at Memorial Junior High wewon a breakdancing contest at memorials Junior High.
Digit. Now here's my thing aboutbreak did y'all used to go to
each other's house and practice? Howdid you know what the what your boy
was gonna do? Yeah? Iwould practice at my house and then there
was like over the at Oakridge SkatingCenter. They had practice things you practiced
there and stuff, and it wasit was nothing like it is nowadays.
Man, those guys what they donow, it's ridiculous. I used to
do the windmill, and the windmillwas back in the day. It's literally
spinning your feet in the air.It's on your head, it's on your
back, right, But yeah,and you get up on your shoulders.
It's like you have to like launchyourself for that. Wow. Man.
Yeah, they they fly in theair and now and stuff. That's ridiculous
what they do nowadays. And whatwere you wearing? What did you used
to wear? We used to breakdance, Chad wind Mill, you would
wear it was like a like likea jump suit type deels because it was
you know, it was you wantas flippery as possible, you know,
you want as possible down to yeah, over and at the outlet you go
and get it the you know,the the sus made and everything names on
the back and stuff like that.Oh yeah, So Chad, when you
it was your boy, your cousinused to dance with it's my boy.
So so when you your boy usedto go to the skate ring like all
right, man, it's on tonight. You'll used to get hype like that.
Oh yeah, yeah, Les Avenue, the you don't get around the
truncle and everybody around dance and South. Yeah, tonight tonight, man,
We're gonna take it tonight. Yeah, hold on a second, chat,
We're gonna look somebody up with someendless summer island H two O water Park
tickets from Casterbury. John, whatup? John? You can hear your
boys used to be a breakdancing,didn't you? All? Game? Man?
We used to do it in Firestone. I don't know if you got
yes, is still there? Yes? Well, I don't know if it's
still there. Joe Bonder nightday andthat's a man. That place used to
the crowd used to be wrapped aroundthe old building. Yeah, it's it's
something else there. Yeah, yeah, so used I used to be sorry,
do you have a crew? Yes? There was probably about like ten
of books. It wasn't name ofyour crew, five guys, you name
you crew five guys. We didn'thave it. We didn't have a name.
We just kind of just went tothe club and we just went out
there and we were just like tonames and day that we're just gonna floor
rock. They had me floor rockthe floor. I made a big old
show from parkment beside the three cars. Push everybody out of the way.
I didn't care what it was.And then after that my boys were flying
like was like you'd see in themovies, and other people would start jumping
in at the same time. Ithink then we would just start battling and
then the course security, we wouldn'twant to do it anymore, so we
would have to wait a few moreminutes, and again they would get so
mad at that. He was mostpopular. Will was the best man.
I used to get so jealous ofthose people that would like move people out
of the way. Yeah, Idon't want to move that. Of course
you were to move, so John, tell you move? So John,
before y'all win the club that night, did y'all say tonight it's own,
We're gonna do this. Yeah.Yo, he is reminiscing so hard right
now. It's just like the webreakingwe just watched. It's just like that.
You go to the club, goingtime right tonight, tonight, let's
go ahead school these people. Yeahexactly. You know you get liquid curds.
Yeah, yeah, it's just like, start moving everybody. We were
then old Bones just started making thatsong. I was ready to put everybody
out of the way. Wait aminute, if you break dancing. When
Ludacris came out, y'all said,before Ludacris, y'all a limit. Okay,
Okay, I got you, Igot you all right? Be what
they said over there. Xcel MobilePower by Attorney Dan new and interact need
to check. It's a no brainer. Just called Turny Dan newl and everyone
that's listening from the Bronx is like, oh yeah, Bookie down Bronx back
in the day. But we dohave a local guy. His name is
Victor Modalvo. I think he's onthe He's on the Red Bull Olympic team.
Yeah, yeah, Montalvo is hisname. I follow him on Instagram.
Here's uh, here's one of hisvideos on Instagram. Oh my goodness,
he's a red Bull athlete. He'son the US Olympic. Yeah,
we weren't stuff like, yeah,he's a local guy. What they say?
Some people said that back in theday, that used to be the
thing that they would do every Fridaynight. They would get the crew together
and be on the dance floor.I can't imagine being with your friends and
getting each other height before you getinto the club. Y'all ready, it's
gonna be me tonight at the patio. Yeah, tonight, you're gonna do
your breakdance. You need to clearout the dance and I'm like, you
all find out from that radio station. John, We're gonna hook you up.
Man, got some pair endless summerat Island h Uo Water Park Saturday,
August tenth, seven to eleven.Johnny's House will be there. This
is the weekend Hey Solid Rodrigo.Johnny's House Mornings, Orlando's number one hit
music station All Day Orlando, Nowthe Johnny's House Entertainment News with Ray.
I feel like I might have tosneeze, so I'm trying to not do
that. Very unprofessional, I know. So the Emmy nominees were announced yesterday
and The Bear set a record forthe most nominations for a comedy series.
I've never seen it. I knowmost of these things. You can go
to this listen. I'm like,I bet I don't know any of them.
Yeah. So thirty Rock held theprevious record with twenty two, so
that was no. Somebody else that'sbreaking records is the legendary Mary Carol Burnett
became the oldest woman to get anacting nomination for Palm Royal. She's ninety
one, So that was that.Ryan Goslin got his first Emmy nomination for
hosting the episode of Saturday Night Livethat featured the Beavis and Head sketch.
Yeah, oh yeah, that wasgood. Cast members were laughing. Yeah,
you couldn't stop. Yeah. Yeah, so that's a good sketch right
there. But I'm glad he's gettinghis first Emmy nomination. And Kelsey Grammer
did not get nominated for Fraser theRevival, So that was just like some
of the big notes that people tookaway from the nominees. But he's gonna
come back after twenty years layoff andjust pick up way left off right.
No, things have changed with theOutstanding Drama Series the nominees The Crown,
never seen fall Out, The MorningShow, Mister and miss Smith never seen
it, Show Gun never seen it, Slow Horses, never seen it.
Three Body Problem he never seen it. Yeah, any of you seen him?
No, I've seen Morning The MorningShow, Yeah yeah, and Missus
Smith that's the new one with achildish gambino. Yeah. Yeah. Outstanding
Comedy Series Abbot Elementary. I wantto see that. I heard it is
very very good. Yeah, I'veheard a lot about it. Seen the
bear curb your enthusiasm about it.Hacks only murders in the building. That's
what Selena Gummaz Palm Royal Reservation Dogsand what we do in the shadows.
There's a lot of shows on Iknow, I feel like what you should
do is take these em nominations andgo use it as like a watch guy
Jimmy's TV. Right, Yes,I know it's a dumb question, but
okay, well it's TV and streamingnow. Yeah, so Outstanding Limited Series,
Baby Reindeer, that show I've heard, never watched it is worth it?
Yes, okay, yes, Fargo, Lessons in Chemistry, Ripley and
True, Detective Night Country. Andthen last but not least, Outstanding Talk
Series. We have Jimmy Kimmel Live, Late Night with Seth Meyers, The
Daily Show, and The Late Showwith Stephen Colbert TV. Yeah, so
those are like the big ones forthe nominee. Matthew McConaughey, what do
you think about him having a potentialpolitical run. I mean a lot of
people are for it in Texas.I think he'll do great. Yes,
I love him. What he justcame out and said is that he has
been doing a learning tour now.He said that he's kind of like quit
Hollywood. He's basically done with it, like he does things here and there,
But he said he's been doing alearning tour for the past six years
to understand what political involvement would meanto him. Okay, So he did
a recent thing where he participated ina panel discussing how to like promote you
know, politics and all that stuffcivilly. But what he was saying is
that he's thought about running for office, and like he just doesn't know what
category or what he would go intobecause he doesn't want to like strictly be
Republican or Democrats at Democrats. Here'sthe thing. A lot of people get
into politics because you know, Iwant to I want to make a difference.
Yes, but the first thing yougot to do is get money.
Now, when you get that money, you owe a person. You owe
me a favor because I gave youmoney. And then once you get in
that office, you need a lotof other people decide with you to make
that change. And now you owethose people too. There's a lot of
owing going on. He is rich, yes, so he will owe a
lot less and people will give becausehis name carries him cloud. And I
think that's a good idea that thereshould be more, and there probably will
be in the future, a pushto more middle of the road versus all
the way right all the way left, because there's a big chunk of people
that are getting increasingly more independent.I totally agree with that. To have
somebody like that that says, I'mnot going to be either of the majors.
This is what I'm want to be. But the major parties have that
funding, well, they're gonna it'san uphill battle. Yeah, nobody wants
to let go of power. Mmhm. But the Hawaii governor or,
Josh Green, he is encouraging MatthewMcConaughey. He's like pushing for him to
actually get into politics. And hetold him, he's like, please,
don't feel like you have to fallinto the trap of just being one thing,
you know, just kind of bewarm and likable like he is.
And he said, all right,all right, all right. But he
said that he's questioning, do Ihave the instincts, the intellect that would
a good fit for like him?And he's like, I would be a
good fit for America? Like whatwhatever he was running for? What is
thing right now is him saying thathe's testing the water, Yes for him
even putting it out there and I'mthinking about doing it. He's he floating
out there to see what type ofresponse you get. I honestly think that
he's gonna do it. So ifhe's taking this much time to do the
research behind it and even actually sayingit publicly and to have like the Hawaii
governor and backing him up, Yeahso I think, I think, I
think in I think whenever he feelsthat he's ready and he can do it
as an independence, I think he'llprobably run for something. A ticket would
be the Rock and Matthew McConaughey.They need somebody who doesn't who does a
lot on social media, because whathappens is that when you try to make
moves, they have a system inplace that they can block all those things.
But if you have somebody inside saying, well let me tell you about
this meeting to day, Brian saidthis, Oh you can't say that,
Yes, I can't. Yeah.Well, the bulk of the money spent
in political advertising is for name awareness. They already have name awareness, so
they're already ahead of the game.They don't have to tell you who they
are, especially if it's hitting thisgeneration. I think he'll probably do it
eventually. All Right, when youneed to find something, go somewhere or
need a recommendation, how do youfind something new? That's the questioning about
fifty percent. He didn't ax onehundred and six. It is seventy seven
right now. My question to youis you want to find something new,
what do you do and how doyou find it? Now? The first
thing I was looking for something yesterdayand I was looking for I won't tell
you what business it was. Andthe first thing I do is I look
at the clients that we have onthe air here at XL one on sixty
seven. I'll look and see ifwe have anybody that fits a need that
I'm looking for, or someplace newthat I want to try, or blah
blah blah. And we didn't.And then I asked the room, cause
I one thing about us is thatwe'll recommend and we'll tell you real about
a recommendation, like Brian gave mewhen he said, now you might not
want to go down. I toldhim you might want to pick right,
said, do you know anyone?Yes, that's what we do that in
here, and I do, yeah, But based on what Ray told you
and what I told tell you,I think you should go with Ray yes.
And Ray told me and I said, oh wow, I said,
do you know somebody there? Andshe said yeah, and set it up
where it was something my kid neededdone and we had it taken care of
it. And it made me thinkabout you know, when you try something
new, you know, where doyou find it? Now? Life Imaging
FLA. I was listening to oursister station, Real Radio, Jim Colbert
in the afternoon talk about them,and I said, Okay, I need
to find these people, just like, wait, man, they gotta somebody
can do full body scans. Iheard talking about it. Yeah, yeah,
yeah his story. Yeah, soI really and I know he said,
oh, you're saying that Colson rated. No, I really do.
I go here first and find outif we sponsor anything, or if it's
a TV show. I'll ask anyone of y'all, even the one that
you mentioned during Celebrity News the bearthe Bear, And I'm like, really
is that good? And we recommendthose things to each other and if one
is off, you know, see, they never forgive me. I told
them an All American was good.It was one season and then and then
I didn't jump off and stuff likethat. Ray, Where do you go
when you want something new, trysomething to know? I do turn to
you guys a lot like they turnedto you guys a lot I turned to
the girlfriend, who was very smartand very informative. I feel like she
knows a lot. But also socialmedia, like I'll ask a question,
I'll put a story up and putlike one of those polls or questions and
be like, Hey, where doI go for this? Or what should
I do for this? Yeah,there's several places I found if we didn't
have it, I put on mysocial media because I like giving. I
like giving my money to small businesses. Hey, if you're a small business,
I'm looking for this, Yeah,and I'll find one. And several
lately I've used them because I've usedsocial media. Ran what do you do
well? I mean, I doask you guys stuff. Then when I'm
looking for food stuff, I checkedSusie the Foodies. Yeah. Yeah,
first because she does know about alot of stuff. Now, she makes
some weird stuff, so I stayaway from that, but she does know
about a lot of local spots.But usually I like, if I'm going
out of town or something, I'llgo to I'll find an instagram of someone
in that town that's making a bunchof videos and play like there's one for
Tampa. Yeah, there's one forSaint Pete there's one because I'm on in
Vegas. There's one in Vegas andthey tell you all the cool spots the
videos. Yeah, and so Instagramis a great spot to find new places
that you've never been. Okay,like we've been everywhere here, so it's
kind of hard. But like whenyou're going to anywhere outside of Orlando and
the local Instagram is great, youknow. You know it's funny, Brian,
you say that because I was lookingat a local Instagram about Orlando and
they would tell me about where's that? Yeah, did what all you can
eat? Where is that? TheInstagram is great for that, And Theresa,
you knew a suggestion for something new. I do the exact same thing
Brian does. Like if I'm lookingfor a new coffee shop, I'll go
into Instagram and the search tab,I'll type in coffee and then it'll show
you a map and it'll have likeall these like bubble images where you tap
and it'll give you the twenty fourhour videos of what everyone has been posting
in that area. Really, yeah, that, or you know, go
to Google and look at the reviews. Yo. Yelp is good too.
Like once I go to Instagram,sometimes I go to yelp, because yelp
will tell you what, like whatlocals are doing. Yeah, yeah,
and so yell and that's in everycity. Yeah. Social media works,
man, And it's funny. Iwas watching a news story and there's an
African American woman who reminds me ofmy mom and it's because of social Security.
She makes cakes and pop and shesells them outside the grocery and somebody
recorded her and it went viral andshe's like, I said, if cakes
every single day. And I'm like, and she's showing me the cake,
red velvet cake, pound cake.I'm sitting here, going how far Lakeland?
Let me? I'm will go upin and like and give me everything
on your tab freeze. It waslike yeah, and I saw that.
I was just like, I wouldgo do that. So I want to
find out from you. When you'relooking for something new or you need a
recommendation, where do you go?Do you go to your friends? Your
co workers? I'm telling you weuse the people that we that advertise on
our station, friends, coworkers,social media for sharing that got a pair
of tickets to Orlando City s Cversus New York City FC Saturday, July
twentieth at the Internco Stadium, broughtto you by WD Sports Center. Discover
indoor soccer coming soon near you.When you're looking for something new, where
do you go? You go foryour friends, you go for recommendations,
You go to social media, youlisten to the radio. Where do you
go when you want to find somethingnew? For O one nine one O
six seven eight seven seven nine onenine one O six seven XL Mobile fort
one O sixt seven, social medialive stream? You want to hear from
you, You want to try somethingnew, you want to find something new?
Where do you go to get suggestions? Share with us next on Johnny's
House, Cloudy. All right,when you need something new? What do
you do? Where you go fromrecommendations? And I'll tell you. I
first go to the clients that wehave here on the air at XL one
O six seven because I trust themand I want to do business with them.
But outside of that, I'll goask members of the show, and
if they don't have anything, thenI'll go some friends and y'all just turn
me on. Just go straight tosocial media and look it up that way.
So we want to find out fromyou. What do you do when
you want to find someplace new gota pair of tickets Orlando City SC versus
New York City FC, Saturday,July twentieth at the Entering Coast Stadium from
Lake Mary Evan. Good morning,Good morning man. All right, what
do you do? I don't havea life. So when I find a
new place to go eat, Ifind it when I'm actually working at the
job site, like it be sittinghere and then they were like, hey
you want, like yeah, sure, and then like all right, what
do you want? And I justpick something random that I never really tried,
and it's usually good. Like whatif it's something you're looking for.
Let's say that you need. Let'ssay you hit You've been told that.
Listen, you need a whole setof tires, and you don't have a
tire place. What do you do. I'm going on my GPS, yes
and looking for tire places on GoogleMaps real because I want to find somebody
who had a good experience as aplace, you know, yeah yeah,
like like like they're the place thatI go. And I told Brian,
don't go there, man, becausethe man spent that thing around and wanted
the tip for me. I'm like, all you doing this ringing me up
right? You you weren't even inthe back putting the tires on. You're
gonna spend that little screen around?Don't go there? So all right,
all right, hold up? Huh. I was gonna say, I think
the Google Maps has like review soyou're like gold place and Thicken like,
oh, here's the reviews on it. Okay, but you don't ever go
to your friends and co workers fora place. No, No, I
don't have no friends. Really.I was gonna ask you that, and
I figured that, but I didn'tsay it what you did because all them
live away, like like in differentcities. Evin, how long you been
here, man, I've been herefor a while, like since I've been
like seven. Dude, find somefriends, Like I have a friend in
like that lives in Atlanta. Ihave a friend I lives in Tampa.
I have a friend lives in Daytona. But like, find one, just
one here, that's all, justone. I am the one. I
have Jesus with me. That's it. There you go, all right.
I can't argue with that one.Can't argue with that one, all right.
When they throw Jesus in, it'sautomatic victory from O veto Noel,
good morning, good morning, allright, so what do you do?
You want to try something new?You say, Hey, what do you
do? I call my usband?What is? Do you have a current
husband? And what? What doesyour current husband say? You're like your
current husband? Okay, let meget this right. So your current husband
say, you know what, Noel, I want to try a new place.
You say, hold on, andthen you call your ex husband.
Yeah, and my new husband says, thank you, ex husband. Cool,
cool story. I'm assuming you allget along. Yes, we actually
really do. Ok. We kindof have to. I mean like food,
like restaurants, music, even musicspecifically. I mean my my teenage
son is coming home with like theJams, and I'm like, where should
you find this? Oh? Yeahit was daddy. All right, let
me call daddy real quick. Well, if your daddy's giving your son the
Jams? What school that y'all gotone of those mature relationships that people talk
about and they write about. That'sawesome. Absolutely, absolutely. I want
to find out what your ex husbandwant to eat. I don't want to
eat the why because he said itand you wouldn't want to ask me.
If I was you, I'd besending you some busted ass places McDonald's.
I'm sure some place much worse thanthat being about to go. I recommend
that, all right, damn whatthey said, let's see here. A
lot of people do come to us, okay, And then somebody said,
Google, Yelp or trip Advisor,a TikTok has really good recommendations. He
type something in, yeah, it'llpop up. That's pretty cool. I've
had several people hit me who said, listen, I'm going to Charlotte this
weekend. What's some places that youwould say it's done? All right?
Check this place out, check thisplace out, make sure you get some
barbecue. Me XL Mobile Power byAttorney Dan Newlan in the rerect Need to
check it's no brain or just callAttorney Dan Newland. A lot of people
using social media, but someone justhit us up about a new app that's
called pow. So it's like youpunch somebody, but it's spelled p Ao
and I just looked it up andit's an app that people post hidden gems
like rooftop bars, beaches, artgalleries, cafes, and they post like
real time pictures and reviews and everything. But it's supposed to be for like
hidden gems. Yeah, yeah,so that's I'm gonna download that. That's
a pretty cool looking app. Okay, and nice lime stream love stream.
Talking about Yeah Jesse, he saidthe neighborhood Facebook pages, which I totally
they do. Neighborhood facebook pages afight, yes, he said, if
people are recommending the same thing acrossany of them. This is where he
actually found his electricians. So Ido the opposite of what our neighborhood Facebook
page tess because I know there area bunch of craybabies. Noel, We're
gonna hook you up with a pairof tickets. Checkout Orlando City SC versus
New York FC Saturday, July twentiethat the Entering Coast States. It's eighty
gonna get up to one hundred andsix, was gonna feel like and there
was a fifty percent chance of rain. Brow what'd you sing all on on
Facebook? It was on Facebook.Someone just posted random stuff that you memorized,
weird stuff for no reason, okay, and people were just replying to
it. Okay, we'll start withyou. What's the weirdest of you?
Remember? Well, the thing I'vememorized is how to say or the order
of the fifty states alphabetically, soI can say all fifty states alphabetically because
of a song that we learned inChors, Okay, and when I was
in fifth grade called fifty to fiftyUnited States. Let's hear. I'm not
gonna sing the whole song showed you. But then you get to the states.
It's Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut,
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, iaho Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Kentucky. With Theasianna.I'm Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Mischigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, No Bada Wow,
New Jersey, New Mexico. Andfor whatever reason, your whole life.
Yeah, it's just been stuck inyour brain. Learned in fifth grade
and I've just never left. It'sthe fifty to fifty United States. If
you were in course in that timeframe, you probably learned it. It
just never left me for whatever reason. Me is anything for. And he
used to come on in nineteen ninetysix. It was called Schoolhouse Rock,
and that's what he would teach you, this song, or teach you about
certain things and mine is about abill. Oh yeah, and I love
it and I'll never forget it.And he just goes, I'm just little
Bill. You're so I'm only abill, Shanna. I'm sitting here on
capitol O Hill. It's a longlong journey to the capital city, a
long long wait while I'm sitting incommittee. But I know one day,
I know someone would how someday atleast I'm hope and prayed at our will.
But today I am still just ab. That is so funny because
whatever year you did that, wealso did that. Yes we did.
Wow. Three is my number.A man in the lady had a little
baby. It was three yours.Okay, So I did take three years
of Spanish and uh for us tolearn like the capitals for like South America
and like all that stuff. Shewould play this song and it would just
be like every single day, andso randomly, if I see like a
you know, Panama or Paraguay orsomething like pop up or whatever, I'll
start singing it. But it goescalled Racas Venezuela, Caracas Venezuela, but
like it repeats it over and over. Yeah, here this is it sound
like this song? Oh yeah,it does caracasla Caracas. I don't remember
how many time she says it.I said, the record stuff Columbia,
Colombia, but you can sell Perula past That's what I remember, because
she isn't that crazy. When wasthis was? I was probably in eighth
grade when I first learned drilled toyour brain and the reasons you. For
me, it was the order ofthe planets from Blues Clues. So they
came out with this like really adorablesong, and it is the only reason
why I know the order or allthe planets in general. Like I actually
wrote it down like I was,I was singing in my head. So
it's Sun, Mercury, Venus,Earth, Mars, Jupid, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Oh, Pluta doesn't come anymore. But yeah,
you pulled it up. This iswhat it sounds like. I have
a little problem with the planets.I can never remember what we're trying to
learn. That Raina spins on itsside, No it doesn't, net Tune's
really cold, and Pluto's really small, small, all right, we want
to find out what is the weirdestthing that you've memorized. It's in your
brain. You can't remember what youdid yesterday, But damn you can remember
that. Remember take us to seeOrlando City s C New York City FC
Saturday, July twentieth, Interncos Stadium. But you gotta hear it, and
you gotta tell us what it is. It's something the craziest or the weirdest
thing that you just memorized. It'sstill in your brain. We want to
hear about it. Going to sendyou out on us check out Orlando City
s C. But you gotta callus four O seven, not one nine
one O six seven eight seven sevennow one nine one O six seven that's
the only way in eighty one oneright now? Just what is it was
trending us today? Weird things thatyou just memorized for whatever reason. You
can't remember what you had for lunchyesterday, dinner two days ago, but
this is something many years ago,it's still stuck in your brain. Well,
we want to hear it. Pairof tickets to Orlando City SC versus
New York City FC Saturday to twentiethat the entern Coast Stadium. But we
got to hear it from you first. From Deltna. Hey, Mandy,
Hey, how are you all right? What is this crazy thing to just
been memorized in your brain? SoI know the little saying they tell you
when you get on the monorail Disney, Oh I love it. Let me
hear it. That's awesome right now? Yeah, you're right. Let me
know if it's legit because I'll rideit a lot. All right, go
ahead, all right, all right, ladies and gentlemen, please can clear
the doors. Forest's yeah, nine, nailed it. Wow, I know
what to say on the monorail atthe airport. Hi, I'm Mayor Buddy
Dyer. Welcome to the city,beautiful beautiful beaches, all right, called
gonna have to re record that nextyear. Yes, sir from Saint Cloud.
Kayla, Kayla, good morning,good morning. All right. What
is something in your brain? Youmemorized the elements of the periodic table?
Neither it a song or how doesyou remember that? Yes, sir,
it's from this like YouTube channel calledASoP science, Okay, And to go
to an art high school and theclass it actually wasn't my class that learned
it, but I was so jealousthat the other class learned it that I
learned it. All right, Solet's hear it. There's hydrogen and helium
and the hamburg and bora carbon everywhere, nice to gen all through the year.
There's oxygen that you could breed themtorins. Are you're pretty teach?
You light up the stirn sodium forsalty time song, musy, I let
a new philicon sodium CHLORI und gunand I keep going, wow, do
you know where we heard that?That was on breaking bad when well they
probably better call sault when the Gail, the physicist that was gonna cook math
was singing that song in his apartment. Yeah, wow, okay, that's
very good. Wow, thank you. I could we could tell you were
flown with that. All right,you hold on a second. That's impressive
because I can never remember the tableokay from Orlando. Hey, Amanda,
man, all right, what's thecrazy thing you've memorized? Okay, So
this is a childhood song. Myaunt was a preschool teacher and all the
cousins will only remember this. Inever shared this with anyone, okay,
but it was a song that youwould come home to, and it started
off with Kentucky fried chicken named pizzaPizza my done, not my done,
not Kentucky, and it would beancesters with all of them could do it
on you. I want you todo that again, Ray says, she
can do the hands yesterday in frontof me. So wait, the golf
cart would have to be like witha hand over your head and you would
have to get on, put yourhead back and forth like a bell.
Oh dang, I never did thatfar wow. Yeah, so it was
so cute. But we also rememberthat till this day. And yeah,
it's crazy, which sticks in yourbrain? Crazy? Absolutely all right,
you hold on, Amanda. Manypeople remember this like it was just yesterday
from Castlebury. Hey, Tiffany,hey there, all right, what is
it you remember? Just sticks inyour brain. So I was in private
school from kindergarten through eighth grade andevery Friday with Chapel, and so if
I hear any like note from aChapel song, it's like my body just
goes into automatic motions of the hand, motions like Father Abraham and many sons,
many sons have Father the Abraham.I am one of them, and
so are you. So let's justpraise the Lord. Clap, class,
clap, keep going, girl,keep going. I like that, yes,
and then I've got the George George, George Joy down in my heart
down in my heart, Hey,down, I got that George my heart
down the Wow. That was wow. And I don't go near noon church.
Wow, that was impressive. Idon't even drive by a church.
Wow. All right, those areall good. I never have to learn
the Getty whoseburger dress? We hadto learn that like Arbato. No really
yeah, and I remember like thefirst part of it. But that's it.
You're ready to vote. You gotMandy she did the uh the monorail
song in English and Spanish. That'snumber one. You have Kayla who did
the periodic table. That's number two. We have Amanda that did the childhood
song. And then Tiffany number four, who did the George George Joy down
in heart. Okay, on thecount of three, cash your votes in
the room. One two, three, Wow, that's the most impressive to
me. Yeah it was Kayla.Congratulations. Yay. Yes, the periodic
table, you did it. Congratulationshook with a pick. Yes it is
all these years later. There yougo, got a pair of ticket.
Checkout Orlando City SC versus New YorkCity FC Saturday twentieth at the inter and
Co Stadium. This is the weekend. Hey, it's Oliver Rodrigo Johnny's House
Mornings, Orlando's number one hit musicstation all Day Orlando, now the Johnny's
House Entertainment News with Ray. Soobviously big news of the past couple of
weeks is the assassination attempt on formerPresident Donald Trump and during this whole campaign
rally and everything afterwards. It's insanewhat social media can do. And Billboard
pros have this like new thing.It's like a newsletter where they take closer
look at like songs and artists andthings that kind of like trend upwards after
things have happened, and so whatthey have caught, like what has caught
the music industry's attention, and someof them, including this, which is
a post assassination attempt streaming bump islike they're calling it, yep, and
like people stream songs, So certainsongs, certain songs including fifty Cent his
spike in the Yes and Many Menwith Death upon Me that whole lyric right
there, because I mean even fiftyCent got on board with making memes and
stuff and posting on on social media. Show he did it, Yeah,
had a show come back drop withDonald Trump's head on his body from Get
Richard Trying. Yeah. So ifyou look on TikTok and you look at
all these things, the streaming thathas gone up, the surge in streams
for that song alone, over twopoint two million on demand audio streams in
two days. Really two days,two million people downloaded that. So it's
up two hundred and fifty percent fromthe last like Saturday to Monday because of
what happened. But it's really crazythat Billboard has these trending up newsletters.
So I guess these are like thingsthat, like I said, catching things
happen the music industry's attention and thenlike in a blink of an eye on
TikTok, a song could blow uptwo hundred percent that it was. I
think what it is is like whenpeople saw fifty cent and do that meme,
Yeah, they want to hear thewhole song, you know at that
point. So uh, there's alot of like the most recent albums that
have an update uptick right now.Megan Thee Stallion and Charlie xcs x X
both of their like songs right noware going viral that they just released.
So it's pretty interesting to see whatthe world and news and social media how
they play together. So we're goingto talk about the bandage that everyone's putting
on their ear now fifty since peopledid come out and say he will not
be at the convention because there wererumors Donald Trump tonight. Look, I
think he but yeah, according tohis people, he's busy, like he's
working out because he's got a festivalcoming up. Yeah, Andre three thousand.
Obviously, he is a legendary inthe hip hop world and outcast.
I just wanted to get back BigBoy and go ahead and get outcasts back
together. I didn't get it.You don't think he's an innovative fluke.
I think he's awesome. I thinkhe's a creative person. I think acting.
I think he can do anything.But I want them to get back
with Big Boy. Well, I'mglad you said that you think he could
do anything, because you might begetting a piano album next, or a
violent album next. Because what hewas saying is that he did the Shop
video series and he was talking tosome people. He talks to a lot
of people like Sexy Red Lebron James, and he was talking about how like
there was there was an incline oflike towards rap music, and he thinks
of people that do have, like, you know, the rap technique down
that they should definitely pursue it andshe'll never die. But he said that
how is he supposed to preach fresh, innovative ways if he does not feel
satisfied himself. So that is whythat's his answer why he continues to Jackson
is dropping a new album, andso he sat down with Charlemagne the Guy
and one of the things he broughtup was was outcast, because he said
he wants outcasts back together. Lldid and Andre three thousand responded that he's
like, look, if it's inyou, do it, do it until
you die. He's like, butit's not in me. And someone said,
you know, at one point hewas saying because there's nothing for him
to rap about because he's old.He said, that's not it. He's
like, you can rap out whateveryou want. I just don't have that
a like I don't have the spark. Yeah, he said, if it
hits me again, I'll do it. But if he tries to do it
and he ain't got that passion,it's gonna be straight garbage. That's part
of the shop series too, writethe one that he talked to l I
don't know Charlott Mane the God talkedto Cool his thing. I don't I
don't know. I'm sure he wason the shop. So now that Eminem
is back, there's a lot ofthings that are you know, going viral
and trending about him. But thereI found this list that somebody put together
for like the Eminem things that youmight not have known. But I guess
he you know, he's an Oscarwinner. If he didn't know that,
he wrote and wrapped Lose Yourself,which starred in eight Miles, so that
took him to the Oscars and gothim an Oscar. He said that during
his time where he was very veryhappy when he first started coming out in
his success, that he ate somuch fast food at the time, he
gained a lot of weight. Hesaid, he lost control of his body
and he became like, you know, it was a huge problem for him,
the fact that he had like allthis, you know, he was
getting money and he could eat allthe fast food that he wanted, and
he was just very happy. Herealized that he was gaining weight. He
said that if you ever wonder howEminem came up with the stage name,
you probably know this is it becausehe couldn't use M and M because it
was already taken. Yeah, inthe Candy. Yeah, so they both
start with M. So Marshall Mathers, which is his name. He decided
to give himself Eminem instead of Mand M because of the copyrighted issues,
which would make sense because you can'tmove forward with eminem if it's already taken.
Award show where he was doing theduet with Elton John, which one
was it with the MTV or butthey made the biggest thing coming up,
the big duet EM and M andJohn. They were like, Oh,
he didn't like gay people, butpeople from me. I'll never forget that.
I stayed up and I watched itand I was like, this is
so anti CLM. Yeah, Imean was there. Yeah. It turns
out he doesn't really dislike anyone.He just likes to to put like push
buttons, yes, and ruffle feathers. That's pretty much. It made think
he was doing go across the stagejust hit Elton John. Yeah, that's
one of the things. In oneof his new songs he said he think
he says, I always get calledlike, you know, sexist and misogynistic.
I raised two daughters, both graduatedcollege at the top of their class.
I'm not that that is so great. It's a character. You're helping
him and Elton Johnson duet. Youcan shut a lot of people down by
saying that I have two girls thatlike, literally, yeah, are successful.
I don't real quick because he doeshave so many personas. Did you
see his mom, which is nota reliable source at all times, but
she said that her son Eminem suffersfrom bipolar disorder, and and so a
lot of people are trying to putyou in two together because it has not
been confirmed, but we don't knowif the information is clue. But I
have a lot of few names andfew personalities that he owns and comes up
with. Is because either he wasa making fun of his mom's interview.
If I was on radio dog andmy mom every time I could they talk
about my son to keep saying allthis stuff about me, that's right,
that's the other personality is talking aboutexact Marshall actually loves me. Yes,
correct, His mom got to saysomething because if you don't say anything,
you pretty much said everything he saidabout me. It is true, true,
it is true, all right.Some things go happened like this afternoon
around four five or six, heis going to rain, but before the
nd it's gonna be hot, humid, muggy, and stink today. But
you already know that if you hear, if you heard vacation and be careful.
Let's hot out there, all right. A lot of stuff going on
in resource trending. Yeah, soXbox is spicing up there remote controllers with
some bbls and I'm not exaggerating this. So Microsoft, which produces Xbox,
they came out with an Xbox controllerwith Deadpool's booty built in the back.
So it's yea yeah, it's calledthe Cheeky Controller, and they're doing this
in partnership to promote the new movieDeadpool and Wolverine. They dropped the trailer,
which it looks great, but ifyou want to check it out,
it's like it's hilarious. Number oneby far. The outer layer of the
remote it self, it's kind ofhas like the Deadpool superhero material outfit,
and then like on the back,you know, it's got the little logo
and everything, and on the backit literally has the booty the cheeks on
it. Really, yeah, it'sthe funniest thing. If you want to
check that out. Is that strange? Yeah, very strange. Adding some
highlights on our very own Woman's Pridesoccer team. Brazilian player Marta Viada.
The Silva got its slow down whenI say that she plays forward. She
has been named as ESPN's thirty twoBest Athlete of the twenty first century.
Nice. And if you don't knowabout Martha, y'all living under a rock
because she's literally considered as one ofthe best football players of all time.
So ESPN they basically casted about seventyfive thousand votes from reporters and Alice's producer's
editors from all all around the world, and they all placed in their votes
from a list of about four hundredathletes that performed anywhere from January of two
thousand to today. And Orlando's onthe map again thanks to our incredible players
on the Pride team. Now shegonna be playing for her country's team.
Yes, Olympics. Yeah, betterthan Tom Brady. Well, you said
best football player live. I lovethat. I love that. Also,
if you do want to support youWoman's probably their next home game is July
twenty seven for the Summer Cup.Yeah, because they're they're taking all I
think most of the teams have takena break because of the Olympics, so
a a lot of their players areplaying for their country. Yeah. Yeah,
there's an interview coming from the men'sUSA Olympic basketball team that's getting some
attention. So this was this waslike post practice. Jason Tatum, who
plays for the Celtics, he wasasked to bring back a childhood memory about
the time he was he once askedLebron James for an autography and so like
Lebron's right there and like he's neverheard this story before. But basically,
when he was about eleven years old, he went to go meet Lebron real
quick because he was playing with hisdad at the time, because yes,
Lebron's in the game for a minute. And apparently Lebron said no to picture
as an autograph, and poor littleeleven year old Jason Tatum went to the
car and started crying. Yeah,but I found it to be I bet
he told Lebron that. Yeah.I found it to be like a full
circle moment for him because when hewas telling the story, he himself was
signing basketball autographs. You know,I felt he should have done what the
future did. Now the Future askedScotty Pippins for an autograph when he was
a child. Scotty Pittman said,no, he killed a grudge until he
got old enough to meet Scotty Pipps'swife. Oh yeah, wrote about it.
Gucci flip flumps, Jason going tobe stepping around Lebron's life. Yeah,
flip lumps. He said he neverforgot. He never forgot. And
also, today, unfortunately, isa sad day in Orlando. Orlando's very
own founder of the Orlando Magic franchise, Pat Williams, has passed away after
battling a viral pneumonia. He broughtprofessional sports to Orlando. Oh yeah,
it was all just a vision andyeah he made it happen. Yes he
did. Yeah, he was withhis family at the time that he passed.
He has a lot of kids andsome a lot of adopted kids.
We've had him on the show foryears. Yeah. Oh he can talk.
He's written a lot of books.Yeah, you know, he was
very instrumental in putting Orlando on themap. Before him, there was no
sports team. We just had themeparks. But X one to six seven
and the iHeart Radio family wants tosend our condolences to the Williams family,
and thank you pass for all thatyou have done for Orlando. Very good,
very good. When we come back, we're gonna find out do you
have a unique or weird or differenttype of job. We're gonna talk about
it on John Day. Hot andhumid, getting up to about one hundred
and six, and we're getting closerto that. It's about eighty three right
now and there's a fifty percent chanceof rain probably later on this afternoon.
Now Ray, When you was watchingTwisters, would you say it was a
very good movie star premiere? Itmade you think about like unusual and unique
jobs because what were their jobs?Storm chasing? Yeah, so it's obviously
like the first one. It's wherethey just like tracked tornadoes and their stormchaser.
Oh, yes, people did that. We followed one was that last
hurricane the K crew. We followedit because he had a camera in his
car and that's some people find thatexciting. Yeah, And they show you
like what their job entails. Andit's crazy because like in the Twisters movie,
like I told you, I don'twant to ruin it, but there's
a guy that tries to go viral. That's like, you know, he
videos himself, Yeah, tracking downthe tornadoes. Oh yeah, And I'm
like, that's just such a cooljob because you don't know. Tornado is
a deadly job because you don't knowyou can turn or one can fall from
the sky anytime, and you're upout of here. With some of these
people that like study study weather,they know they know the direction that a
tornado's going to go, like theintensity of it. Yeah. Now,
I don't know if you can saythis a weird job. And I mentioned
this on the air before I wasthe It was a good title, but
it was a suck job. Iwas the assistant district manager for the Child
Observer and my job was back then, you gotta stand. People would stand
out on the parking lot in theirrobes to get the paper because that was
the only time you got your newsfor sing in the morning, you got
your paper. I can't drink mycoffee until I get my paper. And
I used to run the complaint routes. So let's say somebody Brian was a
livery person and his paper it wasa windy day. They would call in
cussing and then I would have togo individually hand that paper over to someone
and get dog cussed. I wasmad. I was eighteen and they were
off and they were dog cussy everyday. You knew they were mad,
and you send them out there.You see them pulling up there, got
the coffee to roll on foot tapping. I can't read my damn comics and
what I'm saying. Hey, Idon't know what would happened with Brian.
I don't care what happened. Ipay six dollars a week for this.
I apologize kill me that, andI had to do it every day.
I couldn't take any more quick.I would hate that. Would you consider
that on your sho I would sayso, I mean it's extinct now,
yeah, I think they somebody gotto run them complaints. I don't think
they deliver a paper anymore. Yes, I saw something. I saw.
I saw one downstairs. We usedto get fifteen of them downstairs, and
we used to take one. Wenever had us. We always took someone
every day. Every day. Wehad to go in there quick before everyone
else so I could get their paper. If you did not pay for the
paper, do not get it everyday. The news station was really mad,
right. I used to climb underneathhouses. For the air conditioned guy.
That's one of them. Yeah,because you were tiny, because I
was the smallest person, so Ihad to find it. And the cross
spaces, Yeah, those historic housesare all built up, and yeah there's
dirt and everything underneath them. SoI hit that's crawling the cross spaces,
but heat rise and it's a littlebit cool under there, you. I
mean there's just nothing down there,so it's and it's just full of like
cops and dirt. And sometimes Idid that for about a year or I
have to crawl up into roof duckslike cross spaces wherever the small space was
that the ac company was working on. They would send me up to run
wires. Did it pay decently?I mean it was under the table.
So they used to tell me,you tell me if you fall out of
your fire before you hit the ground, we don't know you because I mean
I didn't have any insurance. Iwas under the table. Back then,
people didn't sue like they sued today. Yeah, so jobs like Riyan might
be there, but they but theydid pay me good. I mean I
was getting you know, twenty dollarsan hour back then, and that's a
lot of it that was a lotof money back then, but it was
all under the tables. They haveto pay any taxes. They didn't have
to pay any sort of employee likeanything that our employer paid. So yeah,
but yeah, I know where anythingsmall I get. I was the
guy to go in the cross space, right, unusual job you have,
I don't think so. I mean, yeah, I'm pretty standard hostess.
Okay, yeah, the only oneI could think of. Yes, that
was just getting quit though, likewithin hours. It was like you know
those signs that you see people flippingaround the corner. Yeah, they have
a sign spenter Olympics. You shouldsee the video. They spend them on
their heads. Yeah, one onehand up and spending it. I've seen
it. We just came out withbreak dancing like that sign. Yeah.
Yeah, but it was like rightin the beginning when my mom was trying
to really get me and my sisterto get jobs. So you're looking at
thirteen, fourteen year old in noariceand I tried flipping a bit. Man,
that heat was like making me chakemy decisions. I don't know,
maybe like for the guy that ownedthe shop. You would drive around and
see us sitting down. Oh no, especially in Florida. That is that's
crazy from Casterbury John John, goodmorning, Good morning. All right,
what unusual job do you have?My usual job is I work on airbacks.
So if you go air back,so if you go to put air
in your tires or you're backing yourcar out at the gas nations. Yeah,
that's what I do. You alwaysworking because they have the time I
go to one them, damn thingisn't broken. I would argue that you're
not good at your job because everytime I do, they're broken. So
what the hell, dude. Sohere's the thing I do, the insmall
part. There's also like the otherpart, which would be the service part.
Okay, Fortunately I can't like youknow, people's are just being the
way they want to be. Theyjust all the time. Yes, yes,
I won't say where I go,but where I go to airs Free
and then I pull up that earlyin the morning, I'm like, oh,
come on, it's so bad nowthey have a customized bag. O.
Yes, how many are you are? There? Of you? What
I do? There's two of meand I covered pretty much all of Florida.
That's but he says he installs,he don't fix so once it's broken.
It's not his problem because I thinky'all got Oneed, I got one
repair person. There's one repair guyfor the state of Florida, Florida.
Good. No, No, wegot about like five or I think I
want to say, like eleven guysthat do what from where you guys are
to Tampa up to Jackson, Morey. We do every we do the whole
United States. Well, now,if you install that thing at one pm,
it's broken by one thirty, yes, Jo, you hold on a
second. We want to hear ifyou have any and that's a very unique
job. If you have an unusualor unique job, we want to hear
about it. Four tickets Disney onIce at the Kia Center Friday, August
thirtieth. But what is your unusualor unique job? Four O seven nine
one nine one O six seven eightseven seven nine one nine one O six
seven. The Xcel mobile is fourone O sixty seven live stream social media,
drop a comment. But we're goingto talk to you about your job,
a unique unusual job. We wantto hear yours. Call us and
win on Johnny's House three right now, trying to find out if you have
a weird or unique job, notjust your everyday job radio personnel. This
ain't I mean, it's not.It's a job, you know. Yeah,
it's a little unique. It isdifferent a whole lot of us.
If we weren't doing that and someonecalled in and said this is what we
do, we say, okay,cool, because it is in that way,
it's different. Four tickets Disney onice at the Kia Center. We
got to find out about your unusualjob from the girl told you is the
Barry? Oh? Some girls saidwith the t t Bury's t varies and
then there's dar So you think itvaries. I think that's a topic years
ago A cat from Taberry's. Yes, right, I can see where you
can see. To Berry, Icould see that. Are you messing with
me? To what was your usualjob? So I am an a R
B specialist for an h A managementcompany. I know what you do.
If I want to plant a damntree, you got to tell them yes
and no. If I could plana tree, I personally do not.
I am like the middle man.I receive your stuff and make sure it's
all good and correct, and thenI passed it on to the people who
make the decision. Okay, whatelse. Look, I ain't gonna knock
anyone's hustle. But that's ridiculous.Kind of believe me. I I know
everyone's concerns with it. Yeah,tell me why I can't put vinyl on
my floor? No, no,no, no, that's we're talking.
It's outside what you do on theinside. When I'm when I when I
bought my new house, I'm like, I'd like to get that tree removed.
And and and they said, wellyou gotta, I gotta take it
in front of the bullard. Takewhat in front of the bullard? I
just bought this house. I cancut the tree down. No, you
can't. And my neighborhood, yougotta pay seventy five dollars to ask if
you can do something wild up yetnot uncommon. CAD's like, I'll make
that decision. I just say hereto ask. I gotta pay you to
ask if I'm allowed to say no, and then you can say no.
Wow, cat, that is unusual, and that's your full time job.
That is my full time job.That is awesome. I ain't not going
to hustle. And you know she'dbeen doing it a while because when I
said that, she goes, well, it is a little unique, it's
not unusual. And how many timesshe's heard someone go this is stupid.
Yes, yes, I can seewhy you feel that way. From Orlando,
Paul. Hey a right, Paul. What's your your unusual job?
Airbrush T shirt Brandon? Yeah,oh okay, like at CityWalk. Yeah,
okay, yeah, I used todo that. I've airbrushed for like
probably like eighteen months on the beachin Pensacola T shirts the same thing you
guys do there. I invited youguys to get scree shirts last week,
and you guys never came. Ididn't get that invite. I didn't get
no invite. I'm just like,I feel like there's a lot that happens.
Okay, we're going to be back. Yeah. I mean air rush
shirts I think are cool. They'recheesy, but they're cool, especially if
you're you're dating someone. And thenthey got to matching shirts. Oh no,
I used to have a wall ofthem, and you come up winning
number twelve and number twelve would betwo hearts with a beach scene in the
back with both your names on itand the date. What I'll talk about
for Orlando, Josh, Hey,guys, I used to work for wringling
for the circus. Wow, thecircus is back is back? You didn't
go you didn't get back up withhim? No, I've been out of
it for quite a few years now. And how long were you in the
circus? I was there for twoyears. That's a crazy life, would
you do. I did a lotof the behind the scenes stuff. I
did a lot of the special sects, lighting, all that type of thing.
So you guys are always on theroad, you were never home?
Uh? Yeah, it was.It was all year round. You were
touring. When you're not touring,you're reconditioning all the equipment and building new
shows. And you weren't on theroad. You were on trains. Oh,
tra And where did you sleep aton the train? You had in
the train you had sleeper cars thatwere in there, and everybody had like
their own room on the ohow Okay, So when you got the train,
when you guys went to Orlando,where was the train set up? You
know where Michigan and Orange is.Yeah, right behind those railroad tracks,
there's a little tiny yard and theywould PLoP them right there. Wow.
So were they just pulled the trainkind of off the main track into there?
And then when you guys were tolead, they get back on the
main track and go yep, andhe did whatever city? Uh pretty much?
Yeah. Wow, it's kind ofa cool life. I mean,
I know it's I mean, ifyou have a family, it's probably really
tough. But if you don't andyou're just kind of like rambling with the
circus, it's kind of cool.Yeah. I graduated college. I wanted
to do what you guys were doing. But I graduated college in O eight,
So okay, you know what happenedthere? Yeah? Yeah, Buddy
Gog's like, hey, are youguys interested in doing this? I'm like
hey, yeah, So jumped onand flew out to Tampa. Was my
first job I ever did with them, and then I traveled around. Ye
how was the pay? Did theypay for a room and board or just
for it? Was good because I'mI make I make a deal. I'll
make a deal with a popcorn guyand listen, I'm come my hair all
night and have with them a bagof popcorn. What they say over there,
let's see XL Mobile Power by AttorneyDan Neulan Interact need to check it's
a no brainer. Just call AttorneyDan Newlan This is pretty cool. So
once said, on any form ofsocial media, there's the ability to report
flag content, right. This person'sjob is to go through that reported content
and see if it actually did breakthe rules or not. That is so
cool. So they said, I'veseen everything you can imagine. Funny memes,
violent videos, homemade movies. Wow, he's a fact checker then,
but not in facts. It's tosee if it violates any of them reported
in the terms of service. Yeah, so if I report that you're whatever
you post it is dirty, hehas to go see if it's dirty.
Wow, Okay, that's pretty cool. It is. This is really cool.
Jesse R said, I work fora company that designs and builds simulators
for defense vehicles, like flight domefor F sixteen or ship bridge Dome for
the Navy. You know, allthat is important, but when you say
you work for the circus, youalmost can't beat this. Can't beat the
circuits. Got more tickets this newsat the Kid Center Friday, August thirtieth.
We might have this again because I'msure there's a lot of a lot
of the different unique jobs up.Let us not wanta hit me in the
station as xl one O sixty sevenJohnny Manning from Johnny's House Listen. I
was out at a meeting the othernight and Brian, you guys had a
like a Christmas in Uh, yeah, you know. I do afternoons down
the hall. We do Christmas inJuly to get ready for Christmas music that's
coming up, yes, and Christmastime, but we do a little party
to get ready for it. Andthere was someone from another company that was
there and they told me that theparty was great, and they said,
you guys will say they were servingcamus. It had to be a great
party. And I'm like, really, oh my god, I said,
they're serving camus. And all ofa sudden, Katie's here and she brought
us some some camis. Tell meabout this wine evidently, ooh, I
like to shit the legs on this. Yeah. Oh that's a fancy wine
term. Huh. Yeah. Idon't know wine. I don't know anything
about it. But my wife theonly wine shall drink is camus. Yeah,
I think your wife really? Now, you brought us some and this
is what their fiftieth anniversary. Correct, So we started in nineteen seventy two,
uh huh, So this is ourtwenty twenty two Vintage, which is
our fiftieth anniversary, so very speciallabel here. You got the giant fiftieth
on there as well as a wholefamily picture so we are family owned and
operated. So you have the entirefamily on that front label and then our
family backstory on the back all aboutCamus and diving into fifty years. Oh
that's so cool. All right?So now I've done a little wine tasting
before, and you tell me ifI'm doing this right or wrong. First
you gotta do is you gotta smellit, take a deep breath around,
and then you spin it around theglass and you want to see the shearing
and it tells you the type oflegs that it has. And you see
that does it's kind of sharing rightdown? That shows it has good legs?
Am I right? Wrong? AmI say anything wrong? Yet?
Tail? So that said, youmean the stuff that's running down the glass?
I got you because I'm like,no legs. You see spinning around?
You see how it runs down?Now, gotcha? Hang a lot
the cheap a bottles. Don't dothat, okay, got no legs?
And then you take you take it. You don't drink it. You take
the stuff and you kind of justroll it around your tongue in the back
of your mouth, and it's kindof like it's going to keep you with
me all day since you're doing sogreats to put your tongue in it.
And this is good. I know, this is scary. This is one
I could shoot back because I've neverhad no just because it's so good.
That's a fitted doll a bottle.Hold on, see, I got this,
I got this. I got thislittle app that tells me. Anytime
anyone gives us, we always goto Johnny and he tells us what it's
really worth. Okay, so I'mabout to find out here not your one
lead package as well. So that'sa special package too. Oh look at
that. Let's see here. Butyeah, this is this is all.
How long have you worked for them? I've been with for five years?
And what was it it brought youto them? It's just like good wine?
Are you just it's a pretty covetedjob to have. Yeah, there's
not actually a big sales team becausewe are family owned and operated. So
I mean it's one of those jobsthat it's so good. I had never
heard of it until we had itat a party here at the station make
me two years ago, and thenmy wife ordered it when we were out
to dinner with some friends. Andshe does not drink wine, but now
that's all she drink is Camis.My son works at publics and they always
got camus. They were like,okay, that bottle. The bottle we
just had is eighty four dollars andfourteen Is that good? And it takes
better if you put you pinky out? Is that the rule? I mean,
wow, that's not the rule.Sure, if you want to use
your imagination. It is among thetop one percent of all wines in the
world. Wow, wow, I'ma one percent. That's what I said
about trying to get this job.Everybody ratulation. Where do you like grow
your your grapes and stuff? Sofor the Napa cab, they are grown
in Napa Valley, so inside ofCalifornia are winery specifically located in Ruttherford.
So for our cab, it isall Napa group, meaning that it's pretty.
That's why it's expensive. Land thereis super expensive. It's about a
million dollars macre mackerel. They growspecial grapes there. What kind of fun
does this one? I'm sorry,it's not it's a tabernat. Oh,
I'm glad we're doing inside the endof the show and a half percent.
So where can people get this locally? So we are available pretty much anywhere
for specifics. If you go tochemist dot com, there's a link that
says fine local retailer, you putin your address, put in your zip
god, it'll tell you exactly whereyou can get it. Like you mentioned,
it is available at public and wesee it right there on the Yeah,
when you walk by Public, it'salways right there. Only a lot
of local retailers you have it aswell, not just change. And what
would you drink this with dinner?You're celebrating something Orday? Yeah, Thursday.
It's almost some dark chocolate. Wow. Well, thank you so much
for coming by and giving us asample of this. Uh or ray you
can have mine because I got afeeling that you because let's go to the
gem. My taste buds are like, hey, bring it on. Where
we're going. We're gonna have,we're gonna eat, we're gonna party.
What's gonna go We're gonna touch mylips it is. I'm gonna go open
a bottle of my own wine tomorrowand it's not going to be that,
and be like yes, no,no it won't, No, you won't.
All right, once again, wherecan people find camus and and and
let me tell you, guys,this is a delicious bottom line it is
where can they find it again?Anywhere? Local? Honestly, we're blessed
to be pretty widely distributed, Katie, thank you for coming by and giving
it. Can we keep the glassesas are yours? Race forget the glasses?
Can she and Ray go do thatthing which you did last time in
the other videos? The bottom isactually very beautiful, beautiful. It's big,
though beautiful. Thank you, Katie. You know what's up? Time
for us to go and do otherthings. Ray, what you got going
on today, ma'am? I'm goingto pick up the kids early and just
go have some fun with them.They leave for our little cruise with their
other mom this weekend. What aboutart tonight? Tonight? I was getting
to that the art show, theSensorly Sensory Overload art show that our sister
station Mel She's putting it on andthat's tonight. So Sienna, my daughter
and I we did contribute some artto the all female show and it'll be
on display. You can buy itand a portion of it goes to Baby
JJ. You have to help outthe community and make that little girl smile
by artwork. The art show isfrom six to nine I think tonight at
City Arts. But the artwork isgoing to be up for like the next
week and you're gonna have a littlependit says artists. Yeah, there's a
little little tag that' says artists onIt's gonna be a packed event. Make
sure you look for artwork and helpout our baby DJ program. Yeah dares
Yeah. Today is the patios.You guys want to come out, have
fun, dance battle me. I'mgonna be giving away some tickets. You
gotta be eighteen and old. Didyou get in twenty one to drink?
And ladies, you guys are sippingfree until midnight? All right, Brian?
Nothing just a bunch of work todo around here. Listen to the
podcast. Today was fun, alot of stuff, a lot of a
lot of fun. You should alwayslisten to it. It's like a ongoing
soap proper. If you miss anepisode, listen to the podcast. You'll
be caught up. All right,Ryan Seacrest is all yours y'all have a
beautiful day and we'll see you tomorrow.