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May 18, 2023 • 14 mins
Today, Garth kicks off his new residency at the Colloseum at Caesars Palace. What to expect and why you might wanna leave your phone at home. Also, U2 adding more dates in December and EDC returns this weekend. We'll tell you how to get U2 tickets and how Ice THINKS she's gonna get EDC tickets. Tony, Ice & MoJoe explain in today's episode.
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Episode Transcript

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Live from three months three to experiencein fabulous downtown Las Vegas. It's the
podcast that celebrates our city. Thisis Living Las Vegas, and the three
things we're going to talk about todayall center around music. Yes, it's
Mojo from ninety five five, theBull I seen Tony there from ninety three
one, the Mountain Hey, andeither one. Any one of these three

things would take over any other city. The fact that we're talking about them
all in the same week is prettyawesome. One of them isn't happening this
week, but it's still a nonsale. Let's start with that one,
in particular, YouTube's residency apparently quitepopular. I don't have tickets yet,
Tony, you, and I don'tsee myself ending up with tickets at the
prices that I'm seeing on the secondarymarket and things like that. I mean,

I don't know. I don't unlessit happen, unless they're gifted to
you or something, right. Idon't want to make it sound if you
listen to this podcast, I don'twant to make it sound like I only
go to shows if I get freetickets. I do, but I've I've
paid for a couple, But metoo, I like to support. I
did buy tickets to when we wereYoung Festival. At the end of the
year, it was more money thanI've ever paid for a ticket. So

I am happy to help the economy. But you know, I'm kind of
like Tony most of the time.I don't. I feel like I regret
even saying it now, it's notjust so. Look, it's a unique
situation in our industry. What wedo. We're all on the radio programmers.
It's a perk, but it's alsoa necessity. You have to be
able to talk about the shows absolutely, you know, and some nights you
don't want to go. No,now we're gonna get really, let's get

really related. It looks sometimes wedon't get tickets, like they end up
closing down because we didn't get totalk about it awakening, But I digress.
Let's talk about you two. Becausethey've added eight more dates to their
residency at the lost track of howmany dates now, that's what I'm saying,
twenty five so far. And thesego on sale Friday, UM at

Ticketmaster. That's this Friday, Newlyshow. Yeah, yeah, this Friday
at ticketmaster dot com and one hundredforty dollars ticket that's not terrible for a
for a show, especially at abrand new venue, I would expect them
to be a lot more than that. One hundred forty dollars is manageable and
reasonable. I don't know how manyhundred and forty dollars, but I love

it start at And that's all inpricing, meaning the ticket price listed is
the full out of pocket price,including taxes and fees. So I like
that aspect of it. That theseshows are all in December. It looks
like it's the first of the sixteenthminus a couple of dates. Um,
so if you want to go seehim at the Sphere and be a part
of that grand opening residency which isfrom the first of a few coming this

way. Who knows. There mightbe more dates added, but I wouldn't
risk it at this point. Ifyou're a YouTube fan, you want to
get into ticketmaster dot com this Friday, I'm sure those will go quick.
Yeah. And if you go toYouTube dot com and you're a subscriber,
you could submit a ticket request forthe newly added shows too through YouTube.
No, through YouTube dot com.Oh, YouTube dot com. I'm glad
I clarified. I thought you saidYouTube. I was like, wait,

a minute no YouTube dot com ifyou're a subscriber, it's been cool to
see how excited day are about thevenue because we've all been sold what this
venue can be and should be,how they've designed it, what their intent
is to deliver the kind of audioexperience in a live venue that you've never
heard before. So when you hearthat, if you just like me,
okay, well, the proof's inthe pudding. I'll see it when you

know. I believe it when Isee it. But you two is coming
out and saying, no, we'veseen that. Their plan is to really
follow through on that promise. Soand you two, you would think is
highly discernible. I'm using that wrong. But they're highly discerning maybe about how
it's going to sound related to whatthe promise is and what they can deliver.
So I mean it sort of justlends some credibility to the MSG spears

claims that it's going to be incredibleno matter where you are in the room.
I love it. I flew Iflew in from Austin over the weekend.
I went to the Ihart Country Festival, came back and our plane had
to like not land and circle aroundthe city, so it kind of took
a unique route around and we flewlike right alongside the strip and looking out
the window, that sphere looks prettycool. Cool. Was it lit?
It was? It had like sometest lighting or whatever. But I was

like, oh, man, atnight. This was during the day,
mind you, but at night thatthings and looks sick when it's all it
up. Some things they build arenot worth the hype. This I think
is worth the hype. I thinkit's worthy of the hype that it's gotten.
It's taken a long time. Ithink they announced it. We were
at the announcement, like the firsttime they were announcing that this was happening.
We got invited, we went.It was a really cool thing that
they put on to introduce just theconcept. And that was four and a

half years ago, pre pandemics.I mean, it's a long time coming,
but yeah, I'm excited to seeit finally open up. September twenty
nine. Yeah, man, piggybackingthe conversation we had yesterday about the ACE
and there was no public tax fundingfor this sphere, right, not that
I know of. I don't thinkso. No, it's an MSG.
See we see what can happens asI'm just saying, well, one of

the things I also wanted to mentiontoo. Another one kicks off today in
Las Vegas, another residency over atthe coliseum at Caesar's Palace, and we're
actually going over to a press conferencewith him later today. Garth Brooks,
who just hosted the ACM Awards,now he's no stranger to residencies. He
had a really infamous one over atthe WIN and for year a year at
least, it was a while,a good run that was kind of like

him dipping his toe back into touringagain, and then that led to him
doing all the arenas and stadiums andwhatnot. But coming back, this is
supposed to be a melding of hisbig theater stadium concert production with the intimate
WIN residency that we saw with him, you know, doing the stories and
interacting with the audience. So it'skind of it's cool not just the one

man show, it's the full experienceas well. So it'll be interesting to
see how he weaves in and outof all of that. But Garth always
does things in a big way,so I'm excited to hear what he asks
to say at the press conference.We'll have coverage, by the way,
on our socials, on Living LVpod, on Instagram and Twitter, will
make sure you see some of thehighlights of that too. But one of
the things that people are upset,I don't know if upset concerned about,

is that you can't take your phonein, which is not a new thing.
I know Chappelle did it. BrunoMars I think you said you went
right, Tony, they take yourphone, they put it in a little
pouch. You're smart watch too,by the way, and you won't you'll
be able to have the pouch inyour possession, so you're not like,
lock it up. But when youhear it ring and am I making you
go, oh, I need toget up and go answer that, you
know, I went. I feelabout it. I'm fine with it.

I did a Garth show. Idon't look it was weird because Garth does
a few songs where it's like oneof those moments where you look around the
venue and all the phones are littleup You're like, oh, that is
cool, like the River from Garth, a big song. I'm ast said,
iconic big song that has that moment. Yeah, to not have that
feels weird. But I guess we'vegotten so accustomed to having our phones on
our hands that shows that it justtakes some getting used to to kick that

back out of gear. But yeah, look, you enjoy yourself, and
I think you're more engaged with theshow by not staring at your screens.
I agree with that. I wentto in Maroon five and I had a
friend with me, and you know, they were like, oh, I
would have had more fun if youweren't on your phone all the time,
And I'm like, dude, it'slike work, like we have to grab
the content, and so maybe beingforced to actually leave your phone at the
door, you know, it's itjust like makes you enjoy that experience even

more, like you said without.That's how Bruno Mars was. Bruno Mars
said it many time, did awhole half a song about the fact that
he took your phones away so youcould really enjoy the show. Pouch.
Yeah, yeah, I mean that'swhat it is, right, it's the
pouch, right, But I meanhe's like, no phones. People did
end up getting video in there,so don't know how they managed it,
but some people did. I'm sayingthat that probably will happen with the Garth

shows too, but it is adifferent experience slightly when you don't have your
phone with you. I mean,if you love the show, you're not
on your phone anyway except for thelight or maybe to grab a couple of
videos for you can watch back later. But I'm good with it. I
got no problem. He doesn't wantto spoil out. He doesn't want to
spoil the experience for other people whoare coming at a later date. I
get that. Oh that's a goodpoint. That's a great point. Okay,

I'm surprised the Dell didn't do that. I really am surprised that Dell
didn't do that. And it's notthe same venue too, mind you.
Yeah, I know, so that'sinteresting. It just came to me.
I don't know. So now I'mglad you brought up a Dell. Did
that spoil the experience for people whosaw it later? I don't know if
it did, because you see thosevideos and you're like, I kind of
want to go to that show.It's like kind of promotion in a way.
It's a different it's obviously very differentseeing it live than it is,

you know, getting a sense forwhat the experience was vers is largely the
same show every time. True,And look, I think his whole residence
he's sold out this year. Soit's not like you're probably gonna get tickets
at this point to this round ofshows. I'm sure there will be more,
but so do I get that bothsides of that. But if you
do need to use your phone,I want people to realize there is a

designated phone use area in the venue. So if you're like, oh,
this phone keeps ringing and I'm trippingright now, you can take your pouch,
walk outside of this area, unlockit there, and answer your phone.
If it's really more important than theGarth show you paid top dollar for.
Wow, So they got it allfigured out right. So Garth Brooks
plus one got the coliseum at Caesar'sPalace kicking off tonight, we'll share highlights

from the press conference and then thisweekend, break off the glow stick and
get your boots and cats ready.My mom and dad always make fun of
me when I do that. Ijust love electronic dance music, dude,
it's probably it fuels my bones,and it's just it's like the theme music
and when people are like, what'sthe song in your head that you think
about. Well, like when you'rewalking down the street and I'm like,
it's any like house music, techno, ghetto tech, like anything that has

a beat that just gets me going. So yeah, ADC this weekend at
the Las Vegas Motor Speedway kicks offthis Friday, the nineteenth, goes to
the twenty first. I haven't beenyet. You've never been at EDC.
I haven't been ADC because Tony andI go every year. Yeah, oh
yeah really because it starts at sevenand goes so five thirty Friday, we
can go after work. Okay,just but that's but that has a couple

of things to pick up my ownthings and fishnets right the sequence. But
what I like about this festival becauseit gets so hot here and they do
do it you know, when it'sapproaching summer, they start it later,
so they're starting it at seven o'clockat night. Yeah, I totally get
that. They have an opening ceremonyfrom five to seven on Friday, and
then it goes because my girl,one of my homegirls, she's in town

and this is one of the firstyears that they're doing beauty bars. So
your homegirls at your home correct,But she's also a homegirl from Detroit.
So she's doing all of the mayup at these beauty bars. So if
you if you want to go toDC and you want to put the jewels
in the cool, fun festival makeupon your face, you could go to
these beauty bars. Whether you alreadyhave makeup on, you could go there,

which is a clean face. Andher name is a Lissa Romano,
so you should definitely check her out. She'll do your makeup. But dude,
like each day, I've never seena festival that has so many producers
and DJs and just musical acts,Like there's something for everybody. There's rides
there. I'm jealous because I don'thave a ticket yet. Wait what I

don't have a ticket yet. You'regoing but you don't have a ticket.
I just so this happened to melast weekend. Sidebar. Sick New World
was last week. It was freakingamazing. Had no idea that I was
going to go, and an oldfriend happened to hit me up and said,
hey, do you want to goto Sick New World? And I'm
like, sick. So I havea feeling something like that might happen this

weekend. So you work in yourangles. We're not the only one to
try and get free tickets. I'mgonna be at home saying, especially during
those hours obvious Friday night, Ihave a game to watch. Very true,
very true. But Get is gonnabe there. It's yes, though,
a couple of Detroit Cats DJ MinksFisher is going to be there.
He's huge into that EDM world.So general admission has sold out. I

just looked on lying you could geta couple of experience weekend passes that can
range from anywhere five hundred dollars toone thousand dollars. Okay, Three things
you are most looking forward to?I'm sure you've done a lot of scouting
out about what this is all aboutand the whole festival and all the things
they have to offer. What threethings? Definitely people watching when it comes
to outfits. That's definitely something thatI love getting in a good dance session.

When Fisher is on to I'm losingit. I was gonna start singing
that too. And staying hydrated.Staying hydrated, good answer, that's it.
Be safe and be safe, yes, correct, Please, There's a
lot of things that can go wrongin a situation like that. I'm sure
it'll be fine. They have greatsecurity, a great team out there.
I'm just talking to you. Besafe, Oh, always be aware of

your surroundings. And that's too.But they have an infrastructure for taking care
of folks who go too hard oryes, they've gone in a way that
it was they weren't expecting. So, I mean, they have a great
reputation for taking care of and Idid read too that not last week the
you know paramedics, they were kindof gearing up for this weekend. You

know, because like you just said, Tony, people are party in,
probably drinking. It's hot, it'sgonna be warm, not as bad as
it has been in years past.She used to be in June, didn't
it. So I mean, thisis a little better time of year as
far as cooler tens. So justeat and you know, hydration, Stay
safe. Dude. How many yearshas DC been here? Somebody, No,
it's gotta be here. Let's see. It's as long as I can

remember, so I guess for adecade. Are you sure? I feel
so? Yeah. I was goingto say, and I don't know how
wrong I am on this. It'skind of what was one of the first
outdoor music festivals that attracted a giantcrowd. Town says nineteen ninety one first
Incarnation, and then since then ninetyseven to present. So yeah, predates

obviously, even on our show,which is coming up on its thirteenth year.
The I Heart Radio Music Festival inour podcast is beautiful, But I
mean, you know, predates thetwo thousand and five outdoor show you were
talking about. And I don't know, in the nineties a lot of shows
like that here. I can't thinkof none. None are coming to mind
outside large scale festivals with big craftswar tour. I guess when they were

touring, but yeah, they comehere. I don't know if this was
a big enough town they didn't,but it is saying right here that it
was based in Los Angeles and ADCcame to Las Vegas in twenty eleven.
Okay, so maybe I'm just wrong. I just remember the history of ADC.
So yeah, again, all ofthis is kind of before we were
here. Well, it sounds likeit's gonna be a lot of fun.

We'll hear more about it next weekwhen I shares. But tomorrow, to
Tony's point, we have a biggerthing that some of us locals need to
worry about, and that is VegasGolden Knights in the Western Conference Finals.
Will a pregame with all the thingsyou need to know about in tomorrow's episode.
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