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October 16, 2023 • 45 mins
The first longhorn weekly of the season for Texas men's head basketball coach Rodney Terry.
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Hollow is a near field presentation ofthe Longhorn Radio Network. Longhorn Weekly with
Rodney Terry is brought to you byPlunker's Windbar. If you don't like our
wings, we'll give you the birdWindstar World Casino and Resort. Over ten
thousand ways to play by Rico,an official corporate sponsor of Texas Athletics,

and by Saint David's, an officialhealthcare provider of Texas Athletics. Now here's

the voice of the Longhorns, CraigWay. Hello again, everybody, I'm
welcomes an additional word weekly. Butit is our season premiere preview edition of
Long Worton Weekly with Logorns had basketballcoach Rodney Terry. Good to see you,
great, great to see you.But yes, great it would be

just for certainly for the edification andthe education of all of us to ask
you how things are going so far. Once we'll get into some of the
things like roster, makeup and allthat other kind of stuff, But but
just so far, with guys backon the floor, back in school and
all that, how everything is going? You know, what great things are
going? Awesome, you know,And again it's a great day to be

a long one. It's a greattime to be on this campus and to
be in this city. You know, uh, false, what's have gotten
off to a great start. Youknow, volleyball's round and out right now
and playing playing some really good ballright now. Our soccer teams played great.
You know what starts done with thefootball team. I mean, that's
been exciting to watch from the verybeginning year and stuff. So you know,

we're just excited about, you know, celebrating. Everybody has to say
right now to this point, I'lltake everybody back to I know, uh,
it was not the way you wantedit to end in Kansas City there
in that final minute there against Miami, But from the time you walked off
the floor there, uh, inMiami against Miami in Kansas City, I

think it's safe to say within acouple of days you knew you had one
guy back, one guy back onyour roster. You were hoping there would
be some other guys back, butthe definite was you had brought Cunningham.
And then so take everybody through howthis all started to be put back together,

not only with the guys that werestill evaluating certain things before they decided
to return, but the recruiting class, the transfer portal, all the things
that go into an off season rostermanagement set up. May well, you
had to remind me about the MiamiSorry along, right, that's in the

passes in the river mirror right now, right, we're going straight forward.
But no, you know what,once the season was done, we had
a chance to obviously reflect what wewere able to do that season, and
uh, you know, it wasvery proud of what we were able to
do this past this past year andthe journey that we had. And uh
as we wrapped up, uh,you know, our our individual meetings,

because you at the end of theyear, you'll sit down, you know,
with with your players individually and yourtalking kind of sens where you are
and the year that they had anduh, if they feel like they're still
a great fit for where we areright now. And uh, you know,
at that particular time, we onlyhad one guy still had his hand
raised upset he's gonna be here andwanted another year, wanted wanted to be
a point of what we were stilldoing, and that was Brok Cunningham.

And we were super excited about that, you know, and uh, knowing
we had a winner to kind ofbuild around. You know, you had
Dylan to Sue, who had hada monster postseason prior to getting injured,
was also there sitting on the fencethere for a little bit for a week
or two, and you know,maybe a couple of weeks I think it
was like three weeks that he waskind of mulling over what he was gonna

do. And but we felt realgood about possibly getting him back as well.
So you had two really good piecesthere, you know, uh,
possibly returning. You know, wewe worked through the arterial war situation there
as well, and you know,a couple of guys decided that they wanted
to do something different, and again, all you can do is wish those
guys well and thank them for theyear that they gave us this past season.

And uh, from that point,you know, our staff we just
kind of really got together and tooka deep breath and just said, hey,
you know what, We're gonna identifythe guys that we really want to
go after in the portal and we'regonna put a team together. It's like
putting a puzzle together, you know, and uh, it's about trying to
put the right pieces together that allcompliment one another. And the first two
targets in the portal that we reallywere going after really a heart was Max

Asmus from U Or Roberts and uh, we really wanted Caten Cedric from Virginia.
So a big guy and a guardthat uh both you know, played
a lot of games and played theNCAA tournament and come from winning programs.
And we were fortunate to get thosetwo guys to jump on board out of
the portal, which was big forus. Staff did a great job of

really recruiting those guys hard and makingthem feel like this is the best place
for him. And so you havethose two guys, those two guys jump
on board, and then we goback and we were able to get Dealing
the suit say he's coming back,So you know, we're in a pretty
good place, you know in termsof guys. Uh, that where we
were trying to target in the portaland guys that we have had returning.
Went back into Portland and we wereable to get Kendle Weaver, a white

freshman of the Year from Uta uhin the whack and uh, good young
guard that's gonna you know, bea guy that plays with a lot of
energy and a defensive mindset. Andthen we got Zeri from Utah, another
big guy UH that we felt likecould come in and give us some physicality
and run the floor. So we'refeeling pretty good and we're moving pretty good
in that portal. And we finishedup in there with one more guy with

uh uh with the Ethil Harden.It t uh needed more shooting, so
we're able to go in there andget a shooter. And and so all
experienced guys and guys that played alot of basketball to this point right now,
and you're throwing a young freshman thatchanged his mind and going to Kansas
coming back here a Texas kid grewup in Missouri City, and Chris Johnson

joins as well, and uh,now you're putting together a nucleus of guys
that has a chance to get thingsdone. We have a couple of guys
in the draft. You know,we taught their progress throughout the course of
the time that they were in theirdraft, and lucky enough for us,
they were able to come back.So you end up with, you know,
four guys that played significant minutes foryour year ago with a lot of

connuity coming back and uh three startersback from last year's team and uh,
uh seven guys total, Alex youknow, and and and Gavin and all
the scholarship players that came back Colebot'sback Priston Clark. So we got a
good nucleus of guys back in agood group that I'm excited about working with
every day. You know, Ikind of got a little bit ahead of
myself, baby, be what Ishould have asked you to do before the

roster is to talk about your coachingstaff. Yeah, because we're gonna have
a special guest today that the guyI like referred to as the once in
future coach here on campus and FrankHeath and what a big job he did
with with you when the two ofyou were on coach Barn staff in the
early part of the two thousands.But uh, the the adjustments that went

on with your coaching staff and youradministration and things like that, because that
had to be addressed as well,didn't it. You only as good as
the people you have around you,you know, and you have to put
elite people around you at Texas,and we were able to go out and
get you know, elite level guysthat come in here and be a part
of my staff. And Frank andI worked together on the Final four team,

and I didn't work with a betterguy in terms of getting in the
trenches and having no ego and andjust really wanted to win at the highest
level. And Frank and I werehere, We'll parted some really good recruiting
classes, number one recruiting class inthe country. And again there was no
egos involved. It's just a matterof going and getting the guys. We
felt like we need to have towin at the highest level. But you

talked about eighteen years of head coachingexperience, AP National Coach of the Year
really knows this place, knows thelandscape of it, understands the expectations that
go with coaching at Texas. Soyou know, to have Frank join our
staff man that was that was abig, big plus for us to have
him be a part of what we'redoing. I went in, was able
to get Nick Matson to come backin and the director of operations. We

lost Parker Sexton to the to theBoston Celtics this past summer. We were
able to bring in, you know, Barron Jones as a coach for us.
Both of those guys that previously workedwith me, when the one guy
seven years one got ten years asa as a head coach myself and everything.
So guys, I was comfortable withthe guys that I knew that could

come in and get the job doneat a high level. You know,
you brought up Nick, And it'sinteresting because of the the way that the
rules n TI rules have been adjustedand changed. The thing about having additional
people on the floor, it's notevery day that you have a guy who
has the operations expertise that Nick has, who's also a full fledged assistant coach
for us, absolutely, and hehas experience of being a head coach.

I mean, we were able toentice him to come from an assistant position
at East Carolina and come back andjoin you know, join our staff and
continue to help us build what we'rebuilding here and everything. But again,
a guy that's recruiting on the road, he's coached already and everything, and
he's an elite guy when you talkabout the operations of running an organization.

You mentioned Byron Jones's another another guythat's that's going to be new to fans
and new to the program. Buthow about what he brings for me?
Jones, the guy that grew upin Oklahoma. You know, he's coached,
you know, twenty plus years atthe Division one level, work with
me for seven years at at FresnoState. And another guy that has a
great rapport with guys and working withyoung people, and he'll be in a

coaching capacity for us as well,and we're excited about having him join our
staff as well. And then theone other guy I wanted to ask you
about is your new strength coach,Cory Schlessinger and what it brings kind of
what that NBA approach to with histime in the league. Absolutely, and
we wanted that. We wanted thatcomponent of our organization to work again.

We had a guy that has workedat the highest level. All our guys
see themselves playing at that level andhe's had a chance to work at that
level level for the last four orfive years. And he also had some
college experience as well with that.But it's it's rare to found a strength
coach that's played basketball. He actuallyplayed basketball in college, and we wanted
someone that could take what we're doingin the weighting room to translate it to

the court and really be at thetraining guys for whether they're trying to go
in the future as well. AndKatie came back here and was here for
a few days and the first thefirst place he went was to the weight
room and I asked him, Isaid, may Man, tell me about
your experience of working with Corey lastyear with the Phoenix Suns. And he
said, RTI, fifteen years inthe NBA, the best guy I've ever
worked with in the NBA. Wow. That said a lot, And you

brought up something. I think it'spretty interesting too that when people think the
strength coaches, they think of youknow, big, you know, muscular
guys and the work they have theirthe some of the more football players,
some more weightlifters, some of thembodybuilders, whatever, but they all had
some that that pertained to that.Whereas a guy who is a stream coach
who was a basketball player isn't themost everyday happening in occurrence in this field,

Absolutely no. He gets what we'retrying to do on the court and
how we're trying to get our guysto play a certain way. So he's
able to train our guys a certainway and work with obviously each guy individually
in terms of trying to get thembetter. From a player performance, and
strength conditioning, you know, perspectiveas well. But he he has great

rapport, he has great energy,and he's been a great addition to our
staff. All right, coming up, we're wanting to have, like I
said, the once in future LongWorn assistant coach Frank Kate, join us
as we continue here from Pluckers theWest Campus location here in Austin. It's
Long Worn Weekly with Rodney Terry andwon't continue on the long Horn radio that
worked from lair field. We welcomeyou back to Long Worn Weekly with Rodney

Terry's from here Pluckers the West Campuslocation here in Austin. Rtie, always
have you introduce our guests, althoughto many Long Worn fans, this guy
really needs no introduction because they knowhim so well. That's right now,
Frank, a man again would soblessed to have him here with us and
the wealth of experience that he's hadover the years again eighteen years as a

head coach and a successful head coachat that, you know, and to
have him back on the forty eighters. Man, we're just so excited.
Frank, I scarcely know where tobegin other than to say, hey,
you know, I joined the Longlist of people who welcomed me back,
but also to get your thoughts onwhy this seemed like the right move

for you at this time to comeback to Austin, to be with RTEA
and to be a part of thisstaff and in this basketball program. Again.
Well, I think it's two things. I think one Austin, Texas,
the experience I had here before,my wife and I how much we
enjoyed Austin and and the second thingwas coach Terry. You know Rodney and

I obviously we go way back,even before my time as an assistant here.
Rodney and I met each other whenhe was a high school coach and
I was at Texas A and Mand he used to work camp and our
relationship just grew be after that.And you know, it was easy when
I came back here and Arte andI worked together. We worked so well

together and as you recalled earlier,we had some really goods, we recruited
some really good players, and therelationship that he and I grew over the
years, but also just thinking backto how much we got done working together
and we just it was just aneasy, uh for me, It was
easy to say that an I comeback Artie, I love to come back

and help you win a NAS championship. Well, I'm curious also to get
both of your thoughts on for folkswho don't know, I mean, Frank
was along with Artie on coach RickBarnes Staffer's three straight trips to the sweet
sixteen in the two thousand and threefinal four and is it safe to say,
and you're welcome to share anything youwant to share about this, that

it was a unique experience working forRick Barnes. Well you want to take
that. Hey, you know what, we both loved Rick to death,
you know, and coaches the best, you know, and you know,
not only was he a great coachand he's still a great coach, but
he's a great person, you know, and we we he had so much

fun, you know, behind thescenes. He's such a witty guy and
he's always cracking jokes and you know, there's a time to get serious about
things, but but maybe it's justa lot of fun and uh, you
know, gave us a lot ofbalance in terms of you know, working
form. Yeah, and you know, both of our mentor I mean,
he he was so amazing in termsof our growth as a basketball coach,

but Riding hit the nail on thehead in terms of how he handled himself.
He was you know, he couldturn it on at anytime, but
he kept things lighthearted, you know, and you know, just you just
were able to be yourself, youknow. And you know, I've been
in this business thirty plus years,and you know some and I worked for
a lot of different people, andbut he allows you to really be yourself.

But he also, you know,when when you want to, when
you're in sistent, you want tobe a head coach, and he allowed
us to do head coach like things. So I thank him dearly for my
preparation as a as a young coach, giving me the opportunity to do what
I did here to prepare me forthe next step in my career. I
remember sitting in this exact same spot, because we've been doing the show here

at Pluckers here at the West Campuslocation for a long time, and I
remember him saying during that time thathe would not want an assistant on his
staff who didn't ultimately want to bea head coach. And I know you
feel similarly inclined running with regard toany assistance. Man, Frank, you
probably felt the same way in yourtime as a head coach. You want

guys who want to help make theprogram they're working for at the time the
best they can be, but alsoa chance for them also to learn and
develop as assistant coaches. Would yousay both of you learned things there that
have helped you and helped you ashead coaches as well. Oh? Absolutely,
I mean coach never stunned your growth. He always, you know,
like Frankstead, he always gave youopportunity to, you know, be a

point of a radio show, bea point of a TV show, go
out and speak to to you know, have a speaking engagement in the community.
So he really challenged you every dayto come into dolf Is thinking like
a head coach and carry yourself likea help head coach. So when opportunities
have presented themselves, you were morethan prepared for those opportunities. What is
the key you think, Frank toassistant coaches being able to be cohesive and

work together for the greater good ofa program, even as ultimately you have
your own goals down the road.But the key for assistance like you and
Rodney were at the time, tobe able to work toward your ultimate career
goals. Well, I think thatthey did. The first thing is,
like what we preach to our youngpeople, our kids, is that is
no I in team as we andwe worked so well together. Like I

didn't recruit that kid. We recruitedthat kid. And you know there were
times where I mean I can gothrough a lot of lengthy of players we
recruited at that time, but weworked together and recruited those guys and and
from a scattering report, from preparation, from anything we did, we communicated
with it. And that's what wepreached to our kids to be important.
Communication is for their success on thecourt. But it was also important upstairs

and the coaching staff that we hadgreat communication. I think that's the most
important thing. All right, comingup, we're gonna have some more questions
for frank A. We're gonna getto that. We'll talk more about it.
We also have a special guest joiningus a little later on in the
program. We'll tell you more aboutthat. We'll getting some of your questions.
All that. It more with LongboardWeekly with Rodney Terry from Pluckers the
West Campus location in Austin continues.At a moment, we welcome you back

to Longbardon Weekly from Pluckers the WestCampus location here in Austin special guests as
Long Orange assistant coach Frank ha Ihad forgotten until I read I was looking
back over your biodes that you're agraduate of Elon which is now Elon University.
Back then it was Elon College.Yeah. Oh, no, fighting

Christians. That's right, that's right. They're the phoenix now back then they
were the fighting Can anybody here tellme where Elon is can Elon College,
Elon University? Where you stay right? You got to stay right? Ye,
Burlington, North Carolina is where thatis. And uh, you know

your time as an assistant you likeyou said, you spent time in Texas,
A and M and then Texas.You've been in several other places.
What is the thing that you thinkreally is the pool for coaches that gets
them? It gets people interested inbeing in the business, being in the

coaching business. Well for for forme, you know, I I I
moved down south when I was young. I was born in New York.
I grew up in North Carolina.I was raised by my grandmother and as
I started to get involved with athleticsand play in sports. My coaches were
my father figure. They were theones that influenced me and encouraged me,

and and I felt like I wantto have that same kind of impact on
young people. So I knew Iwanted to coach and teach going to college.
I knew that that was my passion, and that was that was my
calling because of the coaches that Ihad from Little League one and uh,
I was so blessed with people thatcared about me and wanted to help me
grow as a as a young man. And I said, hey, I

want to do that for somebody else, and for me, that's what drove
me to the profession. You werea head coach in three really unique and
different environments, Miami and Missouri andtuls I mean they're all they're all kind
of different, but I guess everythingis bound bound together by college basketball and
the and the goal to try towin conference championships and compete on the national

stage as well. I mean that, I guess we're challenges in all of
those places. It was, youknow, I was blessed. And I
told Rick, it's funny you talkingabout guys wanted to be a head coach.
I told Rick, say, look, this because when he talked about
Texas what he had envisioned Texas being. And we both were in ACC before
that. I was at wake Forestand he was at Clemson. And when
I got here, I said,Coach, you're right, I'm never gonna

leave unless I get an unbelievable job. I'm gonna be the Bill Guthrich who
was an assistant in North Carolina atthe time. I used to tell him
be the Bill Guthrich of the Universityof Texas. And uh, but three
years later I got the job inMiami, was in ACC and I was
very blessed, and you know,we we were just joining the ACC from
the Big East, and it wasa challenging job at that time. Now,

Jim layer niggas done an unbelievable joband taking it to another level,
but at that time it was notwhat Miami is now. And then,
uh, you know, that parlayedinto an opportunity at Missouri, which was
a great basketball job, and uh, we had great success there, three
straight postseasons, some really good playersand and and and then I left and

went to Tulsa. And my atthat point in time, my thing was
I just want happiness. I didn'tneed a limelight. I just wanted a
place where my family and I couldgrow and be at and uh, and
it was good for us. Wereally enjoyed Tulsa. So but I was
at Memphis last year with Penny Hardawayand we had a really good team at
d NCA tournament. And and andr T and I talked after we talked

throughout the run he had and andthen as soon as the season was old
when he and I connected, Andlike I said earlier, was just a
blessing to be back in Austin.What is it about this place about Austin
that is so special to you.It's the It's the city, but it's
the brand is the it's the youknow, everything is elite here. You
know you look at all our programsof the football team, the volleyball team,

the softball team, the soccer team, the tennis teams. Everybody wins
here. And it's something when youhave that that there's something they're doing right
here right and you just being apart of that is exciting for me.
And UH. But like I said, the city has grown so much.
Now this is twenty plus years ago, it's a lot different it was when

I was here. Before, nodoubt, but it's still a special place.
But that logo is the thing andand the brand and and you know,
we can win a national championship.There's only a few places you can
go. I think you win aNAS championship and you can win an AS
championship here. What was Pam's response? The name of Frank's wife is Pam
Well and uh and you have ason, Corey and a daughter of Brianna.

What what? What? What wastheir response when you said I think
I'd like to go back to Oh, they were really excited. I mean,
my wife love Austin. I mean, I tell you a story when
I when I got the job atMiami and I interviewed and it can't you
know, somebody leaked it. Itcame across the ticker that Frank Cason name,
they haad coach at the Universy ofMiami. And so when I got

on the fund, she said,you said, we want to talk about
it before you took that job.So she she really liked Austin and uh,
I said, well, baby,you know, we're in a different
tax bracket. I think we mightbe okay going there. But she was
not having it. She didn't really. She wanted to stay in Austin instead
of going into Miami. So youso you knew she'd be on board with
this then, Oh yeah, noproblem, it was It was an easy

move. Now, We've had severalmoves in my career, but this one
right here was probably the easiest.What do you think is the key along
with coach Harry and with the restof the staff at building, like you
said, a program, a team, and a program that can compete on
that level to be in contingent fora national championship on an annual basis.
What's the important elements here? Well, you know, and Archie's already started.

I mean, it's the it's theplayers. You got to get the
right players and fit your culture andwhat you want and how you build it.
And he's on an amazing job ofthat. Uh. And then you
got to put a staff together thathas the same values and beliefs that you
have. Uh. And he's donethat too. We have great chemistry now
and upstairs as well as we dodownstairs. We have really good leadership and
brought Cunningham and Max and and Dylanthe Sious, all three of they're great

leaders and you know, college basketball'schanged now, Craig, it's a it's
a it's an old game. Imean when you got to stay old a
little bit. So that yeah,it's a new secret. You got to
talk about the portal. We gotto be in the portal. Get a
couple of older guys, but youcan still recrup for us. But it's
got to have good balance. AndI think the teams that are winning it,
you look at the ross and youlook at they're gonna have some older

guys on our team every year andsprinkling a couple of young guys, but
they're gonna have some older guys andthey're gonna have great chemistry in the locker
room. And then the coaching staff. It's great to see. I appreciate
you doing this and welcome home.Appreciate you. God bless all right,
that's Frank Ake long Oarn's assistant coach. We're gonna get to some of your
questions coming out with long Arton Weeklywith Rodney Terry continues on the long Arn
Radio Network. From Layer Tim,we welcome back to long Orton Weekly with

Rodney Terry. From here Pluckers theWest Campus location here in Austin. We're
to get to some questions here,and what better lead all person than are
number one fan, Jean, whowants to know if you can kind of
describe what the camaraderie has been likewith your team at this point, this
early juncture before you have the OrangeWhite game that we'll talk about a little

bit later, and then of coursethe exhibition and then and then the start
of the regular season. What's thewhat's the camaraderie. I think the guys
have been great, you know,I think they we have a group of
guys. I think that over thecourse of the summer and into the first
part of the fall here, they'vespent a lot of time with each other
away from the basketball court, andI think they genuinely liked spending time with

each other. You know. WeUh, this past weekend, we had
a team retreat, went out toa campsite, got a chance to spend
about you know, the night,and got a chance early porter that morning,
just bunding and spending time and reallygetting need to know each other's why,
you know, their heroes, youknow, their heartbreaks, their highlights,
and just getting to know each otherand uh, you know, spending

time understanding what it takes to bea great teammate. And then we got
a chance to go down to theRed River shootout and watch the game.
So yeah, we've spent a lotof time. And I think again,
this group really likes each other.You have to have really good chemistry off
the court to have really good chemistryon the court, no doubt. Now,
did you actually have like a campfire? You know what? They

wouldn't let us burn anything we usuallydo. We usually have a little little
winding rooms there. I was gonnaask you who are the better outdoors?
Yeah, they wouldn't. They wouldn'tlet us do it at that time of
year and stuff. So we kindof missed the missed the boat on that.
Okay, all right? Uh towardthat end, Katie's wanting to know
who is the funniest player on theteam. The funniest player on the team,

you know what, We do havesome personalities. Yeah, and uh,
I wouldn't have to say probably oneof our new guys. I think
again, he's getting more engaged.And uh, I think Caten's pretty pretty
funny guy. And I think Ethoh I. T. Harden is a
really funny, you know, quirkyguy. He didn't even know, he's
funny sometimes, but he's funny Bronskind of like that. So you know

Brock, you know Brox the mayor, you know, so he's sometimes serious
but you know, uh but yeah, broadcads his moments as well. Our
man bebo hat guy wanting to knowyou mentioned the State Fair. What was
your favorite food there? Corn dogs? Wrong, man, We couldn't get
more cun the corn dogs. Theywere of them already. Yeah, they

were great. Oh my god,they were great. Uh uh okay,
uh here's uh uh here's a questionwhere uh it is? Uh amiliaro wants
to know your favorite Austin hangout spotmy house when you get a chance to
get home on the road, AndI said, what, I'm home.

I'm you know, I'm in mysanctuary. But but no, I I
like soil House sold houses. Uhyeah, it's a membership place there and
stuff and it's kind of in myneighborhood. So if I if I go
somewhere, I'll finally bit so correctcorrect me if I'm wrong. Weren't we
on the road when we had thewinter storm come in and the and the
and the tree fell on your house? That did damage right, right,

Well, it did little damage itdid. Yeah, how long did it
take to get everything back in orderfor you? No, it took a
couple of weeks right there. Youknow, I live over in Travis Heights.
You know, we have the treesand we still have like some regular
host and you know, I likethat the authentic Austin vibe, you know,
still in that area in South Congress. But uh, my house has

three big trees around it, soat any time, you know, storm
comes through, you have to bea little leery of of of of a
branch falling on the roof at somepoint. That's a good point. Alison,
wanting to know, did you havea favorite off season experience with the
team? Favorite off season experience?God, what do we do? This?
Someone that was pretty good. Youknow a lot of times we let

our guys go off offsite and dodifferent things. We we kind of let
them do their own deal. ButI'm trying to think what was our part
of this year that Uh, itprobably was the end of the year when
we we had our end of theyear. It wasn't a banquet, but
we had like a big meal overat Bob Steakhouse and got a chance to
reflect back on the summer and andtalk about all the good things that that

happened over the course of the summer. All right, and one more from
Cydy and we'll get more into theOrange White scrimmage coming up and we want
to see everybody there next Tuesday.But he wants to know, how are
you planning to split up the teamto make that work? You know what,
we that's a great question. Youknow, we've we've had you know,
a better part of the first partof the fall here when we've tried

to make it pretty competitive, youknow where you know, I matched up
Max against Tyres and they were youknow, those guys are gonna play together
and start games together, but theywould matched up opposite of each other,
and just go right down the lineof trying to match different guys up a
little bit against one another. Uhbecause at the end of the day,
we're all gonna be on the sameteam. But but to make it competitive,
you know, we try to youknow, mix the match a little

bit and that guy's get a chanceto play play with each other. All
right. We have a special guestwho's gonna join us after this commercial breaks
to stay with us. Log WartWeekly with Rodney Terry our basketball preview edition
of the program here for Pluckers forWest Campus location Austin, continue to sit
up off the We welcome you backto Longbore Weekly for Rodney Terry. Coming

your away from Pluckers a WES campuslocation here in Austin. One thing we'd
like to do is certainly have theopportunity to connect with the students, and
in that case, our corral ambassadorplease welcome Katie McEnroe, a business major
from Los Gatos, California. Hey, y'all, thanks so much for having
me. I We're glad you're herenow. You're a senior, right lost

gottus for folks who don't know,that's in the suburban part of the San
Jose Santa Clair area, correct,right, that's right, all right?
You're majoring in tell us a littlebit about this. You're majoring in business,
a combination of management, Info systemsand sales. That sounds that sounds
a little bit daunty. Tell usabout that. Absolutely. So I am

from Silicon Valley, right. Alot of what we want to do there
is technology, and my career goalis to go into technology sales. So
I'd love to be able to walkthe talk and know exactly what I'm talking
about when I'm when I'm selling it. So I have a little background in
business technology and I'm getting some realgreat education in sales as well. Okay,
so you also spent last spring,the spring semester, studying abroad in

England. But what I'm told isyou were up until the wee hours of
the morning watching Texas basketball play fromthe other side of the world. Is
that correct? That is that's quitetrue. I have to say the time
change is brutal for those night games, so we would stay up. I
had my friends were all European fromso I tell you the Corral is now

global. There are koral t shirtsin Finland, in Sweden, and they'd
stay up with me to watch thegames until literally three am when they stopped.
So I got to bring that overseas. I was thinking about this,
Roddy. You know the second roundNCAA Tournament game against Penn State and the
Sweet sixteen game against Xavior that ithad to be like two o'clock in the

morning when you were even tipping offthe game because she had the second game
in that session. Right, Oh, that's exception right there? Did to
stay up and be a point ofwhat we were doing and follow that journey.
That's incredible. Yeah all right,So why how how did you become
such a big block worn basketball fanaticthat drove you ultimately to the corral?

Yeah? Well, she's sitting overhere, my roommate Ali. She is
the one who got me in.She's been a Longhorn fan her entire life.
She's grew up in Austin and sheI got lucky enough to be her
roommate last year, and she wasin the corral and I got to tag
along a little bit, and thenjust like that, I got hooked addicted
to bleeding, burnt orange and Longhornbasketball. All right, so obviously you

were in the corral last year.Yeah, okay. Would you describe your
behavior as being acceptable right on theedge, over the top. How would
you describe your behavior as a memberof the corral? I would say during
the games, pretty intense. Ithink I was a failed game if I

had my voice when I walked outof the movie center. Oh wow,
So my friends and family knew whenI was given a call call home and
I couldn't speak or they couldn't hearme. It's like, oh, you
must have had a game last night. Yep, sound like Artie. No,
absolutely, I lost my boys alot. And that's what you want,
those students with that kind of spiritand enthusiasm. And that's got the

whole vision of what the Corral couldmean to this team, to this program.
Oh absolutely, It's about creating memories, you know what I mean,
moments, you know, and theexperiences. You'll never forget that in your
college experience, you know. Andh the Corral was tremendous all year long.
The they really bought a level ofenergy to the building that we never
had in Texas basketball and a bigpart of our success last year. Uh,

Katie, what do you do whenyou guys are trying to get people
to come and experience the Corral?When you talk to take us through what
the what? What that's like?The path to try to get other students
to be part of the Corral.Yeah, there's a few things that we
do. One of my favorites isto do tabling on speedways. Yeah,

and so they tabling, So weare standing out there with the flyers and
like waving people down. Hey there'sa basketball game, like basketball so long?
Like, have you been inside theNew Moody Center, et cetera,
et cetera, and getting people tocome out that way. We have the
Instagram where we're we're on that puttingsome funny, funny stuff up. We
love your players, they're so funny. You were talking about their personalities earlier.

We've seen some mics, the littlemini mics they're doing man on the
street interviews. It's really a lotof the players. We want to make
sure that the players are real peopleand the students will come to watch their
friends. So what does now beinga Corral ambassador involved for you? And

falls a little bit more time andeffort. I helped run our instagram so
I get to see more of theback end for the Orange and White game
coming up. We've planned out afew fun surprises for pregame activities to engage
the fans and our Longhorn Corral,to get us more and more engaged and

bring up the hype for the season. Who is the most uh you might
say animated, the most interjected,energetic member of the Corral. I think
the fan favorite of the Corral isa bebo hat guy. He actually has
a real name, and his nameis Jack, and he's like a real
person. He's like a biochemistry major. Hopefully we'll get to have him on.

Oh we've had Jack, Yeah,you know, we know all that
Jack. Oh yeah, Okay,you put a cute little stuffed animal on
top of a cowboy hat and tellme that's not animated. Yeah. Yeah,
that's a good point. Katie.We thank you. We wish you
the best of luck and enjoy theseason. Thank you. I will Katie
mcnell corral at that coming up,Ronnie and not gonna talk more about the

Orange White and what folks should expectfrom that and the upcoming excrement of the
upcoming exhibition game as well. We'lldo all that and more with Lawhorn Weekly
from Pluckers the West Campus location.It also continues let the law Wart Network
in the logartnon radio network up theretheater. We welcome you back to long
Arton Weekly with Rodney Terry coming awayfrom Pluckers the West Campus location here in

Austin, Okay. So the firstI know, you guys have done a
lot of work in terms of thepracticing and you're breaking down and going.
But this is this is the firstopportunity for students and even the general public
to get a chance to view yourteam in the Orange White coming up next
Tuesday. How excited are you guysto be able to actually get out there

and play in front of an audience. I think they'll be super excited.
You know. We've got some newfaces that we would love for a fan
base to get familiar with, andguys get a chance to get out and
play in front of them and getyou know, have a good time.
One thing we want to let youknow first and foremost, it's free for
the Orange White Scrimmagins next Tuesday,and it's at Gregory Jim. That's something

too, because there's been a coupleof regular season games in the past they're
at Gregory Chim. You think yourguys also like that because they're very very
close, just as they are withthe corral down there to the students when
they're playing at greg Gym. Iguys love playing in Gregory. You know,
we weren't able to to schedule agame there this year, so we
want to have the Orange and Whitethere and again have a venue where our

guys could could closely be engaged withour students and get our students out and
get involved and get a chance tobe a point of what we're doing,
all right, So to let peopleknow, like we said, admission is
free now, the majority of thelower floor seats are going to be helped
for UT students. The upper bowlwill be general admission on a first come,

first serve basis. Fans are encouragedto line up outside of the gym
entrance on the afternoon of the scrimmagenext Tuesday in advance of the doors opening
at five o'clock. Hey, students, free pizza first five hundred and In
addition, Texas Athletics is going togive away free T shirts to the first
seven hundred and fifty fans in atennis gonna be students, general mission,

fans, whatever. And then followingthe scrimmage, fans are encouraged to come
to the court. There'll be personalautographs, photos, one on one conversations
with the players, complimentary parking forthe event in the Speedway garage on the
East twenty seventh courtesy of Texas Athletics. This is part of the outreach.
I know you've talked about it.You like to connect with the community,

to connect with the students, youknow, not even talking about the exhibition,
just just the mere fact that youhave the opportunity here to reach out
touch them with an experience like that. Well it's employee, you know.
And again you know, Howsin says, We're going to work hard, a
to play really hard every night.But but we can't do it without the
support of our students and in thesupport of this community in Longhand Nation getting

behind us. And uh, itgives us an opportunity, uh to to
engage, take pictures and and andagain just familiarize themselves with with our roster
this season as well. Now forfolks who don't understand and and like,
for example, Cindy Ashley, howyou were gonna uh split up the orange
and the white to do that?I mean, that's that's the kind of

thing, uh that you you wantbalance on both sides. You mentioned obviously
Max Asmith's on one side, TyreekHunter on the other side. Things like
that, You're you're wanting things tobe pretty balanced between orange and white.
Well, you know what, thefirst couple of weeks, I really wanted
that competition between between those guys andkind of matching up our guys kind of
evening a little bit. But uh, as we've approached this weekend, we're

kind of getting more into game modea little bit. Right now, we're
kind of having our our top rotationguys play together, because you know,
that's the one thing you have asyou put together you to years, you
know you have to you fighting time. You know, in terms of getting
guys for me, you were playingwith one another and and just kind of
knowing each other's games. So youknow, this week was the first week
we put the team rotation guys togetherand let those guys play a little bit

more as opposed to playing against eachother. How do you explain that?
And I think I've heard you saythis before. I heard coach Barnes say
it before. I've heard coach Sarksay it before. Guys know who are
playing the best, and guys knowwho probably should wind up being the starters
and things like that as well.But but of course it's up to you
and the coaching staff to explain toguys who might not be in the first

five to say you can get there, here's what you've got to do,
that sort of thing. What arethose conversations like, Well, again,
I started it off the summer withthat guy just saying, hey, you
know, we're a team that couldprobably be eight nine starters, you know,
and but be a start in yourrole. Everybody has an important role
in our team, and everybody's rolesmay start a certain way, you know,

the start of the year. Everybodyin the year year old could be
totally different by the end. It'sall predicated on what you put into the
game. All right, We've gota couple more things to get to.
We'll do that when we come back. To wrap up this week's edition,
a season premier preview edition of LongGorton Weekly with Rodney Terry, and we'll
continue in a month. We welcomeyou back to Long Gorton Weekly, Rodney

Terry Premiere Pluckers West Campus location,Karen Auls. We got a couple of
minutes left. I wanted to getyour thoughts on this because I know you
have to vote on it. TheAll Big Twelve Team pre season All Big
Twelve Team was announced today. Fourof your players are named to the team.
On the first team. Max Asmiswas on the preseason All Big Twelve

Team and honorable mention Dylan Desue,Tyree Hunter, and Dylan Mitchell all were
there. Preseason Player of the YearHunter Dickinson from Kansas also picked as the
preseason Newcomer of the Year preseason Freshmanof the Year Jacobe Walter Baylor, and
the other members of the All BigTwelve team Jay Cryer from Baylor or Houston
rather, Hunter Dickinson from Kansas,Dwan Harris from Kansas, Emanuel Miller or

tcun Max Hasmis. How difficult isit to vote on a deal like that?
You know what? It is,extremely difficult a lot of times.
But you know, I think youstart your starting point is the returning guys
you know from a year ago andwhat they were able to do and uh,
and you try to project again youknow who's going to be able to
take that to another level as well? Uh? In terms of this this

new Big Twelve, UH that thatthat you'll be in it for one year
before moving on to the SEC.I know, it's it's a different kind
of thing. You got fourteen schoolsin this in this and it's one last
gore around in the Big Twelve.And and you don't play everybody on the
conference schedule, but an opportunity,uh or you don't play everybody at home

and row, but an opportunity touh to to really measure yourself again.
On a national level. You knowwhat again, Craig, I think there's
gonna be no drop off. Lastyou had the best lead in the country,
and uh, you bring in fourinstitutions with really good coaches and programs
that uh, you know basketball uhhas been a big part of you know,
their athletic programs. When you talkabout Cincinnati and you talk about University

of Houston and what coach Sampson isdoing there, and you know, Johnny's
done a good job at UCF,and uh, you know, we know
what b b YU is gonna bewhen you go out and you try to
play out and uh in provo.So it's gonna be you know, it's
gonna be h again, a reallyreally highly competitive lead from top to bottom.
It's gonna be strange, uh,or kind of like the early days
twenty years ago when you only haveone game against Kansas it is at Allen

Field House. You're gonna go intothere, that historic building one more time.
They won't be here, but yougot some other teams here that you
won't be traveling to. We'll besuper excited about the league in general.
I mean, well, obviously can'tget a chance to play there. Uh,
And uh allen Field House. Butwe'll be just excited about playing in
Houston and getting a chance to uhto go up to BYU and play at
BYU. So again, they're gonnabe no nights off in the Big twelve

and you have to bring you agame every night. All right. Again,
we want to remind you that theOrange White Scrimmage next Tuesday night at
Gregory Jim at six o'clock. Getthere early, get in line. The
doors will open at five o'clock.Free pizzato the first five hundred UT students,
Free T shirts to the first sevenhundred and fifty fans. We're gonna
do this again in two weeks.We're gonna have another additional Long Art Weekly

for head coach Rodney tayre Im CraigWait. Thanks for joining us. We'll
see you next time on Long ArtWeekly.
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