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October 16, 2023 8 mins
Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers took to mic on Monday morning to talk the upcoming game between Texas vs. Houston.
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Quinn, would you rather have playedlast week to kind of get that taste
of the Alklahoma game out of yourmouth? Or did the bye week come
at a good time for y'all.It's definitely tough, you know, for
it being this long to you know, not have an opponent. But I
think it was good for us tokind of take a step back and recenter
what we're focused on. But yeah, at the end of the day,

it is tough to just have moretime to I guess, sit back and
think on you know, what happened. I asked Sark about explosive runs,
and he mentioned that r pos andyour ability to throw the ball downfield really
opens that up. But what doyou see, I guess from Jonathan in
particular, when he's going on thoselong runs, and what does he do
to make them part of y'all's offense. Yeah, it just seems like it's

super natural for him to break runslike that, and it's cool to see.
You know, I've been fortunate enoughto have some good backs here at
the university, so you know,I said it last year. I get
the best view of it all,so it's pretty cool to watch you pig
your head out heads one last year. Not quite yet. I'm sure it's

coming. The Quinn Sark was talkingabout, you know, he looked in
the marror, did some self criticismin the bye week? Did you do
any of that? Did you lookin the mirror and kind of you know,
critique yourself and what you say?Yeah, I think we all have
to and you have to continue todo that each and every week for sure,
because you know, good teams getbetter as the year goes on.

And I think the biggest thing forme is just figuring out ways to settle
in faster and to get in arhythm early and sustain that rhythm. That's
the biggest thing I feel like forsure. Hey, Quinn Sark was talking
about the mental intensity this week,need to be on point and just he
feels like, you guys play betterwhen when you have something to prove,

Uh, not just for yourself,but as a leader for this team.
How do you make sure the mentalintensity is there and that you know there
is kind of a purpose to everythingyou guys do this week. I think
we just need to understand that we'restill working towards our goal that we set
at the beginning of the year,and we're going to continue to strive for

that goal as we continue on thispath. But I think this team,
like you said, has has alot to prove still, and and we're
all pretty fired up about the opportunitythat that we've been granted. Hey Quinn,
i'd you spend the bye week anddid you watch the Houston game?
And if so, what did youtake from that? Yeah? Well,

I went home on Friday, backto South Lay got to go watch my
little sister play some volleyball for thehigh school. And it was good to
get a little change of scenery andgo back home and see the family.
That's always good, get a geta home cooked meal in you, and
that whole deal. But yeah,I did. I did watch that game,

and it was a pretty wild endingand it's cool to see games like
that where just two teams are going, you know, head to head and
competing with each other. But youknow, we're we're watching the film and
we're fired up. Great. Afterthe Bama game, you called a team
meeting and you wanted to make sureall the guys are kind of focused and
on the goals I had after theloss, did you feel them need to

do the same thing? And ifnot, then what was your message to
the guys, you know this thispast week, I think it more so
goes Un said, we didn't calla team meeting, but the points we've
made, we feel like we didn'tneed one. Like I said, I
think that, you know, wedon't want to hold on to how we

felt after the game because you knowthat's it's just one game at the end
of the day, but it's abig one and we need to continue,
you know, chipping away at ouryou know, next opponents, But don't
totally forget about what happened. Quinntalking about the red zone offense when y'all

are looking at the tape and kindof evaluating, like what are some things
that you think you need to improveon and focus on to improve that facet
of the game. Yeah, it'sobviously been tough for us in the red
zone unfortunately, and I think thisthis off week we've had I think we
as another coaches and the players havekind of took a step back, especially

in the red zone, because Ifeel like that's where we've had our most
troubles and just try to figure outwhat what we need to do. What
are we doing too much here?We do not doing enough? There.
But I think we have a youknow, a great plan and going into
this week, and you know,we have all the faith in the coaches
to to put us in the repositions. It's it's it's it's just our job

to go make the plays. Yousaid you watched a little football. It
seems like the path to to toa possible Big twelve championship is as clear
as it could be. Do youguys think about that? Can you allow
yourself to think about that? Imean, we're humans, right, We're
gonna it's gonna be in the backof our heads, and that's what we
set our goal on and it's hardto work towards something if there's no goal.

So you know, we're definitely that'sstill what we're aiming for obviously,
But then again, you can't gettoo far ahead of yourself. That's where
it gets kind of tough, especiallyfor humans. You know, we always
want to look to the present orto look to the future excuse me,
and not be in the present.But again, like I said earlier,
just got to chip away at eachopponent each week and go want to know,
to be able to put ourselves inthe position to ultimately go play for

a Big twelve championship. Hey,Quinn, you guys talk about the culture
of this team, how it's improvedso much, but that I feel like
that really gets tested after a loss. How much did that culture and what
you guys have kind of built towardthat coming to play after that loss to
OEU. I mean, yeah,it was definitely disappointing against OU, but
I think this team took some positivesaway from it. You know, it's

hard, but we we learned alot about ourselves. Like you know,
we're never gonna We're never gonna comequit against each other. We're always gonna
stick together and continue to play foreach other, and we're always going to
show fight for for one another becausejust how much we've been through and I
think as a whole we understand youknow that God's planned for for this team.

And on and off the field,I've I've seen a lot of growth
in you know a lot of youngplayers and a lot of older players.
I think I think it's spreading throughoutthe the locker room, which is which
is pretty cool to see on mypart. Quinn, can you talk about
the you know, having to adjustto the offensive line injuries that that you've

got right now, and what yourlevel of confidence is in whoever takes the
field, and also about what you'reseeing from John tay Cook. Yeah,
but I'm super, super proud ofthe way Connor Robertson stepped up into that
role this pat or two weeks agoagainst OU. You know, he hasn't
really had a whole lot of ingame experience, and for him to come

in and and you know, dowhat he what he did I think went
above the expectation or not the expectation, but what we thought of him,
I guess I should say. Butagain, I think the old line we
have, you know, one ofthe best O line coaches in the country,
and he's gonna prepare those guys,you know, the best that they're
They're gonna be prepared. So youknow, I got faith in and whoever's

out there. Yeah, Quinn,if you saw the Hail Mary in Houston,
that's wondering. Have you ever completeda hill Mary in a game?
And and how's your technique on Fridayswhen y'all practice it? Uh? Not?
I have not completed one in game. Unfortunately, would have been cool.
I guess technique just don't throw itout of balance pretty much give him

a chance two or three yards inthe end zone. Maybe uh uh,
defense jumps on Fridays, Quinn inthose short yard of situations when it passes
call. You know, can youjust talk about how different that is for
you as a quarterback when you knowthe windows a little bit tighter, maybe
things are spit up a little bit. Yeah, I think that just goes

to show the faith that you know, our coaches having us to be able
to complete you know, tight windowpasses and whatnot. And like I said
earlier, you know, they trustus and we trust them, and our
job is just to go make thoseplays to gain more trust ultimately. Earlier
in the season, it was aJohn Wick mentality. I know, after

this first six is there a differentvibe in the locker room? Is there
a different mentality that you guys arerallying around for the rest of the season.
John Wig mentality all day, allday, every day,
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