Episode Transcript
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Please listening to Morning Drive with ChristieLive on demand eighties plus at one o
three point seven Morning Drive with ChristieLive News. You can you welcome to
your Monday, July the twenty second. It is six' ten. I'm
Christy. You hope you had agreat weekend. So the Oakland A's killed
it on Friday night, big winover the Angels. Sad news though,
if you're an Oakland A's fan,they're really going to Sacramento. We know
this, but it's official. Theirfirst game will be played on March thirty,
first of next year. They're goingto be playing in West sac for
at least the next three years beforethey head to Las Vegas. Thanks for
the memories. Oakland A's The NeverEnding Story, one of the greatest movies
of the eighties, is in theaterstoday around one o'clock and around seven o'clock
if you want to check out theclassic awe with Falcore The Good Luck Dragon.
It's celebrating the fortieth anniversary. Hamiltonis coming back to the Bay Area
and if you never had a chanceto check it out, Tickets go on
sale this morning at ten o'clock andthey started only fifty nine bucks and they're
gonna have ten dollars tickets for allthe performances. That's gonna be a lottery,
and they're gonna announce how to getyour hands on those a little bit
later on closer to the show.It starts November twenty seventh, so that's
around Thanksgiving week. Got some StevieWonder on the way. That's your news
you can use this Monday morning.Thanks for listening to Eighties Plus at one
O three point seven. Christie Liveon Eighties Plus at one O three point
seven, don't forget had eight twentyyou can win four free tickets to six
Flags Discovery Kingdom. Oh, sixFlags Discovery Kingdom. That's where producer Karina
used to work long time ago.Oh, my friend, producer Karna.
I have to just depend on justa lab track now because she is on
vacation. Okay, that's enough,that's enough. If you're visiting that laugh
this morning, it's because producer Karinais anital Ya Oh mobo. No,
that is not correct to tell youin this morning, but it's early.
You know. To make sure youfollow her on Instagram if you want to
check out her escapades. And I'lljust see here lonely, hoping you get
through the morning, though, doyou want to invite you though out this
Wednesday? If you are free,let's hang out since producer Karina, you
know, left me hanging. Actually, the Red Cross and I we're doing
a blood drive this Wednesday in SanFrancisco, sixteen sixty three Market Street.
If you can be there from noonto two, come out, donate blood,
save a life. Hopefully they'll havecookies or something to give us after
we donate blood. But if youare able to come out this Wednesday and
hang out, because I'm so lonelyand all I have is this laugh to
keep me company. And you,of course you're you're more awesome than the
laugh. But you know, ifyou can't come out this Wednesday, that'd
be great. Got some guns androses on the way for you. Next
on eighties plus, Christie lie Hi, who's this? This is someone calling
for Krina? Is she there?She in Italy? Are you just calling
a rub it in? Huh?She's on an Italian vacation. The rest
of us are working hard. Didyou want to join her on that trip?
Man? Thank you? You know, Italy was my second doing station
when I was in the Navy,just saying I was there first, would
have been nice to at least getan invitation. Yeah, my mom wanted
to know if you're all sad andlonely or if there's someone else there working
with you. No, I'm justhere rolling so low, so a little
sad, but not lonely because Ihave you and I appreciate you hanging out
with me this morning. Maybe wecould all win a thousand bucks in the
money machine later on today and thenbuy our own tickets to Europe. Just
saying he's gonna be your first chanceto win, and then every hour on
the hour you got a chance toscore one thousand bucks. That at least
you get you over to Europe.It's a start. Got that code up
for you later. Awesome joined thefun on eighties plus in one oh three
point seven. Today, the CrazyTrain is headed out to Florida. Why
do all of the crazy things happenin Florida? Technically it was on a
Breeze Airlines flight from Orlando to RhodeIsland, so they could have been from
you know, Rhode Island, buteither way, Evan Simms got into a
lot of trouble and was sentenced atthe end of last week for trying to
comfort his girlfriend on an airplane.They got into an argument and of course
things escalated. But that's when thingstook a turn for the crazy. Evan
claimed his girlfriend had a bomb onthe plane. Now that is not something
you ever ever want to joke about. Don't even pretend to say it.
Of course, once it slipped outof his mouth, things went from bad
to worse. They were both kickedoff the flight and then he tried to
clean it up and say, oh, I didn't say bomb. I said
calm. I said, my girlfriendneeds to stay calm, not she has
a bomb. But of course thedamage was already done. Now he's been
sentenced for the incident, two yearsin jail. Like I said, don't
play, and of course he's single. That's your daily crazy news story.
You can ride the Crazy Train everyweekday at seven, ten and nine forty
and it's on demand too at eightiesplus Radio dot Com. Morning Drive with
Christie Live on eighties plus at oneoh three point seven, it's time for
the great damn Fate. How farwould you go to help a friend?
Okay? Every Monday, Wednesday andFriday, we always discuss a topic and
It's awesome whenever you call with somethinghappening in your life and you want to
share and get some advice or youknow, maybe figure out which is the
right course of action, which isbasically what Tammy is trying to do this
morning. So what's up, girl? Oh? I don't know what to
do. So I was at workwater cooler moment kind of saying, and
I overheard one of the bosses sayingthat a friend of mine, a coworker,
is going to get the act.Did you say the acts? They're
gonna get fired? Yeah? Whyare they talking about that out like out
in the open? That's crazy?I don't know, go ahead, and
I feel really really it's just goingto destroy him. And I don't know
how to broach it. And Idon't want to get in trouble either,
So like, what do I do? Well? I mean, if it
comes out that I knew ahead oftime, will my friends feel like I
was being disloyaled to him? Youknow what I mean? So that likes
so one of you different layers toit. Hee, I don't know.
I don't know. That is agood question though, for this morning's great
debate. Should you tell a friendif you overhear that they are going to
get fired from work. That that'sbasically what's coming down the pike. You
know, personally, I would haveto mind my business, Tammy. I
would have to mind my business.And somebody told me that advice a while
ago. Mind the business that paysyou, and I would probably have to,
cause it's just gonna cause issues.But what do you think We're gonna
put it out there for you,Tammy? Thank you for the call one
eight six six nine hundred one threeseven, or you can always jump in
by tapping the red microphone on ouriHeartRadio app if you want to join this
morning's great debate. Tammy overheard herfriend is getting ready to get fired and
she's not sure if she should sayanything. Is that a yes? Is
that a no? Is that amaybe? So love to hear what you
have to say about it. Getyou on next morning Drive Christy Rust Rock
Christie Rock, Christie Rocks eighties plusat one oh three point seven. Brief
Debate eighties plus at one o threepoint seven, Tammy overheard that her coworker
might be getting fired and she's notsure if she should say something. What
would you do? That is thequestion, for this morning's great debate.
Ray, thanks for checking in.What's up? Buses. I'm not saying
Tami shit, I would that's metoo, that it might be even upset
up because maybe you and she waslistening and they're like, you know,
just just falking, you know,just say no, what listening, Let's
say this. You know that's agood point. I didn't even think about
that. It could be a setup, just to see if you can hold
water, you know what I mean, if you're if you're a gossip person
or whatever. You know, that'sa good point. I'll note your vote.
Thank you so much for Colin Ray, you have a great day.
Sheila and Heidi checking in. Whatdo you guys think if you overheard that
your coworker is gonna get let go? Do you say something? We would
feel guilty not sharing that. Really. We absolutely think she should tell her
friend. We know it's not gonnachange anything, but yeah, okay,
I mean that's a good friend.You do want to give your friend a
heads up if if you know they'rein danger or something bad is coming,
you do want to give them theheads up. I just don't know if
I can say anything. We understand. Christy but we just want to share
artis so thank you for everything.Thank you too. You guys are the
best. Where do you stand?Tammy overheard at work that her friend was
possibly gonna get fired, and she'snot sure if she should say anything?
What would you do? One eightsixty six nine hundred one O three seven
or tap the red microphone. Ifyou're listening on our free iHeartRadio app,
you can always join in and leavea talk back. It's Ron and Heyward.
I think Tammy should mind her ownbusiness. Saying something isn't going to
change anything, and it could gether in trouble and just backfire. I
would leave it alone. Okay.Another vote for don't say anything? Where
do you stand? Is the question? Hit the talkback button like Ron just
did, or pick up the phone. Give me a call if you want
to wag in on this morning's greatdebate. I'm getting faster with the sound
effects and love to hear your thoughts. Next, if you want to talk
to Jenny, call eight six sevenfive three oh nine. You can make
a call. Please hang up andfire if you want to join the fun
with Christy one eight six nine hundredone O three seven eighties plus one oh
three point seven. Back to theGreat Debate eighties plus at one oh three
point seven to tell her not totell? That is the question. If
you overheard that your coworker is goingto get let go, do you say
something? It happened to Tammy,And that's the question for this morning's Great
Debate, Stacy. If this isyour friend, I would definitely pull him
a sign, be like I wantto say I overheard this. Maybe you
should let go talk to hr aboutthis. He definitely has to say that
you've heard something, you had tosay it. Okay, all the good
friends are calling this morning. Itis nice to have people who have your
back. Meanwhile, I'm over here, like, don't anything. Oh God,
are going to do it to you? You know, like you gotta
their strength in numbers. Okay,I heard that. Thank you for the
call, Stacy. Good morning,Rudy. What do you think should you
say something if you ever hear thatyour coworker is going to get fired?
If you overheard and it's your friend, you definitely should say something. Okay,
another vote for being a good friend. It's your friend, we ain't
friends. I'm on my my ownbusiness. Okay, all right. I
will note that vote. Thank youso much, Rudy for weighing in on
this morning's great debate. If youoverheard a coworker is going to get let
go, which is what happened withTammy, would you say something, Steve,
good morning. You know, tobe honest, I feel like my
your own business. You know whatif it doesn't happen, you know what
if they were just talking about itor you know, who knows. I
mean, you know, it couldhappen. It could happen, it could
not happen. But generally with layoffsthere's a little bit of severance. So
her friend's going to probably be okay. Anyway, I'd say, just you
know, knowing in advance doesn't reallyhelp you all that much, so just
just be quiet, okay. Whyput them through the unnecessary worry or stress?
All right, Thank you so much. Steve, got time for one
work called James checking in. Whatdo you think about this morning's great debate?
Should you say something? If youoverheard that your coworker might beginning let
go, you let them know immediately. You tell your friend, hey,
they're about to let you go,and just like you know, set something
up, start looking for other workor something like that, like the HR
that's a that's the company, that'sa big business. They're gonna be fine,
and they should be letting her friendknow even sooner so she can get
her life in order, you know, as long as her friend isn't gonna
throw her under the bus and tellthem that she told them. You know
what I mean? Yes, thatdo know what you mean. Well,
thank you so much, And itlooks like all the boats are in for
this morning's great bait. Seems likeI'm a horrible friend for not being able
to say anything, but the majorityof everyone agrees. If you overhear something
about your coworker at work, especiallysomething like they're gonna be let go,
you should definitely let them know,Tammy. So there it is. The
people have spoken. Thank you somuch. Do the Great Debate every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday. And Ialways love it when you're a part
of this show because you are everyday. Back to the music in thirty
seconds eighties plus at one oh threepoint seven, Time to play give Me
five, Christie Live. All right, we got Tim in the hot seat
today to play give me five.The way it works is, I'm gonna
give you a category and all youhave to do is give me five things
in that category. You got tenseconds to do it. You will be
the big winner. Are you readyto go? Here we go? I
guess as I'm gonna be okay.Why is everybody always sounds so scared?
Don't be scared? You got thisokay? I know. Yeah, Cluk
starts when I said, go playalong with scary, Tim, No,
I'm just kidding whatever, All right, Tim, give me five words with
the letter Z in it. Go. I'm in the xylophone doo xenophobia,
and xylophone does not have a Zin it. Contrary to popular belief.
No, no, it was toolate when I said it. But it's
a sound. It's a sound.It didn't have to start with the z.
It just had to have a Zin it. You could have said
zebra. I can't think of aword that snooze, nazzy. Oh,
I was thinking begin with z Yousee how that brain flee? Did you
though I was gonna talk about frombreeze? Yeah, breeze. I forgot
about that. Yep, there itis, you said with ze and it
you see, But that's how itgets you because your mind actually goes oh
no, it begins with z yeahand I still got it. It says
a lot of phone that is notso with it. It's all good.
I still love you, and Iappreciate you calling the play and I hope
you have a fabulous day. Heyyou so thank you. You're listening Good
Morning Drive with Christie Live on demand.