Episode Transcript
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Thee Is Podcast. Welcome back toanother episode of Petty Hala and I'm Kala.
What's good with you the week?And Patty what you do? Oh
wow? Well, I actually wasn'ttoo crazy. I was driving you know,
la drivers, la traffic the worst. A driver cut me off,
and I just wasn't in the moodfor it. It was my time in
the month, so I just had, you know, extra anger about it.
And I literally beaped my horn forthree blocks and just not three blocks.
I'm excited my horn still works,but I was like, not,
I was having an off day andhe cut me off, or she cut
me off, whatever the hell wasnot the road ray and you following him
and beeping a horn? Well hewas just in front of me for that
long. And then when he madehis turn and I was like, all
right, cool, let me keepgoing straight and I stop beating my horn.
But yeah, for three blocks,I beaped and followed What about you?
Okay, I don't know. Iguess this is petty, But I
didn't hold the elevator door open forsomebody, you know what, You just
like want to be in the elevatoralone, and they're far enough backwards not
rude but like I could have waiteda cry the door open. But sometimes
you know you because the elevator beawkward sometimes and sometimes you feel like you
need to make small talk if youknow the person sometimes and I just want
to let me ride up in peace. Okay. I hate riding the elevator
with people, honestly. I ifsomebody's in the elevator, I'll walk slower
just so they can like let thedoor close it because I don't want to
ride with you either, so they'reprobably please let her get up, Please
let her get up. I'm like, push the button in my close close.
I get read somewhere that that buttondoesn't even work. It's just like
a thing that they put there forfun. But the door's going to close
regardless. I feel like it doesn'trush the door. I like pressing a
million times and the door is stillcloses when it's supposed to. Okay,
petty things, our listeners did.I write down a list of everyone who
tells me happy birthday, so ifI see if it's someone's birthday and they
aren't on my list, they won'tbe getting a happy birthday for me.
Okay, Okay. A list that'snew, that's next level this is oh,
I mean low key. I'll bedoing that sometimes, but I don't
want to be writing down the extisod. But like, if you don't say
happy birthday to me, that's abig thing. Like I'm not gonna say
have birthday to you. Yeah,I mean I probably won't unless I forget
because I'm not writing a list.So yeah, they never got time for
all that. But yeah, butif you're crossing my mind, like,
oh, it's her birthday, shecan't say a birthday to me. M
go about my day. Yeah.My girlfriend told me she was insecure about
her food path. That's like afat birthing area, the golory stomach.
So my girlfriend told me she wasinsecure about her food pa. So when
we got into an argument, Istared at her stomach the entire time she
spoke. St that's fucked up.That's fucked up. People, I'd be
scared about my food. But sometimestoo, No, I get like and
honestly, when anybody stares at anything, I get super insecure about. Like
if you're just staring at my shairand I'm like, what's wrong? That's
wrong? Yeah, like on forehead, like my teeth, is there something
in there. Yeah, like what'sgoing on? So that is? That
is that? That's next level becausethen if she agreed like were a girl,
but it's a little kiky joke joke. She can't even say anything to
you because it's like you didn't evensay anything disrespectfully, just stared. It's
like I wasn't even looking at that. How was your week? I start
my new job this week. Iam the producer of Shamelessly Chante on a
Real ninety two three. She isthe creator of Black Girl's Sunscreen. She
is We had a meeting last weekwhere we met in person, and then
I also went and met her atthe Black Girls on Screen headquarters and we're
kicking off the first episode with methis week. I am super excited because
I have never worked on a blackty, black black show, and it seems
like that's what this is about.How you have to be excellent and you
know, you know, worked twiceas hard as them and things like that.
So I just I love those kindof topics and I'm excited to see
this black girl magic and yeah,all of that that is amazing. Yeah,
Like she is a boss, that'swhat she is. She has built
a whole I know you were tellingme, like you went to the Black
Girl Sunscreen headquarters and it was justlike she was showing you all the work,
and I think it's amazing. Ithink they had like a collaboration with
Halle Bailey for when the Little Mermaidcame out. Yeah, I think that's
so dope. And I wear BlackGirl sunscreen obviously, because you're a black
girl need sunscreen. Black people feellike they don't need sunscreen, and with
that where that stigma or that thingcame from. But we needed even more
than the white people do. Sostock up on your sun's screen. And
Black Girls sunscreen is great because itdoesn't leave like a white cast exactly.
I fucking hate so gross looking.Yeah, so gross. I honestly,
he's one of those black people thatdidn't think that black people needed sunscreen.
I'm like, I don't. Inever got sunburn. I'm like, I
just get tan, I get cuteand that's it. That's all. Yeah,
we're in New Jersey, like alot of the Caucasians, they got
sunburn. It was like, ohgirl, you need some sunscreen. And
then when I moved to La it'sa whole different sun and I actually got
like sunburn on my face and I'mlike, wait, I'm black. I
can get this. So I waslike, oh, I do need to
start taking care of my skin.And I don't think many people take on
that field or that realm of discussionwhere it's like black people's skincare and just
melanated skin and how to take careof it. And I think Chantey Lundi
is one of the first people tokind of trailblaze that. And I know
she got told a lot, knowa lot of the times, and now
her product is in fifteen thousand stores. I'm across the nation and it's still
growing and I just launched on Amazontoo. Yeah, and just and I
see all the accolades around the officeand all the awards that she's won.
She is a power house and I'mexcited to learn from her and we're close
to her. So, yeah,that's kicking off this week. You're actually
our first guest. Yeah. Iwas so excited about that. That's funny
how that it happened. Yeah,Yeah, I got bump because I'll be
the producer now, so you gotit, you got hold down the interview.
But I'm really excited. I'm superexcited that you're our first guest,
because that's gonna calm my nerves andit'll be just a really good production.
Also, I saw on Netflix asa joke this past week. Did you
see that? Did you see alot of people going he yeah, yeah,
huh. It was like a wholefestival for a whole week. Yeah.
Yeah, it was a really goodtime. And which show did you
go to? I saw Andrew Schultz? I love it. He was so
funny. It was like I feltbad because it was like a little bit
cringe at times because comedy we're insuch hyper sensitive times. It's just like
things you're saying is like, ohmy god, did he just say that
outlayout out loud on stage? Butit was wild. It was really really
funny. I was just super annoyedbecause the guys behind us. I guess
they just had listened to Kendrick Lamaron the drive in or maybe for that
week, because they get saying everytwo seconds behind like like behind me,
and he said for Nick, andI turn around, like, what's your
ethnicity? Because the fuck you?Right? Watch it? Watch it.
He looks like he calmed down.He calmed down after that because he wasn't
so what you say for as whatyou forget all alor. But other than
that, it was really really funny. And I've had just a really good
week of just connecting friendships, hikingjob opportunities. Like God is good.
We got to go out and celebrate, like whine on you because you because
what you got going on? Okay, well I guess we get into me.
Yeah, so I gotta do jobopportunity as well. So I'm not
moving. I'm not leaving kiss.And I think it's really hard for non
radio people to understand because when Ilike told to my friends is like,
wait, you're moving to Minneapolis,and I'm like, no, it doesn't
really work like that. But andI honestly shouldn't be saying this because we're
you know, we like we prideourselves in like live in local. Imagine
your radio and when you hear somebodyon the radio, they're actually there,
well in some cases they're not actuallythere. So I'm going to be doing
the night show for a radio stationin Minneapolis. It's called k KDWB.
It's a huge radio station, numberfifteen in the market, like market number
fifteen, which okay, And it'sa legendary station. It always has been,
and they I just accepted the jobto do six pm to eleven pm
every single night, five days aweek, or seven five days a week,
so well Monday through Friday, okay, so what are you What are
you doing in your head? I'mtrying to do the time difference like like
what not that you're going to bedoing it live live, right, So
I won't be doing it live,so I'm going to be doing it the
day before, so I still willbe doing like Kiss. So say like
I was gonna be on tomorrow,right, so I'll track it tonight.
I think changes with Kiss. I'mstill gonna be live one Kiss, you
know, every single day. Istill doing weekends on Kiss, but it's
just another station. I already havethe other other other stations that I do
track for, but I would saythis one is my biggest because that's the
Kiss. You're not going to bedoing Liners. You're gonna kind of be
doing more what you do get moreconversational because exactly what the other stations you're
kind of doing like Liners. Butthe other stations that I do for overnights,
it's about twenty of them, it'sjust Liners, So it's mad easy
I do weekend shows and those arefull shows. It takes a lot of
time, but this will be myfirst station other than Kiss that I'm doing
every single day. It's great formy paycheck, America America. It's great
for my paycheck. And it's justlike, I don't know, just another
reminder that God is he got me, you know, another reminder that he
has me on the path that I'msupposed to be. And even if sometime
times I feel like, you know, what is it God, I'm hurting,
Like He's like, well, thisis this, this is what I
have for you, Calea. Theseare the blessings that I have for you
because you were obedient. So yeah, I start on Monday, so that
is gonna be. That's amazing.Congratulations. I know that you are nervous
about it, and I'm so happywhen I got that text message that you
were the one that came out onside, because that's all period. I'm
excited because the program director, likewe talked on the phone today and he
because he seemed nice. He's sonice, He's so cool. I mean,
he told me that he had beenlistening to me since I was at
Pop Crush back in didn't know whenI was in Trenton, New Jersey.
So I was on PST and thenI had a syndicating show called pop Crush,
and so he knew me since then, and he was like, I
kind of followed your career since then. I think you sound amazing on air
and would just love for you tobe a part of this station. And
I was like, oh my gosh, yeah, so you honestly do.
I remember I was in a gasstation in La one of these times.
I guess they were playing Kiss FM, and I think my brother was in
town, and I'm like, andhe and of course he listened to because
he loves me and he loves youas a result. But we were in
the gas station and your voice cameon, and I'm like, she sounds
so amazing. She sounds so goodlike you sound amazing. Both of us
opportunities like more money, more moneyat the end of the day, that's
what it's about, you know,period. So I just thank god.
I can't thank him enough. Andthen later this week, possibly interviewing Bryson
Tiller, like my boodang prep forthat? No, yeah, you only
get is cute? Well I don'the is he a hat? I've never
seen him without a hat. Idon't trust people that don't we that don't
come out without hair. I amactually never He probably is a hat fish,
and I think about it, butI know he's coming in for a
live lounge with real we'll see ifhe has a hat, he probably will
like. No, he's not ahalf fish. He's hot. Let me
see. Okay, Oh yeah,I wonder why he wears the because he
can. Yeah, look both ways. Maybe it should be exciting. And
just a lot of things keep comingin the works, and every week is
something different. And I don't know, it's just it's it's I'm just thankful.
God is good. God is goodall the time and all the time.
God is good. Who's not good? Clay from Freaking Love is Blind?
My God? See you know what, I'm not one the slut shame.
This is slut shame at all.But like so for those of you
who don't know, who didn't see, Clay from Love Is Blind is now
dating Selena Powell. She is aknown and she's a proud thought. She
has slept with almost everybody in theindustry. She music industry rappers, but
she also like exposes them and lieslike some of them aren't some of the
exposure isn't even true, right,So she'll like in some cases, she'll
always like sneak a video of hairlying with the guy or a rapper or
somebody somebody heard she had. There'sso many she was like, she was
pregnant by somebody? Does she havea baby by somebody? I don't know.
I know that she was saying thatoffset she did on CARDI b with
her and then that got proven falseor so as far as we know,
I forgot about that. Yeah,she was in the middle of all that.
Yeah, that's how I think Ifound out who she was. And
I think so now she's dating Clayfrom Love is Blind and she posted a
video with him, and in thevideo, I think he tried to like
avoid the camera initially and then justkind of like gave into it, or
maybe he gave her a kiss onthe cheek nocause he gave. Yeah,
he gave her a kiss on thecheek. I was that he tried to
get out of the video. Thefact that he even allowed her to post
that, And I'm wondering, okay, is just for clout because ain't no
way like you have to know shethat she has been with half of Hollywood.
Yeah, yeah, you're kissing halfof Hollywood. You're kssing the industry.
The second year in such as hers, you're kissing the industry. Look
at him trying to get out ofthe video a little right in the beginning,
and I think you'd reached a littlebit because because then I don't think
he would have kissed her and wait, yeah, just did too much.
I don't know. But either way, I just think it's so crazy because
you know, if you remember fromthe season finale of The Love is Blind,
the reunion him and a d didnot work out. A big reason
why that Clay said the ad wasn'tthe one for him is because she he
said her finances weren't in tact,and that I think it was. It
was two things. She had asugar daddy that threatened her and him and
hit him in yo, didn't havelike a solid job or wasn't good at
that, like the job wasn't sustainable. But she said she was doing real
estate, but he was saying,she doesn't even do that, like she
has a sugar daddy, right yeah, yeah, and that was like a
problem for him. But Selena,how do you think she has her I
don't think it's the industry paint allthe Nigga only fans, right, I
don't know. It was just crazyand I think it was a lot of
bullshit that he spewed at the reuniontalking about Amen's therapy. I mean,
are we do we sound like thejudge? I think the new fuck boy
is the boy that's like, I'min therapy, I'm healing, I'm working
on myself. I can't act rightto you because I'm working on myself and
I'm healing and I'm just spending timewith me and meditating and get a better
love on your fucking onlyfan models likeSelena Powell. You're not working on yourself.
You're you're a cloud chaser. Youonly went on Love Is Blind to
be famous. Now you're with SelenaPale, so you can also be famous.
He was also seen hugged up withanother Only Fans model. Yet you
tore down that dark skinned black womansaying that she has a sugar daddy and
her finances are in check. Getyour wiped up with these white women or
Caucasian or lighter skinned women who areclearly making that money from sugar daddy's and
only fans get the fuck out ofhere. I don't respect you. I
think you're a cloud chasing. Ithink you have something as black women,
and I don't like it. Ievery amen to all that period, And
I think that his mom would bevery disappointed because if you remember the season
finale, you know, and howhis mom got his dad together, you
know what I mean. And Isaw somebody in the comments was like,
yeah, his dad is probably hittinghim up, like okay, when's my
time? But like, I don'tlike his mom just seems like a stand
up woman, such a respectable woman, And I don't know, like if
he she would be okay with this. Now, I'm not trying to judge.
If you want to be a sexworker, you want to be a
OnlyFans model, Okay, okay.But Selena Powell has been known to be
a very nasty woman. She tearsdown other women, She talks crap about
everybody. Last week she just saidfree Tory Lanez. Like there's so many
things about her, and she's goingon podcasts like admitting to giving people like
sharing STD Like there's so many things. She used to date DJ Academics,
they had the situation she's she hasdeliberately cheated with men who have girlfriends knowingly
and did not care, and theywould get on the internet and brag about
it. So that is why Ifeel comfortable saying all this shit about her,
because she genuinely is not a goodperson. She knows she's not a
good person, and she's proud ofit. So I don't think your mom
would be proud, Clay that you'rewith somebody like this, because that's not
how your mom is, you knowwhat. And I agree with you,
like it's not necessarily the sex workeraspect of it. I think I agree
with you with everything you said asfar as her being a trash person.
But I also think like if youwere the man that Clay was trying to
portray himself to be, with themorals and values that you have betrayed yourself
to have, you wouldn't be datinga woman like that. And I just
think that you are an inconsistent person. He made himself seem to be above
Ad, better than Ad. OhI got this going on. I need
this a da da da da.And then, but are you kidding me?
Do you see what Ad is doingnow? She is booked and busy.
I mean she just hosted something forNetflix as a joke, like that
idea and like, and you knowwhat I respect about her this whole type
whole thing is like she kept herdignity and like her character is still intact.
She doesn't ever bad mouth him.Like I'll watch her lives on Talk
and she'll just be like, Nope, we're not together, you know what
I mean? She never like hasever said anything bad about him, and
he hasn't said anything bad about her. But like she has every right I
disagree. Well, I don't.I think his best man says something bad
about it, and then like alsolike questioned her finances and saying that she
has a sugar daddy, and thesugar daddy like walked up on him and
his best friend telling them to leave. And I don't know if it was
necessarily him, it might have beenhis best friend saying it. But I
just think that that's a reflection ofyourself, because your best friend is going
to say anything that you didn't greenlight them to say. So yeah,
I think that ad held him toa higher standard than he held her too.
Yeah, It's just it's very disappointing. And I honestly, just like
you said, I don't think heever wanted to be with a black woman,
if we're being honest, right,do we all remember when she came
out from behind that screen those screendoors, and that it was a glimpse
in his face of disappointment. Yeah, and he got himself together obviously because
they are cameras, you could tellthat he wasn't very attracted to her a
like on first glance until she turnedaround and showed her body. And it's
not necessarily like everyone on the internetand is like we should have known from
the beginning that he wants a whitewoman, like that was what he wanted
from the beginning, Like Ad neverstood a chance because you know, this
is what he really wanted. Andthat might be true, maybe he does.
Who knows what his actually his type, But it wasn't Ad. No,
it wasn't a d and And hemade it seem like he had a
lot of healings to do and hewas just so scared I'm going to cheat
on you. I just I justI'm scared I'm going to cheat and I
just can't help it, and Ijust don't want to do that to you.
Oh my dad, my dad cheated, So I think it got passed
down to me, and it's justI inherited the cheating youse, the bitch,
get the fuck out of here.I think it's so the The big
like I was saying, the bigtopic online right now is like, is
he attracted to a black woman?Why did these white Why did these black
men always go for the white woman? And I think that's been a conversation
for so long, And I knowthat a lot of black women find take
offense to interracial relationships. Me personally, I don't care you love who he
love. You know, I wouldda white man. It is what it
is. Okay, if he hasswag like Justin Bieber, yeah, and
if he if he was understanding whenI did. I did date a white
man before. Okay. It tooka lot of like I felt it was
on my experience were invalidated. Ihad to explain a lot like oh,
you know, this person said thisto me, and I feel like they
meant it that way. That's notwhat they meant, that's not what this
is. And it's like, oh, I don't do that to me.
Yeah, but I never experienced thatwith a black man like you. You're
not going to invalidate my experiences inAmerica. I just and that's not I
know that are's a plenty of peoplein interracial relationships where that doesn't happen.
That was just my experience, andI was just so, Yeah, after
an exhausting day, I don't wantto be exhausted trying to vince my partner
about it or trying to like educateyou. Yeah. I've seen both ends
of the spectrums in my friend.So, my best friend is white,
her name and her name is Gabby, and she's in she's with a black
black man and as being my bestfriend like and for ten plus years,
and she has obviously has other blackfriends like she is very educated on an
understanding, sympathetic, empathetic to whatwe go through. Never try to act
like she can relate, but isthere for us, always stands up for
us and knows the struggle of ablack man because of how close that we
are, and I have educated her. I've also have a friend who was
a black man who used to bedating married to a white woman and whenever
he felt disrespected out in public byother people, mainly because being judged for
being a tall, big black man, and he felt like the waters being
racist to him and she was like, it's all in your head. It's
all in your head. You're no, it's not that he's not being racist,
like you're just overexaggerating and so likenot at all trying to see it
from his perspective. So I've seenboth ends, yeah, and I think
I think both things are true.I have a sister in law. My
brother has been with her since Iwas eleven years old, so she's been
in my life majority more than halfof it. I don't know what life
is without her, and I've neverheard her say an inappropriate thing. When
America got tense, she was definitelylike woke. And my niece now looks
one hundred percent why you can barelytell she has any black And I just
love everything about their relationship and thatfamily. I think that they're beautiful.
Shout out to you, Katie.I love Katie. And then also,
I have a best friend who's marriedto a white man. And you know,
one thing that she said, andI never even thought about this,
We actually had this conversation recently.She said. It's kind of she said,
obviously there's pros and cons, butone of the things that that's really
nice is you don't have somebody who'sexhausted by the world because you know,
you go out in the world andyou get her earned and respected and you
know, loved in the world,and you come home and you're able to
have space and energy for her problems. And it's kind of it could be
a selfish thingment it's like I havethe energy for that, I have this
space for that because this world didn'tbeat me out. I came out.
I mean my money I saught.White people don't have problems. That's coming
off like white people have it perfectly, Like no, that's not the case,
and we're not saying that. Ofcourse you have your problems, but
it's not to the extent or likethe the emasculation or the disrespects you don't
necessarily experience that. You got intothis world. You're seen as a man,
you're treated as a man. Yougo home, you're able to have
space. So and like I nevereven thought of that, but she's like
I didn't think about that either,and it's something I actually just realized and
they're married now. It's like Ijust like it's like, yeah, it's
really nice to just have somebody tohave the space and the energy for whatever
I experienced it. Do you think, because I saw somebody said this,
a lot of black marriages aren't lastingnowadays. Do you think it's because we're
both dealing with so much turmoil outsidethat it's hard to come together. I'm
trying to like piece together what yousaid. So it's like he's being emasculated
out in the world, he's beingdisrespected out in the world. You know,
we have our struggles as black women, we come together and it's I
don't know, Yeah, we're mostjust exhausted by the world beating us down
at the end of the day,that we don't have time to pour or
energy to pour into each other becauseit's all been taken out of us from
the world. I don't know.I think that that's definitely a thing throughout
history. Like I know when I'veread this book called What the Fuck was
All Anyway? Something about the bluesteigeh And it was about how, you
know, make a long story surethat the man goes out in the world,
he gets disrespected, he's abused,He goes home, he abuses his
wife because the world abuses him,so he takes it out on her.
She can't do it back to him, so she takes out on the kid.
And that's how like the toxic,volatile punishment kind of goes into the
black community. And that was donethroughout history, like back in the day
when it was like really really,really bad. I don't know how that
translates today, but I don't thinkit's impossible. I don't think it doesn't
exist anymore. I think that's exactlywhat I dealt with in my past relationship.
Yeah, yeah, I think it'slike, if a black man he
needs to have something to live forand like in his job and his finances,
in his career and his goals,and if he doesn't have that,
if he's not financially where he wantsto be, if he isn't attaining or
reaching his potential, and he feelslike emasculated, he takes that out on
his partner. And mind you,that can be with any race, but
for me, in my black relationship, he takes that out on the partner,
makes the partner feel less than andlittle and then we just get,
yeah, that could have that couldhave been fighting, or that it could
be I mean translated to that energythat way. But yeah, but you
can't see. I always wonder likewhy why are marriages not lasting in the
black community, and then you havelike the white people with the white pick
of fence and they just let theysticking it out forever. Yeah, but
there are there are obviously. Ithink there there's pros and consent and both.
Like I'm sure, like you know, the white people have their issues
that they're dealing with, and there'sblack successful love too, you know.
So I just think two things canbe true. I think that that may
be an issue for the black community. I'm sure there's issues in the white
community that we know nothing about becausewe're not white, and we just it's
not something that we have to livethrough. We have to talk to a
white person and maybe see what theyknow that we don't know. Yeah,
but I definitely think that that mightbe a thing in the black community.
And however, black love is ispossible. It is possible. But I
know that Charleston White, you knowhe is, He's very controversial. I
hate him. I don't let meknow what you think about this, he
explained. You know how you're inthe NFL draft, you always see these
athletes, these black athletes with likewhite girls. I think the Eagles had
like a famous viral picture recently.Yeah, so he explained why black athletes
always end up with white women.Let me know how you feel about this.
If that rich the white woman,don't focus on your dick. Yeah,
she go get all the money,affaires and all to make sure the
business is run smooth. Go getthe charity and the black woman be squabbling
with you about your dick. Here, your black woman, go squabble with
you about your dick. White woman, go go open charities up or start
in front of your your your youknow, your business partner. And so
he'll see he'll start saying, man, you can't control your woman. Man,
your woman to come, so he'llstart not wanting to do business with
you because your woman to y'all tobe out together. The nigga, your
woman to catch your attitude in frontof his woman and wife and everybody by
being to be looking at your womancrazy because she and her feelings black woman.
Between the black women and the blackman, they and their feelings every
where everybody else trying to have agood time. They go get in their
feelings everybody else trying to conduct biddingand handle the bid. The nigga's gonna
be So that's why or that's whyyou see a nigga with a white bra
unless they've been with the woman likeSnoop Dogg, then jail. You know,
that's why. Or because nobody's trainingand teaching or black girls how to
deal with successful black men. Theyjust learned how to deal with hood niggas
or niggas who Yeah, ain't nobody'steaching and training the moment. Okay,
I can't listen to anything. I'mso done. Okay, So what did
you think about that? I hateto hear, like, date who you
want to date, but to upliftthe white women and put down the black
women on a microphone in twenty twentyfour is just absolutely as a black man,
that's insane to be Yeah, insane. What I heard was a black
woman won't shut up when he saidwon't shut up about your dick. I
think what he says is if aguy is cheating and doing whatever, we're
gonna make a fuss about who youwith, who you around, what are
you doing while a person of anotherrace will keep quiet, continue to do
big, do the charities, andsmile for the camera, while the woman
or a black woman will have anattitude because of your behavior. So when
we check you for your behavior andmaybe it's in public that's embarrassing. So
that's why you don't want to bewith us? Is that what I got?
I hate? I heard that too. I heard that too. I
just also hate when black women inattitude are brought up in the same sentence
like black women have this attitude.And then he also said something about black
women not being trained, like whatlike to date successful woen while white women
they're training and their behavior, theydon't have the attitudes. It's like,
it just sounds so Jim Crow,like, what are you saying right now
to say that we don't know howto be with a successful man? Is
why? Because at the end ofthe day, black women are the backbone
to a lot of black men's success, so a lot of men's success in
general. Are you kidding me?So? And sorry that I don't want
to be ran all over or disrespected. So I'm going to stand up for
myself and speak up for myself andnot let and hold you accountable for your
actions. And if that embarrasses you, and you're it will be embarrassed if
I call you out in front ofyour home boy, or if I don't
show up to an event because youare acting crazy out in these streets.
No, I'm not gonna smile forthe camera and act like everything's good when
my household isn't good. And andI don't think that you will do that,
honestly, Kaila, because I thinkthat you're a United Front type of
chick. So I don't think thatyou would cause an attitude to cause a
scene at a public place. You'llsmile, You'll do the Kala thing,
and then you'll confront it behind closeddoors like you like like we're trained to
do. Don't sit here and actlike I'm going to turn up at a
at an NFL party or at aat an event like I've been in these
rooms. I've been in these spaces. I definitely know how to carry myself
and trust and believe I know howto be a united front and confront you
at home. And I think it'salso just very funny because while people what
was his name, Charleston White.While people like Charleston White are talking like
that, there's Ben Horowitz. He'sworth one point six billion dollars, he's
an entrepreneur, and he just madea statement saying that he only dates black
women. I think he's married toa black woman. He says he prefers
dating black women because they're loyal,they guard your interest, and dating black
women are for grown ups. Soyou're gonna treat her with respect. She'll
treat you what respect. She'll honoryour values or what's important to you.
She'll make sure that you feel likea man. She'll be loyal to you.
She'll uplift you as long as youuplift her. But yeah, if
you're sitting here putting your dick inother people, you're not going to get
a loyal ride or die chick.I'm sorry, that's just not how it
works. Sorry, absolutely that thisperson's like, yeah, you're happy,
this person's using you, building charity, is making the money off you and
allowing you to dog her just soshe can probably take that shit and leave
like with halfy, Like just Ijust can't. One of the comments said
black women don't feel like the prizewhen dating successful black men. The man
is automatically the prize, and sheis fighting for her life trying to keep
him. Don't want him. Uh, she's fighting for her life trying to
keep him, and so like thatreminded me of like the whole Simone Biles
situation. I remember how you knowhe got onto that podcast and was like,
I'm the prize, I'm the prize. And then Simone Biles went on
her to call me Daddy's Up podcastand said, well, he is surprised,
like he is a catch and heknows that. And I don't think
anything's wrong with that. And Isee where she's coming from, but I
don't know. Yeah, I don't, cause I think and I don't.
I never really listened to it,and I can't admit when I when I
click the internet, clickbait and thenrun with that narrative. But from when
it seems, it just makes itseem like he's trying to humble her and
like not praise her to the levelthat she should be praised at when she's
like an Olympia Olympic history making championand you like barely made it in football
or basketball, Like you're like,if you were to compare your careers,
you're not shit compared to her.And I don't think that you uplift her
and give her the prise that shedeserves. When you get on the microphones
and you have the chance to dothat said, you try to humble her
and uplift yourself, so people kindof see you in a vision. And
I just don't like that. Ican understand if he was doing the same
kind of interviews. She was like, yeah, he could be like he
could say I'm a prized, she'sa prized and we found each other.
But he's like, I'm deprissed.I'm depressed. She's like, yeah,
she's depressed. He's driven an hourto come to go on a date with
me. She took me out andthere was just like a lot of me,
me, me, I'm the prize, and it was no giving simone
her flowers at all. And that'swhat I just did not like at all.
Yeah, and so I wish andthen you know, everyone was like,
divorce him, divorce And of course, you know, he probably is
an amazing husband to her, youknow, behind the scenes, but I
just did not like. I wishhe had spoke highly of her. Yeah,
to the Republic, Yeah, becauseI feel like that that interview with
him saying that he was a prizehappened so long ago, and other interviews
snippets have come out since then,and it's kind of been a consistent theme
with him kind of trying to humbleher and her coming out defending him and
uplifting him as well. But Idon't see again many interviews where he's speaking
about his queen the way he should. You say that a lot of black
men in general don't give uplift they'reBlack women. The black women like because
as common said, you know usblack women, we don't feel like the
prize. Well, I think thatif you're in a relationship, I think
you do. I think I thinka lot of black If you see what
jay Z did at the Grammys,he was like, you know this queen,
I'm gonna speak up for her.So I don't like the generalization because
this I can't even remember his nameis doing this. That's what all black
men do. But I do thinkthat women in general one get put down.
Black women at the bottom of thetotal total pole. So there are
men that are going to do that. But I do think that there are
a good amount of men that upliftthey're black queens. Yeah, yeah,
I agree. Also real quick,I don't know if you speak while we're
on this and talking about black peoplehaving attitudes, I don't know. Do
I love Jersey Shore my guilty pleasureshow, Love It, Love It,
Love It. Vinnie did an interviewsaying that he almost exclusively, exclusively only
only dates black women, and thereasoning why goes back to like the black
woman attitude. At least that's whatthe host was saying. So oh,
because they can keep you in checkand they can do this any kind of
valued and uplifted the black woman.And I really like this narrative that's being
created. I was like, Oh, for really, you like black girl?
Yes? Yeah? Was it abad thing? No, she's I'm
just saying no, But what wasthe story is it? Can you say
it? Tell you later? Iwas like, was it bad? I'll
cut it out? And similar TVto you. I was like, actually,
oh yeah, I almost sid exclusivelyblack women? What only last more?
I thought that was poly d No, we have similar tastes as in
chocolate or just like yeah chocolate.Yeah. But he actually like he's more
known for it because he's been withhis girl now for like three years,
a Jamaican girl. Why black women? You know the studies are the rumors
are true? You know which whichis? Once she goes black? Oh
okay, I was gonna say blackand a berry the sweetest too, they're
all true. All the studies aretrue. Because you like to eat?
Do you like that? Like blackwomen get you more in check? Like
what is it? I just findthem really beautiful, and I like,
I like thicker, like kind oflike slim, thicker and ship. So
okay, they sometimes they're they're morehave a probability of having curves than like
skinny white girls. Okay. Andthen culturally too, like I get along
with black people better than like latinasor something like that because they have curves
too, you know what I mean. But like culturally I don't know.
I just like I've always gotten alongwith like black people more when you start
dating white women, what happens?So yeah, I just like the narrative
is changing around around black women.And there's also this TikTok trend where it's
like what is it you get theblack wife or before the black wife and
after what is it called a blackwife or something like that, And it's
like, I do like the lightthat we're being shown in now, so
trust us shout out to us.Okay. So I don't know if you
saw this by Erica Banks, shedoesn't like men who complain. She says
that a man should not be complainingabout anything. Listen to this. Complaining
is a man because why would youever, Yeah, why would you ever
your opinion about you should let mebe the man. The world is perfect
and you have no right to sayship about all. So it's like,
you know, especially if you everything'sjust right and you ain't got nothing,
you can't say ship about a motherfuckingthing. It is to make sense if
you do complain, but like youcan't, bro, I just don't.
Just don't, okay, just don't. Just don't complain. Shut the fuck
up. I want to make surenothing wrong. Nothing. You can't complain
about ship nothing. What would youcomplain about it? Don't sound so in
other words, you don't want anigga to open up to you about it.
Like, so, feelings but don'tcomplain. Feels are different, so
what's the difference. Expressing your feelingsis telling me how you feel. Complaining
is like complain. Just don't fuckingcomplain. Complain girl, So we can't
complain, but a man can't complain. I love complaining with my man.
Yeah, like we can both complainall day, Okay. I think that
that just leads like toxic masculinity likewhy can't why can't he just have like
complain like, yeah, this worldsucks. You should be a safe space
for your maha. Yeah, whycan't you be a place where he comes
home and thence after a long dayhis boss did so and so or something
happened and he wants to complain aboutnot getting Like that's a part of a
relationship. You're supposed to be ableto, you know, help him dissect
everything that's going through his mind andall his thoughts for sure. And I
and I think that I dated menyou know that that said who got emotion
in front of me? Or theycried or and it's like yeah, they
like got o. I'm actually embarrassedand say, oh my god, I'm
so sorry this is happening, LikeI can't believe, like I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry. I'm showing methe side of showing you this side of
me. And it's like it's okay, it's all right, Like yeah,
Brye, it's fine. What's goingon, Like what's going on? Talk
to me? He's like, peopletell me that that's unattractive. Don't do
that, like men don't do that. Like women have genuinely said this to
me, and I'm thinking they're lying, trying to be are need healing here?
Comfort me? But like the existthey's clear, and she's so serious,
too crazy, so serious. ButI feel like when you should.
It's a problem when your man stopscomplaining to you, because that means he's
like talking to somebody, talking tosomebody else, resolving his issues without you,
And then now there's a even biggerdisconnect in your relationship. And I
worked with doctor Wendy for some yearsnow, and from what I learned,
you've been asked like, would yourather have your man pay for a prostitute
every week and have sex every monthand have sex? Would you rather him
have dinner and not have any sexwith somebody? But emotionally he has a
connection with another woman that he like, which one would you rather prefer?
And nine times out of ten,the dinner wins or the sex wins.
Because people realize, for Ben,sex isn't that serious. It's just a
physical act. Where but if I'memotionally connecting with you and I'm telling you
my deepest feelings like that he caredabout that emotional cheating, is it hits
harder than a one night stand?For sure? But absolutely don't see either
one of them. Okay, butlike it's true because once he has that
emotional connected, oh he's gone.So it's fact that there's women out there
who think like this. And thenthey got like she couldn't even tell that
the man that she was talking toor like on that podcast was being sarcastic
agreeing with her. But the elevatordoes not go all the way up,
girl, Like clearly you It's whatit sounds like, is you want a
sugar daddy. You don't want apartner, because a partner is a safe
space for each other. You wantsomebody that will just listen to your problems
and that and buy you stuff.I agree, and I think that people
don't understand what a relationship is anymore. It's all about what you can do
for me, how flashy we canlook together. It's not about genuinely supporting,
supporting and caring about each other anymore. I don't like this notion that
like men can't be human. ButI also think that that there's people playing
a role. I can't even rememberwho A lot of a lot of went
viral recently for saying like I don'ttrust you if your toothbrush and electric and
then somebody like screenshot her with aregular ass toothbrush like three days ago.
But it's like, y'all get it. I don't even dress myself like y'all
just be saying shit like this.I can't even listen to this stuff no
more, because nine times out often, like, did she really feel
like this? No, it's justa crazy clickbait headline. I mean,
maybe she does, but hopefully thatman running my arm. All right,
let's get into petty Award of theWeek. Okay, I'll go first.
So King Combs, you know,Christian Combs, Didy's son. So he
dropped a dish tracks truck. Well, first of all, this is the
year of being exposed, and Iblame Kat Williams because he said in that
Shayshay interview that the truth will beexposed this year, and lord, the
truth has been exposed in multiple ways. Okay, So King Combs, he
dropped the dis track the other dayagainst anybody who's dissing his dad and specifically
fifty cent. Yeah, seriously,I don't know why you would ever even
think about anyway, but I guessthat's his dad. Amen. Some of
the lyrics were police raid the crib, like they think we selling crack,
but we out here selling tracks.So okay, no, no, no,
no, Like you're actually having asex ring in your house, you
have trafficking, like and you're you'redismissing it, like and talking about we
out here selling tracks. No,you're actually doing illegal shit. And nobody
accused you of selling crack when youaccused you of selling women exactly somebody,
then he said, diverting his attention. Then he said to about fifty cent
when all they had was a wasfifty cent who put this city on the
map? Stop lying, and justa bunch of other lines towards fifty cent.
No no, and the city sentcame back though and like posted a
screenshot of like how he this isn'tfunny but like abuse you know, oh
yeah, put a screenshot about likehow he abused his like ex girlfriend and
how there was like a picture ofyou know, her wrists or that was
like sprained or bruise. He waslike, put you out here hitting women,
King colmbs, But he ain't theone. He's not the one.
Do not mess with him. Iused to think like he was the biggest
troll, Like I just think hewas so un attractive. I used to
think he was such a bully andjust such a nasty person. But now
I came home like him and he'sfunny. And then he also like he
just don't move for the industry shiplike I'm not like I'm not I'm not
kissing no ass, Like this ishow I feel, and I'm going to
just say it like I feel andI like that. Like that, I'm
going to give mine to ty Reese. Uh, ty Reese is so unintentionally
funny, Like I don't think heeven plans to be as funny as this
man is. But he was doinga concert. I can't even remember where
right now, but he was doinga concert and his bodyguard whispered in his
ear that somebody was there to servehim legal documents because he's being sued by
somebody named Brian Barber for defamation andmaking rue comments about him. So Tyese
is in the middle of singing,how you're going to act like that on
stage? His bodyguard whispers something tohis hair, Why did he sing?
Like off stage and just ended theshow right there, like how are you
going to thank you guys? Havea good night? Like in the middle
of his sad he like ended thisshow so he would not get served his
legal papers like Patti as a hell, Tyrene, I can't, I can't.
I have to give it to him. I think I'm gonna give it
to him too. Patty, pleaseretract that distract because it was so freaking
way you have to go down withyour daddy all right now to get into
a petty mail. Denise from Chinowrites, dear Kayla, and Kayla,
would you go on a really expensivefirst date? Yes? What? I
was just invited to Noble? Ilove Noble. I was just invited to
Noble with somebody I've never met.I know they are wealthy. I know
there are wealthy people in LA.But I'm lower middle class. And uh
and if the worst case scenario happensand I get stuck with the bill,
I can't cover it. I hadsome very poor and suspicious dating experiences in
LA. So should I be cautiousor should I just go? H never
met the person invited you to Noble? I mean I will go. You're
not gonna get stuck with what doyou mean? You mean paid? I'm
not getting stuck with the bill.I will walk out that's what I'm saying.
Inviting me here, and I willmake a scene with your attitude,
with my nasty black girl attitude,I will make a seed. No,
I do think like there are ways. And I remember me and my friend
we went on a double date onetime, and I was like, I
don't know if they're going to payfor us. Like not that we didn't
have money, but it's like Icould stay in the house and watch Netflix,
but we're gonna go out. We'regonna hang with these guys. If
they try to make us pay,sleep, we're walking out. Understood.
She's like, understood, that's aplayer. I'm not paying for the shit,
period. So I think that youknow, if he even alludes,
like before the bill even comes,if you feel like he's not about to
pay, be like him into thedressroom real quick. You get the check,
get to that car, and gohome. Yeah, just like they
do in the movies. It'll beso fun. You got this girl.
Okay, we're out of here.Thank you so much for hanging out.
What do you got coming up thisweek? New job meetings, work work
work, work, work work work, Yeah, same new job next Monday.
Wish me lucks? Do you wantto go to hit class on Saturday.
Yes, and then we can probablywait Saturday yes, okay, and
then we could get a celebratory somethingnot not a drink because I know I
got working a lot. Maybe acelebrity. Yeah, well we do get
like coffee yourself in the work nextlike so yeah, well we'll figure that,
but yeah, chill week. Ifyou need any advice, ask at
page podcast dot com. Make sureyou follow me at the Kayla Austin I
am at Kayla Thomas forty by