Episode Transcript
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Hop doom My, Come dou HappyWednesday, Rock ninety five five. Good
morning, Roadies, good morning,good morning, Hello, Auntie Taylor show
is on. Good morning, Maren, Good morning, Little good morning morning.
How you're doing. We made it, We made it. You know.
I just realized yesterday a new NinjaTurtle game came out and I didn't
download it yet. Oh I know. Oh it's gonna be on my brain.
Oh day. Well, Maris haschecked out everybody, so be a
fun show. Hope you're doing good. Thank you for having us on all
the time. Today on the show, we got Metallica tickets. That is
during Don't Kill Antie about eight twenty. Everybody that gets the Metallica tickets this
week is qualified for the VIP frontrow upgrade on Friday. Yes, we
also have Sammy Hagar tickets. Itis White Sox Wednesday Family four pack of
tickets for that Rocky the Roost areis here. First keyword after eight am,
thirteen times a day, you geta shot at one thousand bucks.
Text us any time, call usanytime eight four four ninety five fifty.
This is your show. We wantto chat with you, Okay today Chicago
seventy nine scattered storms. It ishumid though, yeah, hum hum humor,
Oh under boob sweat alert today,thanks for listening. Let's kick you
in the crotch. What do youneed at five am? A big kick
in the crutch? Big one,big kick in the crotch? What's my
zombie? Yes, Rock ninety fiveto five. Oh what what? Marius
is having a moment already? Turtles? All righty, I told you it's
gonna be a lot of mericisms today. That was beautiful what you just did
by that? That was that wasbeautiful. We're gonna do some white zombie
yes for you're kicking the crotch today? Do we have it? We have
it? Oo baby, she'd befire strap baby strap in Rock ninety five
to five. Why Tomber more humanthan uma? Rock ninety five five.
You've been kicked, yeah, rightin the crotch and your humid, sweaty
crotch kicked you. Let's get thisdamn show on the road. We're gonna
tell you what happened on this day. All the history that happened way back
on this day is next. Rockninety five to five. Ouiza, Rock
ninety five to five, Louis onWednesday, good morning, Auntie Taylor Shell.
Let's tell you what happened on thisday. Today's July twenty fourth,
twenty twenty four. On this day, July twenty fourth, nineteen sixty four,
Barry Bonds was born. He issixty today. Steroid amusing cheap Hall
of Fame candidate has a huge headand he still had a lot of raw
talent before steroids, which was crazy. Such an amazing athlete. How strong
he became afterwards. Do you thinkthe steroids made his head bigger? I
think so, because I think MarkMcGuire had the same effect. You get
a big head, or at leasthis neck just waring masks. Yeah,
his head's big. On this day. In nineteen ninety eight, Saving Private
Ryan was released. It went onto win five Academy Awards, Best Director
with Steven Spielberg, Best Cinematographer,Best Film Editing, Best Sound Editing,
and Best Sound Mixing. Great movie. I feel like war movies always sweep
with sound editing and sound mixing,just because all of the chaos I gotta
put to you. Yeah. Probably. On this day. In two thousand
and five, Lance Armstrong won hisseventh straight Tour de Front's Race right before
retiring from the sport. Then allof his titles were stripped because he was
cheating, ass cheater, doping theentire time. And then I threw my
livestrong wristband in the garbage. Thisis a cheaters Day. On July twenty
fourth, Happy Cheeter Day. Andtoday it's Florida Man. Florida Man high
out of his mind on ecstasyrooms,PCP and LSD, takes a bite out
of a police officer's head at anEDM concert and somehow that all seems normal
for Florida. It does. Hewas only missing the bath Salts who had
had the perfect cocktail of crazy.Oh my goodness, that's what happened on
this day. We love you forbeing here every day. Rock ninety five
to five, Ariama, Rock ninetyfive to five, Good morning, Happy
Wednesday. When you were a younglad, yes, Maurice, Yes,
did you have like the building toyslike legos, Legos and Lincoln logs and
stuff like that, tinker toys ofcourse connects. Apparently the fund carries over
into adult versions. Now there's anew report on the Happiest Industries. The
analyze things like culture and values,diversity, inclusion, work life, balance
money, career opportunities, management opportunities, and they determine that the happiest job
in the world is in legos construction. Yeah yeah, this is a thing.
Oh yeah. You get the satisfactionof being like I helped build something,
right, Like a lot of thesejobs might take a little bit of
time, but like if you justfinished working on a highway or you finished
building a building, like you cansit and marvel at what your role is
in that. I guess I neverthought about that part. You do get
to see your work, yes,and be like I did that. Whereas
if you're like you know, andthen you can like your family drives by
and or brag about it, likethey help build that building or I did
this highway. Oh yeah, wehave a lot of construction workers that listen.
If you're listening on your way tothe jaw, send us a text.
Do you agree with that that you'rereally happy in your gig and construction?
I know you make good money eightfour four ninety five fifty Send us
a text accounting and taxes a secondmoney, But like, I mean,
I'm not a math brain get paid. Well, it's whatever side of your
brain is left side. That's notmy side on the other side, followed
by manufacturing, tech and healthcare okay, lowest for happiness, oh boy,
retail and commerce that's obvious. Legal, that's got to be stressful. I
bet it's all the stuff that youhave to memorize. Well just like yeah,
and like it's just drama all someof those cases got to really take
it out of you. Tourism Iwas alone, I would find that fun.
I would think it would be fine. I can see it getting old
quickly, sure. Transportation and logistics, and then hospitality. Hmmm, that's
a hospitality. A lot of complaining, Yeah, a lot of that's directly
tied into customer service. Yeah.If you have to deal with customers,
basically you hate it. Yeah.Construction you get to do your own thing.
You're out there in the in theenvironments or in the rain, sleet,
snow sometimes but whatever. So doyou agree with that? Construction people
eight four four ninety five fifty sentus a text with your happy ass job.
Good for you, Thank you forlistening. We're going to tell you
what's up for your day. Allthe news and info that you need is
next Rock ninety five to five,Rock ninety five to five Happy home day.
How you doing Auntie Taylor's show?It is muggy today, seventy nine
maybe some rain storms. Thank youfor listening. Let me tell you what's
up for your day. Angie willnow fill your brain with the right amount
of craft for your day. Here'swhat's up oo, big new project.
United Center pitched a seven billion dollarplan called the nineteen oh one Project to
upgrade the near West Side neighborhood.Nineteen oh one Project is named for the
United Center's street address. It's beingsold. It's a transformational, multi billion
dollar neighborhood investment that would change theface of the entire area around United Center.
Fifty five acre mega project redeveloping allthe surface lots into entirely new,
mixed use neighborhood, including everything froma new music hall and a hotel to
retail, park space and up tofive thousand residential unit it that is amazing.
Yeah, that's gonna be great.I'm really pissed that I sold my
house that is six blocks from theUnited Center. Really about that today.
I mean, I'm still a milefrom United Center, but I was walking
dist They're just so much closer before. Oh man, you'd been hanging out
in those parks. The resell valueof that house. Oh my god.
Anyway, Hey, I want tolet you know about a new scam that's
targeting Chicago residents with fraudulent text messagesclaiming they have unpaid parking tickets. The
texts include a link to a fakewebsite website designed to steal your personal information.
This one Chicago resident received a suspicioustext from a phone number with a
three four to three area code that'sOntario, Canada. The message said,
hey, you've got some unpaid parkingtickets and then provided a link to pay
for it. He clicked on thelink, but quickly noticed all the red
flags. He said, I tooknotice that the dollar sign was after the
actual price that they had told me. It said thirty five point zhoh dollar
sign. He's like, so,yeah, be aware that if you get
those texts, especially from the threefour to three area code, no good,
it's a scam. I mean,if the letters aren't working, I
don't think a text message is goingto get invited to pay their parking ticket.
Hello Hello, come on, andnow, like with everything, like
I have to go online and checkto see if I have tickets. Yes,
monthly. That's how they get you. Oh, the Olympics are Friday.
Selene Dion's the greatest singer in theworld, will perform Friday at the
Olympics opening ceremony. She's being paidtwo million dollars for one song. Get
that check. Get that check.They're also footing the bill for travel and
accommodations for Selene and family. They'repaying a ton of money. This will
be her first performance since she steppedaway from the stage in twenty twenty two
after being diagnosed with stiff person syndrome. It makes She's French Canadian. Speaking
of celebrities at the Olympics, Snoopdog is heading to Paris to carry the
Olympic torch. Oh nice, he'llbe the second to last torch bearer.
I love that. I don't knowwho he's handing it off to yet that's
usually like the most coveted one,the very last one that likes the cauldron,
big French icon at that moment,or some of the big athlete,
whoever it is. Yeah, Isaw Selma Hyak was going to be a
I was like, this just gotsexier, those boobs running with the torch.
Snoop dogg is gonna light a bigjoint with the torch. That would
make with the torch. If helights a joy with a torch, make
it happen. Snoop, that's what'sup for your day. Thanks for rocking
with us today on Rock ninety fiveto five. Rock ninety five to five,
Good morning. We were just talkingabout Snoop at the Olympics carrying the
torch, which is hilarious. Whodo you think has more sex the Olympic
athletes during the Olympics or you're Nanadown at the villages in Florida getting like
a three way for the same fiftyof my brain. I'm going with the
Olympic athletes. There's a lot ofsex that goes on at the Olympics and
with your nana too. We'll talkabout that next Rock ninety five to five.
We'll see you at La La.It's Rock ninety five to five.
All right, listen. Preparation forthe twenty twenty four Olympic Games in Paris,
Paris, France didn't just involve gettinglike event venues and lodging and ticket
sales and all the promotion together.It also involved condoms, three hundred thousand
of them to be a precise threehundred thousand. That's a lot of condoms
for this year's game games. There'sno intimacy ban like there was in Tokyo
for the twenty twenty Olympics, butthey still did it. Of course,
there was one hundred and fifty thousandcondoms distributed despite the COVID inspired ban,
so this form former German long jumperconfirms that sex and the Olympics go hand
in hand or whatever else you wantto do. There's no stopping it.
She says. The athletes are attheir physical peak at the Olympics. When
the competition's over, they need arelease of all that energy. You know,
they've been like building up for thisfor so long. There are way
worse ways to release that energy thangetting down with another hot athlete whose body
is in rocking shade, right.I mean the athletes, yes, having
lots of sex. Your grandparents downat Del Boca Vista face having a lot
of sex too, but they're notwearing condoms, the old people, because
in their mind they're like, well, I can't get pregnant anymore, but
they're still That's why STDs are soprevalent. But take a cue for the
Olympians. Yeah, the adrenaline thatdopamine can suppress stress, even decrease negative
thoughts and feelings of guilt and stress. You know, like all that stuff.
They're all the sexual desire. I'vebeen to a couple of Olympics.
I went to the Sydney one andsalt like city and being in the bars
and seeing the Olympians come through,you can smell it on them, like
they are ready to get down.It's with the sex, damn all the
time, Like we just got themcompeting. I got my medal and feeling
sexy right now, it's time thinkabout it. You are in the best
shape you'll ever be in in yourlife, and so is everybody around you.
Like it's hot people central. Youget the Swedish volleyball team, oh
my god, and like the hoteverything the soccer team. I need to
get to the Olympics. I needto I need to start break dancing or
something. Yes, do it.Backspins, belly spins. I got to
find my way into the Olympics.You're you and Turbo out there to eat.
I'll be the most out of shapeone there. But getting some ass
that Olympic village, it makes itall that more rewarding. You get a
gold medal and then you get tosmash somebody really hot, not bad.
There's no shortage of hotties at theOlympics either. Yes, we'll see them
all on Friday. I'll be lickingmy TV screen rock naety five to five,
rock naety five to five, Soundgardenon your Wednesday morning. Good morning,
gonna be around eighty today, cloudy, maybe some storms later. Thank
you for listening. Yesterday we hadour big company quarterly meeting that we do.
I know everybody's on pins and needles. I just want you to know
that I am not the employee ofthe quarter fee. You know what,
one hundred and eighth consecutive quarter.We're gonna have to break this street.
I gotta figure something out here.It'll never happen. However, Mara's got
some nice recognition yesterday. I didHP intern. HP got some nice recognition
yesterday. Yes soon to not bean intern anymore, and getting hired at
iHeartMedia. Hello, Maria won thegoddamn Golden GUMBALLO. Now she's got a
trip anywhere in the world. Yeah, she's gonna be a traveling And then
when I was leaving building. Wehave these turnstiles downstairs like a security thing.
You got to go through these turnstiles. And they didn't notice that I
was coming out. Right when Iwas coming out, they opened the turnstiles
toward me, and I broke mykuchi on the turnstyle. So I need
some workmen's comp yep. I'm walkingout and oh yeah, these other people
are walking in and they just openedthe turnstyle for him and it's a glass
and it's like right at kuchi leveland they just opened right in and I
broke it and all these people werewatching. I am beyond concerned right now.
Now I have a broken coach.What am I going to do?
Have you filed work? Miss?Not yet? But are you That's what
I'm going to do. We can'thave you around around here being broken.
If I don't win anything around here, I might as well get some free
money out of these people. Notthat this coach is doing anything, but
it's broken down anyway. We don'twant that. I still love my job.
Yes, and uh, you knowwe were talking earlier about how people
in construction are the happy beest employees. A man, the text blew up
all the construction people saying they're sohappy. I want to talk about happy
jobs. You love your job.We're going to talk about that next.
Rock naety five to five, nineinch nails, rock naety five to five
Happy at home now morning. Wewere talking earlier about there's a new report
on the Happiest Industries, which analyzea whole bunch of things work, life,
balance, money, career opportunities,all of that, and they determine
that the happiest gig working is inconstruction. Everybody in constructions happy. We
talked about that earlier. Oh mygod, the text blew up. Everybody's
talking about how much they love theirconstruction jobs. I love that. I
know we have a lot of constructionpeople that listen and thank you for that.
Accounting in taxes is second, whichwas surprising to me. I don't
know, just like number crunching allday, but you get paid well to
crush those. Yeah, my braindoesn't work that way. But followed by
manufacturing, tech and healthcare. Ilove my job, this job. Hey,
I don't know how to do anythingelse. So I found the one
thing that I'm good at, andhere I am. If they have to
drag me kicking and screaming, outof here because this is this is it
for me. Been doing It's allI've ever done since I'm twenty years old.
I'm fifty now. Yeah, I'veonly done radio. I love radio.
But I want to know from youyou love your job. Let's go
on the positive streak today because Iknow a lot of people hate their jobs.
But let's go to the people thatlove their jobs. I want to
know what you do that you loveyour job so much, and why do
you love it? What do youdo? Maris? Do you love your
job? I do love my job. It's a great opportunity to meet a
lot of people. We get togo to a lot of great events.
Just in general. It's fun.Talking to the roadies every day is the
best I start to get. Ifeel like I start to get depressed when
I'm not on the air for likea week or something. Yeah, it
does feel weird because like you getinto this to this flow where you're interacting
with people, and then like whenyou have a breaking you just isolated.
Right. I don't know what thehell's going on in the world. I
don't know what's going on with youguys. I feel like left out.
I have foma missing out on somuch. Yeah, totally, but let's
let's do that. I want tohear from you. You love your job.
Let's talk about it. What doyou do for work? Maybe you'll
inspire somebody to get a different jobtoday when they're on their way to work,
white knuckle egg and like, Ican't stand this place. Maybe you'll
make somebody change. Eight four tofour ninety five to fifty. Somebody that
calls is going to get tickets toSammy Hank are calling out. Let's all
be jealous because you love your jobso much. Eight four four ninety five
to fifty. We're taking your callsnow. It's rock ninety five to five.
It's in DC. Maybe you're cruisinginto work right now, going,
Oh, I love my job.I can't wait to get to the job
today. What a great job Ihave. Apparently construction workers are the happiest.
That's awesome. And I know wehave a lot of construction people.
Yay, you all well adjusted andhappy at work. I want to know
what you do for work that youlove. You love your job. Let's
talk to Heather. Hi, Heatherfrom Chicago. How you doing, Hi?
Hi, I'm good? Are youvery good? You love your job
I do. My sister and Ihave a dog walking business and I love
I love the dogs. I don'tI don't know if I love their owners,
but I love the dogs. Youlove the dogs, and you get
exercise and you get to be outside. That's good. Yes all yeah,
I mean in the winter it getsa little dicey, but you know,
right now, it's great, it'sperfect. You guys have your own company.
Do you have like an app orsomething or you just like have a
company. We just have a company. That's awesome. We have website and
you know you don't have an app. But it's like it's been going pretty
well. You come over and walkmy geriatric dogs that will get to the
end of the block and like laydown and be like, bitch, you
better carry me home. I'm notwalking Heather. That's awesome. Thank you
so much for the call. Havea great day, Okay, you do.
Thank you. Everybody gonna linebody's gonnaget tickets to Sammy Hagar. Let's
go to Keith from Burbank. Hi. Keith, good morning, a good
morning. Where's good morning morning,Keith? What do you do for work
and why do you love it?Thirty seven years of work in our curve.
Oh you're a mechanic. I knewthat about you. Actually, you're
a mechanic. And why do youlove it so much? It just it's
it's fun. It's an aspiration,it's a desire, it's a passion,
and you get to like it's kindof like putting a puzzle together. You
get to fix something and figure outwhat's wrong, and then you have the
satisfaction of I did it. It'salways challenging, right well. One of
one of the best things is youcan tell anybody I want to buy a
Carol will tell me what Terra.We'll listen to Chunk is what's gonna happen
to a black? Black Black?This one's good. You have the intel.
Thank you, Keith. Hang onthe line. Let's go to Jesse
from Elgin. Hi. Jesse,Hey, good morning guys, Good morning
Jesse. You love your job.What do you do? Are you ready
for this one? Yes? Mhmm. I make money playing video games?
My man? How do you makemoney playing video games? So?
I do wages off of a websitecalled checkmategaming dot com and I do wages
there. I do tonies with likemy irl friends and we're like do Tony
pots, Like you know, it'sa thousand dollars, two thousand dollars,
and you know, we we endup pitching in like if we're pinching,
you can pitch in one hundred dollarsfor an extra hundred if we win,
or you know, if we winand we get like a thousand dollars,
that's the pot between. Do youmake good money? Yes, like do
you make like six figures a yearor something? At least yeah, at
least, Jesse. It's not talkingbecause Mars is going to put his job
today. I mean, I'm actuallygetting ready to move out to Barrington Hills
because I am very close to findinga house eight mar your kids. Yes,
hang on, Jesse, that's amazing. God, uh is This is
Duncan from Indiana. Hi, Duncan, Hi guys, finally to talk to
you. Guys. It's so niceto talk to you. I love the
Maris spelled your name Duncan like Duncandonuts. Do your n K. I
I was trying to remember the otherway to do it, and it just
wasn't coming in my brain at all. It's okay, I got it,
dun you anyway, I love youtoo, so you love your job?
What do you do? I cleanedpools for Carriby and pools and spots.
I'm sure though, I am,yes, I am proud to work for
these guys. I've never met acompany that I love to work for every
day. Duncan the hot pool boybrown nosing the company right now? I
love it on the gamer there Iknow right, my new boyfriend Dunky,
you know why when he moves upto Barry Hills, You're gonna be our
pool guy. Okay, I'll doit all right, dun't get hang on
the line. That's amazing. Let'sgo to Johnny Walker. Johnny Walker Black
or Johnny Walker Red or blue?What we got Hi? Johnny Walker.
Hey, it's Johnny Walker Red.I'm a little cheaper but still top show.
What do you do for work thatyou love so much? Well,
I you know, I'm not makingsix figures playing video games, but I
do do quality control. I'm asupervisor for Rose Brand, which is a
cannabis company here in Illinois. Now, Johnny Walker, Johnny Walker, our
new best friend just pulled up.Johnny Walker do quality control for weed?
Does that mean that you get tolike smoke on womb testing? You know
we we do. We do,get our R and D in there,
get to meet great people, goacross the country. I love it.
What a john My Josh love thesecalls today. You know what, it's
fun just knowing your teachers are wronggre out school. Yeah, teachers are
all wrong. The loadies on thegrassy knoll that they said you'll never have
to anything, but here we are. Johnny, hang on the line.
Let's go to Anna from Hammond.Hi, Anna, Hello, Hello,
Okay, what do you do forwork that you love so much? I
work for a safety company. Ido confined space watch, So I basically
go to different plants and steel mills, and I work with construction workers.
I'm like a contractor and I testthe air for confined spaces and I also
sign men in and out of theconfined spaces. Then you can go down.
I have to call, you know, make sure you're making sure people
are not trapped in like mines andholes and underground places. Basically, you
saved lives. Anna, look atyou. Yeah, Oh my gosh,
bottle watch. That's it important.That's important work, very important work.
Anna, hang on. Can wego back up to Johnny Walker from Chicago,
Heights. Who has my favorite jobof the day, Johnny Walker.
Hello, Hello, can you beour weed guy? We need a weed
guy guy? Yes, okay,good we Hey, we are here to
help do quality control with you.If you ever need you know, a
sample audience, you know, testmarkers. We got you. Hey,
Hey, this is perfect Johnny.We're gonna send you to see Sammy Hagar.
Amazing. It is amazing. SammyHagar with lover Boy Best of All
Worlds Tour that is next Saturday,August third at Credit Union one Amphitheater.
Are gonna be out there in thesun, smoke a little little some nice
you know, do some testing.You got a great test market. Get
that Cabo Wabbo string going for SammyHagar. Hang on the line. Will
get you all hooked up, Johnny. Thank you so much for calling.
Anybody else that wants to go seeSammy, you better go now because Johnny
Walker is going to be there passingout the free week Absolutely yeah, just
doing testing. Tickets on sale Livenation dot com. Thank you so much
for all the calls. Rock nainetyfive to five, Rock ninety five to
five, You belong here, AngieTaylor's Show. Thank you for listening.
It is White Sox Wenesday. Giveit up for your twenty seven and seventy
six White Sox Ooh oh what ahistoric here. Oh my gosh, lost
yesterday to the Rangers. We're ina series with the Rangers playing tonight,
m play tomorrow. It'll be interestingto see who they trade, because they
got to be getting rid of folksto build up that team for the future.
Yeah, because it's ain't the year. I feel like, if we're
gonna be this crappy, just beall the way crappy, like, go
all the way out and just losethem all. What's a point. Aren't
they already doing that? Yeah?Yeah, I mean we're at like one
hundred games now, we've lost twentyseven of them or one we only won
twenty seven of them. My bad, YoY. Hey. But but it's
still fun to go to a baseballgame always is. I mean, summertime
outside at the park, beer inyour hand, you get some yummies from
the park. I mean the foodat Sox Park is the best. They
have Miller Late Baseball and Bruce whereyou get one ticket two beers starting at
nineteen dollars a person for select games. That's awesome. You want to take
the whole family out, Starting atnineteen dollars per person for select games,
Each ticket purchase includes a hot dog, chips, drink, plus a cook
that's amazing. Don't get no better. They got the nineties Night on Friday
with a postgame fireworks display. Verynice. Get your nineties on, however,
because it is White Sox Wednesday andwe do it every Wednesday. A
family four pack, you and thefam, or you and your four three
buddies, whatever, you and yourfriends four pack of tickets to the White
Sox for a future game. Youwant them, call right now eight four,
four, nine five, ninety fiveto fifty collars eleven. You're gonna
go see the boys. You're inthe South, lose a game or two
or whatever, it's fine. Rockninety five to five. Mattala, I
got your Mattel. I get ticketscoming up in Don't Kill It Auntie very
soon like eight fifteen, eight twenty. Make sure you're listening, qualifying you
for front row as well. Thankyou for listening Auntie Taylor's show. I
know you're going through all the travelprocess, Maris, because you're going to
Tanzania. Yes, Tanzania September inSeptember, and you got to get your
visa, you got to get yourshots, you got to get your passport
up to date. I have awedding, a destination wedding that I'm going
to in the middle of August inJamaica. Quick little trip. But my
passport just expired like a couple ofweeks ago. You're gonna be stuck in
Jamaica. What No. I hadto do all the stuff yesterday, like
to I had to get like theyou know, express passport stuff, which
it costs an arm and leg.But I have to go to this wedding,
so yesterday I had to go getnew passport photos taken. I go
down to the CVS in our buildinghere, we have a CVS and they
take passport pictures there. I can'tbelieve. So I'm behind three men.
It's two guys that are together thatare from like Turkey, and apparently they
have different size photos for different countries. So you know, they're trying to
get their pictures done. They're gigglingthe whole time. They didn't like the
way their pictures look. They areasking for reshoots, they want filters.
They're like not doing it right wayright. So then this old man comes
up after them, and it's pissedoff that he can't wear his glasses for
the photo. Oh my goodness,isn't sitting right. Then he looks at
the pictures He's like, I don'tlike this. I want to reshoot.
Like I'm sitting there. I'm agirl, come on, like, and
these dudes are doing it for thegram they're asking for like an Instagram filter.
I couldn't believe that that happened.Yesterday. I got my picture done
real quick. They're you yeah,and I just I'm like, I don't
even care, just give it tome. Then I look at the picture
and my neck looks like a Thanksgivingturkey. You know, it is so
bad. Like the last picture,I look like a terrorist. In this
one, I look one hundred andfifty years old, and so it's not
gonna be cute. And then yougot that passport picture lasts for like fifteen
years or whatever. I'm like,oh god, booh boy, it took
way too long. But you guys, do people do that at the DMB.
No, you don't get the opportunityto, right. I think if
you blink, they'll do it.Over you blink. Yeah, but no,
these dudes were like, oh,I don't like you know, like,
uh, the way I didn't smile, you can't smile. But they're
like, I don't like the waymy head was tilted or my hair looks
weird. I'm like, oh mygod. Yeah, couldn't believe it,
but I have a very ugly newpassport picture. Yay. Let's go.
Tod Jamaica, Hey, it's timefor you to send your text in.
Let's go. We read your textsevery day. Eight four four nine five
ninety five fifty I want to knowwhat's on your mind. I want to
know what you're thinking. I wantto hear a shout out. I want
to hear about your life, whateveryou're thinking, anything about the show.
You got, questions, comments,thoughts. Eight four four nine five,
five ninety five fifty cent your textin, now we read them. Next,
let's take some calls from the requestline number one. Let's go,
thank you for all the texts todayeight four four ninety five to fifty text
us anytime we got a billion.That's right, let's go. Three point
two says good morning, I loveyour show, thanks to me moving and
now having TV for a minute.I'm listening to the radio I heard photographed
by deaf Leppard, and I gothooked. I went to see daf Leppard
for the first time Monday at Wrigleyand then I asked all my friends and
they all agree. Ninety five pointfive the best rock station. Thank you,
thank you. Yes, this isa great compliment. Seven to seven
three says good morning, Angie MarrisHP in prison tattoo. Beautiful that you're
reading my text this morning. Ijust wanted to bus Maris's balls from yesterday.
I love you guys, love theshow, Love you too, kind
of kind of beautiful than we matchedtwo and nine. Hey, Angie Morris,
come out to Whiting, Indiana thisweekend for Parogi Fest. Awesome food
Bob from Lake Stick I love,Roll me out of Whiting plaz six through
zero. Maris needs to take someadult swim classes quickly so he can hang
out at the pool with the ladiesand the tiny bikinis. That's from Big
Rich. I'm gonna have this bigold bikini called a flotation device. Not
in the pool. Just stand juststand up and don't go in the deep
end, staying in this shallow andthat's where everybody drinks. Anyway, that's
where everybody like lounges. Oh yeah, seven oh eight, Angie, you
have a pity. Mine is goingthrough a stage where she's constantly jumping in
bed with us in the middle ofthe night, then gets between us and
ends up pushing us off the bedbecause she's huge and a bed hoog.
Did yours ever do that? Andif so, how did you break it?
We love her so much, evenbought her a human dog bed,
but it's like having a big babyagain. We're so tired. Yes,
seven oh eight. My pity usedto do the same thing. She would
jump into the bed in the middle. She would run, run, jump
in and then she's a blast forone hundred degrees. You can get them
a dog bed. Sometimes it doesn'thelp. We had to create her overnight.
You put the bed in the crateand make a comfy for her until
she learns like, yeah, there'sadult places and there's dog places. You
get like a kid. Hey,you got your room, We got ours,
all right. Construction workers are thehappiest. We talked about that today.
Uh six three zero. Joseph herebricklayer built some of the most amazing
big houses, most expensive houses forall the superstars in all the sports in
Chicago. Me and my family areextremely proud of the amazing houses that I
built. You guys are awesome.You were saying, like, yes,
you get that satisfaction yep. Twoand nine. I one hundred percent love
my job. I'm a heavy equipmentoperator for Local one fifty Operating Engineers,
and every day I go home happybecause I see what we accomplished that day.
Yes, you get the satisfaction.Seven to seven nine. I'm a
construction safety engineer. I get avisit from a lot of different places every
day, and I help workers saystay safe. Yes, two one nine.
The easiest way to spot a constructiondad. I always point out this
and that when we're driving. YepI did this, Yep I made that.
Definitely a sense of pride. ALocal one p fifty operating engineer love
this show. Eight four seven.My husband and I are both construction workers.
We listen to you guys every day. We love you, you rock,
thank you, thank you, Andthen people saying they love their job.
Three and two. I make cakes. I love my job, that's
yes, what kind of cakes?Cake cake? Two one nine, Hey,
Angie Merris My occupation that I loveis being an illustrator. I make
my own hours and I can listento Rock ninety five to five as I
work. That's from Carla. Verynice, Carla, Thank you so much.
You can make pictures of us ifyou want anytime. I love a
good caricature. Of course, doit. We love you. We hope
you're happy at your job, andwe hope we keep you happy on the
way there, on the way out, or whatever you're doing. I'm gonna
tell you what's up for your day. Will you be so dumb if you
killed me? And don't kill Anchie? You know why? Because if you
keep me alive, I'm gonna giveyou Metallica tickets and qualify you for a
VIP front row upgrade. You wantto play Don't kill Anchie? Keep me
Alive? Eight four four ninety fifty. You don't kill Angie is to choose
your adventure game to hopefully get Angiesafely to Friday, big or fast,
but be careful. One wrong movewe'll kill Angie. Don't Killie, and
it's only on Rock. I wantto make someone's day today. I want
to do it. Let me talkto Bob from Evergreen park. Hi,
Bob, day Angie. How areyou. I'm doing great? How are
you? I am feeling good?You're good? To keep you alive today?
Yes, that is the thing,keep me alive. I want to
make you happy today. Are youon your way to work? Yeah?
What do you do for work?I'm an architect. Ooh, you're that
good handwriting. Architects have really coolhandwriting. I'm like obsessed with handwriting,
and you guys have like awesome handwriting. That's a weird thing to say.
But we actually print nicely. Wedon't have I'm sorry, printing. You
have nice printing, not handwriting.You're not doing curs of all? Right,
Bob, you're gonna play don't killAngie. Let's do this. Let's
get you a win today. Takeit away. Our narrator, Budley is
a hero and a half shell kingof all the turtles. It is marriages,
Bob, and welcome to Don't KillAngie. Today, we learned about
everyone that loves their job. Thepeople who love their jobs most are construction
workers. Angie does love her jobhere, but she wants to see what
all the hype up is about withall the happy construction workers. I do
now Bob, which construction job shoitAngie, try for a day bricklayer or
roofer? Ooh, we'll go fora bricklayer. Yeah, yes, lays
some break and fine choice. Indeed, a fine choice. Indeed you picked
bricklayer. Let's go. Angie showsup for her first day on the job.
What's some weird kind of Halloween storeconstruction outfit? You don't like my
outfit? I don't have to weara hard hat for bricklaying. What She
has her lunch cooler with a rocketninety five to five sticker on it,
and she's ready to get down anddirty. It's lay some bricks. The
foreman on the job site walks overto Angie to give her instruction, and
she's already on break. She startsyelling, Hey, it's fine, I'm
in the union. It's a unionbreak. It's a break this union.
Does it really make sense this?She tells him, this is it.
Hey, this isn't the kind oflaying I signed up for. These bricks
are really heavy. This is notwhat I thought a bricklayer was. I'm
what this is what I signed upfor. Angie is fired on the spot.
Fired. I'm in the yet,But do you know what that means,
Bob? Do you know what thatmeans? Yeah? I got fired.
Can't lay a brick to save mylife. You needed help over there
early, you know, doing somearchitecture whatever. Sure, you come on
over. Cool. I work atthe same building as the Chicago Architecture Museum,
so I'm pretty much qualified. Bob. You're going to Metallica, my
guy. Congratulations, congratulations, yes, thank you so much. You're so
welcome the M seventy two World Tourat Soldier Field August eleventh, and you're
qualified for front row and we're gonnapull that on Friday. Okay, wow,
wow, wow, is right?Who are you taking with you to
Metallica? Oh? I've got totake my wife? Yes, of course,
very smart. Don't take the girlfriend. Your wife will get pissed.
All right, hang on the line, Bob. We're gonna get all your
info and get you your tickets.Everybody else that wants to go. Tickets
on sale at ticketmaster dot com.All thanks to Q Prime and Live Nation,
and thank you for playing Don't Killand Jael what a delightful surprise.
Angie lives to drink more of thebrown wicker rocks were the champs, and
so are you rock ninety five?Hello Champions, Angie Taylor show. We
got a text from eight one tofive that I thought was interesting because we
were talking about you going on yourtrip and somebody had text earlier. You
need to learn how to swim tobe in the pool with all the hotties.
Yeah, eight one five, saidAngie, speaking of swimming pools and
all water activities. Do you rememberin Vegas when they would have the blackjack
tables so you could sit in thepool and drink and play blackjack and you
could play cards on the table.It's really gross when you think about it.
Someone sits there for six hours andnever gets up to pee, and
they're probably being on the plot rightnext to playing blackjack. You feel that
warm all of a sudden, it'swarm around you. I do remember those
blackjack in pool tables, and Ialways wondered, like why they went away.
Yeah, maybe that's why, becauseI know when I'm sitting and playing
blackjack, I will hold it solong if like the table's hot, I'm
not getting up. And then yousee people that are on slots. Some
people wear diapers on the slots,and I've seen videos of people just like
peeing themselves because they're listen, don'tjudge us for our degenerate behavior because we're
gambling and the money's coming in.So why would I get up? I
get it, I see it.Yeah, I bet you anything that there
were people that would have like floatersin the pool. Oh, disgusting,
all disgusting. Well, I alwayswondered why they went away, and I
didn't think about that until now.So shout out to eight one to five
for grossing me out today. Hey, ninety five minutes commercial free rock.
Every single day, it's the ninetyfive at nine. It's coming up in
minutes. Don't go anywhere Rock nainetyfive to five flips Rock ninety five to
five kicking off your ninety five minutescommercial free Rock. Happy hump Day,
Auntie Taylor Show. A television ratingsrecord was destroyed as Angel Reese and Caitlin
Clark teamed up for the w NBAAll Stars to take on the US Women's
Olympic basketball team. It was agreat game. Saturday's All Star Game brought
ABC three point four to four millionviewers that more than doubled the previous viewership
record, which was one point fourNice back in two thousand and three.
Yes, ladies, Saturday's game wasalso the most watched WNBA broadcast on any
esp network and the third most watchedw NBA game ever. Just loving the
w A lot of record breaking happeningin these next few years with the WNBA,
and I'm very happy to see it. They're putting butts in the seats.
Yes, and that's what we wantexactly. So you go, girls.
I got my Angel Reese shirt ontoday, rocking the LSU. I
am one of the Reese's pieces.I am here for Shytown Barbie. So
yes, congratulations to Angel Reese,Caitlin Clark, everybody else. Thank you
for listening. A Request Wars isup next. Today's Request Wars. Ooh,
we got a good one. It'sall about the guitar battle your favorite
guitar solos. Get ready to vote. That is next Rock ninety five to
five. It's now time for RequestWars. Arm your torpedoes? Are you
sure we should do that? Yes, we're sure we should do that.
Repair your best smacked off because thisis gonna get real in about a second.
On the Angie Taylor Show, Requestit's a naughty little battle today,
So I like both of these songs. I like the topic. You can
always send a Request Wars theme infor Maris and I to battle out your
music. Theme and Request Wars todaycame from Area code three one five.
Battle of your Favorite Guitar solos?Oh yeah, and I like both of
ours. Okay, But it's upto you, Rodies. It doesn't matter
what we like. It's what youwant to hear on the radio. You
vote, You picked the winner today. Maris, you are the one time
champion, one time brooke my streakyesterday. So I'll go first. My
favorite. When I think of guitarsolos, I think of the late great,
the g Eddie van Halen Eruption.Come on, I mean, obviously
we're gonna play the whole song,but you know solo. Oh yes,
Eddie, He's got his little cigaretteand his guitar strings. Oh it was
so great. All right? Ifyou want van Halen Eruption, text a
letter A to eight four four ninetyfive fifty. What is your favorite guitar
solo? Yes, I had togo with my man Tom Morello. Rage
against the Machine, Tom Killing inthe name hell yus, Oh, Tom
Morello, Wage against the Machine Killingin the name. If that's your pick,
texta letter M to eight four four, ninety five fifty. Who's your
X man? Is it Tom Morello? Is it Eddie van Halen? Get
your votes in right now. It'sRock ninety five to five. That's the
fool. This is ninety five minutescommercial free rock on your favorite station Rock
at ninety five to five. It'ssee Angie Taylor Show. We are in
the middle of request Wars, lotsof texts coming in. I am real
tired of all this. Being veryclose in Request Wars, it just means
we're grade at our jobs. We'repicking songs that everybody likes. The landslide
is fun, but this is thecompetition. It's the competition, and it's
close. So today our theme camefrom Area code three one five said battle
out your favorite guitar solos. That'snasty, all right. I am not
the champion. Maris is the onetime champion. I am the challenger Mine.
Today my guitar solo. I wentwith a classic. I went with
the Goat Eddie van Halen eruption andthe smile. I see the smile.
Oh rest in peace, God.Of course we're gonna play the whole song.
But here are the solos Van Halena rupshug. If that's your pick,
text the letter A to eight fourfour ninety five fifty, or you
can go with Maras today another godof rock, Tom Morello Rage against the
Machine Killing in the Name so funkyand zurdy. I love it. He
gots your pick today, let's gethim in. If you want rage,
text the letter M to eight fourfour ninety five fifty. Vote now vote
hard. Only vote once, though, because only one vote counts. I'm
gonna say, how do you votehard? Just capital A or capital and
whatever you're voting for its hard,Hit it hard. It's rock ninety five
five. Why we're living out ofprayer? That was a beautiful singing.
Thank you, Oh my God,looks like the rain is a coming Rock
ninety five to five. Good morning, all right, it is time to
find out who won. Request wastoday? Thank you to our texter from
area code three one five who hadthe theme for us battle your favorite guitar
solos. Oh love that? Andtoday I am the challenger. My song
was Van Halen eruption I mean Eddieand then Maris Rage against the Machine Killing
in the Name. I mean,Tom, do we have a winner?
We have a winner? And likeAndrew said, thank you for all the
votes as always, but today thepeaky blinders another close one seven seven votes
away. I mean, but I'llshut up. Just listen. Yes,
Scott, stop talk to us aboutJesus while you're blowing lines Rock ninety five
to five. Oh you don't knowabout that? No I didn't. It's
the ones that preach the most,you know, Oh, Angie Taylor show,
good morning, let's go to headto all the roadies, always preaching,
you know, positivity. It's Jaythe Gay. Good morning to you,
my darling ding Dong. Good morning. Now listen, I think yesterday
was all about taking l's on thisshow. Okay, No, Before I
get to the newest Angie Aleman,though, we need to discuss Angie's waddle.
After spending three hours watching vain mencomplain about the passport pictures, Angie
Rush of Hers told me to discoverthat her neck now looks like she's about
to be served on Thanksgiving. Yeah, I have turkey now, so you
shouldn't feel too bad, though,because you're older than the Hindenburg disaster.
And at this point skin starts tohit the floor and at least she should
be able to fly ash your passportto get a bunch of new senior discounts.
What else do you have? Jay? Also, as expected, yesterday,
Angie Lucci wasn't nominated for Employee theQuarter for the nine hundredth time,
and then she had on known horderMaria who got a golden gun. Yes,
congrats to Maria after downing her sunglassesa headscar though, and you try
to leave as fast as possible,but ended up getting a glass turntile bar
to her dried up dessert cart.That's right, the worn down, sagging
catcher's mitt took a hit so hardto Andie's now walking that she used to
when she wasn't old enough for aarp. Sure down, saggy and as
her maress. His whole world camecrashing down when he realized there's a new
Ninja Turtle video game he had yetto download. And then this morning he
heard from a roadie that makes quadruplewhat Maris makes working fifteen jobs by just
playing video games. Yeah, thatwas the real nock to the chest and
kicking the crotch hy that was yeah, brutality, sir, what listen I'm
gonna need you can tomorrow you maymaybe make a nice recap of the show
instead of just drinking us all nice? Yeah, yes, nice? You
try it. Try it. Doyou have a nice bone? Okay,
I'll try it. He has anice bone. Jay. But tomorrow,
like, I really want to seewhat it's like if you do a nice
recap and you don't murder us.Can you do that? Okay? Okay,
yeah, I can do that.All right, let's see what that's
like tomorrow. Where can we findyour filthy notes? You can find my
notes on Rock ninety five five chidot com and click on the Angie Taylor
tab. Bad for the ego?Are you okay? Every day it's hurting
my feelings. I mean, I'mused to it, but god, all
right, it's site that Catchers methit Low all of it. Did the
turnstile, the dried out shopping cartor whatever? All right? Thank you.
If you missed anything from the show, please listen back every day.
You can check out our podcast,The Angie Taylor Show wherever you get your
podcasts, but especially on the freeiHeartRadio app. It's pray. Come on
Rock ninety five to five. It'stime for the ten o'clock Toast on the
Angie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie'sdrinking at ten am. Joiner in a
toast up fellowship, put them up, Buttercup Clan clean cheers to do a
toast today. Today's ten o'clock toastgoes out to the sharks of Brasil Brassieu.
More than a dozen sharks in Brasiltested positive for cocaine. Who's drug
testing sharks? Well, you know, if they wash up on shore or
whatever. It's raising concerns about drugcontamination in the ocean. Researchers found high
levels of coke and all the liversand muscle tissue of thirteen sharp nose sharks
from Rio desan Era. Why thosenose so sharp though, you know why
that is a huge concentration, upone hundred times higher than previously recorded in
marine life. All these theories includeillegal drug lab or smugglers using their losing
their cargo at sea. Yeah,because a lot of times the smugglers will
like lose you know, you comeover here and like a canoe or put
it in a submarine or whatever,and then boom, then there's all this
cocaine in the water. Yeah,these are this isn't salt water and in
the oceans, why don't we havecocaine sharks here? Would you just be
swimming every day, all day everyday. Scientists suspect that these sharks were
much more aggressive, which is worryingto the ecosystem and anyone in the water.
With the cocaine sharks, I don'tknow if they would like ripe the
shreds. I feel like they wouldjust be really annoying and want to talk
about everything. You know, Hey, man, did you see you got
a bomp? Like whatever? Didyou see that jellyfish over there? Looks
real hot? Like? How youknow cocaine people do? They just talk
for hours and hours and then thesun comes up and they're like, oh
my god, we gotta go alittle more cocaine at the bottom the cocaine
sharks. Is that a mix oflike coke friend in Dracula, Yes,
blah, what to suck your bloodand do cocaine? Shout out to these
sharks. But now they're dead.See, you can't do cocaine anymore.
It's over you guys. I knowit was fun in the nineties and the
early two thousands, but come on, let's grow up. I'm not judging,
but you know, I worry aboutyour hearts. I'm talking to myself.
Really, I'm talking to myself.There's just these animals out here just
living their best lives. Cocaine bearsharks. Now, well then you like,
you get a cocaine addiction as ashark. And then you get a
boyfriend that suddenly needs an iMac becausehe is doing like an m cat and
he doesn't have the money to affordit, and then you have to take
out a loan to buy it forhim. And then all of a sudden,
you're upside down and you call theloan guy and he's like, you
make good money, why are youtaking out a loan. It's like,
because I do cocaine. That's whathappens with the sharks. So not personal,
not personal at all. And Ihaven't seen that guy in so long
to become a bartender. And Idon't know. I think he was gay,
he didn't like, we never reallyhad sex. I'm super hot.
Does is a loaded story? Well, it's my story. I'm here to
tell it. Okay, I don'tknow what happened to him. Wow,
but that's rude anyway. Shout outto the sharks. Good luck, good
luck. All right, Walt isup next. I'm sure on his last
tour, you know, getting stabbed, he did not do any of the
cocaine. That would be horrible,because Walt is, you know, no
spring chicken. Yeah, but hedoes have a spring rooster. Well neither
am I. I'm not like judginghim, but he has a spring rooster
coming up with a thousand dollars foryou to buy you a copainne. You
can get a whole eight ball orsomething. I don't know what the prices
are today, Rock ninety five tofive