Episode Transcript
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Trip tonights, three doors done.Good morning, It's Thursday. Auntie Taylor
Show, Rock ninety five to five. How you doing Roadies almost at the
weekend? Good morning, Maris,Good morning, Good morning Angie. I
like your Star Wars shirt. Oh, I like your shirt. Oh,
thank you. Darth Vader on there, Yeah, Stormtrooper guys, all the
bad guys, yes, and theDeath Star, the Docks, the dark
Side. Are you a dark Sideperson or are you like I feel in
tune with the dark Side for sure. Yeah, I like the bad guys
usually. Thank you for listening thismorning. How you doing today? On
the show? Deaf lepperd tickets secondrow? Whoa moving right there? Yeah?
Second row for def Leppard on Mondaynight at Wrigley. We have Harley
Homecoming tickets, Ario speed Wagon withtrain tickets, Renaissance Fare tickets, I
Prevailing Hailstorm tickets, Rocky the Roostershere after eight am with your first thousand
dollars keyword. You can text uscall us at any time eight four four
ninety five to fifty. Call andsay hi, what you doing today?
Eighty partly cloudy? All right?First thing we do every day, first
song, Get you up and getyou go and kick you in the crotch.
What do you need at five am? A big kick in the crutch,
your five finger death punch right tothe crotch. Lad's go. Yeah,
you've been punched and kicked right inthe crotch, five finger death punch
under an over it. Good morning. It's Thursday, seven eleven day today,
seven eleven. Yeah, it wasa slurpy day. It is free
sloppy, yes, small slurpe free, small slurpees at seven eleven and speedway
too because they own them now too, seven eleven day, because it's July
eleventh, Get it all right,So we're gonna tell you what happened on
this day or look back in history? Is next? Rock ninety five to
five? Yeah, sixty nine,brother, what summer? I wasn't alive
yet, but I bet it wasawesome? Rock ninety five to five.
Good morning you doing. Let's tellyou what happened on this day. Today's
July eleventh, twenty twenty four.On this day, July eleventh, nineteen
fifty nine, Richie Sambora is born. He's sixty five today. Former bon
Jovi songwriter guitarist married Heather Locklair andDenise Richards. Now he's with Orianthy.
What mm hmmm, he's been withOrionthy for a while. Huh. Yeah,
that's crazy. You think they justsit around and just play guitar all
day and bang that's it. Yeahto be because they're both amazing guitarists.
Man, get on you, Richie. Yeah. On this day in nineteen
eighty five, Coca Cola said itwould keep selling the awful New Coke,
but also resumed selling the much tastierCoke Classic. This was such a big
deal that the TV networks actually interruptedafternoon soap operas to give the public the
important news. Wow, because everybodythat's watching Days of Our Lives needed that
breaking news and what was happening innineteen eighty five that the world was such
a good place that this koke newsthat was the breaking news. Breaking,
Yeah, because that new Coke wasdisgusting. On this day in nineteen eighty
seven, Bo Jackson of the KansasCity Royals became a two sports star by
signing with the La Raiders. Hewas an all star in both sports.
Nike started the entire Bow Knows Adcampaign around him, but by ninety two
he was done. Yeah a hipBo knows this, and Bo knows that
if he had a healthy hip,there's no talent. He was amazing.
Oh yeah, and today's Florida Man. Florida man arrested for jumping into creek
and riding manates. Are manatees docile, various enough to let you ride them?
Very They are just giant pillows offriendliness. Yeah, but if you
see a bunch of manatees in acreek, you gotta be on like the
basalts or something to think like,hey, this looks like a good idea.
It's also illegal to touch or feedthem, is it? Yeah,
hence the I suppose why is itillegal to touch them? Well? There,
I think they're still on the endangeredendangered And if they become too friendly
with people and start getting familiar withboats, the same stuff that got them
in danger, it's going to starthappening again. Oh I got you,
well, Florida Man. That wasdumb. Thank you for listening. That's
what happened on this day, Rockninety five five. It's Rock ninety five
to five. I feel like mydastardly plan has been foiled. What is
wrong? So earlier this week,yes, Maris had some Maris and Maria
Palmer had some little inter office gossipor tea that they would not let me
in on. And then Maria liedto me and said she didn't know what
I was talking about, and shetotally did. You had some like a
secret and you were you were nottelling me, And it makes me crazy
when I don't know what the secretis. Okay. So then yesterday I
was given a very juicy piece ofinner office tea. Oh juicy tea,
what do you say? Well,I can't. I can't tell you.
Oh, And I was very excitedto hold this over your head. The
problem is I told Maris that Ihad some very juicy gossip and he's not
asking me any questions about it.He doesn't seem to be upset, he's
not fishing for clues or anything.So now I have this juicy gossip that
I can't share with anybody, andI feel burdened by it. You are
burden because you almost told me Ididn't tell you anything. You are over
here, No, don't say anything. Bread crumbing I was. I was
trying to get you to ask mequestions, and it didn't work. Don't
you hate when you have like areally good secret or juicy piece of gossip
and you can't say anything. Sotwo things are going to come out of
this. Either I was going tomagically guess what it was, which I'm
not going to be able to do, or you're just gonna not tell me
what it was. So I'm notgoing to tell you. And even if
you threw out gases and one ofthem was right, I wouldn't let you
know that it was right because Itold this person I would not share.
It's not my it's not my gossipto share, it's that person's. So
why did you hit me with theI have tea? Because I wanted you
to. I wanted you to bejealous. It's not working because you're not
crazy like me. You're way toocalm. It's fine. You know you
can unburden yourself whenever I can't youI cannot because I was sworn to secrecy.
Yes you were, But you're goingto spill the bean. No,
you don't believe yourself right now?I want it out of me. That's
what she's Wait a second, isthat what she said is not what you
do? Not want her to saythat. We're going to tell you what's
up for your day news and info. The tea is not in the news.
The news. I wish it couldbe, but it's not. That's
nice. Rock ninety five to fivehave a clear rocking your Thursday weekendy bebet
Angie Taylor Show, good morning.Let me tell you what's up for your
day? Angie will now fill yourbrain with the right amount of craft for
your day. Cheers, what's up? Ex Red Hot Chili Pepper's guitarist Josh
kling Offer, current long current touringmember of Pearl Jam, has been hit
with the wrongful death lawsuit stemming froma car accident. The sue claims that
he was driving a black GMC Yukonin California when he made a left turn
and ran into a forty seven yearold Israel Sanchez who was walking in the
crosswalk. She was dragged across theasphalt, sustained blunt force trauma, and
died a few hours later. Soapparently the suit is saying that Klingoffer didn't
even tap his brakes when going intothat crosswalk. It was distracted while behind
the wheel. They have a videoof the accident on TMZ. So I
mean, that's not good, man, That's not not at all, not
good. Hey. Ellen DeGeneres abruptlycanceled a number of her stand up tour
dates last week, including the onehere in Chicago, and she revealed that
this tour is the last chance forfans to see her. She says,
I was kicked out of show businessfor being mean, and then canceled four
dates on her tour. Among themwas the August eleventh date at the Chicago
Theater, and she said, you'renever going to see me again. I
can you quit a job that yougot fired from? I kind of forgot
about Ellen, say if that's possible. Yeah, But like I kind of
feel like we did that for her. You're like, you don't get to
come out on top of this right, Like there hasn't been like a proper
apology tour. It wasn't like,oh well these things were happening and this
is what I did to fix down. It was none. She just says,
I'm not mean and then jokes aboutit. I was like, you're
never going to get to see meagain. To try to sell her other
shows that she didn't cancel this backnow, No not buying it. Three
Chicago suburbs have made the list ofthe top fifty wealthiest suburbs in America.
You want to take any guesses,which three going with Naperville Evanstone? Oh
never, I'm out Hensdale that securedthe number seven spot. That makes sense.
Typical home value is around one pointone million. Uh huh. Lake
Forest came in at number thirty.Forest, while the Ballers Live will Met
ranked at number forty. Average householdincome two hundred and seventy three thousand dollars
a year. Scarsdale, New Yorkis the wealthiest suburb. Average home value
one point four million. That's theaverage people are here rich. That's what's
up for your day. Thanks forrocking with us today on Rock ninety five
to five. It's by ninety fiveto five. Happy seven eleven day.
Yeah, it's July eleventh. FreeSlurpy Slurpey. Get you a slurpey today,
remember small Slarpie. Thank you forlistening. I'm gonna tell you in
a second there is a former basketballplayer NBA player that is going in on
Lebron and I'll tell you why.And he's also using Michael Jordan as a
reason to lean in on Lebron.I'll tell you about that next Rock ninety
five to five Rock ninety five tofive. Good morning, Good morning,
Auntie Taylor. Show. How youfeeling? Weekend is so close? Can
you feel it? Yeah? Okay, So there's some shade. There's some
beefing going on. NBA. FormerNBA center Stephen Hunter from Chicago shadow ripped
into Lebron James over his son's Bronni'sdeal with the Lakers. He said nobody
in Bronnie's position would get the guaranteesthat he did. He called it quote
an egregious, abusive power, egregeousand the kind of quote sneaky Hollywood stuff
that turns people off about Lebron.He added that Michael Jordan could have easily
gotten one of his sons to theNBA, but he never would have done
that because quote MJ stands on earned, not given, And he said,
this is a manipulation of our leagueand the integrity of what it truly takes
to get their thoughts. I'm goingto take the other side on this.
Oh, I'm surprised. Oh,if I've got a son, a kid,
a daughter, anybody, and Ihave an opportunity to give them a
leg up without giving them my money, I'm going to support them. So
you're just looking you're looking out foryour own bag. No. I mean,
yes, I'm gonna support my kid, but it's just like support.
Yes, but don't you think thiswent a little too far because Bronnie's not
really putting up these numbers in thesummer League that people thought he was going
to put up like it's it's Igotta figure that a switch is going to
flip at some point in time withBronnie, and I could be very wrong.
He he's going to be in agreat position to not only learn from
his dad, but learn from therest of the Lakers in the league.
And in that situation, yes,he's getting a leg up, and he's
going to be getting a lot moretoutelish than if he was stuck in the
G League. I'm more than aleg up. I mean he is a
Laker now. I mean he wasalready Lebron's son. Yes, yes,
he had a baby stuff right there. Yes it's very nepo baby. But
if I could for my child,I absolutely would. I wouldn't hesitate,
you would take all the heat thatcomes with that because you know, like
everybody, and you know he's goingto get just annihilated. I feel like
in the league. Oh they're goingto come after him. Oh totally.
Oh yeah, you think you thinkpoor little Caitlin Clark is getting batted around?
Wait until he starts playing. Butthat's the thing that's like, you
know, Lebron and his son hadto have that conversation like, hey,
I got you, but you gotto show up. Oh well he has
to. He can't sit back andbe like, oh well, I'm Lebron's
son. He's got to go andmake a name for himself. Of course
he does. He got this wholedeal because because he's Lebron's son. I
mean, yes, he plays basketball, but is he Laker worthy? Should
he have had all the guarantees thathe got in this contract? That's because
of Daddy. Biggest picture this isselling tickets across the NBA. Of course,
Lakers are going to be probably soldout all season. Wherever the Lakers
play is going to be sold out. So this is a I mean,
if the Lakers weren't having problems sellingtickets, oh no, they never were
because of Lebron. But now it'slet me see the father son dua.
Let me see if Bronni's actually goingto play this game. I just want
to see him get banged around.If you happen to buy the ticket and
Bronni's playing like you went up,it'll be interesting to see that dynamic how
they are on the court together.But what are your thoughts? Text him
to us eight four four ninety fivefifty? Does he deserve this deal that
he got? I mean, nothingwe can do about it now, right,
but daddy hoods him up? Rockninety five to five, Rock ninety
five to five. How you're doing? Oh, a couple of weeks,
A few weeks until the Metallica showAugust ninth and eleventh. Finally, after
two years, marrac you have yourStar Wars shirt on today. And now
there's a whole bunch of different thingsfrom Star Wars, Star Trek and other
iconic sci fi flicks going up forauction. Here's some of them. The
Princess Leah gold bikini is going upfor auction, iconic in the museum.
Don't sell that right, you wouldthink, yeah, But the starting bid
is thirty thousand. I feel likethat thing is gonna go for like a
million. Bus that's going to gofor bank roll. Yeah, because Star
Wars collectors are hardcore and they willspend whatever they got to spend, sell
your grandma to get that gold bikini. And I gotta imagine the way that
Carrie Fisher wore that thing and changeda lot of young men's lives. She
put a lot of boys supuberty.Oh my god, helmet from the Mandalorian
going for about twenty thousand dollars.There's something else, Oh, Thor's Hammer.
Are you going to get you Thor'shammer? No? Give the why
would I spend money on that?Comics? What am I going to do
with Thor's hammer? See if otherpeople can lift it? Is it supposed
to be heavy? Yes? Well, but it's a prop. You're supposed
to be chosen. It's a It'sa prop though, so you know,
it's like styrofoam that they spray paintedto look like a hammer. You could
like magnetize it so nobody could liftit unless you wanted them to. Oh
wow, if I were a nerd, I would totally do that. Yeah,
thank you so much for listening.I want to talk about things that
you've seen in Chicago that are absolutelycrazy. There's a whole Reddit threat going
on about it. We'll talk aboutthat next Rock ninety five to five Rock
ninety five five. Good morning,beautiful, Good morning roadies in the most
beautiful city. Is Chicago going tobe eighty today? Partly cloudy? Speaking
of Chicago? What sexy weather?It's sexy? Speaking of Chicago. There's
a Reddit section called It's reddit AshChicago and you know, just a whole
bunch of Chicago questions. The onethat sparked my int today is what's the
craziest thing you've personally witnessed in Chicago. Here's an answer that was, like,
whoa my girlfriend was going to workin the South Loop. Cab driver
hits a cyclist in the middle ofan intersection. Biker starts yelling at the
cab driver. Cab driver gets outto start yelling back at the cyclist,
leaving his door open and car running. Homeless guy gets into the cab and
drives away. Cop sees a wholething and immediately pulls over this stolen cab
said the whole ordeal didn't take morethan thirty seconds. Imagine witnessing that,
like, what the hell? Andthen they're fighting and oh, here comes
a homeless guy and takes off inthe cab. Man, that's so much.
Somebody said, I saw a pairof crutches, bicycle locked to a
street light pole. It's been botheringme for since. I saw a guy
gamble away his pants on the RedLine at two am. Come on,
then realizes wallet was in his pants. He had to gamble back the pants
and wallets separately. That's amazing youleverage at that point once you've lost your
pants. Oh no, mouth hugs. I don't know sexual favors. What
is the weirdest thing that you've everwitnessed in Chicago? The craziest thing that
you ever have personally witnessed? Eightfour four nine ninety five fifty. We
have a whole bunch of tickets togive away today. I'm going to let
you pick one. But I thinkthe weirdest thing that I ever saw,
or craziest thing that I've personally witnessed, was during a Sinko de Myle thing
at a bar. I went outsideto use the phone at this bar.
Everybody, you know, it's likeway deep in the day on Syinko to
mile, so everyboy's hammer. Therewas a girl literally pooping on this tree.
Oh, just drunk. Yeah,And she had on a skirt so
she was trying to just squat andact like she wasn't doing anything. I'm
on the phone going, oh,you know, what's happening exactly? What
about you? I was at Lollapaloozaat the Harry stage, and I was
like, oh, cool, agroup of Pikachu's. That's normal. So
they're all hanging out, but they'reall frantically running around because one of their
friends had passed out, and likewe see them being carried out, and
I think it might have been closeto an overdose, and like the the
medics, the paramedics are coming totake care of said pikachu. And I
was just like, I was expectinga lot happier ending for all of this.
The Pikachus did too much. Yeah, they went too hard, all
right. What is the strangest thingthat you have personally witnessed in Chicago eight
four to four, ninety five tofifty. I got tickets to Harley Homecoming,
I got tickets to I Prevail andHailstorm. I got tickets to ariosp
Wig and I'll let you pick yourticket. Okay, call now, no,
that's that'd be good. The questionis, what is the craziest thing
you've personally witnessed in Chicago? I'msure there's a million stories eight four four
ninety five fifty. Let's get aMax from Itaska. Hi, Max,
Hey, how's it going, Goodmorning, it's going great. What's what's
the crazy thing that you witness here? I've seen a few, but this
one sticks out. I once sawa guy take his divvy bike all the
way to the well Street bridge,lifted over his head and toss it clean
into the river. Oh, lookat the electric bike. That's heavy.
Those the electric bike, the heavyone over his head, it's right in
the water. That's some crackhead strengthright there to him, though divvy bike
is at the bottom of the rivernow, along with like you know,
all the other gangsters. Max.That's wild. Thank you for the call.
Have a great day. Thanks foryou. Thank you everybody. Hang
on the line by the way,because I got tickets to give away.
Let's go to Seth from Chenhan.Hey, Seth, Hey, guys all
doing great. What's the craziest thingyou've witnessed? So for many years I
worked on the corner of Ashland andSulton, but I lived on the south
side. So I leave work onenight at like one or two in the
morning driving down to Dan Ryan,this dude comes flying past me in a
car that doesn't have any doors up. Yeah, well like with like something
on fire in the back seat,and like no kidding, I got came
up on him and pulled him overrather than the cops like get that thing
off the you way right now?Right? Oh my god, that's crazy.
No door. It wasn't a jeepwith specifically no doors. It was
a car and it was on fire. Yeah, it was like some little
piece of crab celebrity or something likethat. That's hilarious. Sat to hang
on the line. Okay, let'sgo to Tony if I'm this so so
hey Tony and Maris yo yo yo, love you so when you when you
asked, something just popped in myhead. And it was a torrential downpour.
It was out. It was likea ninety five degree day and there's
a guy on the roof totally naked, singing four stories up and we're trying
to talk him down and we suredid. He jumped, landing on the
ground. Thought he was dead.So paramedics and fire got there and he
starts fighting somehow, and we're tryingto get him on the gurney and he
act she has an erection, andhe's yelling at the paramedics and better words,
give him a bj O. Mygod, the fact that he survived.
You know, I thought every bonein I thought every bone in this
guy's body was broke, but thatone apparently not. Apparently not. He
had He had to have been onlike PCP or like one of those drugs
that you think you can fly orsomething. Your body to be in that
much pain and then you've got afull on erection there for you to be
able to sustain that fall and notdie like he was probably very relaxed,
you know, because it's like thepeople, you know, you always see
like dui accidents, it's never thedrunk driver that dies, it's the other
person because the drunk driver still relaxand their body just absorbs whatever shock that
is. Oh, it's crazy,Tony, hang on, hang on,
that's great. Let's go to Joelfrom Saint John. Hi, Joel,
Hey Joe, Hey, hey,hey Joel. How you doing good?
Yeah? I was driving downtown andwant to go into work, and I
Wrigley Built and I pulled an app'sto find my parking spot and there's a
guy getting another guy. The guyguy hooking up another guy in the alley.
Yeah, it's kind of a kindof I open early in the morning.
You get it where you can getit. Man, love it.
Let's go to Frankie the head RoadyWrestling fans. Frank Mayors handy, Hell
you guy, love you what yougot thinking about? The craziest thing I
have seen? So around Barrington Roadthey were doing new traffic uh patterns for
construction. And you know the exitramps you got to slow down to like
twenty five thirty hours, you don'tgo flying off. Well, a corvet
in front of me never slowed down, and he did his best dukes ahead
and right off the ramp into thethe little valley there. Oh, and
I was right behind him and justwatched. I almost followed, and well,
the guy ended up breaking almost everybone in his body. I called
the ambulance and they had to gethim the jaws of light to get him
out of the car. Wow.Do you know if he survived? Well,
he was alive when you went inan ambulance. That's about all I
know. That's crazy. You know. I was driving into work. I
was on two like last week,and there was a car and it was
like three o'clock in the morning.The car completely flipped upside down, like
pulled over on the side, AndI'm like, how on an interstate does
a car just flip upside down?And it makes me think maybe it was
like one of those like you weresaying, like the off ramp like he
was flying and then just went downonto the interstate. That's crazy, Like
can we go back to let mesee Yes, Tony from the South Side,
Tony, Yes, I'm here,Tony. You are a winner today.
Congratulations. Awesome. Yeah, Soyou have your choice because I have
eight bill million pairs of tickets today. You have your choice. Do you
want tickets to the Harley Homecoming thatfeatures Red Hot Chili, Pepper's offspring,
Cypress Hill, and a whole bunchmore? Do you want tickets to I
Prevail in Hailstorm? Or do youwant tickets to Ario Speedwagon with train?
I think yeah, I will dothe first one with Harley Homecoming. Yes,
yes, Harley Homecoming in Milwaukee thatis July twenty sixth and twenty seventh
coming up. So have a greattime. Awesome. I love you guys,
Thank you, love you too.To hang on the line prison tattoo.
We'll get you all hooked up.Thank you for all the calls.
Rock ninety five to five as amoney talks, that's right, and it
can talk after your death as well. Does anybody here have like a rich
auntie? You do? Wish Idid? I don't have a rich aunty.
Oh, it's really annoying to Inheritwork ethic instead of generational wealth.
Oh, I gotta say for sure, but that rich aunty of yours might
not leave you as much money asyou think, at least if she falls
into this category of weirdo. Theidea for being cryogenically frozen when you die
has been gaining steam among rich peoplefor years. I mean I'm assuming too,
Like, you know, you're anold rich person. Why would you
want to be frozen? And stillyou have that old body still when you're
unfrozen, you know you're not youngand hot. If I was going to
be rich and die young or new, you know, like I need to
wait for a cure or whatever.Yeah, maybe, but like let myself
be, does it really work?Can they just restart all your organs and
your brain? You haven't figured?Yeah? Who knows? How long?
Cave man, you're going to befrozen. But who wants to live forever
if you wake up dirt poor?They just said this big article on how
financial planners are trying to figure outhow to preserve your money as well as
your body. You can't leave yourselfmoney when you die, and most states
have limits on how long trust fundscan last. In a lot of states
it's like one hundred years. Sonow those planners are figuring out how to
create something called a revival trust.This lawyer says he's worked with at least
a hundred clients who want to befrozen. The first thing they're worried about
is, hey, when I thoughtout, not even the bill, but
when I thought out I need I'mgonna need money to go live my new
thought out life. Wait a second, so there they want to wake up
rich like you immediately have money,You have nothing to worry about. Now,
I just got unfroze. I wasfroze for one hundred years. Here
I am. But who knows whatlike the currency would be whenever you're unfrozen.
However, longtion on that though,currency might be completely different. At
that point, you know, itgets complicated when you figure out different ways
you could be revived, Like,are you the same person if they only
thought out your brain? Would ifthey just upload your consciousness to a computer?
Do clones count? Like there's allthese questions. I love the sci
fi that you're going through right now. Well, yeah, you gotta think
about that a lot. This onedude in Michigan, he's seventy six.
He's putting one hundred thousand dollars ina revival trust, with the rest going
to his daughter and some foundation heset up. Who knows if your daughter's
even gonna be alive. I'm gonnaneed you tokens on how long you're frozen,
you're going to need more than onehundred thousand dollars. Like if somebody
froze me like twenty years ago andjust unfroze me now, I'd be like,
put me back in the freezer becauseI don't like what's happening. I
don't like what's happening in the world. I don't like you know, you
come out and it's like a pandemicgoing on there. Everything's crazy, the
world's burning, Like, put meback in the freezer and unfreeze me.
And another like saw me a littlebit in like fifty years. Don't saw
me in celebrate the coast is clear, fa a little bit, saw me
a little bit and just enough towhere you can say you want to come
out yet, and I'll be likeyes or no, depending on what's going
on in the world, if weeven have one. Give me a news
article before I make this right?Who is the president? Show me the
women? What is going on?All right? Your rich aunt could decide
she wants it all though, andkeep hoarding her money even in death,
because usually the rich ones will dothat. Thanks parents, terrible with no
money. We love you, Thankyou for listening. Time to get your
texting? Would you would you wantto be frozen or any other things you
want to comment on? Questions youhave comments on the show, whatever it
is, ask us kind of thing. We got to tell you the truth
because it's on texts. We can'tlie on that. Eight four four ninety
five fifty Get your text and nowwe'll read them. Next, let's take
some calls from the request line.Yeah, yeah, we're calling number one.
Got a lot of texts today.Thank you, We love you.
Eight four four nine five ninety fiveto fifty centiment any time, boy there
we spent the last ten fifteen minutestalking about being cryogenically frozen is interesting.
It's very cryo sleep, I readis another way of saying, oh,
cryo sleep. We'll get to thatin a second. Eight four seven,
Angie, send me the tea thisway so it's off your chest and then
Marris can keep guessing lmao. NowMaris doesn't care about the tea that I
have. He hasn't asked me onceabout it today, which is really unnerving,
because I want you to be asthirsty for the information as I was.
I asked, and I didn't tellyou at your a lockbox. I
am a lockbox. Your secrets areword. Yes, your secrets are safe
until you eight four seven. Isit still cool to call at nine o'clock
to be blessed into being the headroady of grandfathers under fifty? Yes,
tomorrow Friday's we do at nine o'clock. Call seven oh eight. This is
Andy from Woodridge today. My wifeis five years cancer free. She was
diagnosed six months after our son wasborn. As a mom and a teacher,
she was motivated to not lose thebattle. She is the most positive
person I know. Thanks for makingevery morning amazing you guys. Oh congrats
five years You go girl. Okay, So then we got text about the
Lebron and Browny situation because Lebron's gettingall the shade from former NBA players now,
Nepo Baby two one nine says,I'd rather watch the Bozo show at
the circus. It's about to thenthe circus is about to take place in
La Bronni is not ready, shameon Leboom is someone who grew up without
a father and put myself through collegeworking as a carpenter. I can say
that Lebron is not doing his sonany favors. He needs to make it
on his own. That's from Bronco. There is something to be said for
work ethic Bronco two nine. What'sworse Lebron's son on the Lakers or Kim
Kardashian's daughter as Simba? Is sheplaying Simba in the Broadway version? That's
what it is. Yeah, Imean, at least Bronni is a basketball
player. Craziest thing you personally witnessedin Chicago six' three, Oh,
this is a truck a row,good morning. Craziest thing I've witnessed was
a couple having sex on the trunkof a car at Navy Peer Parking garage
and they never stopped, even withpeople watching. Well, they were doing
it on purpose. They wanted tobe seen. Tom the head Roady Worth,
Good morning, Antia and Marris.Craziest thing I saw in Chicago was
on my way to work on aSaturday at six o'clock in the morning at
the Western Avenue of Washington McDonald's.Oh yes, that's my neighborhood McDonald's that
I never go to in the morningbecause I always see crazy stuff. Anyway,
this lady walking down the sidewalk withher underwear down to her knees.
She's holding McDonald's in her hand andpeeing herself as she walks down the street.
Seven eight. Hey, Angie,I saw that car on two Nati
the other day too, the upsidedown car. How does that happen?
How does that happen? Then wewere talking about being cryogenically frozen, because
people are putting cash reserves in ifthey're getting frozen, because when they wake
up they want to have money.Agree, Bob said, Good morning Anngia
and Marris. Cryogenics. Really don'tyou remember trying to eat your wedding cake
at your one year anniversary. Yeah, and that was only one year in
the freezer. No, thank you. Hey, Bob, I know it's
probably been a while since you gotmarry You don't really do that anymore.
Usually, U like the bakery onyour one year anniversary will make you a
little mini version off the cake.Yeah, actually really smart because the frozen
thing, you'd be on that turletfor a long time. Oh no to
a nine. Watch Altered Carbon onNetflix. It's all about being able to
take your consciousness and putting it intoit chip and be alive forever. Great
shows. That's a great show too, Spooky bad spooky. Thank you for
all the texts today. We loveyou, roadies. I'm gonna tell you
what's up for your day. UsAn info coming in minutes. Rock ninety
five to five, Curl Jam Rockninety five to five, Hay Thursday,
Roadies, who wants to play Don'tKill Angie? If you play Don't Kill
Angie, you should keep me alivebecause today tickets to Deaf Leopard, second
Row Death, Leopard Journey and SteveMiller Band called now to play eight four
four ninety five fifty. Don't KillAngie is a choose adventure game to hopefully
get Angie safely to Friday Bigger Fat, but be careful. One wrong move
we'll kill Angie. Go chill Isie. And it's only on vock twenty five.
Do you think it's a bad omenthat we went right from Zombie into
Don't Kill Anchie? Oh my goodness? Oh no, no. Let me
talk to Jason from Oaklawn. Hi, Jason, Hi, how you doing?
My guy? Good? All right, you're gonna play Don't Kill Anngie
if you keep me alive today.You have some awesome ticket. It's def
Leppard Journey. Steve Miller ban inthe second row at Wrigley on Monday.
A yes, man of many words, Jason, Let's take it away to
the narrator, Berkeley's hero in ahalf sholl. The force is with him.
It is Maris hy Jason, Welcometo Don't Kill Angie. There's a
lot of chatter today about being crowdingfrozen, as accountants are now creating reserve
accounts for people to have money afterthey thaw out. Angie has decided this
swirls a little nuts right now andwants to be frozen until the coast is
clear. Now, Jason, Thequestion for you is what years should they
thowt Angie out to rejoin the world. Twenty ninety nine or thirty three?
Thirty three? Oh my gosh,long time frozenne all right, this sounds
like a good deal. Then Icould party into the new millennium. Ooh,
I see what you did there.You picked twenty ninety nine. A
fine choice, indeed, a fineen you like it's twenty. Angie is
in the unfreezing process and has becomeback to live. The doctors are all
astounded. She has her senses comingback to life, and she hears music.
The doctor say, music snaps youout of your ice coma. Angie
is happy to hear music, andthen realizes she's listening to bluestraps. Oh
why why, Angie? This isstill a thing in this day and age,
and demands to be thrown back intothe freezer. Put me back,
and next time you an throw me, you better not have this music playing.
She's back in the freezer for anotherhundred years. Do you know what
this means, Jason? Yeah,just me. Wouldn't that be horrible?
You come out of your one hundredyear coma and they're playing brute Blues Traveler
Harmonica is just smacking your Jason.You're going to Dap leppardesme wait, it's
gonna be a deaf Lepper Journey andSteve Biller Band. That's Monday Night at
wrig what you feel. Have agreat time, all right, thank you,
thank you so much for listening.Hang on the line. We'll have
prison tattoo. Get you all hookedup with your tickets, and thank you
for playing Don't Kill Angie eight.A great that we don't have to clean
up the mess this morning. Congrantsto us all rock I almost threw up.
Yeah, HP, HP came intern, HP came in here. She's
eating those candy Boston Baked bean candythings. Never enjoyed those candies. Well,
I didn't even know those still existed. After the lemonheads. Lemonheads are
awesome, really, uh huh,I love lemonheads. It would be at
the bottom of the barrel with theBoston Baked beans and like, all right,
I got Boston Baked beans are disgusting, and the necho wafers and like
those little brown candy things, thelittle brown taffy things that come into Halloween
color. Ugh, oh yeah,I know you're talking about nasty but Boston,
Like, what the old timey storedid you go into? She went
back in time. She definitely wentback in time. That's discussing, you
know, it's not discussing free tickets. Yeah, yeah, we got tickets
today, kinds of tickets. Ihave tickets to see I'm gonna take two
separate winners. I have tickets tosee I Prevail in Hailstorm, and then
I also have tickets to see ArioSpeedwagon with train. Whoever is the first
one picked up will get to pickand the second one will get whatever is
left. Okay, get them outthe door. Eight four four nine,
ninety five point fifty call now AlienHalf Farms gets kicked off in ninety five
minutes Commercial Free Rock We do whateverda It's the ninety five at nine Auntie
Taylor Show, Good Morning. Relationshiptherapists are always trying to figure out why
people are unfaithful to their partners.They're still looking into that, but some
of the experts are answering the ageold question of what does a cheater look
like. I'm not talking like physicallylook like, I'm talking about like,
what is there, you know,what kind of qualities do they usually have
Yeah, the dating site Actuley Madisonor of the data site the cheating sites
actually Madison, which is the datingsite for married people to cheat, have
details at their fingertips of course,of course, because it's all they have
on there. They surveyed more thantwenty six hundred Ashley Madison members to reveal
what a typical cheater does for aliving in more things like According to the
sites experts, cheaters tend to havejobs making less than seventy five thousand dollars
a year. For men, thetop jobs that cheaters have are trade workers,
tech workers, engineers, sales managers, and construction workers. For the
women who cheat, they are oftenin caregiving careers like nurses, teachers,
stay at home moms. Also,marketing execs and hospitality workers are in there
too. Interesting. That is interesting. It turns out that even birth order
can influence info. Where are youand the uh, you're the baby,
Yeah, I'm the oldest and withmy siblings, cheaters are often the oldest
of their siblings. Yes, mostof these cheaters are married with kids,
usually one or two. More thanthe third of the members have kids between
eighteen and twenty five. It's notsurprising they also typically have lack luster relationships
with their spouses. Well, Imean, that's the obvious part, right
there. Yeah, that's the obviouspart. And you know the fact that
the kids are usually between eighteen andtwenty five. This is a lot of
empty nesters looking to fill their liveselsewhere because the kids are adults. Now.
Some folks on the sites are justlooking for a hookup, but a
lot of them want something long termto come from the people that they meet
on side piece, long term sidepiece. It's a lot of process.
I mean, listen, I wouldn'twant to have two wives or two girlfriends
or something like that. I feellike that would be a pain in the
house. That's way too much tome juggle with two families. You gotta
like buy two gifts, to dinners, to everything. You gotta remember your
lies, like who you telling?What? Lie? All the time?
Which one are you lying to?Which what are you being truthful with?
I don't know, you're lying toboth basically, But there you go.
I mean, I'm sure that noneof our listeners are cheaters. I'm sure
they're absolutely not. Cheat on yourspouse, don't cheat on the Angie Taylor
Show. That's my demand. Okay, thank you for listening. A Requestores
is up next. I am thethree time champion. You'll find out what
today's steam is in minutes. It'sbout ninety five time, ninety five minutes.
Commercial Free gave aways so many ticketstoday and my head was spitting.
So shout out to Mark from MontProspect. He got the Rio speed Bagan
with train tickets. I said,your name Mark, and then Fred from
Hoffman Estate's got hailstorm tickets. Nlove that. Look at this, and
now it is time to go towalk. It's now time for request Wars.
Arm your torpedoes. Are you surewe should do that? Yes,
we're sure we should do that.Repair your fast smacked off because this is
gonna get real in about a second. On the Angie Taylor Show, Request
Very Distracted, there's a big,slowly cute sloth. The caption says,
slats are cute but deadly. Nostopping, they're too slow. I could
outrun a slot. No, theythey're sy will get that big hook up
with them long claws and you willbe bleeding already. Know what happened.
I was going, it's so cute, you're gonna go into the cuddle with
the sloth, thinking it's gonna becool, sneaky Slot, slow Slot.
It's slow and sloughs and hippos.And I'm not the person to have around
wild animals because I just think they'reall gonna be nice and I can cuddle
with them not even close. Rightthen I get mauled by a manatee or
something. All right, so itis time to play Request Wars. Today's
theme came from text six three ersongs about a girl. Yeah, a
lot of great songs about a girl. I mean, you rockstars just writing
about us all the time, allright, I am the three time champion.
Maris, what is your song abouta girl? Pick? I went
with crazy Bitch from buck Chairing.Y'all, crazy bitch, but you're so
good a mom? Wow, I'mnot around. I mean, y'all,
how do you know this song isn'tabout a guy? You guys can be
crazy bitches too. You just automaticallyassumed that this woman is a bitch when
when he goes into it's a womanscratches all down my back. I kind
of yeah, but I just havenails. They do? What rude?
All right? If you want.Marris's very sexist song crazy crazy bitch,
I just got trapped. They wrotethat about me. It's okay, buck
cherry crazy bad she want that?Text a letter M to eight four four
nine five, five, ninety fiveto fifty. I went with a more
sweet and romantic version of a songabout a girl. Don't do that,
Yeah, do that? The WhiteStripes fell in love with a girl sweet,
very opposite. I'm gon shoot outbeing a crazy all right, fell
in love with a girl from theWhite Stripes. Love it if that's your
pick. Text a letter A toeight four four ninety five fifty. Songs
about a girl couldn't be more polaropposites. They really are. They're both
great songs. Get your votes InRock ninety five to five and after the
Smashing Pumpkins, guess what, Rockythe Rooster gonna drop a keyword it on
you for a thousand bobs. Getthat money come up by disturbs on Rock
ninety five to five. Good morning. I know it's cloudy and kind of
rainy right now here and there,but it's supposed to become partly cloudy later
today. Eighty degrees. Thank youfor listening Auntie Taylor's show We Are in
the middle of Request Tours. Iam the two time champion. Maris.
Oh yeah, Today's theme was fromsix to three Oh, Songs about a
girl. Maris picked the song crazyBitch from Buck Cherry. Y'all crazy,
so good to Mop. I guesswe're just assuming this is about a woman.
Y'all crazy. Oh he did sayher Okay, crazy bitch. I
heard the pronounce crazy bitch from WelcomeCherry. If you pick that, text
a letter M to eight four fourninety five five ninety five fifty, or
you can go with my pick today, the White Stripes fell in love with
the girl? Is it you?Is it you? Were a prison at
that just said they need a bassist. Definitely that Yeah, that was funny.
White Stripes felling over the girl.If that's your pick, text the
letter A to eight four four ninetyfive fifty. Thank you for listening Rock
ninety five to five eleven in Chicagoand rocking out with Chicago's rock station Rock
ninety five to five. Auntie TaylorShogu mourning today's theme on Request Wars,
where you as a listener, youas a roady you text us a theme
for Request Wars. The song themeand Maris and I both pick a song
we battle it out. Today's themecame from six to zero songs about a
girl. So Maris's pick was crazyBitch from Buck Cherry. My pick was
the White Stripes felling over the girl. Do we have a winner? We
do have a winner? And thankyou. Roady is as always for all
the same thing you every Yeah,I knew it. Take the world.
Marius is so positive and thankful wheneverI win. You don't you just roll
your eyes and you you play thepeaky blinders thing and you're like, I
can already tell Okay, so youwon. Congrats, Yes it was me.
Congrats Maris the nude Champion. Everyoneloves a good crazy bitch. That's
why we're here, aren't we?Rock? Ninety five to five? Yeah?
Rockney's so close to Friday. OhI love it. Thank you for
listening Auntie Taylor's show. Let's goto the head of all the roadies,
the secretary of the show giving usall the tea. It's Jay the Gay.
Hello, good morning to you,my darling ding Dong, good morning,
good morning. Now listen. Thismorning, during the daily discussion topic,
we looked at crazy things people haveseen in Chicago. Okay, you
know there is the obvious one likedrunk woman falls twice and split her pants
open, or drunk woman falls leavingliquor store at eleven am on a Sunday.
But for Angie's example, she talkedabout the time she saw someone that
totally was not her trying to poopon the street during Stinko Tomayo. He
that was not me, that wasnot me, And it was like right
on Chicago Avenue like clear as day. You know you can't hide that.
At least go in to alley right, find some book like normal people do.
Wow, Yeah, normal people aAs for Maris, he consumed all
of the gas station Cheetah piss andit made him see a group of pikachuos
frollicking at Lalla Flooza until one ofthem fell over from either being exhausted from
battle or od. Yeah. Imean, if I saw a bunch of
Pikachu's at La La, I'd belike, yo, time to go smoked
way too much, man, gottaget out of here. It looked like
they were having a great time untilwell, I wouldn't believe it was real.
I would think I was tripping orsomething. What else today. He
probably was, though, I mean, come on, the yeah, probably
you think that there's really a groupof Pikachu's running around. Well, we're
talking about Marrits so Yes has roommatesat our Stormtroopers. I don't know.
That's like, why would I pickthe least accurate shooting person in the sci
fi world as a roommate? Arethey bad shooters? They're terrible? Well?
Okay, anyway, whole anyway,anyway. Also a quick riddle,
If Angie has a secret and noone cares, is it even worth discussing?
No, no, the tree fellin the florest and nobody cares.
Now listen, move over, MTU. The Anti Taylored Universe just added a
third film, and it's spilled teasaga this morning now following the classic yell
at Maria on air and have clingerssend you the voicemail along search of hot
office gossip. This morning, weclose up our trilogy with Anti finding has
a secret of her own. Howeverbackfired when it turned out Mariss was an
interested in me piping hot, scalding, burning, insane ty that Angie has,
and she is now burdened to nevertell anyone. Until I heard Green
Lights the fourth movie. In thespilled piece, Angie is going to tell
everyone anyway, here's the real tea. I don't have any I was just
really trying to rile up Maris.Didn't work. It didn't Workie, quick
chushion and you're gonna quick question though. Yes, when are we gonna get
a cameo from Walt? This PrincessLeah in a gold bikini because he's the
only main coworker that you haven't draggedinto this stupid nonsense yet. Oh?
Because I love little Wally. Yeahyeah, wait, wait, wait wait,
because you love Walt. You didn'tget dragged in, but you dragged
in Maria and Clinger. Are youtelling us that you're playing favorites? I
love I love everybody. You shutup, Maris, I got it on
take, guys, I love everybody. However, Walt the least aggressive the
in a meeting in one hour.He doesn't provoke. He doesn't provoke like
that Squashatchie or whatever it is.It's out here. Anybody get a saw
squatch yesterday? Yes, okay,guys, saw squatch Hey, where can
we find your notes? Every day? My goodness? Son rocking ninety five
five Chi Dot com and click onthe Angie Taylors Yes and please every day
listen back to the show curated byPrison Tattoo on the Beautiful Antie Taylor Show
podcast wherever you get your podcasts,but especially on the free iHeartRadio app.
It's time for the ten o'clock Toaston the Angie Taylor Show. Yeah,
Angie's drinking at ten am, Joinerand a toast up fellow show shug along
almost at the weekend. The pregamestart early. Today's tenna clock toast goes
out to any of you who havethe balls to buy things off of Timu.
I need somebody to explain the Timuapp or store to me because Okay,
so I'm looking for these rugs formy house. Don't do it?
And I've been scrolling, scrolling,and somebody needs to stop me before I
f around and pay fourteen dollars foran area rug that looks like it costs
ten thousand racks like let us,Yes, have you go to any other
outlet? How about the Wish?No? No, no, just stop?
Does she have rugs? So?I was looking for some stuff for
a costume party, yes, andlike my search led me to TMU and
I was like, oh, letme click through and see what the pricing,
sizing and everything. Yeah, it'slike a dollar ninety nine for a
whole outfit. It was ten.But like I spun the little wheel and
it was like, oh, yourfirst order is free. We see you're
a new customer. I was like, I do not trust this. There's
no way. It was a costume. You're only gonna wear it once,
so who cares if it's like crappyquality? Because have you seen the costumes
at the Halloween be Witchy Store?Whatever the hell those are the Halloween hop
alongs, Halloween be Witchy You justwhat are they called? The you know
they take over all the Halloween store. There's not the Halloween Store. There's
a Cold Spirit and Halloween thank you. I mean those are not like those
are. Yes, they're very cheap, cheap, but you're talking about a
rug that your dogs are probably goingto eat in a week. Oh yeah,
that'll do it. You want tosay, what us spent fifty bucks?
No, that's sad. Well,at least I could roll them right
up in the rug after nobody wouldknow. I love my dog. Stop
talking about them like that. They'rebeautiful, precious, love them stinky dogs.
But okay, if so it's bad, you're saying, don't do it,
don't do it. Does anybody haveanything good from there? Like I'm
not because I'm not like getting somethingstupid like an avocado slicer. This would
be an actual rug, right,so no, ok, all right?
Why is it so big? Then? Why does everybody use it? Then?
Because it's cheap, like if itwould be like an internet dollar store,
except the quality is completely underneath theearth. Well, I do high
low with my outfits, you know, like I'll carry a Gucci bag and
wear my Target pants. I don'tcare. You get your TV rug and
you let us know how it wasprobably toxic. It's nothing but lead pants.
It's all like fiberglass and like chemicals. Yeah, you know what,
I won't do it. I won'tso expensive an outlet. I hate adulting
so much. Outlet? Where's therug outletlet? And they got rugs just
yeah? But then it's like,no, I don't want those rugs that
are like they have like pumpkins onthem and vine pump Yeah, like I
want a cool looking rug looks,not a rug with colonial people on it,
Like you know, churning butter.Yes, what all right? I
don't I want to know where you'vebeen furniture shopping that you saw this?
These rugs, I see them ont but this one was actually cute,
all right, guys? Was it? No? Yes, it looks like
a direct knockoff of this Jonathan Adlerrug. That's like ten thousand dollars.
Okay? So how big was therug? Listed as eight by ten?
Eight by ten? It would bea foot foot by foot. It would
come smaller than small and you wouldn'tbe able to do like, yeah,
like a body dreamhouse rug. Yes, that is exactly what you would get,
and then you'd be like, guys, damn, my rug didn't It
didn't work out I ordered versus whatI got, right, No, none
of it's going to go properly.So okay, I won't do it.
Well it's not. But cheers toyou if you're that brave. All right,
thank you for listening. Hey,Walt is not here, he is
on vacing. Well who is here? James? Who? Boss? What
do you mean? Ja? Yes, James is up next? Yes,
Oh, James is up next.Get the hell out of this studio before
the boss comes in here I didn'tknow that Walt was gone. Nobody tells
me anything. And then I say, Walt is next, and then in
comes like Don Stuck or something talkingabout the Kennedy I don't know. Then
he's gonna play you a guitar solo. I wish people would communicate. This
is a communicating This is we arein the business of communicating. This is
a communical catch your job, thisis a job, Yes you can,
but for me, real quick houseway. When we do a job where our
job is to communicate, how isthat other people don't know how to do
it. I don't get it.I don't get it. She's going down
a rabbit hole. Off. Idon't have to seek it away from a
stroke. I feel like that.I feel like I work in a bakery
and nobody knows how to bake.James's next. Now I've been bitching on
the air. Now, maybe I'llsee you tomorrow. I don't know.
Have a great day, Love you, Roadies Rock ninety five to five,