All Episodes

July 8, 2024 • 62 mins
Oh hey there, hi, good morning. That's right, we are back and if any of you expected to hear some kind of wacky, delusional, insane stories after a whole week away ... then clearly you are a devoted roadie and knew you were going to get just that. So, Angi took a trip to New York for her best friend's birthday which in turn became a weird celebrity get-together as well. Where else would you ever hear about Dwayne Wade and Busy Phillips hanging out in the same place after all? However, that drunken bash was not the star of the New York trip because that honor belonged to a malfunctioning fire alarm and Taylor Taking a Tumble (if you get this reference, good on you.) The first part of this "tragic" tale starts with the return from the party where everyone was too drunk and ready to sleep. However, the fire alarm in the hotel had different ideas and proceeded to go off awakening everyone and sending them fleeing in case the fire was real (and not just in Angi's head as you probably wrongfully assumed.) This would proceed to happen 7 more times after that, each timed between falling back asleep and annoying enough that the fire department even showed up. The biggest issue though came when Angi went to take a shower in a combination bathtub/shower. See, getting out of this was a little slippery and grandma took a tumble into some porcelain. Though she braced the fall, her knee took the brunt of it and it "caused a bone to pop up." Not content with just that delusion, Angi consulted with Dr. Google and AngiMD to discover that she has Osgood Schlatter Disease. Weirdly enough, Marris actually has this and Angi felt seen for him trying to hone in on her imaginary issues (of course.) Marris' was not caused by falling in the shower but because he grew too fast for his knees and they couldn't keep up. Also, this disease usually happens in adolescents and not 79 year old women. Combining that, plus her new bone in her leg and toss in some mosquito bites that she is allergic to and you have a summer where Angi is afraid to show off the gams. However, since we can't leave you with the thought of a 84 year old woman not showing some ankle all summer, it seems that a solution was created. Angi will be getting a knee brace because that will bring her all the attention she so desperately desires but refuses to say aloud that she is seeking. In other words, it seems we did not miss a beat the week that we were gone.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Oh my gosh, Yes we're back. We're bad Rock ninety five to five.
Good Monday morning, Hot Roadies,Auntie Taylor show is back after a
long daycation. Good morning, Maresmorning, Angie, Good morning Roadies,
Good morning Creatures of the night.Yes, good morning. How you guys

doing. How was your fourth?Was it amazing? Did you do anything
on the fourth? I didn't.I laid in bed no longer. Had
to be up the next day andI was like, how long are they
going to shoot these fireworks in yourneighborhood? Is it like all night long?
Oh? It was all night,all night. Okay, it stopped
at midnight and I had to beup at two. It stopped at midnight.

You're lucky. Yeah, all thetime it stopped by you. It's
still going. They're still they're stillsetting them off. Left the garage this
morning and got scared because a Romancandle went off right by my car.
No, it's still going. Ifeel like it was non stop, non
stops. I hope you had agreat fourth. I hope you still have
all your fingers intact. I reada story today that some dude died not

here, but somewhere else because hewas drunk. And trying to show off
to his friends and lit a humongousfirework off of his head. That sounds
dumb. Yeah, well not smartat all. He didn't have a head
anymore. Was there at least ahelmet? No, no, nothing in
between. I'm not smart. Hopefullyyou did not do anything stupid like that.

I hope you had a great holidayweekend. Thank you so much for
being here every single morning and todayon the show. We have amazing tickets,
lots of tickets. We have ticketsto def Leppard, nice deaf Leppard,
Fifth Row today, Tomorrow, fourthRow, Wednesday, third oh Thursday,
second Row, Friday, front Row. I like how this is laying

out five four three two one allweek deaf Leppard. We have Harley homecoming
tickets. We have tickets to IPrevail and Hailstorm. Amazing. Text us
anytime, call us anytime. Eightfour four nine, five ninety five fifty.
We miss you. We did,so we got to catch up.
Let us know what you've been doing, and we'll chat all morning. Eighty

five. Today cloudy, maybe alittle rainy. We're getting some of that
burrel burrow storms, that burrel hurricaneburrew. I've never heard of the name
Barrel, but Burrel. They're runningout of names, they are running out
of Hurricane Burrell. We're gonna getsome rain this week. About eighty five
and cloudy today. Thank you forbeing here. Let's kick you in the
crotch. It's the five Am kickingthe crush on the Angie Taylor Show,

Rock naty five. Yeah, wewant to wake you up, Bechase.
Let's go with some rains. Goby the radio, Rock ninety five to
five. Bo lights out, GorillaRadio. You have been kicked cap run
on the crotch man. Happy Monday, Happy Monday. We are back and

we are so happy to be here. Miss I miss chatting with the roadies,
a miss chatting, chatting, youknow, with everybody. This is
my this is my social event everyday, every day. Yes it's work,
but it's my social event. Thankyou for listening. Eight four four
nine ninety five fifty. Hit usup anytime. We're gonna tell you what
happened on this day. Our lookback in history is next Rock ninety five

to five. Well, thank youfor reminding me. Marris, Rocky the
Rester is back starting today. Yes, money's back, m thousand dollars pooping
out one thousand dollars starting today aftereight am, So make sure you're here.
Listen for the keyword, get yourthousand bucks. Okay, let's tell
you what happened on this day.Today is July eighth, twenty twenty four.

On this day, July eighth,nineteen fifty eight, Kevin Bacon is
born. He is sixty six todayhe's Wren McCormick from Footloose. If you
ask me, we'rehn is a totalfox. That's what his little niece said.
Oh yeah, Also the inspiration forthese six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.

This is lovely game because it tracks. Yeah, everybody is tracked to
Kevin Bacon. Yeah. On thisday in twenty ten, during an ESPN
five time special, Lebron James announcedhe was leaving the Cleveland Cavulatres and taking
his talents to South Beach. Takinghis talents to South Beach. That was
so annoying. It was a bigbetrayal. It was it felt like,

but I'm glad he did come backand get one for Cleveland. We thought
he was coming here. We thoughtDwayne Wade was coming here. Man.
They all lied and they went toSouth Beach. On this Day. In
twenty twenty, Nya Rivera drown atLake Piro while swimming with her four year
old son. She had just enoughenergy to get him to safety before the

current pulled her under. Her bodywasn't found until six days later. From
Glee Nya keeping track of that onewas like, that was sad. That
was so sad. And today's FloridaMan, Florida man dressed as the Grim
Reapers hair rises Florida beaches during thepandemic to scare beach goers. I mean

during the pandemic, like people justgot to go to the beach, get
some fresh air, get out oflockdown, and then here comes a grim
Reaper as if we already aren't scared. Not what I wanted to see,
not at all in person anywhere.Nope, not at all. That's what
happened on this day. Thanks forrocking with us today on Rock ninety five
to five and pull that steel horseout over the fourth man, Get out

there on a road, let yourhair fly in the breeze on your hog.
Bon Jovi Rock ninety five to five. So the new bon Jovi album
Forever is about to set a record, not a good one. The album
debuted at number five last week,but this week it dropped all the way

out of the Billboard two hundred.Yea, from five to not even two
hundred. That was a quick surgethere. Unless it somehow rebounds and gets
back into the chart, it'll bethe very first bon Joby studio album to
only last one week in the toptwo hundred. Bon Joby's last album twenty
twenty, only lasted two weeks inthe top two hundred. But this was

bad. This is bad. Imean, I feel bad. He could
have hit like one ninety. Idon't think. I don't think that documentary
helped him out at all. No, it just made him look like a
big a hole. No, he'sgot a god complex now, a little
bit John bon Joby little god complex. But hasn't he for a little while?
He has, he has, ButI think people are just like,

all right, you got a godcomplex and you're still front of everybody's yeah,
and what kind of music are youmaking now? It's kind of a
little honky tonky. I don't knowwhat's going on with bon Joby. But
if you got the Forever album,maybe spin it a few times get them
back in the top two hundred.Tell a friend and then tell a co
worker. Yeah, tell a stranger. I love the old bon job job.

I don't know. Thanks so muchfor listening. We love you so
much, Roadies. We missed you. We're so happy to be back.
Oh my gosh, hope you hada great fourth. You had a great
fourth. It was chill. Itwas chill, like I actively didn't do
anything because I had to work.The next day mine was chill too.
I went and saw my friend inNew York for her birthday. That was
super fun. Yeah, and thatwas about it. Just kind of hung

out. Now it's just a continuedcelebration in a neighborhood every night, every
night. Yes, yes, fireworksare still going over there in Humble Park.
Thank you for listening. We're gonnatell you what's up for your day
in just minutes, the news andinfo you need. Stay here, rock
nainety five to five. I havea very distinct memory of my little brother

in the car singing that song missedmisheard lyrics. Oh please tell us what
he said, do the funky lady, do the funky the funky late.
I mean that takes on a wholeother connotation there. Yeah, he was
like six. I don't know.I don't know if he knew it doing
a funky lady man, but whatever, he still probably doesn't. He's still
single. It's like forty something,still single. Hey, thank you for

listening Rock ninety five to five AnchieTaylor Show. Let me tell you what's
up for your day? Angie willnow fill your brain with the right amount
of craft for your day. Here, what's up? Did anybody watch NASCAR
yesterday? Had to? All right? Did you watch the broadcast I did

of the NASCAR Street Race? Thefirst hour of them talking about are they
gonna use what tires or you canuse dry tires? What the slick tires
or the not tires? That madethe race? It was so much behind
it too. I didn't realize thatthere's that much difference between the two tires
apparently. I mean, this isthe second year that we've had the NASCAR

Street Race and the second year it'sgotten poured on. Yes. Alex Bowman
was the winner from the Grant Parkone sixty five Chicago Street Course to earn
his first victory of the twenty twentyfour seas in the eighth of his NASCAR
Cup Series career. He just endedan eighty race windless streak. Wow,

and one what a time to doit. You know what they're saying,
it's because of the tires, thedamp is the slick tires. Well,
he kept his wets on. Yes, he kept his wet weather tires on,
Like those last few laps. Whilethey were doing the countdown, they
were like, oh, he's gota swerve into the puddle to keep those
wets going. Yeah, this isa thing. So I'm sitting there watching

this in the whole tire discussion asif I know, and I'm like,
all right, these guys are allkeeping their wet tires on. I'm putting
my dry tires on because the drytires go faster. Maybe I'll swerve a
little bit, but at least I'llbe faster. Yeah, that's that was
my strategy as a as a NASCARracer. All right, So shout out

to him. Way to break thatstreak. All right, let's talk about
drinks. This was very upsetting newsthat I read today. Oh, it's
sobering. Having just one alcoholic beveragea day can shorten your lifespan by about
two and a half months. Right, it's not bad. I was expecting

worse. Well, here's what's worse. People who drink more than that.
Let's say you have thirty five drinksa week or five drinks a day.
That could take two years off yourlife. I mean, it's almost worth
it if you're like ninety eight andeverything else all your you know, your

faculties are leaving your body. You'renot counting those extra two years. Yeah,
they say alcohol is used for pleasureand relaxation. The last thing you
want to hear is it causes anyharm. But apparently it does. I
don't like that study. I didn'tknow about those two years when I'm about
to pass anyway, so it's allgood, speaking of booze. Chicago is
awesome for many reasons, but anew study from the study website puts Chicago

in the top five cities in thecountry for the best night life. There
we go. The study found thata great party when the time is right,
can have major benefits on your healthand well being. Making an intentional
effort to celebrate positive life events andachievements leads to feeling more socially supported.
It's good to celebrate everybody's achievements,and they came out with the best nightlife

places in America. Las Vegas isnumber one, of course, that makes
sense. Yeah, get your gamblingand get your restaurants and your bars.
New York is number two, thenMiami, then New Orleans at number four.
Chicago is number five. I actuallyagree with this list. I love
what they said about Chicago though,because you could tell they've never been here.

They said, check out a baronce frequented by a notorious gangsters such
as El Capone, or pop intoone of the many speakeasies across the city
and enjoy a classic old fashioned cocktail. Regardless of where you go or what
you choose to do, you'll havecountless opportunities to relax in the city of
Broad Shoulders, from an upscale restaurantto the infamous comedy club Second City,

Chicago boasts a unique lineup of nighttimevenues and activities. Looking for a peaceful
place to sip cocktails, head overto one of the city's many jazz clubs
and jam like it's the Roaring twentiesall over again. That person's never been
a shagatta keep watching movies about it. That's what's up for your day.

Thanks for being with us today onRock ninety five to five, Rock ninety
five to five, Good Monday morning, Roadies. So happy to be talking
with you again. Finally, absolutelymiss y'all, hope you had a great
holiday. In a minute, Iwant to talk about what we did on
vacation because, oh listen, therewere things that happened to be over vacation

that include of fire alarms, thefire department, the fire department showing up,
I have a new injury. Ohmy goodness. I was hanging out
with Dwayne Wade. It was avery wild Yes, okay, there was
a lot of things going on andI don't know, but I'll tell you
about that next Rock naety five tofive, Rocket naety five to five,

Good morning, Good morning, Roady. So happy to be back. Auntie
Taylor show is back, Maris ishere in prison, Tattoo is here,
and HP is hair yet old squadin studio, the whole family. So
happy. Prison. Tattoo was justasking me about New York because I went
to New York for my best friend'sbirthday, which was amazing. So happy
to see her. She had anamazing birthday party. Random celebrities at her

birthday party. Dwayne Wade was there, nice Busy Phillips was there. Okay,
uh, Malik Yoba was there,all these celebrities. It was like,
oh this is interesting, well connected. But something happened. Okay,
so no, wait, So thehotel that we were staying in was a

nightmare. It was beautiful, butit was a nightmare because the night that
we went up for the party werehammered. We go back to the room,
we go sleep. All of asudden, fire alarms going off smoking,
no, no, like firelight thewhole hotel fire fire. So you
know, the lights are blaring andthe thing. So that happened eight times,

eight times throughout the night. Soas soon as we would be like
all clear from the hotel, wewould go back to bed. We would
just get to sleep, and thenboom, it would go off again.
The New York Fire Department was there. It was insane. There was a
malfunction. They just couldn't figure itout. They couldn't figure it out.
It was a malfunction, but itwas all night long. Made me crazy.
So then I get up to takea shower and it's one of those

bathtub showers and it was slippery.Oh no, and then I slipped and
to brace my fall. My kneehit the porcelain. Do you guys see
this. I've been staring at thatbump all morning. I have another kneecap.
Now it's it's just a bruise.No, it's not. There's a

bruise and a bump and it's alike a bone popped out. So then
I googled it. Oh no,why did you google it? I wanted
to know what's going on. Andso I have a new thing. It's
called doctor WebMD. You say,ozgood, slatterer Olater disease. You have

it? Yeah, I feel seen. Okay, you have it where Well,
it's just like the doctors have toldme, like I think I grew
too fast for my knees or whatever. So there's like a little yeah,
you just shot right up there andyour knees couldn't keep up, couldn't keep
up. Well, this is adisease that usually plagues adolescents. Uh huh.

But now I have this other bonein my leg and it's not cute.
And then all the skeeters, allthe mosquitos this weekend bit my legs
and I'm allergic to mosquito bites,so they get real big. So all
the skeeters got me, and thenI got all these Now I have a
new bone in my knee. Areyou trying to be like me? Yes?

I would like to be like you, because I had two bones and
now you got one new bone onyour knee. Well, apparently icing will
take this thing down, but Idon't see it happening. I don't have
to get surgery. I don't wantsurgery. I will not have a knee
surgery. I'm just saying there's anew affliction. Okay, I'm glad you
survived. Does anybody else have osgoodschlater disease? Or just me? It

might be something I said, No, we see it. Yeah, it
is noticeable there, and it's summer. And what am I supposed to do
with these gams? Just keep themunder wraps, put a knee brace on
or something? Oh, a kneebrace? Yeah? Oh, then I'll
get attention. Yes, I'm gonnaget a knee brace today. I just

wanted to share that with you.Oh my goodness. I hope you guys
had a good fourth I hope youdidn't get any osgod schlater or lose any
fingers with the fireworks. Thank youfor listening. I'll be all right,
don't worry about me This Rock ninetyfive five love a Coming Home Rock ninety
five to five. Speaking of home, add this to the list of reasons

that people don't like hoa's Oh pleasetell me. I know, sir,
you are the president of your HOA. I wouldn't even call it that anymore,
but yes, I was the secretary. I got demoted because I wasn't
keeping notes. But a homeowner inIndiana caught a seventy four year old woman
pooping OH on the side of hishouse twice. The first time last month.

He saw her on his lawn andlater realized she'd left him a gift.
Uh huh. He adjusted his surveillancecameras to that spot, and a
few weeks later she came back andpooped on his lawn again, and this
time it was caught on camera inbroad daylight. So he took it to
the police, which, yeah,I go the police for that. The

old lady pooper is this retiree wholives in the area and she is a
board member on the HOA as well, so she was just mad to know.
She denied it was her, andthen she admitted to it when they
showed her the footage. She toldthe cops she had no like vendetta against
the homeowner. She just had apoop. So you're in the neighborhood where

you live, right, you cango home and for you to hit the
same yard twice, No, shesomething happened at that HOA meeting. Well,
the homeowner admitted that they have anongoing issue with the HOA you know.
Uh, but that was She hassince stepped down. She's been charged

with three misdemeanors, criminal trespass,criminal mischief, and public nudity. Yeah.
Well but like the poop, Yeah, she just had to go to
the bathroom. She said, Ijust had a poop, And so she
went on her neighbor's yard, thesame neighbor both times, so she probably
had a problem. So you justfully squatted in your neighbor's yards and you're

on the HOA board. Yeah,which is very obvious. Hilarious, it's
very obvious. Not so sneaky attack. Okay. Hoas can be crazy,
you know, it's crazier sometimes roommates. I want to talk about your crazy
roommates because there's another roommate story thatI have to tell you. That's next.
Rock Nainety five to five ninety fivefive Chicago's rock station. Good Morning,

Auntie Taylor Show, Good Monday Morning. We love you, Gonna be
eighty five today cloudy. We're gettingsome of the rain from Hurricane Burrell Burrow,
Burrow, Beryl Burrel Burrow. Arewe just going into a nouns instead
of names now? Just Burrow?So rain a lot this week, but
eighty five today. Thank you forlistening. Over the holiday, I feel

like I've watched every thing on allthe streaming networks, like I've run out
of things to watch. I've watchedall of YouTube. I've watched everything on
the streams. I watched on Netflix, Netflix over the week. Worst Roommate
Ever? Is anybody watching this WorstRoommate Ever? Which is true crime and
it's basically about the psycho roommates,okay, and how they kill you.

Oh this is a series, nota movie. Oh it's a true crime
series. Oh yeah, it's aseries. Like it's like a dateline,
but like about just about horrible roommatesthat they murder, they murder you or
try to murder you. It's it'sreally good and it made me think about
horrible roommates that we all have hadI feel like everybody's had a bad roommate.

I've told this story before. Ihad a roommate when I was in
my one semester of college and shehad a boyfriend that was in jail.
So he used to call the housecollect all the time. Of course,
yeah, from jail, but thephone bill was in my name, and
he would call all day, everyday and they would talk on the phone
for hours and hours. She rackedup a huge phone bill and then moved

out, and she had a babyby the way, that she would just
go to the gym and leave thebaby in the room and not tell me,
and so I'm like you yeah,but I would wake up and be
like, where is she? Oh, the baby's here, She's not here.
She wouldn't even say anything. Soshe loved me with this huge phone
bill just like took off. Fastforward a year later, me and my

coworkers were at a restaurant. Shewas the waitress. Oh boy, I
told everybody at the table there waslike eight of us. I'm like,
eat, drink, drink, andeats leg it's the last day of our
lives. Run it up, whateveryou guys want. And then we left
because it was about the same amountthat she owed me, So I think
that balance is out right. Igot her back. Yeah, right,

But did you ever I mean,you were in college and didn't have roommateship,
a bag roommate. I won't callit bad. We just kind of
had some misunderstandings. They had acat that they would not take care of,
and I was allergic to said cat, and the cat needed a lot
of attention. So there were alot of moments where like the cat would

just get sick or have anxiety orsomething and there's just CATU so like you
had to clean it up. I'dget it, but then I'd be like,
yo, the cat is sick,something's going on. Oh oo.
And then like I could actively seelike he woke up in the night clearly
stepped in it and it kept itmoving. And I was like, nah,
we didn't want to take care ofthe cat. Nah, So it

was up to you, the personthat's allergic allergic to the cat, and
it was it was a struggle becauseshe really wanted a lot of attention from
me, and I was like,I cannot touch you. I'm not trying
to be here with you as itis, but yeah, hey, I
feel like everybody's had a horrible roommate, and that was the only roommate I've
ever had in my life. Yeah, and after that, I was like,

never again. I don't care ifI'm poor, if I'm on the
street, I will never have anotherroommate. But I want to hear about
the worst roommate ever. You know, based on this little Netflix series,
perhaps there was not a murder,but you had a horrible roommate. Eight
four four nine five, five ninetyfive fifty Call now. I want to

hear your story about your horrible roommate. Somebody will get tickets to Harley Homecoming
in Millie Walkee. Eight four fourninety five, five ninety five fifteen call
now rock ninety five five. Butgood Monday morning. So happy to be
back. You guys watching this showWorst Roommate Ever on Netflix. Violent con

artists, stone cold killers, terrifyingtrue stories unveil some of the worst cohabitation
experiences one could ever imagine. It'sreally great, but I want to hear
about the worst roommate you ever had. Eight four four nine, five,
five ninety five to fifty. Callnow eight four four ninety five fifty Somebody
can get tickets to Harley Homecoming withRed Hot Chili Peppers Offspring. All that,

all right, let's go to thephum. Let me talk to Kim
from Westchester. Hey, Kim,Hey, good morning morning, Good morning
man. Do I have a worstroommate ever? Okay, So when I
was in college, I got Iactually asked for I got a Russian roommate.

I'm like, oh, I wantto be all international. And she
shows up so like I've already movedin, I think like two days before
she gets there, and I'm thenthere's bunk beds that I'm in the bottom
bunk. And she arrives like twoin the morning, and she was like,
oh my god, this room isso drab. No, I will
not do the bottom bunk. Yougot to go to the top. And

I was like, wait, waitwhat. I thought you'd be only happy
to be here, and I'm likeso yeah, And then like I love
that, she comes in and she'slike, I am changing everything. This
is where I sat. Yeah,yeah, and You've got to go up
and I'm just like, so Iwent up. I like I can't even
believe I did that, but yeah, I went up to the top.
And then I was in such shockand then that's what my twenty first birthday.

So we go out and we goto this bar that gives you,
like, you know, a beerfor your twenty first birthday, and so
I get mine and then she ordersand then she like turns to me and
she's like, well, I didn'tbring any money, and so I had
to buy her drinks on your birthday, my twenty first birthday. So this

was college and you got rid ofher quickly. Well I had to live
with her for the year, butyeah, we did. She went back
after that. The worst part isto buy me drinks on your birthday.
I don't like that at all.Kim, thank you for the call.
I hadn't brought me money. Yeah, you're supposed to show up with no

money and your friends are supposed tobuy you drunks. Kim, thank you
so much. Your first beer onyour twenty first birthday was free. That
was your very first beer. I'msure. Thank you for the call.
Let's thank you eight four four fifty. Tell us about the worst roommate you
ever had. Let's talk to Mattfrom Chicago. Hey, Matt, good

morning, Hey, turn your radiodown. What's going on? What tell
me about your worst roommate ever,Hey, Pete on my bed? What
why was he in your bed?I was out doing stuff. Came home
one night and I was like,why is my bet all? And I
realized he pet at my bed justtrying to like get back at me,

get back at you for what thisdrunk and excuse me of doing stuff?
And thought he was smart playing thaton me, and I was tired to
have it, so I just straightup left and moved out. So you
you moved out after he he doesyour bed? How about you? Just

That's the thing though, with roommatess. You can't sometimes just move out.
You got a lease? Like,how did you do that? I didn't
have a lease or anything. Itwas just kind of an agreement and I
was like, I'm not saying therest of what I owe you. You
got a spit shake handshake on thatone, Like yeah, pretty much.
I love it. Matt, Matthanging on the line. All right,
we're taking your calls. Eight fourfour ninety five fifty worst roommate ever.

I want to hear about it,all right. It's rock ninety five to
five. Oh boy. Shout outto Matt, who won the Harley homecoming
ticket. Yes, yes, weknow, welcome back, welcome back,
first day back. We don't knowhow to do a radio and Mike's were

on and you got to hear thembehind the scenes. What time is it?
Do we have another do we havetime for another song? Do we
have time for this? Do wehave time? Sorry? Guys, yes
we know, the MIC's were on. Thank you for listening, Love you
so much for listening. Oh youknow how I always talk about how people
get bamboozled by who they think isasking them for money, celebrities asking them

for money on email. Yes,we have a rock star who now has
an impostor stealing over one hundred thousanddollars. I'll tell you about that.
Next cranber is Happy Monday, roadies. It's rock ninety five to five.
Thanks for listening all the time.Auntie Taylor's show eighty five today eighty five,

A little rain coming through. Wegot the Burrel. The Burrel's coming,
the Burrel, Hurricane Burrel. Ineed to I feel like I have
to reiterate this at least once amonth that you should not give money to
rock stars posing online. Oh absolutelynot as needing money. A seventy five
year old Journey fan in Cleveland,Ohio was scammed out of one hundred and

twenty two thousand dollars by an onlineimpostor posing us Steve Perry. So in
January, this woman responded to aFacebook message from someone claiming to be Steve
Perry. The fake mister Perry hada business opportunity and of course needed a
woman in his life. Oh ofcourse, I feel like, you know,

you join these Facebook groups of peoplethat you like, like you're a
Journey fan, and then people findout, oh, you're a Journey fan.
So definitely Steve Perry can scam youout of money. So, over
several months, this woman sent theSteve Perry impost seventy two thousand dollars in
wire transfers, oh boy, aswell as fifty thousand dollars in gift cards.

That's insane, it is. Andshe's seventy five years old. You
know you're scamming the old people.So the Steve Perry impost began demanding pictures
of her passports and driver's license.Then she was like, oh, this
doesn't feel right. Maybe I'm beingscammed, and she went to the So
wait, it wasn't the amount ofmoney she was one and twenty two thousand

dollars, supposedly well off rock Star, but it was when they asked for
like your drivers h yeah, youpass. Yes. They advised her to
report the scam to her bank andthe FBI's Crime Complaint Center. But this
happens all the time. Joe Elliottfrom def Leppard was just bitching about this,
saying that, Hey, it's startingto make me really angry because a

lot of our fans are saying,why do you keep asking me for money?
You're walking up on the man.He's like, I don't need your
money, Okay, I would neverask you for money because my wife's divorcing
me, or my leg fell off, or I need a glass eye or
whatever it is. But all thesepeople, it happens all the time.

So and it doesn't happen to peopleour age. I feel like it happens
to our moms and grandma's. Yeah, it's clearly targeting, But at the
same time, like, well,first and foremost, check on your family
members all time. Tell them andnumber Steve Perry and Joe Elliott are not
trying to get their money. NumberTwo, If you would like a friend
that bad, I don't need one. Hundred thousand dollars just like fifty.

Every once in a while, I'llcome hang out, I'll bring dinner by.
I can actually have that interpersonal relationship. This Steve Perry woman was seventy
five years old, and this personwas like, I need a woman in
my life, you know, posingas Steve Perry. Don't do it like
I'm not trying to be rude,but like you're seventy five and Steve Perry's

coming after you like that? Comeon? Well that, come on,
that's because you know rock stars daytwelve year olds. Lets be honest,
not that part, sorry, grandma, But yeah, I mean talk to
talk to the old folks in yourlife. Yeah, make sure you're doing
make them aware of all these Facebookscams, especially the ones with the celebrities.

Sorry, yeah, it's rock ninetyfive. So should I not?
Because should I not give money tothat Saudi Arabian prince who said I have
like a billion dollars whatever? Butall I have to do is given my
social and he's gonna then deposit itinto my account. You will be much

happier taking me to lunch in persons. Okay, it doesn't sound as fine,
It won't be Rock ninety five tofive. Good Monday morning, eighty
five, today, cloudy, rainy, whatever. Do you know? Passive
aggressive people? They drive me crazy. I can't stand a passive aggressive person.

I cannotstand it. It is theworst, most anxiety inducing person to
be around. I feel like Iused to work with somebody that was hyper
passive aggressive. You know, somebodyasked psychology experts for phrases that people don't
realize are passive aggressive. Maybe you'resaying these things and you're being passive aggressive

and you don't know it. Hereare some of them. Good for you.
It's passive aggressive, and it's kindof like there's some resentment or like
some like hater behind it. Goodfor you. I'm changing seriously, like
Maris want a trip anywhere in theworld, Good for you? Yeah,
yeah, that's very passive what everybodywas saying after I want, you know

what? The you know what?The worst one that I got from my
mom all the time was must benice? Oh, must be nice?
Is so passive aggressive. I rememberone time I was on the phone with
her and I had a babysitter comingover when my daughter was really little,
because I was going on a dateand she's like, oh, babysit,
thatter must be nice. I didn'thave any babysit. Theter is with three

kids, and I'm like, ohmy god, mom, fifteen dollars an
hour at that time. I'm like, calm down, another one. I'm
sorry you feel that way. So, you know, people use that as
a non apology. You're supposed tosay, I'm sorry I made you feel
that way. Now I'm sorry youfeel that way, Like it's your fault
that you feel that way. Right, it's fine, Yeah, I'm I'm

not gonna lie. This is avery big girly thing. I'm fine,
it's fine, everything's fine. Yeah, it's not fine. Whatever. You
might use it when you're throwing inthe towel, like I really don't want
to watch that movie, but whatever, either get on board or whatever.
If you say so, it's dismissiveimplies you don't really believe what they're saying
if you say so. If yousay so, they're saying you're just shutting

down the conversation. Oh yeah.And then finally, you're just too sensitive.
Oh that's a fight. Oh thatis such a fight. Don't tell
me I'm too sensitive. It discountstheir feelings, shifts the blame onto them,
so you don't have to apologize orfeel bad. All right, I
don't want you to think anything ofthis starting stuff. You ain't ready for

it. Yeah, that's right,But don't be passive aggressive. I don't
want you to be passive aggressive.I want you to be very aggressive with
your texting right now. Anything that'son your mind, anything that you did,
what'd you do over the fourth Wehaven't talked in like a week.
Tell us what you've been doing with, what's going on in your life?
Eight four four ninety five fifty.Send us your texts, text us whatever.

We will read them next Rock ninetyfive to five. Let's take some
calls from the request line. Yeahnumber one, so good to be back.
We love you, roadies. Thankyou for the text today, Thank
you for listening. We read yourtext every day. Eight four four ninety
five fifty. Let's get to them. The Monday text Joe the head Rody
of wrestling, So very happy tohave you all back. Barely made it

through last week without you. Ohthanks Joe, us too. I barely
made it and then got this thingon you got need lump Yeah seven seven
three I saw and met Angie afew times. I have a secret crush
on you. I can't help it. Oh buffrien, girlfriend, I don't
know who are you? Seven sevensus No, how you doing? Eight

four seven? I spent last weekat my place in Decatur, Michigan.
I did work remotely Monday through Wednesday. Though, nice smart, take advantage
of it. Take advantage, AngryBob says, good morning, Angie and
Maris. Must be nice to geta week off, and good for you
that you're back to work. Thankyou, Angry Bob. I'm always so

happy. Yes, seven seven three, Hey, Angie and Marris, hope
you had a great week off.I was smoking barbecue. It's my side
hustle. I was smoking since Tuesdayto Thursday for orders that were put in
for the fourth for our oldest son'stwenty first birthday. Please let me know
when I can get you guys somebarbecue. I would love to feed you
in the rest of the morning.Crew HP and prison Tattoo, Hi,

we might have to plan a rendezvous. Keep it smoking from Tuesday to Thursday.
So was I? Yes? Ohmy god, I got so high
the other night that I started spinning. Is that ever happen to you like,
you know, when you're drunk andyou get the spins and I put
that one foot on the floor inyour bed. Oh why did I think

you were just twirling high as hellspinning? Yeah? Oh no, yeah,
well I do that too. Sevenoh eight says Auntie, I also
have oz Good. It's the kneething, very rare in adults. Uh.
This is Bill in Chicago Ridge.Plus, I have three terrors of
my moniscus right knee. I wasdiagnosed at thirteen. They told me it
would go away at seventeen. Itnever did, yeap doctors. You know

how What I love is that we'regetting so old that we're talking about all
our ailments. Just what That's justpart of being an adult, right,
It's true. Two to four Iwas diagnosed with oz Good Slaughter's disease as
well. I also had a bonegrowing and my knee joint had it operated
on as a kid because it clickedwhen I walked. Yeah, I remember

that. Yeah, but I don'tknow if it's the same bone that you're
talking about. But I don't knowthat much today. It's really is that
the thing you did, your kneeclick, It made noise with the two
bones being in there for sure,Big Kat said, according to the drinking
survey that you read, I shouldhave been dead twenty five years ago.

Probably Big Cat, me and youboth. I'm not doubting that. Seven
o eight. On the subject ofextra bones in the body, the human
hand has twenty seven bones in it. Twenty eight when a man gets lonely?
Got you good there, Happy Monday. I don't know that we were

talking about extra bones in the body, but yeah, I brought it.
Oh that's right, Yeah, thatfloater my knee. Yeah, that floaterbone.
Now you have the one in yourhand. You got twenty eight.
Thank you for the text. Today, we love your rodies. It's Rock
ninety five to five. I'm gonnatell you what's up your day in minutes
collect if so Rock ninety five tofive, Rocky the Rooster with one thousand

dollars coming up in a secon.Don't go Anywhere, but but don't kill
Angie is coming up as well.Do you want to play? I have
tickets for you. Fifth Road,daf Leppard Journey, Steve Miller, Van
Hart Cheap Trick at Wrigley Field nextMonday, a week from today. Call
now to play eight four four ninetyfive fifty Keep Me Alive, Don't Kill

Angie is to choose your adventure gameto hopefully get Angie safely to Friday Bigger
Bath. But be careful. Onewrong move We'll kill Angie. Killie,
and it's only on Vock twenty fivefive. Who wants to play a game?
My little game? Let's talk toJohn from Chicago. Hi? John,

good morning? How are you Angiedoing great? Do you want to
play a game? I do?Do you want to keep me alive?
All right? Jigsaw? Definitely wantto keep you alive. I knew that
was from some like horror movie.I didn't know which one. I don't
know horror movies. I just knowwar movies, John, John, if

you keep me alive today, you'regonna go to def Leppard in the Fifth
Row, Deaf lepperd Journey, SteveMiller Band, Heart and Cheap Trick at
Wrigley Nice. Are you ready toplay? I am ready to play.
Let's play take it away? Ournarrator Berkeley's Hero and a half hill with
a soldier field ten hat on?Is that what that is? No?

What is it? Baseball ten yearanniversary? Oh yeah, looks like the
Soldier field tent. It was close. It was close. That's an old
hat. If we're celebrating soldiers tenththen no, they have the race every
year. It looks like the race. Oh okay, my bad, it's
fine. Who is on your shirt? Is that? Thor? Who is
that? It's from? Lord ofthe Rings? Who is it? I

forget his Name's go on? Talkto John, Bye, John, welcome
to Don't Kill And Yes, Angiehas a doctor's appointment today. You know
you're the first one to say,thank you, John, Thank you.
I appreciate that. I like this. We all know Angie has a mile

long list of ailments to take herto take over to the doctor today,
including her brand new bum knee andher blood pressure eyes. John, I
have blood pressure eyes. You knowwhat that is? Oh yeah, no,
not even yet. But when Iwent to my optometrist, he saw
some dots on my eyeballs and hesaid it's blood pressure. Anyway, don't

worry about me. I'll be allright. Go ahead, and is only
looking forward to rating the pharmaceuticals assoon as the doctor leaves to Yes,
now, John, the question foryou is which goodies should Angie steal from
her doctor? Today xanax or wegov I would say the van at yoah

goobi, it's supposed to be hotno summer? What okay xanax? Yes,
yes, they fine choice. Indeed, pick the xanax. Angie waits
for her doctor to leave the roomand sneaks over to the candy closet of
drugs and steals all the xanax andshe runs out of there. But what

is she supposed to do with thestash? I got bars? Oh,
I got bars on bars. Sheremembers that Lollapalooza is in a couple of
weeks, so she runs over theGrand Park and buries all the goodies at
home plate on the West Baseball Field. Why are you giving out my exact

GPS? Oh, we're all gonnahave fun with this, okay, And
now we know where the drugs are. Angie is our hero and John gy
you know what that means? Whatmean you did not kill? And thank
you? Yes? What a wayto come back after vacation. I got

a live today, I got theliving because of you. John. Thank
you. That's awesome, that isawesome. That is awesome. So now
John, you are going to defLeppard journey. Steve Millervan Hart and Cheap
Trick at Wrigley Field a week fromtoday. Fifth ro my man, man,
that's a lot. That's gonna bea lot of rock and roll.
That's a lot of rock and roll. Who are you going to be rocking

with? Who are you taking?I'll be rocking with my wife. Oh
you and the wife. A coupleof bears men at Wrigley Just having a
great time with a couple. Ilove it. At least a couple have
a great time. Now Journey isgoing to be there. I know Steve
Perry is no longer with Journey.But if your wife gets a Facebook message
from Steve Perry saying that he needsher to send him money, don't let

her do it. Don't do it. That's it's bad, okay. Or
Joe Elliott from jef Leppard like both, thank you so much for thank you
for playing. Have a great timeat the show. I want to see
pictures of you and Wifey like jammingout. Okay, so send him to
us, have a great time,John, and thank you for playing.
Don't kill And what a delightful surprise, Angie Lewis to drink more of the

brown wicker rock at ninety five five. Good Morning eighty five today Little Rainy
Angie Taylor Show. Thank you forlistening. I don't know what you got
into over the Fourth of July weekend. Maybe you had some barbecue, maybe
you got in fight with the familymember. Maybe you blew off a pinky.
It happens, you know, withthe fireworks. I'm going to tell

you in a minute. What happenedto Danny Trehill. Oh, amazing actor,
Danny tra Yes, he got intosomething on the fourth of July.
I'll tell you about that. Andninety five minutes commercial free. We do
it every single day on a Mondayafter the holiday weekend. You really need
that NonStop rock. It's next Rocknainety five to five. Yes, Alison

Chains kicked off ninety five minutes commercialfree Rock on Rock ninety five to five.
I hope you had an amazing Fourthof July, you know, like
cookouts or whatever you did, likeyou know, sparklers with kids, blow
a finger off, something like that. Just one, maybe a couple.
Danny Trejo had an interesting Fourth ofJuly. The actor filled with fireworks and

fisticuffs. So Danny and some friendswere cruising in their lowriders in a parade
in California when somebody pelted them withwater balloons. Oh so they they got
out of their cars, they startedbrawling. I would not want to brawl,
not at all with Danny Troyo,because he'll pull out a machette so
quick. In video from the event, you can see that Danny fell backward

off a curb and goes down andthen gets back up to rejoin the fight.
Good on him. TMZ spoke toDanny after the incident. He said
he was sad about the whole thing, not only for the way he reacted,
but the fact that grown men feltthey need to throw balloons, and
he was confident that the crew wastargeted because they were Mexican, because nobody

else was being attacked. Then hesaid that when the first balloon was thrown,
somebody yelled that it was acid balloons. Why would you do that?
Yeah, right, which is thereason he freaked out. Police did show
up, the crowd already dispersed,so there was no arrest made. By
the way, Danny just turned eightyyears old, Still got the hands,

still still has those hands so clean. I'm still throwing puns. I don't
want to mess with him, No, you do not want to mess with
him. You you threw a balloon, whether it was water, acid,
at the wrong mother effort. Okay, so I hope that you did not
have any fisticuffs or any balloons,thrown, acid, water, whatever it

was. Hey, Request Wars isup next. Do you know who the
Request Wars champion is? It's beena week. I checked, you did
I did check. Yet I believeyou are the championship. It's me.
It's here. You are first RequestWars oufter the fourth. Here we go.

It's a crew Rock ninety five five. It's now time for Request Wars.
Arm your torpedoes. Are you surewe should do that? Yes,
we're sure we should do that.Repair your best smack talk because this is
gonna get real in about a second. On the Angie Taylor Show, Request
War first Request War back from fourthof July. Little may Kay, thank

you for being with us on Rockninety five to five. This is where
you the roady the listener. Youtext us a theme and then Marison I
pick a song based on that theme. We battle it out. Today's request
came from Area code seven and eight. They said, soundtrack to your teenage
years. I love that. Yes, it was a great time for music.

It was a great time for musicfor both of us too. Nineties
Yeah, early two thousands. M, I'm nineties your early two thousands.
Teenage years. In fact, mypick today is bordering on not being teenage
years because I think I was nineteenwhen this album came out from the Beastie
Boys Ill Communication that was ninety four. But Beastie Boys Sabotage. Beastie Boys

my very first radio job. Iremember being in the parking lot getting high
with the night guy listening to BeastieBoys. Hez typically that, Yes,
BCT Boys Sabotage. If that's yourpick, text the letter A to eight
four four ninety five to fifty,or you can go with our one time
champion Miras. Yeah. Definitely adifferent time period on this one. Two

thousand and four. I want tosay it. God, ten years later
a sophomore junior sounds about right.Yeah, But yeah, it's my chemical
romance Helena. Helen. My daughter'slistening. She's voting for you because she

loves my coup Helen. I.If that's your pig, text the letter
M to eight four four ninety fivefifty to get your votes in Baby and
also after this song, Rocky theRooster here with one thousand dollars for you.
Your keyword is in minutes hard tohandle. That's what they say about

me. Oh do they yes?Oh, but they love it. Okay,
don't let them fool you. RockOnty five to five ninety five minutes.
Commercial Free is going on right now, Auntie Taylor Show. We are
in the middle of request Wars.Have you got your votes in yet?
Have you today's theme that came fromArea code seven and eight soundtrack to Your
Teenage Years? Mmm? Very nice? I like this all right, Maris.

You are the one time champion,one time, one time. My
song is a Beastie Boys song fromninety four. I'm really pushing the teenageers
thing though lately nineteen and a half. It counts nineteen and like eleven months.
Beastie Boys sabotage. Beastie Boys sabotage. If that is your pick,

text a letter A to eight fourfour nine ninety five to fifty Marris's pick
about ten years later, my chemicalromance Hellaro my town. Did you see

them when they were at Riefish?Of course? Yeah? My chemical romance
Helena. If that is your pick? Text the letter M to eight four
four ninety five to fifty. Weare in ninety five minutes commercial free Get
them in, Little Sammy, Littlevan Hagar right now rock ninety five to

five Young Guns of Roses, ninetyfive minutes commercial free rock, going on
Happy Monday. I hope you're feelinggood. Back to the grind man here
we are all right. It isRequest Wars wintertime today from area code seven
and eight. They came up withthe theme soundtrack to Teenage Years. Okay,
I had Beastie Boys, Sabotage Marris, you have my chemical romance Helena.

Do we have a winner? Thankyou roadies, and welcome back as
we come back today. But justhow I know you? Just how I
know you won? What? Becauseyou just are like, hey, thank
you so much. Everybody. Welove you, we love your votes,
we love you being back here.Thank you very much. I was trying
to hold on. So you're talkingabout how you figured out that long streak

of when I couldn't get over,and like, yeah, it was,
it was difficult. So I wasin a little bit of a frustrated patch
there, But I wasn't talking aboutthat. I was talking about right now.
I know you're talking about when youwin. Yeah, I know you
do this. It feels good.So you won. Yeah, I did
win. Thank you Roadies past.You guys are great screwty Roadies. Actually

I love you and this is agreat song. Well dous waits yep ninety
five minutes commercial free going on Rockninety five to five. Morning Roadies,
Happy Monday eighty five. Today,little rain here and there, we got
Burrow Burrow, Burrow, hur CanBurrow, remnants coming through. We got

remnants. I'm still shocked at that'sa woman's name, Like, I can't
get over that. It's b Er y L correct. So it's like
myrtle. But it's thank you forlistening. Let's go to the head of
all the Roadies, the secretary ofthe show, always keeping the note.
It's always in the greatest mood ever. It is Jay Okay, best this

mood ever. Good morning to you, my darling ding Down, Good morning.
Now listen after a New York messthat I'll get into in a moment.
And you spend our time off watchingeverything on TV. Yeah. This
led to her discussing terrible roommates aftershe saw a show about it. Did
you see that? Did I sitnow watching very drunk and py. Yeah.

Andy f into the world involved agirl who had a prince and boyfriend
that ran up the phone bill looklike calls, who would then move out
without paying it. Now, afterAndy found out about a restaurant she worked
at, she brought a ton ofco workers, ran up a bill herself,
and then dined and dashed as herrevenge. Yeah, I mean,
honestly, she deserved it. Shedid as her marriss. He's allergic to

the people's pets and so it absolutehell when he's cleaning up after his roommates
hats that always seemed to be alwayssuffering some kind of ailment. Was that
a cat or was it a womanjust double chucking? Yeah? Yeah,

he was allergic cats. Still isye kill is afraid of it also shed
the a ailment. We were offfor a week, so you just know
that when we're coming back, we'regonna come back with some kind of disaster.
Enter osgood schlader Taylor, who whilein New York, was forced to
use a shower that didn't have toflip met and Grandma took a tumble out

of it and into some wayward.Doesn't that sound like the most old lady
thing ever, like I fell inthe tub. It is, And I
know you googled ozgood Slater because yousaid it right. Somebody else called it
Osgood slaughter un like Osbourne, likeOzzy Osbourne slaughter like whatever. Yes,
I have it all LEAs no testto be perfect. The result was Angie's

mashed potato knees growing an extra bone. Yeah, so gaining extra bump,
and it has an excuse for herto wear a knee brace for the rest
of summer so she can gain sympathy. My knee, mashed potato knee looks
like there's a chicken bone coming up. It's really gross. Here's the thing
though, I have to ask.Okay, I just have to know.
Now, you know how they puton horses when their legs are useless.

Yes, and Andrew has this extrabone, and she has those massive mosquito
wipe and you know, a generalinability to stand because she's usually drunk every
day. Yeah. Could we doshotgun Tuesday tomorrow? You know, just
just in case you want to takeme out back and shoot me. Well,
I mean, your legs don't workanymore, your brain doesn't work,
your years are failing. Your eyeshave blood pressure? I mean did?
You're just a mess? I mean, I think it's time to move on.

Wow, So what's next? Sowe're just skipping the facility we've been
saving money for well, I mean, Mary's think of it that we're saving
money by just taking her out backand shooting her. And then we could
take that money and spend it onour sell, you know what, We
could go on a trip. Soundedreal nice at first, and now it
sounds diabolical. You should watch thatshow about like the Roommates that Kill You.

Yeah, it feels like that rightnow. It's on Netflix. It's
like the number one show. Yougot to have your head on a s
always Ohlways, where can we findyour notes every day? You can find
my notes on rock ninety five fivechi dot com and click on the Angie
Taylor tag. Thank you. Iwas about to send mares this invite that

I got for Skywalker's a Love Storya special IMAX screening, but now I'm
not going to. I don't evenknow if it's about like Star Wars.
What do you think it might beabout. I think it's about people who
are like Skywalkers. Yeah, Like, I think it's about people who work
on constructions. Yes, you gotme so excited just now about new Star

Wars and IMAD Walkers. A lovestory, Oh my gosh, it's a
uh that's definitely not a crazy highclimbing and the visuals of IMAX. It's
for people that are into like yougot me. Yeah. Yeah, two
hundred hours of materials shot across sevenyears. Nope, footage of their most

heart pounding sense. Yeah, youwill be there by yourself. No,
there's no dust star until your trip. All right, Oh damn. Make
sure you check out Jay's notes.Make sure you listen to the podcast every
day, The Antie Taylor Show whereveryou get your podcasts and on the frame
iHeartRadio app still ninety five minutes rowcommercial. Right, it's time for the

ten o'clock toast on the Angie TaylorShow. Yeah, Angie's drinking at ten
am. Joiner in a toast upfellowship, Chuggy Chuggy on a Monday.
You have all that left over fourthof July booze drank, It's go.
Today's ten o'clock toast goes out tothis woman, Julie Reinberg, thirty eight

years old. Okay, Julie Reinbergis a genius. And this shout out
to all the single ladies listening rightnow. Oh single, oh yeah,
shout out for sure. Yeah ohyeah, Maris, look at you,
Marus trying to get a date.Uh he's single. Oh. So this
lady is tired of the dating apps, as I know you are as well,

man, Yes, tired of thehit or miss dating apps and having
difficulty meeting people in person. Youknow. So this woman is very smart.
She is taking matters into her ownhands by literally planting golf balls with
her contact information on them and hercampaign for a husband all over this very

expensive golf course. So I gotto go golfing. I could give you
her info. Can she take thisto a putt putt? So I would
actually show up? And actually,I think you would like her. She's
cute. Round of golf, Around of golf, nine holes, eighteen
holes. Julie. Julie was atthis Snake River Sporting Club this summer with

her family and she was playing picka ball, she was hiking, she
was golfing, you know, playingwith her nephews, and she's like writing
her number on all the balls thatyou can play with. She is literally
writing on them looking for a husband, and then her number is on the
other side. I think this isa great idea. Golf courses of rich
dudes, you know, guys withmoney. Usually it's not cheap to golf.

On the reverse end of this,yeah, what can I write my
number on and leave it around tofind myself a nice rich woman. You
can put it on one of thosepieces of paper that they have on one
of those utility polls, like missingchild like that. That does not sound
But you can put your face andbe like want wife, That would be

cute. That's way too many people. Oh my god, we just came
up with our next billboard. Lord. I think it should be your dating
app on the bill or you're datingthing on the billboard. That would be
funny. Can we get you inthe meg the Stallion outfit though, like
that one that you have. Doyou know what? I'm never going to
be able to out you that photoshopso nah, no, Na, but

shout out to Julie. I likegetting creative. You should go to where
women hang out and leave something.Where is that the yoga studio? Write
your name, yes, yes,go to color me mind, paint your

plate or something and leave that.Actually that would be I'm also going to
leave my phone number on like Targetshopping cart. I will call you,
you know what. I would justsome random when I was on my way
to the bathroom because Target always makesme poop. But like, I would
totally call you because I live ata Target. I love Target. I'm

a Maxinista too. If you putit on a TJ Max thing, I'll
be there. I see Target inthe middle of the day, and it's
just different. You got Starbucks stars. You want some white girls with uss,
go star Us. Put your nameon all the cup in your number.
Oh my goodness, I like heridea golf balls of her. I
may also leave it at like emporiuma few other arcades. Yeah, okay,

I'm trying to try to get yourhot girls. There's hot nerds.
What like wait, oh you're talkingabout nerdy girl. Oh yeah, I
was just thinking you would get like, you know, dudes like pinball.
I don't know. Let you haveall of the guys that like pinball.
Yes, okay, close, It'sall for you, So get creative with

the dating. Okay. If youwant to date Walt, he is up
next. You can text him atany time eight four, four, nine,
ninety five fifty. He is married. However, all of us married
people still like to be flirted with. We're not dead, we're married,
we're not buried. Walt is upnext, ninety five minutes. Commercial free
Rocky coming up in minutes. Listenfor your thousand dollars. Keyword Rock ninety

five to five
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