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July 18, 2024 • 55 mins
Good morning to Thursday, a glorious day that is one day away from the weekend where most of us will be planted face down in our man caves and she sheds drunk off our asses. At least that's what I gathered because when we introduced the Daily Discussion Topic of what the roadies would put in their fantasy man cave led us to discover that most of the roadies already have one (and missed the mark of what we were attempting to accomplish.) The reason that this came up was it turns out that different gens like different things in their man caves according to Man Cave Geek. For example, Boomers want a fully stocked bar in their man cave (wait, who wouldn't want that regardless of age?) Gen Z wants exercise equipment which was a resounding no from the studio, no one wants to feel pressure to work while in a man cave. Millenials want quality gaming stuff like systems and controllers. Gen X wants a ton of TV's in their man cave as they can then tune into all their different sports related nonsense at the same time. As for Marris, he would want it to be soccer, football, baseball themed with gaming and an L shaped couch. He also needs a sound system so loud it shakes the walls and vibrates your soul (while taking your hearing seeing as his sight is already going.) As for Angi, she is putting the wine on tap with several different varieties to go with the theme of the day. There would also be a pinball machine, The Addams Family one that she has wanted for so very long. On top of that, she would have a dart board, pop-a-shot and air hockey as well. Basically, Angi's she shed is a Dave & Busters with wine instead of food. As for myself, give me a few fridges of Captain Morgan White, a nice TV with a PS5 and some cool mood lighting and I'm good to go. Honestly, I'm a simple man (and a drunk) so it doesn't take much to please me. With our choices locked in, let's see what the roadies would do if we handed them $10,000 and told them to make a cave (spoiler: they would certainly miss the point of the topic.) Mark said he would get a popcorn machine for his cave. Sean has an established cave already in the garage and it is crazy (see the theme yet.) Sammy has a Chicago Blackhawks headquarters cave with 55 jerseys in it. Brian has a man cave with a trophy case from when he won a boxing match. He also would have litter boxes because he has a cat and something about a scratching post that looks like his couch. Chad would get movie style chairs, a TV, food catered in, stripper poles with strippers from Strippers R' Us and something about a $650,000 thing from ABT. Jeff also has a man cave with a framed picture of Angi and former producer Abe in it. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's Thursday, almost at the weekend. We made it weekend Eve. Good
Morning Auntie Taylor show is on GoodMorning Maris's Good Morning, Good Morning Roadies.
You went to the eye doctor yesterday? I did. Mary's is getting
glasses. So it's funny. She'slike, well, where do you struggle
seeing things? And it's like,you know sometimes when I'm driving, but

it's really annoying when I'm gaming gaming. You're getting glasses for gaming. How
far are you away from the TV? I'm like, oh, it's about
ten fifteen feet away. She goes, okay, I got you. I
got so you're nearsighted like I am. You can't see far away? That
part, yes, Like it startedwith me wearing the glasses to drive because
I couldn't see like the street signsthat were coming up down the road.

And now it's like, I can'tsee ten feet in front of me.
Now, yeah, She's basically like, you don't. You're just on the
cusp of like losing some far vision, right, So we'll get you set
now and you should be good fora lot. You'd be so cute and
your glasses. I was like,you know, my whole family has glasses
and My mom was like, Oh, you're finally joining us. Yeah,
welcome. Kidding old is awesome,isn't it? Hey, thank you for

listening every day. We're gonna rockout today. We're gonna give you some
tickets today. Sammy Hagard tickets Bestof All World Tour. That is going
to be awesome. We have ticketsfor that. We have tickets to Collective
Soul and Hoodie. Rocky the Roosteris here with a thousand dollars keyword.
Your first shot at one thousand buckscomes after eight am, so make sure
you're listening for the keyword. Youcan text us anytime, call us anytime.

Eight four, four, nine,five, five, ninety five,
fifty gonna be perfect day to dayagain seventy six and sonny Oo love it.
Love that. So let's rock outand kick you in the crotch.
It's the five am kicking the crunchon the Angie Taylor Show. Rock ninety
first song to get you up andget you going. Let's do Avenge sevenfold.

Avenge sevenfold. You have been cackedin the cralchy bat country. I
don't like it bats, you don'tlike your bats. This spooky, spooky,
scary bats scary bat They're really gentleand afraid of get rabies. I
don't like the ray pees. Thanksfor listening. We're gonna tell you what
happened on this day or look backin history. Whatever happened on this day,
we'll tell you about that. NextBilly had a Rock not if I

have Taylor show. Good morning.Let's tell you what happened on this day.
Today is July seventeenth, twenty twentyfour. On this day, July
seventeenth and nineteen eighty, Kristen Bellwas born. She is forty four today.
She was Sarah Marshall. Loved thatmovie Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Elsa's sister
Anna, and Frozen. She's alsoVeronica Mars, That's it, and the

narrator of Gossip Girl, which Idid not know. I didn't know that
easither, But Veronica Mars is afantastic series. Did you have? Do
you love Christin Bell? I likeChristy He's one of my favorites. She's
cool. I forget her show thatwas on NBC recently, but it was
it was perfect? Was that theone about Like the Heaven? Yeah?
Yeah, oh that was perfect?On this day in nineteen ninety two,

Whitney Houston married Bobby Brown. Theydivorced in two thousand and seven, and
she passed away in twenty twelve.Rest in peace, Whitney, Rest in
peace. On this day. Intwenty thirteen, Detroit became the largest city
to ever file for bankruptcy. Thecity was eighteen billion dollars in debt.
Well, damn, So they've bouncedback pretty well. Take getting the pretty

fun they're revitalizing. Yeah, it'sa beautiful city. If they could just
like fix it. And today's FloridaMan, Floridaman steals candles and sprays people
with bear mace at them all.Bear mace, I would assume is more
powerful than people. Mace, veryvery rich. I would think that's what
happened on this day. Thanks forbeing with us today. It's rock ninety

five to five, smashing pumpkins,rock in ninety five to five. Lay.
The weather's been like so crazy tornadoesand monsoons and heat humidity. Yes,
it's beautiful, but the heat andhumidity of this summer is causing an
influx of nasty bugs and rodents everywhere, more so than usual. According to

the latest data from YELP, ofall places the top infestation we're dealing with
this summer is cockroaches. Oh no, no, the coachas. Spiders are
second with spiders, and then wasps, termites, ants, fleas, ticks,
bed bugs, mice, and mosquitoes. Ooh, roaches. Do you

ever have roaches? Never? Doyou remember? Okay? So, I
have a vivid memory of sitting downto have breakfast when I was like six
years old. Remember honey Smack cereal? Oh my god, put the frog
on the box. Yeah, Iwent and poured those out, put the
milk in. I'm looking and suddenlythe cereal is moving. There was cool

garachas in the cereal, and theylook exactly like honey Smacks, the little
brown so yeah, so oh itfreaked me out. I was a full
grown adult before I realized that roacheslook very differently like some look more like
beetles, and then some look morelike the roaches that you saw in men
and black. Oh yeah, notseeing them in person. I always went

by the ones that were men andmen in black, which are absolutely disgusting,
disgusting, disgusting. Of course,we're number one for bed bugs here
in Chicago, which is nasty.They say, if you go on a
trip. Like when you get toyour hotel, the first thing everybody does
is put their suitcase on the bed, and that's how they They jump on
the suitcases and come home with you. So you're not supposed to put your

suitcase on the bed, but that'sthe first thing everybody does to get their
clothes out, put the suitcase upthere, So don't do that. That's
where they hitchhike. We don't needto know more bed bugs. Gross,
you're gonna have to pay for thatnext trip bed bus. Hey, thank
you for listening, Roadies. I'mgoing to tell you what's up for your
day. All the news and infothat you need is coming up. Rock
ninety five, the Good Part,Rock on your gorgeous Thursday, Rody is

gonna beautiful today seventy five, andson I love that, Love you.
Thanks for listening. Let me tellyou what's up for your day. Angie
will now fill your brain with theright amount of craft for your day.
Here's what's up. The twenty twentyfour Emmy nominations were announced yesterday. The

Bear set a record for most nominationsfor a comedy series ever well deserved,
with twenty three. Yeah, it'sa great season. I thought some people
didn't like this season. I likedit. I could get it because it
was more artistic. It was veryartistic. Yeah, thirty rock. You
used to have that record with twentytwo. Speaking of records, the legendary
Carol Burnett became the oldest woman toget an acting nomination for Palm Royal.

She's ninety one. Ooh, PalmRoyal. I watched it. It's a
Kristen Wig show. Was it good? I didn't think it was great,
And it's interesting that she got anacting nomination because she plays a comatose woman.
Basically, you did a great jobsleeping. Ryan Gosling got his first
Emmy nod for hosting the episode ofSaturday Night Live that featured the now infamous

Beavis and Buttheads, guys. Igot a great episode. It was some
of the big ones outstanding drama series. The Crown on Netflix, Love It,
Fallout from Prime Video, The GildedAge, HBO, Max Love That
Show, The Morning Show, AppleTV plus Love That showed a watch show
Ye Mister and Missus Smith on PrimeVideo. That was amazing? Was it?
It was real good Showgun on FXUh. I haven't seen it,

but it's on my list, andI heard great things all right, Slow
Horses Apple TV plus three Body ProblemNetflix. I haven't seen that show,
but when I interviewed Motley Crue Nikkisix said that show was amazing. Yeah,
so it's always been on there.And then Outstanding Comedy series, Abbott,
Elementary, The Bear, Curb YourEnthusiasm, Hacks Love It, Only
Murders in the building, Palm RoyalReservations, great list right there, and

what we Do in the Shadows.Yes, those are your Emmy nominees,
all right. NFL Hall of FamerTerrell Davis is speaking out after he was
wrongfully handcuffed and removed from a UnitedAirlines flight over the weekend following an incident
with a flight attendant on there.He said it happened after his son requested
a cup of ice during the beverageservice part of the flight. The flight

attendant on board, according to Davis, either didn't hear him or ignored my
son's request and continued past our row. So Terrell calmly reached behind him lightly
tapped the attendant's arm to get hisattention to ask again for a cup of
ice. The flight attendant said,don't hit me. Scream don't hit me.
Oh really loud? I mean hejust like tapped him on the shoulder

lightly said don't hit me. Then, once the plane landed in California,
six FBI and other law enforcement agentsboarded the plane, put him in handcuffs
and removed him from the flight.He said he's super embarrassed, humiliated,
that's excessive, pissed off. Yeah, that's crazy. But United says they
have suspended that plight attendant. Leavetrell alone. Led Nation bringing back It's

Summer Live four pack deal for thissummer. You want to go to a
show, a concert for a limitedtime, concert goers can grab four tickets
for eighty dollars. That's a fourpack for eighty bucks. That's not bad
to thousands of concerts across the country. The promotion's going on now. It
lasts till the end of the month, and you choose four tickets. Look
for the Summer four pack offer andthen type in twenty four summer to unlock

a lots of shows on that greenday, Slipknot, Megadad three eleven third,
eye Blind, zz Top thirty secondsto mars Limp, Biscuit Bush,
you name it. Tons and tonsof shows four pack for eighty bucks.
Go get it. That's what's upfor your day. Thanks for rocking with
us today, Rock ninety five tofive, Rock onty five to five.
You need to have a talk withall you gamers. Oh you gamers,

I have to ask you about Ihave a serious question for you about this
Deadpool controller. I want to talkto you the Deadpool control. Of course,
you know what I'm talking about.Oh yeah, we'll talk about that
next Rock ninety five to five.Pearl Jam job. There's no better man
than you or woman. Thank youfor listening. Roadies, Good morning,
it's the Angie Taylor Show. Maris. I know you're a gamer, that's

right. Uh? Is everybody elsea gamer? HP gamer prison tag kind
of a little bit, a littlebit soup. That's a different kind of
gaming. To coincide with the upcomingMarvel movie Deadpool Wolverine, Microsoft's made a
new Xbox controller shaped like Deadpool's ass. The new Xbox wireless controller is modeled

after quote Deadpool's much discussed, perfectlyrounded tush. Do people discuss his booty?
Yeah? It comes up a loveit is Ryan Reynolds. I mean,
he's mainly the one talking about it, but it does. Oh he
talks about his buttle lot. He'strying to be America's ass character America.
Oh well he can be. Hecan. Microsoft called this new Xbox pad
the cheeky controller and said it channelsDeadpool's buns of steel and it's firm yet

surprisingly comfortable grip. Now, didyou have an Xbox Maris or you play
station station? Guy? But nowyou're gonna go get Xbox? Oh no,
I mean if I roll into inor to win this, and yeah,
because it's to win it. It'sa one to one Oh oh yeah,
enter for a chance to win theDeadpool collectible by following Xbox on x

and retweeting the official Xbox sweepsteaks tweet. Do you feel like this is going
to be ergonomically okay to play?Though? I feel like it's so bubbly,
Like, how could you get agood You gotta grip that ass.
The butt needs to be a littlebit higher so you can continue to grip
the controller properly. Yeah. Yeah, But other words, it looks like
a nice tight ass. Though it'dbe one of those things where I wouldn't

want to open it, but I'dhave to open it to touch the controller.
You have to open the butt.No, not the butt, the
actual Xbox. Yes, it looksI mean it looks nice, and now
I have to go watch Deadpool.Had no interest any of those anime mouse
pads that just have the boobs andyou rest your wrist on it. What

you've never seen those before? No, so like you know how mousepads will
have that ergonomical like risks. Sothe cons of the world, comic cons,
they started putting out these anime mousepadswhere it's just anime boobs, O,
rest your wrist on it while you'regaming. Ergonomic, Yes, very
nice. Get your wrists in someboobies. Oh yeah, get your hands

in some booty man. Oh yeah, I like that a lot. Oh
yes, we all love that.Enjoy your little booty controller if you win.
That's pretty cool. Now I'm kindof interested. I might become a
gamer. Perhaps I'll become a gamer. Come to the dark Rock Rock ninety

five a couple of weeks away fromthe shower at Soldier Field. It's about
time shows, I know, right, Rock ninety five five, Auntie Taylor's
show. I don't like it whencompanies will take their product or whatever it
is and then mess with it whenit's already good, like, don't if
it ain't broke, don't fix it. Right do we learn nothing from New
Coke? No? Yeah, Nowthey're messing with cracker barrel. Oh oh,

I love me some cracker barrel.Yeah, oh yes, this has
gone too far. If you don'tknow, some cracker barrels are receiving a
makeover, and a lot of themare getting a whole new look. Except
it's very modern and awful looking.When you go into a cracker barrel.
There's something about something comforting about howlike tacky and like cheesy it is.

That is accurate. It's very kitchy. It's kitch everywhere. The gift shop
spills out into the restaurant. There'sthose little dudads in every corner like Chochki's
everywhere. You play that little golftea game at the table, the little
game you know. At the crackerBarrel in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. They
change the whole store so now itlooks as sterile as a hospital. Thereon

someone online side, what is this? Bs? I want to feel like
I'm eating at me Ma's house.You know you do, because it's like
you feel like you're at your grandma'shouse or something. Description. Yeah,
instead, somebody said it, nowit looks like a Panera with a fireplace.
Did they change the food, Well, they better not because it's comfort
food. I'm completely out if theychanged the food. Yeah, they're leaving
the signature rocking chairs out front,but then you go inside and it's all

modern and sleek. That doesn't makesense. It's like going into the matrix.
Once you walk into right, likewhere am I now, they're going
to make like waffle houses nightclubs tooor something. Just leave things the way
they are, you know, don'tdon't ruin perfection. You don't have to
judge everything. You don't have tojudge everything. That's a whole point of
the cracker Bell. It's just likecomforting you're on a long road trip or
something, because you usually when I'vebeen to one, it's like Kentucky or

something like that. Yeah, wow, just driving through all right, thank
you so much for listening. Iwant to talk to the guys about man
caves. Listen. They're like,every man needs a man cave. Apparently
different generations like different things in theirman caves, like gen Z Millennials,
Gen xers like different things. We'regonna talk about your man caves next,

Rock ninety five to five. It'sRock ninety five to five almost at the
weekend. Yeah, Auntie Taylor show. Now this this whole thing comes from
a source called man cave Geek.Oh, I guess it's a website.
They say, if a guy livesin a family home setting, having a
man cave to call his own isan important way to stay grounded insane.

Whoa family just pissing you off thatmuch? Putting together a proper man cave
is uniquely individual and should reflect yourinterests, passions, and comfort needs.
Plus, it gives you a placeto host the dudes for a proper man
hang. Yeah. The ideal locationobviously is a basement over yeah. Overwhelmingly,

sports themes are the way to go. What would be your team theme?
Soccer football? It would be probablysoccer football and baseball okay yeah,
followed by gaming hello, of course, a bar, design, hunting,
movies, sci fi, and bikerthemes. Standard price tag men are willing
to shell out for their perfect mancave is around ten thousand dollars. That's

a fancy man cave. It isvery fancy when it comes to man cave
must have, they fluctuate with ages, like the Boomers say that a fully
stocked bar is mandatory. Gen Zwants their man caves to have exercise equipment.
No, no, no exercise equipmentin the cave. I'm not trying
to party and ride a bike witheverybody. Then I feel pressure, like

I feel like your little oasis whateverit is, whether it's your man cave
or your your she shed or yourlady cave, whatever, it should not
have make you feel pressure like nowork stuff, no workout stuff, like
none of that. That's their escape, but not for me. Yeah,
millennials want a quality gaming system,that's right. Gen X wants a variety
of television sets. Why do weneed so many TV sets? Why not

just one big, huge flatting soyou can watch multiple games at one time?
Oh there you go? Yeah?Or can't you just get like one
of those things like the season ticketwhatever, But you still got to watch
like if like with the Olympics,you could watch multiple Olympic events all the
same time. All right, Sothere's other decor to consider. Let's say
we're giving you at least ten thousanddollars, you get to trick out your

ideal man cave and ladies too.Ladies your ideal she shed or lady cave,
whatever it is, it's your oasis. Yes, what do you want
in there? Merris? What areyou putting on your man cave? It's
gonna be one of the best soundsystems. This is going to vibrate your
soul. Sound system is very important, very important music, movies, gaming.
I need the full experience. Youget the biggest couch ever with reclining

and like the copy holders and allthat. I like the good L couch,
A nice L shaped couch. Whatabout a U shaped COUCHI I love,
friends. What is in your ultimateman cave or lady cave? What
are you putting in there? I'mputting in like a wine tap, you
know, like a wine bar.I forget how several different varieties. Yeah,

when you go over and somebody's gota caaggaraider, Hell yeah for me,
it would be Winer Raider. Okay, winekeger Raider, It's yes,
you go white wines, Rose's ared wine. Whatever you want, you
come over to my lady cave.It's in there. Eight four, four,
nine, five, ninety five tofifty call now, I want to
know what's in yours. Maybe you'llgive us some ideas of what to put

in ours. Always looking for newideas. Yeah, somebody will get Collective
Soul and Moody tickets too. Eightfour to four, nine ninety five to
fifty call now we're taking your calls. Next rock ninety five to five.
Talk about that man cave or thelady cave, you know whatever. Different
generations of people like different things intheir man caves. Apparently I forgot about
so many things that I would wantin there. I want a pinball machine,

Oh, absolutely, looking at thisone iron Maiden one. Here,
they've an Iron Maiden pinball machine.I know they do the arcade ups,
but I want like an original.Yes, But the one I would want
most of all is the Adam's Family. Yeah, which is the holy ground.
I want to dartboard in there.I want to pop a shot in
there. I want some air hockeyin there. We gonna do a little
arcade, Yeah, like a littlemini arcade. That would be cool.

Yeah, but I want to knowwhat you are wanting to put in the
cave. All right, let's talkto Mark from Oswego. Hello, Mark,
Yeah there, Hey there, how'sit going. It's going. Yeah.
No, I the main cave thingI got. I need to get
a popcorn in the video games goingon? Yeah, I want just like

fresh popcorn, popping it back inthe wall, playing playing video game.
That's very easily done. And thatsmell is intoxicating too. Yeah, that's
easily done. A great smell,good vibe, popcorn. Man, I
love it, Mark, Thank youfor the call. Have a great day.
Thanks. All right, let's goto uh Sean from Evanston. Everybody
hanging on the line, so he'sgonna get Collective Soul ticket high Sean.

Hey, good morning, a morning, good morning, we're good. What
what are you putting in this mancave? Well, that's already set up.
I got a two and a halfpacked garays, I got gareffed out
there, fifty thousand BTUs OD andTV who being Derek Bard course fridge because
I need your fridge. You're missingsomething. There's got to be something that

you still want in there. Uh. I don't know what a little bit
but actually sounds awesome. You andyou have it in the garage. Yeah
that's cool. That's a great spotfor Where do you put the cars?
Eh? But this is like reallybad weather coming. I get taken down
by ninety minutes park two cars on. Oh that's awesome, right on,

Sean, hang on the line.Let's go to Sammi from the South Side.
Sammy, Yeah, hello, whatdo you what is this man cave
looking like the Chicago black Hawk headquarter? Oh yeah, all Chicago black
Hawks? Everything? You got theblack Hawks bar? You got jerseys on
the wall, all of it,fifty five jerseys to be exact, fifty

five fifty five? Wow? Arethey signed? Or? I got a
Paneri autograph one? I got aBobby haul autograph one. I got a
autograph one? Nice? All right, sam Me hang on. Sounds like
everybody already has their man caves.Let's go to Brian from Mount Prospect.
Brian, do you already have aman cave? Uh? Yeah, kind

of a little bit. Okay,Well what what do you What else do
you need to put in here?That would be awesome? Oh yeah,
I have a trophy case from whenI want a boxing match. Oh good
for you. Why do I seelitter boxes on here for you? Oh?

Yeah, because I have a cat. It's cool. It's cool to
have litter boxes in your man cake. Yeah, I mean no. And
also I have a I live ina condo, so I make use with
the states that I have, andI have a nice looking scratching post that
kind of matches my section. It'sright by its looks like a decoration that's

hilarious, like the Winter box Man. It lights up, It's like a
kiddie bidet. Awesome. Hang on, Brian, Let's get a Chad from
Joliet. Hey, Chad, goodmorning, guys, good morning. What's
in your Ultimate Man Cave? SoI have like a like, you know,
movie movie style chairs, you know, big get big old TV screen.

Uh, maybe like some kind offood catered in stripper poles. I
like that sper poles. That's agreat one. I also want like I
also like that. There's that storein glen View, apt Yeah. And
I mean, I know you saidonly ten. I know you only spent
ten thousand dollars, but they havea movie theater Man Cave for like six

hundred and fifty thousand dollars, andI want that. Oh yeah, the
Ultimate the TV screens. Yeah,it's like one hundred and eighty thousand dollars.
Uh, TV screen by itself.And then well, let me ask,
where are you getting the strippers fromfor the stripper pole? Anywhere?
I guess I really don't know strippers. Stripper strippers are us. I mean,

any girl comes over strip you gota poll? Hang on, Chad,
hang on. Let's go to Jefffrom Lamont. Hey, Jeff,
Yeah, Hello, what are youputting in the ultimate man Cave? So
a few years ago, probably lasttime I called a radio station, I
met you and your old co hostat Wrigley Field and we took a picture.

So you're you're framed up in myman cave down there with me.
I am, yes, you are. Wow. I don't know if that's
like the ultimate thing to have,but I'm glad I'm in your man cave.
Well it's a conversation piece. Well, every time you do a shot
in that man cave, I wantyou to toast to me. Okay,

I I sure do. Okay,hang on, Jeff. Let's go back
up to where we go. Letme go to Sammy from the South Side.
Hey, Sammy, Yes, ma'am, Hey, you repping those black
Hawks. We love you for it. We're gonna send you to see Collective
Soul hooting the Blowfish. Okay,okay, all right, hang on the

line. Thank you for the call. Wow, these man caves are already
established for everybody. Yeah, itfeels like I don't know about that picture.
It sounds like the worst thing.Ah, anybody else that wants to
go? It is August ninth,Credit Uni one Amphitheater. Tickets are on
sale right now ticketmaster dot com.Go hook it up rock ninety five to
five. Hell, I have BlueTwighters rock in ninety five to five.
Good morning Auntie Taylor Show. Itis going to be beautiful today. Clouds

are gonna go away. It's gonnabe sunny seventy five. Thank you for
listening. I want to know fromyou roadies what you think about this whole
thread that happened on Reddit. It'sthe on the Ahle reddit, which I
love reading. Oh, it's oneof my favorites. Yes. This woman
is asking if she's the a holefor turning a man down because of his

gold digger test. Oh. Shesays she went on a date with a
guy met through a dating app.Date started out good, she said,
we had a great time until Iasked him what did you do for work?
He said he's a tradesman, andshe asked what kind kind of hesitated
for a second and then said carpenter. So she asked him some questions like,

well, what kind of carpentry,like furniture, like roof like the
house, like what kind of carpentry, because she was genuinely curious, right,
he kept fumbling, tried to changethe topic, and then he ended
up admitting that he's not a carpenter. He just wanted to test her.
He apparently makes a lot of money, uh huh, and wants women to
like him because of his personality andnot for his money, so he had

to be cast and made up alow paying job as a test. I
don't think carponite. That is nota little job. So she said,
well, I told him his personalityis dishonest, and he failed my test
of being a decent person. Thereyou go. So she was complaining to
one of her friends, and herfriend said, maybe she overreacted and she
should have asked about his past experiencesbecause he's probably been burned before. And

I have no idea what it's liketo be a high earning man. But
I kind of have an idea asI work with a lot of well paid
men and none of them do outrageousbs like this, Am I the a
hole? So people online are sharingtheir opinions. What do you think?
I don't think no. I thinkthere was a better way to a test

or convey it. I like totest that, not even test, but
like, if this is going tobe one of your parameters, like you
want somebody to like you and notfor your money, there's a better way
to come off about that. Insteadof just boldly lying about being a carpet
and then saying I was just testingit out right, he could have did
his test and not said anything aboutthere being a test, right, Like

he could have ran through some otherparameters to find out what. Why don't
you just trust people off the jumpuntil they give you a reason not to.
I mean, just because you wereburned before doesn't mean that everybody's gonna
burn. You must have been adeep burn though. I Mean, we
have no evidence that he's really ahigh earning man. It's just what he
said. But we do have evidencehe's a liar. If you tell somebody

like, I don't know what hedoes for a living, but if you
tell somebody what you do for aliving, are they just automatically going to
be like dollar signs? In theireyes. I don't know. I've never
wouldn't have been dating on these appsor whatever. I've never heard somebody's job
and been like, oh, you'repretty well off, Like that's not my
thought. I'm trying to like interactwith you about why you like your job,

why you love what you write,or if you don't love it,
like what are you trying to do? I feel like when you meet people
in a casual situation I'm not talkingabout dating, just like at a party
or something. You meet people andwhen they ask you what you do for
a living, I feel like that'sa question because they're trying to put you
in a box, like they arejudging you based on that, like they
are automatically being well, they makegood money or they don't make good money,

or that's a good job, orthat's a crappy job, or like
you know, they judge you basedon it. I always feel like it's
an awkward icebreaker. So like ifyeah it's weird, like ver nice to
me, what do you do fora living? Like, oh, so
what do you do? And thenit's like oh, I know people,
and then you kind of like gointo that to build the conversation. That
shouldn't be like the first go toquestion. But if you're on a date,

it's kind of you know, you'regetting to know somebody. And let's
be honest, a lot of usspend a lot of our time at work,
right, you know, like it'sit's our job. Isn't who we
are, but it's what we do, and we spend a lot of time
doing it, right. So Ithink it's a natural question. But that
doesn't necessarily mean, oh, I'mdigging to see how much money you might
make, right, you know?But what do you think Rodies is?

Was he wrong? Was she wrongto judge him so quick or like dismiss
him? Was he wrong to testher? Text us? And let us
know? Eight four four ninety fivefifty crapp In ninety five to five.
Good morning, how you feeling happy? Thursday? It's the Angie Taylor's show,
Go morning, Good morning. TheOlympic start next week. Are you
ready for Sneakers in a Can?Sneakers in a can? Some Olympic athletes

are thanks to a company that's servicingthem with spray on sneakers that are going
to make their debut at the twentytwenty four Games. Kenyon distance runner and
two times silver medalist Helena o'biri workedwith this company to develop the weird sounding
sneakers, which got the approval ofthe Olympic Committee, which is kind of

amazing to me because they're very particularabout everything that you wear while you're competing.
Oh I remember there were certain sneakersrunning sneakers that were not allowed in
races because they gave you an advantage. With the swimming team, there were
certain wetsuits from Tier that were like, they wouldn't allow them because they gave
you an advantage. And so nowthey approve these. And it works by

placing a foot foam on the armof a robot as the shoes, entire
upper part is sprayed on in justthree minutes, After another three minutes a
drying time, you're ready to gorun, No laces, any of that.
So it does it sounds weird.Here's my thing. We have the
technology to have super comfortable, lightweightlike yeah, you know, art supporting

ankle supporting shoes. Yes, andyou run run barefoot. It sounds like
it's not technically barefoot, like itstill has the sole still, it's just
the upper while the upper is sprayed, so it's like stuck on your foot
somehow. I just that's wild.It's gonna be cool to see. There's

a lot of different things that I'mexcited for with the Olympics. I was
saying yesterday, I can't wait forthe breakdown, sing oh my event,
which is awesome. That's gonna begreat. And then I was talking about
like, you know, I don'tknow if those shoes are I mean,
if the Olympic Committee approves them,then I guess there's no problem. Got
to be okay. But then Iwas talking about it with my husband and
he was talking about how fencing isthe most corrupt sport. Fencing apparently because

the fencing refs are all coaches ofopposing fencers. Oh that is shady.
That's shady, right. It's likeimagine if the because you can throw a
match easily have set the win allthe time, all these fencing refs can
be bought by gamblers and things likethat. You know, I don't know

if people are gambling on fencing Olympics. All. Hell, yeah, I'll
gamble on anything. Let's go,I will gamble on anything. Actually,
they'll be fun on draft gags totallyI'll gamble you on who's the first person
to walk through our studio door next. Okay, I'll say it's HP five
bucks. Okay, cool, let'sdo it. Gambling is on. Yeah,
I'm getting taking Mariage to my darkside. It's time to get your

text in. Eight four to fourninety five to fifty. Whatever's on your
mind, whatever you're thinking about,questions for us on the show, questions
about the show, comments, ideas, thoughts. We want them all eight
four four ninety five to fifty centthem in. Now. We'll read your
texts. Next, let's take somecalls from the request line. I'm calling

number one. Yes, let's doit all right, Thank you for all
the texts today. Eight four fourninety five to fifty Hit us anytime.
We want to know what's on yourmind. Always always aways eight four seven
and good morning to the most talentedwoman on the radio, Auntie. You
are something else. Signed your newboyfriend in Grace Wetpants. Hey check it

for friends. Nameless boyfriend over here. It's not Grace Wetpants season yet,
but I'll take it. Tony says, good morning, Marius. I bought
myself two pairs of expensive glasses.For myself last Christmas. Welcome to the
glasses club. So yes, I'mlooking forward to be able to see while
I'm gaming now and driving doesn't careabout driving. Like anything else in life,

you have to be able to seewhen you're gaming. I get it
a crew fan, but we weretalking about what you have in your man
cave. Crew fan says, Ihave an ounce of mushrooms in my man
cave. Ooh, coming right over, Bob, the head roady of Elmhurst.
I want to put your studio inmy man cave. I don't want
to drive to Elmhurst for work everyday. Bob. That's kind of convenient

for me though. The wood finesix through zero. Are you guys going
to go out this summer and makeappearances like you did for the Liquid Lunch
in the past. You can signmy picture from the last time I met
you and I'll put it in myman cave once I get one with a
pinball machine and an outrun stand uparcade game. I don't know what outrun

is. I don't know. Yeah, but we are. We are going
to be out. Keep your earspinned. We're going to be mapping.
Announce your ears pinned, Keep yourears pinned, But yes, I believe
what is our first one? Oneof our first ones is the Crosstown Classic.
Yes, yeah, Ultimate Man Cave. This is from seven to eight.

Ultimate Man Cave would be classic Americanmuscle car themed. The floor would
be blacktop parking spots at my barwith barstools shaped like engine pissons, tabletops
in the form of centerline racing wheels. All the stolen road signs could be
hung on the walls. There wouldbe a whole bunch of engines. Blah

blah rocking out to Kickstart my Heartby Motley Crue and Fuel by Metallica.
The list goes on. I likethat. Yeah, Smike from Chicago Heights
eight one to five, Ultimate ManCave, titties and beer. Hey,
it's just Ultimate every day seven seventythree. I feel bad for Tigers fans
over here on the South Side.We're breaking records. All Detroit is doing

is sucking. Well, yeah,we're breaking records too. At being I
suky fire shots from the bottom.I think he's being sarcastic. Oh,
I know, because we are breakingrecords, but they're not good ones seven
to eight. Speaking of your loveof gambling, Saint Germay, Wisconsin.
There's a bar called the Sportsman Chalet. Every Sunday they do gambling called chicken

ishes. Oh. Basically, youbuy a certain amount of poker chips.
Each poker chip has a number paintedon it, and when the time is
right, the proprietor will get achicken from his coop and let it loose
on a grid painted with numbers,and if the chicken poop's on your number,
you win money. I kind oflike that. But you gotta what.
You gotta wait around for a chickenand poop and then got chicken intent.

You got chickens in the bar andrado much. It's too much,
it's too much. I don't wantthat chicken in the bar. You don't
want a chicken in the bar.I want it on my sandwich. Oh,
I see what you did. Thankyou for all the text today.
We love you roadies. I'm gonnatell you what's up for your day next
us in infl You need Rock ninetyfive to five? Why right? Welcome
You're beautiful Thursday seventy five and Sonny, thank you for listening. And Taylor

Show who wants to play Everybody's favoritegame? Don't kill Angie? Keep me
Alive today. I'm gonna send youto see Sammy Hagar rocking out with all
the Van Hagar at Credit Union oneAmphitheater call now, keep me Alive eight
four four nine fifty. Don't KillAngie is to choose your adventure game to
hopefully get Angie safely to Friday,Bigger fast, but be careful. One

wrong move we'll kill Angie. DoKillie? And it's only on rock.
I have a good feeling today,Yeah, the feeling that one of these
roadies is going to give me thegift of life and I can move on.
Let me talk to James from MichiganCity. Hi, James, Hey,
what's going on? How are youall right? Ready to play some

Don't Kill Angie? I love ed? What are you doing today at work?
Right now? Actually? What doyou do for work? James?
Uh? We drop off and pickup cash? Drop off? You work
for a breach trap? You abrestrack? No, No, we're a
little better and brings to a privatecompany. My man is moving that dope

all right, James, You're gonnaplay Don't Kill Anngie. Keep me Alive
today. I'm gonna send you toSammy Hagar Best of All Worlds Tour at
Credit Union one Amphitheater. Yes,all right, let's take it away.
Our narrator Merkley's Hero and a HalfShell and it's plain black tea today it's
maret, Yes, James, andwelcome to Don't Kill Angie. Today we

were talking with the roadies about thingsthey want in their man caves. Angie
wants to have her own space torelax. She doesn't have a shed,
so as she shed is out ofthe question. She's going to make a
lady cave in her basement and shewants things to be epic. Now,
James, the question for you iswhat should Angie put in her lady cave.

A stage for mail strip or astage for lady strippers? Who either
one work. Let's go the stagefor lady strippers. Yeah, a fine
choice. Indeed, a fine choice. Indeed you said a stage for lady
strippers. Angie is so excited toinvite the girls over to get rowdy.

In the new lady case, wegot scrippers. Yeah, Angie was smart
and also installed an ATM that onlydispenses one dollar bill. Why don't they
have those at strip clubs? Theyshould way too smart? I hate asking
for change. I hate it.All the ladies are tipsy and ready to

make it rain. That's good.The strippers come out and the show is
fired. The dollar bills are flyingeverywhere. Suddenly the music changes. Is
this that's weird? Oh my god? Walking out to the stage is Angie's

ex boyfriend who was a Rocky belboystripper, actually did dat a mail stripper
and that was his thing, RockyBalboa. Such a strange thing. Why
is he here from Philly? Yes, that makes sense. There was a
place called the Cave, Believe itor not, it's very fitting. He's
pissed he wasn't invited to be theentertainment and start swinging at Angrew. Do

you get it? No? No, I'm dodging him. No no.
Does he know Andrew's girls are notto be messed with and won't let him
mess with her? The hoop earingstarted dropping and the girls beat the brags
off a Rocky Yeah bye, that'swhat you can't Oh, they got him.

He leaves on a stretcher and theshows goes on. Do you know
what that means? James? Doyou know what that means? That means?
I didn't kill Yes, I'm alivethanks to you. James. Oh
you're my hero. How dare thatman from the cave come to my cave?
Oh? Yeah, how dare heyour cave? Well that's my lady

cave. Lady, Well he's beenin my lady cave. Anyway, that's
neither here nor there. James,you are going to Sammy Hagar the Best
of All Worlds Tour. It's gonnabe so awesome. Yes, yes,
he's doing all Van Halen songs,so it's gonna be great. Oh yeah,
yeah, nothing off a new albumor whatever. It's all Van Halen.

Do you want Amphitheater? Saturday,August third, out in the sun
with your beer, have a greattime. James, Thank you, thank
you, We love you for listening. Thank you hanging the line prison tattoo.
We'll get you hooked up. Anybodyelse that wants to go see Sammy
ticket turn sale right down Live nationdot com. Thank you for playing Don't
Kill and James, you should alsogo play the lottery. Nice Moves this

morning, Nice Moves Rock ninety fiveto five. I don't know if I
can work anymore. Today's wrong,what happens? Very upset? Are you
okay? HP told me she puther Jordan's in the washing machine. Oh
no, oh god, no,no, no, no, no,
no boy, oh no, no, oh my god. Oh that's a

cardinal sin against all sneaker heads.I think Jordan just shed a tear.
But Michael is crying somewhere now becauseof you, HP, He's not You're
making the meme real. I'm crying. Oh ninety five minutes. Commercial Free
starts in a second, and I'mgonna need it because i just need time
to breathe and rock out and I'mnot looking at you for the rest of
the day. We've got a counselingservice coming for you. It's Rock ninety

five to five, Rock nwety fiveto five. Good morning, Yeah,
ninety five minutes. Commercial Free justkicked off. How you doing. It's
Thursday, almost at the weekend.It's gonna beautiful today. The clouds are
gonna go away seventy five and sunnylove it. There's lucky and then there's
really lucky lucky like four leaf cloverup your ass kind of lucky. Then

there's this woman, LaToya Burke.The Virginia woman bought six tickets for the
Pick five game for the Virginia VirginiaLottery on June fifth, used the same
five numbers for all six of thetickets. It doesn't seem smart. Uh,
this is what I did not know. If you buy like multiple tickets
and you use the same number forall of these tickets, if it hits,

you get paid out on every ticket. Oh. Yes, So she
bought six tickets, used the samefive numbers for all the tickets. The
numbers she picked were the winners forthat drawing, which means she won thirty
thousand dollars per ticket. Do themath. She got one hundred over one
hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Thewinning numbers were five five five five zero.

Hi, I had no idea thatthat was possible. I guess it
is. It makes sense now thatI'm thinking about it, because I don't
really do like state lottery very muchlike that. I do the scratchers.
But there, you know, likeif you win mega millions and somebody in
like Arkansas has your numbers too,you guys split. So she hit all

six of those tickets. I know, thirty thousand a pop. Not bad,
that's a big risk to play.But the payout, the payout for
sure, when asked about her winwhen she went to pick up the winning
she said, I checked the numbersand I was happy. Understandment of the
year lady. You know how Iknow she's a full degenerate. Yeah,

she just got paid out and shedoesn't even care. She doesn't care because
she's putting that one hundred eighty thousandinto more lottery tickets. Right, No,
shade LaToya. I would do theexact same thing. We degenerates,
we stick together. But good onher. All right, Hey, guess
what Request Wars is up in justminutes? Today is a stripper theme,

because that's been the whole show.And you'll find out our song next rock
ninety five to five. It's nowtime for a Request Wars. It's good.
Arm your torpedoes. Are you surewe should do that? Yes,
we're sure we should do that.Repair your best smacked talk because this is
gonna get real in about a second. On the Angie Taylor Show, Request

War regulators mount up. It's timeto go. Let's do it, all
right, Request Wars every day?Uh, you pick a theme, you
wrodies, you pick a theme,You pick whatever music theme you want.
Maris and I both pick a song. Based on your theme, we battle
it out. You guys vote whicheversong wins, that's the one that gets
played on the radio. Today's themecame from area code three one two.

Thank you. They said there wasa lot of stripper talk on the show
today. Do a battle of strippersongs? Ow oh, you can almost
hear them in your head as Isay that. All right, I'm the
two time champion. Maris, You'rethe challenger. What's your pick? This
was an easy one with the hailstormfreak like me. Have you ever seen

strippers dance to this in a club? Yes? Right now, tail storm
freak like me. If that isyour pick, go with the letter M.
Text the letter M to eight fourfour ninety five fifty. My pick
today, I feel like is themost stripper of stripper songs Molly, Crue

Girls, Girls Girls Dancing Down SunsetTrip, Come on, Crue Girls,
Girls Girls. If that is yourpick, text the letter A to eight

four four ninety five fifty. Getthe boats in. Let's go burboo.
What's your song today? Ninety fiveminutes commercial free still going on Rock ninety
five to five Rock or Bow,Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.
It doesn't seem like it now,but the clouds will sweep away in

like the next hour, and itis going to be the most gorgeous day
because it's like perfect. It's nothumans seventy oh God, get the hell
out of here. It's beautiful allright today. The theme that came to
us for Request Wars was from threeto one to two said, Hey,
there was a lot of stripper talkon the show today. Do a battlest
stripper songs. Yeah, there's somereally good stripper songs. All right.

I am the two time champion.Maris the Challenger went today with hailstorm freak
like me. Hail storm freak likeme. If you're a freak like Maris,

text a letter M to eight fournine fifty. All right my song
today, stripper song. It's kindof like I don't know that there was
a song before this song for strippers. What did they stripped to before this?
I don't know. Motley Crue GirlsGirls Girls, Motley Crue Girls Girls

Girls. If that is your song, text the letter A to eight four
four ninety five fifty to take mymoment to do my yearly psa about how
for being the third largest city inAmerica, there is we are vastly underserved
when it comes to strip clubs.Not I've lived in smaller cities with a

strip club on every corner. Thosewere the days. Let's get more Chicago,
come on, do better, allright, to get your votes in
ninety five minutes, Commercial Free,still going, Nirvana, Rock ninety five
to five, Rock ninety five tofive, Lincoln Park. Can't be Thursday
four. We're so close to theweekend. Can you smell it? Well,

I cannot wait, can't wait.It's beautiful, It's beautiful, all
right. Today's Request Wars theme.There was a lot of stripper talk on
the show today. Three one totwo said do a battle of stripper songs.
That's what we did. Maris hadHailstorm Freak like me. I had
Motley Crue Girls, Girls Girls,I am the two time champion that you

are, Yes, And I feellike both of these are great stripper songs.
They are. Yeah. I knowyou're asking about the Hailstorm one and
it's just more of like the pollwork than anything. Yeah, oh,
the real good pollwork on the hailstorm. Yeah. You know, I get
really scared when they go to thevery top and hit the ceiling and then

do the death drop scaring. No, that makes me scared. All right,
do we have a winner today inNorthwest Wars, Yes we do,
and thank you as always for allthe votes. But it's true. I
mean, yeah, come on,hey, you're on the hog Man.

He's cool up to the Strip cluband they're mud wrestling in there's full of
dollars. You're ready to party.Let's go Rock ninety five five. It's
Rock ninety five to five. Hello, operator, Angie Taylor Show, Thank
you for listening. You probably I'vebeen kids today. Don't even know what

that means. No, yeah,probably not. Oh the operator sent up
beep beep, Yeah, like it'swhatever, old lady moment, how do
you do it? Oh? Speakingof old ladies, let's go to the
secretary of the show, the headof all the roadies. Oh what,
you can drag me all over,Helen back, but I can't call you

an old lady, Jay the gayMm hmm. Good morning to you,
my darling, ding No, goodmorning this morning a discussion about's Free on
Shoes show us. Angie is clearlyin dire need of help. I'll see
she's normally satiated by gambling away allover. Auntie Taylor money playing blackjack and
paying for lives and Monster Bubble Creaturepop explosion. However, after mentioning the

Olympic fencing is rampantly corrupt, Angiegot it. It's so bad. She
started betting on who would walk intothe studio next, and guess who won.
I could imagine it would be you. That's right, Yep, that's
right now, Maris. That wasmy five dollars that I'll never see.
Can I suggest that maybe we shouldaim higher? Like, who's the next

person that gets reported to HR?Because that pool is the man? Probably
me? I don't know it wouldbe anybody, but yeah, I'll never
see that Yu. Anyway, whatelse I got? You? Wow,
she really wants that money. Shegotta go by some scratches I'm feeding.
What else? Also, this morning, we explored what the Roys would do
if we gave them ten thousand dollarsfor their man cave, and well,

that didn't work out as expected.I don't think they understood the assignment at
all. Everybody who's just calling tellingus what's already in the man cave?
Right? Yeah, So, turningto Maris, he'd be creating a sound
system that will cause him to godeath since he's on the verge of going
blind, as well as having theDeadpool ass controller and probably a life sized
repent of April O'Neil hanging from astripper pole. Hell yeah, very accurate.

I know you so well. Thankyou, and ask for Angie.
Welcome to Willie Wonka's Winder, whereevery wine you can imagine if I tap
and when you turn the corner you'llsee the Wacky Weed dispensary and next to
that the adderall bar ooh ooh,just adding more stuff on. I like
it. If you're looking for realfun, pull up for a game of

Adam's Fanley Pinball. Angie consults WeatherMD and drunkuly yells every new ailment she
gets every five minutes. Yeah,that'll happen. Hey, do you want
to come? I can hire youto be the designer. It sounds like
you have some good ideas. Wherecan we find your notes every day every
title? Yeah, you can findmy notes on rockinety five fide chi dot
com and click on the Angie TaylorTap. Thank you, Jay, And
if you miss anything from the show, any day, anytime, anywhere,

please listen to the podcast The AntieTaylor show. Just hook it up on
the free iHeartRadio app. It's timefor the ten o'clock toast on the Angie
Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's drinkingat ten am. Joiner in a toast
upfellowship. Yes, cheers, cheeras much as today's ten o'clock toast goes

out to Ryan Reynolds, also Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool. But I
read this about him today and asif he wasn't adorable enough. Out of
the July twenty sixth release of Deadpooland Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds said when they
filmed the first Deadpool movie in twentysixteen, he used his salary to pay
all of the writers to be onset with him, which the movie studio

refused to do. He's like,if you're not gonna pay, I'm paying.
It's very nice. Not only that, but then you got the new
Booty controller with the Kung Fu Bootygrip on the back, with the nice
butt, the Deadpool butt. Verynice. It's coming to Xbox. Do
you have an Xbox J No,of course I have a PlayStation there you
go. Of course love that.Oh is this like an Apple versus exactly?

Oh, it's like that. Yeah, oh thing, Oh boy,
you know she's gonna get an Xboxnow just fight us, right, I
won't know, I won't, Ireally won't. I never will. I
promise I won't if they put bubbleBlaster's tunbe Blast on there, she's going.

Okay, And first of all,Jay, did you know that Maris
is also a traitor because he hasa Mac at home? Now? Yes,
he does, I have. Yeah, you didn't know that. I
bet you didn't know that. Wow. There he goes down the friendship list.
No, thank you, Ryan Reynolds. Controller. Yes, but shout

out to Ryan. I mean thecontroller is kind of sexy. I just
the booty is real nice. Iwant to know what the controller feels like
with that big dunk. Looks likeit's going to get on the way and
they missed an opportunity to put someextra triggers on the back. Yeah you

know, uh, the PlayStation professionalcontroller, how it has those triggers in
those areas? No, clearly notokay, No, he was asking you
a question. Never mind, becausewe lost him. She's going to glaze
and Jason clearly glazed and glazed over. Shout out to Ryan Reynolds, are

you going to be in the theaterfor Deadpool Wolverine. Yeah, in the
theater. I can't remember the lasttime I actually went into a theater.
Oh yeah, there's a bunch ofgood movies getting ready for Yeah, I
know. Aubrey plaz has got amovie coming out this year. Favorite.
Donald Glover's got a movie coming out, Donald Glover. Oh yeah, all

right, have a great day,everybody. We love you so much.
Dance Hall days. Everyone. Waltis up next, yes, oh wow.
And Rocky the Rooster coming up inminutes with your thousand dollars keyword.
Make sure you're here for it.Rock ninety five to five
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