Episode Transcript
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Did she go to the show lastnight? I regularly death Leveling Journey.
I'm just curious because I know theymoved up the times to avoid the weather,
but I'm curious if it went allthe way through or if they said
attention, Ruggley Field, get thehell out of here, the tornadoes are
coming rocket ninety five. If youwent to the show and let me know
eight four four fifty, Good morning, Good morning, rhadies. Auntie Taylor's
show is on Good Morning, MaressMorning, Good morning. That escalated quickly
yesterday, did it not? Man? I was like getting comfortable laying in
bed, like, oh, thestorms are gonna roll me to sleep,
and then my phone was just likemath, Yeah, the alert is so
loud, scared the hell out ofme. Shipped me out of bed at
like nine thirty tornadoes. I'm likeagain, it was the alert, and
then it was like my entire family, Yeah, heydo basement in a basement
and I'm sitting there like I'm I'mgonna go sit in the bathroom for an
hour, go to the hallway,an interior hallway, or a closet.
Yeah. This morning, when Irolled out, I saw a lot of
parts of trees on cars on thestreet. A lot of damage out here,
hopefully not too much damage for you. Lots of cars were damaged.
I could tell though. Yeah,I didn't see damage. But there was
a random black cat sitting in themiddle of the road and I thought it
was a bag. So I wasabout to roll through, and like at
the last minute, I saw eyesand I swerved. I don't know if
that cat moved oo. So thatcat's like I've been through hell hiding to
a car last night. Oh mygod, it was crazy, crazy,
crazy weather out here. Okay,but today eighty five and sunny. In
fact, it's going to be inthe eighties, low eighties and sunny for
like the next week. Yeah,every day. Oh, it's gonna be
glorious. It be great. Thankyou for listening, Roadies, Thank you
for having a song. We've gotSammy Hagar tickets today, Best of Both
Worlds Tour, Hailstorm and I Prevail. We have tickets for that Collective Soul
and Hooty tickets. Thanks for that. Rocky the Rooster is here after eight
am. Your first thousand dollars.Keyword keywords every hour and you can text
call anytime eight four four nine fiveninety five fifty No more storms. Let's
get cracking and kick you in thecrotch. It's the five Am kicking the
crunch on the Auntie Taylor Show.Rock ninety five five. Yeah, man,
the first song that gets you up, gets you going, that gets
you stump a bad rah. Yesyou have been kicked baby, yeah,
right in the crotch, disturbed.Good morning. We're gonna tell you what
happened on this day. Our lookinghistory, look back at everything that happened
on this day. Is next Rockninety five to five through the a croat
kickstarting your heart on a Tuesday AuntieTaylor Show. Hey, how you doing?
Thank you for listening. Let's tellyou what happened on this day.
Tulay Tullay Tlayly is July sixteenth,twenty twenty four. On this day,
July sixteenth, nineteen seventy one,Corey Feldman was born. He's fifty three
today. That's mouth in the goonies. Why did I think it was mouth
with a F. No, it'smouth because he's got big mouth. Hey
boy, you got Pete Teddy andstand by me Edgar and the Lost Boys.
Corey Feldman also has the stupidest bandof all time. It's still touring.
I know. Yeah, it's crazy. On this day in nineteen thirty
five, Oklahoma City installed the veryfirst parking meters. Oh they started it.
And be damned to you, howmany cars were there in nineteen thirty
five where that was warranted seems alittle extreme. Well, somebody figured out
how to make money. There's somerich people out there. On this day.
In nineteen ninety nine, I'll neverforget it. John F. Kennedy
Junior and his wife Carolyn and hersister Lauren Bessett died when John John's single
engin plane crashed into the ocean nearMartha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Two years later,
the Kennedy family agreed to pay theBesetts fifteen million dollars for the loss
of their daughters. That was crazywhen they couldn't find that plane for a
while. Wow. Yeah, Iain't realized that payout happened. Yeah,
I mean, because they were sayinghe was negligent. He shouldn't have been
flying that night. It was veryfoggy or whatever it was. It was
dark and foggy, and they wouldbe alive if he would have used better
judgment. Gotcha, God, hewas so fun. What a loss?
And today is Florida Man. FloridaMan told police officers he was teaching it
a lesson when he tried to throwa live alligator he had stolen from a
miniature golf course onto the roof ofa beachside cocktail lounge. Who why are
you trying to reason with the alligatorlike he's gonna learn his lesson that way?
Look what did he do? Thedrugs gave him the ability to speak
to reptiles, and this is whathe came to. Right on, Florida
Man. That's what happened on thisday. Thank you for being here and
every day Rock ninety five to fivethird Iveline Rock near Tuesday, Good morning
at t Angie Taylor's show. Iwas out of town over the weekend and
went to pick up my dogs attheir little kennel. Shout out to Canine
University. They're amazing over on theWest Side and they're so good to my
doggies. I love them over there. However, I think my dog's kennel
is creating a gang environment. Agang environment. Yes, what happened.
So I'm waiting for them to bringthe dogs out, and I see the
list of all the inmates, allthe dog eates, and where they're housed
inside the facility. All the dogsat my kennel are either named after rappers
or superheroes, So like my dogsare Drey and sug after Doctor Dre and
sug Night. But also in thelist was Biggie and Lil Tuonchi I love
this, which is Lil Wayne.Yeah, Biggie, Dre, Sugar and
Little Tuon She were all in onecell block and then they had thour To
Chala and Loki in another block.And I'm like, they're segregating this kennel
and I feel like there's gonna begang wars here with these dogs like that
the superheroes against the rappers. That'samazing. Yeah, I'm like where they
put like Little Daisy and popa Choopyand another one like I don't know,
yeah, the dogs with the regulardog names. There was a Jake.
I saw Jake on there. Isaw like a Candace, and I'm like,
they're probably all in the same place. You know, what do they
do over there? All the realbasic Yeah, the basic side. I'd
love to see what this public looklike. I was like, they're just
warring, like you guys are gonnaincite some sort of like prison riot with
these dogs. Like you know,it's like, oh, I see the
rappers over there being take Yeah,oh you think your superhero dogs are bad?
You got extra treats today, woofWolf, extra running time. Roll
up me me at the water bowl. Bitch's hilarious. I heard you guys
over there. What's happening that's goingon? You barking so loud? Bark
at this nap time? Nap time. Don't sleep, don't sleep. I
was sugar around, No sugar,that was sugar. She'll to hail you
out of your cage. Thank youfor listening. But yeah, next time
you go, like if you boardyour dogs ever, like look at the
like inmate list because it was justfunny reading the names of the dogs.
Oh yeah. And then I noticedthat like they were separating certain dogs based
on what they were named. Iwas like, this is interesting. Maybe
it's a good way for people toremember where the dogs are. Yeah,
I don't know. I don't know. There's gonna be a fight there.
At one point. We're gonna tellyou what's up for your day. All
the news and info you need iscoming up in minutes Rock ninety five to
five. It's okay to come outand play now, I think so.
Are all the thunder boomers gone?The thunder and the scary scary tornadoes?
Did you need a thunder buddy?Last night? I did Rock ninety five
to five. Good morning. Letme tell you what's up for your day.
Angie will now fill your brain withthe right amount of craft for your
day. Here's what's up. Dozensdozens of tornadoes were reported Chicago area storms,
multiple tornadoes at the same damn timegoing off last night. Man,
a wave, just a full wave. Sugar Grove, North Aurora got slammed.
Oswego, Plainfield, Naperville, thecity like, there's both airports for
both airports. Yes, Numerous tornadoeswere reported transitioning to a rain event before
like eleven. Lots of destruction leftbehind though. Several reports of porch collapses
and down trees, entire blocks oftrees. There's a few pieces of trees
on cars in my neighborhood right now. Man, tornadoes are scary. They're
especially scary for me because houses alwaysfall on witches. That's not fair,
Or are you going to leave ushere? Ruby red Shoes? Absolutely not
so We had a lot of celebritydesks over the weekend. One of them
was Richard Simmons, and there wasn'ta lot of word about what had happened.
But the day before Richard Simmons died, he fell in his bathroom.
A housekeeper begged him to get somemedical attention, but he refused it.
That happened on Friday night, whichwas his seventy sixth birthday, and he
wanted to stay home. He tolda housekeeper that maybe he'd see a doctor
on Saturday, so she helped himback to bed. Saturday morning, around
ten am, she found him deadon the floor next to his bed.
He'd been feeling dizzy before the fall. Oh, Richard, Yeah, rest
in peace, man, all right. Somebody that works for Major League Baseball
decided that Ingrid Andress should sing thenational anthem at the home run derby last
night. Now they're saying maybe thatperson should not have a job today.
However, it didn't seem like abad pic. She's a four time Grammy
nominee nominee, yes, nomin butbut still Grammy nominee. You guys,
we might have a new worst nationalanthem ever. Listen, listenets reads burst
yay brow do the off fla.Listen to the crowd. They're like,
no, trying to help stop,just not they're doing a wave. Oh
my god, oh the yeah thatwas intentional. Oh god, what the
hell? This girl's a four timeGrammy nominee. Wow. And I love
the photographers just zooming in on allthe players' faces where they're laughing. That's
so rude. To put it inperspective. It was so bad that Fergie
is now trying to because Fergie previouslywas thought to have the worst flower basket,
an edible arrangement, a puppy whatever, it's bad, let's stop.
It didn't really need to happen.That's what happened today, yesterday, last
night. That's what up for yourday. Got a change that, damn
and one of these days or I'lljust continue to screw it up. Rock
ninety five to five. You twoon Rock ninety five to five. Have
you ever been kicked off a planebefore? No? No? Oh,
okay, but I want to talkabout uh. Sandra Denton, also known
as Pepa from Salt and Pepa Oh, got kicked off a Southwest flight the
other day and I she is likechecking to see if she should sue.
I think she might have a caseeven though they kicked her off. I'll
tell you why she got kicked offnext Rock ninety five to five, Rock
ninety five five. Happy Tuesday morning, eighty five and sunny today. No
more scary tornadoes. I hope everybody'sokay. Thank you for listening. I
want to know what you think Rody'sabout this situation. Do you think that
she's right or do you think Southwestwas right for this? Sandra Denton,
who is Pepa from Salt and Peppagot kicked off a Southwest flight from Las
Vegas to Nashville yesterday. Papa hadpaid for two two seats due to a
knee injury from a twenty eighteen crash, but once she got on a plane,
she was told she couldn't have bothseats because she wasn't in a cast.
She did have an eebrace on,though, so after some back and
forth, they let her have them. She paid for him. Then a
guy came along asking Pepa for hersecond seat, claiming that he was headed
to a funeral. An argument kindof ensued, but flight attendants ended up
giving that guy her seat. Atthat point, Papa claims she facetimed her
assistant to talk about the situation,and she was removed from the flight for
recording, which she wasn't doing.She was just facetiming. She did get
a refund, but she's still exploringher legal options. Apparently she was very
calm and reasonable the whole time.She says the only reason she even got
off the plane was for the otherpassenger. She didn't want to make a
seat. Right. Is she right? Because she said she's now exploring some
legal options here? Is she right? So? Or is Southwest right?
My question to Southwest is if therewas a gentleman trying to book a flight
to get on because he had togo to a funeral, how did he
get on the plane to he boughtit? He booked his own flight.
But you know how Southwest is,there's no assigned seating, correct, So
maybe they overbooked the flight and therewas only one seat left and it was
the one that she purchased. Sothat's on Southwest so right, But they
shouldn't have asked her to leave nose. She bought the seat, so she
has two seats, so she canput her bag on there, she can
like put her feet up or whateverwhen she bought them, but once she
purshas the second one, there's nosituation where he should have been asking.
It would have been here are mytwo receipts, you can go sit elsewhere.
Well, there may be that I'massuming because you know how they overbook
all these flights. Now, I'massuming they overbooked. So that's on Southwest
if you ask me, that's fullyon Southwest. Yeah, so I mean,
and you know, obviously you feelfor the guy because he's going to
of course he's just trying to.But but but he already had he bought
his ticket too, so Southwest shouldhave accommodated him. They should have done
like one of those announcements, Heywe overbooked, Yeah, you know can
if you want to take the nextflight, We'll give you a big voucher,
free flight or whatever it is.They should have done one of those.
I was thinking, like, hehad just come to the airport and
no, he booked a flight thathe just didn't have a seat because they
overbooked, solely the responsibility of Southwest. That was my thinking as well.
But some people are back and forthon it, Like some people are like,
why is Pepa from Salt and Pepaon a Southwest flight business Mandra business.
Apparently she wanted a one way toNashville. She was going to Nashville
for something and needed a one wayThat was the only one way flight,
non stop flight. I got youthat day, so she bought the two
seats. But I'm just saying,what do you think, Roadi's eight four
four fifty hit us on the text? Were the wrong? Was she wrong?
Who is wrong? Who is right? I think she's right, but
that's just why she's absolutely right exactly. Thank you for listening Rock ninety five
to five. Blur on Rock ninetyfive to five. It's Tuesday on the
Antie Taylor Show. You're rocking withus, and we thank you for it.
Do you rodies maybe have a demandingboss? We're pretty lucky. We
don't have a demanding boss. Havesome great bosses around here. Our boss
is not demanding. In fact,he could be a little bit more demanding
with some of these people around here, but he's not. A new study
found one thing about a demanding bosscan affect whether you think it's acceptable or
not. A team at the OhioState found it will give or I wasn't
like shouting them out. Oh no, you said. A team at the
Ohio State found we'll give our bossa pass for being a jerk, but
only if they're really good at theirown job. I don't know about that.
They use Steve Jobs as an example. He demanded a lot, but
also accomplished a lot and change theworld. He's very good at his job,
he was. If your boss expectsexpects a lot from you, and
performs at a high level, you'remore likely to see it is tough love
that's ultimately making you better at yourjob. But if they demand a lot
and don't do great work, you'remore likely to think they're just a bad
manager and mean for no reason.I can see that. Yeah, oh
yeah. I work well with structurefrom a boss, and if they're hard
on me, sometimes it's because theyneed to be, because I feel like
I know what I'm doing, Ithink I'm good at my job, and
if I'm effing up, I wantthem to tell me. I don't want
to continue to f up and thenupset everybody. Yeah, you know.
I mean, I've had bosses whoare like great, amazing leaders, and
they're like really get you going,and they know how to work with you,
and then there's others who like justkick their feet up and they pass
the buck like none other. Yeah, like just actively not doing anything.
Prison, Tad and HP, whatdo you think of the boss is here?
What they do to you? Areyou saying that? Tameris? Yeah?
How did you forget about them?Marris and I are technically your bosses.
She just called us, all right, okay, that's nice. Now
she's getting we create a nice environmentfor you to learn and be yourself.
Yes, that did that part?Hold on, I agree. I don't
know what she just said. Myheadphones are he said. She said,
I quit this bitch. Hey,thank you for listening. It's Amazon Prime
Day. Oh I'm so excited,man, so excited. I love Amazon
Prime much money on stuff I don'tneed exactly today and tomorrow, but I
want to talk about Prime Day andall our purchases. That's next Rock ninety
five to five. Kids on Rockninety five to five. Good morning,
It is a turnture and Amazon shoppers. It's Amazon Prime Day Day. I
love Amazon Prime Day. It kickedoff actually at three am this morning.
It runs through tomorrow night, offeringdeals, discounts and over thirty five categories
beauty, kitchen, electronics. Allthe Prime members saved more than two point
five billion during Prime Day last year. Woo. Of course, the event
is only for Prime Members membership's fourteendollars a month. Some of the best
deals that they have right now upto fifty percent off renting or buying select
shows and movies, as well asdeals on certain channels through Prime Video.
Some devices like the Ring battery,doorbell, plus the fire TV Cube,
Kindlescribe, Aero Max Wi Fi systems, Fire Tv, all this stuff,
and discounts on brands including Ninja,Nordic Track. Nordic Track still a thing.
I haven't heard about that in along time. Yeah, go pro
hatch a whole bunch of stuff.I love Amazon Prime Day. I'm getting
some rugs. I'm gonna get somerugs. You eat a couple of rugs.
So my question is what is yourbest Amazon find? Like you found
it on Amazon and you'd love it. You didn't know it existed because Amazon
has everything everything that you never knowyou needed. For instance, I got
these refrigerator and also stove liners thatyou put in your fridge, like all
the shelves of your fridge, sothat if something spills, you don't have
to pull like you just get topull the liner out and wash that real
easy, and then in the stoveyou put it like under it on the
bottom in case the cheese dribbles offyour pizza cheese, Yes, because it
gets all hard and it's impossible toget off. I love those things,
that's what she said. I gotthis crazy. I got these motorized salt
and pepper grinders that have a lightthat cuts on when you're grinding over your
food. Motorized, yes, solike when you push the button, it'll
grind it and then the light comeson so you can see how much pepper
or salt you're putting on stuff,because then you don't have to pour it
in your hand and like, ohI need this much, Yeah, because
that's an accurate measurement in your hand. I love those damn things. I
got these eucalyptus and lavender bunches foryour shower head. You stick it in
there and when the steam kicks up, you get all the yummy smells.
Oh that's amazing. Oh yeah,it's so relaxing and beautiful. Do you
find stuff on Amazon that you love? It's always really random stuff like the
the wine key that I got youthe maze. Oh yeah, that thing
was awesome. It's a maze likeyou just kind of buy a bottle of
wine, you lock it in thislittle maize a puzzle key puzzle situation,
and it's very frustrating for the personwho you're gifting it to. But then
because I want my damn wine,but I can't open my wine until I
solved the puzzle. I remember whenyou gave me that. I was real
pissed. I'm like, this isgoing to suck. My husband tried it,
he couldn't figure it out, andyou figured it out in like one
pole. Yes, it was great. I have my wine, okay,
But what I mean, maybe youcan put us onto something that we don't
know about. It's prime day.We're going shopping today. What is your
best random Amazon finds purchases that youlove eight four four nine to five five
ninety five fifties. Somebody can gettickets to Collective Soul and Hoodi and the
Blowfish. But I need to knowthe purchases because I got money to spend
in this bit. That's right,eight four four ninety five to fifty.
We're taking your calls now, it'sRock ninety five to five, Rock ninety
five to five. Yes, we'retaking your calls right now. Eight four
four nine five five ninety five fiftybecause it's Amazon Prime Day. Good and
I want to know what your randomawesome things that you found on Amazon are
because they have everything, like,take all my money today, Amazon is
Prime Day. Yes, I wanta huge blanket that looks like a tortilla.
Then I can wrap myself up andlook like a human burrito because they
have it. Have you seen thegiant turtleshell? Hello? I haven't.
I'm thinking about getting one and youcould just kind of sit in it and
fall asleep. It's a turtle shell. Yeah, it's like a giant turtleshell
pillow. Pallo pillow, A pallopillow, you and your pallows? Hello?
Yeah? Did you it's a pillowpillo a pallo Hello. Okay,
I have not seen the turtle palow, but I'm gonna check it out.
So what's your best random Amazon finds? Eight four four nine five ninety five
fifty call now, let me goto the phones. Here. Hannibal from
Lagrange, Hi, Hannibal, Hey, I love you guys. I love
this show. I love you too. Thank you. You got a fun,
crazy, weird Amazon thing that youdiscovered. Yeah, I found I
got like two pairs of these goofylittle sts that have these magnet that magnets
in them. So when you standreal close to your partner your girlfriend,
the fox hold hands. They holdhands. Yes, why are you so
cute? Yeah, the cutest things. I didn't even know I needed,
but you did. The anniversary ofour first date is coming up, and
I'm like, oh, this isjust in time, just in time,
and then you could post it onsocial and already can be like you guys
are such dorks. We love youthough. You gotta walking with your lady.
No, you just stand next tothem and then all of a sudden,
your socks full hands Because I sawthat. I actually saw a video
of somebody that had these on Instagram, and I'm like, that is so
corny but kind of a horrible atthe same time. Well, happy anniversary
of your first date. Oh,thank you guys, Thank you for listening.
Thank you for the call. Everybodyhang on the line. Somebody's gonna
get tickets to Collective Soul. Let'sgo to Matt from Chicago. Hi,
Matt, Oh, Hello, howyou doing. I'm doing good good?
All right? What's your favorite Amazonfind squatty potty? Do you love your
squatty potty or what? No,it's great, it is great. Here's
my problem with the squatty putty.What's wrong with the squatty potty? It
doesn't look pretty in the bathroom.You can buy different squatty potty, different
I know, but it still isnot pretty because anybody that goes into your
bathroom and sees the squatty potty isonly going to sit there and think about
you pooping and pushing your feet ontothe squatty potties while you're straining it.
Does I know? But like poop? I want to use somebody else's squatty
potty, And don't you poop inmy house? Wait, don't you use
my squatty potty? You wouldn't useanother weight? No, because their feet
are on there, like their barefeet, and you all are pushing and
there's some probably some e colab likepoop particles on that thing. So you're
imagining that Matt's just not wiping downhis squatty potty. Do you wipe down
your squatty potty after each juice?Matt. Probably not, m h.
I mean they're great though, theydo work good one Matt, hang on
the line. Let's go to Bobfrom Chicago. Hot Bob, what's up?
What's up? I love my squattypotty too. Yeah, they're just
kind of an eyesore, but they'regreat. What do you like from Amazon
that you found? So? Ifound recently the food you guys know,
like free pops, right, likethe frozen juice, Like they make pickle
pops and yeah, like frozen pickledjuice. And it's really good for like
you know, after a workout ora run or something. Oh yeah,
eletro the sodium and whatever. Yeah, so it's they're really good after like
a hot day like yesterday, Ihad a pickle pop at night and it
was so good. Yeah, youget your salt back, and that is
really good for runners. I don'teven think about that. But they're also
great, like if you want tomake picklebacks, that's what I was thinking.
Yeah, use like little ice cubesfor your whiskey. Yes, the
picklebacks are so good. They tastelike cheeseburgers. I love those. Yeah,
ice cubes for your whiskey. Thosepickle pops try that, Bob.
Okay, it's not going to replaceyour electrolytes because the whiskey, but sometimes
you don't need to. But allright, well, hang on the line,
Bob. Let's go to Gordon fromIndiana High Gordon, Hi, morning,
he and m Hey morning. Whatyou find on Amazon? That's random
that you love the one thing Iwas dying for. And I'm a Lost
Boys peek a Lost Boys action figures? I love it. And it's Corey
Feldman's birthday today. Is he oneof the action figures? Go? Does
he have? Yeah? Because youneed them with their like garlic neckle and
there are wooden steaks and stuff.Oh yeah, I'm a big fan and
I got turned on fifteen years ago. I love the Last Boys too.
Do they have a star figure actionfigure? The girl? It's hard to
find, but yes, they didcome out with her and Jamie Gertz.
Yeah. Yeah, she's so hot. She's so hot in that movie to
do both of them, I know, right, good for her? All
right, well, yes, becausehe was an evil vampire. Hang on
the line, hang on, hangon. Let's go to Paul from Chicago.
Hi, Paul, Hi, Hi, I love my Echo. I
love my Echo. Studio so Ican jam out to you guys full blast.
Hell yeah, that's right. Youjust say, what is it?
Echo? There's an Alexa on thatAlexa play Rock monty five five. It's
at Echo Studio, Echo Studio.I've heard they're great. I don't have
like an Echo or an Alexa thingin my house. I fought it for
a little while, but they're worthwhile, especially if you're just listening to music
in a random room and the speakeris good. Yeah. Oh, it's
a solid speaker. All right,Paul, hang on the line. Let's
go back to Gordon from Indiana.Hey, Gordon, Hi, Hi,
I love the Lost Boys action figures. I'm gonna send you to see Collective
Soul and HOODI and the Blowfish.Okay, oh that is awesome, thank
you, thank you. You areawesome. Watch Out for Vampires. Oh
okay, Oh yeah, most definitely. I have to tell you, guys,
you didn't have a Dracula tramp stampor you have a Dracula tramp stamp.
Gordon, that's the best thing I'veheard all day. Gordon. If
you don't send me a text withthe picture of that Dracula tramp stamp,
I don't know. I need tosee it. Okay, I can do
that all right, text it toyou, but first hang on the line
so prison Tach can get all yourinfo and then immediately send me a picture
of this tramp stamp. I needto see it. Thank you, Gordon.
Have a great day. Oh,thank you guys. Everybody have fun
blowing money fast on Amazon Prime Day. It's rock ninety five to five,
Rock naety five to five, Aerosmithon your beautiful Tuesday morning. Tornadoes are
gone, get out of here yourtornadoes, Thank goodness. Eighty five and
sunny today. It's going to bein the low eighties and sunny every day
until I believe like mondayish is thelatest I saw every day. Thank you,
July, thank you. Nobody wantsto be interrupted or rushed when they're
using the toilet, never, butI feel like everybody's been sitting on the
toilet in a public restroom and heardsomebody knock at the door, and so
somebody just asks the Internet, whensomeone knocks on the bathroom door while you're
using it, what do you say? Just a minute? Okay, just
a minute. Yeah. The mostpopular answer was saying, somebody's in here.
You know well, I mean obviouslyif the door's locked. Yeah,
but people still try yeah or occupiedthere you go, I'm almost done.
I'm almost done. I wouldn't makethat promise, or just a minute,
yeah I'm in here, which iskind of strange, like, oh,
it's you, Susie, what you'vebeen up to? Nobody's gonna know who
I am? Is that is inthere? Right? Somebody will knock on
the bathroom door and people say,yeah, what, I guess it gets
the point across, like there's somebodyin here, like what do you want.
Someone noted that in Japan, you'reapparently supposed to knock back. Someone
said, I don't understand the silentcourtesy of their culture. It kind of
is creepy. You're supposed to knockback. I mean, just so they
know that there's someone in there.It would be like that weird moment,
like if I was in there andthen you came knocking on a door and
back, how you doing well whenpeople know it's you and they start talking
to you when you're sitting on thetoilet, that's very weird. Yeah.
A lot of people said they saynothing assuming the door is locked. One
person said, I don't get knockingout a locked bathroom door, someone's clearly
using it. Other people claim theyhave fun with their responses, So for
me, it creates a sense ofurgency. Not that I'm right you have
to rush now. It's like,hey, if you're in here playing doodle
blobs on your phone, I gottago to do you're playing wordle and I
actually have to use the bathroom,right, Some people have fun with their
responses. One person says, Ialways yell come back with a warrant.
Someone to yells, I'm with aclient, just finishing up paperwork. Yeah.
Somebody says, what's the password?Also, don't yell I'm dropping bombs
because that causes problem too. Somebodysays, who is it? Someone says
they don't say anything at all.They just scream. Which if somebody's on
the toilet and you knock on thedoor and they go, I might walk
out the place and go find anotherbathroom exactly to go somewhere walk in after
that aftermath, you got to gosomewhere else. Yeah, I mean,
some doors you can't tell that they'relocked because they're like, they're very smooth
and you can't tell, you know, if it's like a fancy place.
Yeah, so you start pulling ondoors or whatever, or start knocking on
doors just to check. Have youever accidentally like pushed one open? Yes?
I have, yeah, And thenthe person yelled at me like what
are you doing? And I'm like, well, lock the door. Well
I locked the damn door. Idon't know what was going on, but
like they were just kind of tappingon all the doors, like in an
urgent situation, and they got tomine and it just flew open even though
I latched it, and I waslike, oh, hi, O,
I'm so sorry. I would starthaving my phone on record while I'm checking
all the doors just to see you. No, I don't want to see
you sitting wow. No I don't. But it'd be crazy if somebody did
that, though. But I suggestthat you start screaming when people knock on
the door. That's a great response. Rock ninety five to five, Tell
you a Man, Rock ninety fiveto five, Rock and roll Baby,
Thank you for listening. Hopefully nodamage at your house crazy last night storms.
Thank you for listening. So fordecades, one industry has sustained this
small, remote Colombian village of ConoCabra. What industry. Do you think
it was coffee or cocaine. Cocaine? Here we go the cocaine. Those
who live in this community in thecentral part of the country rise early nearly
every morning to pick the coca leaf, scraping brittle branches, sometimes until their
hands bleed, and then they mixthe leaves with the gasoline and other chemicals
to make the paste of coca.But two years ago, the village said,
something alarming happened. The drug traffickerswho buy this coca paste and turn
it into cocaine stopped showing up.Suddenly, people who were already poor had
no income. Food became scarce.The town of two hundred people shrunk to
forty. Why because they have anover abundance of cocaine. So they were,
yeah, I don't know the cocaineindustry. Apparently there's way too much
cocaine now, they've made too much. I don't know if people are like
not into the cocaine anymore. Youknow, it goes through waves. I
feel like where you know, likethe eighties, Oh, cocaine was everything,
and then like the early two thousands, and it goes through waves where
it's like the cool drug and thennot the cool drug. So something happens
through the cartel or they just startedusing all of their own products. No,
they have an over abundance. Ohthey have too much. They have
too much is what I'm saying.So all the hoovers that are listening,
you know, they said they haveproduction levels that Pablo Escobar would have dreamed
about. Like they have so muchand they don't know where to put it
all. They say, if yougo to the cocoa fields, it's like
standing in a cornfield in Iowa.You can't see the end of it.
Damn, what's the hot new drug? I mean, what's everybody doing?
What is everybody not or yeah they'renot doing coke. Well, these people
need to eat, Okay, theygot babies to feed. You know,
Well, let's help other economies exportsas well. Anybody want to take a
trip. I love you advocating forthe cocaine fire now. But they're just
doing what they have to do.You know. They're saying like they're what
income is going to replace this?Another illegal income or mining. They don't
want to traffic humans or wildlife orextortion. So come on, wow,
let's go get that cocaine. Justputting it out there. If anybody's planning
their summer trip. Thank you somuch for listening. We love you,
roadies. Send in the text whatever'son your mind, whatever you want to
talk about, whatever you want totext us. Eight four four ninety five
fifty. We retext every day,anything regarding the show, anything that happened
with you. Did you have stormdamage last night? Do you have questions
for us about anything? We haveto answer truthfully because texts, and that's
the rule. Eight four four ninetyfive to fifty. Get the text in
now, we'll read them next rockninety five to five. Let's take some
calls from the request line. Yeah, y'all, lots of texts today.
Thank you, broad Is. You'vegot core questionuents. We're here to answer
them. Eight four four ninety fiveto fifty cent him any time, first
one from eight o four. Whendid you all start this morning show?
And what got y'all into doing radioas a career. Well, I started
this show almost four years ago inOctober the Auntie Taylor Show. Merris joined
last year, year to the day, year to the day. And what
got us into radio as a career? I fell backwards into it. I
was bartending in a nightclub. Imet the nighttime DJ at the local radio
station. He asked me to bean intern and said, you can get
college credit. And I needed collegecredit. There you go, because I
couldn't afford college. And so afterone week working in radio, I was
like, that's it. I quitcollege and I was like, this is
my job doing this forever. Mydad was in radio, yes, and
I grew up around radio my entirelife. So your dad was radio royalty.
Yes, he was a legend inthe game and just wanted to blaze
my own path. Oh, Ilove that. Bob, the head Rody
of Elmhurst said, Maris say Pello, Pello, it's pillow. I know,
I know, but it's cute theway you say Pallo. Hello.
I got a ninja turtle Pallo twosix two. I stumbled across the page
you guys have on TikTok and nowI listen in the mornings. Great show,
great personalities. Keep up the goodwork. That's from at green Verre
on Instagram. Thank you green Vere, Thank you. Seven and eight.
Well, going into work because poweris off after the storm. Darn it.
Oh, Power's back on at workthough, But at least I have
you guys, listen to making thissuffering more worth it. We have power
out on our street right now.Camel Cho tim Angie, I think you're
she'll dangle you out of your cage. Comment about your dog Sugar went right
over most people's heads. That wasa good one. Hey, the real
ones, no about sugar? Nightsix three h whoa that national anthem?
I guess we can tell who usesauto tune? I don't know that Ingrid
or whatever? Who did that?I can home run derby national anthem?
I gotta do a deep dive becauseI think she had a really bad day.
Maga No, I think she hasreally good producers that have some kind
of witchcraft, because how is shea four time Grammy nominee. You'll hear
her singing that it is officially nowthe worst national anthem ever. It's coming
up a minute, and what's up? Six to'e erho just discovered and listened
to all the episodes of the fivepodcast, and I'm obsessed. You're welcome.
I need more. Such a greatidea. That's from Amber. Thanks
Amber. Yes, we all dodeep dives into rock music on the five.
All the personalities here. Check itout on the free iHeartRadio app Pepa
from Salt and Peppa bought two seatson Southwest because she has a knee injury.
The flight was overbooked and they gaveit to somebody else and then she
got kicked off the plane, whichwas crazy. Seven and eight says Southwest
is totally in the wrong. I'ma bigger person when I fly their airline.
I have to buy two seats thatI'm not not overflowing into the passenger
seat next to me. And yes, they should compensate her for boll seats
and voucher for a future flight.Agree, Tom had Rody A wath,
Hey, good morning. I saythis on all Southwest. This is all
on Southwest and that lady was rightsix p. One four. The woman
is absolutely right. Southwest was completelywrong. They should have offered that guy
a different deal. Bathroom etiquette.When you're on a public toilet and somebody
knocks on the door, eight oneto five, just make sure that the
bathroom door is locked. As Iwas at a restaurant in Milwaukee, thought
it was locked and a lady walkedin on me with my pants down.
It was a gender neutral bathroom,so glad it wasn't a guy. I
guess why not? Yeah? Sevenoh eight. My coworker will slip encouraging
messages under the door when we're inthere. Push, push it good.
She's a little weird, but welove her. And then finally, Columbia
has too much cocaine. We justfor today. Seven seven says man talk
about a great all inclusive weight losstrip with a great tend o seven to
seven three says Hey, where's thatcocaine place located in Central America? I'm
planning the family vacation that would bequote Umbia. You want to bring me,
I'll go with the family. Needa soon. Thanks for the text.
I'm gonna tell you what's up foryour day. Us An info coming
up. Rock ninety five to five, Semi sonigone, Rock ninety five to
five. Good morning Roadies, gorgeousroadies on a gorgeous day eighty five and
sunnay today. Finally, no tornadoes. However, the tornadoes did not get
me. They did not kill me, but you might. You better not.
If you keep me alive, thendon't kill Angie. I'm gonna give
your tickets to see Sammy Hagar thebest of Bolt World's tour. So call
now to play keep Me Alive eightfour four nine ninety five fifty. Don't
Kill Angie is to choose your adventuregame to hopefully get Angie safely to Friday
Bigger Fat, but be careful.One wrong move will kill Angie. Kill
and it's only on Rock. It'sbeen a violent few days. I don't
need the threat of death looming overme. Let me speak to Katrina from
Marrington. Hello, Katrina, Hi, good morning, Good morning, Katrina.
I take it a house did notfall on you last night. No,
I guess the good witch. I'ma bad witch. A house fell
on me. But I'm still here. Katrina. You're gonna play. You're
gonna play Don't kill Angie. Ifyou keep me alive today, we're gonna
send you to see Sammy Hagar Bestof Both World tour that I really want
to go to. So if youneed to take okay, I love it.
You ready to play? Let's gotake it away on that radar ur
please Caro in a half sholl.I have to do the T shirt report
every day. Now, what's yourT shirt? It's the Gorillas? Oh,
yes, the Gorillas. I couldn'tsee the front. Very nice,
all right, h Maris, Yes, Katrina, and welcome to Don't Kill
Angie. Yes, today we learnedthat Colombia has an over the top surplus
of cocaine that they can't get ridof. The horror, Angie thinks that
instead of paying all that money totake the trip to Colombia, she can
just order it online and help outthose coco farmers. Now, Katrina,
the question for you is which onlinemerchant should she use to buy some marching
powder? Amazon since it's Prime Dayor overstock dot Com. Ah ooh,
this is tough. I mean,I don't know. I mean, let's
just go with overstock. Yeah,because they're overstocked with cocaine. It's too
much, right, Yeah, that'smy thought at topstock dot com. A
fine choice, indeed, a finechoice. Indeed, Angie makes a very
large order because we're only six monthsfrom Christmas and this would be a great
stocking stuffer, wouldn't it. That'snice? Right. Shockingly, the box
made it through customs. Angie goesto open the box, big box,
Why is it wet? Oh?What is that sound in a box?
It's a cocaine shark. Oh,cocaine shark, he says, I'll be
hold when he starts chopping Angie intothe lines, O what oh, and
then he snorts Angie wha, Katrina, I'm sorry you killed a anchie.
Katrina, how do you make itall? You know it's a cocaine.
He's a fiend. You're always aboutthe cocaine. I wasn't gonna do any
of the coke. I was justgonna give it to my friends because I'm
nice like that. You know,I'm like the Mother Teresa of cocaine,
the Mother Teresa. Okay, Idon't do cocaine anymore. No, I
wouldn't do that, Katrina. I'mfifty years old. I don't need my
heart to explain. Katrina. I'msorry, you're still qualified for our grand
prize. Okay, Okay, what'sthat? I think that's the Screaming Go
Ferry. Yes, it's says Screamingworld SATA. That's right. Congratulations,
Katrina. You are going to SammyHagar Best of both Best of All Worlds
tour, I should say, withLover Boy as well. Credit Union Amphitheater,
Saturday, August third. Ooh,have so much fun. Yeah,
I'll see you there. Well,I can't. I gotta go to Lalla
I'm working, but but I'll bejealous. Take some video and send it
to us. Okay, okay,have a great time, all right,
hang on the line. Prison tabwill get you hooked up. Tickets are
on sale if anybody else wants togo to the Best of All Worlds Tour
Sammy Hagar. I read the otherday that he's doing all Van Hagar songs.
Oh. I saw the set listand it's amazing. So it's like
Van Halen kind of Tickets on salenow Live nation dot com. Thank you
for playing. Don't kill Angie,corpnch ar damn. The slaughter continues,
Sorry Angie, They promise to dobetter. Rock Smashing Pumpkins Rock ninety five
to five. Happy Tuesday, Roadies. Did we all fair okay? With
this crazy weather over the last coupleof days. I know there's a lot
of power out, there's power outof my street, there's trees and a
whole bunch of cars. But Iknow a lot of people had a bad
Hope you're okay. The clouds havebeen swept away, the tornadoes are out
of here. We'll get some niceweather ahead too, And it's just like
we deserve it. We earned thisstring of a week of nothing but low
eighties and sunny for a whole weekstraight. So yes, let's roll down
the windows, let's turn up therock ninety five minutes commercial free rock is
coming for you. Next rock ninetyfive to five ninety five minutes, come
marcial free on your gorgeous Tuesday forgorgeous you. Thank you for listening Auntie
Taylor's show. I do not cosign on this theory. Somebody asks people
on Reddit for insider hacks the customersaren't supposed to know about when you're dealing
with like customer service. Uh.Someone with lots of customer service experience tossed
out this gem. If you calla company and a bot answers, drop
a few f bombs because the AIwill flag you as disgruntled and immediately put
an actual human on the phone tosave you time. But if your flag
does disgruntled and now this customer serviceis picking you up knowing that you're disgruntled,
I don't think. Like I neverthink the way to get better customer
service is to flip off on people, to ask for the manager to go
create like you know, I feelso bad for like the gay agents at
airports when people are screaming at themlike like, you're not gonna get what
you want. That's the one personbetween you and what you need, and
you're going to assault them, abusethem. Don't make the gatekeeper angry,
No, especially when they get somethingyou want. I mean that one's supposed
to save you time. Here's someindustry hacks that they say can also save
you money. If you offer topay your therapist in cash, they might
cut you a deal. What therapistsdoesn't take cash though, like they all
because it's so many of these therapyis usually not covered on insurance, so
you kind of have to pay outof pocket five sessions and it's just like,
oh, we're cracking a wall.You want more? Come on,
If you're mailing something to an addressthat's not far away, always choose the
cheapest shipping option. Paying more isnot going to get it there faster.
Okay, don't use big websites tobuy flowers. It's cheaper if you call
the local florists and tell them whatyou want. Support local, yes,
always support local. You want abigger scholarship, just ask A high school
teacher said several students got between tenand twenty thousand dollars more this year by
writing to the school before committing andclaiming another school was going to offer them
more scholarship money. Oh, playthat game. Actually not bad, not
a bad idea. Get a carloan before you buy. Absolutely you'll almost
always get a better rate if yougo directly through a financing company. Not
enough people buy refurbished products like computers. They're essentially like new, and they
come with a warranty. By thatand this is the darkest on the list.
You can rent a nice casket fora funeral, then bury the person
in a cheaper one. Oh,just put them in a box. A
box. I gotta refra ready togo. I'm not gonna make my family
buy me a casket. There's nocasket. No, I don't want people
looking at me like that. Areyou just gonna be propped up in your
studio, not even having not havingthat whole song and dance. We're having
a celebration of life party, andthen throw me in the incinerator. Okay
after the party, of course.Well before, okay, there we go.
Just make sure I'm dead. Someof these people come back to life
all of a sudden, Like giveme a cell phone for like twenty four
hours just in case I'm not Dad, put one by me so I can
call somebody, Like I'm not deadyet, I would think why this body
bag started embalming you. That's whenwe would notice, like just wait a
minute, like put a phone inthere with the body bag and just like
wait, I don't know, MaybeI'll come back to life. Are you
sure? Yeah? We are.We like casting spells on. He's looking
to be like, I'm crazy,like is this the Avengers or what are
we doing here? That's what happenswith gypsy people. Sometimes we come back
to life. Yes, thank youfor listening. A Request Wars is up
next, and we do have atheme today from one of our roadies.
Yes, I love the theme.I love this person. May they rest
in peace. Somebody should have gavethem a cell phone. Might still be
here. I don't know. We'lltell you what it is. Rock ninety
five. It's now time for RequestWars. Arm your torpedoes. Yeah,
are you sure we should do that? Yes, we're sure we should do
that. Repair your best smacked offbecause this is gonna get real in about
a second. On the Angie TaylorShow, Request maris three time champion that's
right. I can't believe you onyesterday with that Hinder song. What do
you mean? What was wrong withthat Hinder song with the loops. We're
gonna get you to record your coverof it and Dak could probably win.
Actually, do you want to dothat? Yeah, it's better. Okay,
just hit the studio afterwards. We'regonna get in the lab man.
All right. We get request Warsthemes all the time from the roadies.
We love you for sending them in. Today came from Glenn our Georgia Peach.
Glenn our listener in Georgia. Yes, we have listeners everywhere, bitch,
We're worldwide. I heart radio appbaby, that's right. Glenn the
Georgia Peach said, Hey, ChrisCornell song battle do it? Oh?
I like that? Okay, thatis our battle today. We each picked
a Cornell song to battle. Youguys, pick your favorite one, the
one that you want to hear playedon the radio. Whoever has the most
votes wins today. So, becauseMaris is a three time champion, I'll
go first. My Christopher John Boylesong that's his real name. Yeah.
This is from two thousand and two, the Audio Slave debut album co cheese
cheese. I was playing this onetime in my apartment and my neighbor knocked
on the door and said, churnit up. Yeah, oh yeah,
man, hell yeah, crank thisone every time. Yes, audio slave
CoA cheese. If that is yourChris Cornell peg text the letter A to
eight four four ninety five fifty,please share with the class maras. Yes.
I stayed on the audio slave trainas well, and I went with
B your this is like the SesameStreet positive self image Chris Cornell audio Slave,
Be yourself, don't be anybody else, just be you. It's good
enough if you want that song todayfor your pick. Sext letter M to
eight four four ninety five fifty.Let's get the vote to ninety five minutes
commercial free right now on Rock ninetyfive to five. Lick a Park,
Bang it Out, ninety five minutescommercial free Rock right now on Rock ninety
five to five. Auntie Taylor Show, We are in request hours. Today's
battle was suggested by pulling it up. It was suggested by Glenn our Georgia
Peach. There we go, Glennfrom Georgia Chris Cornell song Battle Mmm,
Rest in Peace, Chris Cornell,Amazing singer amazing. Did you ever hear
his solo stuff where you did covers? I did? Did like Prince covers
and all the covers. It wasan interesting album. It was so good
anyway, but if you love ChrisCornell go check it out. So today
now Chris Cornell battle Maris is thethree time champion going into this thing.
So my song audio Slave co Cheesealways reminds me of Talladagonizes. So many
good songs at Talladeganies, but thisis one of them. Audio Slave co
Cheese. You like it? Youwant to pick it? Text a letter
A to eight four four ninety fivefifty. Marris's song Today also went with
an audio slave Chris Cornell song beYourself. This is from the Barney soundtrack
if not soundtrack. I love you, you love happy Family. Be Yourself?
Is that your pig? I likeyour positive messaging? Maris text letter
M to eight four four ninety fivefifty. Well, that wasn't very positive
messaging, was it? Look athow you can turn on a dime?
Get your boats in her body?Because right now it's Metallica. Yeah,
I know you love it when weplay some Metallica. The Black album just
became the fourth album to reach sevenhundred and fifty weeks on the Billboard two
hundred amazing, only the fourth thefirst one Dark Side of the Moon nine
hundred ninety weeks, still going.Legend from Bob Marley eight hundred and forty
three weeks, still going. Journey'sGreatest Hits eight hundred thirteen weeks. Hope,
Well you got to see Journey lastnight at Wrigley before all them damn
Twisters came through at the Twister Lambthe Twisters Rock ninety five five, Rock
ninety five to five thirty six rocknetyfive five. Thank you for listening.
It is ninety five minutes commercial free. I believe it is time to crown
a winner of Request Wars today areChris Cornell song Battle, the theme requested
by Glenn Our Georgia Peach. Thankyou gleam. Chris Cornell Song Battle.
I had audio slave, co cheese, Maris our champion had audio slave.
Be yourself? Who will be thewinner? Oh yeah, okay, where
are we going with this? Allright? Thank you Roadies for all of
the votes. Ya of the PekyBlinders, Hey, justin peace. Chris
Cornell, thank you for the votestoday. I mean, come on,
it's co cheese. What are yougonna do? Sorry? Are you?
Are you really sorry? No?I knew you weren't. That's a win
for me. I appreciate it.Enjoy code Cheese. It's rock ninety five
to five ACDC Rock and ninety fiveminutes commercial free. Oh God, come
in here. Oh Maria Palmer justgave me the craziest look. Put her
mic up? What are you doinghere so early? Well? We have
one of those mandatory meetings, right? No? No, do we not
might like completely here on the wrongday. Yes, I think you are
truly are what? We did havea meeting scheduled for today, but then
it got moved to a different dateon Monday, so you didn't see the
update that Oh good for you.So well we had something to record anyway,
So actually I knew that, andI'm just being OK. All right,
I'm sorry. Jay the Gay ison the line, and I know
I have to get to Jay theGay, but I just need to talk
to you real quick. What canyou please get that dumpster heap from the
torner of your stuff on here?I'm putting you on blast on the radio
because you're not when when this weekbut get an industrial size you know those
construction garbage bags that are extra thickand big. Get one of those.
Yeah, you know, don't weall bag? Don't we all? Will
you get that crap out of here? Yeah? I'm gonna go fair House.
Looks like I can only say yesso many times. Angie want a
week ago and it's still there.I've been getting divorced. She had to
put that one. I should not. You should not have told everybody that
enjoy your da mis today, enjoythe change? Well obviously, right,
thank you. I just I don'tlike to live in a pig style.
Can't stand the fields. Let's goto ahead of all the roadies. Not
that you're film the secretary of theshow. Hello Jay the guy, Good
morning to you, my darling dingdong. Similar. Well, listen,
you know how we're well known inthis show for creating groundbreaking documentaries. Yes,
well, this morning from the peoplewho brought you holes, a three
part series on what you shouldn't besticking in openings and don't text yourself.
A guide to masturbating, Come codWars, a daycare turf tail that's right
after picking up her aging elderly onefoot in the glue factory dogs from Doggy
Prison. She left them in willin Minnesota. Andrew realized that rappers,
superheroes, and dogs with names fromlike Naperville have been segregated at the place,
and I probably pulled away so theydon't have knife fight which to the
other when their owners are not there. I'm telling you, they're putting these
different dogs in different cell blocks andthey're creating gang wars some of these dogs.
The dogs in one block have therapper names. The dogs in the
other block have the superhero names.It's gonna come to a head out in
the yard and then it's over.I'm not saying that she's losing it,
but maybe we should start looking atone of those kennels to put her in,
because I mean, my god,what is going on over here?
And me? Come on Andree putme in a cond of do I get
to be alone for a while andnot of work. I've been asking,
I've been begging you guys to sendme to rehab or something, and nothing's
happening. I mean, now you'rejust losing your mind. So I mean
you gotta do something. Well,so it's Amazon Prime Day, the annual
excuse for you to buy more junksthat you don't need because the artificially inflated
prices are brought down the reasonable amounts. Now, Angie, you just have
to hear about weird stuff that youneed for your house because your card is
currently full. Things like you know, ragun massager is a barrel of wine,
a bunch of rugs, the littlefloor liners to deal with any kind
of spills, to make her whenyou're drunk, and of course a paper
mask so you can find a townin Colombia with the other one of cocaine.
Yeah, emanate that so it doesn'tget rooined, right, Yeah,
and answer Marris. We learned hecan't say the word pillow, and perhaps
you should go with alas seeing ashe almost ran over a cat this morning
when he assumed it was a plasticbag in the road. Say the word
pillow, Hello, Pollo. I'mgetting my eyes checked tomorrow, so that
has nothing to do with your eyes, sweetie, not at all. You
know, I can't say the wordright. Oh, I love it,
Jay? Where can we find yournotes every day? You can find my
notes on Rock ninety five five cCHI dot com and click on the Angie
Taylor tap. Don't make fun ofmy Amazon purchases because I was about to
buy you. I saw the salesand there's this big plushy that is a
manateee, like this big squishy andI was going to get it for you,
but not now, Oh not now? Oh yo? How horrible?
How will I go on? Idon't know. I'll tell you how you'll
go on. You'll listen to theAnti Taylor Show podcast on the free iHeartRadio
app itches. You don't even needAmazon Prime for that. It's great.
Listen anywhere Rock ninety five to five. It's time for the ten o'clock toast
on the Angie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's drinking at ten am, joiner,
a toast of fellows. Drink adrink, drink and drink a because
you made it through the storms.Amazing. That's right. Today's ten o'clock
toast goes out to birds. Arethey real? Yes? Real birds.
New York has been using all thesedrones to patrol beaches for shines of signs
of sharks and struggling swimmers, whichis great. You know, it's keeping
people safe. I guess if youdon't want to pay the lifeguards. But
there's a problem. The birds inthe area are real pissed about it because
they think that the drones are otheraggressive birds. Oh and so they're pissed.
And now the birds are fighting thedrones. Oh, this is an
epic war. Yeah. Who doyou think would win the war? The
birds? The birds better. Thebirds are our first. They are the
canary in the coal mine, showingus how to beat the robots when the
robots eventually come to kill us.All okay, so let the birds show
us if they can do it right. Yeah, like all kinds of birds,
not just the seagulls, Like allthe birds. The birds are pits,
little birds, big birds. Justdescribe birds as little and big.
Yeah, what else is there?Median birds, whatever specific bird? Maras
God, let's go to Maria Palmerplaying the kazoo to free bird police.
Let's do it, go for it. Well, there's no guitars, Yeah
there is. Ok, it's aslow so the pickup is like five minutes
into the song. We don't haveall that time, A long way to
be so real. I definitely thoughtthat this is going to go differently.
Maria Palmer is drunk, she's beendrinking, so actually I really wish I
was and can we make that happen? Yes, of course you came here
for a meeting that's not even happeninghappening today. Might as well. Now
your locker my stupid instruments, andyours is full of wine. You stay
out of my liquor locker. Iknow you bitches are taking little nips of
my bottles of liquor. I don'tlike it. Sometimes, like I'm gonna
start being like my parents and drawlike a little line on the bottle and
the next day I comment, whythe water in it? My wine?
Time you drink my whole bottle ofJepson's verbon. Who did that? Someone
did? I love the studio andI think everybody that was collective because Fridays
we do toast. But it's fine, Well, nobody was drinking it.
It was just sitting here bad notgood. Want it because you know,
no, no, no, I'mjust simply making the point moral of the
story. Don't leave alcohol around herebecause people will drink it. Also,
birds go kick some ass, youknow, show these robots whose boss?
I don't. I don't really havefor birds. Like the birds over on
like the lake shore path, theypoop like a man. It's very big
poops on the Yes, yes,the birds. Gosh again, why do
you have to give me order genusspecies? It's a bird of some sort.
They have big man poops. SoI don't like those birds. And
then the birds chase you. Idon't like, but get the drunks birds.
Do we have an update on theracing season at all? The pigeons?
Yeah, oh yeah, they've beenracing. Yes, okay, he'll
take them out and then he'll belike, oh, I just dropped them
off in like I don't know Schanberg. And then while he's pulling his car
and the birds are already coming back. Really they're as fast as the car
because there's no traffic Chicago traffic,no traffic. Wait, it's gonna have
it all right, Thank you somuch for listening. Walt is up next.
Oh he's so cute. He wouldkill all the robots and the drones
because he has a lightsaber. Yeshe does. And he's from Tattooin.
I think, is that where you'refrom? If you're a Walt, where
are you from? Where are theJedi is from? There? From all
over the place, from one specific. He's got a lot of stamps in
his passport. It depends on howmany medichlorian you have in your syst what
I'm just going to I'm sorry,and your system. What did you just
saydchlorians? Oh god? Yeah,all right, I should have known.
All right, thank you. ChewieWalt is up next. Ninety five minutes
Commercial Free still going, and Rockythe Rooster and exactly ten minutes. Well
that's up to wall, but Iwould say ten minutes for a thousand dollars
keyword you're saying exactly. I don'tknow how these songs you're going to go.
That's next, Rock ninety five tofive