All Episodes

July 19, 2024 50 mins
What a lovely day for a Chainsaw Friday it is and how better to celebrate it by (checks notes) complaining. That's right, we are about to dive head first into the glorious weekend and so that means Angi has to make a big stink about something before we do. Disguised as seeking advice, Angi put out to the roadies how she should "politely" tell her upstairs neighbor that they are too loud. Mind you, this is the woman who once reenacted a Beyoncé concert on her floor but now that she's older than most of the sand in the world, noise is becoming problematic. Obviously, going on the radio and telling the world (including the people above her who sometimes listen) that they are the problem is clearly the best way to solve this issue. To give you an idea of how the place Angi lives is laid out, it is basically a duplex with three condos inside of it and Angi resides on the ground floor. There is the chariot racer above her and then another above them. The issue for her is Baba Bigfoot is a heel walker all day so that's a loud pound and then when they play with the dog, it's even louder as you have paws and bigfoot chasing each other through the house. This is most problematic on the second floor of her place but even when she goes to the first floor where the bedrooms are, the noise is still there. While pondering what to say, Angi considered buying a bunch of rugs and offering the extra to the neighbor. Sort of throw around that the rug truck crashed in front of the house and now she has all this carpet and nothing to do with it so maybe pad your floors to put down the noise some. The biggest issue is Angi loves her neighbors but not the noise. Grandma even considered taking a broom to the ceiling as she hiked up her old woman skirt and chewed on those strawberry candies you only find in old womens homes. She also can't simply walk upstairs and tell the neighbors to stop walking. Perhaps the solution is to give them soft slippers though if they accidentally slide and tear their ACL, that's going to be an issue on top of walking around. Her last idea had been to leave an anonymous note but since the units are limited, they would know that she was the b on the floor below me. So, now that everyone in the city knows that King Kong lives above her and she would rather he walk like Fred Flistone, who is going to be the one to deliver the podcast audio to him?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Get in, losers. We're goingrocking. It's Friday Rock at ninety five
to five. Good morning, Roadies, what's up. It's the Angie Taylor
Show. Hello Maris, Good morning, Little Stic, Thanks, Good morning
Angie, Good morning. Happy Friday. It's chainsaw Friday Day, free change

off Friday. Don't call yet forthe chainsaw ah yet, but yes,
chainsaws all day today. We giveyour chainsaws on this station because we're stupid
like that. Yeah, yeah,give you a lot of stuff on this
station today. We're giving you SammyHagard tickets to the Best of All Worlds
Tour Collective Soul and Hooty tickets.Rocky the Rooster is going to be here

after eight am. Your first keywordfor one thousand bucks Minnesota Barbs here with
your hot dish today. You cantext us anytime, call us anytime eight
four, four, nine, five, five, ninety five fifty today.
It's going to be a perfect day. Seventy eight and Sunday on a Friday.
I can't ask for more. It'sone of those days where you go
take your lunch break and you don'tcome back because it's so nice though.

Yeah, that's how Friday should be. During the summer. It should be
summer Friday. It's like everybody's doneat noon. Oh yeah, I know
some places have that, but notevery place. We should all have it.
There was a Whacker on Wacker today. So here our building, this
office building a studio. Our studiosare on Michigan and Whacker. And there's

this big courtyard, you know,like at the bottom, and there was
a dude. Well, his bookbag and his sneakers were over in one
place. And then if you lookover at the bushes, he's got his
pants all the way down in thebushes. Yep. Wow. So the
things you see on your way towork on a Friday night, when you

get turned on by a bush,you gets turned on by a bush.
He was just looking down. Idon't know what he was whatever the bush.
The Whacker on Whacker was here.Yeah, that's his new name.
I'm sure i'll see him again.It's a good way to start your day.
I mean, things you see onlower Whacker. I'm like, is
that Maras? Oh no, it'snot. Are you thought I was just

hanging out on a bush? Maybe? I don't know. I don't really
normally see people here this early,So okay, good morning, Good morning,
I'm awaken, I'm ready to go. Let's kick you in the crotch.
It's the five Am kicking the crunchon the Angie Taylor Show. Rock.
Yes, smacking all these bitches upon a Fridaday producty. Let's go,

Yes, Love Prodigy, smack mybitch up. You having kicked cat
and smacked beach outs. Good morning, let's go. It's Friday, Baby.
We're gonna tell you what happened onthis day or look back in all
the history of this day is nextRock ninety five to five. Yes,

the Rooster will be here today startingat eight am, dropping a thousand bucks
on you. I see what youdid. It's the Rooster Man. He
ain't gonna die. He's just gonnagive you money. So make sure you're
listening for the keyword. Let's tellyou what happened on this day. Today
is July nineteenth, twenty twenty four. On this day, July nineteenth,

nineteen forty seven, Brian May wasborn. He is seventy seven today Queen's
lead guitarist. He also has aPhD in astrophysics. Wow, case that
whole band thing didn't work out,you get a back. Yeah for real,
that's one hell of a backup plan. On this day. In nineteen
ninety, former Cincinnati read superstar PeteRose was sentenced to five months in prison,

three months and a half way house, plus one thousand hours of community
service and a fifty thousand dollars finefor cheating on his text and leave Charlie
Hustle alone. Woo put him inthe Hall of Fame. Please, I
was like, seriously, please,it's time. Time, It's time.
On this day in nineteen ninety one, former Guns N' Roses drummer Stephen Adler

sued band, claiming other members hadforced him to use heroin, then made
him quit the band while he triedto kick his habit. The band settled
out of court for two point fivemillion dollars. MM. That's a loaded
one right there. It is.Let him, let it, Let him
try to get sober first, andthen yeah, figure it out. Yeah,

And today's Florida Man. Florida Manposed as a housewife to lure men
into home, where he'd secretly filmsex acts with them on the web,
not with them for the web.Yeah, dudes will do anything, you
know what I mean, Like,like, once you realized it was the

man. Maybe they didn't. Maybehe was you know, maybe he was
really pretty. You never know.That's what happened on this day. Thanks
for being with us today, Rockninety five to five, Rock ninety five
to five, Good morning, HappyFriday, Auntie Taylor Show. The mayor

of Flavortown, Guy Fieri, hasteamed up with Major League Baseball. Guy
Fieri. You know Food Network,beautiful hair, the beautiful hair, the
uh backwards sunglasses on his head andbackwards diners, drive ins and dives,
whatever, But he has collaborated withall thirty MLB teams to identify fan favorite

ballpark foods that uniquely define each team'sfood culture. Then he took all that
data and turned it into a vintageinspired T shirt collection with help from one
of our favorite brands, apparel brands, Homage. Oh Nice, I love
Homage shirts. Those shirts are sosolid. Are this softball? You guys
have never checked out Homage online?Do it? The new MLB and Flavortown

t shirt collection dropped yesterday, featuringhand drawn retro inspired designs. So the
Cubs one is I'll show you apicture, but it's Chicago style and it's
like a big Chicago hot dog withthe Cubs logo. It's nice, of
course, the blue Chicago Cubs blue. And then the white Sox one is

black T shirts and it says piloton a Polish dog and it's a big
Polish white Sox thing. Okay,I was wondering if they were gonna go
pizza, but I like the PolishYeah, yeah, I always do the
Chicago dogs no matter where I am. Polish is a little too much for
me. Really. I'm not abig sausage not a big sausage fan.

It just depends, you know.But with the Polish sausages, that's what
I'm saying. You get those grilledonions in that mustard. Oh yeah,
yeah, actually, you know what, that sounds really good right about now.
But don't let Ipieri touch it becausethen he'll put like tater tots on
it and like some red hot flaminghots or whatever. That's where I thought
we were going with this story initially. No, then I like this so

much better At the T shirt collab. Oh yeah, check out homage dot
com. Thank you so much forlistening today. At every Happy Friday,
Roadies, I'm gonna tell you what'sup for your day. News and info
that you need is coming up inminutes Rock ninety five to five, jumping
in to the freaking weekend Midday,Good morning, Roadies, Auntie Taylor's show
Happy Friday. Let me tell youwhat's up for your day? Angie will

now fill your brain with the rightamount of craft for your day. Cheers,
what's up? When we lost thelegend? Yesterday, Bob Newhart died
at his La home after a seriesof short illnesses. He was ninety four.
He was the king of dead pancomedy over a career that spanned more
than six decades. Despite everything he'sdone over those years, he's probably best

known these days as Papa Elf fromthe Will Ferrell movie Elf, a role
he once said out ranks by farany role I've ever played. He was
also the star of The Bob NewhartShow. Than new Heart, he was
on Desperate Housewives, a whole bunchof things, Chicago, Chicago Man,
So rest in peace, Rest inPeace. ESPN has come out with the

Top one hundred professional athletes of thetwenty first century. So these are the
top one hundred professional athletes since theyear two thousand, basically, and on
any guesses as to who might benumber one, Lebron Messi or Ronaldo okay,

Messi's number three, ooh, okay. Serena Williams is number two.
The goat nice number one, MichaelPhelps. Oh, Michael Phelps record twenty
eight time Olympic medalist, twenty threetime Olympic gold medalist, most gold medals
at a single Olympics when he woneight at Beijing in two thousand and eight.

I almost forgot about that, man. Yeah, So Messi's number three,
Lebron is number four, okay,Tom Brady's number five. Goat Roger
Federer, Simone Biles goat yep eightis Tiger Woods goat. Yes, goat
nine is Yussein Bolt goat, TennisKobe Bryant goat. I'm sorry. That

would be Michael Jordan. Hello,I'm sorry. What's wrong with the goat
of his era? If we gota you know, goat is greatest of
all time, not all time,It's not greatest of the era, it's
greatest of all time, and thegoat would be Michael Jordan, excuse me,
I'm sorry. And then number elevenis Novak Djokovic goat? All right,

Michael Phelps number one. Somebody that'spissed about that, though, is
Rick Clairs. No, I'm outthe ESPN stop. Oh Rick, Okay,
good for you. He retired fromwrestling in two thousand and eight,
then in twenty twelve, and theninto twenty twenty two. Nope, so
he's real mad. No, he'slike sixteen world titles. Whoo, actually

twenty two woo. You're the goatof cocaine. No, how about that?
Absolutely after. Will Ferrell is comingto Chicago this fall for a good
cause, and he's bringing some musicalfriends. Will is bringing the first effort
Will Ferrell's Ultimate DJA House Party toChicago at the wind Trust Arena on Saturday,

October twenty sixth. Marris, pleaseget us tickets to give away for
that October twenty six Yes at windTrust. All right. The show benefits
Cancer for College, founded by Farrell'scollege friend. The organization supports survivors pursuing
their dreams of higher education, whichis awesome. Yeah, great cause,
Swedish House Mafia is going to bethere with him. Twista, Chicago rapper

Twista, DJ White Shadow, whois Lady Gaga's DJ, and Chicago as
well. So all right, it'slit. It's your molly water. Let's
go. That's what's up for yourday. Thanks for rocking with us today,
Rock ninety five to five, JimmyWorld, Rock ninety five to five.
Hello, it is Friday. Thatmeans Minnesota Barber's here. That also
means I'm getting hell out of here. All right, we'll see you in

a minute. Mm hmm. Shehas some hot dish for you for your
weekend, and that is next.Rock ninety five to five. Angie Taylor
used to work in a bait shopin Minnesota. Now our former boss is
demanding on airtime. Here's the hotdish with Minnesota Bara the Butterfly. Oh
that's old luck me see toutsy roll. So it's wrong. I don't even

think that made it on the nowCD bar. But how are you doing?
I'm good. I'm just took torolling. How you doing, Maras,
I'm doing great. Where's trash bagTaylor? Oh you know she's never
in here to come see you.I will say, you can be a
trash person and still good do goodthings. Yeah, it's called trash can
not trash cant. Oh my gosh, you go, Taylor. How long

have you been holding an hour sincelast Friday, I got some hot dish
for all the roadies. All right, what you got for me? Bar
soul. We're about a month intosummer. Have you broken any of these
rules yet? Here's a few summerat a get rules to keep in mind
some summer. Don't. All right, what you got? Number one?
Don't set up right next to someoneat the beach if there's room to spread

out. Oh absolutely, don't blocktheir view of the water by setting right
up in front of them either.Number two, when you leave the beach,
don't shake out your sandy towel rightnext to someone. Oh rude.
Pay attention to the wind direction.Ooh yeah, very crucial. Yes.
Number three, don't assume it's funto splash people. That includes cannonballs that

splash outside the pool and also splashingsomeone who's just getting into the pool.
Number four, don't blast your musicthat goes for anywhere in public, but
even at a backyard cookout. Yourneighbors might not want to hear it all
day unless it's rock ninety five five. There you go, that's the exception
I was looking. Then you getbetter blasted as loud as it knows.
Number five, don't set off fireworksconstantly. The fourth was over two weeks

ago. It's time to move on. I'm talking you, Humboldt Park.
Finally, if you see that swampbeast tailor in the neighborhood swimming pool,
just throw a toaster in the pool. Well, she's a witch, so
it won't kill her, but theelectrocution might kill off some of the STDs
she left in the water. Becareful. That was brutal. Have a

great weekend, ye hooligans, allget out of here. Geez up,
holds down Minnesota farm out. It'sFriday Today is gonna be gorgeous, eighty
and sunny. A beautiful way tokick off the weekend. And you're here
with us, another beautiful way tokick off the weekend. What's that?
What's that smell? What is it? It smells like fresh gasoline from a

chaseaw man? Hell yeah, ripit up, chang nobody. It's changed
out Friday, first one of theday. Who wants it on? Free
chainsaw Friday? Call now eight fourfour, nine ninety five fifty. You're
gonna get it Chainsaw rock ninety fiveto five, Right to rock ninety five
five. Let me talk to Leannefrom playing Field High Leanne, Hi,

what you're doing? I just wentto get my daughter some breakfast. Oh
what'd you get her? One ofthe sausage burrito from McDonald I want one
to you? Coming over here,bring me one, Leanne. You got
the chainsaw? Heck? Yeah,what are you gonna do with the chainsaw?

Leanne? I am donning your ripfor all the people who ride my
butt down in a streak. Ohright, you're using it as a weapon.
Yeah, that'd be funny. Ifsomebody's like tailgating you, you just
take like the blade out of thewindow and don't say anything, like,
just stick it out. Then they'llback up. I have so many questions,
they'll back off, Leanne. Ilove it all right. You have

a great weekend. Okay you too. Thank you, and thank you for
listening. Hang the line, prisonTat will get you your chainsaw. More
chain saws all day today because it'spre chainsaw Friday. Rock ninety five to
five my special request from Angry Bob. You're welcome. Oh Angry Bob,
always supporting, Love you, Rockninety five to five. Good morning,

it is the Auntie Taylor Show.Listen. I need uh, I need
some advice from you. Guys onhow to handle something? How do you
politely tell the upstairs neighbor that theyare so effing loud and I feel like
they listen sometimes, so I'm sorry, but maybe I'm doing it right now,

But how like, Okay, SoI live in like a three like
a dup, like a condo,free whatever. I'm in the duplex downstairs,
and then there's a floor above meand a floor above that. The
floor above me. I don't knowif they're doing chariot races up there or
basketball practice. But he's Bob BobBigfoot, and he's he's heel yes,

yes, he's a heel walker.So it's like all day, damn literally
all day and then like he'll runafter the dog and it's and so I'm
like, what I'll be that's likethe floor right under it. Then you
know, if you go to thedownstairs floor, that's where the bedrooms are.
I'll be downstairs and I can stillhear it two floors up. So

I don't know how to say anyWhat do I say about that? Get
some Should I buy him a wholebunch of like just order a bunch of
rugs, Like, hey guy,it's got some extra rugs if you want
to have them. The rugs trucklike fell out and I grabbed a bunch
of rugs, Like, I don'tknow what to do about it, because

it's just it's all day, it'sall And I don't want to complain because
I love them. They're amazing people. I love all my neighbors. They're
so sweet, they're so fun,they're so cool. But it's just that's
a lot. And you know,I've lived in a parts before where the
people upstairs are loud, but it'susually not all day, and it's not
because of their walking. It's justthe loud walking. Yeah, he'll walking,

heal walker. That's real messed up. What would you do? Do
I do the broom handle on theYeah, the broom on the roof.
Yeah yeah, I don't know.That's that's passive aggressive, the broom handle
thing. And they're very sweet,So what do you want to walk up
to them and be like, hey, stop walking. I can't say that.
I should get him a nice slipper, like a nice soft slicker slider.

Yeah, like a nice soft,fuzzy slipper. And then when he
tears his a c L what areyou going to do? Oh? No,
well, that's not my fault.I'm nice, but you would probably
end up hearing like the sliding acrossthe floor a lot of times when you
know it's a multi lot of unitcondos. You can leave a passive,

aggressive, anonymous note on somebody's doorand they won't know who did it,
and you can get away with that. But I can't do that because I'm
pretty sure you have just tried toleave a note and now everybody in the
city knows. I haven't. Well, I left an audio note. Just
tiptoe around like Fred Flintstone with histwinkle toes or something, your twinkle toes

on a regular basis, instead ofstomping anything soft, like pretend you have
a little kitten feet, kitten feet, something like that. I don't know
how would you approach that situation.You could text, you can call eight
four four ninety five to fifty.I don't want to be rude and I
don't want to like upset him,because then what if I'm loud one day

and then he's like, hey,turn your music down, Yeah, you
know so, which he has toldus to do before, So maybe yeah,
yeah, I don't know. Howdo I be nice and tell someone
just stop walking that they walk likeKing Kong eight four ninety five fifty collar
text, if you have advice,if you've been through it, Rock ninety

five to five, Rock ninety fivefive morning. How you doing? Auntie
Taylor show is going to be beautifultoday? Eighty and Sonny I love it?
And all weekend weekend we're finding apatio at ten oh one a m.
I love that and drinking some there'sa big outaedge with the Internet affecting

airports, banks and other businesses rightnow. O'Hare is affected, Midway is
affected, and now they're saying itappears to stem it, leastly in part
from a software update issued by majorUS cybersecurity firm crowd Strike. CrowdStrike told
customers this morning that the outages werecaused by a defect found in a single

content update of its software on MicrosoftWindows operating system. Oh buddy, so
we're operating on Microsoft Windows at theairports? Yeah? Oh? What do
you expect other people to use?I don't know. Isn't there something more
current? I mean, it's Idon't know. Everybody. Everybody's being using

Windows since eons I know, Iknow, but so there are a lot
of problems obviously, CNN they're sayingthey told customers to reboot their computers and
perform other actions if they were stillhaving technical issues. But yeah, I
mean if you're at the airport,that that really sucks when you don't have
internet at the airport. Who lookslike from the clips that I've seen on

the news, it looks like they'reworking through somehow, But I have no
clue what they're getting done over there. Yeah, I don't know. I'm
no IT specialist, no believe itor not, I am not. But
that would suck. Does that affectairport operations or do just affect like the
Internet users at the airport? Imean it's got to be widespread. Ooh,
that would suck y all right,Well, like a lot of flights,

businesses, users are impacted worldwide,So who knows when this is gonna
get fixed? But what a nightmare. Thankfully our internet is working here,
Yes, oh my god. IfI came in here with no internets,
We're going to play see Boy setout the track. We could be like

a pack of pone and put iton vinyl. Do vinyl vaults actively.
The only physical media we have hereis vinyls and it's all Metallica. So
go into this song and I'll douh and here here we do, We'll
do the well well, well it'sPat Capo vinyl Vaults. This is a
little band from nic known as acDC. Yep, he shook me all

night long. You want to shake? I got the vinyl, I've got
my guitar. Here we are ata party on a Friday. This is
rock and roll rocking ninety five tofive. Good morning. I heard packa
Pone was just here. That's awesome. Yeah, he's this. I love
badass, love him. Make sureyou listen to Vinyl Vaults. I'm weekends

with Packpone. Thank you for listening. You know what cheat codes are?
Yeah, of course you do.Yes, come on, no nub video,
Just life cheat codes, cheat codesfor life, life acts exactly.
There are fifteen real life cheat codeswhich may or may not give you thirty
lives. I'm going to tell youwhat those are. You want to live

longer. Here's some cheat codes comingup next. Rock ninety five to five
Pilots have it Friday, so gorgeous, eighty and sunny today. Perfect way
to kick off the weekend. Maris, You're a big gamer. You know
the Konami code by heart up up, down, down, left, right
left right, abab start start,yes start. It's called the open sesame

of all the cheat codes, peopleonline are talking about real life cheat codes
that they've banked in their lifetime,just like little life acts. Some of
them are brilliant, some are intriguing, some are really random. Here's some
of them, and I like these. Admit your mistakes quickly and without trying
to explain. Just admit you fedup. People will trust you more and

you'll move on from the mistake muchfaster when you apologize quickly. Yes.
Agree. Number two. Diarrhea isthe best excuse to get out of anything
that's not a lie. No questions. No one expects you to go to
a doctor for it. I don'twant you to come over it. Just
like explosive diarrhea. I'm double dragonright now, nobody will want you to
come around. Number three. Don'tenter the recipients of an email until after

it's written and ready to send,so you don't accidentally send unedited or unfinished
emails. I don't see those veryoften. I just don't like to reply
all people. Oh those are myfavorite and it's always the same, like
handful of people. Number four isconfidence can get you super far, even
if it's an act. I agreepeople like talking about themselves more than they

like hearing about you. So ifyou interact with people for work, memorize
one thing about them, maybe akid's name, a sport they like,
a hobby, they do their job, whatever. That's a good rule of
some I think for everything in life. Oh yeah, ask them about it
every once in a while. Talkpositive about people behind their backs. Yes,
always talk positive about people behind theirbacks. That needs to be on

a wall somewhere, right for sure. I mean, we we do our
little gossip, but then we shouldalso we should also do the nice stuff
too. Have friends generationally older andyounger than yourself. I love that one
because you know the wisdom of theolder people. You're going through things,
they've been through it. They canhelp you out. But then you get
the fresh minds of the younger peoplethat know things that you don't know,

like how do I turn on thisdamn computer? Like whatever it is?
Thank you. When reheating rice inthe microwave, put a little bit of
water in the bowl so it getsfluffy again. It helps so much it's
hard to reheat rice. But yes, if you have something nice to say
to su someone like you think theydid something great, or they have a

cool shirt, or they made agood moral choice, it's generally good to
say so and not wait for abetter time, which might not come.
Like give people their flowers while they'reyou know, while they're in the moment.
Make people laugh within a minute ofmeeting them, and they'll remember and
help you forever. Yes, ifyou make people laugh within a minute of
meeting now, they're gonna remember you. If you want to change the subject
in a conversation, discreetly but noticeably, drop something, make it look accidental.

It'll break the train of thought ofthe other person and allow you to
restart the conversation. Like just dumpyour purse out if somebody is boring,
like, oh crap, now Igot to pick all this up. Oh
no, clean while you're cooking.I always do. Yeah, then you
have less dishes. You know,being polite increases your odds of getting what
you want all the time every time. Attitude is everything. As they say,

to learn something, repeat it toyourself three times on the day you
learn it two more times the nextday. Once a day after that,
and then you will know what mostof it's a lot. Never commit a
crime during the commission of another crime. For example, if you're transporting cocaine,
don't go speeding around in a carwith a busted tail light and expired

tags. Just remember one crime ata time. Yeah, two crimes is
not a double negatives, Yes,and my favorite one. If you are
going to do nudes, never includeyour face because as they say, no
face, no case, was thaton the list or was that just that's
one of my Yes, that's anangie. Isn't just a life hack?

Free no face in the news,no face, no case, Baby,
Rock ninety five just a couple ofweeks from the Metallica weekend at Soldier Field.
Friday Show Sunday shows went in twoyears that we've been waiting on this
show. I know it's talking aboutit for two years now. That's a
good way to get a lot ofticket sales and a lot of people chattering

about you for a long time.Just plan your epic concert two years out
and make people the thirst is realnow. Oh absolutely can't wait for Metallica.
Thank you for listening. Rock ninetyfive to five. It is the
time of day where we ask youfor text, Roadies. Anything that's on
your mind, anything you want totalk about, any questions you have,
what's going on this weekend, tellus about your plans, what shout somebody

out, whatever you want to do. Eight four four, nine, five,
five, ninety five to fifty.We ask for texts every day,
and we read them every day,and we'll read them next Send them now,
rock ninety five five. Let's takesome calls. When the request line
I call it number one. Allright, Thank you roadies for all the
texts today. We love you.We ask for text every day because we

want to know what's on your mind. Eight four seven and let's go through
these A four seven first one ofthe day. Thanks for helping me make
it to Friday. Angie, Ilove you. Oh, I love you
too. That we do seven seventhree. Good morning, guys, Happy
Friday, have a great weekend.I will be enjoying a forty two ounce
Tomahawk's steak and Tito's vodka. Youwant some strike and Rocca? Yeah to

A nine. Shout out to NateMerrill from Moments. This is from Abel
Sewer. I haven't heard from youin a while. I hope you're okay.
We all know you're sitting in yourjeep listening to Chicago's favorite radio station,
Rock ninety five to five. Well, what happened to Nate? Nate?
Call somebody please? Does Nate workat the sewer place? Does somebody
forget him in a sewer and putthe cat back on? I maybe he's

looking for the Ninja turtles like me. They're all on your shirt. Yes
they are, and big bold colorstoday, very much so. Two two
four love you, Auntie. Buta c DC is from Australia. And
that was a terrible packapone imitation.Yem, wow, obviously we know they're
from Australia and not nick I Rokua'sas I said in my pack to pone

imitation. It was a Joe callme to a nine. Uh oh,
we were talking about the n upstairs. Yeah, he walks like Godzilla.
It's very loud all day and heworks from home. So I was gonna
say, I gotta go to theoffice it's all day. Two one nine
said hire someone to cut his feetoff. Problem solved. I like him,

though, I don't want to dothat. Two one nine, be
nice, but call him Bigfoot.All the time was on Bigfoot. Uh
three one two? Have cleaner knockon the door saying he's hunting Bigfoot.
Maybe that'll get the hint. Right. Oh, that's a good idea.
Seven seven three Get him some slippersMyPillow dot com best slippers you'll ever wear,
And since you love your neighbors somuch, buy them all a pair.
I would do that, but Idon't like the MyPillow guy, so

I'm not supporting him. Oh,okay, we can find some other soft
Yeah, that guy can f off. Two nine. I found the best
way to warm up rice is toput hot water in the container and then
strain the water out. The riceis fluffy like you just cooked it and
it only takes a few seconds.But the water has to be really hot.
Oh that's interesting. Oh you getto boil water first. Splash,
boiling the rash boil. Okay,seven I good morning. I want to

shout out Mariso for making sure thatI got the limp Biscuit tickets in honor
of the show. Tomorrow you shouldhave a battle of limp Biscuit for request
wors Thank you Angie and Maris again. You know what tomorrow we will do
that for Repress Wars Saturday break.Yeah wait, we don't work on the
weekends, but yeah, perhaps forMonday. But I'll play something owner I

you tomorrow in my own personal space, on your own playlist, on my
own personal playlist, in my apah. Thank you so much for all the
texts today. We love you,Rodies, and I'm gonna tell you what's
up for your day. All thenews and info that you need is next
Rock ninety five to five be hotChilli Peppers on a very sexy Friday morning,

ooh eighty and sunny today. Perfection. It would be perfection if you
keep me alive for it, though, let me don't kill Angie. You
gotta keep me alive, and ifyou do, I'll give you tickets to
see Sammy Hagar the Best of AllWorlds Tour, All Van Halen and everything.
Call right now eight four four fifty. To play Don't Kill Angie is
to choose your adventure game to hopefullyget Angie safely to Friday. Big or

bad, but be careful. Onewrong move We'll kill Angie. Do kill
Angie, and it's only on rockListen. I have big plans today after
the show. I'm gonna go eattacos and drink margaritas. I don't need
anybody killing me. Don't do it. I mean it's gonna be eighty degrees.
It's beautiful. Let me talk toTracy from Orland. Hi, Tracy,

Good morning, Angie and Merritt,my favorite morning host, Tracy,
thank you so much. Good morning, Tracy, one of our favorite roadies.
How you doing, I am doingamazing, Good morning, good morning.
You're not gonna deprive me of tacosand margaritas today? Are you absolutely
not? Not a horrible person?Yes, of course, Tracy. If

you keep me alive today, you'regonna go to Sammy hag Are the best
of all Worlds tour, which isVan Halen Explosions to be awesome. Okay,
I cannot wait. Let's do this. Take it away. Our narrator,
Berkeley's hero on a half shell withthe most aggressive teenage mutant ninja turtle
shirt I've ever seen. You're welcomeand a matching hat. You're for Yes,

Tracy, and welcome to Don't KillAngie. Angie has a whole new
issue in her new house. Theupstairs neighbors walks so loud it shakes the
walls, and he works from home, so the pounding sounds are all day,
all day. Since Angie loves thisperson as a human, she doesn't
want to offend him, but sheneeds to find a passive, aggressive way

to give him the hint. Now, the question for you, Tracy,
is how should Angie suddenly drop ahint on King Kong feet upstairs? Yes,
by him some extra fluffy soft slippers, or send him a note via
the neighbor's pigeons that reads, stopstop t rocks. Do you think I

mean, the fluffy slippers would definitelydo it. Yeah, but that's really
no fun. I mean, Ithink I would go with the pigeon for
pigeons. Might as well put thosepigeons to work doing his racing around,
not giving me any gambling money.Let's go a fine choice. Indeed,
a fine choice. Indeed you pickedpigeon delivery. Angie is nervous because she

doesn't want to cause a cononder war, but the pounding is excessive. Her
neighbor has received the hint but isnot happy about it. He is paid
for his house and he can dowhat he wants. He starts stomping even
harder and louder. Oh, itsounds like a herd of elephants stampeding.

The rolls are shaking. They don'tknow the roof has collapsed. Angie is
buried. Oh no, at leastyou can't hear the pounding anymore. But
Tracy, you did kill Angie.Tracy, Oh, Angie. I'm sorry,

honey, but I will definitely takeyou for those tacos and Margaret at
myself. You can't. I'm dead, Tracy, I'm dead now. Okay,
I'll take your ghosts. Okay,you can take my ghost out for
drinks. You're still qualified for agrand prize, though, Tracy, so
thank you so much for playing today. Tracy, what is that the screaming

ghost? They? Yeah, Tracy, way, You're gone, girl,
Sammy Hagar with lover Boy the Bestof All World, Yes girl, Credit
Union Ampitheater, Saturday, August.Our tickets are on sale right now for

everybody else livenation dot com. ButTracy, you and a friend are going
for free. Who are you takingwith you? You know what? I
think I might possibly take my futuremy sister. I could use a night
out. Oh how nice you shouldtake my sister and then tell her to
give me back my ten thousand dollarsI borrowed her in twenty sixteen. Well

damn okay, Well I mean Icould maybe send the pigeon. I can
probably. Thank you so much,Tracy. We love you. I hang
on the line. Prison tattoo,Yes, prison tat will get you all
how the best. Thank you forplaying don't kill and you made the wrong
choice and you see we are allsuffering now, Rock you know what this

is. This is ninety five minutescommercial free luck while I'm sitting on a
flag pole. Will feel so good, Rock naty five five, Good morning,
Angie Taylor show, Hey Mark youCalendar ESPN eight. THEO is returning
thea s ocka. It's one ofthe best. It honestly is. It's

the best. We need more OCHOin our lives on a regular basis.
The OO is back for four daysstarting August first, with fifty four hours
of content across ESPN and ESPN two. Side note. I just got a
text from my husband. He's like, man, this internet outage is doing

is effing up all sorts of everythingtoday And I'm like, oh, you're
having like issues with it today?He goes, no, but ESPN has
been able to use graphics or videoall morning and I'm like, oh god,
how will you live? Anyway?THEO is coming back August for Some
of these sports events include Papa Shot, Yes, put me on the Papa

shot. I slay that Papa shot. Yes, I'm good, Major League
paintball Yoh, that's gonna be fun, Notional Robot League HVAC hoot. It's
the Robot Wars stuff. Oh okay, yeah, three rivers, Waiter Waitress
Competition. I don't know what thatis, but it sounds waiters and waitresses

compete. Twenty twenty three World JumpRope Championships. Okay, that sounds intense.
Ultimate tire wrestling, Yeah, whatis that? That's what the dude
is doing right now with my carbecause I have another pop tire basically,
and the twenty twenty four Adult BigWheel Races. Oh did you have a
big wheel? Oh? Yes,you try to spin out on that thing

and then it just like, ohmy god, it was like tires in
the mud. It was glorious.I loved my big big wheel, big
green machine. Hell yeah, Ican't wait to watch the O. Chow.
Thank you for listening. Request Warsis coming up in minutes. We
got a theme for today. It'san embarrassing theme for Request Wars, where
you get to vote on which songyou want to hear. That's next rock.

It's now time for Request Wars.Arm your torpedoes. Are you sure
we should do that? Yes,we're sure we should do that. Repair
your best smacked off because this isgonna get real in about a second.
On the Angie Taylor Show, RequestWars, we have a funny theme today.
A potentially embarrassing theme Today came fromarea code seven to seven three.

Now you can send your themes infor what songs you want us to battle
based on your theme anytime eight fourfour, nine, ninety five fifty.
Today's theme came from seven to seventhree. Do a battle of songs?
You'd rather not let people know thatyou love the embarrassing things in our playlists?
Okay maybe I mean maybe you'll lovethem? Is that the way that

we love them? But maybe youwon't. But you got to pick one
of them, okay, and youvote and whatever song you pick gets played.
So today I am the three timechampion in Request Wars. That means
Maris, you're first. You go, I'm a first And I didn't realize
This song was on this list ofembarrassment until rick rolling started to be a
thing. Oh yeah, no,it's Rick Astley. Oh no, You're

never gonna give you up embarrass sarchare you? Are you really going to
rick roll the entire city of Chicago? That's what I'm attempting to do here,
trying to rickroll the whole damn city. If you want to get rick

rolled, text the letter M toeight four four fifty. I stayed in
the rock era, but I mean, any song that is in an intro
for a wrestler is usually kind oflike corny. But I love this song.
I just do, and I don'tcare what anybody says. All right,
maybe you like it too. JeffersonStarship Jane Change. Yes that shout

out to Orange Cassidy Jane from JeffersonStarship. If that's your pick, text
the letter A to eight four fournine five ninety five fifty. Get your
votes in now. Ninety five minutesCommercial Free, still going Happy Friday.
It's rock ninety five to five.Dann Digg, you're wrapping your Friday ninety

five minutes Commercial Free, eighty beautiful. This weekend is just gonna be mm
perfect mm mmmmmm mmm, Oh thatgood. Huh oh yeah, yeah,
it's gonna be very good. Weare in the middle of request war is
the topic. The theme that cametoday from a textter seven to seventy three

songs you'd rather not let people knowthat you love. Maybe they're embarrassing,
maybe they're a little weird. Iam the three time champion. Marris's song
today, Rick Assley never Gonna GaveYou, So you woke up and chose

violets today. Yes, Mary MarshallMayor's trying to rickroll the whole dam city.
If you want to get rick rolled. Text a letter M to eight
four four ninety five fifty. Idon't know if this is like super embarrassing,
but it's old and I love it. Like if I was pulled up
to a stop flight and this wascranking out of my car, I'd definitely

rolled the window off because people wouldbe like, what are you listening to
Jefferson Starship Jane? Yes? Ido, Jane j You want Jefferson Starship

Jane. Texta letter A to eightfour four five ninety five fifty. We
are rocking and we are Roland ona Friday, and we want all of
your votes please, because it's anotherclose one. It is tight race as
always been very close. Love this. He's a Metallica. I have it

done, good authority. Oh isthis not Metallica? This is your favorite
Nicaraguan man? Oh ac DC.Yes see, I couldn't tell if it
was for whom the bells tolls orHell's bells. It's the same, I
feel. Did they share a bell? They shared bells. It's the same
bell. There's one bell, guy, need no bell, damn it.

Ac DC on Rocket ninety five crowbbberock ninety five to five. It's ninety
five minutes commercial free. I wassaying early we played Hell's Bells from a
CDC and the bells started going,and I'm like, oh, are we
playing for whom the bell tolls?And you were like, no, it's
a CDC, And like they soundthe same to me. The bells in
the beginning very similar. But youcan tell they're different bells. Oh,

it's real, real dumb. Asecond ago you said it was the same.
Now it's different. They are absolutelythe same. Because somebody on the
taxs was like, Angie, howcan you not tell the difference? They're
so different? Which one are youplaying first Hell's bells is first Hell's bells
from ACDC. Okay, now playa metallica Okay, slightly highed ding,

Yes, higher octave ding is theexact same Then that far happens in it's
it's the exact same bell player.It's the exact same bells recorded at a
different studio exactly gets bell producers slightlydifferent. We got to send somebody over
there with some bells today. InRequest Wars, the theme from seven to

seventy three songs, you'd rather notlet people know that you actually love Maris.
You had Rick You're never going togive you up? Wanted to rickroll
everybody, that's right, I hadJefferson Starship Jane, What do we have
winner? I thought about Rick rollingjust because too obvious. Yeah, there's

a little too on the nose today. Thank you for all the boats.
Shout out to Orange Cassidy, BowedDown, Bitches, Bow Down Rock ninety
five to five. Good morning,Hello, Happy Friday, eighty and sunny
today, beautiful, beautiful day.And let's go to somebody equally beautiful until
he starts talking about me. Thehead of all the roadies, secretary of

the show. Good morning, Jay, the gay. Good morning to you,
my darling ding Dons. Then HappyChainsaw Friday. Now listen this morning,
and you gave us some real lifecheat code that can be used in
everyday situation to prevent issues and problemsfrom occuring. Now, for example,
when you reheat rice in the microwaves, throwing a little water your rice when

it comes back out, Yeah,simple, nice. Uh. Don't start
drinking until the radio show is donefor the morning. You never know what
drunk you will say on or offair. And there is an HR bet
going oh uh, oh okay,duly got it. If your dogs are
almost as old and see now asyou take them somewhere far away and leave

them there, but hope that youremember how to get back home as well.
That's trouble. One of the pitbull, the fifteen year old pit
ball, has kenn'clough all of asudden, oh and it sounds like old
ladies at a dinner club at likedinner theater in yeah like. And I

just yelled at her and said,you know what, You're gonna have to
ride this one out because I'm nottaking it to the bat anymore. It's
too expensive and it's too late inthe game figure it out. Wow,
what an amazing pet on you.And of course, if you're gonna do
nude, never show face unless youhave an OnlyFans don't have franken boobs and
wouldn't be recognized nude as it isby twelve percent of the male population.

Damn, I don't do nudes twelveI do tasteful boudoir paintings and then I
mail them to my suitors. Wherecan you find your notes every day?
You can find my notes on Rocknae five five chi dot com and click
on the Angie Taylor tag. Yesand take us with you wherever you go

on the free iHeartRadio app. Youever need to catch up on the show.
We got a podcast, The AntiTaylor Show. Just searched out there
or wherever you get your podcasts.Ninety five minutes commercial free, still going
on Rock ninety five to five.It's time for the ten o'clock toast on
the Antie Taylor Show. Yeah,Angie's drinking at ten am, joiner and

a toast ubfellowship. Yes, chugon a Friday, Chug ahart check,
a fast chuck, a long takeit to the head. Today's ten o'clock
toast goes out to this amazing parrotnamed Pepper. You know, animal shelters
aren't always able to find homes forsome pets, but this facility in upstate
New York had hundreds of potential adoptershoping to take home Pepper, the parrot

whose mouth is as filthy as hisname. Oh spicy, Pepper got a
filthy mouth? Is this Pepper?Welcome to Rock ninety five five? Yes?
On the Angie Taylor Show. Thisshelter learned this when he heard Pepper
ask, do you want me tokick your ass? That's what the birds
said. I wish air would,I wish the bird would. I wish

a bird would. And it saysa lot more. It just insults you
and swears at you. We needthis to be the official bird of the
station. I mean, I knowwe have Rocky, the rooster that gets
you one thousand. Rocky's cousin Pepper, yes, the pottymouth parrot. If
you think Pepper's feathers are colorful,you should hear his language. Oh boy,

oh Pepper so naughty. So theyposted this thing on Facebook saying does
anybody want this foul mouthed bird?And they got four hundred applications from all
over the country. Seriously, Yeah, but I would want him. Yes,
I don't like a bird, butI would like that bird. But
he was eventually handed over to ateacher in New York who already happened to

have another cursing parrot at her home. So yes, well, the parrot
probably knows how to swear because poorthing is a teacher. She doesn't make
any money. These kids are aholes. She goes home invents about it,
and the parrot learns all the language. And now these parrots could like
get into like battles, you know, with each other. I would watch
that all day. Yeah, salteach other, just burn each other all

day. Teach them yo mama jokesand stuff. It'd be great. I
would love that. So shout outto Pepper. Don't let anybody shame you
for your mouth. You know.So coming up next is not Walt,
because it's Walt and he never workshere anymore. He's like in Little Rock,

Arkansas, chasing groupies right now withstabbing westward Wow, somewhere like that.
You know who's in though for WaltJC right, Jaz Baby, I
can't wait to hear her question ofthe day, like, what do you
like on your pizza? Or what'syour favorite color? She's up next,
She's awesome. Make sure you listenfor JC and Rocky the Rooster will be

dropping in on her show. Idon't know if pepper will be there,
but Rocky will be there on thousanddollars coming up in moments with a key
word. My favorite color is green. Anyway, what's yours? Max's pep

Pepperoni? Yes, have an amazingweekend, Rondie. Be careful, be
safe, watch out for flying pepperoni, and we will see you on Monday.
Rock ninety five to five
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