Episode Transcript
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Rocking nety five to five, Havea clear, good morning, Happy Monday.
Auntie Taylor's show is on. Goodmorning, Roadies. How you doing,
Hope you had a great weekend.Good morning, Maris, Good morning,
Little Stay, good morning. Gotyour U to Chala on, Yes,
Rocking the Black Panther, Black PantherKill, Marga, Yes, very
nice. Thank you for listening,Roadies. How is your weekend? How
you doing? It is Monday?It is Metallica Day. Actually, oh
week. We got Metallica tickets allweek and everybody that wins Metallica this week
will be qualified for a front rowupgrade. Amazing look at us. Yes,
we also have Sammy Hagar tickets foryou. Rocky the Rooster is back
this week. One thousand dollars.Keyword starts after eight am. Your first
shot at one thousand bucks. Textus anytime, call us anytime. Eight
four to four, nine, five, ninety five to fifty. Gonna be
eighty two and mostly sunny today,another beautiful day, the neighborhood, glorious,
glorious summer in Chicago. All right, first thing we do you need
it on a Monday, You needit every day. Get you up,
get you going. Let's kick youin the crotch. It's the five Am
kicking the crush on the Angie TaylorShow. Rock ninety five. Yeah,
Metallica all to fit in. Yes, Metallica tickets every day and don't kill
Angie about a twenty Make sure you'rehere. Concert's coming up in a couple
of weeks. You gotta go.Yeah, you've been kicked baby, righting
the crotch. Now we're awake,We're ready to go. Let's get Monday
going, and we're gonna tell youwhat happened on this day. Our look
back in all kinds of history isnext Rock ninety five to five Stone Table
pilots. Happy Monday Morning, AngieTaylor Show. Let's tell you what happened
on this day. Today is Julytwenty second, twenty twenty four. On
this day, July twenty second,nineteen sixty five, Shawn Michaels was born.
He is fifty nine today, aHeartbreak Kid, former WWF and WWE
superstar. He helps group Read Heart, but his heart now belongs to Jesus,
oh Well said on this day.In nineteen thirty four, bank robber
John Dillinger was shot to death byfederal agents outside Chicago's by biograph biograph theater.
Oh on LinkedIn. I was aboutto say biography, but yes,
biograph theater. Legend has it thatDillinger was packing seventeen inches flaccid. What
seventeen inches flaccid? That's no way, that's a way. That's a hard
life to live. What a hardlife to live? Seventeen inches flaccid?
No way? Who made that up? It's a nice legend to have about
you. Yeah, way, afterlike one hundred years after you're dead,
people are still talking about your bigwang. But you would have imagined like
the coroner would have been like,let's take a look. Yeah, seventeen
inches last, I don't believe it. On this day in nineteen ninety one,
Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested in Milwaukee.Police found eleven skulls and three headless
torsos sealed in a vat, plusother body parts in his apartment. I
might want to watch that documentary.No, no, I mean yes,
but gross and today's Florida man.Florida man shotguns, twisted tea with gator
in Hardy's parking lot. Yes,like out of the gator, Like there's
Florida statements but that is the mostFlorida thing ever that I've read in a
while. Yeah, well, heyman, twisted tea. There you go.
That's what happened on this day.Thanks for hanging out with us today
on a Rock ninety five to five, ninety five to five Rock on Monday.
Hello, Good morning Angie Taylor's show. We were talking in on this
day about John Dillinger, today's anniversaryof his being gunned down in front of
the biograph Feter right, and therumor is he had a seventeen inch wang.
So I had to dig into this. Oooh, I didn't do some
research. There's all these rumors thatthe Smithsonian has it preserved in formaldehyde somewhere.
What. Yeah, that's not true. As it turns out, the
Smithsonian keeps a file of letters fromcitizens inquiring about the legendary dong Ha.
You know, but even before theSmithsonian legend, his wiener was part of
like oral tradition back in Indiana.Some said he was so large that he
wasn't a great lover, and he'dlose consciousness when he was aroused because so
much blood drained toward his wiener.That's insane. And the night that he
was gunned down. The woman inRed that betrayed him that night in July
of nineteen thirty four was because hewas her lover and she just couldn't take
it anymore. I mean, ifit was seventeen inches, I don't know
how you could. Why didn't shejust leave? I don't know. I
don't know. But there's this famouspicture of him with the Cook County Coroner's
office all gathered around. He's gota sheet on him and there's like a
big it looks like like he hada big heart on and he yes,
and everybody thought that was his wienerand they're like, well, it was
his arm, probably from the rigormortis like setting in. But yeah,
there's rumors that Jayaggar Hoover had itin a jar formaldehyde, sitting on his
desk. There's all these crazy rumorsabout his wang, but the Smithsonian thing
is not true. But who knowshow big it was. I don't know.
But like for your ex lover tobe so mad at you, just
be like, you know what,he needs to be dead. He needs
to be dead. He needs tobe dead because he's killing me every day
with this big thing, this bigold Tommy gun Oh yeah, just busting
up all her organs. There's noway that could have been like comfortable walking
around. No, no, evenI wouldn't attempt on. So just to
do a little research on that one. Thanks for listening. Yeah, thank
you for the reason. Yes,I had to clear that up. Thanks
for listening. We're gonna tell youwhat's up for your day. News and
input that you need is coming upin the Minute's Rock ninety five to five.
You get Park Rock ninety five tofive. Good morning, roadies,
how you feeling. Let's tell youwhat's up for your day. Angie will
now fill your brain with the rightamount of craft for your day. Here,
what's up? As I always say, we don't talk about politics.
We don't talk about politics, butI mean, come on, it's newsworthy.
President Biden announced yesterday he will notseek reelection. He said he'll speak
to the nation later this week inmore detail. He also endorsed Vice President
Kamala Harris as his replacement as thehead of the Democratic ticket. Bill and
Hillary Clinton also endorsed her. Andshe's not the nominee. To be clear,
she's not yet the nominee, correct, but in her own statement,
she said my tension is to earnand win this nomination. Other names that
are being kicked around California Governor GavinNewso nice and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
All Right, does it feel likean episode of VIEP? It? Really?
Does? It does? Okay?Really? All right? More than
a thousand US flights have been canceledfor the third day straight. Airlines slowly
recover from this global tech outage thatleft thousands of people stranded at airports over
the weekend. More than fifteen hundredflights into within or out of the US
were canceled before eleven am yesterday.So the one airline that's not having problems
Southwest. Look at Southwest. Well, the crowd Strike system update era that's
affecting everything from mobile ordering at Starbucksto airlines is not affecting Southwest. Why
because it's using Windows three point one, an operating system from nineteen ninety two.
Oh my goodness, it is savingSouthwest ass right now. Oh my
goodness. You would have known beforethis the Southwest was operating on nineteen ninety
two Windows. You would have beenlike, what that doesn't sound okay?
It's crazy because like a lot ofretailers. Their point of purchase systems are
like old technology and they just don'twant to update. Well, it's working
in Southwest favor. Yeah. Idon't know how long that's gonna happen.
Yeah, seriously. Nineteen ninety two, all right, Travis and Jason Kelsey
have teamed up with General Mills fortheir own cereal. It's called Kelsey Mix.
Technically not new, it just mixestheir three favorite cereals together, Cinnamon
Toa's Crunch, Lucky Charms, andReese's Puffs. No, no, no,
it'll be in stores in September.No, Jason said. The only
thing Travis and I know more aboutfootball, more than about than football,
is cereal. So we're honored totake home the victory and consider ourselves officially
inducted into the serial culture with KelseyMix. Gross, that mix doesn't sound
good. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, LuckyCharms, and Reese's Puffs. When the
Cheerios did like their Olympic mix,what was it not it was like honey
Night Cheerios, regular Cheerios, likesounds good? There was like a yeah,
it was like a variety, butthey all complimented each other. I
think the cinnamon toast crunch throws usall off, or the Lucky charms at
Ucky charms throws it off for metoo. It's yeah, it doesn't sound
good, but not doing it.Okay. That's what's up for your day.
Thanks for rocking with us today onRock ninety five five. Yeah bush
Man, Rock ninety five to five, How you doing, Good morning,
Roadies, Happy Monday. You heara lot about celebrities that are only married
for I don't know, two days, and then they get divorced real quick,
like oops, I made a mistakeway too. Hear about this one
couple who divorced in three minutes aftermarrying three men eight minutes. I'll tell
you about that next, Rock ninetyfive to five. Ben Hey, Rock
ninety five to five, Happy Mondaymorning. Here all the time about celebrities
that have these super short marriages,right, for instance, like Britney Spears
and her high school boyfriend or whatever. Fifty five hours that marriage fifty five
hour, Yeah, because I gotmarried in Vegas and she was wasted and
her mom flew out and was likeuh h, Nicholas Cage and a woman
named Erica Koi Key four days,four days, okay, Nicholas Cage,
Eddie Murphy and Tracy Edmonds fourteen days, Mario Lopez and Ali Landry eighteen days
because she found out Mario Lopez cheatedon her at his bachelor party. Wow,
and she was like bye. DrewBarrymore and Jeremy Thomas thirty nine days,
Chris Humphrey, Kim Kardashian seventy twodays, and Nicholas Cage again and
Lisa Marie Presley one hundred and sevendays. Is it Nicholas Cage? I
think so it's gotta be the commondenominator is Nicholas Cage. That's nothing because
a the Kuwaiti couple has divorced justthree minutes after tying the knot wow.
Why because the groom called her stupidas she stumbled to get out of the
court following the competition completion of theregistry. So the woman flew into a
rage demanded that the judge dissolved theirmarriage like right there on the spot,
and it was immediately annulled. Thewhole thing believed to be the shortest ever
marriage in Kuwaiti's history. In Kuwait'shistory has sparked a wave of sympathy for
these women suggesting she was right toend the marriage. If this is how
he acts from the jump, it'sbetter to leave him. I don't believe.
I don't believe that this man leadingup to this marriage had never spoke
to her that way. If he'sgoing to speak to her that way on
the wedding day and then she gotmad or just realized I can't deal with
this the rest of my life.Right, but still like he probably was
a jerk the whole time. Yeah, and you just went through with it.
Another person said, a marriage withno respect is a failed one right
from the beginning, which is true. But three minutes. Yeah, I
remember reading about one marriage that endedin like ten hours after the whole wedding
was done, they went back tothe hotel and all the makeup came off.
Oh he was so mad. Yeah, he hadn't seen her without makeup
before. He hadn't seen her withoutmakeup. That's messed up. Pulled it
off right there on the spot.Oh my god, Yeah, that's messed
up. He hadn't seen her withoutmakeup before. How is that possible?
He was big, mad mad?Did you ever? Did you have a
short marriage? Text us? Iwant to know how short was it,
Oh, please a few days,few weeks, three minutes eight four four
ninety five fifty. Who has theshortest marriage in Chicago Land? I want
to know? Eight four four ninetyfive fifty hit us on the text it's
rock nappy five five rock ninety fivefive. Good morning, It's Monday,
Happy Monday, eighty two sunny today, beautiful. Can you believe that it's
already, you know, back toschool time? Like? Yeah, I
hate how fast everything is moving rightnow. This this time of year used
to give me so much anxiety whenI was a kid, seeing the back
to school commercials like get your suppliesand blah blah blah. Desperate parents are
considering strange things in this economy toget their kids school supplies. To be
able to even afford their school suppliesthree and four parents said they would try
any work around they could save somemoney on school supplies for their kids,
with some even dumpster diving and stealingsupplies from work. I will say that
my stepmother used to steal like backto school supplies for me from her work,
which was a loan officer, likefor mortgages. And so I'm going
to school with yellow legal pads andpens and you know, like big industrial
staplers or whatever. And I'm like, this is it. I love that
because you absolutely needed an industrial staplerand a yellow legal pad. Right.
Parents are like freaking out a littlebit purchasing back to school supplies, which
is it sucks twelve percent admit tostealing from their workplace so the kids can
use the school supplies. Parents anticipatespending two hundred and eighty dollars on supplies
this year. WHOA, that's alot. It is a lot. And
imagine you had like three four kids. Yeah, man, I want to
talk about some ways, some moneysaving hacks. Let's talk about hacks.
Dumpster diving for school supplies, stealingfrom work for school supplies, whatever it
is. But other kinds of hacks, money saving hacks. We have a
bunch of them, and I wantto hear yours. That's next, Rock
ninety five to five, Rock ninetyfive to five on your gorgeous Monday morning,
eighty five or eighty three ish sunnytoday, beautiful. Thank you for
listening. We were just talking earlierabout how it's back to school time already,
shopping, Summer's almost over, Summer'salmost over. At least for like
school kids and parents are resorting tothings like dumpster diving and stealing from work
to get school supplies. Oh no, damn the economy trying to spend less.
Someone asks people on Reddit for frugalideas that people have, like,
you know, money saving hacks.Here's a few from not cheap people,
just frugal people. It's different cheapand frugal. The first one is you
can't buy something unless you get ridof something else. You'll buy less junk
and end it with just the stuffyou really want. That makes way too
much sense, Like I don't.I don't know, Like if I want
to go buy a new jacket,I feel like I don't throw out the
old jacket. I definitely don't unlessit's like beat up to the point of
I need need necessity. Yeah,use a budgeting app to track impulse purchases
just to purchase you doesn't really needto make. It'll show you how it
all adds up each month. Iget anxiety from those, like when it
shows you how, like you getthe pie chart of how much you're spending.
It's the food, like the likethe delivery delivery is the biggest chunk
of the pie and I'm like,you got to stop that. Use the
library. Seems like no one doesanymore about the library. Library, great
asset. It's free. Let's seestream movies everything, check out tools.
A lot of the libraries do paywith cash. When you're out with your
friends, take a set them outwith you and it'll keep you from overspending,
especially when you're out drinking. Thatmakes way too much sense. It
does. Plan your meals while youshop, Like if pork chops are on
sale, do that instead of thechicken and work around it, like look
for the stuff that's on sale.I am good about that. You are,
like, I'll if like there's thisparticular meat that's on sale, I
can plan around that. You planaround just going in, like I need
to make spaghetti. That's smart,pack a lunch. It's not a new
idea, but somebody did the mathand found out it saved them thirty five
thousand dollars in twelve years. Ithink we all know is just how much
work you want to do to getthat done right. It saves you about
three grand a year. You justhave to plan. It's the planning part.
And I think everything is so convenient, right, now and sow at
our fingertips that we just take theeasy way. Oh yeah, you know,
and save a lot of money goingthe other way. So what is
your money saving hack? Help usout? Yeah, inflation and the rent
is two damn high. And itcould be anything like if you have a
fast food hack, if you havea hack for your bills. Prison Tattoo
brought up a great one about usingrefurbished or buying refurbished electronics. That's I
love that one. We have acouple of open box TVs in our house.
You know, you get the referbit's all good and they're usually have
a warranty and everything. So soyou can save a whole bunch of money
buying refurbished electronics. What's your moneysaving hack? Eight four four ninety five
fifty somebody will get some Sammy Hagartickets the Best of All World's Tour Call
now eight four four ninety five fiftyninety five to five. Good morning,
It's the Angie Taylor Show, andwe love you for listening. Talking about
money saving hacks for people. Yourfavorite money saving hacks. Some parents are
resorting to dumpster diving and stealing fromwork to provide school supplies this year.
Times out here. Here's one thatwe got for online shopping. Leave it
in the cart. If you comeback to it multiple times and think,
yes, I need or want that, then get it. Most of the
time it's not necessary and you'll takeit out of the cart. That is
a good one, and I do. There's like twenty things in my Amazon
car. I say, I haveso many different carts with stuff in on
on different websites, and I doit for that reason, and then I'll
go back and be like, whatwas I thinking right when I wanted this
stupid thing. Let's go to Michaelfrom River Forest Time. Michael, Hey,
how are you doing good? Thankyou for calling, Thank you for
listening. What is your favorite moneysaving hack? Yeah, so I sort
of rotate streaming services, meaning whatdo you do. I'll do like a
month or two of one like Netflix. Let's say I just watch everything that
I want to see on that andthen I cancel it and I move on
to the next one. And thenoh, so you don't have like so
you're saying you don't have like Netflix, Hulu Max and all of those.
At the same time, you'll gothrough and like watch everything you want to
watch from Netflix, cancel it,then start another one, then start another
one. Yep, right on.So when you do that, when they
have the new deals for like ninetynine cents for your first month, and
when you go back, do youstill get that opportunity? Not usually?
Okay, it's better than spending likeninety dollars a month. Oh yeah,
yeah sure, if you're not watchingthem all, you know, that makes
sense? All right, Michael,that's a good one. Didn't even think
about that with streaming. Spend somuch money on streaming. Thank you,
Michael, have a great day.Yeah, thank you. Yeah, everybody
hanging the line. Somebody's in getickets to semehga. Let's go to Jason
from Juliet, Hi. Jason,Hi, Hi morning, good morning.
What's your favorite money saving hack?Qu point a lottery? Oh? Stop
it? You think I'm kidding hadthat up at the end of the years,
he would just spend on it.Quit playing it. You're so right,
I mean, quit playing it,but that's hard to do when you
love the lottery. Quick playing it. I used to do scratch is like
almost every day when I left work, and I stopped doing that. So
that's something now I have to stopwith the innapp purchases on my games.
Jason, did you figure out howmuch you were saving on an annual basis?
I'd really rather not say. Howyou scratching that gambling edge? What
are you doing lottery and scratchers?Oh well, you just said don't do
it. Well, I'm just sayingthis is where I learned not to do
it, Jason. Hang on,that's funny. Don't do it, but
I still do it. Troy fromBourbonet, good morning, good morning,
good morning, good morning. Actuallywhat I do is I do a lot
of cu funs with them, butI buy a lot of Ramen noodles because
you can make any meal in theworld where rom and Noodle did. It's
cheap. You really can. Youcan. You can throw anything in with
Robin, you can drain it,you can put it. Guy anything,
the guy with the streaming services.Just get a jail break of jail break
of Amazon players. Stick can geteverything for free. I feel like,
Guy, I feel like, yeah, you gotta get a guy, And
I feel like I'm stealing or something. I don't know. Hang on,
hang on, Troy, Let's goto Gary from on Theland. Hey Gary,
Hey, guys, what's going on? What's going on? What's your
money saving hack? All right?So I was telling him within regards to
school supplies what we used to do, and I'm a little dating my kids
are a little older now recycling.But also, and I didn't mention this,
the guy before I called on wasmy wife would scare the crap out
of my kids to make sure thatthey had the same stuff year after year
after year. So the fear ofGod is what she put in there to
hack them and to making sure thatwe saved money. What do you mean
had the same stuff, like likethe same pencil as they had the year
before? Had I felt like Iwas always losing pencils And yeah, no,
the fear of God. She putthe red rocker into all of my
kids. A little Sammy in there. Hang on, Gary, let's go
to Jerry from Sleepy Out. Hey, Jerry, Yes, what is your
money saving hack? I grow myown grow your own? What rb you
grow your own weed? Yeah?Do you have like a what do you
have? How do you do that? You get some kind of yes?
Wow, Okay that's good to know. How do you get the seeds for
it? Oh? You're going thesensory seeds and everything. Oh I didn't
know that. Huh, how aboutthat. Let's hang on, Jerry.
Let's go back to Jason from Juliet. Hey, Jason, Yeah, I
love your tip of don't play thelottery. Even though you're still playing the
lottery. I'm really not. Okay, good if you do it bad enough,
oh, you'll stop. Yeah,that's true. I agree with you.
That's why I stuff the Scratchers.Hey, I'm gonna send you to
Sammy Hagar Okay, cool. Yeah, Sammy and Loah Blah boy the Best
of All Worlds Tour that is aweek from this Saturday, Saturday, August
third. Okay, that'll work.Hang on the line. We'll have prison
tattoo. Get you all hooked up. That's at Credit Union Appitheater. Tickets
are on sale right now for anybodyelse that wants to go. Lab Nation
dot com. Thank you for thecalls. It's Rock ninety five to five
Rock ninety five red Hot Chili Peppers, A good morning. How you doing
see Angie Taylor Show. Thank youso much for listening. Yeah. Uh,
shout out to Naperville, Home ofall the Swingers. Yeah, all
the swingers live in Aperville. Fromwhat I've heard upside down pineapple. That's
right. But residents in one quietlittle British village, we're doing a lot
of complaining over the weekend about screamingand moaning noises whoa coming from the nearby
countryside, which served as their yearlyreminder that swingeth On, Britain's largest swingers
festival, had returned for its annualfour day event. This year's X rated
fetish fest attracted a crowd of overone thousand participants. Featured play tents,
pole dancing, hot tubs, phoneparties, mobile dungeons, damn and other
raunchy games. If they had theyhad twister with sex toys. Yeah.
Organizers were given the go ahead fromlocal authorities to hold the event again this
year, despite complaints from nearby residents. It's in the countryside. If you
can hear the mooning in the countryside, swing on buildings to absorb the noise
this countryside travels. The hot tubthing, I contend that if you are
a couple and you own a hightub that you're into swinging, is that
just like a direct marker for swingers. I just feel like it is like
one of my girlfriends, she's single, she lives in LA and she's like,
I think I'm gonna get a hottub. I'm like, ooh,
you know what people are gonna think. I don't know. I just think
they're naughty. Oh, I don'tknow that everybody is using them to relax
after a hard day of working out. I mean that was my initial thought,
like to go in so it canbe warm. But yeah, the
neighbor with the hot tub, andthen they've got like the little lattice fence
all around it. They're doing somestuff in that hot tub. I mean,
clearly clear. They're inviting you overfor like a drink, and then
it's like, hey, let's getin the hot tub. I love how
you went directly to the hot tub, and I'm like, hmm, swingethon.
I wonder how many tests you haveto take before so that you can
get to the green light to bethere. Yeah, I wonder if they
test you ahead of time. Idon't know, but hey, just wrap
it up man and be safe,because, like you, it seems like
a limitless amount of partners for thatweekend too. Yeah, over one thousand.
I mean, it's swinging. Youcan do whatever you want. Sounds
like fun. Who in neighborville hasa hot tub they want to invite us
over to and we'll be there today. Thanks so much for listening Rock in
ninety five to five, A springon Rock ninety five to five. How
you doing? Happy Monday eighty twoand sunny today, beautiful, glorious.
Hello Kitty turns fifty this year.I didn't know I was the same age
as Hello Kitty. Oh great company, Yes so Sonrio, the company that
owns her, decided to mark theoccasion by informing us that everything we've ever
believed has been a lie. Iheard about this. Hello Kitty is not
a cat. I just you know, sometimes people say stuff for attention,
and I don't appreciate. Hello Kittyis not a cat. The name is
Kitty, my name is Company issaying that she's not. Though it's not
for attention, I know, butlike I was today years old, she
looks like a cat. The Somrioexactly saying she's actually a little girl born
and raised in the suburbs of London. She has a twin sister, Mimi,
who is also her best friend.Not only that, but Hello Kitty
has a pet cat of her own, Charmie Kitty, one of the reasons
this isn't more widely known is thatHello Kitty wasn't introduced in a movie,
TV show, or any kind ofstory. Really, She's just always been
a product. Her first appearance wason a vinyl coin purse sold in nineteen
seventy four. Never a lot ofbackstory about her. She's not a cat.
Well, thanks for letting us knowfifty years later why she looked like
a cat. I don't see.That's the question. That's MBS. That
is the question anyway, today,years old, Thanks so much for listening.
It's time to send in your textanything that you want to know,
any questions, comments, thoughts onthe show, anything you want to know
from us, any shout outs,whatever you want to talk about on the
text. We read your text everyday and we will read the next.
Send your text in eight four four, nine five, five ninety five to
fifty. We're taking them now.Let's take some calls from the request line
calling number one. All right,thank you so much, Thank you roadies,
We love you. Thank you sothe texts every day eight four four
ninety five fifty we read them everyday. You want to know what's on
your mind? Down a from Chicago, first one. Happy Monday to the
greatest rock station in the world.Hey, thank you for Request Wars.
Can we pay tribute to Chester Bennington? It was the anniversary of his death
this past weekend. Yes, absolutelywe can. Saturday was the anniversary of
his death, and we will.Yes, we will do that for Request
Worse you got it? Six threeAero says love your show makes my morning
much brighter. Thank you. Eightfour seven Good morning Angie and Maris.
Love you guys. Just wondering ifyou'll be giving away more Sammy Hagar tickets
stay cool. Yes, every daythis week Sammy tickets eight one five.
I was working on the West Sideon Friday and I saved to kitten from
on top of someone's garage. Hisname is now Rufous because he was found
on the roof. I love thatrate name Nay roofs that kidd, I
love it. Seven oh seven.Uh thanks for the Limbiscuit tickets. One
of the best shows I've ever seen. I got lucky enough to upgrade them
for thirty five bucks for the pitnice and was literally right on the fence
in front. Amazing, amazing.Thank you again from Dean Glad you enjoyed
your You're welcome. Yeah. Ialways try to upgrade if you can,
especially if you're at Tinley uh sixthrough zero. Just so you know,
ATM machines still run on Windows XP. We're talking about the Tonaesel XP was
like two thousand's right, I don'tknow. I don't know about Windows three
one two. We're talking about moneysaving hacks. Three one two says a
money saving hack, I take girlsout for dinner and say I'll get you
next time, and then never callthem again. Damn rude dude. Seven
seven three. Get the apps forall the food places that you frequent there's
always freebies and rewards on those.Yes, take advantage. Yeah, like
if you go to Dunket every morningor McDonald's, always get the apps.
Eight seven Oh. To save money, don't have to buy brand named items.
Most store brand items are the same, sometimes better. Yeah. Costco
a lot of this stuff. Therea lot of the kirk One's good seven
and eight money saving tips. Ioften take extra condiment packets like ketchup mustard,
squeeze them into my store containers athome. That's a lot of work.
Yeah, I see your game there. If you're also eat before you
go to the grocery store because ifyou're hunger, you're gonna spend more money.
Mike from Chicago Heights. That istrue. I haven't learned that lesson
yet. Don't go to the grocerystore hungry. Don't go to the grocery
store high because you'll buy the wholedamn store. Six three zero. Everybody
says that swingers live in Naperville.I have never seen it. Maybe that's
because you're not a swinger. No, what do you expect a swinger parade
outside? I just gotta knock onyour door, like Hi, we're swingers.
That's why you look for the upsidedown Pine Nuppers Joe the head Roady
of wrestling. I'm not in Aperville, but I have an ice bath in
a hot tub, so come over. There's also a stock fridge next to
the hot tub. Have locker timeknocked at, Joe? What's going on?
I'm not getting in that hot timeeight one and three says if Hello
Kitty is a girl, somebody bangeda thundercat thunder thunder ThunderCats? Oh ho,
what are you calling a hoe?That thundercat that got banged? Apparently,
apparently Hello Kitty is a girl.Yeah, I'm string not a cat.
She's not a cat, She's nota kiddy. That's crazy. Thank
you so much for listening. Welove you, Roadies. Thank you for
the text. I'm gonna tell youwhat's up for your day in just minutes
Rock ninety five to five, danziggon Rock ninety five to five. Time
to play Don't Kill Angie? Yo, Rodes who wants to play? If
you keep me alive today and everyday this week, you get Metallica tickets
and you're qualified for the VIP frontrow upgrade. Call now yes to play
eight four four ninety five fifty.Don't Kill Angie is to choose your adventure
game to hopefully get Angie safely toFriday. Big bad, but be careful.
One wrong move, we'll kill Angie. Killie. And it's only on
VACK twenty five five. I meanit might be okay if you kill me
today? What it's Monday? Oh, long day at work? Come on?
Let me talk to Joe from DownersGrow Hi Joe, Hello, Happy
Monday, Happy Monday. How youdoing Joe? Oh? Just great?
Just great? Are your work?What are you doing? Oh? I'm
at home right now? Okay,Well, Hey, you're gonna play Don't
Kill Angie and if you keep mealive Metallica tickets, and you're qualified for
the VIP front row upgrade. Okay, okay, great, Yeah, let's
do it. Take it away.Our n writer Burkeley is hero in a
half shell wearing his black panther.Today. It's Maris, Yes, Joe,
and welcome to Don't Kill Angie.Today, we here at iHeart have
a company boat cruise with our advertisersout on Lake Michigan. Angie completely forgot
about this when she was getting dressedfor work this morning and looks like a
slob. Yeah, she's gonna haveto change, but doesn't have time to
run home. She's going to lookfor something in the iHeart closet to wear
today. There's only some random Tshirts and a couple of costumes in here.
Costumes. It is okay. Now, the question for you, Joe,
is which costume should ANGI wear itto the company boat cruise? Rocky
the Rooster, the rock ninety fiveto five mascot or Edison the Reindeer the
Christmas mascot for light fl oh God, Rooster or Reindeer. Well, we
have to go with our very ownRocky Rooster. Thank god, I feel
like it's gonna be less sweaty inthere. Yes, say, fine choice,
indeed, a fine choice. Indeedyou picked Rocky the Rooster. Angie
gets on the boat in full costume, in it as balls in this thing.
Still she's mingling with everyone, andsuddenly the DJ puts on Oh,
oh, not the cupid shuffle.Oh. Angie actually broke her wrist after
she tripped and fell during this songat the last boat cruise. Oh well,
I was wearing heels and that thingwas really overly lacquered. The dance
floor. She's in the cloud lie, dancing up a storm, and then
you have to go to the left, to the left, and out she
trips. Oh no, Angie brokeher neck. You killed Angie. Joe.
I'm so sorry. My wrist,my back, that's a bomber machina
in my crack. Everything's broken,damn it. Oh Joe, it's all
right. You're still qualify for ourground prize though, Joe, Okay,
you know, okay, welcome Joe. What's that the screaming gold Fairy?
Yes, the screaming go fairy.I should have wore that costume? A
should we need to get that costume. No, are you gonna wear it?
I wear it? Okay, youcan wear the screaming Go Fairy costume.
Joe, you're going to Metallic Comer. That's amazing. Yes, it
is the seventy two World Tour atSoldier Field August eleventh. We've been waiting
for this show since nineteen sixty five. We're so excited. Plus, you
qualify for a front row upgrade.Okay, okay, great, Yes,
you have a great day, Joehanging the line. We'll get your tickets
to you anybody else that wants togo. Tickets on sale at ticketmaster dot
com. Thank you to Q Prime, thank you to Live Nation, and
thank you to you for playing Don'tKill and Jay Execution was an order,
and now we pray for Auntie's soul. Whatever's left Angie Soul? Rock ninety
five? Yeah, some Metallica onRock ninety five to five. We have
Metallica tickets every day this week duringDon't Kill Angie, and a VIP upgrade
to the front row coming on Friday. Yeah. There are now three types
of people in the world. Thosewho assume as strangers are nice. Those
who assume strangers are not nice andthose who never interact with people. Oh,
which one are you? I wantto say, I'm like a number
four because like, if I gaugeyou and I think you're nice, I'm
cool. But like I still havemy guard up, so you don't give
people the benefit of the doubt fromthe jump is what you're saying. You
get to show me ooh a newPaul asks people which one of these camps
there they belong to. Everyone isnice until they prove they're a bad person,
or everyone's a bad person until theyprove they're nice. I tend to
try to believe everybody's nice until theyprove they're not. I don't want to
be a cynic, I mean,but it's hard not to be. But
I feel like the world today isput us all in this guard guard position
with a lot of new people.Yeah, versus like we used to just
have random conversations with a lot ofpeople on a regular bass too. Yeah,
but then COVID happened and people forgothow to talk to each other.
Yeah. Seventy percent of people saidthat everybody's a bad person until they prove
that they're nice. I guess that'sa better surprise. Like if I go
in thinking you're terrible and you endup being really nice, like, oh,
that makes my day Versus I wouldbe let down if I thought you
were nice and you I don't evenget let down. I just am like,
I'm just gonna give you the benefitof the doubt. You prove me
wrong, and then I'll move onwith my life. It doesn't affect me
at all at all. Like,if you want to be an a hole,
be an a hole. Yeah,when it's random people, you can
just kind of kick them to thecurb and I have to worry about it.
Yes, somebody said assuming people aren'tnice leads people to actually becoming less
nice, which I can see.If you think that everybody's an a hole,
you're gonna have an attitude walking aroundlike guarded thinking everybody's an a hole.
I feel like and another said I'mneither until even otherwise I go in
with a blank slate. I dotry to go in with a blank slate
with everybody. Yea. And Ialso don't like when somebody like you're meeting
somebody for the first time, butother people know them and had a bad
experience with them, and they tryto tell you this person's I'm like,
I try to give ay. Idon't know what happened with you guys,
but let me see how this personis with me. Maybe you know you
just had like a bat they caughthim on a bad day. Or let
me build my own judgment about it. Yes, let me build my own
judgment. Let's assume everybody is normal. Let's try it. Yes, let's
go with normal. Yes, spreadhappiness and kindness. Please, thank you
so much for listening. It's Rockninety five to five, a ninety five
minutes commercial free. We do itevery single day. It's a beautiful Monday
eighty two and sunny today. Let'srock out. That is next, Rock
ninety five to five. Pour outa little bit too uh for Nebraska today?
Ooh what happened? Nebraska is thelatest state to lose access to porn
Hub. Oh no, very sad. On Friday, Nebraska Legislative Bill ten
ninety two went into effect. Thatlaw makes it mandatory for websites featuring adult
content to verify the age of theirusers, and usually means that you have
to provide some form of ID toupload onto the site. Pornhub refuses to
participate in these actions and has blockedaccess to the site for the entire state
because yes, you don't want toupload your ID, your information to a
porn site. I'm sorry. Andso porn hub is pissed that people won't
participate in this, and then theyend up blocking whole states and they're not
the first state that has been blocked. There's like ten in it. Yeah,
well, hey, we can getour porn anywhere. Honestly, it's
free. It's everywhere. You knowwhat, I purean is like the last
free entertainment aside from radio that youhave. Radio and porn are free.
I keep picturing these states going backto the old timing waves, just like,
Hey, I got this DVD.You want to check it out?
Oh my god, the skin bagscoming back. It won't have to because
there's eight billion other ways to getit, So go ahead, porn hub
whatever I mean there's isn't it lesson Pornhub and more on the state for
trying to block the porn. They'renot trying to block the porn or they're
putting no, it's porn Hub's faultbecause pornhub wants you to upload all your
personal information and the state is sayingwe're not going to do that, and
so Pornhub is saying, well,then I'm not going to give you content,
but the States are making it soyou have to be what twenty one
to look at it. No,you have to be eighteen. But it's
just they have to verify your AIDand they're doing it through ID and that's
not like nobody wants to put theirID on a porn site. So I
got it, not at all.I get it. So go ahead and
keep blocking people. We'll find otherplaces. It's fine, it's easily accessible.
We all have a stash. Likeninety percent of the Internet is porn
right everywhere, even like Twitter hasporn on it. So whatever, nobody's
worried about it. Thank you somuch for listening. It is ninety five
minutes commercial free rock and Request Warsis coming up in just minutes. We
had a request for a theme todaythat came from o'donna from Chicago. Want
to tribute to Chester Bennington because Saturdaywas the anniversary of his death. Okay,
we will do a Chester tribute andRequest Wars next. It's now time
for Request Wars. Arm your torpedoes. Are you sure we should do that?
Yes, we're sure we should dothat repair your best smacked off because
this is gonna get real in abouta second. On the Angie Taylor Show,
Request It's time to go to WarBaby, Request Wars shout out today
to the person that suggested the theme, Dona from Chicago said, can we
do a tribute to Chester Bennington?It was the anniversary of his death on
Saturday. Of course we can kidding. Mary got very excited about that.
One your favorite band Lincoln Park isall right? I am the four time
champion in Request Wars. Maris,what song do you have today? I
went with my favorite from the bestlinkin Park album Hybrid Theory. Yes it
is paper Cut. It's not allokay? If your vote today is for
Lincoln Park paper Cut text a letterM to eight four four ninety five fifty.
You got to vote for your favoriteone today. My song today also
from Hybrid Theory, great album Onestep Closer from Lincoln Park? All right?
Is that your vote today? Onestep closer from Lincoln Park? If
so, text the letter A toeight four four ninety five fifty. Rest
in peace, Chester, absolutely onlyforty one years old. Man, you
are missed. Get your votes innow. It's rock ninety five to five
Norvuna rocking You're Beautiful Monday, GoodMorning, Rhodes, Auntie Taylor's show.
It is Request Wars right now.We are right in the middle of it.
And our Request Wars theme came froma roadie, a don A from
Chicago saying, hey, can wepay tribute to Chester Bennington. It was
the anniversary of his death this pastweekend. Rest in peace, Chester,
Absolutely, you are missed man.So yes, we're going to do that.
I'm the four time champion right nowin Request Wars. We both have
Lincoln Park songs, we both havehybrid theory songs. Yes, we do.
Great album, amazing album. Yes, let's go to Merris first.
Our challenger. His pick Lincoln Parkpaper Cuts. All right, that is
option one If you pick that one, texta letter M to eight four four
ninety five fifty. Option two wouldbe my song Lincoln Park one step closer,
right, Okay? Is that yourpick? If it is text a
letter A to eight four four fiveninety five fifty, let's get the boats
in. We're getting close to gettingour winner. Ninety five minutes commercial Free,
still going on, Rock ninety fiveto five, rocking you Baby.
Here we are Rock ninety five tofive Auntie Taylor Show, We love you,
Thank you for listening. All right, request wars winter time. Today
we have a theme that was pickedby our roadie, A don I from
Chicago wanted to hear a tribute toChester Bennington. That was the theme because
the anniversary of his death was onSaturday. We Love Chester, We miss
s Chester. Al rep Today Maris, who is the challenger, had paper
cut from Lincoln Park. I hadone step closer from Lincoln Park. Both
hybrid theory songs. I understand thevote was very close again lately very tight.
Do we have a win off?We do, indeed have a winner,
and thank you as always for thevotes. Nobody lost today but continues
our streets. The street goes onboth winning songs though, thank you for
the votes. Rock ninety five tofive. Louise One is on We's a
Babe, Rock ninety five to five. Good Morning, Happy Monday, see
Angie Taylor Show. Let's go tothe head of all the roadies, the
secretary of the show, always keepingnotes. Whatever the hell we're talking about
Jay today, Good morning to you, my darling ding day morning. Now
listen, there's anything we needed tokick off this week proper. It was
a talk of seventeen inch dongs anda swing athon. Normally we don't start
getting really thirsty until Thursday. Butafter discussing John Dillinger's alleged seventeen inch unit
and you broke out her detective outfitand is now in the case to figure
out the love sausage is reel orfiction? Okay, yeah, apparently this
journey means she needs to detour aNahborville to cook up theories in Joe and
Carrol's hot tub, and then sheneeds to head to the UK for a
swing athon because surely someone there hassome answers that might be given in between
moaning and unison. Swing athon soundsfun, A great party, right now,
that's a time and I know whatgoes on and in dungeon, but
I'll look around. Yeah, well, like all the swingers I've known,
there are like, you know,older and I think you know sexy about
it and young and hot. Itjust old people doing where are you hanging
out with? Swingers? Listen?I know I know a lot of people.
Okay, I got my ear tothe ground. I know a bunch
of stuff. He's got his earto the yes, your ear to the
ugly swingers. What else do youhave? Also this morning, we explored
hacks to save money since most ofus don't make Angie Tailor money and aren't
living in enough blacktopia that has moreempty wine bottles and a recycling facility.
True. Now, so many suggestionsare actually really helpful, like quit buying
scratches in between song break and hopesof winning enough money to feed your black
jack addictions. Okay, stop makingthat purchases in monster tune glass because that's
fifty dollars you spend a week onthere could be used to push you over
the edge to make you the risingrehab star at Liquor Barn. True,
And of course my personal favorite onein doubt, stop eating out. But
that only works if your wife knowswhere the kitchen is and it's a room
that is for cooking and not justfor the storage of wine glasses like takeout
me, But that's what that roomis for. Okay, Oh that changes
everything, all right? Where dowe find your notes every day? You
can find my notes on rockingety fivefive chi dot com and click on the
Angie Taylor can Yes, thank yousir, and if you miss anything,
from the show. Please check outour podcast every day on the free iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcast. Just search the Angie Taylor Show.
Take us with you everywhere. It'srock ninety five to five. It's time
for the ten o'clock toast on theAngie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's drinking
at ten am. Joiner and atoast, dumbfellowship. Choko Babyga, Choga
Choga. Today's ten o'clock toast goesout to Japanese Olympian gymnast Choko Miyata.
So Choko. You know, theParis Olympics are on. They start on
Friday, and now Japan is suddenlywithout a team captain. She was a
captain, and she's been sent homefrom France by the Japan Gymnastics Association because
prepare to clutch your pearls oh.The nineteen year old admitted to smoking and
drinking. Oh oh oh right,yes, France is like ever. You
could smoke anywhere in France, doctor'soffice, you know, elementary school,
like whatever. Everybody smokes in France. But she is the team captain,
meaning she's probably like the best gymnaston the team. Yeah, and she
imbibed in June and July, shesaid, I offer my sincere apologies for
causing a great amount of trouble tomany people. I mean, she was
spending her days burned with so muchpressure. But listen, there's a lot
of pressure on these athletes. Itis a ton of pressure. She had
a couple of cocktailers. What doyou call them? You just call them
the Celties, the Celtis, celzieds. What you call them, Jay,
couple of Celties, a couple ofyou know, Marboro menthol Is. Like,
let her live. She could probablystill do the Pamel Horse or whatever.
Oh she was just smoking a cigarette. It wasn't weed, No,
not weed, just cigarettes. Oh, come on, and a couple of
drinks. Come on, rude.She's going to miss out on competing on
the Olympics. They lost their teamcaptain. I mean this is good for
the American team. Like anybody theycan take out. It's fine. Just
anyway, wait until after. Yes, she is gonna Oh I watched the
Simone Biles Netflix documentary. It's atwo parter so good. Yeah, oh
you gotta watch it. It's sogood. Anyway, So by Japan,
Bye, Okay, we'll leave thatpoor girl alone. But she did us
a favor, maybe another medal.Hey, thank you, thank you to
her, Hey, thank you toyou for listening today. We love you
that we do. We love you. Rodies. Walt is still chasing groupies.
And I don't know. He's LittleRock Arkansas. Yes, he's out
here with the band, and soup next, well, well, Pat
Kapoon, he's up next. There'sa song coming up in a minute from
the Black Cruise, m the BlackClothes broad the Black Cruise. Ye guess
that band not to be confused withRocky the Rooster, who's got one thousand
dollars your keyword? Coming up withpet Copoon in minutes on Rock ninety five to five