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July 12, 2024 • 53 mins
Oh yeah bitches, it is Chainsaw Friyay and the weather is just perfect for sawing your burgers, steaks and dogs apart this weekend. However, I should probably put out this dire warning to enjoy all that cooked meat while you can because we are on the brink of an apocalypse. Be it eventual radiated zombies or all of us just being confined to our houses while wars start all around us, we definitely need to be prepared. Enter Costco, which Angi came to realize yesterday, sells apocalypse dinner kits. These $63 5 gallon black buckets of non perishable food have a shelf life of 25 years and 132 servings in them. The mylar pouches contain 8 different meal options including breakfast, drink and desserts. Marris was honestly having none of this though he did admit he did want to be able to eat and not just get eaten, which is bound to happen when the zombies, cannibals or religious zealots come bursting through the door. He also questioned how it would taste but we actually had a response for that. According to someone who bought in on this nonsense, they said it was tasty. So all you need is some non radiated room temp water (good luck with that in the apocalypse) and dinner is served. Marris added though that when he ate an MRE that his friend had, it was kind of awful. Angi had one from her uncle and she said it honestly wasn't that bad so I guess we're split on this one. Also, it's the apocalypse so you're kind of going to eat whatever you can get your hand on. That said, we had to ask what the two of them would want in their survival buckets. Marris sought out seasoning packets, hot sauce and of course, fried rice (no one said this wasn't going to teeter into delusion.) As for Angi's, she would want wine and gummies in hers because she needs to relax. Marris was concerned about the fermenting of the wine but as any good drunk knows, some get better with age. Plus, maybe she could use some of her stash to get the zombies drunk or high.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Rock ninety five. It's Friday,Friday Friday. We made it. We
made a head tap bi Friday,Angie Taylor's show. Good morning Roadies,
here we are. Good morning Maris. Yeah, good morning Little Stace Day.
Yes, Friday, It's chainsaw Friday. Free chainsaw Friday. That's what

we do. We give away chainsawson Friday because we're stupid and everybody loves
chain sauce. That's right. Comeon, don't call you for the chainsaw,
but hey, we do have achainsaw before ten am to give you.
Then free chainsaws all day. Wehave def Leppard front row tickets.
Def Leppard and Journey front row forthe Monday night show at Wrigley. We

have tickets for that, and don'tkill Angie. Today we have Harley Homecoming
tickets, Ario Speedwagon with train.We got I Prevail and Hailstorm. Rocky
the Rooster is here at eight amyour first thousand dollars keyword of the day
be here for that. Minnesota Barberis here, Ugh text call us anytime
eight four, four, nine,five, five ninety five fifty. We

want to chat with you because welove you. Rodies eighty five and Sunny
Today it's gonna be a great Friday. Woo. And I'm gonna be out
at Rookies tonight. Rookies Mellow Lightand the White Sox hooking you up with
White Sox tickets and a hotel stay. Where is Rookies Rookies is an Elgin.
I'll be there from five to seven. Right on. Go see Maras
today. It's a perfect day togo see Maras. Have some drinks out

on a patio somewhere. Mm hmmm, all right. First thing we do
every day, get you up,get you going, especially on a Friday.
Kick you in the crotch. It'sthe five am kicking the crunch on
the Angie Taylor Show, Rock Fridaywith the Boys, Cruel Babbey, Clue

Live Baby Live, Why You've beenkicked chext right in the crotch? Oh
that felt good? I get chillman during that song Love feel craz After
that, let's go. We're gonnatell you what happened on this day.
Our look back in history is nextRock ninety five to five, Rock ninety

five to five, Happy Friday,Angie Taylor's Show. Let's tell you what
happened on this day? Today isJuly twelfth, twenty twenty four. On
this day, July twelfth, nineteenseventy seven, brock Lesnar was born.
He is forty seven today. TheBeaston Carnage is that his tagline thing?

Yeah, WWE Superstar Yeah. Onthis day in nineteen seventy nine, the
Chicago White Sox hosted the infamous DiscoDemolition Night between games of a doubleheader at
Kamiski Park. Fans got into thegame for ninety eight cents if they brought
a disco record so the LPs couldbe stacked in a pile and blown up.

Then people started rushing into the field. Then they had to cancel the
other part of the doubleheader. Ohyeah crazy. On this day in nineteen
ninety two, Axel Rose was arrestedat JFK Airport. Axel was wanted on
charges stemming from a riot that eruptedat a ninety one Guns n' Roses concert
after he dove into the crowd tokeep a fan from videotaping the show.
I'll never forget that he dove hardat some dude, just like did a

running jump off the stage having acamcorder, Yeah, and tackle the dude.
Could you imagine. It's a coolstory. To tell your friends like
Axel Rose kicked my ass, butlike now everybody just gets recorded. Yeah,
yeah, today is Florida Man.Florida Man gives share a fake name
to avoid arrest. Turns out thename has multiple warrants. Yeah, you're

gonna give him a fake name,Like, don't say you're like Jeffrey Dahmers.
He's got a whole bunch of arrestwards. That's what happened on this
day. Thanks for rocking with ustoday Rock ninety five to five, which
wrapping your fri Day. Yeah,it's Friday Man Cracking Beer Auntie Taylor Show.
Thank you so much for listening.You know, there's extreme heat going

on everywhere. I mean it's gonnabe eighty five and sunny today in Chicago,
which is perfect. Oh yeah,but there's extreme heat in the south
and the west. Southwest. Theextreme heat in Arizona is being blamed for
the death of Benji Gregory. Doyou know who that is is? Benji
Gregory. He's the guy that playedlittle Brian Tanner on the eighty sitcom Elf

Whoa Do you remember alf? Oh? Yeah, oh my god, this
theme music. Gregory was forty sixand he died under pretty tragic circumstances.
He'd gone to a bank in Peoria, Arizona, to deposit some residual checks
from ELF, which are probably liketwo dollars a check or whatever. You
don't see those reruns for ALP whenhe apparently fell asleep in his car and

he died of heat stroke. Ooh, and the service dog he brought with
him died too. Not the dog, Benji's sister, saying he suffered from
this sleep disorder that often kept himawake for days. Oh, that would
be horrible. And he went tothe bank on June twelfth, and his
body was discovered the following day.He left showbiz in two thousand and three

and joined the navy. Oh,man, isn't that sad? Elf was
a real stupid show. Though itwas real weird from what I It was
weird because he was an alien,right yeah, And his face was not
cute. He wasn't like a cutefurry. He was an unattractive furry that
ate cats. Like. I keeplooking at these photos of Alf and I'm

like, why was he's obtained bythis as a kid because we were kids
and stupid, Like, I mean, it's a muppet puppet, but like,
outside of that, this is terrifying. Yeah, and the dad looks
real weird, Like he looked likeChris Hansen was going to come to his
door. You know, we gottalk, sir. Yeah, Hey,

thank you for listening. I'm gonnatell you what's up for your day.
The news and info that you needis coming next Rock ninety five to five.
It's Rock ninety five five. Goodmorning, Happy Friday. Better Auntie
Taylor show. Let me tell youwhat's up for your day. Angie will
now fill your brain with the rightamount of craft for your day. Here's

what's up. Legendary actress Shelley Duvallpassed away at her home in Texas yesterday
due to complications from die breeders.She was seventy five. Shelley was best
known for co starring and the classichorror movie The Shining playing Jack Nicholson's wife
Wendy Torrent. Wendy Ooh, thatmovie still creeps me out. Yeah,

that's a that's a good thriller rightthere. And she's like the perfect like
spooked out wife. Ooh. Sheplayed that role way too well. She
did. She also played All Boilin the Popeye movie you never saw that,
but now I got to go backand watch. No, she was
in a whole bunch of movies,to be honest, but she took a
hiatus from acting in public life formost of the last two decades. So

rest in peace, Shlly, Yeah, rest in peace. Beastie Boys are
suing the parent company of the restaurantchain Chilis. No, it's not because
they didn't get their baby back,Baby Back, Chili, babyback rubes.
On Wednesday, they filed a complaintagainst that company, the parent company in

New York that alleges that they usedthe band's nineteen ninety four hit song Sabotage
in social media ad spots for Chili'swithout licensing it, and that the ads
cop the style of song's iconic videowithout permission. Remember that video for Sabotage
were their cops or whatever and likeco Cheese and all them. So the

band, which is just now MikeDee and ad Rock because MCI died of
cancer in twenty twelve, is askingfor at least one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars in damages. Yeah, youcan't hijack people's music, especially if you're
a big company. Lake chili's.I'm surprised they're only asking for that much.
Yeah, it seems low. Itdoes seem low, but get your

money. Okay. So now thecicadas are gone, but now you've got
to watch out for something else.Oh oh oh boy. It's the aggressive
lone star tick. What this tick? If you get hit by this tick,
it will give you a meat allergy, So you'll be allergic to meat

all of a sudden. If youget bid by this tick, we need
spray. Yeah, we need atrap. You need to walk around with
what eats these ticks because we needthem. Yeah, so it'll give you
a meat allergic allergy. And thelone star ticks, larva travel and what
are called tick bombs. I mean, aside from lyme disease, you know,

from the ticks. Now you gottaworry about getting bit by this lone
star tick. I'm not okay withthis other tickborn illnesses and a pull of
myasis what babyssis? Okay? Andto larry me of okay? So the

lone star tick they're identifiable by whitestarlike splotches on the backs of adult females.
The larva hunt and packs, hencethe tick bomb Moniker. Watch out
for the Lone Star takes. They'rehere. Where are If you work in
the Parks apartment, you better getsome mesh clothing. I'm just not going
to go outside for a little bitto go in the woods. Thanks for

listening. That's what's up for yourday is Rock ninety five to five.
We were talking about earlier. Wewere talking about that show Elf. Oh
yeah, because the kid from Elfdied. It was very sad he overheated
in his car and died. ButI was also talking about how the dad
looks real. He looks real sketch. He looked like Chris Hansen was going

to show up at his house andaccuse him of some bad things. There's
a whole thing today about which goodcelebrity do you look at and you're like,
there's something real suss about them?You find them suspicious for some reason.
Some of these answers are hilarious andsome of them make total sense.
I'll tell you which good celebrities arevery suspicious looking. Next, Rock ninety

five to five. It's Rock ninetyfive five on your gorgeous Friday. Yes,
it's going to be eighty five andsunny today. Perfect, It's a
perfect day to Oh, no,I don't feel so good. I shouldn't
go to work. I should besitting on a patio drinking something. Oh.
Absolutely, yes, it's one ofthose days. So you know,
I feel like you're not feeling good, just call out. Ellen DeGeneres recently

announced that she was quitting showbiz,which is hilarious because showbiz really quit her.
Yeah, you can't quit when noone's asking for you, right.
Did she deserve it? Who knows. But before that, she had a
reputation of being a bach. Youknow, she's I guess she was supposed
to be the nicest and then shewas. Now we find out she's a
beach. But there's a thread onlinewhere people are talking about other good quote

unquote good celebrities who they are suspiciousof. Most of these are just vibes,
but you know, you can lookat a celebrity and be like,
there's something not right about that person. Oh yeah, here are some of
the best responses. Rachel Ray.She seems fake to people. She might
be a terrible person, but atleast she can't cook. I mean,

for somebody who's supposed to be knownfor her great cooking prowess, I'll ever
look at her food and be likeI want that. Yeah, me either.
Ryan Seacrest one person joke he hasa well in his basement and a
yard full of buried bones. Ican feel it. Damn Hey, that
person's intuition is spot on. Okay, I know Ryan and Michael Boublay.

Some say he isn't as cool andcalm as he lets on. There was
a picture of him a couple ofyears ago. I remember where he was
like had his like arm around hiswife's neck and it looked like he was
choking her. And people were like, you can't like hold a woman like
that, and blah blah blah,and it's like, well, calm down,
out of context photo. Yes,you're just cuttling up in public.

Gwyneth Paltrow. Somebody said, Imean, what do you think goop is
made from? Gwenns Paltrow. JackNicholson. His image has softened over time,
but there are people who are stillcreeped out by his scandals in the
seventies, his association with Roman Polanski. And then if you're like type cast,

you know is the guy from theShining you know, you're always kind
of creepy looking, But for him, it's always been like the older dude,
Yeah, grandpa vibes and all that, like lecherous, like leacherous guy.
Yeah, you know, Adam Levine. People believe that he may have
sold his soul for the devil,for his fame, or his questionable tattoos,

whatever, Adam Levine, Chip andJoanna Gaines. Yes, Chip and
Joanna Gaines is from the HGTV Magnoliathe the what is it? Not?
Not Flip or Flap, but thehell is their show? Uh? You
know that that show Flip House?Yes, okay, cool? Yes,

yeah, I don't know who thesepeople are. One person said on their
show once Chip found a dead oldcockroach and put it in his mouth to
be funny. That's all the evidenceI needed. I believe Chip and Joanna
Gaines. I believe they are aliens, and I hate them for making ship
lap a thing. Jimmy Fallon,I agree. People think his persona comes
off as fake and force. Ithink it comes off as it gives crackhead

vibes. So like crackheads, Ifeel like all he does is lines all
day before he goes on the air. Jonah Hill. Some people think that
the way he acts with other peoplemake them uncomfortable whatever that means. I
mean, but he's just been aweird guy for a little while. Yeah,
will Smith, that one seems kindof obvious, This one I have
been saying forever, mister beast,mister beast. I know that he gives

money to all these people and everything, but he's too good, like something.
There's something sinister going on there.There's got to be another side.
Yes, there is, there is, and will Well, outside of his
like core twelve that you see inthe videos with him, it's almost like
that Ellen degenerous situation where like thereare people who work right them are like

it ain't all it's cracked up tome, And I feel like some of
his stunts can be exploitative, evenif people willingly agree to do them.
So and it's one of those thingswhere if you're going to be giving away
this much money front facing, yeah, your whole staff should be taken care
of exactly. There shouldn't be acomplaint, it shouldn't be none of that.
The whole crew should be falling.And then finally somebody said, we're

al Yankovic, I do too.You're not gonna do that to weird out,
weird out, No because he's meanor anything. People are just suspicious
that he might be more less normalthan he's letting on. I can say
normal, whoever his name is weird, how well he might be weirder than
we think. Okay, I feelthat way about Like you know, there's
like Tom Cruise, John Travolta.They both freak me out. I don't

know if there's any celebrities that yoususpect that something sinister in them. I
want to hear who it is.Text Us text us eight four four nine
ninety five fifty It's rock ninety fiveto five. Good morning, roadies,
have a fried day. Man.It doesn't matter if you're at a baseball

game or like a soccer match,football game, whatever, there are certain
rock songs you cannot escape. Andpeople online are talking about how stadiums have
gotten very lazy because it's like thesame songs all the time. I love
that they're complaining about the playlists atstadiums. They hating on the rock jams,
some of the over play at sportingevents. Think about sporting events?

What gets overplayed all the time?You hear that song every time you go,
I immediately go to Queen. Wewill we Will rock you. Seven
Nation Army, seven Nation Army ison the list. Here are the five
most overplayed songs at sporting events.Enter Sandman from Metallica. Yeah, that's
always like the kickoff song for thefootball game. Welcome to the Jungle from

Guns N' Roses, seven Nation Armyfrom the White Stripes, Crazy Train from
Ozzy Osbourne and Thunderstrock from a CDCall of those. Man, could you
add anything to the list? Ithink imagine Dragons is on there. I
think Cypress Hill, Ye, Insanein the Brain, jump Around, jump

Around from the House of Pain.Yes, yeah, there's a lot of
Yeah, this's just consistent ones andit's not like a whole lot of new
new music that's being featured in it. Yeah, it's the same songs all
the time. I guess I neverreally thought about it, but now people
are taking note that. Hey,stadiums. I've never thought to complain either.
Well, you're not a complainer,but people love to complain. I

contend it's everybody's favorite hobby complaining.You will not complain. And speaking of
Cypress Hill, you will not complain. If you get these tickets to Harley
Homecoming Harley Davidson's Homecoming twenty twenty four, which is July twenty sixth and twenty
seventh in Milliwaukee featuring the Red HotChili Peppers, The Offspring, Jelly Roll,

Cypress Hill, and a whole bunchmore. If you want to go,
get on that hog, you knowyou want to bike it out to
Milwaukee on the Harley and see someamazing rock music. Call right now eight
four four nine ninety five fifty collarseleven hook? Can you up? Rock?
Ninety five to five? Hello?How are you? Angie Taylor Show?

I can't see this board? Nick? Nick Park? It times a
Nick from Orland Park? Hi,Nick, Hey, how are you doing
great? What are you doing?I'll just work in my life way,
working your life away? What doyou do for work? I'm a truck
driver. Do you ever see anyof them lot lizards out there? All

my old oh, my old family. I'm a I am a retired lot
lizard. But you know, Ijust want to go, yeah, to
make sure the girls are all goodout there. Nick. They went downhill,
they went down there, of course. I can't believe they still have
them anymore. Hey, Nick,we got you, We got your tickets
for a Harley homecoming. You're gonnago awesome. Yeah, do you ride?

Man? Do I appreciate it?Do you got a motorcycle? Do
I do? Do you have aHarley? I do? What kind of
Harley roadie? Oh? Badass?Who are you gonna bring? Wick?
You? Who are you putting onthe back the wife Wife perfect Perfect July
twenty sixth and twenty seven. That'sa nice ride out to Milwaukee. And
then you get to see the RedHot Chili, Pepper's Offspring, Jelly Role,

Cypher's Hill. It's gonna be great, awesome, Thank you very much.
Hey, have a great time.Thank you for listening. Nick.
All right, careful out there withthem lizards. Man, hang on the
line and uh I prisoned at willget you all hooked up? Do you
know it is? It is summer, and you know you've heard the term
maybe hot girl summer, hot girlsummer. Whatever. Now these girls are

doing boy sober summer. What boysober summer is basically voluntary celibacy. Single
women are hopping on a trend ofabstaining from any romantic or sexual relationships with
men, including dating and casual hookups. You have a boyfriend. Okay,

why are you happy for them?Yeah? The man drama, but like
the same. What I mean theythey said they're abstaining from men, Say
they're standing from sex. There's noThey said they're abstaining from sexual relationships with
men. Yeah, sexual relationships withmen, including dating and casual hookups.

Therapists say the emergence of boy soberis indicative of a greater trend of young
women taking a step back from sexand relationships. Why would you do that?
I ma They got terms for everythingthat they got to do, and
I don't feel like there needs tobe an announcement for it all. Oh,
like, well, maybe that itwould explain a dry spell you might

be having this summer. If you'rea man, well, or if you're
a maress, it's not your fault. This is what I'm trying to say.
Well, thank you for flipping thatand trying. Then it's not your
fault. If it looks nice.If you're having a dry spell, don't
take it personal. It's not yourfault. Some of these girls are doing
boy sober summer, so I gottawait till a fall. Yeah, that's

a cuffing season. A cuffing seasonand then you can find a girlfriend.
Well, I know you're going tofind a girlfriend over there and after and
bring her back here tan Tanzania.It'll be fun. Hopefully they're not boysover
in Tanzania. You're not at theresort. I'm at is Rock ninety five
to five. Scorpions, Sneaky Scorpions, Rock ninety five to five. Hello

Costco. I love Costco? Weall should. I think my Costco membership
has expired though, I gotta geta new one. But anyway, everybody
loves Costco. Do you know aboutthe Costco Apocalypse dinner kits? Say what
now? Yeah? So yesterday wewere talking about being cryogenically frozen and all
of that. Costco sells apocalypse dinnerkits. Oh, I want to discuss

what's in them and what you wouldput in your apocalyptic dinner kit? That
is next Rock ninety five to fiveis Rock ninety five five? Ha ha.
This is the Angie Taylor Show.Hi Roadie, thank you for listening.
So I love me some Costco.I never knew that they were selling

apocalypse dinner kits. I guess they'vebeen selling them for a while. Do
they just not perish? Are theynon perishable. Well yeah, I mean
some guy's video is all over Instagramafter he discovered the apocalypse dinner kits.
For sixty three dollars, you geta bucket of emergency food, bucket of
food so with a hasty with onehundred and thirty two servings and a twenty

five year shelf life. So it'sa five gallon like big black plastic piale.
And maybe that's why I strolled pastit, because it kind of looks
like it would be a salt salt, like winter salt for your driveway or
something. Yeah, inside are thesemilar pouches containing eight different lunch and dinner
options, so I guess they're probablylike MREs like the military ris. Yeah,

they have two breakfast options, somedesserts, some dranks. Even that's
kind of crazy. I never knewthey had those for the apocalypse. That
terrifies me. Like, obviously youjust want to be eaten in that situation,
but I still want it. Youwant to be eat in by the
zombies, you want you want tobe able to get food, you want
to go, Yeah, in thosesituations, but I'm worried about what it

tastes like. Well, somebody saidthat they're kind of tasty and it only
requires like room temperature water to mixin with it. Again, they said
it's kind of tasty. I hadan MRI a while back. My friend
had one left over and he's justlike, hey, try and see what
you think. And I was like, nah, they're not bad. The
one I had was not good.Yeah. I had tried one of my

uncle's MRIs that he had when hewas a marine, and I was like,
oh, this is not bad.It was like, Hey, if
you're in an apocalypse, right,you're gonna be hungry. You'll eat whatever.
Yeah, so you'll eat whatever.But yes, just can we get
some season impackets or like seasoning nonperishablehot sauce? Maybe the seasonings in it
there may be their pre season Ineed to know who made these ahead of

tacks? What would you put inyour apocalypse dinner kit? Oh? If
they can figure out how to dosome fried rice and apocalypse nice. You
gotta have some wine there? Ohyeah, you have to have wine.
How fermented that wine is gonna be? Wine lasts a long time? True?
Yeah, you vintage wine? Youknow, like the better, the

longer, the better. It's justgonna get strong. It's gonna get better.
Yeah, you have some wine,put some like gummies in there,
you know, because it's an apocalypseand I'm upset, I need to I
need to relax, so like,I feel like being drunk in an apocalypse
is a lot different than being highin an apocalypse. I don't I want
to forget what's happening. True,you know, because it's an apocalypse,

you know, I want these Thesezombies are going to come get me and
might as well, you know,be high less painful. You got high
zombies don't whatever? You know whatelse you need in your apocalypse kit?
A chainsaw? Oh yeah, zombiesare coming to chop them up. Man.

Can zombies die from chainsaws? Yeah? If you cut their head off,
That's the key, is cutting thehead off. Yes, most zombie
laid. You got to injure therain or cut their head off. All
right, let's cut their heads off. Let's get you a chainsaw. See,
I'm keeping you alive. Eight fourfour ninety five, fifty collar eleven.
You get the first chainsaw of theday. Rock ninety five to five,

rocking ninety five five. It's Friday. It's not only Friday, it's
chainsaw Friday. Let me talk toMichael from Chicago. Hey, Mikey,
Hey, how' there going. It'sgoing good? What you're doing origon?
What do you do for work?That's shauction right sexy? Hey, we
got you a chainsaw man, Yeah, yeah serious, Yes, I'm serious.

You won the first chainsaw of freechainsaw fri. Yes, that's awesome.
What are you gonna do with yourchainsaw? I'm gonna go cut down
some shoes. That's what I'm gonnado. That's right now. You're equipped
in case there is an apocalypse.You have a chainsaw. You're ready,
ready to go. Hey, Michael, thank you for listening. Have a
great weekend, my man, youtoo. Love to show love you hang

on the line and prison tattoo.We'll get you all hooked up. It
is time for you Rhodies to sendin the daily texts. We take your
texts every day and we read yourtexts on the air because we always want
to be in constant contact so muchwe love you. We just want to
know what's on your mind, whateveryou're thinking, whatever whatever your plans are
this weekend. You have questions forus, you have comments about anything on

the show, send your text edright now. Eight four four ninety five
fifty. We will read them next. Let's take some calls from the request
line. Yeah, man, I'mcalling number one. The text are here.
Thank you for the text today.Eight four four ninety five fifty.
Hit us any time. We'll alwaysanswer. Uh. Seven oh eight.

I would like and could really usea chainsaw please? I'm sure you could.
Seven oh eight. We just gavea chainsaw away earlier. But there's
chainsaws all day, So clinger Maria, they got you. Yes, more
opportunities three one two. Hello,this is Frankie, the head rody of
wrestling fans, and the kick inthe crotch today was amazing. Live Wire
by Motley Crue is the song thatwas playing when a guy decided to jump

off the fifth balcony at Lucasfield atIndianapolis, right in front of me.
I'll never forget it. Oh ishe dead? That's ah. Then we
were talking about celebrities that seems squeakyclean, but just looking at them,
you think there's something sinister about them. You just feel something's off. Who

which celebrities to A nine? SaidBen Affleck. Some's not right with Ben,
Yeah, I mean he's got problems. Two to four Howard Stern freaks
me out. I think he's gotsomething going on with his life and sold
his soul to the devil or higherup people. I love Howard, love
Howard before never I would die.I would die. Eight one five.

John Cena gives off fake vibes.Hmmm. He's a really good actor.
He's very polished, I mean listenand wrestling. But like all the stuff
that he does for their charities,I'm not going to question any of that
or that he does do. No, he's a good guy. Patty from
Lansing, Sebastian Bach of skid Rowlooks like a serial killer in my opinion,
will not deny that. Tony fromspring Grove, that radio DJ Angie

Taylor sounds weird. You're right,she's crazy. Two to four. I
think Josh Pack had something sinister.He's a weirdo. Also, good morning,
Josh peck is who he is?A Nickelodeon kid star Drake and Josh
Yeah, okay. I would sayany child actor stars got to give them

a little reprieve because they've been throughit. Their life wasn't normal then we
were the MRIs are the zombie Apocalypsekit two one nine. They have salt
and pepper plus hot sauce in MREs. Now, maris interesting, all right,
make an advance mass. We justgot a tweet from somebody that said
they also have like cookies and likecandies in there. Oh yeah, two

to nine, Maris needs a raise. Okay, did you type that,
Marrits? I wish did you textthat? Who sent that? Two one
nine? I don't know somebody fromtwo to night. I agree to a
night. Maris does need a raise. I do need a raise. Yes,
that is absolutely true. I'm gonnasit next to this cycle all day.
No, that's oh stop. Joe, the head rody of wrestling said,
Hey, I'm having a pig roasttomorrow for my son's graduation party.

Y'all are welcome to come by andgrab some swine. Uh. That's very
sweet, Joe. I will beout of town going to see my entire
family because my soderbian Baba is turningninety years old. Happy birthday. Yeah,
today is her birthday. She's ninetyand serbs have pig roasts for every
occasion, So I will be havinga pig roast of my own. You

get a raise at work, pigroast. It's your birthday, pig roast.
You passed a test pig roast.Congrats to your son, Joe,
Yes, accomplishment. Congrats two tofour. This is Robert from Park City.
I'm a postal carrier in Zion.I just want to remind people to
be cautious when we're out here deliveringthe mail because most people act like our
vehicles are not even there. Hmmm. Hey, start seeing postal vehicles,

take care of them. They gotour packages. Yes. He also said
I want to give a shout outto my wife. Also, I love
you baby. Trying to win thosedeaf Leopper tickets. Deaf Lupper tickets coming
up and don't kill Angie. Yeah, they are within a half hour to
a nine. The other morning,everyone kept coming for Metallica and I'm not
here for it. Last Caress alsois a misfit song that Metallica covered on

garage, not an original song oftheirs. Can I be the head rodeo
of Metallica fans? That's from Katie? Yes, Katie, Yes, call
back at nine o'clock. That's whenwe do head rody appointments. M I
don't think we have a head rodeoof Metallica fans, but we'll double check
and we should have one. Allright. Thank you for all the texts
today. Gorgeous. Happy Friday toyou. Let's keep rocking man. I'm

gonna tell you what's up for yourday next ac DC rocking your Friday.
I love it. Happy weekend AnngieTaylor show. You want to go see
def Leffard on Monday night with Jerneyand Steve Millerban in the front row.
The front row very important right now? Yes, Wrigley Field, I have
your tickets, but you have tokeep me alive and don't kill Angie.

Calling out to play eight four fourninety five fifty. Don't kill Angie is
to choose your adventure game to hopefullyget Angie safely to Friday bigger Fat,
but be careful. One wrong moveWe'll kill Angie. Don't kill Angie.
And it's only on rock Man ifyou miss out on these front row def

Leppard, Jarnie, Steve Miller Banat Wriggley tickets all day is not the
data mess up. It is notthe day. Let me talk to George
from Schomberg. George, good morningand good morning. How you guys doing
you mean maris accident. I gottagive it a little Quizz's Yes, I

love it. All right, George, you ready to play don't kill Angie?
I'm ready to keep your last andgo to front rolls of lepers.
Yes, and it was so coolman. All right, let's play take
it away our narrator, Berkeley's heroin a hop show. It is modice

generally welcome. I don't kill Angie. Angie is going to Minneapolis today for
her grandmother's and ninetieth birthday. Shehas grandmother, Yes, happy birthday,
by happy birthday, Baba. Shehas a couple of invitations to hang out
with people from back in the day. Should she now, George, the

question for you is which person fromAngie's past should she visit in Minneapolis?
Minnesota Bob or that one guy shedated that has stacks of only Asian born
in his kitchen? Too hard one? Two great options? Minnesota, Minnesota

bar Minnesota Bar. Yes, afine choice, indeed, a fine choice.
Indeed. Angie rolls up to theold bed shop you used to work
at, and the old battle axeBarb immediately puts her back to work.
Sorry, augree, this place,I guess not. Angie has to scoop
live bait for people, and acouple of guys roll in wanting a bucket

of leeches. Yeah, Angie goesover to the leech take to start scooping
and no, was that sound.It's Minnesota fresh water shark and he jumps
out of the tail. Yeah there'sa shark. No, Angie, this

is how we welcome you back.Wait wait, wait, wait why why?
Why is the Minnesota freshwater shark irish? That was this times irish?
Don't try to It was a goodattempt a do it again at do your

best Minnesota bar. Don't you know? Welcome back? I am freshwater sharks,
bagpipes. I'm in the wrong partof Europe right now. But George,
you kill you killed me? George, actually Maris killed you. That

acts that was hilarious. Money.Why you do that? Hey? Yeah,
why George? You're still qualified forour grand prize. Okay, scream
guys, the ticket scream on screaming, what goodness? Screaming, the screaming

what screaming? Yes, that's right, the screaming. Chacho, the tickets?
Yes? What well? I justI love you so much, George.
Just it's actually the screaming goat fairy. But I think screaming Machacho is

hilarious. So you get the tickets. Money is and then screaming cho in
the Scottish Shark. What a dayit's been, George? Oh what should
the Mexican sharks say? Mexican shark? What all right? George? You

are going to deaf Leopard? Frontrow? Baby front row? Are you
gonna be there? Angie? Maurice'sgonna be there? What if do you
need a day puppy Chuolo? Whatyou need? I'll come, sir,
right not George. I love youand I love that Chacho, the screaming
with Chacho, hang of the lnWe're gonna get you your tickets. Have
a great time. It is Mondaynight at Wrigley Field. Thank you for

playing. Don't kill Ange. Executionwas an order, and now we pray
for Angie soul. Whatever's left ofAngie soul? Rock Auntie Taylor used to
work in a bait shop in Minnesota, and now our former boss is demanding
on airtime. Here's the hot dishwith Minnesota bar. Never trust a big

button a smile. That girl ispoise. I am continually in freshed part.
Thanks well, done. Thank you, Mary. How are you today?
I'm doing great, glad to hearit. I like your shirt.
You are the bomb. Oh,thank you? Yeah you know where this
is from. No, it's superMario. I don't know him. I

got some hot dish for all theroady All right, what you got for
us today? Well, here weare in the dog days of summer.
Everybody's outside, and so I gotthe best foods for you to bring to
every type of outing this summer.Let's say you're going to the pool or
the beach. Fresh cut fruit isthe best thing to bring. Always a

wind, nice and cold helps replenishall your hydrations. Hydrations huh, electro
lights? Oh okay, let's sayyou're going to the ballpark. A lot
of people don't know you can bringyour own food into a lot of the
ballparks. Really yeah, like thenuts and the checks mix and little pre

made sandwich. That what I wanteda ballpark at all? Bar. But
okay, what about an outdoor concert? All right? Go for low making
its foods like a hogi or awrap and check for restrictions on booze.
But you can bring in you knowwhatever, a picnic. Oh do you

like to go to picnics. Ihaven't been to a picnic ever in my
life. Everybody thinks to pack theirown basket. But take out food like
sandwiches or a bucket of fried chickenis really underrated for a picnic. That
actually makes it a lot easier.Now, if you go to a barbecue
at trash Heap Taylor's house, boy, the best food to bring is valtrex
Burgers. That's not food because whatevershe's serving will definitely give you the harp

bar. Make sure you're protected here. We have a good Friday for once.
Yes, that's the Friday before Easter. That's good Friday. God bless
America. Thanks Barb having minisoda.Barb is out. Have a great weekend.
Keep a trail. Oh yeah,rock ninety five to five ninety five

minutes commercial free is going on.Let me tell you to Fred from Hoffman
estates Fred, morning, Angie,How are you? Good morning, Fredo?
How are you great? Great?So you want to be a head
Roady? Absolutely got to support you. Okay, I love this. I
love this support Fred. It feelsgood. Fred. What do you want

to be the head Roady of Grandpa'sunder fifty Grandpa's under fifty. Wow?
How old is the grandchild? I'vegot two five and six? Whoa,
So you became a grandpa like fortywhat? Two three? Forty forty three?
Forty three? Nice? Fred?My oldest my oldest kid thirty one?

Wow? Wait, your oldest kidis thirty one. You're forty three.
You had a kid out. I'mforty nine. I'm forty nine,
you're forty nine. Oh, soyou had a kid at nineteen and then
your nineteen year old had kids somethinglike that. Way to go, Fred,
Fred keeping it busy in that family. I like it, Fred,

because you want to support, youwant to spread the word about the Antie
Taylor Show in Rock ninety five tofive. You are now officially the head
rody of grandfathers under fifty years old. I appreciate it. How old are
you now? I'm forty nine.Forty nine? Wow, I'm fifty.

If I was a grandmother right now, I'd shoot myself. Ah, don't
say that. You can borrow mygranddaughters anytime. Oh I'm good talking them
about that. I would love to. Hey, Fred, congratulations and thank
you so much for listening and supporting. We love you, not aboublem all
right, have a great day.Yes, we got a new head road
I love it, new head Roadie. And now it's time to battle.

Let's battle it out, shallow it. It's now time for Request Wars.
Arm your torpedoes. Are you surewe should do that? Yes, we're
sure we should do that. Prepareyour best smacked off because this is gonna
get real in about a second.On the Angie Taylor Show, Request War
a Battle of the Ages. Itis Request Wars, where you the Roadies

pick a theme and text it tous eight four four. Today's text team
came from area code seven to seventythree. They said, Hey, it's
Friday, it's the weekend. Let'sdo songs that feel like the weekend.
I like that perfect timing. Alot of songs feel like the weekend.
Maris, you are the one timechampion, one time, one time.

So my pick today is a songthat I whenever I hear Boston, I
want to party. It feels likea keg party. It feels like a
backyard barbecue, it feels like drinkingin the garage. Boston more than a
feeling. Yes eighty five and Sonny, We're so Boston. Let's go.

This reminds me of like party montages. Yeah, yeah, it's party time
with Boston. If that's your pick, Text a letter A to eight four
four ninety five fifty, which yougot Marius when we were thinking about the
weekend. I don't know why FalloutBoy popped in my head, but I
think it's just all from all thepartying in college and this one. Thanks

for the memories. It always hits. Thanks. If that's your pick today
for your weekend feeling song, texta letter M to eight four four nine

five ninety five fifty. Come on, it's Friday. We got a pregame.
Let's go rock ninety five to five? Can you feel like? Can
you feels like the weekend? Yeah? Eighty five? Today sunny, just
a pitch, a perfect day inthe most beautiful city. Gorgeous, everybody's
gogous. Thank you, Roadies?All right? Ninety five minutes commercial freeze

going on. We are in smackin the middle of Request Wars. The
Request Wars theme that we got fromArea Code seven to seventy three. Songs
that feel like the weekend? IfI may before we jump in, yes,
Roadies, you may. I've beenalerted there's a new trailer that needs
to be seen. Captain America,Brave New World. Go check it out.

It's worth the while. It's thoseintense. I have such a boner.
I know you don't. Who isCaptain America? Is that one of
the Pratz or one of the Crisesor something. It's got to be a
Chris is Anthony Mackie? Who thehell is that he was? I know
Bob Mackie. Then eight mile?He was an eight mile? Who is

he an eight mile? The lastrapper that went against eminem Clarence Clarence.
Yes, it had real nice parents. Oh, okay, Clarence is now
Captain America. He went to aprivate school. Oh so Clarence is Captain
America. Yes, Clarence is CaptainAmerica. But he lost the Cipher so

which let him down this path oflife reformmat Okay, I don't trust him
because he he lost to B Rabbit. B Rabbit needs to be fighting against
Captain America. I don't think BRabbit can take Captain America on. Well,
he did in the Cipher, Yes, in the cipher. But okay,
now thank you for letting us know. I'm so can I watch this

trailer today? You want to watchit? With me after we do this.
I'm washing my hair after this.I don't have time. Let's go
to request worse songs that feel likethe weekend. Maris are one time champion.
My song is Boston more than afeeling? Is trag party? Brother,

pull up a couple of cinderblocks.I'll sit on that. Or your
face Boston more than a feeling?If that's your pigs What what? You
just looked at me like you wantedto say something else about it. Oh,
I thought you were mad? Mad? Why? I don't know.
Sometimes you just look mad. That'smy face. You do have resting the

face sometimes Boston resting Mara's face Bostonmore than a feeling. If that is
your pick, texts a letter Ato eight four four fifty or go with
Maris is today, follout boysks forthe memories. Thanks tastes like you only

sweet AA. Is that your pick? Then text the letter M to eight
four four ninety five fifty. Gethim in. Let's go. Let's go.
It's your kickoff weekend song Rock ninetyfive to five, Rock ninety five
five. Thank you, thank youfor listening. Happy Friday, all right,
request wars Winner time Today. Therequest Wars theme was songs that feel

like the weekend. I had Bostonmore than a feeling. Marris had follow
up boy, thanks for the memories. I know it was very close,
but do we have a winner?We do indeed have a winner. Who
is it going into the weekend?Here me as your champion, Oh champion,
Maris. Thank you for the votes. Rock ninety five to five stone,

Tub of Pilot on your eighty fiveand Sunday Gorgeous Friday. What a
way to kick off the weekend.Let's go Angie Taylor's show. I want
to go to the head of allthe roadies, the secretary of the show,
keeping the notes, hiding all thebones. It's Jay the Guy.
Good morning to you, my darling. Ding dongs and happy Chains Off Friday.

Happy Chains Off Friday, Happy Chainsoff Friday. Now listen, this
is a head up to all theguy rodies out there. Boys, Sober
Summer is here to wreak havoc onyour sex life. Now, you shouldn't
confuse this with Angie's never sober summer. Well damn summer fall, winter spring
Day. Apparently the only thing somegirls are spreading the summer is avocado on

their toasts as the Ketcher myth Factoryhas been put on hiatus. Go to
a new stupid TikTok trend. Didyou call it the catcher mit factory?
It's oh the disrespect go ahead.This is venues for most guys. Maris
is incredibly hopeful at the resort inTanzania he's going to in September does not
have Wi Fi yet, so hemay finally find a mate. So Angie

can stop asking questions that have causedIheart's HR department to start. Oh god,
another complaint summer? Does it botheryou that I ask you about like
your dating life? No, it'sfine, Oh okay, because it's dusty
right now. CJ. He's notmad. Why are you mad? That's
not he's mad about it was everythingelse. That's a horrible thing. You

do, you know, taking theold ladies? Get out of here floor.
Are you done yet? No?Also, this morning, Angie realized
that her Costco membership was expired,and when the three barrels of wine that
she had on tap at home finallyran out. Yeah. Well, looking
at the words Costco, well known, radio drunk and senior discount on Google,

she discovered that they apparently have apocalypsespood kits in big black buckets.
Now, this led her to questionwhat her and Marriss would put in their
buckets. And Marris would love toswallow some fried rice while they are jumping
down in his legs. Yes,nice for you, Angie. Your buck
could be fild with and what everyoneexpects, you know, wine, brown
liquor, gummies, fried chicken,and of course a saragum massager so you

can fight up all those undead boards. Yeah. Uh, those sarraguns are
powerful. I'm just saying, look, Garret, the zombies easy. You
know what. I have been thoroughlycharred by you. That's enough. I
don't need to go into the weekendas a charred steak. Thank you,
an old dusty charred steak. Wherecan we find your notes every day?
You can find my notes on Rockninety five to five chi dot com and

click on the Angie Taylor tab.Anything you miss anytime you want to hear
it, please just go on theapp. It's the iHeartRadio app. It's
free and download the Angie Taylor Show, our podcast every day Rock ninety five
to five. It's time for theten o'clock toast on the Angie Taylor Show.

Yeah, Angie's drinking at ten am, joiner in a toast, dumbfellowship
hug because it's the freaking weekend.Okay, Today's sin o'clock toast goes out
to the very delusional Scott's stap fromCreed. Oh what does Scott do?
This lead singer of Creed? Mayberemember like when Creed first hit the radio

in the nineties, your first thoughtmight have been cool, a new Pearl
Jam song, But no, itwas Creed. Scott's stab really seemed to
be channeling Eddie better. So alot of people accused him of ripping Eddie
off. But Scott just now istalking about it because what else has he
got to do besides lines and siton the toilet. And he told Guitar

World, Hey, they said thesame thing about Darius Rucker, you know,
Hoodie. Really he was the EddieVetterer ripoff before they called me the
Eddie Vetter ripoff. I felt likeI was in good company and I was
honored by the compliment. Is ita government? I don't think I think

that that's accurate. On Hoodie,I can hear it. I can hear
it. With Scott's staff. Ican hear it. I can hear it
with Hoody. I feel like there'sa lot of like Eddie better sounding guys.
And when during that time in thenineties when it was you know,
like a lot of grunge. Yeah, I feel like that was a sound
of the times more so than everybodyripping Eddie. But I turn this up

a little like, because come on, that sounds like Eddie Vedder. Yeah.
Yeah, there's a very easy swapthat could happen there. He tried
it. Let's just say he triedit because Pearl Jam. I mean,
if we're happy, are we havinga duel of who is better Pearl Jam
or Creed? I mean it's gonnabe Pearl Jam. Does I feel like

it's easy? Scott sounds like he'spooping all the time. Don't strain too
much or your butthole can fall out. Do you know that can happen?
You could prolapse your butthole. Oh, please tell me more. Do you
know about that? No? No, So if you are on the toilet
and you're pushing too much, yourbutthole can fall out. It's called a

prolapse. I never heard of you. You know what Rosebud What does that
mean? What prolapses? Rosebud that'sthe code word. You don't want a
little rosebud. You don't want anaudi of any kind. Whoa, you
don't want a belly button audi,and you don't want a booty all audi.

So that onepective. The worst thingyou could do is sit on the
toilet during constipation, push real hardand sing creed. Then you are.
You are cruising for a bruising.You are setting yourself up for a rosebud
prolapse. Hey, that's my PSAof the day. Beautiful, don't push

too hard, roadie, don't pushtoo hard. Push your real good,
not real bad. Thank you somuch for listening today and every day.
Thank you everyone. And oh,up next is not Walt because Walt is
still on vacing. Wasn't he justlike we got? Wasn't wasn't he just

in the Milky Way for like awhole month the Milky Way? And now
he's back? Yeah on a vacation. I guess you got days he got.
I'm gonna look at my contract likeevery other day. So Josh is
up next. Okay, ye accurate, there you go. Good stay because

Rocky the Rooster is coming up aminute for one thousand dollars, Rock ninety
five to five
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