Episode Transcript
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Right, naughty five five your moneyby home? No, Yes, Good
morning, roadies. Angie Taylor's showis on. Good morning, mariag yo.
How are you doing great? Howare you? I'm good, fabulous.
I'd love to hear it. Nostorms last night, Oh my gosh,
it's gonna be another beautiful day,eighty and sunny today, perfect,
absolutely glorious perfection. Today on theshow, we have Sammy Hagar tickets for
you the best of Both Worlds Tour, All Worlds Tour where apparently it's a
Van Hagar concert. He said,it's all Van Halen, which I love.
That's gonna be awesome. Hail stormand I prevailed tickets Collective Soul and
Hoody and the Blowfish and then Rockythe Rooster, I forget his first keyword
at eight am with one thousand bucksfor you, and then all day love
that you can text us anytime,call us anytime eight four to four,
nine, five, five, ninetyfive fifty. How are you doing it?
Let us know, listen, knowwhat's up? You never call,
you never write, no carrier pigeons. What's going on? Thank you for
listening. Let's kick you in thecrotch. It's the five am kicking the
crutch on the Angie Taylor Show,Rocky for Sony gets you up and get
you going. I love it,seven dust on Rock ninety five to five.
I love it, I love it, I love it seven dusts black.
You have been kicked baby, Yeswhat nuts? Thank you so much
for listening. We love you.We're gonna tell you what happened on this
day, our look back in history, all kinds of things that happen on
this day is next Rock ninety fiveto five, Rock ninety five to five.
It's gonna be a beautiful picture,perfect day in the neighborhood today eighty
and Sonny Man the whole week fora whole week every day like high seventies,
low eighties and Sonny perfect perfection perfect, Yes, and you are perfection
road is Thank you for listening.Let's tell you what happened on this day.
Today is July seventeenth, twenty twentyfour. On this day, July
seventeenth, nineteen fifty two, DavidHasselhoff was born. He is seventy two.
Today night Rider maywatch, Germany's favoritesinger single handedly brought down the Berlin
Wall. Oh he did well,he didn't, but he was he was
singing during the Berlin Wall teardown.Isn't he the one that has that awkwardly
sexy picture of him eating a cheeseburger? That wasn't a picture, that was
a video. Oh that was avideo. He was wasted and his daughter
started rolling video on him laying onthe floor eating a sloppy cheeseburger to show
him what he's like when he's drunkbecause he doesn't remember. Oh, yes,
gotta love the kids. On thisday in nineteen fifty five, Disneyland
opened in and Disneyland. Oh thatyou said, Digiland. No, Disneyland,
Disneyland, Anaheim, California. Haveyou been to Disneyland. I have
not been to disney World. I'vebeen to disney World. I've never been
in disney Land. Yeah. Onthis day in nineteen eighty four, Ronald
Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking AgeBill, raising the drinking age legal drinking
age to twenty one. Apparently theysaid that it helps with car accidents,
drunk driving, and your brain isn'tfully developed at eighteen yet, so I
don't know. You can drink everywhereelse in the world at eighteen pretty much.
Oh that's right. I forgot aboutthat. Yeah, it's got to
be different America and today's Florida Man. Florida man jumps into ocean to avoid
giving the cops and girlfriend his phone'spass code. I don't blame him.
What was on that phone? BrouhWell, he was probably more scared of
what his girlfriend would say. That'swhat I'm thinking, and the cops had
to be done. That's what happenedon this day. Thanks for rocking with
us today, Rock ninety five tofive. Jurning on Rock ninety five to
five. Hopefully you saw them theother day Wrigley before the ten tornadoes touchdown
all over the place. Good morning, do this? Yeah, g Taylor
Show. I have to have atalk with you, Maris. Why Maris
So? Maris was looking for anew doctor. Yes, and I referred
him to my doctor. She's awesome. I love her, heard nothing but
great things. She's great. Myhusband goes to see her. I go
to see her, and then youwent and made an appointment to go see
her as well. She's now ourfamily doctor. Yes, we have a
family so we have a family doctor. Yes, husband and producer. Everybody's
going to see this doctor. Sothen you just said to me, what
did you just say to me,she's a very attractive doctor. Why didn't
you tell me, Angie that she'sso attractive? And I said, when
you go to see this doctor forthe first time, you need to talk
to her about your ad D whenit comes to email, because I literally
sent you her link for an appointment, and I said she's great and also
she's hot. Yeah, and youdidn't read it she's awesome and in parentheses
and she is hot. Yes,and you don't read emails. I wait,
you don't read the full part.I need link and you just like
you clicked it. I was I'mtrying to get right for Tanzania. Yes,
And I was like, let mesee when she's available, got times,
getting everything, make sure the insurancelines. Yes. There was a
lot of other thoughts going through myhead and then like they had little photo
bubbles of all the doctors. I'mlike, Angie, didn't I did tell
you? But she did. Letme ask you though, because she's hot,
does that change? Like, areyou now not wanting to see her?
Because what if you like, whatif she has to see you naked?
I don't know doctor patient relationship,right, but I have I have
known men that won't go see areally hot doctor because they're like embarrassed to
be around a hot doctor if theyhave to be, because you're in a
very vulnerable position there are the doctor'soffice. Yeah, so you're cool with
it? All right? Oh?I like that? Yeah? Good?
I mean if she's if you're ifyou're saying she's a good doctor, it's
a great Indeed, you're gonna speakgame or what after I figured her out?
You want me to turn my headand call I don't know if that's
that part of the exam. Yeah, I don't know. Like with her
putting the little wooden spoon in mymouth staring at my tonsils, is that
at the right time when she's lookingin my ears? Hmmm? Maybe it
sounds really sexy? It does,it does? I don't know, but
yes, yeah, you need totell her about your add Maybe she can
help you out. If I've madeit to thirty seven without an adderall,
I think I should be fine.Well, I just need you to read
entire texts and entire emails, hey, because oftentimes you will come in and
be like, why didn't you saythat? I'm like, I text you
that I didn't read all of it. I don't. I don't read all
of it. That's you just readlike a couple of sentences across the board.
Everybody, you're missing information, zeroin on keywords and then I get
out. If you have something thatyou have to assemble and there's instructions,
do you read the instructions or doyou just try to assemble it. I
look at the pictures to see whatI need to do, and then if
the pictures don't make sense, thenI'll read the in show. WHOA,
Yeah, that's something I had totell my husband to do too, because
he'll just take something out of thebox and try to like put it together,
and I'm like, do you knowthat it comes? You can't do
this ikia thing without the instructions orwhatever. There. I did that once
and had to take the whole yespart because I missed two big steps exactly
and I was like, never againyes, And I didn't have a drill,
so it was all hand crank.Oh boy, see, you gotta
pay attention. Don't have fun atthe hot doctor. I will okay,
good, I might do a pushup before I go one wonderful push whole
push show. Hey, thank youfor listening. We're going to tell you
what's up for your day. Newsand info that you need is next Rock
ninety five to five have an essencebringing you to life on your home day.
Good morning Angie Taylor's show. Letme tell you what's up for your
day? Angie will now fill yourbrain with the right amount of for your
day. Here, what's up?So yesterday we were talking about the home
run derby and the national anthem singer. Oh yeah, Ingrid Andress didn't go
so well, not at all.Duhuh. There is one thing, though,
that she was successful in doing,and that was uniting the internet,
because nothing brings us together more thanwatching someone embarrass themselves very much. But
this bad performance may wind up beinga benefit to her in the long run,
because she had a post yesterday thatsaid, I'm not gonna be s
y'all. I was drunk last night. I'm checking myself into a facility today
to get the help I need.That was not me last night. I
apologize to the MLB, all thefans and this country I love so much
for that rendition. I'll let youknow how rehab is. I hear it's
super fun. Hmm. Well,listen, did anybody else think this is
like a save for her career,like you know what, I'm gonna go
and to rehab so people because Ijust sang real bad. I don't know.
I hate to be a cynic becauseI don't want to be a cynic
either. Yes, looking at therock stars and all the rock stars we've
seen perform drunk, Yes, hilit up. Look at Whitney Houston,
the greatest singer in the world.You know what I'm saying, out of
her mind every time she performed,still sang, but still Who am I
to say anything? And if sheneeds help, get the help. Yes,
absolutely, get the help. Thisis what social media has done to
me. I don't trust anything.I don't trust anything. Oh, speaking
of her, the Bartlett Police Departmenthad a funny tweet yesterday that said,
please note, anyone who doesn't weartheir seatbelt or speeds through Bartlett will be
forced to listen to four time Grammynominee Ingrid Ingrid Andress's home run derby performance
again. Oh boy, love theBartlet Police Department. Yes, funny,
funny. Did you get yourself theCollege Football twenty five? Yet they had
a pre not order thing. Areyou going to I'm thinking about it,
I am actively terrible at football videogames? Are you? I'm bad?
What you're good at the soccer one? I'm good at the soccer one?
I'm bad at football. Okay.One of the most anticipated video games in
recent memory, College Football twenty five, will be officially released on Friday,
but some fans shelled out an extrathirty bucks for a premium edition that offered
three days of early access. Seemsit's not going so well. When people
hopped onto the system Monday afternoon,EA's servers crashed and the players are not
happy, and so now they haveto get everything figured out by Friday,
when there's going to be a lotmore gamers logging in. Oh oh yeah,
Just keep that in mind if you'regetting the game, it might not
be cracking on the first day.Hey, Amazon Prime Day is still going
on now. It's two days,Yesterday, Day two and today, one
of the hottest sales events of theyear. Massive discounts on everything, including
south West Airlines flight deals. Forthe first time ever, Amazon on his
partner with Southwest, offering up tothirty percent off travel fares if you buy
today, whether you're gonna go visitthe family, take a beach, vacation,
whatever, whatever you need to flyfor, So make sure you check
that out if you're in the marketto buy a flight right now. Oh
yeah, take advantage of all ofthose deals. They should have all the
airlines on Prime Day, like literallyeverything should be on Prime Day. Car
you want to buy a car,you want to buy a house, no
interest on Prime Day. Oh begreat, let's go. That's what's up
for your day. Thanks for hangingwith us today, Rock ninety five to
five, blur on Rock ninety fiveto five. Hey, the Olympics start
next week. Already it's here,Yes, the Paris Olympics. I love
watching the Olympics. There's a lotof great stories that come out of the
Yes. I just love watching peopleachieve their dreams. Yes, it's very
emotional. But some countries have higherpayouts for gold medals to the athletes than
other countries. And it's very interestingto find out which countries are willing to
shell out a lot of money ifyou bring home a gold I'll tell you
about that. Next ninety five tofive, Block ninety five to five.
Happy Homdai roadies. Thanks for listeningevery day. The Olympics start next week.
Already. I don't know why,it just seems fast, but all
right, Olympics. Just making itto the Olympics as an athlete is incredibly
impressive. Yes, winning a medaleven more so, but beating out all
the other competitors to win a goldmedal can be life changing and lucrative depending
on what country you are from asan athlete. So they did a new
survey survey of metal payouts for Olympicathletes, revealing what they're gonna get from
their countries if they bring home agold. Now, this is just for
the gold countries with the highest payoutfor gold medals and this year's Summer Olympics.
Number one is Serbia two hundred andfourteen thousand dollars if you get a
gold. Oh nice, yes,Malaysia two hundred and twelve thousand dollars,
Morocco two hundred thousand, Italy onehundred and ninety three thousand, goes all
the way. Number ten is Greeceat ninety six thousand dollars. I have
a friend who is an Olympian ChicagoOlympian Asia Evans bob sled girl brought home
a bronze a few years ago andShe always tells me that Olympians don't get
paid anything. Really, Team USAtheir payout Now remember number one is Serbia
was two hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. Team USA. If you bring home
a gold, thirty seven thousand dollars, we see, here's come on,
now, here's the thing. Comeon, and then fifteen thousand for a
bronze, twenty two thousand for asilver. When you look at the United
States and what we do and withinthe Olympics, if they had that kind
of payout, yeah, they'd bepaying out a lot. That is true
because we usually are in the topthree of getting the most medals. The
team sports, the single sports likeChikai Richardson expecting her to possibly walk away
with for some own Biles is justgoing to just destroy everything again. But
like, yes, I didn't considerthe fact that if Tyosa basketball wins a
gold, you're paying out twelve people. That's twelve people that you have to
pay. Wow. Basketball team ispretty good too, they're good. Yeah,
so they might have to pay it, but that's probably all. That
also puts good a volleyball too,the beach volleyball, but it puts in
this perspective when people get so emotionalabout winning gold from those countries. Yeah,
you get a pay day coming well. I mean think about how many
gold medals Michael Phelps won. Ohand that one Olympics he got like fourteen
medals. Like if it was twohundred thousand dollars that, yeah, you're
right, they'd be paying out alot. But you know what I'm most
excited about for the Olympics this year. What's that the breakdancing competition? There's
they're doing breakers for the first timeever. Is this nineteen eighties? I
love it. It's breaking coming back. It's awesome. I can't wait to
see the breaking competition. My goodness. Oh it's gonna be awesome. All
right, thank you for listening.Rock ninety five to five, Guns on
Roses on Rock ninety five to five. How you're doing Auntie Taylor Show?
Today is National Lottery Day. Oh, it's a good day to play.
We all have the lottery dream youwin the lottery. Are we ever seeing
you again? That's the question.Oh you see me. I'm gonna be
acting different, but you're going tosee me. How are you acting different?
Oh? You have because now youhave few money? I got few
money. Few money. That linethat I told is I'm a skate on
ice. Okay. This couple fellasleep in Sydney, Australia. Call came
through to say they were forty milliondollars richer after winning the lottery just recently.
They didn't know, they didn't know. The lottery people called them like,
how do they know? It's crazy? Yeah, So go get your
lottery tickets today, ticket and ifyou win, remember your friends. Oh,
I want to tell you about this. I know we have a lot
of people that are in different tradesthat listen, like you know, plumbers
and construction and the linesmen and allthose things. Wait to hear what the
these city workers, these water workersfrom New York found on the job.
Oh, I don't think I'd evergo back to work. I'll tell you
about that. Next rock ninety fiveto five bush bush rock ninety five to
five. Sometimes liquid plumber just won'tcut it, big old clog. This
water crew and Albany, New York, was working on the city's water pipes
when they found a clog in aforty eight inch water Maine on Friday.
There's you know, digging in theretrying to figure out what the clog is
it was a fourteen foot Boa constrictorthat was living in the pipe. Yeah,
we're just in the pipe, sittingin there, fourteen feet boas sneaky
snake and the pipes. The stateDepartment of Environmental Conservation was called in to
remove the snake. The water companysaid the incident should't affect the city's water
supplied and the next time you haveto snake your drain, remember it could
be worse. And then I reada story about how a dude in Florida,
some iguana came up through his toilet. Yeah, it seems to happen
more often than people give credit for, Like animals come up through the toilet
oooh, and he was like tryingto get it out of the toilet and
then they had to call somebody.Oh that's gross. That is so gross.
But I know, like we've hadpeople on that are plumbers before,
and you know, different city workersthat have found different things. Whatever your
job is, there's always something crazythat will happen at the workplace. Maybe
you work at McDonald's and they were, you know, the ice cream machine
was down and then they threw acheeseburger a head or something like that.
Like here at work. I rememberone time at our work there was a
dude that was in a full bearcostume and somehow got past security, came
up on our floor and sat inthe men's room for like eight hours looking
for me. Right, he waslooking for you? Yeah, you a
furry No, why was he lookingfor you? He was dropping a new
out and he was trying to getme his music. Why did he sit
in the toilet for like eight hours? That was his way of getting in,
that was his He sat there overnightand waited for you to come into
work. Oh my god, that'sso crazy. And how did nobody that
went into the bathroom notice that therewas a big guy in a Teddy Bear
costume in there. He was inthe stall and he had his feet up.
Oh he came through like okay,So that happened at our work.
A teddy Bear came looking from Marisand sat in the toilet for eight hours
with his feet up. That's crazy. But I want to hear from you
wherever you work, whatever you do. Crazy things happen at work. Weird
things happen at work. Did youget in a fight? Did a customer
attack you? Did something amazing?Happen. Whatever it was, call let
us know eight four four ninety fivefifty somebody that calls going to get collective,
so and who'd he take it?Crazy things at the workplace. What'd
you see? What happened? Eightfour four ninety five to fifty. We're
taking your calls now, five five. Oh, weird things happen at work
all the time. We were justtalking about this. Uh. These New
York City water workers found a fourteenfoot boa constrictor in the water main pipe.
They're like, why is this pipeall backed up? We can't figure
it out. Big old snake sittingin there. Gross. Oh gross.
But I want to hear the weirdthings that happened to you at work.
Let's talk to Enna Hi Anna,Hello, good morning, Good morning.
I work at a sandwich shop.Like and one summer, you know,
hot blistering. This obese gy walksin or hygiene. Immediately the whole sirkles
up with this smell, okay,like sweat, you know what I'm talking
about, very funky paste for food. He's on the bench by the door,
starts scratching himself and like, okay, we just got to get this
done. So my courts and Iwere referring to finish the words. So
we just leave and we just placedthe sandwich in the oven when like he
starts to fidget right and then getsto his feet, starts to speak,
changes its vind it's back down,squirming whatever whatever, rushes out without getting
his food, and then like we'reoff confuse what's going on, and we're
horrified to discover she had left apuddle of diarrhea. Horrible, like you
thought the smell was bad before.Oh my god, I'm so glad I
just finished my breakfast. Oh god, I should have given you work.
But like one of my coworkers,she was brilliant. So she's rushing out
and go, oh god, okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm
dying, and thank you for thecall. That gross, that's gross.
Thank you everybody hanging on the line. Somebody's gonna he gets the collective soul.
Let me go to rad Dad fromLombard. Hey, rad Dad,
good morning and good morning, loveyou guys, love your show, Good
morning and thank you. All right, So here's the situation. I'm a
plastic injection mold maker and that's injectingplastic at the least steel tools. Yeah,
when I was apprentis a quite whileago. I had the instinction of
having to go to a molding pressand take a tool out that someone had
accidentally had their fingers removed in.Oh, I had the distinction to do
beious distinctions of extracting the fingers fromthis oo how many fingers there was two
of them? Oh. I waskind of like the spoon man. I
guess, man, Oh my god, that's gross. Rad Dad, hang
on, Let's hang on. Let'sget a Donna from Wooddale. Hi,
Donna, Hello, Angie him Mara, Good morning. What happened morning?
Well, I'm I run the frontdesk. Had a large corporate center here
in Glendale Heights, and they werehiring a warehouse manager. And I noticed
both on his interview and his firstday at work that there was something off
about him. So I googled hisname. It comes up on the internet
that this guy had robbed a Lombardbank wearing a uh a chest full of
fireworks taped to his body. Ohmy god, and drove the same car
to work that he used in therobbery, and he was up on funeral
charges and he would let go thesame day after I put the article on
my boss, Donna, how didwho hired him? And why did they
not least google the due diligence?Like, why didn't they do any of
that? I said, I'm like, who's doing your background checks here?
I could have hired a racist ora murderer. I'm like, really,
somebody that straps fireworks to his chestand robs the bank? Yes, that's
crazy, he does that? Really? Donna hang on the line. Oh
my god. Yeah, you guysgot a screen. Let's go to Steve
from Bridgeview. Hi, Steve,Hey, how's it going you guys?
Good morning, good morning, goinggood? What happened at work? Well?
Actually, literally last week I workedfor True Green, and long story
short, I'm doing my job.Everything's going normal, and some older lady,
I think she was seventy eight yearsold, she came up and she
asked me what I do and YadAYadA. If I can help her out,
I said absolutely. So I goback to my truck and I'm about
to leave. In the second Iput my foot in my truck, I
distinctively hear some kind of a yelling, So I said, okay, it's
an older lady. I walked.I walked to her house. I heard
it again, so I walked toher door. I heard distinctively, I
heard the word help. So Iopened her door and I asked, do
you need some kind of help?And she's screaming, I'm in the kitchen.
I fell down. So I raninto a kitchen. Found out that
she completely shattered her hip. Oh. She macked her hat on the floor
and I ran. She asked mefor a purse or keys or phone.
So I ran to her house,got her everything, ran in my truck,
got my phone, called the ambulance. I got the firefighter there.
That apartment there, They told meafterward, they said her son wasn't going
to come for seven days. Shehas no other visitor, and her phone
was on the other side of thehouse. You saved her there, You
saved her life. There was nowait. That's what they told me.
And I was just like, she'sokay, and gosh, it was so
beautiful. We had a nice hug. Afterward. Her son came and he
looked at me. He saw mein my uniform and he thought I was
trying to sell something. He's like, it's not really the time right now,
guy, And I'm like, no, I'm the guy who just saved
your mom, and he said,are you kidding me? Steve? Hang
on, that's amazing. Hang on, Steve, I love that saved her.
Live good Steve. Manager John fromBolingbrook, Hello, Hey, Angie
and Marris, good morning, Goodmorning. What did you do? Sure?
Well, this is what I experiencedback in college. I was eighteen
working at a well known national pizzachain. Innocent flirting turned into my thirty
year old female manager seducing me inthe walking cool oh with all the pizza
topics? Did you hit it inthe oh? Yeah, well it didn't
go that far, but there wassome really happy petting and uh about a
couple A couple of weeks after that, a couple of weeks. What did
it stop? Long story here isno no, no, no, not
long gotcha? Oh he was agang banger. Yeah. Probably good that
that stopped. Can we go backto Steve from Bridgeview please? Steve.
Yes, you saved that old lady'slife. So I'm going to send you
to Collective Soul and hoody. Okay, Oh that is insane. I love
you guys. Well it's the leastwe could do. You saved a citizen.
Thank you. You're a superhero thatis so sweet. I appreciate you,
guys. I listen to you everyday, obviously everybody does. Steve,
you're the best. I hope whenI break a hip that you're there
to save me. I'll be waiting, Okay, it'll probably happen tomorrow or
later today, something I don't okay, cool, Steve, hang on the
line. We'll get your info andsend you to see Collective Soul a Hoody.
Tickets are on sale right now atticketmaster dot com. That show is
at Credit you know One Ampitheater onAugust night, So go get your tickets.
Thanks for the calls. Rock ninetyfive to five nine inch nas they
have a new collab with Doc Martins. They look really cool, do it?
Yes? To like your summer docksman, Rock nainety five to five,
Good morning. Are you a truecrime person? Many people might say
they've had a close call with death, maybe a car accident, almost being
hit by a car, or likesome bad illness or injury. We're eating
at Golden Corral or something. Butthere's also this twenty two percent of people
believe it's likely that they've interacted witha serial killer in their life, or
that they will someday, do youfeel like maybe you've interacted with a serial
killer. I've talked to a lotof people and I'm not doubting it.
Yeah. Probably, Yeah. Imean, think about the number of people
we talk to just every day onthe radio, me in the wild.
There's a couple of people that workhere that are very suspect. Yeah,
serial killers. You know, therehave been three thy six hundred and thirteen
documented serial killers throughout history. EnglandAmerica had the most. England was next
clearly, but they peaked in theseventies and eighties. Apparently they're not in
anymore. The height of serial killerswere in the seventies and eighties, and
they're saying that people are feel likethat they've crossed paths with one because of
our obsession with TV true crime showsand podcasts about true crime, Like you're
more suspect about people. I remember, like I was really into Dateline,
and then my mom started dating thisguy, and I was convinced that he
was going to kill her, likehe was a psycho. She's still with
him, but I still don't trusthim. I don't trust him, and
it's because of the Dayline. Iliterally called my aunt and I'm like,
hey, I think so and soit is a little what do you think?
She's like, are you watching Dayline? I'm like, I actually am
right now. Wow, So yeah, you might feel like you've cross paths
with one. It stands to reason, you know. I mean, I
think I feel like, if you'regoing to be a serial killer, now,
you're just gonna be very quiet andsneaky about it, as opposed to
the very vocal I'm a serial killerpeople that are outdies in the woods and
around places. And mmmmm, Irealize are you the smiley face killer?
I realized what I said? Doyou realize? Okay, eight percent of
people say they watch True crime togo to sleep. Really, That's what
I'm saying. It's not very calmand sleep and do so. However,
I do get the because it's verylike the tone of it is very just
very chill and it's not bang bangshoot them up or people screaming or anything.
It's usually just chill. But lookaround the room. Who is the
serial killer? Look around at worktoday? What a room we have here?
There's always on? My money's onJada game, Oh where are the
bodies? Where all the bodies is? Rock? Ninety five to five.
It's Rock ninety five to five.It is Home Day, it is Wednesday,
It is White Sox Wednesday. BoomOur beloved twenty one and seventy one
White Sox. What a record.This is a historic year. But we
still love our White Sox. Andit's beautiful. Look at this week.
Eighty sunny every day. They gota nice little all star break. Garrett
pitched, well last night. Wellyeah, then Friday they're playing the Royals.
Here we go, Okay, alot of cool things going on over
there at the park. Friday isnineties night with a postgame fireworks show.
I love nineties night. Do Iget to wear like my car heart overalls
and my timberlains? Yes? Ohyes. Sunday is Christmas in July.
You get a limited edition ornament whenyou purchase especially price ticket. I love
Christmas ornaments. So that's what Ilike when people go on vacation, when
you go on vacation or whatever,that's the thing that I collect. I
don't get like the shot glass fromthe place. I get the Christmas ornament.
Oh that's my thing, right,And then your tree is like full
of all your travels so you canget your ornament from your travel out to
Socks Park. Family Sundays presented byCoke zero ticket star at ten dollars.
Game Day includes family friendly activities.Kids run the bass, how fun they
have, caricature artists, a wholebunch more for the kids. Now listen,
it is always a good day topost up at the park. Pull
a little Sun's green on, grabyour bear and a hot dog, and
just chill out watch a baseball game. That's because, trust me, in
about six months, you're gonna wishyou were at a crappy White Sox game.
Oh yeah, so because it isWhite Sox Wednesday. Every Wednesday,
we have family four packs of ticketsto see a future Socks game. You
want to go, I'll hook youin the family up eight four four nine
ninety five fifty caller eleven. We'regonna hook you up. Also, it
is time to get in your textsright now. Get your text in eight
four four nine ninety five fifty.Whatever's on your mind, questions, thoughts,
anything, get them in. Weread your text every day and we'll
read them next. Let's take somecalls from the request line. Oh yeah,
one, oh sexy request today rodi'es. You're so sexy. Oh if
you were a fruit, you'd bea fine affle. Oh, a fine
apple. Thank you for the text, lots of text today and every day.
We appreciate it. Eight four fournine ninety five fifty cent them any
time. Let's go six three zero. Hey, guys, I live in
Justice, and I wanted to callthe radio station because I heard all these
chain saws cutting tree branches out here. I wonder if any of the chain
saws came from Rock ninety five tofive. I'm sure they did. I
sure hope, so, I'm surethey did. Leon Rogers, who does
mornings at our sister station next doorWGCI, is missing like a part of
his finger today because he was tryingto, you know, all the branches
from the tornadoes and the storms.He was trying to chop with an axe,
like chop up some of the wood, and he missed. Gotta be
careful, yes, six' threeto zero. I have a request Wars
theme for you guys today. BestRick Rubin songs, your favorite Rick Rubin
songs. I love that idea.Done. Ooh, there's so many to
choose from. Love me some RickRubin. We're doing it. Seven oh
eight. Here's my weird work story. Lunches were disappearing from the cafeteria fridge.
A coworker of mine decided to makethe lunch thief a special lunch.
It was a nicely crafted sandwich madewith a patty of cap poop poop.
It had led us tomato pickles onit, very well done. Even had
a bag of chips and a popto the brown bag. Sure enough,
the special lunch was gone. Afterthat legendary event, no more food ever
went missing. Even funnier, randommeaw songs would be played over the intercom
system. That's messed up though somebodycould like it really sick it could,
but they have to learn a lesson. But do what we do here,
just put up very passive aggressive signsthat says we're watching you. Seven o
eight. This is Andy from Woodridge. When thinking of true crime showed discussion,
I would have believed my ex wifewas a serial killer. She was
obsessed with true crime shows, theobsessed roommate killer movies, and talks about
Italian mafia killings. Thankfully I becamean ex husband before she made me take
an early exit from the world.Damn Andy, angry Bob, Good morning,
Angie and Marris serial killer. Nah, I'm more of a donut killers
two A nine That eight percent thatfalls asleep to true crime. Those are
the serial killers nowadays. Seven oheight. Hey, it's tow truck ken
here. Was thinking about it andI'm a serial killer. I will f
up some cocoa puffs. Ah,another funny joke. Can you could lee
on him a microphone? Please?Lea? I was just talking about how
you chopped your finger off? Whatdo you do so you didn't chop it
off outside trying to chop branches?You know, care some of the branches
from the storm, and I shouldhave paid somebody to do it. You
didn't pay somebody. I was gonnaask you because I have so many huge,
big pieces of branches, you couldpay somebody to do that. But
I'll try to save that money.And ended up in the emergency room.
Visit how many stitches? Eight eight? You got yourself? Good? How
much can I pay you to comeover and chop up my branches? He
ain't got enough? What if Ioffered that you could chop me down later?
All right? You take care ofyourself now, and yes, with
the chainsaws and the axes and thewhatevers your don't dig yourself, do not
recircumcise yourself. I'm gonna tell youwhat's up for your day. Next Rock
are Rock ninety five to five.It is that time to play everybody's favorite
game. Don't Kill Angie. Justa reminder supposed to keep me alive.
Okay. I know it's fun tokill me, but if you want tickets,
you gotta keep me alive. SammyHagar Best of All Worlds Tour,
where he has said it is allvan Halen. Oh my god. You
want the tickets? You want toplay? Call now eight four four ninety
fifty. Don't Kill Angie is tochoose your adventure game to hopefully get Angie
safely to Friday. Pick or fast, but be careful. One wrong move
will kill Angie. You kill Angieand it's only on Rock twenty five five.
I want to stay alive today.I want you to keep me alive
today so you can go have fun. I'm gonna send you to have some
fun. Let me touch to Chrisfrom Chris Hill. Hi, Chris,
how you doing, Angie? I'mdoing great. You want to have some
fun? Yes? I do?If you keep me Alive today and don't
kill Angie. I'm gonna give youtickets to Sammy haik Are the best of
All World Tour. Yeah that soundsgreat. Yeah, and they're doing all
van Hagar, which is awesome.Yes it is. Yes, it is
all right. You're gonna play,so take it away. Our narrator burkeleas
Copiro and a half shell. Itis the beautiful marass. Yes, Chris,
and welcome to Don't Kill Angie.Yes. Today is National hot Dog
Day Chicago. Stand up Angie,being the queen of the hot dog swallowers,
think it might be fun to gosling some glizzies today. The options
in Chicago are Enlisba. Angie's favoriteis the Wiener Circle. What's better than
a hot dog with a side ofverbal abuse? I can't think of anything.
Angie shows up at the lunch rushand they're gonna put her right to
work. Now, Chris, thequestion for you is what should Angie be
in charge of today? At theWiener Circle? Assembling the hot dog orders
are insulting customers. Oh, I'mgonna have to go insulting. Ah,
I love it. I say,fine choice, indeed, a fine choice.
Indeed you picked insulting customers. Eitherway, Angie is still gonna insult
these customers because she was born forthis role. I was born for it.
Here comes Joe Blow and he said, this guy, he Joe Blow,
a woman. Yeah, give mefour hot dogs, drag them through
the garden, and give me oneof those chocolate shakes. Oh you want
to chuck Sack and knows what thismeans, vanilla shaker. I'm gonna be
caramel shak. Yeah, check itout. And he knows what this means,
so she lifts up her sure andstarts shaking her freaking booms in her
face. Joe Blow and twenty otherpeople in line are mortified and are running
away. Pukey, what to getinsulted? And that's what I did.
Oh stop, it's not that bad. She is now fired from the Wiener
circle. But do you know whatthis means? Chris? Do you know
what this means? I mean,I got a lot of people sick in
line, but you didn't kill me. Congratulations right, yeah, Chris,
Chris, Very good, very good. You're going to Sammy Hagar with lover
Boy Best of All Worlds Tour CreditUnion Apatheter Saturday, August. Third couple
weeks away. Excellent. You're gonnabe out in the sun, you know,
outside with the big old beer inyour hand, and like the best
of the word, it's gonna beawesome. That was so spot on,
beautiful call you for of course,went on and vanilla shakes. All right,
have a great time, Chris.Thank you. I appreciate it.
Appreciate you listening. Hang on theline. We'll get you all hooked up
with your tickets everybody else that wantsto go. Tickets on sale now at
live nation dot com. Thank youfor playing Don't Kill Andrew. We will
declare this triumphant day of saving Angieand your honor. Remember this day you
are a hero. Rock ninety five, Rock ninety five five, gorgeous hump
Day eighty and sunny today. Loveit. Have you ever gotten really pissed
off at an app and you likedeleted it because you just had it with
this app? Yep, which one? Do you know? You know those
like little advertising games that pop upall over social media. Yeah. I
downloaded a few, thinking like,oh, I'll just be able to play
the game, and that is notwhat was on the app at all.
Oh yeah, some of them turninto like these big long storyline things that
you have to read your No.I literally want to foll don't give me
the clickbait. Now, I gotto watch Grandma like redecorate a house or
something. I didn't ask for that. No, I hate those, the
clickbait games like that. I havethis blackjack app on my op head.
You know, I got to keepmy blackjack game sharp, stay stay sharp.
I get absolutely I rate playing thisblackjack app because it's all bots.
I have figured out it's all botsthat are playing. So like you're playing
with other people and the dealer orwhatever. It's like live playing with other
people and the dealer. But Ifeel like these live people are all bots
because I'll go to a table allby myself, just mean the dealer Manoi
Mono, and I'm killing her,and then all of a sudden, all
these bots will come in. IfI'm winning too much money and throw off
everything, They'll start splitting tens andlike doing really dumb things, and then
I have to walk away. Ihave to delete the app, like I
get I should delete the tune thingtune blasts. I should delete that because
we put money on it. It'slike six thousand something, six thousand what
I'll tell you run now. Wow. Yeah, I've been playing how I've
been playing it for years? Iknow, but like, they have six
thousand levels, there's a lot.I guess you are keeping this app alive,
angie. Yeah, let me seewhat I am. And I'm the
dummy that like does the in apppurchases. If I'm running out of lives
and I want to keep playing,I will do that like one. If
I can't get past it, I'mdone. Oh no, not six thousand,
sixty seven thousand, four hundred andforty, that's what these seven thousand
and yeah. Wow, yeah,it's crazy. They have that many levels,
isn't it? Oh my god?I wonder how high it goes.
I wonder if I could beat itand break it. Clearly they continue to
build this game for you. Sixtyseven thousand, God, I need a
life seven thousand home. They've gottenat least that much money for me to
sixty seven thousand dollars. Hey,ninety five minutes commercial for you. We
do it every single day. Youlove it, you need it, you
want it. I'm gon gift toyou. Next Rock ninety five to five,
Rock ninety five five, Good morning, It's the Antie Taylor show that
just kicked off ninety five minutes commercialfree role. How you doing okay?
If you were asked your thoughts onthe best and worst behaved dog breeds,
I know Maris that you don't likedo dogs. Well, I'm glad you
don't do dogs here, but like, what do you think is the worst
behaved? Worst behave is Chihuahua.I would have thought Chihuahua. Uao is
absolutely the worst. I never metat Chihuahua. I enjoyed this thing says
it's from the American Kennel Club saysthat the least behaved dog breed is the
Siberian Husky. Yeah. I agreewith that. They're very whiny, they're
pretty blue eyes. They are verypretty dogs. But they shed a lot.
They're very needy, They're very whiny. They're very vocal too. Yeah,
I mean shedding and stuff. Thatdoesn't mean they're bad behaved. Beagle
was second, followed by the Hobbies, then runch bulldog. My Frenchie is
so sweet. What I feel likeFrenchies are just kind of lazy. So
they just chill. They are theyare They're just they do chill. I
mean, they're attention horse. She'sa little slut. Like everybody that comes
over, she has to sit ontheir lab. But the most behaved dog
was the Labrador retriever, Yes,the labs. Everybody loves a lab Rock
Riyler was second, followed by sheToo, Cane Corso, Golden Retriever,
German Shepherd Boston Terior. I recognizedhalf of those names you did. Yeah,
if you were going to get adog, what kind of dog would
you got? Uh? The hypoallergenicgolden doodle? The Golden doodles. Oh,
they're so cute and they look likeTeddy bears. Yeah. I love
golden doodles. So I don't know. I don't see Chihuahua on the list.
Little ankle biters. How they missedthe list? They always think that
they're huge dogs too. Oh theygot small dog complex. Sure it's rock
ninety five to five. It's nowtime before I request arm your torpedoes.
Are you sure we should do that? Yes, we're sure we should do
that. Prepare your best smacked offbecause this is gonna get real in about
a second. On The Angie TaylorShow, request war. Yes, it
is time to war. We hadto take a pause from Marris learning how
to play tune blast. Yeah,I'm not gonna dedicate what seventy thousand levels
that you have. Lease start fromthe beginning. I'll start from this.
Work away up, you work yourway, You'll be there in no time.
Years. It's been years, likefive years or something, you know.
All right, Okay, it istime for Request Wars. Today's Request
Wars theme, which is probably myfavorite that I've ever heard from a listener
six three zero said Request Wars themefor you today? Best or your favorite
Rick Rubin songs? Oh? RickRubin produced so many albums, so many
artists Metal, He produced Slayer,he produced a Beastie Boys, He produced
run DMC songs. I mean everythingyou name it? So I am the
one time champion, Maris. Whatis your Rick Rubin pick? This was
kind of easy for me because Ihad a feeling one of my favorites because
at first I was like, whois Rick Ruben and why is he trying
to ruin my band? And thenI heard this from Lincoln Park. It's
bleeded out. Yeah, yeah,Lincoln Park bleed it out. If that's
your pick, text a letter Mto eight four four, nine, five
ninety five fifty. You can gomy pick today if you want it is
System of a Down, chops away, why not wake up? Do you
leave a piece about the title,Oh the keyno by the keys on the
table, chop suey, System ofa Down. If that is your pick,
text the letter A to eight four, four, nine, five five,
ninety five point fifty. It isright now, ninety five minutes commercial
free rock going on. I lovethe Rick Rubin theme. I learned yesterday
that the Slayer guitarist played the guitarin no Sleep till Brooklyn from the Beast
boss ol of like what he onlypaid him, like two hundred bucks.
It's rock ninety five to five.It's rock ninety five to five. Yes,
it is ninety five minutes commercial freehappening right now. The votes are
coming through, man lately, likethe last week, we have been neck
and neck in every single one ofthese. Yes, it's good, it's
good. It's very polarizing apparently allthis voting. Okay, So today the
theme came from Area code sixty threeto zero Request Wars theme best Rick Rubin
songs or your whatever favorite Rick Rubinsongs. Rick Rubin has produced everything.
Dan Zegg Metallica Slayer, the Cult, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage against
the Machine, The Strokes, Weezer, Audio Slave, Aerosmith, Lincoln Parks,
System of a Down, Johnny Cash. Also, don't even forget about
all the hip hop stuff, BeastieBoys, Ghetto Boys, Run, DMC,
Public Enemy, LL Cool Jay,you name it. Rick Rubin has
his stamp on everything. I wantthat resume. What a prolific producer.
I love me some Rick Rubin.He has a great book too, if
you guys want to read it anyway. So that's our team. Pick a
Rick Rubin song, I'm one timechampion, Marris your pick today, of
course your favorite band Lincoln Park,Bleed it Out, Bleed it Out.
It's Lincoln Park produced by Rick Rubin. Do you want that text a letter
M to eight four four nine fivefive fifty. I today went with System
of a Down, Chop Suey DesertJo. Yeah, yeah, why not?
Yes? All right? If youwant Chop Suey from System of a
Down, text the letter A toeight four four nine five ninety five to
fifty. It is toy like atoy. God, get all the votes
in let's go ninety five minutes commercialfree still going I'll Rock ninety five to
five Rock a ninety five minutes commercialfree Rock ninety five to five Antient Taylor
Show. It is time to findout who won Request Horse. Thank you
to Texter sixty three to zero,who came up with my favorite theme so
far. Pick your favorite Rick Rubinsong. There's too many of Rick Rubin
songs to pick. We'd be listeningto music for a month. I have
so many favorite Rick Rubin songs,They're all over. The whole Black album
from jay Z is Like, whatam I my favorite albums ever? And
that's all Rick Rubin. However,we picked our favorite Rick Rubin rock songs
right here, Okay, even thoughthere's a lot of Slayer ones that I
love to Anyway, there's so many. Uh. Today it was Maris with
Lincoln Park bleed it Out versus mewith System of a Down Chop Suey,
Do we have a winner? Yeswe do, and thank you for all
the votes. As always, Angiecontinues host streak once again, this was
like three four vote difference. Notvery not this week, No very tired,
very tad. That's how we'd liketo keep it around here. Shout
out to the genius Rick Rubin withthis chop suey system of a down.
Thank you for your votes. Rockninety five to five. It's rock ninety
five to five. Oo. Beautifulday, eighty and sunny. You better
get on a porch and stiff youlittle smoke smoke. It's a beautiful day,
perfect day for it. Thank youfor listening. Somebody who is definitely
on the porch with a humongous handleof Captain Morgan White is the secretary of
the show, the head of allthe roadies, keeping all the notes.
Jay the guy, Hello, goodmorning to you, my darling ding Dongs.
Good morning. Now listen. Thismorning we looked at weird occurrences at
work, and just when I assumethe only furry in the studio is Angie,
I came to learn that Marius oncehad someone in a bear costume sneak
into the building and then wait forhim in the bathroom for eight hours.
True, very true. Now Iassume Maris you were into some kind of
kinky stuff like Ninja turtle roleplay,letting nerd girls blow on your cartridges,
and of course wondering aloud if someoneis a serial killer, and in turn
making himself a target for that serialkiller. But listen, I for one,
never in all my days would haveever imagined that you will let any
bear that wasn't Jason Brown take youdown in the iHeart bathroom. Now,
to be fair, I didn't askfor this bear in the bathroom, so
that's what we all Jay. Howmany times have you said that I didn't
ask for the bear in the bathroom? But here we are just happened.
Yeah, I came to works andI didn't expect a bear in the bathroom.
Nice spa day. What else doyou have? Also, we continue
our Marrige centric morning with the revealthat he is now seeing Angie's doctor.
Now I should probably add this isher actual doctor and not doctor feel Good
who lets her treat his drug supplylike a candy store. Well, I
won't give anybody. Being corrective abouthis health and preparing for his after trip
would be a great thing, exceptit turns out that the doctor is really
hot and mares has ADHD and refusesto read those words get to move and
around on that page. It's reallyhard look at the words. I did
know you did it. I sawat least five words. You saw a
link to click and then like yourturtle wanted some food or something, and
you're like, whatever, when theturtle wants some food, you got to
feed the turtle pizza. Here's thething, guys, that's what they is.
Yes. I think this is allployed by Angie though, because remember
when you refuse to spell all thetea last week? So now all of
a sudden, Antie's hooking up withher hot doctor. I see hope that
there's a match. In turn,the doctor can spell all the tea that
isn't protected by patient doctor compientality.Uh, you're giving me way too much
credit. I don't have time forall that. I'm just trying to have
this man get an appointment for hisADHD or whatever. I don't have time
to like, is shed she adoctor? Tried to hook up with a
bunch of people. We've seen howthat's gone so far. Who's try to
hook up? Oh? I triedto hook him up with one person,
one one, and I failed,miserably miserable. All the office romances you're
creating, I didn't create any.Maris is out here being shady? How
am I being shady? You knowwhat? You know? You know?
Are your girlfriends all right? Wherecan we find your You have an infinite
list of boyfriends, half of thembeing masked. They're not even real.
I can't even I don't hang outwith them. Your girlfriends are very close
to you, and you a newmascot in a g string and that didn't
even get you going. It wasa watermelon. He was a pickle.
I don't want to pick a boyfriend. You don't want to I want to
pickle back. Where where can wefind your notes? Every day? You
can find my notes on Rock ninetyfive five chi dot com and click on
the Angie Taylor tab pickle boyfriend,at least give me an eggplant eggplant boyfriends,
zucchini boyfriend? Sorry I got thewrong phallic vegetable. My bad.
Uh. If you missed anything onthe show, please check out the podcast
The Angie Taylor Show Every single Dayposted up there for you on the free
iHeartRadio app or you get your podcastsis Rock ninety five to five. It's
time for the ten o'clock toast onthe Angie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's
drinking at ten am. Joiner ina toast up fellow show Juggedy, Chuggedy,
chuggedy. If you're gonna chug somethingfor this toast. It should be
Kor's Light. I mean, Idon't drink beer, you know, But
whoever this marketing person was at COR'sLight that came up with the most brilliant
marketing thing ever. Do you knowabout this, Maris? I have this?
Okay. So there was a longfoul ball that took out an LED
panel of one of the ad boardsat the ballpark last year in the stands
city Field or whatever. But itwas a big Cours ad where the panel
came out like in the Corner Angels. Player Otani drilled one into the stands
at City Field, knocking out asquare of LEDs that were displaying Kor's Light,
creating this black square right above theCores logo. So what did cors
light do on their can? Yes, the cans have blackened a little LED
display thing onto the can. Arethose only available on Cali? You know
what, Maris? You're asking waytoo many questions. Honestly, I don't
know. I just think that isso smart. That is marketing. iHeart
that's how you do it. Orlike like the girl who sang the anthem,
the grammy girl who's sang the anthem, the other day. The very
next day, she's like, youknow what I was aft, I'm going
to rehab smart. So the nexttime I have a really crappy show,
I'm going to rehab because it makeseverything go away. We don't have your
money ready for that yet. Whateverexactly. We're still cooling, but I
think it's very smart. I'm surethey're available everywhere. But yes, if
you see the cores light and you'relike, why is there like this big
black square on my can, it'sbecause it's of the led that went out
from Otani's thing. Yes, howabout that? Cheers coors Man. All
right, yeah, cores light tobe specific. All right, I hope
you have a great day. Havesome cores light on a patio today.
Look at this day, you'd becrazy to not sit outside with the coreers
light today or anything else? Doyou want? Thank you for listening.
We love you, Maris. Marisis up next, Walt is up next,
right next to you. I knowit's kind of like when your nose
is it right, Your nose isright in front of your eyes, but
you can't see it because it's alwaysthere. Are you saying you don't see
me? Right? Now? You'remy nose. I'm the one going to
the eye doctor today and now I'mI might need to bring you with me.
Just give me some course light.I'll be fine. Are you that's
not going to fix anything? Yes, well sure, yes, it's good
for glackhoma. Walt is up next. I don't know Weed is though.
Walt is up next, and Rockythe Rooster is coming up in several minutes,
like less than twenty. I'll tellyou that you're a thousand dollars key
where you want thousand bucks? Yes, your keyword is coming. Get ready,
Okay, what's that tomorrow? Boyfriendand girlfriends? How you doing?
Block ninety five to five