All Episodes

July 26, 2024 • 59 mins
It's Chainsaw Friyay once more (thank God, I'm so tired) and that means we have an entire week worth of information that needs to be stuffed inside our brains and processed. After all, how can you possibly forget about ... uh ... what did we discuss on the show this week, does anyone remember? Huh, I guess the point about our brains being at full capacity stands tall here and so a topic about forgetting random useless junk makes most sense for the opening. This morning, Angi gave us a list of useless things that people still have memorized but would probably love to forget. For starters, old phone numbers of childhood friends which is a problem for a ton of people (I think mine are finally starting to fade which is good because I barely associate with those people anymore.) Angi, who on a good day can barely remember things she was told the day before, can still remember her grandparents phone number. Also on the list were the birthdays of old friends which have finally started to dip on Marris but Angi still has the memory of the birthday of this one girl Stacy (who shared a birthday with her....) Old locker combos, those are gone and were usually gone for Marris too who had the same locker all 4 years of high school and would still forget it all the time. Old classroom seating charts, who could possibly recall those? Angi remembers that her 3rd grade teacher had a crush on Tom Selleck because she had a picture of him on her desk. Someone's first wifi password, no way. The alphabet backwards, which is used for a drunk test, most of us can do that sober. All of the presidents in order, no way. Angi thought she could remember all the states in order and she got half way through before she bombed out of that. How to spell Mississippi which to be fair, everyone should remember. The rules of baseball, who actually learned those? If you ever worked in a grocery store you probably remember that the produce code 4011 is bananas. How to play "Hot Cross Buns" on a recorder, how about "Chopsticks" on piano? We all know the theme song from the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" though for some reason, mine just has the dude slapping everyone. The "Macarena," Marris learned how to do that in gym class. Let's not forget our old video game codes (Up Up Down Down B A B A Start!) Last and definitely not least, all those stupid advertising jingles like the one for Empire which Angi completely botched. All that stuff, forget it and make room for new stuff like that time I was nice on the radio yesterday for the first time in four years.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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For you mother, Danzagg Rocket ninetyfive to five. It's for Friday.
We made it. Oh, wemade it. Good morning, how you
doing Auntie Taylor's Show? Good morningto the roadies. Hello, thank you
for being up with us. Goodmorning, Maris, Good morning, Little
Stayday, yeod morning, Angie,Good morning, Brighton Early Friday. Ooh,

I love Fridays on the show.A big day every Friday. Metallica
tickets Today. We got a frontrow VIP upgrade today too. Yes,
Sammy Hagar ticket Rocky the Rooster withone thousand dollars keyword first one after eight
am, thirteen times a day.You're shot at one thousand bucks Minnesota.
Barb's here with your hot dish andwhatever. You can text us call us

at anytime eight four four, nineninety five fifty Hit us up, tell
us what's going on with you?What are your weekend Plans's going to be
eighty and sunny today again it isthe ut Fall, you know what.
Competition is needed in the Olympics andshould be added when they come to the
United States. What's up something witha chainsaw Friday? How did I forget?

How could I forget? There's somany other things happening today. The
most important thing chain saw Friday.Don't call you for the chainsaw, but
we have one before ten am andthen free chainsaws all day because we're stupid
like that and we love to giveaway chainsaws. Yes, U said responsibly,
all right, it's Friday. Let'sget this thing going. First thing
we do every day. First songis a kick in the crotch. It's

the five am kicking the crotch onthe Angie Dealer show Rock because you need
to wake up, put your hairon fire. It's a freaking weekend,
man, and it's solar fire,fire fire, Slier my friend is a

kick in the crotch. U BeanKing cares who layer kick. It's a
good way to start the weekend.All right, it's Rock and Rome.
We're gonna tell you what happened onthis day, or look back in history.
Everything that happened is next Rock ninetyfive to five. It's a nice
day to rock out with us onRock ninety five to five. Beautiful Friday

on deck today. It's one ofthose fridays where you go out to lunch,
you know, take a lunch break, and you just don't go back
to work. That is exactly howI feel today, yep, eighty and
Sunday. Today, Let's tell youwhat happened on this day. Today is
July twenty sixth, twenty twenty four. On this day, July twenty sixth,

nineteen sixty one, Gary Sharon wasborn. He is sixty three today.
Ex singer of Van Halen, theThird and Extreme unless you count Eddie
sun Wolfgang. Gary is the onlymember of Van Halen who wasn't inducted into
the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I feel like every time a band
loses a lead singer, Gary Sharonis the dude, and he kind of

like plugs the hole for a littlebit, but he doesn't stay the dude
ever. He's just a filling.He's a filler. He's a filler singer.
A little fluffing between there. Yeah, every birthday on this day.
In nineteen ninety nine or ninety one, Jeez Paul Rubins aka Pee Wee Herman
was arrested inside an adult movie theaterin Sarasota, Florida. He was accused

of exposing himself twice during the showingof hit film Tiger Shark. He pleaded
no contests and got off with fiftydollars fine and courk costs. He was
so ostracized for that. But he'san adult and he's in like an adult
movie theater, which is like,you know, porn. What do you

think people do in there? Thatwas why I was kind of like,
what was the situation here and whydid they point him out? I think
it was because that was during thetime of like, you know, pee
wee Herman was really appealing to kids. Yeah, and he was appealing to
kids, and so people are like, oh, what a perv. You
know you do all this work forkids. It's like, well, he's
a grown man. Yeah, andhe's in a sex theater like whoa,

and he's supposed to do there justsit and eat his popcorn. This storyline
is great. Yeah. Also onthis day in twenty fifteen, Whitney Houston's
daughter, Bobby Christina Brown died sixmonths after being found face down in her
bathtub. That was too time forthat whole fan. That was horrible,
Like your mom dies in the tub, then you die in the tub,

and then they try to keep heralive. They had her life support for
six months, way too long,Way too long. And Today's Florida Man
Florida man arrested on dui charge afterdriving scooter into Walmart shouse. To know
you can get a dui and ascooter, Yes you can. It's a
vehicle, moving vehicle. Yeah,it's good to know for when I get
my hip replacement and I'm in ascooter one day. Okay, that's what

happened on this day. It's Rockninety five to five. Don't get better,
baby, No it does not.It's Rock ninety five to five Ertelo
Show, Happy five day. Youknow, there's a new thing, this
crazy new thing and epidemic here inChicago, an epidemic. So many rideshare

bikes, dibby bikes are ending upin the lake. I don't know if
this is like a TikTok challenge orsomething, but there's tons of bikes rideshare
bikes in the lake. That seemslike a lot of extra work. Yeah,
so, like because you got toyou can't just drop it in the
lake. You got to go andput it out in the lake. Those
things are heavy. But there's allthese swimmers that are in the lake that
are like, there's so many bikesin the water, and now these swimmers

are getting together to do something aboutit, organizing a group of divers to
pull the bikes out of the water. They call themselves the Alternative Anglers Association.
Oh my goodness, So you're fishingfor bikes, you're not fishing for
walleye or whatever. Tell me yourboy without telling me your boy. Right.
But it's nice though, I mean, it's good. It's good that
they're doing it. They said,it's just a rope. It's like an

old climbing rope with a carabiner anda figure eight not and then they just
dive in and clip it wherever theyneed to and pull them out. You
know, Divvy began all the bikeshere in like twenty thirteen. It's a
staple. You know, everybody usesthe Divvy bikes. But they think it's
teenagers and it's like a cheap thrillfor them because there's no consequences. It's

not their bike, it's just arandom bike and they can throw it in.
I'm surprised Divvy isn't able to trackthat back to the last customer.
That's the other thing too, isthat that's a good question. They have
those bio tracking or geotracking, geotracking things, but they're saying that some
of these bikes, like the batteryand stuff, It's like if it's leaking

into the water and getting into theecosystem, it's like not good for the
lake. No, I got itas a former triathlete that swam that like
like a million times five five ofthat maris yes, But swimming in like
Michigan is no fun. Like alongwhere people would throw the bikes. I
mean you're swinging through like use condoms, hypodermic nerdles, dead fish floating around,

nerdles, all of those, andnow bikes. So don't throw the
bikes in the lake. Nerdles soundsomething like you'd run into a comic con.
But I love that. I ama nerdle and you are a nerdle
too. Thank you. We're allnerdles. Can you not throw the bikes
in the lake. Please, pleasestop. Let's just keep everything pretty.
This is why we can't have nicethings around here. I'm going to tell
you what's up for your day injust a minute, news an info that

you need. Next here we arerocking you on your Friday eighties day.
Sunny, beautiful, great Friday,beautiful way to kick it off. Thank
you for being here. It's ChainsawFriday too. Don't forget let me tell
you what's up for your day.Angie will now fill your brain with the
right amount of craft for your day. Here's what's up, Okay. The

Summer Olympics are now underway, withthe opening ceremony happening today. The opening
ceremony, by the way, ishappening at twelve thirty and then again at
six point thirty for they're rebroadcasting itfor primetime because they're over there in front.
Over ten thousand athletes from two hundredand six different nations will compete.

There are three hundred and twenty nineevents across thirty two sports, including four
sports they're testing out this year newones surfing, YEP, skateboarding, sport
climbing, and break dancing. Herewe go. Oh yes, Now,
if you've watched the Olympics in thepast, you know Ali Raisman the gymnastsas

do you remember when her parents becamea meme for how intensely they were watching
her perform. Of course, well, NBC took note, so they're adding
a new feature this year. NBC'sgoing to be putting heart rate monitors on
competitors' parents. Year they do,then showing the results on screen as they
watch their child take on the biggestchallenge of their sports careers. What not

smart? What What if somebody hasa heart attack? That's exactly why this
is not smart. It won't beevery athlete. They're just trying to find
another way to gamify this broadcast panninganother layer. Pecock's gotta make themselves resourceful
right now, you know it wouldbe better like a yellow graphic that shows

when the swimmers are peeing in thepool. While they're swimming, you see
a big yellow line coming behind them, like he's paying in the pool.
Yes, so we're We've got theOlympics on right now and here watching France
and Columbia play soccer. Okay.Southwest Airlines has been in the news a

lot lately. Now they're shifting toassigned seating for the first time in history,
a change It will allow the lowfare carrier to charge a premium for
some of the seats on its planes. I'll also start offering overnight red eye
flights for the first time, whichwill improve efficiency going to LA to New
York or wherever. So Southwest saidthat customers really wanted these changes, and

we'll see. I mean, Ifeel like it's just going to raise prices,
that's all it's going to do.It is, but I also don't
hate it. And Southwest used tobe cheap, but now it's on par
with everybody else. There's like,here's your forty nine dollars flight to a
city you don't want to go to. Yeah, but everything else four hundred
and fifty dollars there. It isall right. Finally Mara's Finally, dragons,

Jedis, and chefs can all bepaid in one fell swoop I'm proud
of at a reduced rate. Startingout, the new Disney Plus, Hulu
and Max streaming bundle goes on salein the US, allowing eligible new and
existing subscribers to bundle the three streamingservices for sixteen ninety nine a month.

That's with ads, uh huh,or twenty nine ninety nine a month without
ads, so thirty bucks a month. If you don't want ads now,
then you have to take into accountall the other streaming services you have,
your netflixes and your Apple Plus andall of that. Right, we all
cut the cord back, then,we all cut the cable cords. Bring
the cord back, Yeah, becausethe cable was getting so expensive. Now

the streaming is getting so expensive.It's crazy. But enjoy. That's what's
up for your day. Thanks forbeing with us today, Rock Naughty five
to five, Alice and Rock ninetyfive to five. Good Friday morning.
I'm gonna get the hell out ofhere. I saw I saw a Minnesota

bar in the hallway. She's gota Sony discman on. I think she's
probably listening to her now CD.Oh. I don't know, but she's
got some hot dish for your roadiesand she is next Rock naety five to
five. Angie Taylor used to workin a bait shop in Minnesota, and
now our former boss is demanding onairtime. Here's the hot yeah with Minnesota

barn. Let's talk about sex,baby, let's dump about you and me.
I'm not even surprised anymore. Howyou doing? But I'm good.
Let's talk about all the good thingsand the bad things. He marras.
I'm just impressed your CD players stillworking. Oh it's my Sony discmand Oh
excuse me, I'm sorry. Amn. Right, Happy Friday, Happy Friday.

I got some hot dish for yourroadies. All right, what you
guys, So the Olympics are underway. Yes, did you know that your
very own Angie Taylor is going toParis to compete in some of the events.
I didn't. Yeah, Oh,I guess she's a triathlete. Well,
has nothing to do with this.Oh goodness. Here's some of the

events you can find Angie on peacockin the Olympics. Okay, First one,
shuttlecock. You might be thinking aboutthe bad mitton Birdie thing. No,
this is where she goes on theshuttles and gives handies to the athletes
on their way to Olympic village.Oh, I thought it was gonna be
a good Friday. Another one,hooking. Hooking. You might think this

is the weightlifting move when they gripthe bar. No, this is Angie
in the village with the three hundredthousand condoms doing what she does best.
We think she'll get the gold onthat one. Well, that's what you
think she's gonna get. Yeah,Okay, breaststroke, Oh goodness, bar.
You might think I'm talking about swimming. No, not swimming. Huh.
This is where they post her upin front of the track starting line

and the athletes all go rub herFranken boobs for good luck. Kind of
like the tree trunk at show timeat the Apollo. Oh my god,
bar clean and jerk. Oh,I know this is gonna be messed up.
You might be thinking of the weightlifterspushing up big weight. No,
but it does involve Angie jerking andcleaning the weightlifters. Oh my god.

Then afterwards she does a dismount,extends bull with her arms and awaits her
score. Some moan Biles could neverI would hope not. This is next
level left us us a sorry.Are you cheering for Angie in this situation?

Oh? Yeah, I want tosee her win the gold. I
think she I think she will bethe highest medaling Olympian and all of the
Olympics. Oh my goodness, ussight you get out of here. Lap
at ninety five to five. That'sac DC. Hello, Good morning,
Auntie Taylor Show. I know there'saunties and uncles in the room. Yes,

happy aunt and uncle Day. Iknow this was a thing. It
is a thing, Aunt and UncleDay. I know. Prisentat, you're
a fun call. You love yournephew. You Maris, I know,
are an uncle. How many niecesnephews you have? I have one niece
one nephew, one niece, onenephew. What about you prison at just
one new hp Are you a auntie? No? Okay, a confusion there.

Oh my gosh, I have fivenieces and nepha five nice. All
right. Well, thanks to theelection, the aunts and uncles who don't
have kids of their own are inthe news right now. Uh. This
research poll was about the top reasonspeople don't have kids. So you love
being an auntie or an uncle,but you're like, mm, I don't
want to have kids, and that'sokay. That is totally okay if you

don't want to have kids because havingkids is hard and it's expensive. It's
a whole thing, all of it. Here's the number one reason, I
just don't really want kids. Valid. Fifty seven percent of people who don't
plan to have children said, yeah, I just don't want them. Number
two I want to focus on otherthings. Number three concerns about the state
of the world. Valid, it'svery valid. Number four, I can't

afford to raise a child. Itis so expensive. I think that's the
surprise is a lot of people youwant kids, maras I do. You'd
be such a good day fairly takingcare of myself right now, be the
best dad. You'd be playing videogames with your kids and going to all
the Marvel stuff and like comic comwith your kids. Would be awesome.
It would be fantastic. Just intime, in time, it will happen.

Another one concerns about the environment.Another person said, I haven't found
the right partner twenty four percent.With that, I think a lot of
people skip that stuff. That's veryimportant. As somebody who had a partner
with her child and that partner turnedout to be crazy, I say it's
very important because you do have tosee that person the rest of your life,

the rest of your life. Peoplejust don't like children. They had
negative experiences with their own family growingup. Medical reasons including infertility or that
your spousor partner does not want kids. The top reason people over the age
of fifty gay for never having kidswas it just never happened. That's all
right, hey, fair assessment.I get very jealous sometimes of dinks.

All double income too, dual income, no kids, You go dans,
Oh my god, now that thebaby has flown the coop, where dinks
again? It feels great? Thanksfor listening. Is Rock ninety five to
five Pumpkin is smashing up y'all.Beautiful Friday eighty and sunny today, Beautiful

Angie Taylor Show, Good morning.Do you ever feel like your brain is
at full capacity and you wish youcould just like forget some of the random
junk that's in there? Are youlooking in my brain right now? Taking
up space? Yeah, there's nonsensehappening at all times. There's a list
on the Internet of the most uselessthings that people have memorized over their lifetimes.

Chances are you can relate. Here'ssome of the best ones. Old
phone numbers from your childhood that don'texist anymore. Yeap, one thousand percent.
I still remember my grandparents' phone numberup in seven seven three nine one
seven because they had it for liketwenty years, and that was before you
had to do the area code.Oh yeah, yeah, I still remember
that. Never forget those, yep, old friend's birthdays, like from high

school. I don't remember how I'veforgotten most of those. Yeah, I
only remember one girl because we hadthe same birthday. Oh yes, remember
though. No it's not old lockercombos. No, don't remember that.
I never even remember those. WhenI was in school. I always forgot
my locker combination in high school.We kept the same lockers all four years.

Oh each at the beginning of eachschool year, I have to go
to the council. I'm like,what is it? Yeah, never remember
it your old classroom seating chart.I feel like it was different in every
class. Yeah. One person said, I remember my third grade teacher's favorite
color. I remember my third gradeteachers crush, celebrity crush because she had
a framed picture. This is goingto aige me. She had a framed

picture of Magnum p i oh onher desk. Tom Selleck, Yes,
the first Wi Fi password that youhad. No, Okay, the alphabet
backwards. I can do it,but I got to think that sounds like
a cop test. Would do uI pull over, like, do it

what it absolutely is. But that'sa trip up because then people say,
well, I couldn't even do that. Sobers you're drums all the US presidents
in order. No, that's souseless. I can remember the US states
in order. Alabama, Alaska,Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Wait,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho,

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, andthen I forget. I can remember
them all, and then I forget. How does spell Mississippi? Am I
SSI s s I PPI. That'sright. Yeah, the rules of baseball
what I mean, that's just consistent, Like if you're still a fan of
baseball, you got to remember thatstuff. If you've worked in a grocery

store produce codes like forty eleven isbananas. Yeah, I could see that
being something ingrained in your head.How to play hot Cross Buns on a
recorder? Oh, the recorder,but that's not hard though. You were
in marching band though, Yes,prison Chat was in Marching Bound and you
played the what the zuzophone would hud, the zuzophone, the marsh mellowphone,

the mellophone, mellophone. Okay.I had to play chopsticks on the piano.
The theme song to The Fresh Princeof bel Air. Oh yeah,
that's just a lot of fun,A story all about how my life got
flip turn up, so down.The second part the macarena that's never gonna

go. We had to do thatin gym class. You did. Yeah,
it was a whole thing. Idon't know why, it's crazy.
I still remember the macarena yeah.The codes for special moves or cheats in
video games all day give it tous, pop up, down, down,
left, right, left, fright, ab ab start there you go.
And the advertising jingles like j GWentworth eight seven seven cash now or

eight hundred for a eight two threehundred or eight eight Empire today? Is
it four eight hundred something five eightday five eight day to three hundred Empire
today? Eight seven seven seven carsfor kids? It is five eight eight

to three hundred Empire today. Thereit is my bath. It's all good.
Happy Friday roadies drop that time.Oh yeah, that's the sound you've
been waiting to hear. It's chainsawFriday, Free changs off Friday, all
day today, first one of theday. You want it, you can

have it. Eight four four fiftycallar eleven. You got the chainsaw bock
ninety five five off spring. Goodmorning. Let me talk to Alisha from
Oswego. Alisha, Hi, howyou doing good? How are you doing
great? Thank you for listening.You got the chainsaw? Hell? Yeah,

hell yes, Alisha? Why didyou want a chain saw so bad?
My husband doesn't let me use toYou guys can have chainsaw fights like
you're you know Star Wars, Ohmy God, composition, Yes, tree
chopping. You should do the chainsawOlympics at your house, the Lumberjack Olympics

this weekend with your chain sauce gayMan. Yes, Alisha, you have
a great weekend. Thank you,thank you, thank you, love you
too. Thank you for listening.Hang a little prison tab will get your
chainsaw and more chainsaws. All dayis Rock ninety five to five. Everclaire,
It's Rock ninety five to five.Good morning, y Friday from me.

It's so freaking weekend. Baby madeit, Kadie and Sunny today.
I love it. So Sometimes weget emails to the show. I got
an email that I wanted to bringup. Okay. It says, hey,
Auntie and Crewe, good morning.My name is Richie. I'm from
Gurnee. I'm a longtime fan ofthe show and wanted to get everybody's opinion

on something. So. I've beenmarried for six years. I have a
great wife, two kids. Justthe other day, I was talking to
an old friend from high school andshe brought up my girlfriend from back in
the day to tell me what shewas up to. To be honest,
I hadn't thought about her in along time, and I haven't seen her
since the end of my freshman yearin college when we broke up. So

it ends up she's a disaster andjust ended her second marriage. I found
out her first marriage was to aguy who I vaguely knew in high school
that she was apparently cheating on mewith while we were in college, and
I got really pissed about it.The reason I got so mad is I
remember her always accusing me of cheating, okay on her, and I never

did. Meanwhile, she had anotherrelationship going on for an entire year while
we were together. So I tellmy wife this story, and now my
wife is mad at me for caringso much and being upset. And you
messed up, She said, Ishouldn't care about what happened with any other
woman in my past. So amI in a hole for being upset that

an old girlfriend cheated on me eventhough I'm married and happy with two kids?
After you said that she operating pinndivorced twice. You won, You
won that battle. Yeah, Butlike, but he's upset? No,
absolutely no, I think I meanI might have a twinge of like that
mother eff Like, I don't knowthat I would carry it, you know,

for a long time, but inthe moment, and especially like if
I if I found out that abouta guy that I dated, that they
cheated on me for a whole year, and I told my husband about it,
and I was like annoyed. Ifeel like it's normal to be like
a little annoyed. Like I'm notobviously, I'm not going to be like
I'd be wondering how I wouldn't havenoticed anything like that, But like if

I'm obviously in the winning situation,out of that, I don't care.
You're in the winning situation. Butthat's not the that's not the issue here.
The issue is you told your wifeabout it. Oh no, and
your wife is mad at a moveright there. You shouldn't have You and
your friend should have had that conversation. It shouldn't have trailed over to your
wife right to let her know.Yeah, yeah, I mean, I
don't think the wife should be madthat he is a little irked by it.

I don't think she should be madbecause I feel like she would be
mad too. There's nothing you coulddo about it. You're obviously not gonna
stew about it. I mean,your happy life is good, but at
the same time, it's like,that's a kick in the dick, Like
really to find that after all this, it's a flick in the arm.
It's a flick in the arm.Okay. Would you okay, if your

spouse, your partner, whoever itis, was irked by this, would
you get mad at them for beingmad? Would you get mad at them
for being mad? I'd wonder whythey were trying to hang on to it
in this moment. I guess ifmy husband came to me and was like,
oh, I found out so andso cheated on me for like a
year, I'd be like the bitch, you know what? Yeah, like
I'm obviously on your team. Iwould be on his team and like supporting.

But at the same time, I'dbe like, Okay, can we
be over this today? Do wehave to see about it? We don't
need to take this through the weekend. Let's take a shot and keep it
moving, right, Okay, Sowhat do you guys think? Would you
be mad if your partner was madthat you were mad? I know that
sounds like a lot. Or ifyour partner was mad about it, would

you be mad at them for beingmad about it? Eight four four ninety
five fifty somebody, call and tellme how you would feel. How would
you feel maybe it's happened to you. I don't know. I wouldn't be
mad, but if he talked aboutit more than one day, I'd be
like, all right, that's enough, it's enough with the X eighty four
four nine ninety five fifty. Somebody, we'll get tickets to see Sammy Hagar

as we play Van Halen. SammyHagar playing all the Van Halen's Call now
Man Helen Rock ninety five to five. All right. We got an email
that I want to hear your opinionon from a listener named Richie from Gurney.
Long story short. He's happily married, has a couple of kids with
this woman, happily married was talkingto her friend and found out that his
ex girlfriend was cheating on him forlike a year when they were together,

and he's pissed about it. He'spissed about it. Now told his wife
about it, and she's like,now the wife is mad, Like why
are you mad about it? Itwas so long ago. But I can
understand like a little twinge of likewhat an ale? But I want to
know what your thoughts are Let's goto Bob from Chicago. Hey, Bob,
Hey there, how are we doingAngie to show love you too?

Bob? What do you think aboutthis? Well? I think he has
a right to be upset. Iwant to say pissed. But the upset
part comes in where he was deniedthe fact that he would know that she
would tea for a year. Shegot away with it for a year.
She would bother me the most.Yeah, because I upset me. I
agree. I feel like I wouldbe sitting there like connecting dots and looking

back on that year. Yeah,or like when did this happen? How
did it happen? Right? Ipassed me. You start putting it all
together, like oh yeah, likeshe was gone for a whole weekend and
I didn't see her, that shewas probably with this dude or whatever.
I think I would be questioning myfriends that might have known a little bit
more, Yeah, and why theykept it hidden from me. Yeah,
but then you go down a rabbithole and now you're thinking too much about

it. Bob, good comment.Hang on the line, Okay, Bob,
hang on, everybody, hang onbecause somebody's gonna get tickets to Sammy.
Let's go to Tim from Aurora.Hi Tim, Hello, Hello.
Oh your thoughts okay? Chris fromin Chicago is on the line. Good

morning, Chris, Good morning,good morning. What are your thoughts?
Two of them? One is thatif someone's trust is broken, it's obviously
very painful, and so to theextent that he had this trust broken,
he should be able to exhibit it. But my second point is that his
wife should be appreciative of the factthat he wants to share what's going on

in his life, and it's unfortunatethat she doesn't want to hear what's going
on with him, and that's howrelationships are made and broken by this ongoing
communication. So I think she shouldreally look in the mirror and say,
hey, my husband's communicating with me. I think that that's a good thing.
No, I agree with that too, because as adults that are happy,

happily married, you can look backon these relationships and kind of laugh
about it, but you can alsounderstand how somebody would be like, wow,
I feel like an idiot, likeshe was cheating for a year,
Like yeah, I don't think itshould be an ongoing thing. But to
be able to talk to your bestfriend who's supposed to be your spouse about
it would be cool, Chris,great comment. Hang on the line.
Let's go to John from Law.Hey, John, Hey, how you

doing doing great? What are youthinking? What am I thinking? Now?
We're about the same age. Inmy world of wisdom, I think
man are inherently stupid when it comesto topics like that. Talk about it,
daddy, lay it on me.This is going John, leave that

stuff alone and said in the past, who cares? You're like bears said,
you're winning, you won the battle. Who cares? Of course?
Of course, like in real likein today, in the moment, you
can say, I am so happilymarried, everything is great, but there's
a part of there's a part ofeither it's gonna sting a little. Don't
you think I'd had to be putin the situation? But I guess I

could see where you're coming from aswell. Yeah, if you're like with
somebody for a year, I mean, I found out that a dude was
cheating on me with one of myfriends that were fighting. But I found
out way after the fact, andI was fine with like I dumped him,
but I found out he was cheatingwith one of my friends and I
was like, oh, I wasmad at both of them, you know,
but and I didn't care to getback with him. I didn't miss

him. I didn't want that relationship. But at the same time, I
was kind of like, that's someof the bitch, right, you know.
It stings a little stings a little. May had been younger and I
found out younger, I would doit bother me more. But you know,
yeah, for sure, then what'sthe one I'm went for twenty years?
So there you go. Before that, it just doesn't even matter.

Yeah, Like John, like yousaid, we get to a certain age,
we have a certain age with ourcertain seasonings. We let that stuff
roll off us. Hey, John, I'm gonna send you to Sammy Hagar.
Man. You know what, I'mnot even gonna be Okay, go
ahead and slide those tickets onto thenext Hey, thank you so much for

telling me. I will slide themto somebody else. Let's go back to
Bob from Chicago. Bob, Hey, how's it going. It's going good.
I'm gonna slide you these Sammy Hagartickets. Oh wow, tell that
guy, I said, thanks,I appreciate that. Well, he just
heard you. He just heard you. Yeah, you got to. You
got a pair of tickets to seeSamy Hagar with lover Boy Best of All

Worlds Tour. That is Saturday,August third, that's a week from tomorrow,
Credit Union One Ampitheater. You havea great time, Bob Oh.
I'm going to thank you so much. You guys, You're so welcome.
It's gonna be a great show.He's doing all the van Hale and stuff,
all the van Hagar. Have ablast. Anybody else that wants to
go. Tickets on sale now Livenation dot com. Thank you for the
calls. It's fucked Naughty five tofive. It's the gem Man, It's

Pearl job Rock ninety five to five. It is time for you to send
your texts in whatever you're thinking about, whatever you want to know, questions
for the show, comments, thoughtson anything we're talking about. Oh,
what are you doing this weekend?You want to shout somebody out? Get
us a text right now. Eightfour four nine ninety five to fifty.
We read your text every day becausewe want to know what's on your mind,

and I will read them next.Send them in now eight four four
ninety five to fifty. Let's takesome calls. From the request line.
Okay, I'm calling them on one. Thank you roadies. We love you.
Happy Friday. All the texts arein. You can keep sending him.
We read them all the time.Eight four four, ninety five to
fifty. Let's go from nine totwo zero area code says Hey Angia,

Maris recently moved into this area.Finally find a morning show for my drive
home. You guys are the best. Thanks for making my morning drive home
tolerable. Thank you for listening.Thank you. Welcome to one. Nine.
I brushed my tongue too deep thismorning and threw up. It was
awful. Oh thank you for thatone. You even got no gag reflex.

Clearly there's a whole gag right there. I don't have a gag reflex.
Six to through zero. Good morning, Angie and Maris. I hope
you have an amazing Friday. Ihave to tell you, Angie, if
I was a couple of decades younger, I think I'd take a run at
you. You're just freaking awesome.I don't think you have any idea how
you make my week and weekends awesome. Just hearing you on the radio.
Thank you for everything you guys doyou boyfriend. I'd love to take you

out to dinner, and of coursewe'll have to take Jason. That's from
Joseph humble friend. Joseph, that'snice to invite Jason. My husband doesn't
have to come. I can havefriends, you know, I can go
out to dinner with friends. WhatJason, Yeah, yeah, exactly,
We'll take Jason Brown, Lou HadRody and Marris's mute. It's good morning,

y'all. Yo. You guys crackedme up yesterday with your ten o'clock
toast. But we all want toknow. Did Angie shut off the power
when she got home to get into get it in a little extra dose
of vitamin D H No? Oh, the comments that they were turning the
power off. My husband was like, well, what are we gonna do.
I'm like, we're gonna get youknow, get it in. But
then by the time I got homeand the power was back on. So

life just went on as usual.Eight one to five. I'm planning to
go to NIU. Did you goto NIU? I went to Bradley University,
okay, and I I have tomeet with an advisor data to set
up my classes. What are yourguys' opinions on college. It depends on
what you're studying, honestly, becausethere's ways around getting to where you want
to be quicker than college if youdon't need it. Some people have the

opinion that colleges and for everybody,it just depends. I think it depends.
Seven seventy three. Oh my god, can I be the head roady
of Nerdles? If you missed itearlier, I referred to Needles as Nerdles.
Yes, you can call it.Nine o'clock, sixth th to ye
ol. Red Hive Market is celebratingHarry Potter's birthday tomorrow from eleven to four

merits. I appreciate Harry Potter,but I am not that much of a
pothead. You don't get into potterrotica or anything potter rotica. Oh you
don't know about potter rotica. Whatdo you want to tell me about potter
rotica? Angie? There are fanfiction Harry Potter erotic books out there.
Yes, I got that. Ithought you actually into it, all right,
No, of course not. Iwatch Regular People Born. What am

I stupid? Eight one to five, Good morning, Angie and big m
Your show is very addictive. Thisis Mike from Bloomingdale. Listen to you
guys from the time I get inmy truck from five am until around two
o'clock. Keep pumping up the gems. Love your show. Thank you.
Okay, so we were talking aboutRichie from Gurney, the email that he
sat about. He's happily married,has two kids, but he found out

that his college girlfriend cheated on fora year. He just found out.
He told his wife about it,and now she's pissed at him because he's
pissed about it. Two one nine, Hey, Angie and Bob from Bourbonet.
As far as that girl cheating onthat guy, that's why she's been
married twice. She's a cheater.Let it go. Six three zero says
hearing that when if you look backand start questioning a lot of your decisions,
last and current relationship to a night, I'm a man, and I'm

going to tell you men are inherentlystupid when it comes to stuff like that.
Okay, Final one six through zero, Hey, Angie and Maris,
Listen, that guy has a rightto voice what happened, but if he's
happily married with two kids, he'sgot to let it go. He can
talk to her drop it after that, but don't keep hanging on. I
agree, have a great weekend.Thank you for the text. I'm going
to tell you what's up for yourday, News and info next Rock ninety

five to five, Oasis on Rockninety five to five. Happy Friday.
We made it to the freaking weekend. I want to live through the weekend.
Can you make that happen for me? And don't kill Angie? If
you keep me alive, I'm goingto send you to Metallica, Baby Metallica,
Yes, and you'll be qualified forthe front row VIP upgrade. Calling

out of Play eight four four ninefive ninety five to fifty. Don't Kill
Angie is to choose your adventure gameto hopefully get Angie safely the Friday,
Big or bad, but be careful. One wrong move will kill Angie.
Killie. And it's only on Rock. It's the last day for you to

get your Metallica tickets on Don't KillAngie. And it's a beautiful day,
adye and sunny today. I wantto live. Let me talk to Dan
from Norwich. Hi, Dan,Hey, how's it going? Aw is
going gray? What do you gotgoing on today? Not much? Just
at work? What do you dofor work? I am a twenty five
press operator, a twenty five hundredton testes operator, test operator. It's

a forgy company for steel. Ohyeah, steal man, I understand that.
Cool. It's cool, Dan,A lot of big heavy steel Like,
yeah, all right, So youare playing Don't Kill Angie. I
hope you win today because it's Metallicatickets. Okay, well I'm looking for
them. All right, let's doit. Take it away our narrator,

Burdlease, Hero and a half shell, the Turtle King. It's Mars,
yes, Dan, and welcome toDon't Kill Angie. The Olympics. I've
kicked off today. Yes, there'sa lot of new competitions this year,
with things like surfing and breaking cool. Angie is headed to to Paris today
as an alternate athlete for a coupleof different competitions, and she gets to

choose which one, now, Dan, which competition should Angie compete in?
Sword swallowing or joint rolling? Oh? I feel like I could bring home
the gold in both of those,Dan, which one should I do?
I think the one you would reallyget gold for is the joint rolling.
Joint rolling. Oh, apparently youdon't know about my sword swallowing skills,

Sir Dan, A fine choice,indeed, a fine choice. Indeed you
picked joint rolling. Let's go.Angie is very proud to represent the United
States of America in the twenty twentyfour Olympics. America. Man. She
pulls up to the event wearing theofficial Olympic tracksuit. Me, but this

is too cumbersome for this event,so she takes it off and exposes her
Olympic thong. Like it. Oh. The crowd is booing. Oh,
you don't like that. They're throwingthings at her as well. They are
not happy you are. Say sheis bringing shame to our country. Love.

The crowd then hits her within andthe Olympic cauldron of fire. Oh
look a closure to fire. Ohmy goodness, she's on fire. Dan.
I'm so sorry, but you killedAngie. Oh no, man,
Dan, the Olympic cauldron of firefell on me. Damn it. Not

sorry. I'm sorry, Dan.That's all right. You're still qualify for
our grand price. All right,that's something good. Oh was that that
would be the screaming got ticket Ferry. Yeah, that is the screaming go
ticket Perry. Muchacho. That iswho that is. Name, just getting

screaming, go ticket ferry muchacho?That is it? Dan? You got
it? You got the Metallica tickets. Yes, and this is the best
part. Not only do you havethe tickets to the M seventy two World
Tour at Soldier Field August eleventh,you are also qualified for a front row
upgrade that we're gonna pull in likea half hour. And you're one of

only five people qualified because it's onlybeen the winners this week. So your
chances are good, okay, Dan, Oh they're very good. You got
a one in five chance. Allright, hang on the line, prison
tat We'll get you all hooked up. Thank you to Crime and Live Nation.
If you want tickets, go toticketmaster dot com for and thank you

for play saying don't kill Angie.Execution was an order, and now we
pray for Angie Soul and whatever's leftof Angie Soul. Rock ninety five five
you belong here. Yes, allthe creeps, all the losers, all
the weirdos. Yes, it's Rockninety five to five. You found your
home and it's ninety five minutes commercialfree going on right now. Hey,

how you doing Angie Taylor's show?So all this week, every day during
Don't Kill Angie. Everybody that wonDon't Kill Angie got tickets to Metallica.
But everybody was also qualified to frontrow of Metallica. So now I have
to find somebody to win these frontrow tickets that qualified. Let's go to

talk to one of the winners.Is this Amber from Elgin? This is
Amber? Hell? Are you guys? Good morning? Amber? Were your
winner from yesterday? Amber? Iwas indeed, yes, And I remember
you telling us that your husband's birthdayor fiance's birthday is August eleventh, which
is yes, Yes, thirty oneyears old, old man, thirty old

girl? What watch it? Youwatch it right now? I'm thirty years
younger than him, So that's whyI get to calm old and he's a
little gray. That's cute, though, guys look cute. And this is
how it feels when I call youold. Yes, this is how it
feels. It feels that way.So Amber, you qualified for front row
of Metallica and you're a winner?No? No, no, yes,

yes, oh my gosh, yes, thank you guys so much. Hell,
Yes, Amber, are you andyour man? What's your what's your
fiance's name? Mike? Mike,You and Mike MiG Mike are going to
be front row at Metallica on hisbirthday August. I love, Oh my
gosh, this is incredible to thinkyou guys, so you thank you now?

Did you tell did you already tellhim that you won tickets to Metallica.
He was listening when I was playingso and everyone in his office was
crowded around him because they never believelike that I'm on the radio. Ever,
I'm like, I call once ina while, you know, and
they're like, no, we don'tbelieve you. Right now. Yeah,
do you know if he's listening now, Well, he just texted me.

He goes and question mark question Markbecause I told him, I say,
prison CATU calls me. I'll letyou know. Yes, you and Mike,
Mike Mike our front row at Metallica. Have the best time ever.
Awesome, Thank you guys so much. I make sure to take a lot
of pictures and everything. I wasgonna say, take the pictures. Tag
us up. We can't wait tohear how it was. I mean,

I'm going to Metallica. I'm notgonna be in the front row though,
Oh no, come fine, notup. You have to at least come
stand up there with us for asong or two. I can't. They
won't let me out there. I'mtrapped. Oh no. If you see
me though, buy me a beerraAmber, anything you want, I will
buy you. You better be theretoo. He'll be there. I'll be

in the building. Yeah, wewill be there. Have a great time
you and Mike. Mike, andhappy birthday to him, And thank you
for listening. Amber. Hanging theline so we get more information from you
for the front row. That's gonnabe amazing. It's rock ninety five to
five. It's now time for RequestWars. Arm your torpedoes. Are you

sure we should do that? Yes, we're sure we should do that.
Hello, repair your best smacked offbecause this is gonna get real in about
a second. On the Angie TaylorShow, Request time to go to War?
Who Friday, Request Wars? Whois going to wear this belt going
into the weekend? Will it beme, the two time champion or will

it be Maris? You will findout because you will text us and vote
on which song you want to hear. Today's theme came from area code three
one two. Thank you for sendingin the themes. Send him in all
the time to eight four four ninetyfive to fifty three one two says,
hey, it's Olympics day. Doa battle of sports anthems? Done and
done. Okay, let's do abattle of sports anthems kicking off the Olympics

the right way. Because I'm thetwo time challenger champion, Maris, you
get to go first. Yeah.I went with an iconic Chicago anthem.
What Chicago sports anthem? Yes,And it's just one of the things I've
never seen people go so crazy thanwhen the Blackhawks score. What Chelsea dagger?

Come on? What Fortelli is Chelseadagger? Yes, very black Hawks,
very sports the Fortellies if you wantthat text a letter M to eight
four four ninety five fifty all right. I went a little different. I
went with a song that I feellike is the kickoff song to every football

game, you know, the veryjust kick off, it is always.
I feel like this song. Itis sports. Every sport has it,
but it's not rock. I decidedto f around and find out curveball.
Curveball, eminem lose yourself shot,you get one shot, Olympians. That's

right moment. I just got goosefungs. Think about the Olympians. One
shot, Baby Eminem, lose yourself. If that's your pick, text the
letter A to eight four four ninetyfive fifty, get them in. Let's
go. It's Friday. We're feelinggood. Ninety five minutes commercial free still

going on. Rock ninety five tofive. Yes, Rock ninety five to
five. It is ninety five minutescommercial free going on. I hope those
windows are down, and I hopethe radio is loud, because it's ninety
five minutes commercial free, all right. Today in Request Wars, we are
right in the middle of it andit is close three vote difference right now.

Every day, for like the lastmonth, these have been way too
tight, too close for covers.Good battle, good battles from three to
one two. The Request Wars themethat was suggested, It's Olympics Day.
Do a battle of sports anthems,all right, I'm the two time champion.
Maris went with the Blackhawks legendary forTelly's Chelsea Daggar. I mean we

all know it, the Fortells Shelfadega. If that's your pig tax the letter
M to eight four four ninety fivefifty went. I went rogue today,
I aft round and I'm gonna findout today because I didn't go Yeah,
I didn't go with the rock song, but I did go with a legendary
sports anthem, eminem lose yourself.You're surprised us as close as it is

right now. All right, ifyou want eminem lose yourself, text the
letter A to eight four four nine, five ninety five fifty. Let's vote.
Let's vote. Let's vote. Whois going to be the champion,
Who's wearing the belt going into theweekend. That's up to you. Get
your votes in Rock ninety five five. It's Rock ninety five to five ninety

five minutes, commercial free going on. Good Friday morning, gonna be eighty
and sunny today. Go just go, just wait to kick off the weekend.
Thanks for listening, all right today, Request Wars winter time. Uh.
The Request Wars theme that came infrom area code three one two said,
it's Olympics Day. Do a battleof sports anthems. We got some
sports anthems. Maris, you hadthe Fortelli's Chelsea Dagger Blackhawks all day.

I had. I twisted it upa little bit. I did Eminem lose
yourself because it's I feel like it'sa kickoff song to every football game.
It really is all right? Dowe have a winner today? I want
to thank everybody for the astronomical highnumber of fils today might have been the
most votes ever for Request Wars today. A lot of votes in today,

but your champion remains Angie. Ohoh, it makes three going into the
weekend. Are you guys gonna beokay? Here in a wrapper on Rock
nine fun right here we go.Thank you for all the votes. Hey,
give the people what they want.Eminem on Rock ninety five to five.

It is Rock ninety five to five. Good morning, Hello, it's
Friday. We're having a little funin here Angie Taylor's show. Thank you
so much for listening. Ninety fiveminutes commercial free still going on. Let's
go to the head of all theroadies, the secretary of the show.
Yesterday, we asked Jay the Gayto be nice in his report. It

was weird, and then we askedthe listener if they like nice Jay or
salty j Everybody voted salty salty.I don't think one person voted nice,
not a one. All right,so back to being an a hole.
Here is Jay the Guy. Goodmorning to you, my darling, Ding
dongs and happy chainsaw. Right now, listen, This might sound a little

ridiculous, but if you haven't tobe a team that listens to this show,
please note that the lake is forthrowing bodies into it, not divvy
bikes. Yes, right, Personally, I get it. Okay, they're
a bit aged, they're a bitworn down, and they've gotten sadder looking
with age. But if we threweverything that fit that description into the lake,

we wouldn't have a show to listento. Right now, so you're
saying that I am the old,dusty, old, sad and worn down.
Yes, so please just allow theLake to starre what they offer up
best, which is used condoms,discarded weapons, be victims of the smiley
faced aka Maris, and of coursehypodermic nerdles, hypodermic nordles. This smiley

face killer. That's a big accusation. Don't you put that on my mares?
He's now here killing men in theriver? No, no, of
course not what else? Also,in a absolutely hilariously ironic twist, a
person with the memory of a goldfishtold us a list of thing that people
want to forget this morning. Yeah, okay, now, early on to

Angie gave us a list of thingsthat included old phone numbers, where her
third grade teacher stashed the liquor,and of course the Empire Carpage, aingle
which she ended up watching anywhere.Now I should note, while all these
things are things you want to forget, you could be like the oldest woman
in the room who can barely rememberwhere she lives, which aliment is affecting
her that day, how many bottlesof wine she had that afternoon, but

has no problem giving you the name, age, and social security number of
every liquor barn employee and bartender inthe city. I have you notice that
a lot of this hatred today isspewing at me about my age. Yes,
as if I'm one hundred and fifty, all right, I'm not twenty.
But did you see the pictures wrong? When like the first car was
made? So you know, yousee the pictures of Jalo yesterday, it's

fifty five in her bikini looking amazing. Yeah that's not me. But did
you see him? We saw him? Just wondering if anybody saw this.
I think we saw sam Mahayak atthe Olympics too. Just well, she's
older than me. I don't looklike that either anyway. Where can we
find your notes every day? Oh? You jerk? You could find my
notes on Rock ninety five five chidot com and click on the Angie Taylor

tab. I think the listeners werewrong. I don't like Yeah, they
were wrong. Mean Jay is notfun. Makes me feel bad about myself.
I don't know what's going to happen. I feel like I broke my
hip when I this sing on theturnstyle. I think the other day my

hip is broken. Rock ninety fiveto five. It's time for the ten
o'clock toast on the Angie Taylor Show. Yeah, Angie's drinking at ten am,
joiner and a toast the fellow show. It's Friday, damn it.
It's a beautiful day, eighty andsunny today. Just show whatever you want,

Okay, today's ten o'clock toast.I am sending out to the magnificent
Mariss You. I don't know you, Boo never met him. What happened
one year ago? The show wasin crisis. My producer decided to get
a big head and bounced may herest in peace. Decided well, trying

to be nice over here. ThenMaros comes in and whips the show right
back in shape like the boss thathe is. It's not easy to go
through changes like show changes. Whenpeople leave. I mean, we all
get kind of attached to each otherbecause we wake up with each other every
day. We're family. I justwant to say the family is expanding because

I'm pregnant. There's going to bea new member joining the family soon.
However, that's not what this isabout. You're pregnant. I am pregnant.
How the yes, post metal puzzlepregnancy immaculus is a thing conception you
damn right. Oh my goodness,that's right, my mother Teresa Radio.
But Maris, you came in hereand you crushed it. I will never

forget it. It was the weekof Lollapalooza and you were like, oh
my god, I gotta do thisnew show, and then I got Lollapalooza
and all this stuff to do.So I want to thank you for making
an amazing year here on the radio. I know that Prison Tattoo and HP
have learned a lot from you.Yes, absolutely, and what would we

do without our Maris? Thank you? Yeah, I appreciate, but you're
welcome. My one year was lastweek on Tuesday. Wow. What you
had to do that. It's sofine. We are late. Are you
gonna tell me? Oh? Iwas sprinkling, I was sawdusting, and

I was like, all right,so what calendar invite now? Yes,
because I will forget everybody's birthdays.If we're having lunch today, if it's
your anniversary, there's a lot goingon. I was absolutely like, oh
yeah, like the day is comingup day calendar. I was like,

oh my gosh, it's gonna bea year and why didn't you say?
And then the day happened and wewere just like chucking through and I was
like, oh, yeah, youknow, it's been a year, and
Andrew were like, oh yeah,okay, Wow. I was like,
you know what, one year agotoday, Marris started one year ago.
However, congratulations on your one yearbecause now you're out. I don't like

your attitude last day. It's beena pleasure. It's been an absolute pleasure,
wild ride. It's wild and thefact that I'm still here functioning,
I'm impressed me too. Anybody putup with me for a year, am

I right? Jam listen, thankyou Maraso. For real, it's been
a it's been a fun, insane, crazy amount of work, but you
make it worth it every day.I'm sorry, I was. Can you
imagine if it was my wedding anniversaryand my husband was like, it's been
a crazy, insane amount of work. Is that hard? Isn't that hard?

But she's doing grace? Thanks?He does, Yo, he does,
but like, is that much workto work with me? Jay?
It's also been a pleasure to knowyou for a year now too, So
that's why I hope you guys stayin touch after it, because all y'all

are done the Fresh News show onMonday Andie Taylor and who knows who?
You got the pregnancy coming up,so I hope they come out talking what
you just said. You were pregnantwith your it's mine? Yes, was
I present for this? Well,you started a year ago and things be

incubating a little long. It's animmaculate conception. Like it's different. It's
not regular human incubation. You arethe fathers that's also pregnant with your baby.
Oh boy, I remember, Ohyou money money, money, money.
Sounds like an HR violation happened.That's on you, Okay, thank

you So shouldn't have roomed us likethat. Uh, we will be back
kidding. We'll be back. We'llbe back on Monday. I don't I'll
be back on I will guarantee youthat I'll be back on Monday, because
it's the Angie Taylor Show. Idon't know where. I don't know about
you, all your attitudes around here, especially you Jay the Gaye. What
are you cackling at? Walt isup next? No he's not. Where

is he now? I warned you. I know I've forgotten your anniversary.
O my god. Up next,Josh, Yes it's Josh Jacob Facility,
Jab the Facility. Josh is upnext. I don't remember anything. I
have very few memories, much likethe hair on Josh's head, there's very

few. Rocky the Rooster in minutesrock ninety five to five
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