Episode Transcript
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Rock ninety five to five. Goodmorning, It's Thursday almost at the weekend.
Auntie Taylor Show is on. What'sUp? Roadies? Hello, Good
morning, Maris, Good morning,Little the stinkiest of you are a steak.
Your little pot leaf hat. Mmhmmm is that a pot leaf?
It's a buckeye. It's a buck. Always a buckeye from the Ohio State,
Ohio State. God, Good morning, Roadies. How you feeling.
Thank you for being here today,in every single day today on the show.
Lots of great tickets. Metallica tickets, Yes, we have Metallica.
The show's coming up very soon.And you're also going to be qualified for
front row Metallica and we'll pull thattomorrow. Sammy Hagar tickets. Also,
Rocky the Rooster is here. He'shere thirteen times a day, dropping one
thousand dollars on you. Your firstkeyword is after eight am for one thousand
bucks. Text us anytime, callus anytime, eight four, four,
nine, five, ninety five tofifty. Gonna be a perfect day today,
eighty and Sonny love it. Ilove it. It's just been a
great week already. It's been great. It's gonna be a great couple of
days, So thank you for beingwith us. First thing we do every
morning to get you up and getyou ready for your day is kick you
in the crotch. It's the fiveAm kicking the crutch on the Antie Taylor
Show, Rock ninety five Legadath.Yeah, that's a good kick. Get
up, baby, Rock ninety fiveto five. Yes, the Symphony of
Destruction. It's Megadath. That isyour kick in the crotch. You're be
cack cat. You like it.You like it when I kick you in
the crotch. Yeah, I knowyou do. All right, Now you're
awake and you're ready to go.We're gonna tell you what happened on this
day. Our look back in historyis next Rock ninety five to five,
Padded Hat, A Harder Rock ninetyfive to five. How's it going,
Auntie Taylor Show. Let's tell youwhat happened on this day. Today is
July twenty fifth, twenty twenty four. On this day, July twenty fifth,
nineteen sixty seven, Matt LeBlanc wasborn. He's fifty seven today.
That's Joey on Friends. The funniestpart of Friends. Joey. Yeah,
yeah, he was pretty funny.Yeah, I like Phoebe two. Phoebe
was just that wacky space case friend. Well, I like the two of
them together. They were besties andthey were both equally stupid. Yeah,
it was kind of funny. Ohcomedic duo there not my favorite show,
but oh no, those two werecute. On this day, in nineteen
eighty, ac DC released their seventhalbum, Back in Black, with Shoot
to Thrill You Shook Me All Nightlong. Back in Black rock and Roll,
Ain't Noise pollution, and Hell's bellsheals baals. That's what our request
worse theme is. Today, inhonor of the release of Back in Black,
we're doing a Back in Black Battle, picking songs from that album.
Of the songs we have, well, we well find out later nine o'clock
on this day. In nineteen ninetynine, the overcrowded Woodstock ninety nine music
festival in Road, New York,ended in fires, looting, multiple sexual
assaults. That documentary is wild.Yeah, I watch it. I'm shocked.
I still haven't yet insane. Yougotta watch it. Yes, you
gotta watch Olympus. It just setsit all off and it goes crazy,
because it felt like at that pointit was just bubbling it was bubbling big
time. Nobody had food. Itwas one hundred degrees on the concrete,
no shelter, no shade, nonothing. So yeah, it was bubbling.
And today's Florida Man. Florida manattempts to get on a plane with
snakes in his pants. Come onmy plate. Uh, that's what happened
on this day. Thanks for beingwith us today, roads. It's Rock
ninety five to five. It's Rockninety five to five. It's Thursday,
woo oo weekend Eve. Thanks forbeing here, roadies. Have you listen?
Listen. I'm always trying to keepyou abreast of these scams that are
going on. Oh scam about anothertech scam. Have you gotten one of
these texts yet? Or maybe fiftyof them? Political text messages that ask
you to donate to a candidate arecommon now, and be careful because not
all of them are legit. Moreand more scammers are setting out fake fundraising
text to trick people into giving uptheir credit card info. They know being
passionate about a cause can make youclick without thinking, or you might not
be paying attention to the red flags. Sometimes they don't even ask for money.
They might just tell you to clicka link and take a pull to
earn a free gift. Then theyeventually say you just have to cover the
shipping, and that's how they getyour info. Yep. The Better Business
Bureau says if you get any unsolicitedtext like that, you shouldn't respond or
click on any links. The safestway to donate if you want to donate
to a candidate or whatever a politicalparty is through their official website. So
be on the lookout. Yeah,and then more importantly, talk to your
parents because I feel like they're tryingto trap the old, the older people,
older folks on their phones. Yes, Like I see stuff come through
and I'll look at it and I'mlike, I didn't sign up for this.
Yeah, they're gonna get the oldpeople because they know that the old
people are more likely to contribute toa political party. Yes, so yes,
talk to your parents and tell themto watch out for that scam.
You know, Grandma is trying toget a five hundred dollars free gift cards
so she can do her Christmas shockingearly. Exactly all of that. Yeah,
that free gift is not free,honey, not, So make sure
you are on the lookout. Alwaysa scam out here all the time.
I feel like Gamma's be scamming Kamalamading dongs. But I'll let you know.
I'll let you know about him.Okay, thank you for listening,
and we're going to tell you what'sup for your day. All the other
news and info you need is comingup. Rock Natty five to five.
He's so good for you, Lenny, No, you're good for me to
rock Anty five to five. Goodmorning, Sexy hous Honey. Hello,
Angie Taylor's show. Thanks for listenes. Let me tell you what's up for
your day. Angie will now fillyour brain with the right amount of craft
for your day. Here's what's up. So CrowdStrike. That's the cybersecurity firm
that crashed millions of computers with abotched update all over the world last week,
all the airline problems, all toeverything. Now it's offering up a
little apology, offering its partners tendollars Uber Eats gift cards as an apology.
Partners. Yes, so like allthese mega companies are getting ten dollars
Uber Eats gift cards. Yes,they need to start from scratch with this.
They're offering them the gift card becausethe company recognizes the additional work that
the July nineteenth incident has caused.Oh yes, sorry for the inconvenience,
so they can order two large friesfor their company. For all the inconvenience,
they said, We're sorry for theinconvenience, and for that we send
our heartfelt thanks and apologies to expressour gratitude. Your next cup of coffee
or late night snack is on us. Oh boy, wow, you know
that's kind of like working here,like you don't get a raise, but
here's a ten ten dollars gift cardto like Starbucks or something. I hope
you like. It's a pizza party, a party day every day. Uh
okay? So, raining US Openchampion and women's world number two tennis player
Coco Ba has been named Team USA'sfemale flag bearer for the Olympic Ceremony,
the opening ceremony for the parents OlympicGames. She's going to join male flag
bearer in three time Olympian Lebron James, front and center at Friday's event.
Tomorrow's event, which be held onthe River, said making the first time
ceremony has not taken place inside astadium. She said, I never thought
in a millionaires. I have thehonor of carrying the American flag for Team
USA in the opening ceremony. She'sbad ass that she is, and she's
just getting started. She's going tobe like William's sisters level at some point.
So you go, Coco, allright. Elon Musk is reigniting his
beef with Mark Zuckerberg last year.I'm sure you remember. Elon and Zuckerberg
went viral when they were in talkswith the UFC CEO Dana White about a
potential cage fight. Yeah. Afterthe fight broke down due to a dispute
over the rules, Zuckerberg continued training, but eventually injured his knee was forced
to take a break from physical activities. So on Wednesday, Elon once again
called out Zuckerberg to a fight.He said, I'll fight Zuckerberg any place,
anytime, any rules. Hmm.I'm tired of the big the big
dick contest with these billionaires. Ifyou really want to have a big dick
contest, see who can donate themost money to us? Thank you,
Just donate people, help help people. God, let's fight. It's not
enough that you guys are billionaires.You have to, like, come on,
anyway, So who knows if thatfighter Olbergel is not going to happen.
No, I'm looking more forward tothe Tyson Paul fight. Oh,
yes, that's good. Hopefully thatwill go. Yes, that's what's up
for your day. It's Rock ninetyfive to five. It's Rock ninety five
to five. Good morning, AuntieTaylor Show. Happy National Intern Day,
hp intern AP, Happy National InternDay. We have the greatest intern on
earth, don't you think? Yes, yes, she's the best, double
masters graduating Northwestern. Yes, sayit with your chest. Just got a
job, a real ass job hereat iHeart no longer an intern pretty soon,
Very proud of you. For NationalIntern Day. If you have interns,
you can grab them a chicken sandwichfrom Popeyes for National Intern Day.
Popeyes giving out free chicken sandwiches.And but here's a catch. You got
to spend ten dollars and sign upfor the rewards program. So it was
it free. Like maybe if you'realready in the rewards program and you want
to buy yourself lunch, and thenyou can get a free chicken sandwich for
your interne Yeah, so how arethey verifying you're an intern? They're not,
they say, The deal is intendedfor summer interns, but anyone could
take advantage really, so they're notreally checking your intern card? Can you
have one? I kind of likethat because I'm feeling popeyes. Now,
okay, oh, you're a summerintern too. Let's all be summer interns
today. Thanks for listening. It'sRock ninety five to five Rock ninety five
five Thursday almost at the weekend.You're gonna be gorgeous today, eighty and
sunny. Enjoy Angie Taylor's show.If you're over twenty and had acne in
high school, you just dealt withthe insecurity. Did you have acne when
you were in high school? Ihad. It wasn't terrible. I had
the forehead. The forehead always hadacne, uh huh, And so then
I had huge bangs to try tocover it. But it was also like
the nineties and so like big hugehair was the thing. Yeah, I
just had it kind of all overmy face. So yeah, it wasn't
fun. But leave it to genZ to make acne cool. Zits are
cool now. Pimple patches, yes, are a huge fashion trend for young
people now. The Washington Post evendid a big story on it this month,
and the New York Post did anotherone this week. They're those little
stickers that go on your face tocover zits, and they're medicated so they
keep the bacteria out, they helpthem heal. They're not a totally new
product. They've been around for along time. But the old kind were
clear and like kind of skin toned. The new kind are intentionally bold,
like you're almost bragging about how manyzits you have. And they've gotten more
popular in the last couple of years. Can I tell you the other day
when I went to CBS to getmy passport picture taken, the young lady
that was taking my picture had thelittle star patches all over her face,
and I'm like, do you havea little sister that puts stickers on your
face? Yeah? That was whatI was thinking when I would see people
with you. Yeah, And Iwas like, hearing this, it makes
a lot more sense. If you'regonna hide your pimples, at least be
cool about it. Own it,because a little sea through thing, it
just made it look bigger and drewmore attaches to it. Stars are the
most common, but they come indifferent shapes and you get them in different
colors to coordinate with the outfits.Owning your acne is a big part of
why it's trendy. So you couldhave fifteen zits on your face and show
up to school looking fabulous. Nowthe biggest brand is called Starface. They're
selling five hundred patches a minute.Yes, it's like become a form of
currency at schools around the US.What was your currency in high school?
Chips? Ours was now and latercandies. I was a now and later
dealer. Yeah. We had thetwenty five cent chips and the one guy
would walk around selling them for ourdollars. Yup. I would get the
huge pack of hour laters and breakthem up to the individual wrapped ones and
then sell those for like a buckapiece. Nice. I was the dealer.
Real smart. Now See there yougo, kids, when you go
back to school, become a pimplepatch dealer, charge it like a bucket
patch. Boom money bang bang.Just gave you a little side hustle.
Wi you're in school. So theyget kicked out of school for selling pimple
patches. Oh, you won't talkabout this. I can ninety five to
five telep We have Metallica tickets afterlike eight fifteen ish with Don't Kill Angie.
So yeah, So if you're aparent, you know, especially if
you're a parent of kids under theage of eighteen, you feel like family
management takes up most of your time. And the research shows that you're right.
There's a lot of parental mental loadthat you take on in scheduling.
And they just did this report uncoveringhow much time mom and dads spend on
planning, coordinating family schedules, householdthings for the kids. Takes up thirty
and a half hours a week planningeverything like that's you know, scheduling stuff
for the kids, getting everything ready, taking them to sports stuff, all
this stuff, like the stress andeverything that goes along with it. That's
almost a full time job. Thatis a full time job. Yes,
and we don't get paid for thiswork. But if we did, they
said parents, we'd be making anextra sixty thousand dollars a year for carrying
that mental load. You know,it's the never ending list of things that
need to be done and places thekids need to go. My godsons are
both under the age of eight totwo boys and they're in baseball, football
sucker like school stuff and I'm watchingtheir parents, like, oh my god,
it's exhausting. And I because nowmy daughter's nineteen, so I'm kind
of removed from that part. Andyes, thank god she wasn't an athlete.
She was an artist, so Ididn't have to worry about taking her
to practice every day. But yeah, it's a lot. So somebody owes
us my sixty dollars times eighteen.I don't do math. It's a lot
of money. But yes, that'sa lot of money that I need some
back pay. I don't know who'sback paying me, but I need a
file a grievance. We all shouldhave more money right now. But we
love them, don't we. They'reso cute, those kids, those little
brats. We love them. Thanksfor listening. It's Rock nainety five to
five. Hey, I want totalk to you about The Bear, the
show The Bear. A lot ofpeople are not happy with this season.
I'm shocked about that, me too, and like you know, people talking
about TV series that they regret watching. I'll tell you about that next.
Rock ninety five to five Kings Leonrocking your Thursday morning, Rodies. What's
up? Thanks for listening Auntie Taylor'sshow. I was in the hallway the
other day talking to a coworker andthey brought up the TV show The Bear.
Yeah, love the Bear. Thisis a fantastic show. Love it,
but they were complaining that at thislast season, which is their third
season, they were complaining that theyhated it and they're gonna stop watching it.
People are and I've seen online,people are saying The Bear is not
a comedy as it's portrayed to be. Like it it's not for all these
Emmys in the comedy category. It'snot really a comedy. But it's in
that weird zone where I don't thinkthey know how to classify the show because
there's a lot of shows that arecomedies. I feel like it's more drama.
No, yeah, yeah, soit is misclassified. It's not really
a comedy. I mean, there'sfunny parts to it, but they were
saying that they're pissed that they spentso much time watching at three seasons.
I love The Bear. I thoughtthe last season was great. It was
at it was fantastic. Yeah,it was a little heavy, but that
first episode was a work of art. Oh the character development. Hello,
what's her name, Jamie Lee Curtis, Oh, my god, the whole
scene where she's having a baby.Anyway, I did not regret watching any
of The Bear. There are someTV series that are huge, like The
Bear, where everybody's like, oh, you're not watching you gotta watch The
Bear, you gotta watch this show, you gotta watch that show, and
everybody's pushing you to watch a show, and then you finally go watch it
and you're like, why did theytell me to watch this this? I
didn't like it. It sucked.I regret watching that whole show. Is
there any TV series that you regretwatching? You'll be surprised. Mine is
a cartoon. What is it?It's Avatar the Last Airbender. Oh,
you didn't like it. I didnot like it. It was He's like,
you're cheering over here. You didn'tlike it. I didn't grow up
with it. People pushing you towatch it, like you gotta watch it.
It was one of those pandemic thingswhere you're just like, oh,
let me get caught up on abunch of stuff. Like people were talking
about it and like there's a biglove in the comic committee community for avatars
was going on. Yeah, andit wasn't feeling It was like it was
a okay, it was it didhis job. It wasted a lot of
my time, but I'm not gonnago watch it again. I'm not gonna
lie you in prison. Top pushedme to watch Game of Thrones. I
don't regret that I watched Game ofThrones, but I had to bite down
on the strap to get through,like the first two seasons. Yeah,
because I was like, oh,this is it's a lot. It was
a lot. It is a lot. But I ended up liking it.
But I really had to push myselfto get through it. Yeah. Are
there any TV series that you watchedmaybe under duress. Everybody was like forcing
you to watch it, and you'relike, fine, I'll watch it,
and then you were like, thissucked. I hated it. I didn't
like it. Eight four four ninetyfive fifty which one somebody, it's gonna
get tickets to Sammy Hagar, Butcall right now, tell me which TV
series that you watched. Everybody saidit's awesome, but you regret eight four
four ninety five fifteen they're taking yourcalls now, Rock ninety five to five.
You know you have those people,your friends, you know, family,
people at work, they're like,oh, you gotta watch this show.
You're not watching this show. You'renot watching this show? What's wrong
with you? And then you're youknow, you feel bullied into watching a
show, and then you realize Idon't get it, Like, why does
everybody love this show? We weretalking about the Bear because the Bear is
great, but a lot of peopledidn't like this third season. Even Jay
the Gay was like, the Bearis done for me. I'm done.
Like, oh damn, I lovethe Bear. But what show or series
TV series did you regret watching?Let's go to Andy from Elmhurst. Hey,
Andy, what's going on? Man? I did not like Bridgerton.
Bridgerton. I watched it and Iwas a big fan of Pride Andree like
a period It's it's just gossip GirlRegency era. It is, I mean
it is. That's I think whyI like it. And then I like
that they use all the current musicbut make it old timey sounding. It's
kind of I don't know. Well, I think my biggest issue is like
the lack of consistency with their ownestablished social rules, because they claim that
like adhering to those rules are thehighest gags for the characters. What change
that? Like they they constantly likechange those interactions just for it to be
plot convenient. Yeah, that justkind of drives me up on the wall.
I love that. Andy, youhave dissected the eighteen hundreds higherarchy of
consistency within the company of the Bridgertonpeople. That's hilarious. Andy, that's
a great one. Thank you,have a great day. Thanks for calling.
Everybody. Hang on the line.Somebody's gonna get tickets to Saba Hagar
Love Bridgerton. Let me go toMike from Chicago Highths Time. Mike,
good morning, Good morning. Okay, you watched this show. Everybody told
you had to watch it, andnow you regret watching it huge, you
know, Sevester Stallone fan. Yeah, I got to say I was a
little a little underwhelmed by the seasonone of Tulsa King. You like Tulsa
King, Well, I just don'tget me wrong. There's some great one
one line one liners in there,and it's awesome here and Stallone drop f
bombs all the time and kicking alittle ass. But I just think they're
trying way too hard to protore him, portray him as a as a gangster.
So I got through the first seasonhoping that it was gonna get better.
But uh, I never saw Inever saw it, but now you've
convinced me not to watch it.Mike. Well done, Mike, Well
done, Mike. You hang onthe line. Mike. Let's go to
Austin from Indiana High. Austin.Hey, what's that guy? What show
do you regret watching? Well?I grew up watching Rosean. Yeah,
everybody told me if you love roseand you need to watch The Connors.
I cannot stand that show. Itis too politically correct and I regret every
second to watch it The Connors.Did you watch the entire season? Because
I feel like sometimes if you starton something, even if you hate it,
you feel like you have to seeit through to the end and then
you're like, why did I wastemy time? Well that's what I did.
I wasted my time bit of it, every damn episode politically correct and
I couldn't stand it. Man.Okay, all right, Austin, great
answer, Hang on the line.Let's go to his name it Your name
is Dicky doo Hey, good morning. How are you guys doing this?
Fabulous day? Great? But that'ssome shoot from Romeo bill Oh. From
first off, I want to saythank you guys, so much. I
appreciate what you do. You makemy day go by. I spine spine
fused. Well, you know theywant you to they want you to walk
and stuff like that. And I'llbe a son of a gun if I
didn't twist my muscle on my knee. But anyway, moving forward, I
have a quick joke for you,and I'll keep it clean. What is
the only appropriate time that you cankick a midget? But I don't know
what that's when uh uh he isstanding next to your wife or girlfriend and
says, man, you're here,smells fabulous. I know it is okay,
that's I didn't realize this was defcomedy. Jam. What was the
show that you regret watching? Giveme the show? What's the show you
regret watching? Well, I apologizeit's the Bear, really, yes it
is. My wife is a nurseand she told me to watch that show.
And I and and and it wasgood because I forgot his name.
But he was from Shameless, andI tried to get into it because you
know I I love I love Jerelike that. Yes, I couldn't.
I couldn't stand right on the line. I don't know why his wife being
a nurse had anything to do withthat. There was a lot going on
there, a lot. Oh mygod, did I just have a stroke.
Let's go to Gary from Londonland Carrie, Hey, and what show do
you regret watching Evil? What isthat? So you have a psychologist,
a priest and a scientist. Soundslike a bad joke. Sounds great.
Actually they're trying to debunk people thatare saying that they're possessed. Okay,
and the character development is horrible.It just seems like a Washrints repeat.
It's just my wife comes on toit and man, I can't get away
from it. It sucked. You'resaying it sucked. We're not going to
watch Evil. I highly recommend againstit. But but you Bear. I
think the bear rock. The Bear'sawesome. She hates it and she says
after watching the Bear, she'd neverwants to cook again. No, she's
just saying that to get out ofcooking. Get out here, Gary,
hang on the line, Gary,hangout. Let's go back to Mike from
Chicago Heights. Hey, Mike,Hey, Hello, Hey, you know
what you're like Tosa King? No, you will go see Sammy Hagar.
Oh I sure the hell do you'regoing to Sammy Hagar congrash, Holy hell.
Yeah, Sammy Hagar has got tobe one of the coolest rock stars
on the planet, the best andawesome. Yes, and also he said
he's doing like all Van Halen hits, all Van Hagar, so it's gonna
be amazing. It's like going toVan Halen concert. Have a great time.
Yeah. Oh man, you justmade my day. Oh you made
mine. You're going Best of AllWorlds Tour Saturday, August third at Credit
You knew one Amphitheater Hang on theLine, so prison tattoo can get you
hooked up? Anybody else that wantsto go Tickets at Live nation dot com,
Rock ninety five to five, switchfo Rock ninety five to five eighty
and Sonny Ooh the sun is out. Is a beautiful day. It's gonna
be a beautiful day. Auntie Taylorshow. We love you for listening,
Roadies. Would you be surprised ifyour doctor abruptly quit and launch a new
gig as an influencer hawking sunglasses onsocial media? I feel like that's a
real strange pivot for a doctor.It is a strange pivot. But according
to a study, fifty four percentof people would quit their current job to
become a full time influencer. Yeah, the money started rolling in properly.
And we're not talking about kids workingretail. It involves a wide range of
people between the ages of eighteen andsixty years old, like a lot of
like more than half of people wouldquit their current job to become a full
time influencer. I hate the wordinfluencer. It's a little charge that word
for me. But social media usersalready consider themselves influencers, like thirty percent
of them, even if they're notgetting anything out of it. Really,
Yeah, they think they're influencing peopledoing stuff for free for no reason.
Yes, they think that they're veryinfluential to other people because you know,
everybody thinks that their comments and theirthoughts and whatever is going on in their
life is like we're hanging on theirevery word. Yeah. Sixty four percent
of social media users would gladly acceptpayment from brands to promote their products on
social media feeds. Okay, Iget that part, but quitting your whole
job to do it, yeah,depending on the money. There's money out
there. It's just the rich influencerswho are doing well. There's far there's
not a lot of them. Yeah. I mean there's a very big gap
between people that are making millions influencingand people that are making a couple hundred
bucks influencing. If you were goingto let's say, you're like, I
quit this bitch today. You areno longer the producer of the Angie Taylor
Show. You're out, but you'regoing to become an influencer. What are
you influencing? Video games? Allday? Video games all day, like
playing video games. I would beplaying video games, just showcasing new games,
doing uh, just having people likewatch and you know you hit that
dude yesterday that called and said hemakes hundreds of thousands. Yeah, just
playing video games. Because even iflike a company doesn't come in to actually
influence me, like I can makemoney on Twitch in some other ways too,
So there you go. Yeah,what about yourself. I would go
to different vineyards and try more differentvarietals of wines. Yes, would you
become a wine I would become asolier because I don't know if you've ever
seen that documentary Psalm, which isabout how people become sommeliers. It is
the hardest thing in the world.Oh, it's like chemistry. You have
to be able to know what notes, what grapes, what different fruits are
in every single thing you taste.You have to know what region it's from,
you have to know year it's from. It's like nuclear science. It's
crazy. So you just want tobe the drinker of why I just want
to be the drinker and just say, oh, this wine is trash,
don't even buy it, or thiswine is amazing, let's get hammered,
or like or of travel influencer.That would be a great job where you
get to go to like different resortsfor they pay you, they put you
in the presidential suite. You justget to like hang out. That would
be amazing. What would yours be? Roady's text us? If you could
influence anything, maybe it's something thatyou already are so into that you know
you'd be a good influencer. Textuseight four four ninety five fifty. I
want to know Rock ninety five tofive Bush Bush Yeah, Bush Rock ninety
five to five, Black Sabbath Legends. Ozzy and Tony Eomi have each unveiled
very interesting new products. Ozzy hasthe official Ozzy Osbourne Coloring Book coming soon,
and Osbourne Coloring Yes you know,like the adult coloring books. Uh
huh via fan Tunes, which isalso created coloring books for Iron Maiden,
Rush, Frank Zappa, and awhole bunch more. What is in the
Ozzy coloring book? Is it him? Like ignoring ants or like biting a
bathead? It's got to be himthrough the ages. If there's not one
thing I can color in of Ozzieeating a bathead, then I don't want
it. No, it's missing.It's got to be in there, all
right. Peter would probably be madabout that, but well it's Ozsy,
so they were already mad at himanyway. Tony Iomi is coming out with
a signature cologne. It's called Business. It's called Deified, and it retails
for three hundred dollars. It's alot of money. What that's too expensive?
No? What colone do you haveon today? Maris? Because you
smell amazing. It's a brand calledScotch Porter and it's my Miami doopy,
Miami dupy, Yeah, Miami Dookiedoopy. It smells amazing. You're welcome.
I'll pray it again tomorrow. Pleaseevery day, don't you come to
work without those good smells on thatsmells amazing. I love it, man
a cologne. All right, hey, it is time for you to send
in your texts for the day.We read your text every day. Whatever
you're thinking, whatever is on yourmind, whatever you're doing, you want
to shout somebody out. You gotquestions for us, send them in right
now, comments, thoughts, wewant them. Eight four four nine five
ninety five to fifty. We readtextevery day and we're going to read them
next. Let's take some calls fromthe request line, calling number one.
Let's do it. Thank you forall the text today. Eight four four
ninety five fifty Send him any timefirst one seven seventy three. I hope
you guys have a great day.How about them Metallica tickets coming? They
are coming, And don't kill Antiewithin twenty something minutes. Six three?
Oh? What weather does Maris use? It doesn't match either of the two
that I use. I use NBCfive's weather website. Okay, NBC five,
You know the weather's different depending onwhere you are. That's true.
And also I prefer to use localweather places like NBCWGN instead of like the
National weather ones because I don't know, I just feel like they're hyper focused
on our weather right eight one tofive. Good morning, guys, love
your show, keep it rolling.This is Mike from Bloomingdale for the request
Wars and the big Metallica series comingup soon. How about your favorite Metallica
songs to get us pregaming. Yes, we'll do that next week. Oh
for sure, ahead of talent.Thank you. Josh from Local one fifty
said Angie and Maras. Good morning, love you guys, just left work
building America Local one fifty. Hashtagcrane operator, hashtag day one er,
hashtag two to one nine er.Yes, Josh, the crane operators got
it great? You mean like ifit rained a little bit, if they
show up and sit down, theyget a full day worth. Oh really
Yeah, I'm gonna go work onthe crank. Yeah, and operator,
we're talking about TV series you regretever watching seven seven three? Said Lost.
I spent a whole month binge watchingit just so that at the end
it turned out everybody was dead.Yeah. Lost was just it went way
down the rabbit hole. I feellike if you start Lost at this point
in time, everybody knows that.Yeah, like nobody told you, but
okay, crew fan, said TigerKing Tiger King was what we needed because
COVID, because it was the firstthing that came out during COVID and everybody
watched it, so Tiger King hadits place. I don't know if it
would have had as much viewership ifwe weren't all in lockdown, because we
were in legit lockdown, so itwas comforting at that time. What product
would you be an influencer for?One? Five said would most definitely influence
marijuana products, Ye, Bob fromElmhurst, pond building, fish care and
maintenance, anything nature. Okay.Lou the head Rody of Marris's Mutants said,
I gotta say I could influence anything, but I go with all Chicago
sports teams front office because what thehell are we doing? I give the
Bears the benefit of the doubt,but we still don't know if this kid,
Caleb Williams is a real deal ornot. Have a good day,
Angie and Marris and all the Roadies. And did we see Joe Burrow's new
haircut? He looks like slim CodyRoads. Yes, he does goofy blonde,
and I haven't seen it yet,but I love Joe Burrow and I
think he's hot. Okay, I'mgonna have to look at it. Eight
seven L always wanted to be aconcert influencer. That's brilliant. That's a
good one. Two A nine,Good morning Angie and Marris would love to
be the influencer of spooky destinations andevents. That's Sean and Christy spooky destinations.
Final one here seventy way, goodmorning, A and M. I
start each morning from six to sixthirty listening to sports radio, then immediately
switch over to Rock ninety five tofive while driving to work, just in
time to hear what you guys aretalking about. Love you so much.
Just wanted to say I never thoughtI would enjoy a morning show so much.
You the best. That is Mikefrom Chicago Heights. So nice,
Mike, Thank you Mike. Rockninety five to five, def Leppard rocking
your Thursday eighty and sunny today.What a gorgeous day. What a great
day to stay alive, Keep mealive, and don't kill Angie, and
I'm gonna send you to see Metallica. Yo, Metallica. Call to play
eight four four nine ninety five fifty. Don't kill Angie is to choose your
adventure game to hopefully get Angie safelyto Friday Big or fath but be careful.
One wrong move will kill Angie.Do kill Angie. And it's only
on rock. Oh, it's abeautiful day, eighty and sunny today.
Hmmm. I want to live,Mama, I want to live today.
Let me talk to Amber from Elburn. Hi, Amber, good morning Andy,
Good morning Maress. I want youto live too, Angie. I
want you to wait. Is thisthe Amber that texts me earlier this week
saying you want a Metallica tickets toyour husband? I did I remember your
text? Why do you want themfor your husband? So it's actually my
fiance and his birthday is coming offAugust eleven, and his last birthday before
he gets married. And I heardthat when you get married, you're just
like your life is over. Goodbirthday before his life is over. I
promise you your lives are not over. I am married. I've been with
my husband fifteen years. I've beenmarried thirteen Our life is amazing. Don't
don't listen to the haters. Idon't listen all right, So Amber,
this would be amazing because actually thisMetallica show is on his birthday August eleventh.
Oh, Margaret that is awesome.All right, you ready to play?
Let's go take it away. NarratorBerkeley's hero in a half shell with
his pot leaf hat on today it'smess, So bye God, but welcome
to Toto. Angiems weird. Todaythe Roadies called to share what they would
promote as an influencer if they suddenlybecame social media influencers. We heard everything
from weed influencing to concert influencing.Angie thinks his time for a side hustle
for herself as an influencer. SoAmber, the question for you is what
thing should Angie influence at? Tiressince she blows one every three months?
Or casinos since she's a degenerate gambler. This is an easy answer, which
one easy answer? My chance andI we all also degenera gamblers. We're
going to Vegas next week. Yeah, I'm gonna have to say casino.
Go find choice, indeed a finechoice. Indeed, you pick casino.
Angie is so jack to be acasino influencer. The Seven Whistles Casino gave
her five thousand dollars in chips toplay blackjack and record a video for her
social media. The Seven Whistles CasinoWow, I'm very excited. Let's go.
Angie is a blackjack junkie and sitsdown at a full table she's filming
for social media and lays all fivethousand dollars down on one hand. Oh
no, the dude next to herjust split tens, hey, you idiot.
Angie is pissed and starts raining downpunches on her roun the whole table
my money. Oh he's such acrappy player. She forgot she was recording
the whole thing on camera, andthe president from Seven Whistles Casino immediately calls
Angie to tell her she's fired.I'm sorry, President of Seven Whistles.
Now nice Plintendo, it's real mad. Now she has to go back to
work at the radio stations. Andbut you know what this means? Amber?
Do you know what this means?That we can keep being to generic
amblers? And I did not killany birthday present for fiance. Check you
don't want to buy anything your mic. His name is Mike. Yes,
his name is Mike. Yeah,he's listening right now. Oh, happy
birthday, early Mond, Happy earlybirthday. Your fiance loves you, man,
he better get you something nice?Yes, all right, Amber,
You and Mike are going to Metallicathe m seventy two World Tour Soldier Field
August eleventh birthday, and you're qualifiedfor a front row upgrade, and I'll
pull that to tomorrow. Yes,I pull that winter tomorrow. So make
sure you're listening around this time tomorrow. Okay, awesome. I listen every
day. I'll be listening. Iappreciate you, guys, Thank you so
much. I love you. Thankyou so glad that you have your birthday
done all right. Tickets for everybodyelse on sale right now ticketmaster dot com.
Thank you to Cube Prime and LiveNation, and thank you for playing
Don't Kill Angel. What a delightfulsurprise. Angie lives to drink more of
the brown wicker rock a black HouseSun. No such thing today, Big
Bright Beautiful son love It eighty andSonny Today. What's up? Roadies,
Hey, don't go anywhere. Getthe big bright Beautiful Sun out and ninety
five minutes. Commercial free music iscoming next, Commercial free rock Windows down
Radio is up. That is next, rock naety five to five. Tickets
to Metallica tomorrow as well during Don'tKill Angie about eight twenty. Make sure
you're last pair and a vip frontrow up Hello. A lot of people
have food hacks that they do.This mom recently shared a Starbucks hack for
kids and divided the Internet. Withinthe process of this. Lauren Claire has
this Instagram viral reel saying, ifyou can't afford Starbucks for two people,
order your toddler a pop cup.It's free and it'll make them just as
happy as a five dollars cake.Pop. She's referring to if you have
dogs and you go to Starbucks,you can get a pup cup or sometimes
it's called a puppeccino his whip creamand a three ounce espresso sized cup,
and Starbucks gives them out for freefor dogs. So she shares that she
was in the Starbucks drive through touse the gift card with four dollars and
charge it charge on it when hertwo year old daughter woke up from her
nap and was like, I wantsome Starbucks, and the mom knew she
would want something, so she thoughtof the pop cup and ordered one,
told the barista it was for herlittle girl, not a dog. Some
people thought that the tip was great, plenty of people called her out,
saying, you're taking advantage of thesystem. This is why kids are spoiled.
Welcome to the end of free pubcups. Yeah, that was where
I was getting ready to go.Because if a bunch of people come in
and be like, oh yeah,let me get three pup cups from the
kids, do you have to provethat you have a dog? I don't
think so, because do you Okay, let me ask you this. Then
if that's the case, do youever go to a restaurant and order off
the kids menu? Because I dosometimes what you see, yes, I
do you see this beer belly?Do you know how many kids meals?
I would need to be satiated it? Well, sometimes like the humongous burger
and the eighty seven pounds of friesand everything is too much for me,
And I'm like, I just wantlike a clean cheeseburger without all that.
Yes, yeah, no, Iit's extra food for me. If I
don't finish it, I failed inthem and take it home and eat it
later. So I'm gonna am Ian a hole if I order off the
kids You're utilizing this some properly.I think I'm cheating the system a little
bit because you know it's cheaper ifbut I just don't want that much food.
If they stop you and say,mam, I can't have you,
then I would be fine with that. I'd be fine with that. But
I just don't want all the food. I want a little bit of food.
The only time I've seen it isat like fast food restaurants, they're
like, where are your kids?And yeah, if you don't have them
with you, it's just like,oh, I'm taking them home, And
like, I think they've just seena bunch of teenagers coming in ordering happy
meals. So you can always order. You still are paying for a happy
meal, right, which is whyI don't get why people get upset about
it. But I like money becauseit's it's cheaper, you know, But
I just don't want that much food. Get I get it, I get
it. The ahole I think Idon't know, but yeah, the pup
cup thing, there you go.It turns out she wasn't doing anything wrong
and she's not ruining free pup cupsfor anybody. A spokesperson for a Starbucks
said, we love seeing the differentways our customers Brighton loved one's days with
Starbucks. You're always allowed to dothat and give your kid a cupful of
whip cream. I guess as akid, I probably would have been like
cool a couple. Hell, yes, do some whippets. Thank you for
listening. We're gonna go too youngfor no ready, just give you the
whole cabube. It's now time forrequest wars. Arm your torpedoes. Are
you sure we should do that?Yes, we're sure we should do that.
Don't prepare your best smacked off becausethis is gonna get real in about
a second. On the Angie TaylorShow, request Yes, it is time
to battle, and you get topick which song you want to hear on
the radio based on the battle rightnow. Today's theme is Back in Black
ac DC. The album was releasedin nineteen eighty on this day. On
this day, in nineteen eighty,a CDC released their seventh album, Back
in Black, arguably the best ACDCalbum. Yes, so many hits from
that one. So we are pickingour favorite song from Back in Black to
battle out today. I am theone time champion, Maris, what is
your pick? I'm going with you? Shook me all night long? A
classic. It gets the kids goinglisten, no matter where you are at
any time, any place, anyage, everybody will get up and Oh
Yeah, everybody dance to this songyou Shook Me All Night Long from ac
DC. If that's your pick,text a letter M to eight four four
fifty. My pick today from theamazing Back in Black album is shoot a
Thrill? So Mad? Where amMad? A held? You want Shoots
a Thrill from ac DC. Ifthat is your pick today, text the
letter A to eight four four ninefive, ninety five to fifty. Get
your votes in let's go. It'sa great album. It must be celebrated.
Yes, must be celebrated. Getyour votes. It's ninety five minutes
commercial free rock on your favorite stationRock ninety five to five Auntie Taylor Show.
We are in the thick of requestwars right now, looking for all
the votes today. Today our themeis the nineteen eighty ac DC album Back
in Black. Today's the anniversary ofthat album released in nineteen eighty arguably the
best ACDC album. So we eachhave songs that we picked to battle today.
Maris is our challenger today. Hissong you Shook Me All Night Long,
classic shut probably the most recognizable ACDCsong, one of the most You
Shook Me All Night Long. Ifthat's your pick, text a letter M
to eight four four fifty. Mypick from that album shoots a thrill.
So many women's too many pills inmy road, shoots a thrill. If
that is your pick, text aletter A to eight four four five,
ninety five to fifty. Again,this is what we do now, I
mean all these picks. We keepit tight around here. Keeping it tight,
that's how we do it. Getyour votes in whatever wins is getting
played. So vote now, Rockninety five to five. Oh I just
good money. Just clear my throatthere man, Rock thirty five. How
you doing? You know how itis? Little flimp Angie Taylor show,
Good morning, Thank you for listening. It is Request Wars winter Time.
The Back in Black album from ACDCcame out in nineteen eighty on this day,
forty four years old. Ooh ooh, younger than me on this day.
It came out one of the greatestalbums ever. So today's Request Wars
battle was pick a song from Backin Black. Maris and I both picked
a song. Maris had he shookme all night long. I had shoot
a thrill. Do we have awinner? Rodie's I gotta thank y'all for
keeping it tight. You're champion.Oh well that's two in a rounds It
ain't nothing, it ain't Oh howmany wins you got right now? You
know what? None? Okay,yes, too many weapons, too many
pills, no such thing. It'srock ninety five to five. Yeah,
it's the world. I know it'sa good one. I mean, look
where we live. It's the mostbeautiful city on earth. My go eighty
and sunny today, perfection Angie TaylorShow. Thank you for listening. We're
doing ninety five minutes commercial free rock. But can we please go to the
head of all the roadies, thesecretary of the show now, Jay Jay
the Gay. Yes, yesterday.I prefaced this with saying you today because
you always drag us to hell andback in your in your recaps, and
it's sometimes it hurts my feelings,not always, but like sometimes, like
you know, this tender heart getsBruce. So I was like, I
challenge you to do one report whereit's all happy and positive and fluffy.
So let's hear it. Well,hello with you, my two sweet loves,
and good morning. Oh good morning, oh not ding dong, Okay,
good morning. Now listen, thismorning we discovered there is a Margaret
and gen Z for cool shape pimplepatches. Okay, yes, no.
After exploring how Andie ran a lucrativebusiness selling singular now and laters and Maris
knew a guy who ran the twentyfive cent chip game, our favorite morning
duo came for the great idea forthese kids. Okay, now they should
start using their star shaped pimple patchesas a fourth currency and they can experience
that's what joys of having any kindof money that we did when we used
to sell loose cigarettes back in theday. That's right, lookod, we're
getting the side hustle for the kids. Yes, okay, getting suspended at
the same time. This is,by the way, Yes, it's really
great that you guys come up withthat idea, and it's so cool of
you to offer that advice for free. Seriously, Oh wow, thank you
advice? What else do you have? Also? This Morning Times are on
the topic of job. We tookthem all to explore the absolute joys of
being an influencer. Does most ofthe general public thinks it's easy to shill
and sell products, and so thisis Angie Merris looked at what they would
do well, and you know itcould get you to probably walk away now
from Maris. It was video gamesand even though he's a little late to
the new Ninja Turtle game, hecould be playing it on Twitch right now
for all of this twining choice.But instead, guess what he's doing.
He's engineering this incredible show. Canyou believe that? Yes he is?
Thank you has eighteen and ask foryou Angie. Yes, you would love
to be a wine Taste actor becauseyou have so much experience with different varieties.
But honestly, you're so perfect role. But I mean, you give
us this show and we have thisdelightful money, wow, share and indulge
these wonderful things. You guys haveto tell everybody amazing. Yeah, I
might is that it? Yeah,that's it. That's all we really gonna
add. I meanderful show today.Do you want salty J or do you
want happy Jay? Thank you?Let's do you know what? You want
to go back to being an ahole tomorrow? You can. I'm gonna
say happy gay Windromever you're getting myresignation paper. I feel like that was
real stressful for you, But thankyou for all those nice things. I
just wanted to hear you know whatit was. It was the tone too.
It was the delivery and the toneso it didn't sound forced. Which
right, Where can we find yournotes every day? Jay the Sweet Gay.
You could find my notes on rocketyfive five guy dot com and click
on the Anti Taylor asp. Yes, and please please check out anything you
missed from the show on our podcast, The Auntie Taylor Show. It's free
on the iHeartRadio app. I meanprison tattoo works so hard on it.
Yes, prison tattoo the day.Happy Intern Day, National Intern Day to
Intern HP. All the love MarrisDoD you're gorgeous and you smell really good
today. Oh you're welcome, sexylady. Thanks, it's rock ninety five.
It's time for the ten o'clock toaston the Angie Taylor Show. He's
drink yeah, joiner in a toastup fellowship. Oh chuck it big today.
Mama's gonna get lucky. Today's teno'clock toast goes out to comment.
Shout out to commed lucky. Iwill tell you so comment hit me like
at four o'clock this morning saying hello, ma'am your address blah blah blah.
You'll be out of power for threehours at some point today and I was
like, oh, and I thoughtit was spam because you know, you
get all those texts or whatever.Yeah, didn't think anything of it.
And then everybody in the building's like, power's out. Power is out.
So my husband hits me like anhour ago, saying power is off.
Uh, hopefully doesn't last super long, or we're gonna have to get a
book or some magazines. No power, no internet, nothing, very old
timey there. Listen, sir,reading a physical Listen, power off.
We have weed, we have booze, we have a regina and a pp
There are things to do today.Why is my husband saying the powers off?
We can find a magazine or abookpaper, what newspaper? They don't
have internet. We don't get thenewspapers. Listen. I was like shocked
that he was like, oh,we hope we have books. No,
we are banging today. Thank youcomment for turning off the power. Oh
getting pregnant. No, I'm gonnaget pregnant. I can't get pregnant anymore,
but I'm gonna try to get pregnant. Oh wait, oh god,
oh no, he legit just sentme a text that the power is back
on already. Stop. That wastoo fast. With the lights on.
Yes, but like see because nowhe's gonna be on his phone and the
computer and all that. And thenI was like the dogs and the heat.
Oh no, no air conditioning.I'm gonna get laid. And now
the power is back. Already thatwas too fast. I don't like how
you guys say you're gonna be herefrom like noon till eight pm, and
then you come at like seven fiftynine pm. So I waste my whole
day. And now I was veryexcited to go home and get some d
and now the power back. Canwe talk about how efficient? Comment?
I just was very efficient. Battertoo Efficient's so mad? All right?
Comment, Well you did great.I mean you fixed it fast, whatever
it was. But I'm just gonnalike prison tattoo was like, hey,
turn off the you know, goto the surface, switch the breaker.
Yeah, turn the breaker off.Hours out again? No, no,
I guess sounds like a scene onthe internet. Not twice. My dogs
are very old. I don't thinkthey'll survive, which is fine. Well
I need to get late, that'smore important, Okay, shout out to
comment, Wow, you guys arefast, too fast, too fast,
Go get a towel. All right. Walt is up next, and make
it warm water, not that coldwater. Walt is up next. Ninety
five minutes, commercial free, stillgoing in. Rocky the Rooster coming up
in minutes with a thousand dollars keywordfor you, screw you comment I'm so
mad right now. It's Rock ninetyfive to five broadcasting from high on top
of the handcock w HI HD oneChicago, Yeah, irone Vegas, regret,
Oh are bad? Well, that'son us. Are never sounded so
loud on Rock ninety five to five. As we go there began